HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-01-23, Page 3CAIIB!ANS \VON 1(EBAbS
11a11'I:\1\Gel slum ALL O1. -.t TUN
G-ravenhurst Sailor and Lindsay Tea?n.ster '''"Jral'rh 11riies row our osr, and
other Countries of Recent
Share in Carnegie
'deeputch from 1'itisburg says: Tho
l:al•negie hero Commission, al its fourth
uhnual rneeling held here on Wednesday,
u yarded nine silver and seven bronze
medals for nets of heroi,ni, besides 810,•
(r)'J in cash -lo the heroes or their depen-
dent;, and utonthly payments during life
tc two widower uid their minor children.
The awards include:
Odin Bibby, aged 29, mate, of Graven.
burst. Ont., Canada, on Oct. 31, 1ti05,
rescued James Jamieson, aged 40, and a
e..nipanion, who were Thrown into
Muskoka Lake when n storm capsized
their skiff --silver medal.
Win. 0..,r:ond, ae .t eel, a teamster,
of Lind+.s' ri:;e, c ,i;:eda, on Feb. 27,
1906, res .• . Henry, 10 years old,
who broke through ice while skating --
brume medal and $300 to pay mortgage
on house. Raymond had been ill and
sustained a backset through exposure.
\\'m. (,ihnx»:r, nged 31, of Montreal,
Canada, a printer. who on July 1, 1905,
leaped from a St. Lawrence River steam-
er In an attempt to rescue John A. Aloor-
hcuse, aged 10, who fell from the third
deck -silver ,nodal and $1,e00 to pay
mortgage on house.
Toronto. Jan. 21. -Manitoba Wheat -
No. 1 northern, 81.22; No. 2 northern,
*1.17; feed wheal, 70e; No. 2 feed, 6Gc.
Ontario Wheat -No. 2 white, 98c to
9%xc; No. 2 red, 98c; No. 2 mixed,
Marley -No. 2, 76c to 79c outside; No.
3 extra, 75c to 76c.
Flour -Winter wheal patents for ex-
port, offering al $3.85, bids ,:round
83.75; Manitoba patents. special brand,
$a.80 lo 86; emontis, $5.20 to 85.40;
strong bakers', 85.10 to 85.30.
fens--R2c ko 85c outside.
Rye --No. 2, eke to 81e.
Corn -No. 2 yellow American, 643.;c
to 65c, 'Toronto freights; No. 3 yellow,
kill dried, G6%c; tome old No. 3 yol-
lcw offering at 72c, with few buyers.
Quotations on Canadian corn largely
nominal at 57c.
Oats -No. 2 white, 49Xc to 5l3 out -
rite, 52c (rack Toronto; No. 2 mixed,
47c to 48c.
Buckwhen t-Gec.
Bran -$19 outside; shorts, 821.50.
Trade in poultry shows little increase
in activity.
Young turkey's, extra c' re..:•e. 11c to 16c
do choice .... .... .... .. t lc to 13c
Young geese .... .... 9c to ilc
Young ducks .... .... ..... 9c to llc
(thickens, choice .... 8c 10 lOc
Oki fowl .... .... Gc to Rc
t.ferior chicks and tuff 1- 5c to 7e
flutter -The market continues steady.
('reanrery prints .... .... 28c to :Ilk:
d., c.�! id s .. .... .... 27c to 28c
Trniry ',tints .... .. .... 23c to 25c
do solidi .... .... .... 22c to 23c
Inferior .... .. .. .... 2Oc to 2Ic
Cheese --13 ;c for large and 13%c for
twine. in job lots hen,-.
El:ges--Steady• storage selling al 21c
to 22e per dozen in case lots; selects.
25c to 26c per dozen in case lots; se-
lects, 25c to 26c. Mo. -laid from 30c to
Iloney.trainod steady at Ilc to I_e
per pound for 60-poun:l pails, and 12e
le. 13c for 5 to 10 -pound pails. Combs
at $1.75 to $2.51) per dozen.
Beans --$1.70 to 81.75 for primes and
$1.80 to $1.85 for hand-picked.
Potatoes -70c to 75c per bag in car
lets on (rack here.
Baled straw -Quiet at 89.50 to 510.50
per ton on 'reek here.
Baled flay -Timothy $16.50 to 517M
In car lots on track her_.
