Exeter Advocate, 1908-01-16, Page 4Grand
at candidate before Mr. Gur+n's death.1 Grand Bend
\\'xs ever bitch a childish reason ad -1 Mrs. \\'m. Dlelman and daughter,
vanced before' tabu have hr'en visiting at A. Grit velle's
Our contetuporar y. The Tinges, still left for their house in fhedtjtd 'fuel•
e runtimes to assume* great deal by 1 day.-N'ul. Devine and A. HaveIIle I
CIenin waanufacturir.g a lit of nonsense re. rent a few days at Thedfurd and 1 t,
gu aufdinavus o
g tie
JlCu1l)setJlc[t•ati.eat•en phareiug be
ty elect- 11' ing 1 rug rank rectally,-111x.Grand DBetw•ey ie-Mr,tuuv-
i, nd.
Fall and Winter Goods.
We have just opened up an im-
mense import order of Scotch and
English goods in all the LATEST
SHADES. Our success in the past
has been due to unr knowledge that
Honest Coods and
Honest Prices
must prevail in garments which appeal
to the better class of trade.
J. H. Holtzmann
Q xetev buoCate,
Sanders & Creech. Props.
THURSDAY, Jan. 10, 1908
South Huron Bd-Election.
On Wednesday next, Jan. 22nd, the
electors of South Huron will be called
upon to record their votes in a Domin-
ion By -Election. It is the duty and
privilege of every man to cast a vote
for one of the two men who are the
candidates of the two great parties
and who represent the principles for
which the parties stand.
Regarding the two men u great deal
need not be said. Mr. McLean, the
Liberal candidate, is well !mown in
the riding. Ile has been iu several
political fights, and each succeeding
occasion has shown that his power of
securing votes is steadily on the wane,
those who supported hits being lessen-
ed in number considerably at each
election. At times he has said hard
things against his party leaders, not
because they hard done wrong, but be-
cause he had not received the reward
that he thought was his due. By this
he Lost considerable of the confidence
of bis own party and did not gain the
confidence of his opponents. Conse•
vuently, it may he said with certainty
that Mr. McLean is a weaker wan pol-
itically than he was years ago. Mi•.
Henry Horton, the Conservative can-
didate, is a new man in the field, a life
long resident of Lite riding, a school
teacher and farmer by occupation, not
as widely known as his opponent, but
most favorably spoken of by everyone
no matter of what political leaning.
He is educated and clever and would
make an able representative of this
largely fanning riding. His life bas
heel) such that no shadow of reproach
can be brought home to him, and he
may safely be said to have never earn-
ed an enemy. The result is ninny Lib-
erals frons a purely personal regard
for Mr. Morton are supporting him.
He has no uncomfortable record that
needs covering. and any man may feel
assured that he is helping to elect a
good main and true when he marks his
ballot for Henry Ilorton.
Not only should the personnel of the
candidates be considered by the elect-
ors. but also the records of the parties.
Back to 1R)0 it was admitted that the
Conservative government was not
what it should have been, and many
Conservatives voted with the Liberals
to turn that government out of power.
it was accomplished and Sit Waft id
Laurier became premier. 7 ter. hos
passed on. and every elector kn.ow.s to-
ed by acrlal)nnatiol). That kind of
talk is purely and simply done for the
purpose of attempting to wake polit-
ical capital out of the fact that no
time was allowed for it convention tr.
be called to choose it candidate, and
the executive committee chose Mr.
Horten. If they think that kind of
bosh carries any weight they are very
much mistaken. Everybody knows
their abject. The Conservative party
stands to a roan behind Mr. Horton,
and not only the Conservative party
but many of the prominent Liberals,
who prize honesty- and upr•ighteess,
above the graft and misrule at Ottawa.
are devoting their energies and will
register their votes in favor of Mr.
