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Exeter Advocate, 1908-01-16, Page 2
DR. WILLIAMS' PINK PILLS CURE ANAEMIA Palo Faces, Dizzj Spalls. Palpitat- ing Heat, Headaches ani Short - 11983 of Breath are Sympttomi of Anemia. „tery blood is an • lion L• sease to Itke p; see ,,1, )slut• :n. Watery blood is reg• : Ohlc ler ready all the headache.; and back - et be, and eideachea that ulliieL woman - keel. waft ty b:o:xl is responsible for the dull eyes, sallow cheeks and the itsllo e dragged -out feeliftg That is Juun'1 t.( r>:1 many growing girls. !:-cod nmei.ns void hca11h, null t;00d blood actually amus liirough the use of Dr. Williams,' ''ink rills. \\'eak, ailing, despondent women who use this medicine are made active tln•I Strong; listless. pale -faced girls are given new health, rosy cheeks, brig.., eyes and a new sense of happiness and security. Mrs. E. S. Nightingale. Chcsley, Ont., says:.--- "My daughter vas ill for a long lisle wills anaemia. and would often be confined to bed for three or four days at a time, and we feared she was going into decline. •t lady friend advised the use of Dr. \Vil- Lanis' fink fills, and 1 got half a dozen l•oxcs. By the time lbws were used teero was a marked ivaproveu ant, and 1 got u furlhcr supply fer her. The change nose pills have wrought inner condition is so great, that y'ou would not think that she was the same girt. 1 wilt always have kindly feeling tor Ur. \\'illiant.+' Pink pills." lett ran get these pills fermi any rrr i cine dealer or by mail at 50c a to >. r six boxes for 52.50 from The 1►r. \\ ;:i:a►ns' Medicine Co.. ltroekville. O11 t. .1. 1:1111.1) .t 1B111.UiES i.N MEXICO. ;.lexicon Women Over 30 lime Not Much Chance of [feint{ Married. A tsFAA MOTIVE 1't,)\11:11. Hudson Slavin' Iles Added ':Moturite" to itis lttvcttiuus. 1lud.-on Maxum, the 1 winter of Maxi- e Ile utkl btt<)keI(SS powder, boo ag•i.lied for letters patent for Ihr<e new rnvcn- 1Nn:s-a new torpedo Unit can travel (as- l••r than a toile u minute; a submarine torpedo that can attain a speed of over sixty miles an ltuur ; and it 11cw nolle° power•---ttwturitc - to pope! the torpedo and Uto toiie(to boot so 'towel telly that it necessary it ill shoot thein w:kcl-like out of the sea. 1'110 , llertnivo of his hiply-crowned tir.hievumm(i 1. reale like a classic to- neuuee of udvcnture. for Mr. Maxim, sturtimg out with the sole intention ot designing a tentetlo Wei would surpass in speed the blow -moving Whitehead. found that he, had invented nut only w lint he sought, but skit a uwlivo power so tremendous that IL should revolution- ize submarine warfare, transpose the dispi ad torpedo boat into the most dreaded fighting monster of Ih,• sea, and --later-may even be expeclal 10 send a trunsatiantio liner between New York and Southampton faster than the fastest trails stove on that land. A delicate blend of nitro-glycerine, guncotton and one other drug, and the npplaicallon of a new system of "jet pro- 1•t:leton -tl►e s'r'e prmclple on which automobiles are run --is limo secret of it all The taming of nitro-glyeerine and gt.n- eoUon from high explosives into trac- eable Means of i oaL propulsion was not a simple molter. But Mr. Maxim finally got it. 110 also found a way to set this motive Not Ute least of the roman!:e features of the marriages of Mexico tiro the c:re- monies uniting children. The marriage o! girls over 12 years of age and toys over 14 is permitted, and most routi- ngs in Mexico come in early life, says the Mexican Herald. There aro about 17d lo 180 marriages It month to this capitol, a ridieulous Proportion in view of the fact that the .papulation by the census of 1900 was 550,000, mug is now probably nearer ('0,000. This small proportion of legal marriages is due largely to the expense attending a relig'eus ceremony, for the ,peon is educated to believe that the le- oa1 marriage is not sacred without the church service. Manse When he can- not have the church service he does not !other to have the official. ist•rvlce, which is not expensive, performed. The general age for women to marry Jr. Mexico is abut 20. The statistics for the last two Months show the fol- loving figures on the inurryng of wo- men: From 12 to 20 years. 