Pork -Short cut, $22.75 to $23 per
barrel; mess, 518 to 819.
. Lard --Tierces, 11%c; tubs, 12c; pails,
Smoked and Dry Salted Meats --Long
clear bacon, 10c to 10%c for tons and
cases; hams, large, medium and light.
14c to 15e; hams, 12',4c to 13c; bucks,
163ae to 17e; shoulders. 10c; rolls, 10c
tc, 103c; breakfast bacon. 15c to 15},c;
green meats out of pickle, lc Tess than
Montreal. Jan. 21. -There Ls no new
development in the local fiaur silu:alio,,.
CIxoice spring wheat patent. 36.10 to
$(.1o: seconds. 85.50; winter wheat pal -
tette. $5.75: straight rollers. $5.50; do..
In bags, $2.60 lo $2.65; extra. 82.05 10
Manitoba bran. 823.50 to 8221;
d:uah'i, 827 to 829 per ton. including
logs; rni!kel moui'b'. $28 to $32. and
pun' grain muuil'.e. $35 to 837 ocer ton.
It :'ed Oels-- $2.75; corn, 81.60 to
ie. per bag.
TI:.•ro is no change in the condition
iho local cheese market except that
..locks are considerably les, than they
were last week. November tail -ends,
12%c to 12'/tc; O tubers, 12 ;c to I3 ,c;
Septernb7rs, 13xc to 1330.
A fair volume of business is being
transacted in hurter, but supplies are
limited. Grass goods, 28c; current re-
ceipts, 26c to 27c.
A fair volume of business Ls being
t!rnsoeted in eggs. Newly -Diad, 30c; se-
lects, 21c to 26e; No. 1 limed, 20c to 21c.
Provisions -Barret; short cut mese.
822.50 to 823; half barrels, 811.75 to
*12,25; clear fat leo*, $23.50 to $24.50;
k'ng cut heavy mess, 821 L, 824; half
barrels do., 810.50 to 811.e5; dry salt
ling clear backs, 10Xc to 11%c: bar-
rel: plat, beef, 8(3.50 to $15; half bar-
r•e. do.. $7.25 to $7.75: berries heavy
noes beet. 310 to 811; half barrels do.,
$5 50 to 80; comnpoun:l lard, 10e to 11c;
pure lard, 12'.4 to 13r; kettle renrler-
eci. 12%c to 13c; linins. 12e to 1314e, ac-
cording to size; breakfast bacon, Be
to 15c; \Vind:x,r bacon. 1 tl to to 153 e;
fresh killed aletttoir dressed hogs, 88.-
8:75 to 89: live. 86.25 to 86.35.
Buffalo, N. Y., Jan. 21. -Wheat -
Sprbng. dull; No. 1 Nor'hern. 81.10; No.
2 red. 81.01; winter, easy. ('orn--Low-
cr, N.>. 2 white, Glc; No. 2 yellow, 62e.
(tat, Finan; No. 2 mixed. 51%c: No. 2
wt.: 4'. :.1'r c, flarley-31 to $1.15. Rye
-N.>. I. tee' a,ked-track.
NI \\' \e>I3K \\'illi.AL \IIIIKP.T. .,
\:., 1•,:,,, Jan. 21. -Wheat -.-:Spot
eaiy: \ .. ; r.•:i, 81.05x, elevator; No.
rc.l, z 1.n7 f o.b. afloat; No. 1 northern
Duluth. $1.2134 fo.h. afloat; No. 2 hard
winter, $1.17X fr`b. afloat.
CAN '. DA.
:he St. C!uir itis• is filled wills float-
ing ice.
M:. 13. Edwards of Hamilton dr+oeped
dead on Friday.
Three near '.rnallfxi:. cases have leen
reported un 1lunulton.
13rockvi,le ch.ldre i cannot skate on
the runk miles. vaccinated.
The C. I'. It. trains will be running
into Portland, Oregon, (virly in March.
Hon. George A. Walken, ex•I'remien
of British Columbia, d:cd at Victoria.
Think'en men are al work on the
municipal stone pile at Peterboro.
Conductor J. A. McDougall was crush-
ed to death at Coleridge, Alberta, on Fri-
A five-year-old girl died et Montreal
(lean drinking lye given to her as a joke
by a young boy.