Horton and clean government on the
Roht. Coward and Miss Edith Turn-
bull left Wednesday week for Chat -
haul to take a course at the Canada
Business College. We wish them
every success. --Miss Cora Statham of
Crosswell, Mich., is the guest of her
cousins Mr. D. Goulding this week. --
We are sorry to learn that Thos. Le-
han is on the sick list. \Ve trust that
he may soon recover. --Thos. Coward
and wife were in London on business
Tuesday. -A number from here at-
tended the opening services at Whalen
on Sunday and also the tea Monday
evening. -Albert Berryhill is on the
sick list. That he may soon recover is
the sincere wish of his friends.
tVEDDING.-A quiet bet very pretty
wedding took place on Jan. 7th, at 0
o'clock p.m.. at the residence of Mr.
and Mrs. C. Stade when their youngest
daughter Miss Entru•t became the hap-
py bride of Herman J, Eidt youngest
son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Eidt of
this place. To the strains of the Tann-
hauser wedding march, played by Miss
E. C. Eidt, sister of the groom, the
groom, supported by Mr. R. Stade
brother of the bride took their place
under an arch in the parlor which was
decorated and lit with candles, and
from the centre at bell was suspended.
The bride,wbo entered the parlor lean-
ing on the arm of her father, was
gowned in white Japanese silk trim-
med with embroidered chiffon and silk
insertion with tulle veil and coronet of
orange blossoms, and carried a bou-
quet of white carnation entwined with
smilax. Miss Bertha Eidt sister of the
groom acted as bridesmaid, was dress-
ed in French net over white silk and
carried a bouquet of pink roses and
smilax. The bride's travelling suit was
of blue Venetian cloth with black hat
and coat to match. The presents re-
ceived were both numerous and costly
a high trtbute of the popularity in
which the bride was held. Mr. and
Mrs. Eidt will reside herr where the
groom has a position as head miller in
the miller. May their sky le uncloud-
ed ane) their pathway through life
strewn with roses is the sincere wish
of their host of friends.
\Vnr. Mills of Woodham is visiting
his daughter Mrs. Wm. Sambrook for
a few weeks. -The tailr•nad surveyors
spent Sunday in town. We understand
they intend running several more
proof lines before it will be finally set-
tled where the iron horse will travel.
-Nelson Hick's of Centralia is practic-
ing a class of singers to assist him in
chorus work. it is intended to use
our singers with those in Centralia
and give a concert in the neighboring
burg some time next it h. The po•
litical pot is beginning to boil. A Re-
form meeting will be held in the Hall
Thursday evening. It is expected that
the Conservatives will have some
1'. McLean held a political meeting in
Brenner's hall Friday. -The many
friends of \\'m. Fritz will be indeed
pleased to learn that he is recovering
from his severe illness, -Mrs. Zapfe
left Tuesday for Point Edward, -Al -
bort Gidentan and wife,iwho have been
visiting at Wrn. Jlellis' have returned
to Goderieb.- Rich. Hamilton still con-
tinues to improve. -A meeting in the
Conservative interests will be held here
Saturday night when H. S. Clements.
M.P.. for West Kent and others will
address the weeeiug.-Lowe Disjardine
of the B Line has wade a recorin the
moving line. He has moved 17 tinges
in 20 years, the distance not exceeding
over a toile and a half.-Abrahauu
jardine killed a pig on Friday, Janu-
ary 3rd. The saute night some sneak
thief entered the pork house and stole
two of the hams. Any person guilty
of such a mean, contemptible trick
as this should be exposed and we hope
the wretch will be caught and made to
suffer the extreme penalty of the law.
ELSON E HICKS—Voice Production and Sing-
ing—Pupil of London Conservatory of Music,
N. Ruthven McDonald, Charles White, London, Eng.
Ernest Eardley, London, Eng. A limited number of
pupils will braeceetee
Hev. \V. H. Butt and daughter Miss
Laura took part in the entertainment
at Lucan on Monday evening. -The
W.M.S. met at the home of the Misses
Wilson on Tuesday afternoon. The
pastor addressed the tweeting on Dr.
