Exeter Advocate, 1908-01-16, Page 71 t SIXTEEN CHILDREN A aER KILLER I L.:„',::::,:".,:!:,7,-„-`-'.:(7.„,..„„,,,:.., Springs, A ckspatc•h feint St. 'Phomas says: A terrible crossttg fatality occurred at Cedar Swings, )leer Llulhwefl, on Sat- torduy night, when Ile l'ei's Marquette ucuunnlwdulivn, due here tit 9 o elect t'uvolling at forty utiles un hour, ;truck u democrat waggon m which were euated Sutuuet Crouch uml David Tole, elderly formers residing n. ar Blenheim, and Mr. i:roucti's 1wenI$tliwe-year-old daughter. All three were thiowli about tin' hundred feel, pal Mr. Crouch and has daughter killed instantly. \1r. Crouelt was almost scalped and other- , wise' mangled, while the. but hail her mte:k broken. Mr. Tole was severely injured,. and no hopes are entertained !tit this recovery. Mr. Tote was taken settle of the struggling children to the to llb'cheint for medical treatment, et -editors Feow. It was eit!1 the gicfl- while the bodies of Mr. Crouch and his est difficulty that n panic among the (kinglike were taken to the station, and are held pending inquiry. The rig was demolished, one horse instantly killed, and the other so badly injure, it had to be destroyed. The party had been to Chatham, and were rchirning home wizen the accident o'_•cw•revl. it Ls believed they thought the train would step at Cedar Spri lg... it flog station. Trampled to Death in Rush for Better Seats in Hall in England, • A eke -patch from Barnsley, England, e;.loc•n children Went i' lrntupktl .1,.. ,. .aed forty others, several of coeinot live, were injured, in a n...l rush for better seals at an enter- al aa 'IA given in the) public hall here el, ea! :rduv afterieem. ! a:!-; a great rash to secure ad- !! : the enterlairlteal 1, and wwtien 11: a! • ev .,pencil every seat was teem, oil.( 1'i" ternary nary was lil.`r'ully packed with children, tuft.+ 1111111 the aisles and were ilauge•Ivusly :uassei ugehust the I„wcr railing. With a view to relieving this crowding in Via gallery the attendants elecidcd 1., transfer e-urne of the children to the ts,dv of the house, and one of the lit,here called out, "Sumo of you children (some downstaine" irnruediately the rush started, and within a few sfictiuds hundreds of chil- dren were being trainpled under ked. Even those who had seals in the gal - k ry, doubtless being panic-stricken by the serenity; ural struggles of the crowds (Ighthng to leech the staircases, Joined in the stampede. The scene was a terrible one, the cries of the injured and the moans of they dy- ing causing the greatest excitement uniting those galhertai in 1110 body of the hale Pollee unit ushers rasher! to the bele of the Animist.,which was literally strewn with dead and dying, and by the n:<i t desperate efforts managed to drag children in the lower part of the hone° was averted, all of these eventually be- ing taken to the streets in safely. \\'nen the reserve police arrived they f• mal the narrow stairway practically b;(ickeel with bodies, which were crushed some cases almost beyond recognition. ~&:ores of children were found later to be suffering from frach.red bones and se- vere lacerations, causes by the indescrib- able manner it► which they had been tramplot upon. Soon after the accident the approaches to the hall were crowded with sobbing women searching for their missing chit - di en. LEADING MAIIKETS 1111EAllS'11)FFS. Toronto, Jun 14.