The Gland 'Trunk Pacific Inas employ -
cd a couple of Boston landscape experts
le lay, out Prince Rupert.
Flogging is proposed by E. N. Lew-
!. M. P., for thse found guilty of
stobb:ng or shooting.
Gall:, vital statistics show a decrease
,n deaths raid an increase in nnarr.nges
and turtles.
Smallpox cases of a mill type are re-
ported from Stonewall, C.vanan, and
Rosser, in Manitoba.
\Vinnipeg', I3oard of Control will at-
tenipt to collect $12,000 in fines from
the street railway.
F. W. Peters, \V nnipeg, has been ap-
pr.intod general (rattle manager of west-
ern lines of the C. P. R.
The Ottawa Government have cabled
to Tokio, accepting Japan's assurances
In regard to restricting immigration.
Winnipeg asks the Hankers' Associa-
tion to loon the city 812,000,000, with
taxes for 1008 as security.
The tercentenary celebration of the
founding of Quebec will to het! in Au-
gust, and lira ('!•ince of Wales may
George Chambers, found guilty of a
series ••f highway robberies in Toronto,
wad sentenced to imprisonment for life
on Friday.
The Government have passed an order
In Council abolishing the coasting privi-
leges enjoyed by foreign vessels after
this year.
The plant of the Canadian Shipbuild-
ing Company at Niagara and Bathurst
Streets, Toronto, bus been sok! to A.
Berg & Sons.
Ley a collision on the Grand Trunk near
the Dufferin Street crossing. Toranlo. on
Saturday, a pian was killed and two
Wren were injured.
Itronsdon's candy establishment at
J!emlreal and Ilao & Donnelly': ware-
house were damaged try lire to the xlent
of $20,000 on Friday.
Fort William has offered fort Arthur
Tur. nlo. Jan. 22.- 1.illlc was doing on 875,(K) for the electric railway lines
e..ntris' cattle. A few buts were sold `Within the eorp-:rution of Fort William,l,
at $1 to 81.75 per cwt., with an occa• with halt the equipment.
Earl Clark. a M. Catharines newsbey,
same] bid of 81.51 for an extra choice
animal. Some export cows Li+ought
Sl.'.0 pet a vt.
Choice k,ad: •,f Letcher; steers
I.r. ugh! *1.511 to 31.85 per col.. m•+:ihmn
k. geed cies were worth $1 t • 51.441.
aryl ••ornrnot to medium 83 to 81 per
cot. Cb.'ice rows were quoted at *3.-
5(1 to 81. medium at 81 to 83.25, ens-
ues at $1.75 le 81.75, canners 73e to
51 per cwt.
A kw '..,L: e,f stocker.: and feeder.,
were sold at $.3.5.I tier cwt. Light steck-
e►:- '.e •. • .. r,rbh S2 to $2.75 per col.
\i. '. •• ' ,.,L1 a1 891 to *55 each
k•i e!,•. •• . : net 825 to 8:11 Feer common
to ka:' .
Cnlh - ser.+ slightly higher at 3 to
c. a.ts per bound.
F:sport ewes old al $1 :to $1.10.
ke sad cells. 83 to 81, acid tenths
$:e t•: 80.15 per Cwt.
fief•' .t bees oda l at $.5.70 and light
and tits at *5.15 p.'r cwt.
('MLD Brown T(1 DEATH.
tier l fate Prather Mel ('ire to iter
.\ .1: j %e fe. • , -',...aa Ont.
say,. I s•a•rn. :. i.I •I:,u►hbr of
Ah'. \\flues et ;,• ::,,e was litany
burned al.hul mien. \\ hi!e the child's
(nether w• -es at n neighbors for n pail
of water her 1111:0 brother set her dress
on fire with a match at the Move. She
wee dreadfully burned from her knees
to wird. end diel a few hours aftcr-
wsiMc. Mr. \I.'Kcneie morel h'•re
about 11 year ago.
A Shortage of Pig Iron Is Said to
Be the Cause.