Livingston as an ideal missionary.
Two new members were added to the
Society. -Miss Mary Hepburn, who
bas been visiting her parents for some
time, returned to Toronto 'luesday.-
Mrs. Brown is borne with her rnother
Mrs. Boyle and is quite ill. We hope
for her speedy recovery. --\V. T. Col -
will has returned froth a business trip
to Cobalt. -There was a large attend-
ance at the Epworth Leagne Tuesday
evening. The pastor Rev. Butt and
W. Hogarth, teacher at Eden address-
ed the meeting. -Win. Essery and
daughter Vera have fully recovered
front the effects of their recent acci-
dent. -Mus. Parsons still continues ill.
-The Ladies' Aid Anniversary of the
Methodist Church will bo held nn Sun-
day and Monday next. On Sunday the
pastor, Rev. W. H. Butt, will preach in
the morning, and in the evening he will
deliver a song sermon; assisted by the
choir. An old-fashioned tea meeting
will be held Monday evening front 0 to
8 o'clock. after which a choice program
will be rendered, consisting of speeches
by Revs. Going and Holmes, solos by
Messrs. Nelson and Andrew Hicks,
Andrew Butt and Misses Lily Elliott,
Laura Butt and Miss Alma Grigg,
vocalist. of London, violin solos by
Miss L.1Vhite,a most excellentlmusician
and a member of Dr. Torrington's
O,•chestta, Toronto, etc. Admission
2.5c and 15e.
Mr. and Mrs. John Wright of Stott -
fool spent it few days this week at the
home of J. V. Millson.-Miss Bertha
Sutherby of London visited her moth-
er here this week. -Ernest Parkinson
and wife of Bryanston were visitors
here this week. -The many friends of
Mrs. Phillip Brooks who has been suf-
fering with paralysis for some time,
will he pleased to learn that she is re-
covering. --Mrs. Daus Hudgsorl has the
sincer a sympathy of her many friends
in the sorrow through which she is
passing at the death of her father, Mr.
Andrews, who died at Elin)t•ille on
Thursday and wars buried at Exeter on
Saturday. -J. Short and wife and Mtn.
Lewis of McGillivray were visitors at
J. V. Million this week,
Cot:R it Itvatoissists Sunday and
Monday will be days long to be re-
membered by the people of Whalen.
day that the present government is prominent speaker here in the course On Sunday theirmagnificitnt little
infinitely more corrupt than the form- of " f••sv d ay -Our barber has his open church was re -opened atnd the cungre-
er one. In ore the electors in Huron air r ink in shape. if the cold weather gation have an edifice to he proud of,
County recognized this and elected coutinuts our skaters will make good The day was very stormy taut this did
three opponents to the Laurier Gov- use of it, -Harry Falber is placing the not prevent a good crowd from turn-
thret' nt. The recoil( of the qas piping in S. Brown 's house and H. ing out. Rev. W. J. Ford, LL.B.. of
ment has become worse rather than Eilber's office this week. -EI. Eill)er,M. Glencoe, (resident of London Confer-
' since (D(i1, and it is not too I .I .,.attended the annual insurance ence, occupied the pulpit at 10.30 a,m,
much that the people of meeting of the 11 ,ay Co in 'laurich 011 and 7.:30 p.m. His discourses were
$Doth to expectxp, whether Liberal or lt. o(ti-1 Tuesday, -Otto Brown and \Liss Marie well delivered, interesting and approp•
servative, still believe that the Causer 1 Jlorloek wire married at the Evangel- elate and the congregations weal away
Government has outlived its useful- seal parsonage Tuesday. 7th inst, Rev. more than pleased. At 2 3o p.m. Rev.