- Manitoba Wheat - N.,. t not•lhcr•n, $1.21; No. 2 northern, E-Llli; No. 3 norhern, $1.11 lake ports; feed wheat, 71c; No. 2 feed, 65., deliv- er. d. Ontario Wheat -No. 2 white, 90%c to 97%c; No. 2 red, 9Gc to 97c; No. 2 tuts - ed, 1.6%c. c1 Barley -,No. 2, 74e to 7Gc, outside. Flour-\Vinter wheat pwtenta, for ex - fort, offering al 5175; Manitoba pat- ents, special brand, $5.80 to $6; sec- onds. $5.20 to $5.40; strong bakers', $:,.10 to $5.30. I'eas--.93%c outside. Rye -No. 2, 80c. Corn -Old No., 2 yellow American, nominal al 72e t73c, Toronto freight,: new. No. 3 yellow, 661; mixed, kiln - dried, 65%c. Oats -No. 2 white, 47%c outside, 49)- c (tack 'Toronto; No. 2 mixed, 45%c to 46c outside, 46%e to 47c Toronto. luckwhcal-63c outs'de, (:all board quotations wvere:-- On'ario Wheat -No. 2 white, $1 ask - 0(i, outside: No. 2 red, 99c asked. Barley -No. 2. 75c bid, G. T. 11. Peas -No. 2, 83%e asked, outside, 82c rants --No. 2 white, 45%c bid., outside; No. 2 mixed, 43%e bid, outside. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Poultry -A few turkeys of fairly good quality are being offered, but practi- cally nothing of oilier classes of poul- try. You!' turkeys, extra choice tic to 16; da. ince .... .... .... .. I lc to 13e Youn geese , ... .... tk to Ile Young ducks .... .... 9c to Ile Bufa flo, Jan. 11. t ! e,,r - .Spring Chickens, choice Sc to 10c easier; N. 1 N. r ti•• :,. e 1.1 : '� carl•,:ids: O:d fowl .... .... .... 5cth 7c No, 2 red, $1.16: \\ , r eirei. Corn - Inferior chicks and fowls 4e In 5e Buller -Market is quiet. with prices unchanged under a steady demand. Creamery prints .... .... 28c to 300 do solids .... .. 26e to 27e miry prints 23c to 25e do solids .... .... .... 22c le 23' inferior .... .... .... 20eto 2Ic Eggs ---Storage, 20c to 21c per dozen in case lots; selects. 250; strictly flew' laid nominal. Potatoes-- 70c to 75c per rag in car lets on track here. (leans ?1.711 to $1.75 for primes rind 11.1)0 to $1.85 for hand -picket. 1. Me. Jan, 11.-- Picked butcher: Honey -Strained steady al Ile to 12c '} eta at 114.70 to $4.s1'; rholce kinds rcr p,und for 0(' -pound pails. and 120. 1 ' .o' t $1.25 Io 31.50; medium. $2.75 to 13c for 5 t•1 10 -pound pails. Comte t nt $1.75 to *2.50 per dozen. 1. •'' Baled Straw -Quiet at $9.50 to $10.50 - pre ktn on track here. Pmt ilatal Ilnv---Tint.,lhy is quoted at 316.53 to *17.50 in car lots on Irnei:, with few• sales being made below $17. i'ItOVISlONS. i= unchanged. Choice shipped wheat patenls,"$6.10 to $6.25; seconds, $5.50 to $3.05; winter wheal patents, $5.50; straight rollers, $5 to $5.25; do., in bugs, $2.25 to $2.50; extra, $1.30 to $1.90. On the local oat market to -day prices for Ontario No. 2 while advanced laec le 2c per bushel, and rejected Ie to 1%e per bushel. \Manitoba rejected al- --•--4 _.. EXI'I•:Ritit:\T:U. 1-' tnvti. Agriculturists Taking Athenlage of Th( it \York. A despatch from Ottawa says : The twentieth annual report of the wvoi•k clone and in progress at the several Do- minion experimental farads was tabled in tl•e Commons on Friday. IL anitains the results of many important and carefully conducted experiments in agriculture, horticulture and artymcultt,re carried on during the last year. The director, Dr. Wm. Saunders, notes that the large and cx nstantly increasing demand by the fie liters of the Dominion for lite publica- tions IF -sued from the expet•iutenttl s•' showed an advance, selling lc per Loma, the rapidly extending correspon- Lushel higher. Quotations are: -Car (fence, and the readiness shown every - hits :.f Ontario No. 2 white, 520; No. 3, where to cooperate with the work of the hams in testing new and p rolnisin b varieties of cereals furnish gratifying evidence of the desire ter the latest icicnlillc information among the agri- culturists of Canada. During 1906 nearly 48,000 fanners Have joined in co -opera - tests of seeds for the improvement of crops. Sixteen thousand samples of grain of various kinds were sent out to fermens in Quebec and seven thousand to Ontario farmers. 