A despatch from Sault Ste. alai
( ;, ..lyra : In an interview with one of
tt . • 0lcials at the offices of the steel
plant on 'Thursday meriting n news•
paper correspondent was Informed that
the plant would Ire closed down al once
Mint farther sidle,. A slxxinge of pig
iron is given as the cause of the shut
tkewn. it is stabil that during the cessa•
tion of aclivitiee a number of repairs
that are con!ider,vl necessary will be
made. so that. providing the plant k net
closed for my length of time, little time
will be fest by the (nen. The repeire, it
statel. would sous have to be made
1, any event, and the closing down at
the preeenl lime will be in the interests
.1 a:; concerned. it is floured that thn
r: pair: contemplated will keep about 7+10
men employee(!, until the entire staff ee
again taken on.
11,e West furnaces arc• not effected by
Ile shortage of pig iron and will run at
their full capacity. This will assure em•
pi..yment for a ft.11 staff of men on Ito
\Igetne Central, as tile_ furnaces keep
the train crews busy at all times.
Everything considered. the shut down
will net le /tom., a great hardship, un -
loot the opening of the plant is prohong.d
farther than the olTh-ials anticipate. A
large percentage of men will remain at
errk on repair:. erns the staff will be
added to as cir t1nstan:'s warrant.
was centineed to five yeane in the \'ic-
t.,ria Indu,lrial Schonl for keeping
c'mage for n dollar in eellinp n paper.
Mr. Ilawthornhvnite iiiirodiCed n
motion in the to r >, r •.'.: • i e Legis -
!nee... to impea• ii ! • ' • inventor
Dunanutr for disallowing the Natal act
serltueut the advice of lis \t.ntsters. The
Streaker would not acc.•pt the resolution,
Iron. (:Itlford Salton suggested Ut the
'tense of Commons that the Government
(eke slop to assist wester farmers to
secure a supply of seed grain. '1'tw
suggestion was concurred in by both
sides, and lion. Frank Oliver stated the
Government had been cotsijering the
matter for sorno lisle.
Three girls lost their lives in a factory
fire at Scranton, Pa., on Friday.
Negotiations between British mill -
owners and cotton operatives have been
broken off.
1t is rumored that i.ord Charles Here-
s-keet will shortly retire from the com-
mix' of the Channel fleet.
William O'Brien and Timothy Healey
have promised to co-operate with John
E. Redmond in reuniting the Irish Na-
tionalist forces.
Two Nntionatisis from Cork, support-
ers of \\'m. O'Brien, were erected from a
meeting of the directors of the United
Irish League at Dublin on Wednesday.
Edmund Clarence Stedman, the bank-
er and poet, is dead at New York.
The United States will withdraw from
Cuba in February of next year.
A 'Toledo youth killed his mother That
tie might gel her money to .pay his
Lc.ard and her jewels for his sweet, -
"Twelve children lost their lives by
breaking through thin ice in different
eastern Stales tar Saturday.
Mrs. 1.:>uLse McLure, who was mar-
ried in Canada two years age, drowned
herself in a bathtub in New York on
Col. C.oethais, Chairman of the Isth-
mian Canal Ccsnmi. sion, estimates the
actual total Dost of the Panama Canal
a!, 5300.000,000.
Tlx: total enrollment of students at
llarvard University this year is 5,763.
This is a decrease of twenty-six from
last year.
An Ohio man has offered to substi-
tute !himself for Thaw and be executed
t' necessary on condition that 83,000,-
(e(,f. is paid his family.
John R. Walsh, former President of
Pin defunct Chie-aga National Bank, was
found guilty on Saturday on 5? counts
of misapplying the bank's funds.
Senator Proctor of Vermont k seeking
an agreement whereby Oanadians will
cease settng seins or fish in the north-
ern end of lake Champlain.
Louis Wolfson of Cincinnati has se-
cured relief from 20 yeans' suffering
from pains in the head by having two
sensory nerves in his forehead cut out.
Because a girl whom he had met only
Twice refused to marry hire, occording
to the police, Sante Stanislaw Mello.,
ea years old, 1297 Trunbull avenue.
Chicago, scot Wire/et in iho head et
hie home Tuesday night.
The Japanese budget for the year 1908-
1909 shows a deficit of nearly $5.000,000.
The French defeated n delaclunent of
Arabs after n len-hour fight in Morocco,
Argentine will have 116,000.000 bush-
els of wheat available for export this
The Brazilian Government is con-
sicering a proposition to admit 20,000
Serene -et laborers.
Chinese circulate; have been issued at
shanghai adverb -fug n boycott of Bri-
ll-;: ew>ds.