nesse and that ,. time for t change. I Bean tying the knot. 1Lith are well• J. Veale of Kirkton gave the people a
The eyes a all is timea + are ••ru Mag. known here am) their many friends de'al't to beau. talk, which was inter -
Huron and the electors in this riding wi-h them •ably i oy ,and h tppine s eating and very i,+.trucliva•. 1It. O. J.
during tlleti married life. --The 1et•ent Pink of the impel 11) Male Quartette,
snow has improved the sleighing.- London, mid the Kirkton Quartette
Mr. Arthur Sweitzer of Kilnn+nagh, furnished the music which waft much
Mich., is visiting relatives in this vi- appreciated. On the following Mon-
cinity. - Harry Beaver and Charles day evening as fowl supper Was held in
Itoeszler have been confined to their the basement of the church. The sup -
homes the past week on account of 1a per testified to the genuineness and
grippe. -The nomination meeting to generosity of the ladies and friends of
Following the lead of our friends nominate two trustees to act for our the congregation; there was 1411 ahund-
across the way the rnly thing those village this year, was held in the town ante of fowl and pastry delicacies with-'
canvassing for Mr. 3feLean stem to be hall Friday evening. Thos. Trevethick out end. So abundant wits the supply
able to say is that Mr. McLean should was the Returning officer; Gottlob that after the waiters had hien kept
be electtdly acclammation, and the Morinck, Albert Mnrlock, J. 11. Holtz- busy from 5 to II p.m., orad none were
reason given is that he was chosen as man and Dan Oestreicher were:mirth). stinted, sufllcient was left to provide
ated. All resigned with the exception a social on Wednesday evening. As
of (lnttlob Motlo»k. This leaves its soon as they had finished supper the
one short and stew will have to be people passed to the ittuditoritttn of the
taken to elect the remaining member. er. church which wn•+ ver y sono crowded
This is rather unfortunate that this to its utmost and as many more n-
village e.+nnol get enohgh public .pie- could stand packed on the shit's and
stet citizens to act on the Board of Po- the plat tot tn. Rev. Fair acted as chair•
lice'1rusteea. it is intended to issue ,rata in his usual gond natured mon•
del'entnres this year to finish laying nee. Short, witty and congratulatory
the concrete er tilts as well as making speeches weer made by itevds. An.
ptovis• for lighting our streets, Brews, Cooper. Going and Ford. The
former devoted his tithe to the raising
of (RtdtM) annum these pie+ent and at the
close of the meeting orally $.11w) had
I+Per) gnbsrrilst•d for. The Kirkton
cannot afford to let the news he spreatd
broadcast that they would condone
the misrule, glair and corruption of
any governrhent.
NOTE:' ,f.Vf) Cf).)fJfh'NTS
It Quiets
the Cough
This is one reason why Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral is so valua-
ble iu consumption. 1t stops
the wear and tear of useless
coughing. 13ut it does more
- it controls the inflammation,
quiets the fever, soothes, steals.
Ask your doctor about this.
Th., best kind of n testimonial —
' S id tor over sixty Tetra."
p hitsb'S.to Aver('o.,towels,8'.sa.
Aso m.nufaa.r.ra or
Raft v1ROR
ice f.r+ r .orrta.I Ws pashas
t`.e f'rr,n..a Of 411 oar ra edaot-iN
A pretty wedding took place on
Coulson is Day at the residence of R.
1 S. $tnderson, 157 Fnrhy street, Win-
nipeg. The conn at ting parties were
1It Erunt.e E Kreire formerly of
CreJilon, Ont., to Jacob J. Reese, of
Chesley, (Int. Th• bride was given
04 by It. J. Slimier 401i. She Was
!Ire.urifully atttite,i In white' point
d'esprit over white silk, carrying .a
-Muter howler of white roses. and was
weeded by Miss Mabel C. Todd. of
1Vinnipetf, who was also gowned in
a bite and c'tried a baguet of pink
.e.. The (toms was attended by
• Rev. J. 1". 1),nrghte. of O+k Bank, Man.
s! or Cy niter 5 o'clock the bridal party
entered the beahtifully illuminated
I anti decorated drawing -room, while
Miss Dowe, of Rolland, Man., played
the wedding march. The marriage
ceremony was performed ).y Rev. A.