33; from 21 to 3'1 years. 102; from 31 to 43 years, 34; from 40 to GO ycnrs. 5. No worn:ln over 60 was merrier! dur- ing Ibis period. As seen from these figures. the number of women who married at from 21 lo 30 years is great- er than any other. The age nt which most women marry in Mexico is from 1: t,0 24. 1t, is to be observed That an the higher cinsses the girls marry gen- erally when over 20, and some of them nearly 30 and over 30. while in the mid- dle class a great majority of Ise wo- men marry before they ore 20 years GM. Among the lower class. on the con- trary, the number of girls who marry Irfer.' 20 is considerable. and many of them merry al 15. 14. and even 12 years. The most recent rn=.5 eel girls married at 15 and 10 or.' observedamong lite mime, dosscud lower rifts3 p(ople. 1)11(' of these is Angela Carnionn, who married nl 15 years; nrrother is n Span- ish girl. Bosnrio fe:nznlez. who mar- ried n1 16. and another k that of Eau - 111 1111 Gutierrez. \wht) married at 14. As to the nu•Im, the age at which they generally marry is also from 21 lo 30 years.S Ile? statistics- . 1 rs f .Int i for the lo. t Iwo months allow that Itte number (,[ nen nami:ket al different ages was as (el - len -so Fev)na 1 ; to 20 years. 5; from 21 to ",11 year-. '•Ii: front 31 to 45 years. 57; over fist \ :re, 1. Il is seen that Inc propeitlon of men nlar•ryine Ilefor. 30 years is strong. al- though it is not as heavy na Ihnt of the \ve meil rnnrrirel under that age. the prop ertkm of women nierriol tin- der 30 y'rnrs is 136 to 20, while the tar.rne pr,perlkon among the n:en is 95 14, 70. hn \t. vl n n woman ;love 30 Is eon- s'iiered as not having much rhan. a of icing married. and in the middle class the ellances are not great beyond i5 years. _--- .4. 11.' "Mny I hope to see v.t patty seen?" She (jrstingtyl-• ' t rather 11.Oink I'm potty now." An amateur punster informs us that insole house's Have \wing's. and he has t flee own n 11e,11.4 fly. We 11100ght no Una of n ligase save the chimney flue. Manana -"Oh. children. wily are you >< , nunghty 10-41ay?' Children---"\\ hy, fester staid it we were gir.Yal shed ting; to ns 1•.enight-" "\I. thrr." sal,, little Tommy. "Where it Shunt eltnrnl'" "Oh. I know,- snid 16.% tooth( r \\'illie. "it's at the other Sud of Lapland.' Rnek flop• -"iii. you in the front mw, sit (town; 1 rani see." Front How- ellt. yea in the hack ren•, stop your at ►-e; i cant hear.' "1''aur husband soy s that when he is angry lie Whiny: count: ten !afore he speak'." said one woman. "Yes." ans. vend nd the• ether; "i w\1'4 hr d stop Ip. Since he got (h spepsin hone seem.; no - !U ig but n clays in arithmetic." pewee going in vvatcr, ase that the action ct the writer • turned the combus- 1011 of the blended explosives intoi pow- erful jets, projecting the vessel forward in leaps as the jets, Thrust out back- ward. The big Problem with Mr. Maxim be- come how to tone theta down so they wouldn't shiver the torpedo to atoms melt tone he let one louse. itut finally !'c succeeded in regulating them -thrust them beneath levers under perfect con- trol, and when 1►e gest to sending them eat backward from The stern of it half - len torpedo he found That they \w''u' l send the torbedo hurtling therm& IS, • water at any speed he, cured to as ite, for as far as ten mites with perfect Lint. A WORD TO MO'I'IIEBS. Baby's Own Tablets is the catty 11 .b- etas for children that gives the the guarantee of a Government utt: -t that it is absolutely free from 01,1 es rind poisonous so .thing duff. The 1 it lets cur, all stonureh and towel 11 •1- blcs, destroy worms, Irak up c. 