4& '0 8%c; No. 4, 47c to 47%c; re - 1, .c per bushel, ex -store. A fair It ode is !wing done; market Ls steadily st.-e;.g"!' ling and prices are much firru- to I1.. 1 oats, $2.75; corn, $1.66 to :rl T,. Mag. leeie races in the egg market are l :11: aatinee. Prices are very firm, a l:. r i eange. Newly -laid, 30c; so- le,24: • 26c; No. 1 limed. 20c to 21e. - oe'.• • cheese on the local market e r: i ' rapidly disappear. Novent- L'e. to ,tit 12c to 12%e; Octobers, 13e 3to 13 e. 4 3..e , `- pkmbeti 13%e 3l A •, ai tile is being transacted in the . ,arket. Grass goods, i:8c; carol, r.• .• ,Is, 26c to 27e. I'r'an,. ,n= -Barrels short cul mese, $222.51) to s23; half barrels, 511.7:. to 312.25; clear fat hack. $23.50 to 4:21.5'); long cut heavy mess, $:'1 to 824; half barrels do., 810.50 to $11.25; dry salt lung clear seeks. 10%e to 11%e; bar- rels plate beef. 313.50 to $15; hall bar- rels, do., $7.25 'to $7.75; barrels heavy mess beef, $10 to 311; half barrels do., $5.50; lard, 1231,c to 13c; kettle rendered, 133% to 13c; hams. 120 to 13%c. nceord- ing to size; breakfast baeon, lie: to 15e; Windsor baron. 14%e lo 15%e; fresh killed abattoir dressed, $8.75 to $9.25; 'live, $6.50. - BL'i'FAO.a) 'I \ IIitrT. Steady; No. 2 t, t , r .. \.. 2 yellow, G3%e. (lads -- Sur• N. . 2 mixe.t, 49%c; No. 2 whiles 55e. I: rley--$t to $1.15. liye-No. 1. un 1:.• E,, $7c. N1:\V YORK \\MEAT :111:1�1:1. New lock, Jan. 11. \w t:, tl ',pot eny; N. 2 red. $1.44e, , • . No. 2 red, $1.)16 Le.),. ea ,t: N.. 1 ern Duluth, $1.,:33! f.. .. 1111• \--. 2 Ilar•d winter, $1.17' f . 1 . afloat. C.VITl E \I:\ IIKf T. Smekel and Dry Sailed Meats --Long clear ba001,. Imo lu I03e.' for tons and cases; limns. bilge, m(slitin, and light, 14c to Ise: 11 mis. I234e to 13c; backs. Iftiee to 17t shoulders, 10; rolls, 10c to IP%(-; breahlast baonn 1.'s; to 153ec; green meats out of pickle, le toss than emok(d. Pork -Short cut. $22.75 10 $23 per bar - t' l; mess. 318 to $19. l.nrd--Tierces, 11%c; tubs, 12c; pails, 1e ;c. MONTREAf. MARKi•TS. Montreal, Jan. 14. -'rhe flour mnrkrt 1:• r -e coe -. $3.50 to $i.115; $ '• s'1.40f common to $1. . $2.M) per cwt. One ,, tape (;Mlle were s,1J. and tree e !!• bought for local buleh• ors. Foe at buil. sold at $3.50 to $1.25 per , e I. QIt.)lllliena were nominal for bed. t, al X to s3.7:, per cwt. Light ekvhi i MURDERED BV STIt•1NGBR. Alexander 5wwarti Shot 1►ovwit al White - mouth, \laiitoba. A despal li from \Vhilenloulti, Man., says : Alex. Swartz was nturclercd in cold blood by an unknown elan near hero on 'Thursday night for the sake of a small stun of money. Ile had been in Winnipeg, where he sold three cars of wco(1, realizing $150. Ile returned on the ewcnu►g Iraain, and was seen to leave 11►c station to walk to his honk, nCcontpan- iei by a stranger. Next day his body was found beside the Itiver road, aboat three-quarters of a mile from lawn, with a bullet through the head. 