IV. Saner. A feature of the dinner
which followed +vas the heantifel wed -
Masten recovery by keeping the al'ng cake. whtrh was a gift from Mr.
bowels regular with Ayer's Pills. " "Its. Para, Reese.
t t[n1EY9
its (141, ®i.01
«rhea "sweets"
lose their sweetness: --
and " substantials,"
their charm—there are
always MOONEY'S
coax back
the appetite.
know how
good they
Wood's Phosphotiino,
The Great :'.a!alish, Remedy.
Tones nod 1•••'.uurates the wholo
nervous a n, nutkod new
Blood in e,'t: '. ,ins Cures Nem -
eft, lkbi! adfental and !train JVorry, Lea-
k ney, Sexual i{'eaknexa, Eurissiorta. Star'-
encera, aid F, eda of "Muse or , rcedatcv.
o fl per box, sixforf5. One wi11 please( slx
ill cure. Sold by all druggists or mailed in
ibixin kg. on receipt of pneo. New pamphlet
ttttile free. The Wood Medicine Co.
(formerly y Windsor) Toronto. Ont.
DEATH. -While visiting at the home
of his daughter, Mrs. Albert Mitchell,
of Biddulph, on January y 9th, the death
occurred of a long and highly respect-
ed resident of Usborne, in the person
of Mr. John Andrew, at the age of 69
years, 7 months, 20 days. Altbouih
hpractically retired from farthing; he
ad lived south of the village since his
son, Sidney, took over the farm some
five years ago. For about a year be
bad been ill; due largely to a wearing
out of the system, the result of ad-
vanced years. Born in Devonshire,
England, he carne to Canada about 50
years ago,living first at Centralia, and
latterly in Osborne, near this village.
About 44 years ago ne married Miss
Sarah Ann Spicer, who survives hint
with five children, Ira of Granton,
Sidney at horse, Mrs. Daniel Hodgson
of Whalen, Mrs. David Rowtcliffe of
Exeter, and Mrs. Albert Mitchell of
Biddulph. The sympathy of all is ex-
tended them, The funeral, which
took place on Saturday to Elimville
cemetery, was largely attended.
Nomination at Hensall.
Continued from Page 1.
used in order to admit the many who
bad gathet ed.
The Chair was taken by Mr. George
Petty, who very ably- peoformed the
duties of the office.
Henry Ilorton was the Conservative
nominee, and M. Y. McLean the Lib-
eral nominee.
Besides these candidates, speeches
were delivered by Jos. Artnstanng,
M. I'. for L iunbton Comity, 11, Either.
M. P. P. for South Huron, and R.
Blain, M.P:, of Peel Count, in the
Conservative interests, while 11. If.
Dewart. of Toronto, and F. F. Par-
dee, of Sarnia, spoke in the Liberal
interests. It would be impossible to
report in detail what was said by the
speakers, suffice it:$to say that the
electors of all pat ts of the riding have
heard or will hear the arguments ad-
vanced before the campaign closes.
A Letter from the Hospital.
DEAR EDiTOIRS:— if you will allow
me the space in your valuable columns
to speak to my sympathizing friends,
es 1 ant receiving ninny cards and let-
ters of sympathy and as i hold a very
11wkwu•d position for writing i thought
I would make 11 wholesale job of it by
asking a kind favor of you. If you
grant toy request i will start by say-
ing i ant as well as can be expected
and as comfortable as I could wish.