's and simple fevers. and brine; to tl through painlessly. 'Th' y give Ta. v vunri natural sleep 1• cause WANTED AGENTS 1•, testi. gofers ,r Made -to -Measure Clothing 'finest line in the Iknnislon. (io'xl Coruluiuiva troll iat.r.tatiou ICrc.vn Tailoring Co., • Toronto CANA EVE HEST TAMOB ".. move the cause of cr•.s-t.••s :,Itd ecn- lessnes.-o \Ito% italph Jud,f. !lave!), (lit., says: "Baby's Own Tablets have given me, gr' at satisfaction loth for teething, troubles end constipation:' Sold by nit medicine dealers or by' mind at 25 cents a lox from The Or. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. P11001' OF 11i1AVKI11'. Mrs. Naeggs (rending} --"In seine purl= of Arrive the more wives as term has the greater his social it:nlwrlanc• " Naggs-"Well, 1 suppose Ilse 1:e'tl,,le there u(hnire a brave man." A CHANGE 14 NEEOLD. Through the Ong v i .Irl• one needs n change. Why go Seuth when "The Welland." St. Catharines, offers an en- vironment at moderate cost which will minister to tied nerves and Worn out bodies? Try the tonic influence of "Ter SI. Catharines Well" and the restful in- fluence of "The \\'elland." Apply the manager, St. Catharine;. c.1 any Agent of Grand Trunk Itoilway -tem. Little winks: "1 say, pre v.h:at part of -I" eth is womnrl ?" 1'a: "Woman, my it. is no part of speech; she's all of it." Patents buy Mother (:raves' Worm l:xlerininatur 1 ecu lisp they know it is a sate medicine for their children and let effectual expeller elf worms. "\Vhy does the proleS.Cor have all 'hose letters la^ked to his nattier "'That shows that he got there by degrees." wveotnt[ v.tntor colas t. nlmtirt - »,rrr. , them Is mit her! if you ke\'ten's ft thorn. negln when the este is young and not wait until Is north,. on rho lung., for then, even with Allen's Lung Ilxlsaua, comptete relief will be slower. It isn't always the ronn who has ne- rp lireYl the 1110st IflfOrmtllion n h0 knovl the 1110St. 11(11. \tongs Prairie Scratches and eery form of contagious Itch on human tar animals cured in 30 minutes by Wol- ford's Sanitary Legion. It newer fails. So N1 by all druggists. SEN1'EN(:E St:lt\hINS. 1111: 11E1 ftG POLIT:1 t it % \ h . A Most Soccesslul Y' ;Iv. Although the \f trepu1`ta ti be considered one of Canada'- t• ;:i1 t banks, having been founded as e , ..ept- ly ae 1904, the sp!endid r:sllilso! t- e ''r' pitons for the past year, t,lowin; 1'.. re- markable strength which it ! •;Ilain- tal in no short u lime, on. tcutest credit upon tis uianugetncut. com- pared with the figures for 1906 those fur 1907 sltuw a steady iecreasc all along the line. Deposits by the, public rmuclted the large total of f<'cr million and six thousand dollars as against three Millions six Iluldreli thousand lest )etis. The amount of its imme- diately Itvailable r:s.ets prove its strong p. -!lion, as (hese alr1enuat 1:) (MX million Six hundred and three a.cusauld dollar... The paid up capi- tal of this instituti.ru is one milli)» dc,llar's, behind writ !I Ther, is a re- srrvo fund of another million dollars Atter payment of eighty thousand ‘lot - tars in dividends to its shareholders and the writingoff of ten thousand dol- lars from bank premises account, the substantial balance of $241.5:12 has been carried forward to next year. The profits for the year nnlount to 8147.819, which is equal to 14.18 of its capital. The hundred dollar shames of this Bank are today worth one hundred and ninety-two dollars. Figures such as these .lemorstralo in re uncertain fashion what success a young bank can achieve under capable and judiciously tonserveltve manage- ment and warrantthe trust of the Citmadian people in this young iingn^:al gomi. She: "110 you think women as a rule, ,-r fickle minded T' 1 1.: "Not tweei:- i•rily. 1 have noticed that when a wo- tr.nn reaches it ccrluin age she slicks t._ it.' The strong mind will not have a sotto he nd. Arguing n'ith a fool is only augment- ing folly. Every Sunday prayer wait; for a Mon- dry :omen. BMig ion should be a good sword, but 11 tnnkes n poor :shield. There is in Ibis \world for any of us who( we Se'(' in it 1111(1 IK) more. The fruits of truth are not gathered by lerOing about the Lush. Some think They are firm in the faith wlx, are only frozen in heart. 