'the pockets had been rifled. The presumption is Ihnt the blunderer shot Swartz and then haslet til back 14) the station and caught the express fee the wet. The dead man leaves a widow and three little children. tt:►la. 11: FIIII:IIEN. one Kiiird and Two 5eriuus1y Injured nl ?lonirenl. :\ despatch tram Montreal says: es the result of n small fire on Notre Dante stree( en Sunday night 0410 fireman is ('end and two others seriously injured. Fire broke out in a small fancy goods store through nn overheated stove. The store nos on the ground floor of a ranshlIekle three: -Mercy brick bugling. ani while lighting the flames part of the walk fell out, crushing Napoleon Gagnon, N. Narbonne and V. 1.n - monistic. firemen. Gagnon died on his way 14) the ht spitnl, end the others are entity injured. The loss by Ore ons rifling, otld apart front the falling wall the hltlhling wn6 uninjured. • Pasaenfyr ----'1'- -. . Fars lo Ire Equipped \\ int I. linguishers. \ d,:spakl► r w:e:w k, prcwculnig Orr:, in teem -emu meld rel $2 to $2.75 per cut. with rnilw•ay wrecks and the cogsequenl c lG.• per.. sold nt 3 to per p eumt burning to (tenth of (hose who' might Milt h cows were not ,n extra b..444 be caught In the wreckage, the Rnil- demmn f. Prices fanged front $35 le '•','' way Commission Inas passed an order h r g•.,d ones. a ni ietl.ng all rnitvay companies M I:xl'ort ewwes were worth $:1.75 le 1)1.• ea, bucks and cults. $3 to $3.51; Mud,. 34 Io $f, per cwt. Ile g+ c- nlhnud unchanged. 1•rought $5.90, and lights and 65 per owl. The bnnple Germanic. of Weymouth. N.5., foundered in tnid-:\1lnntie. and s( %en of her crew are believed to be lost. 54 1eC1.t fats. $5. - GOT TIIEIIIGIIEST PENALT t Three Years in Penitentiary for Attempt - ted► 'tabbing. A (k'.y'akil f.-' ni .l.,ntres1 a:,, = t,;Jgr Choquel.r placed hirrmelf on n.v r.I in L S'sci,ns on '11, 11'<- N 1 1 1 ( Special day as (ring determined (o put h, the Fiat it s , cerement t among tediutls to ilia city (,l carrying and u,tng ww • fi• f. air. "lou nee a foreigner. seven month.- in 11,1' cor.nlry." mid hi+ 1lotit.r, in soon• 1c ncing a young Ilulinn named \hi't,;orla Marmti Io three year: tit p.enilentint), 'and it i< peewit Mal \wahnnl the et g:hkst levy. •n you kook cut :1 r :ate all,! :etruak Anton* 'Talli on tea nark, ra,1-n_: lent te,dtly harm. anf- 11:1,8lely }. did sol 0Ymrtntt nrur*Ts. tt.J1.tr1•e ill :, conte)n ntsl understate? Ihnt they lime to stop these Practices - Met they nmet not curry knives or 1an•rs. 'Phis is a quiet want'', yet in this city tie Feer Cvery day of quarrels and 'machete Such quarrels and mur- der.. fillet 1"' lea a stop lo. Anyone who to feared guilty c,t 51.0 offence as at present beton' 11,ie (Neill will be most Peaerc'ly punished. The higheal peneiiy ir1 the p•reaenl in"tan: a is Three ycnt-s in a ileutary, and 1 ,nfllcl throe years." it13ta1! two lire extinguishers in each pessenger conch. A One of $25 is Me Heed for each failure, to comply wllh the order. The companies are given until January next to have extinguish- ers placed on all cars now in use. tt'l\\11'1:1: To NI -:1% V0Ith. Nee itailwlny Connection Expected to Give Forty-catgut-hourService. A (14spnlch from Winnipeg says lancing Winnipeg within 48 hours of \('v York is one of the pmiesibilitke, it lily 1* said probabilities, of the new Ce•nnecllon Ilial the Cnnadinn Northern s(rures by the completion of the \Vinni- peg & Duluth Beltway. It is figured out Mitt a service can be arranged by which a Traveller leaving Winnipeg. say, on Thursday morning nt 8 o'clock, can be landed in New fork al about the same hour on Saturday. morning. DOG 51V1:1► ITS t1 trTl U. Attacked Bear, 11 hich Il:nil Sef,rd Dim 1ninlal 1'101114A to (Math, de latch from Cupar. S ask says:s: ,Andrew iolite. of Touehwood was at- teckeJ on Tuesdny by a huge brown bear. iollie picked up a chub and struck the animal, wwhi,:h caught hint by the nem and endeavored to get his thrr paw round a tree to hug hila. ih 1L•e's dog, attacking from behind, glade the bear lose his held. and Pui 11,8n cluhbe,l bruin 10 death. The bear weights 158 pounds. CONDENSED NEWS ITEDIS.A NOTED BRIGAND OAIJGIIT HAPPENINGS i'It0\t ALL 01..