From the nature of the fracture, also
the severe flesh wound. 1 expect to
spend some weeks in the hospital, al-
though my doctors speak encourag-
ingly. They say, "No symptolns of
anything serious as yet." No definite
time could he mentioned ns to my re-
covery. Notwithstanding all 1 have
to contend with I am hopeful of re.
turning to my friends one of those
days. something 1 look forward to
with great joy. Such friends as 1
have, friends that know no bounds to
their heart felt sympathy for one 90
enwnithy, i nut sure I rain not forget
the expression of Chi baby) kindness
made manifest to the when misfortune
over ttalk me and 1 ryas sore it: need of
a helping hand. To my anxious ft iends
feel offended t hyo.( s
don't f i e ffe n de(l a the Ilea t
way it speaking 141 you, 114 i 1411) ia11(i
oat on my back, writing is nln)ost an
impossibility. be pat lent with rue this
time for I never can express myself
ftlly from the awkward position 1
Q•;artette gate several fine selections. I+e►sa. i ran only speak in brief. 1 nm
.Ir. fink eornpleted the vocal pnt•t r,f ti..,t''d 1'Y 'I"' lae.t. if dortnis, le1
nursed toy the kindest of nurse.. i
the pilgrim, and possesses a wire „xpe.rl gnus Result. from
ell that (aro
that i. sttrn+g and well ,''ntrolled, the ,.treivinv--all the attention and kind-
andienre warns d ro him ns rnptnrous•
n0.. n pe'ot Haan could look fur -unless
Iv as 00,1141 he desired. Sias Olive he. h.ul ' great appa.tilt, Be• paries
fern's readings were thoroughly en-
ll till 1 write aggro. 1 mfr. Duly,
joy ed and she was heartily encored' 11-M. truly, o�.
Mrs. J. V,Millson'4 class of little girls
and boys admirably tendered the song ---- --
"Dropping pennies for the King" and tidy•, Far Lost
as they finished they passed their mite I3 •tsweon Exeter and Henzall a Long
box, which contained 811.50 to the pas- brown Lady's fur, i•'ulder w1ll he re -
tor for the church. The enllertions nn warded by leaving at this office.
Monday amounted In 113i 5:3, while $219 Cotters for Sale
was realized on Monday evening. On A car load of McLoughlin cutters for
Sunday next Dov. A. If. Going. of F.x-'sale. Best on the market and the
otcr will preach at 10.:30 n.rn., afterprice reasonable. - -W.G. 11i�sett.
which the dedication eervice will he!
heli. He+•..1. Ahrey of Granton will Tor twenty-four years Vapo crinoline hat
India Pale Ale
I've udi: - 1 ani unscrupulous vends. n1 ,- ..,e:e:ett .••he: •. but compare it IMP
way you will- purity. frreiom from acidity. palatableness—Labatt's Ate is surpass•
ed by none. equalise by few—at About half the price of best imported brands.
WAREHOUSES Investigate inti the Merits of the
It le the most succ.,sful busineaa training +' heel
iu Westent Ontario. Our Commercial, Shorthand
and Telegraphy Departments are in charge of atle
Highest Price paid forCrinstructora of experience. All our courses aresthor-
rin ongl, rap-lo.date and practical. We hate become
• one of the largest business training schools in the
t'rovihce. Go our free catalogue and learn what
ue are doing Commercial senool, as well as busi-
ness men employ our graduates. Students are en•
tering each seek. Enter now.
(Successor to Joseph Cobbledick)
(Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1655)
Head Office, Montreal
Capital Paid Up
Reserve Fund
Assets Over
OFFICE IIOURS 10 a. m. to S p. ni. SATURDAYS, 10 a. m. to 1 p. m.
DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current rate of interest allowed
Saving Bank Departments erect t further notice interest on Savings accounts sill be
credited quarterly Instead of half yearly as formerly.
Deposits of $t and upwards received.
Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government.
DICKSON & CARLING, Solicitors. N. D. IIURDON, Manager,
The Exeter Advocate
Ti iF. WFSTEJRS 110MEMO'. i i lI.Y liar 1-•.; tern recognised
at the gr. -mitt illustrated home mgatine publ.ehed m Canada, and is read by
ower 35.1)00 finishes esety month.
it contains a wealth d eedrng fxn"o. rdareiala (a men and wnrnen. able
VI, I.•t ea leading ambled'. while .•s one d'renor more depanmee•..