11 you are a hue friend you never need !o put on nn sir of friendtineve A living exponent ot the ilible is worth any number of the Les( expositors. Ninny n rhl.rctl is substituting n'orking the woad for working for lite world. An minuet sprint in religion will not d.' nitwit peal In the 1lerteenly rale. The wvorbl might soon be mode good tr a my relig<!otls pt'ople would tnnke 11 is ASI much our duty to brighten an- other's way as to lighten his load. Idle admiration of the master's traeh- ir.g is no feller than utter rejection of it. "The strength of a man's will is likely to he in opposite proportion to thnl of i.is breath. Many a man Is n hero in tattle becntse he has not shirked the dull drill In days of peace. se popular is Ih' kk's Anli-consunmp- Sy'rup as a inedicne in the treat- !. • .It of colds and coughs or ailments • 'he ttu'oat, due to cxfI1sure, to e' •g;hls, or sudden change,: of tent - lure. that druggists aril all dealers to stent medicines keel' supplies on 1,, meet the demand. It is. plea- sr,r • lake, and the use of it guarnn- 1• e.'donl frc.nl throat and hung dis- ,i,t i FOB AN APPETITE. 'You. mu>t Lace it good appetite," Is nuts ked Elle Ilttn Winn. rmv teusly. "\\ hat (k) yuu hake for ilr" "In all 111y experienee," eepl.ed the phnnp oro'. "1 ll;!"' (:mold n' thing more ettitat.fe than fool." \i''-r.\1::,.N AF'TEii Ali;. - 1 ., (1m "1 supe' -:f. you think 1 :ant •, t<}..1, rh•' O111. r "1 1i•I Ih:u.. but now I 111 it:: y u to a 1 1 reader; 1tu-tcfore v• :taut. !. • t. and 1 Peg your 1 r1<Ivu ! : L.lasing you were." ' Alllxrt,gh the 111111! vc1 o doesn't pay his d:l1i8 may i'1' goitre he isn't foi-g.,1?,•n. Nip Da nee in the Bud.- 11 is ,rill:- ert,lt to crad!calr' a (hoarse after it has Iv'eeme Felled, !beret o►r it is wise to take any ailment in Its initial ethics, and by stleh remedies as :Ire sullicienl, sloe it in its (o11'.,•'. Ce.hl is the corn- /nemest oomplail,t • 1, :,n. and when neg:l(v•lei leads t., .- results. Dr. Thornns' Fielectri' (': ,t ':1 , tire the se- verest told or m• -' vlotenl Cough. "(:nn'I you , nskett Ihr' Indo! "\o, Snit,.: Ivry. I've 1:" e know. and 1 ea its third r'ndi11 ! ,• 1 - ! 11 to -day. sir?" lttingnenl n..11idu 1 he Pnrtiamcn- .:lnnee,l over it. you 1 ,.. ,. ! X11 ':':!ii after Whet' In town, buy "or RRThe n A f." Mepnsthel Plaster. is the best 1. nd sitoplost thing ic or �andawill only eon t'1Sc. "Prot k(scr " sold 1 a uninr trying le he !nnhetic at parting, "1 nm indebted to you for all 1 knntv." "Pray (141111 11011- 13(11 Much a U•ille :" ons the roily. A 'Ton:c for the Debilitated.--Pnr•tne- Ire's \'egetalle fills by acting mildly, but Thoroughly. on the secretions of the body are a valuable tonic, stimu- !riling th.' lagging organs to it health- ful whorl end restoring thele to full vigor. They can be token in grailunt- < 1 doses and so used that they can be discontinued at any time without re- turn of the ailments which they were used to allay. -- THE FINAL Tll'. When n girl fells a young mnn thnt *he dreamed of him the night before it's up tl hint to propose or get out of the game. Perhaps the lest vv'5y to mnke money out of stocks is to have nothing to do w;!!m them. TNI) !SSW NO. S-$. i I You can put on a roof that will last a hundred years and be the ri ►ht kind of a roof