New Moorish Sultan Takes a Long
Threatened Step.
A despatch from Tangier says: The
I:oly war wh1Ch has been so often
1Lreatenel lit Morocco and pra'inimed
'.ere and there by individual priests
and chiefs. seers now to bre beginning
in eariest. \Iulai Huth!, who
is honow
cknowledged as K
M.?roceo, except in the coast towns.
tai formally proclaimed a Jehnd, and
public criers arc exhorting the peoplo
f Marrnkeeelt to rote and exterminate
(:hristian-,. There is gond excite.
i :• tit in the city. Jlulat Ifafid ►s rn-
ix t•-1 le lie marching to attack the
Ft. nee 1' is expeCte.1 that the Jcha1
will shortly be proclaimed at Fez, and
a sudden blaze of fanaticism through -
cul the country Is feared.
A despatch from London says: The
Tangier correspondent of the 'times
leaegrnphs that the Moroecnn siluntton
ha:. been made more scram* owing to
the pmcL•unntion of the Jelled, or holy
war. Ile adds that immediate energetic
step.: are necessary to protect Euro-
pean,. in the coast lorons. it is lxellev-
ed no European; ere now in the inter•
ie r.
SIX 1.\J1I11.1► Iry Ll\\111Ti•%
Another h:,.plosion on Tranernnlinental
I ,n'lruclh>n Work.
A de -patch from Ketv.rn says: An-
other nceident has occerre(1 nt 1Tonip-
soli s tient Egan's sub -re ntroct on the
G. T. P.. this time In Camp No. 1. east
r t Ilawk. Six men were seriously in•
jilted by an explosion of dynamite what
en a piece cif excavation wort:. They
were brought here on Thursday night
and placed in i1o, phot. Thar inturrea
consist of broken limbs. scalp wounds
and injured eyes. and are not ccnel•I-
ered teyond medical alis. The patients
are foreigners. and their names can-
not be ascertained nt present.
1111;11 \W % II 11 %T MONTREAL.
Barer Iles Ilion. and Low Le. el
Wharves .Are Now Coeered.
A despatch from Montreal says: The
river has now reached the highest winter
keel, Cavering the lops of the low-level
wharves. The register In the harbor
Commissioner's office marked a depth of
25 feet 7 ineh,•e, which, added to the
canal depth of 15 feet 5 inches, Indicates
a total depth in the harbor of 44 feet.
This is 1t feet greater then the simmer
level. The rise has teen caused by tee-
esaeat eel jo pod eieto; ,nqt u{ 30P,vut
SRX WEi:KS 1:\Tn11It1:1).
Three Neese% Miners Rescued Aller 16
Days Below.
.A despatch from Ely, Nevada says:
After having boon entombed forty -•ix
day* one thousand feet below the :om-
itted, in the Alpha shaft of the Giroux
mine. A. D. flnieey, I'. 3. Brown and
Fred McDonald were, rescued on Sae
urday night. Whistles all over the
camp Mew Loudly, while crowds cheer-
ed in the streets of Ely to the ringing
of hells. The men hal teen entombed
en December 41h. Two Greeks who
were working with them were killed
by the Cave-in of the shaft.
BITTEN i1% A It 3T.
Death of n 1.1111e Halo in Fredericka -
burg From Shock.
A .twee leh from Belleville says: A
ssngnler death leefoll John, the young-
est son of Mr. and Mrs, Fred Fnlen
Hawley. South Frederlck.eburg, near
Napanee. The child was a year and
three months old. and while wimp was
ettaekat by a rat and his shoulder and
hand were terribly bitten. the ch11d
dying from the chock, it is ,supposed
the rat atackei the h y's moulder and
That his hand was bilte•n repeatedly
while attempting to ward off the rat.
A Largely
Attended Convention Held
at Woodstock.
At the \vestcrn Dairymen's Cenivcn-
Lon t; •el in Woodstock last weak, Mr.
John et •Quaker of Owen Solute, l'te:-
sideint • f the association, slated in his
eddy.•,. that the past year had been a
gond . s:: in the dairying business in
western Ontario, About $35,882 had.
he said, been spent ut improvements on
factories, and 510,954 ou cr•eanterics in
the territory. The prices for dairy pro-
duces during 1907 had been generally
high, and a larger percentage of but-
ter and cheese had been consumed at
home than had hitherto been the case.