-t THE GLUM. telegraph Briefs Prom Our Ovvn and 0111cr Countries o1 Recent Events. CANADA. It is rumored that the Legislature will open on February 6. Hamilton Board of Health asks that alt children bk. va.xinutC,t. ., w, in 'Portillo pro1:osC to establish co-operative butcher shops. \\ iunipeg's high pressure water sys- tem has given great satisfaction. A Quebec despatch says that Arch- bishop Begin is to be made a Catalinal. 'rhe i'rince of \Vales nus given fifty guineas towards the Quebec battlefields memorial fund. Westmoreland Avenue !Methodist Church, Tommie, was destl'oye l by fire, on Sunday morning. Negotiations with Japan the immigration question tel; carried on by cable. 111x. John Talbot of London has been appointed food inspector for several western Ontario counties. Serious damage was done by great t;tornts on the Nova Scotia and New L'rumswick coasts last week. The revenue from succession duties in the Province of Ontario for last year has (Olen behind 1906 by $179,438. If the winter on the prairie continues mild, the G. T. 1'. a ill continue plate - laying all season. It is reported in Winnipeg that the Canadian Northern has just discharged seventeen conductors for irregularities. Philip Benoit of Alexandria was sen- tenced to 23 months in the Central Pri- son for stealing the Bishop's fur -lined coat. Ottawa's hist Board of Control Is: Jaynes Davidson, Robert Hasty, Napoleon Champagne and C. Hopewell. • Montreal Inn, advanced flour fifteen ants a barrel, making it now $6.25 for first patents, and $5.65 for seconds. Since Nov. 7 the Allan Lino has car- ried 4,153 from I.lverpool to Canada and C.616 frons Montreal to the Mersey. A Chinese laundryman at MacLeod. Alberta, found the body of n baby 111 his stove on returning alter a short etbenee. Owing to the outbreak of smallpox in Winnipeg the T. Eulon Company have ordered the vaccination of their 1,700 anployes. Miss Davis, principal of Sydenham school, ,f les , against the lavish use of (1 e Stars and Tripes in Kingston. Ovila Labrcche, of Montreal, is in jail on a charge of arson, ns the police are suspicious of the numerous tires at his place. James B. hunter, seven years private secretary to the Minister of Public Works, has been made assistant Deputy Minister. The Opera (louse at Brantford was gutted by lire on Friday, and n number of stores underneath suffered damage by water. Harvey Blain felt under n Bloor and McCaul car on Yonge Street, 'Toronto, nn Friday, and his lett foot had to bo amputated. Joseph Ashworth was sentenced to twenty years in the penitentiary at Cornwall Assizes for attempting to mur- der his wife. It is said that United Stales interests are looking to the purchase of the in1- perial Paper Mills and Northern Sulphite Mills at Sturgeon Falls. J. A. Macdonald, lender of the British Columbia Opposition will support Pre- mier McBride in re -introducing the Natal Act to exclude Orientnts. Vancouver, 11.1:., firemen refused a gift of $100 from Japanese residents who sympathized wwill, the three firemen wcunded 111 the light on New Year's Day. in regard to tiro still be - Bell l'eleph<me Company Is plaln- ning to spend a large portion of the money receive,( from tho Manitoba Gov- ernment in improving the system in Ontario. The Ik'pnrinient of the interior al Ot- tawa Le considering a new regulation 14) a.tmit