:I .aandasd headings, are novelitmg and helpful tulle members rn esery
l'a.-,dnneIwocotoroast vim month; beautiful hell4one ilutuebcr.s
ranch. city, town and country scenes, made from Photos Laker Ey our
c a/scul phologtaphers in the provinces el Manitoba. Saslatchewan, Alain
and British Columbia.
Oar Subiu b,,s art .,(e1 la Ula t!santate a1 this SPECIAL OFFER iIOW.
60 Pages and up. 60.
the officers appointed shall he the
saline as for 1007. -Car tied.
Watt -tan- Fnke--That the ('le•tk call
The Council Elect for It1fIR met in for tenders for the ringing of the bell,
the Town Hall at 11 a.m. on Mondll •, neighscnles. and printing. Tenders
yy to be in the bands of the Clerk by 7.30
January lath, iTook and stile 11, tn.. Friday. January lith.-Cauried.
scribed to the necessary oath 4.1 office p.
jou: sed to Fr WHY. Janunty 17th,
ate follows :at R p. m. J. Si;siott, Clerk.
:Reeve -A. Q. ilobier.
66('uuncillors-Jno. Knight, %\'elling-
ton Jobna, \Vm. J. Heaman, A. E.
After which the Rev. .\ Ir. Collins,
by request of the sleeve. led in devo-
tional ext,cises: also addressing a few
words to the members of the Council.
Heaman-Rake-That the thanks of
the members of the Conned be lend•
ered to Rev. Mr. Collins for his Pres•
ence and in taking part in the opening
of the Council meetings for 1ttgS,
Tne Reeve relm ned thanks to Mr.
Collins on behalf of the Council.
Heitman- Enke-That J. Senior tae
re - appointed Clerk.- Cat r rad.
iCnight -nn seconder --That Joseph
Da+ is be a Municipal Auditor
Iies,nan-Flake-That \V. Weeks.,
Le a Municipal Auditor.
Johns -That .lathes Beet te. ,\.tditnr.
Councillor .1. J Knight wits iltew his
motion and \V. I). Weekes and James Dollars.
Beer were declared Municipal Audi- Naile4foanyn'Idressonmceiptof3"i.c.
gull and recti,mmended by all !tiding Drug-
gists for 1008.' gists in Canada.
i'nke— Knight -That Sam, Sanders Pamphlet free to any address.
he 'freasul er,-Cal tied. Manufactured and toll by the sole prr,prie-
Johns- Heitman -- That Wesley J. tors
The Tetbrine Chemical Co.
['Wen he re•appointe'd Street Com.Wead or, ontar.o.
Vold in Exeter t.y .t. W. Browning,
given by Kirkton Methodist church.
rreneh at 7 p.m. Special music will he I y 1: night- -Heaman - That Alta. 0, W. S, Howe end •.V, S. Col, . I)rug-
tl� trelsetteRsirel used bar all forms of thre.ea and j)t•er he As.essor,-Carried. y
brwntial legates Ati thuds::. Flake --Knight-That the s.deties of ,;Ztris.
Canadian. Tottcrine
Is en absolute, certin cure for itrrrmn, Arne
Alma, Tetter, Pimples, Ftlackhe ids Ringworm,
)tarsen' itch Scall ilead, itching files, Ulcers,
Sores. and all cutaneous and facial blemishes.
)las been thoroughly and successfully tested
in hundreds of so called incurable cases,
It is entirely untik: • nayy other preparation.
mixture or ointment that his been sold ,,r pre-
A few separations will convince that is has
wonderful medical vie• re and intrinsic merit.
1t is made in Canada. A gond honest Cana -
Trice one Inc PiC:; Cents, or fv,: Love., Two