LACK OF 1':\11\1 LABOR,
The scarcity of farm labor was ac-
counted for by Mr. J. 11. Grisdate of
Ottawa as due to the fact that farmers
will not make all -year contracts with
their help. "Let mo tell you this," he
said; "you can get labor, and good la-
bor at That, if you will engage your
man for a year. How can you expect
that the best hien are to be had when
they can earn only in the summer
months? In winter they aro forced to
find other employment. You pay high
wages for poor men to work for you
seven or eight months in the year. 1
tell you that it would pay you better
lc give a good man a good wage and
keep him from year to year." Mr.
Grisdale held that dairy farming was
the most profitable form of agriculture
for Ontario. To get the utmost profit
from the farm. however, he insisted
that the ::oil should be worked to a
greater extent; that ilio farmer should
keep all the cows possible, and that he
should pursue. some definite plan In
regard to a rotation of crops.
Mr. J. A. Ruddick, commiss!oner on
cold storage and dairying for the Po-
miuion Government, pointed out to the
c.atvenlion that the countries which are
likely to compete with Canada in sup-
hlying the world's demand for cheese
and butter are Siler-iu and Australia.
These are the countries which are show-
ing the greatest growth in their butler
export, during the recent years. Den-
mark and holland offered keen compe-
tition in the cheese industry; New 'Leto
bund, too, had been increasing her
cheese export to Great Britain by leaps
and bounds. Mr. lhiddick thought,
he wever, that the inal:ing of cheese in
New Zealand might fall off, since but-
ler 'was the proper dairy product of
that country. The Argentine Itepub-
he, so often emoted to be a pouring
competitor in the dairy market, would
never, Mr. Ruddick thought, become
a serious factor in the situation. Ire -
lend had developed a creamery indus-
try in recent. years, so that there were
now in the Green isle over 800 plants.
The annual export of butter to Eng-
land average.! $30,000.000. Irish but-
ler was nearest to Canadian in quality.
Jar. M. S. Schell, member for South
Oxford in the Dominion Home, quoted
figures showing that Canada's exports
of dairy products had increased be-
tween 1368 and 1903 from $550,000 to
824.712,OJ0. Spice 1903, the banner year
in the industry, exports had leen low-
er. For the year ending March, 19088,
the exports would probably bo not
nore than 820,000.000.
(fon. Nelson Monteith. Minister of
Agriculture for Ontario, outlined briefly
lIie measures which the Government
are taking for Tho protection and do-
velopment of the dairy industry.
MONTi1G %1. sII %KEN.
Large Gasometer art Barber Street
A despatch fr.,nn Montreal says: Early
Saturday rnonrning Montreal was star-
tled as if by an earthquake, the result of
a terrific explosion caused by the blow-
in;; up of 500,000 cubic feet of gas. One
of the gasometers at the East end station
of the Montreal Light, tient and Power
Company on Berlioz' Street, exploded
with a thunderous report, and the
strangest. part of it all is that not ono
ot the company's workmen was killed
cr oven slightly Injured. The gasometer
is a total wreck. The Iron work is twist-
ed as if by some giant hand, and only a
few feet of the sixty -keit wall is left
standing. Ilundreds of thousands 'of
Cricks are lying around, and all have
(ellen to the ground within a radius of
tee, yards of the outer wall of the gas-
hholder. The conclusion therefore is that
the terrific force generated by toe lighted
gcs Hurst have shot directly upwards.
Ilnd it done otherwise n row of louses
on the other side of the street would
have been razed to the ground and their
occupants blown to atones. The dunu►ge
is placed at 530.001.
lease 'Atrurinre al St. iteral. Quebec. Was
'totally Destroyed.
A despatch from St. l.'mi, Que., says:
The Convent of St. Anne at this place, a
Cite strr,cture, was totally destroyed by
lire on Sunday. involving a lo`s of near-
$50.( $). A large number of children
were in the convent, but f:ertunnlely no
lives were lord. The lire started shortly
before noon, being cause's!, so fur as can
be ascertained, by a defective chimney,
and the flames spread with great rapid-
ity Owing to the inadequate fire ap-
pliances there Was very little chance of
fighting the semis, but nliost the en-
tire population of the village turned out
and bottled with the fire, suc^.eeding in
snving a large quantity of the contents
mei Mo'ping the fire confined le the eon -
vent building. The nuns and children
were gut from the building at the out-
11 is expected that Belgian Pnrlin-
nientnry (;rnninLasion will reject King
1 e'nl>uld's Congo treaty, though it will
er.donse some of Il.