immigrants lo Canada only when coming dirket, from the country of their birth or of their adoptin. The Alien and C.P.It. ste'ntnship lines Faith report that the number of returning ie,n,igra Mils from Canada Miring the last le* months is fur larger than the nuni- bo: brought out during the same period. GREAT i11lIT:1N. °file Irish p1elice believe that the mime- ine regalia of Ute Order of St. Patrick is still hidden somewhere in the island. Mr. John dodge, M.P., will bring the question of indiscriminate emigration to Canada lclore the British Parliament. The While Slar I.ine hat announced a cut in its second and third class pae senger rates from English ports to New fork and Boston. UNITED STATES. Four firemen were kille.I In a disas- Weis lire in New York nn Friday. The Viutderbills have loaned the city of \kosoow $5,000,000 for street rntlways. Five persons were killed in collision en (10 Alnhema h Miss tsippi Railroad near Mobile, on Friday. Three persons were burned to death in a lire in the out -building of the French hospital at San Francisco. F. Augustus Pleinze, the copper mag- nate, haa leen indicted on n charge of over -certifying bank checks 10 the amount of 3100,000. The new finance hill before Congress pr,-owi(ks for an additional issue of bank circulation not to exceed 3250.000,0110. Rev. Jnm(•s A. Kaye, formerly of Woodetock. has Men sentenced M Iwo year't lA r't►eater Penitentiary, HI.. for having( nx,ukl for counterteilutg 111 his posct'svinn. \Wtlltnnt l3. \'•'vin, n f'rrner nlernber e! the New l'ork Stock Exchange and 1., -f cl y e nb nF e d i n the real estate busi ncfis in the Canadian west, I, comrniltc•1 selcide in .Nett Ygr1e on Thursday. The United States Interstate Com- merce Commission reports (hot the rnitmada of the country are sleeting a disposition to }•olunterdy live up to the amended railway law. •••.r GENEI3 U.. The arca SOWII in w't4t1t til lndta is Employed as Engineer in a Tunnel at New York. A despatch from New York says: Af- ter a ceaieek s search of nearly two years, Jan Jailor( ['omen, alleged to be a notorious Russian brigand who is wanted Ll the Pi -mince of Livonia, Rus- sia, for murjer, ar'on and robberies without number, was caught here on Wednesday. Ile was arrested on the compla.nt of the Ilussian Consul -Gen- eral, \i. De Ledygensky, and held for further examination and the arrival of ,extradition papers. Pourcn Is a mild -looking man, and ►submitted without protest. Ifo was employed as an engineer in ong of the East River tunnels. 11e admitted his identify by indicating that the photo- graph of Mitten, in possession of the dcteclives, was a picture of himsell. The Russian is charged with nulner- nu, Crimes in Itiga, Livonia, wwt►erc, with several fellow -countrymen, he ter• rurizei the province and defied arrest. 11 was the custom of lite brigands to make demands upon citizens for large sums of money, and atter the caplet. lion of several days, if the money ea•1 not forthcoming, they wv'uld rob the houses and set them afire. \Vhen To inmates resisted, they were murdered, it is said. Pouren and his associates are charged with being particularly active in (906, having, it is charged, conunitted a number of murders and robberies. 