every minute. Or you can put on a ten-year roof that will probably leak after the first rain hits it, and keep leaking till it is rotted away. Either roof will cost you about the Fame in irioney at the ata: t. But the " Oshawa" - shingled roof will bo Ie'IRE-PROOF-liter- : j" ,• - ally; and wind -proof - actually ; and lightning - proof -positively. That's the hundred -year roof! And that "Oshawa "-shingled roof will be weather-proof for a century. We'll GUARAN- TEE in every way for a quarter -century -from now till Nineteen - Thirty -Two. Guaranteed in writing for 25 years -and you needn't ever paint it, even ! That's saying something, isn't it ? What would your mill -man say if you asked flim to guarantee cedar shingles for even ten years ? Ile certainly would make remarks! And even the best cedar -shingled roof will La leaking badly inside of ten years. Seven out of ten of them leak the: first time it rains. No wood- -', ' Shingled roof is fire -proof for a • ," minute, and the first high wind H - that catches a loose shingle- whoosh 1 goes half your shingled roof - -'-' - yo 9 yby don't you ask now7 over into the next township. 1M Sh' Tools'` A P1en n tr i,ght Yet cedar shingles ce-t you just about the price of theles guaranteed "Oshawa" Shingles- 28-guage tough- ened steel,. double galvanised --gam for a century, guaranteed in writing till 19; j2, -f.. and -wind -and -weather proof and lightning -pre Four -dollars -and -a -half a square buya "Callao%% Galvanized Steel Shingles -ten feet by ten feet. Compare that with the present price of cedar thineles - how does it strike you? And you can put on these "Oshawa" Galvanized Steel Shingles yourself, - - easily, -with no tools but a claw-ha-nnler aid snips. Simplest thing you know -can't get 'em on wrong. "Oshawa" Shingles lock on all four sid's-whole roof is practically one sheet of double -galvanized steel, thakit never needs painting. "Oshawa" Galvanized Steel Shingles a r e GUARANTEED in every way for Twenty -Five Years Ought to Last a Century And GUARANTEED -- don't overlook that. Guar- anteed in writing, over the seal of a company with a quarter -million capital, - guaranteed in plai:i English, without any ifs or buts, for 25 long years. Thst's the argument in a nutshell -cost the same as wood - shingles; fire - proof, water -proof, rust: - proof, lightning - proof ; easter to put on; ant GUARANTEED. That's the "Oshawa'' T -oposition 1 Tell us the measurement of any roof, aid we'll tell you exactly what it will cost to roof it with less work and for less money. Plenty of facts that concern your pocket -book come to you as poen as you ask for our free book, "Roofing Right." A post card will do to ask on. aamer MONTREAL TORONTO OTTAWA Of OshawaLONDON WINNIPEG 314 Crain tat W. 11 Colborne St. MD Sasses 81. es Mind'''. Et. TS Lombard 5t The Pedlar People wary Woman nn L lutereatt and n tf know abr•ot the won,lertcl MARVELWhirlin9Spray Yl.e sew Vaginal yrlage. irt,hit cit c en{ en• lent. It clea„tee natant!, fst your • realest for It. t), cannot sun./ the A It Y E L. so.ept no ether, trot send sump for tltWtrstrd hook -+•slat. 11 f..'1 pMtlenlars a:•1 direcliva.& ns to. stoatd4 to 1.4t$ WtYn6on s IPPLY eo , window. out. l(eueral Ag•ua for caned*. _ __- Kendall's Spavin Cure 1.051.4041 Sivas. N.m., Starch 5 '..b. "•1 am using; your Sparin ('ure and can say there is notl.iug to he compared wish it." Gabe, t.lf.rter all. Cures: Spavins ' Troroughpin Curb Splint Ringbone Sores Swellings Sprains '!raises Via •;' and all iC. Lameness stabottlr-61 ,r g;. hnr great book- •' 1 rratt-e on the horse "-free from de:;ers,.r 12 Dr. R J. RENEW CO. ress►ert Fstls• Wrest, 11.Sa DEFI\I 1 14 IN. (lard 1i iiti <.