Jnpnn lana warned Chinn Ihnl she will
cense pnying duties on her goods sent In
3Innchuria mitre: the custom> law, rine
enforced agaiu't ltu.=te.
If %MtlefoN ItOY KILLED.
Was Slashed 3%itli Knife by Companion
in a Fight.
A despatch from llnmilt;n say's: A
toe named Cummings, employed at Pi'
McPherson shoe factory, dict at a ante
Lour on Friday night from wounds re-
ceived in n fight with another work
man named Kirkpatrick In that estab-
lishment on Friday morning. The
story as .told to the policy is that Kirk-
patrick seized a knife when lite fight
appeared to be going against him ant
slashed Cummtngs several line's in
the face. The wounded mun was takeel
to the hospital. and it was thought at
first that his injuries were not serious.
Ile ocakened very rapidly. however,
rad passed away about midnight. Kirk-
patrick was arrested soon after the light
took place on a charge of wounding,
tett it Ls likely that he will be called
upon to answer a more serious charge
owing to toe fatal termination of Cumn-
nungs' injuries.
"settee of Forty Miners Through Dark
A tte.sl:nlch from Monongahela, l'a.,
soy:: Miraculously escaping death by
cremation or suffocation, or being
blown to piece: by nn explosion, forty
miners employee) in the Calsburg !(lino
of the Monogaheln (liver Consolidated
Coal and Coke Company made their
way through the dark headings for a
distance of seven miles. and finally
reached Tho open air. Without lights
to guide (hent. 1121(1 given up as deaf,
The men bailed for five hours with
fire. and when They reached the sur-
face their facee were binckened, clothes
torn, and n11 were severely bruised,
from stumbling in their flight for
w'OM 3N P.A'r.iiix at'nm:l►.
A Lamp Fell and Set Fir.' t.e bier
A despatch rom Montreal says: Mrs.
Connors. ein aged lady lining in the
rear of No. 38 Alexander street. wee
probably inlally burned in a email lire
in her :(welling on Friday night. A
tamp which Mrs. Connors was carry-
ing fell, setting fire .to the ohl lady's
clothing and burning her se seriously
abed the body that It is feared she
runnel recover. The fire itaetf was in.
signifl ant. Mrs. Connors lived clone.
This May Be Reached If the Rate
War Keeps Up.
A despatch from 1.on•ton .sy The
Atlantic pas.eenger rale war nisumed a
new phase on Wednesday night through
the Cunard Steamship Company mak-
ing a partial concession to the de.
mends of their competitors by the
grunting of a different elle of len
shillings on sec'•n..j and third offs
'arcs by the Lusilania end Mauretania.
Whether the new movement is pre.
lim.nniY to an attempt !•• end the di,-
,strous struggle car• • ' • ascertained,
tut it has the a -; .- t e.', conciliation.
The White Star . • .r y oreeinatly de•
mantled a diff• r. n' of fifteen thit-
hr.ge. It nppeer:s l :y. hammer. flint
,1 (tie latter company is can:e•ht to cc•
ccp1 the smatter sum the dispute mar
Ii • snlieftctorily seltkel.
A des itch from New York `aye: Fol.
iew,'eg tine refusal of the (:unnrd ('om-
1,r.ny lo romp to (eves 011 \\'elnesday,
the Internationnl Mercantile \L,rine
Company again cut 113 east') and steer•
age rate en t.eatc ed the White Star
end .American Lines, making a total
red::etien in Ilia Clns. ••f 1'1.25 "ince
retie war gegen. the cid ‘o.; IoM!
1 y the Cunard ('om;inny. and it is avec•
Fable ih•et hi•Iher rest:elions will le
made In tee next few dnye. An °fit••: it
et one et the sleemshlp cnmlan:es rein.
carnes! enid that n rale of 810 to Fiver• i
might soon Ir, offered. The ()inhere
toad Ciel has been C2 Ire. for' or. r:•1•
cents i.a.o'ugers and LI for ('and.