3.4 per cent. less than last year L-ecause of .drought. The Prussian budget shows a deficit t f $110,500.0'0. Count Zeppelin is preparing to build nit airship capable of carrying 100 pas- sengers. Count Okunaa has denied that, in his speech at Kobe, he urged the natives of India to rise against Great Britain. It is rumertal at I'aris that Japan has purchased a number of French -built air- ships for military purposes. Atxt et ,\ziz, Sultan of Morocco, has lx -en formally deposed, and his brother, latulni Hafld, proclaimed al Fez. An Abyssinian force has captured the tcwn of Engl, held by Italy, on the east coast of Africa. The entire gar- rison has been slain. yl' Ger►nan )s willing 1111 urxlCrslood tl is Y g to give France and Spain a free hand In Morocco provided the open-door there is not disturbed. A large number of steamers, sailing vessels and fishing craft have been wrecked on the west coast of Asia and inany lives have been lost. Lucite: Millcwoie, n member of the French Chamber of Deputies, calls on France and Britain to prevent war be- tween Japan and the UMW States. Mr. i3. Allen, magistrate of Dacca, India, was shot in the beck by a Hin- du, believed to be n political fanatic, and the affair is the sensation of east- ern Bengal. Mrs. Dement. wife of the resident surgeon of the Colonial Hospital at Port (:f Spain, and who came from England on Christmas Day as a bride, is dead et yellowy, fever. China is •regeblering the matter of applying for mcnli,e.ola,, An (lie postal anion that she may receive► ma!ie. leon1 Russia in Manchuria mut prevent those ge.ing to Japanese transportation com- panies. - TO PROM. REI. %i.1 e TI11:1•-I'. --- Commission \1 ill Clear 1'p story 01 Dublin Castle. A despatch from Dublin says: The 1,Lsh Government has at last appoint(rl rt commission which is to sift the mys- tery of the disappearance last July of a portion of the State regalia, valued at $250,000 irom Dublin Castle. The authorities have been impelled to this step by reports that the jewels am known to have been deposited as se- curity for a loan. It is understood that Kang Edward has insisted (hut the mat- ter L•e cleared up. - Ittll.110%I) \1I \ i.%I1► 011-'. Illinois Central Drop, 1,1)00 Men From 1'a) -roll. A despatch fro:!! New Orleans says: Between 3.000 and 1.1100 Illinois (:o. em- ployes have been dropped fluent the pay- roll on account of the iinancial situa- tion. 11,15 was 111e announcement here on 'Tuesday night of J. T. Ilarnha», pre- sl:ient of ttte Illinois (ventral (railroad. who snid it he could possibly prevent i1 no more men would be laid off. �• T11 %N' % t U. (;oi.B. A Record output for the Month of December. A despatch from London gays : 'rhe Iransveal yield of gold for the m.enth of Ikrenaber makes a new recall. The out- put was 583,526 minces of the yellow metal, which is 28.499 ounces over the prevloas highest yield for n month. The value of the December output Ls placed e: X2,478,659. A 1111.11 1.O11► Ill' Il(Il) I . 'Ube M innipet► Pollee Itrimp 011 a Rig (haul. A despatch from \Winnipeg gang of do_speratr burglars, who have Is en operating here for the past we 'k, were cleverly rounded ue by (t:o 1:olico on Friday afternoon, 1111(1 all are now under arrest. Ily a lucky circumstance They were discovered at work in to - hens store by a patrolman on Friday morning. Alt escaped arrest but one, who gave the 1181110 of A. Fortescue, but his personality ielferded a clue wvtt:cn led to Mho capture of the entire gang early in the afternoon. At the head- quarters of the gang the police secured a big dray load of stolen merchandise . of miscellaneous character. The pitched r► camp in a bush two miles front the city. They confused to the police that they had intended stealing a team of horses on Friday night and driving over the border with the loot. Among the spoils were eighty - live watches, which had been Motet] in L'randcn. 'I'Ite men gave the names of B. Martin, 11 Boyd, it. Calder, 141. Buy - mond, and all of them are English- men. ACCIDENTS Al' MONTREAL. o ow o I a Old 11/:un Knocked [hien y imite t r, y Horse and Kited. A despatch from Montreal says: An old gentleman, about seventy years of age, was knocked down and run over by a runaway horse al the corner of SI. Mark and SI. Cather'inc streets on Friday and suata:fled inuries from which Inc died. The victim when taken to the i•:; gout Hospital said his name was Sinhµ,o -'ort that was all he could say before he bee-iti: unconscious. '('hero was nothing found iii -t: cel, wh`eh he could be identified. Mees Marguerite Savage, about forty years of age, dreppcd ileal at the i ne. Aire Cafe, corner of I:raig and 5l. Alex- ander streets on Friday. Decease! had leen boarding in the house about. a week. itober' Cartwright. employed on tho Grand Trunk Hallway. was admitted to the General Hospital early on Fri- day morning with loan his hands rind his feel cul off. Ile Ls unable to ex- plain the eau -et of the accident. ---4 it1:VI:.\1 t: 1\CRE.t>:Ei►. 'lat(•m,ul 1'•,r .1'irsl Nine \L,nlh.. of 1 e ctrl fear. A despatch lean (►Mena , 'I',,' statement of rev 'line and • ti! the Ik.nrinbn for the teat ,. , •• month, of the pres(nl Eisen! year s'. n (,1111 IV%0II(I •,1 873,955,958, an a,- o•vast' of S70.47::05 as .olnpttted with the corresponding ►er..a 1 of I'.li1te and a total expenditure ern consolidated fund eremite ( 1 $15.667.0146. an in reasa $8.616.970. On capital reemint the taint expenditure for the nine months wvns 310.271,!66, inn increase of al oul len Mil • •1C, ns rotnpnred with the ter - resp (aid 11_ 1' r d 11160. 'fisc increase is of (attire.. due 14! n Larger expendi- ture Inst year ...1 Mho construction of the Ni.lionitl 'I'rnns(v,niinentn1 lin way, t'e exienditure II -11 whiell new averages over one milli•:,,, dollars lx'r month, t)1 11x: total increase in revenue dur- ing the nine montha end ng with Decent - her 5' 1x•7 "''k raw,. iranr mitt ems, halt 0 million from excise and half ami!- lion Ir :u tit I` , • .111'0. ( SAYS THAT WAR IS OERTAIN '. M. Jacques Flach Issues a Warning to the United States. A despatch front Paris says: The eensa1i0na1 section of the French pros continues to dwell upeul Ute probabil- ity of n clash between Joplin and the United States. i.n Press on \Wcdnes• ley published a long interview with Jueques flitch, the historian and pro- fessor in the College of Frunce. who declares his Delict that a conflict is cer- tain for the reason that Jnpnn seeks war. Ile advised fire American fret to to: on the w'atth felt a sudden Japan. esu: decent, ate( :este: "Who knows if the attack made l y the Jnpanese on the I1u•es+an staies et Chenntlpo wilt net to repealed team the American ships to•rnormw?' Continuing, \I. Flitch ad- %i.os Great Britain and France to imtcr- wene, an:I put an end to the trouble Iefore it is loo Isle. The Eats de farts prints an inter- view, emanating. it says, from an "suttic,rized Japanese .source' with Iho ()Wert of allowing that. Japan is v) eh - &relied with the mainland of Asia that war with Arnerlcn is impossible. "The entire nticnticn of Japan," says the interview. "is occupied with Chinn t' ,r a v and / e . wherC do c nc t 1 , n s arer, p C curring; which are giving ''r()).lo the greatest con •ern. (Trina has ju• i his - missed a number of Jnpnn('se in.clrlte- lers, who hnve been rep'o(e,l with Ger. thane. "The message of !Re Emperor of Ja. pan rlrarly 1►►dicntee ibat the country 1, -•kine to the far Enrt, find not 11) the d'rectk,n of Aniu_ce." 004 4 1