-That periost of time in which Ih,• shorn lamb is gmowing a new crop of fleece. To Prevent is Beeler Than to Repent. nl. -A little mullein in the shape of .the wonderful pellets which are known ns 1'armelee's \'egctnble ('ills. ndminisleied a' lite proffer time and with the %lircc- ilons adhered to often prevent a serious attack of sic'kne-s and save money which %You'd go to the doctor. in all itiegtutariti(s of the digestive organs they are an Invallunhfe corrective and I•s cleansing the bleed They clear lite skin of imperk' li'ns. Ninny n woman is homesick because she can't get away for It Iwo Weeks' writ. Success In 1.1'e Is dependent upon goad health. 1..n aro •'- 1 of is 'rt., in or foehle, take •' parr -•vim.•' It's the best tonic. •1 clatters All medicine POST C \1t11- It. 'I 111: h USI:B. Plan of European Reyntlies for Itaiaitltl MInncy for Charity. The Queen Dowager Carela •,1 Sox• sang, who died n couple of weeks ago. and the d'rincess Ntalhilde, who is 13 rind unmarried, originated a few months ago a new way of raising money for charily which is being generally copied in Germany. They designed stx color- ed poo-ta1 cards of beans in Saxony and had Them lithographed and placed en sale in Drestten with their signa- tures as the designers. The proceeds were devoted to the care of Consump- ti ves. Various Princesses have singe adoptees the plan, and n UresJen newspaper now annemnces Ihnt the Kaiser himself is designing a set of cards which win not only bring good returns for char- ity but also demonstrate to the world i'Ls nbilily with pencil and brush. it is rumored that the subjects will be pllegori''al, dealing with the destiny of the llutrenzollerns and the relations between lite people of Germnny and the imperial house. Black Watch Wad MM The Chewing Tobacco of Qiality. ;y Power, Beat, Electric Light, to Lease for a Term of Fears. Central location. About ten thousand square feet In four floors and basement. Exoellent shlpp n' faollitice Standard fire Sprinkler System. Low insurance rate. MURRAY F. WILSON, 81 Adelaide St. West, Turanto .WITH CI.E.\NED OUT. Job Scomiter : "Sorry to hear you had scarlet fever at your house. 'Flint's a bad disease. They. say it usually leaves yoh with something. replay : "hill 1 It isn't likely to leave n.: v. Ott anything, judging from the doc- tor, Lill." There Is no snore r,h.tinate skin trouble that Fall Ilhn,rtn 1t eor.nriim•' lingers for rears. 1.u1 w it 1',,• WaeeeWear.r:' Syrup loeiul,ur. permanent cure. \I:t11,1'. : "'-'lit, wt. a:ofill knk, it nuthim' nlollt 11ir .,otit•'rin' among the poor until we renal the pencil;." Silts: "Whitt hay" you fund?''dy : "\\'hy, right herr Ihry're offvrin' to sell undressed kids at ' much a pair.' \\'here can i get some of Ilol:otvny's (.)rn 1:un•? 1 was rrlt;rry cured of my corns by this r/'111e ly and I wish settle more of it for my fri••nde. `o writes \Ir. J. W. ltr•,wil. (:hicupo. Slil:'D It'tVC 'I'n "PEAK. "11 is Impess.ble. ". tried \ir. Xa,'get. Iinally. "for us to live together met ttol quarrel.' "But.' tiluprt, \it,it Nn . gcl, "11is possible not to quarrel, if neither of us upr•1aks.' "01 course. bud, es 1 say, it's impos- biltle for us to live together and not quarrel.* MAKE YOUR OWN COUGH CURE AT HOME The following; recipe will give it harmless and effective mixture, which has been known for years by doctors 1 and chemists to cure coughs, whoop- ' ing-cough, colds and bronchitis :- Fluid extract licorice r, ot. Fluid extract Cascara 'S oz. Elixir Tolrnr r oz. Best t)•e n Mikey G ct. Take a drssrrtspnnnful every two or three hours. Children in propos• tion. 1'r111 ran hitt' 111r itrms separately and mix at home at a small expense. 1115 SIN(iULAl 1NFII1\iIl Y. "what is your name, little boy ;r' asked fur leacher. "I'II bait. Io write It for you, ma'am," said the new 1,r,y, hesitatingly. "1 think not. Nly !tenting is quite good. Your name. please?" "1'd rather not tell yon." "Are you ashamed )t your name?" "No, nln'nnl. 1,111--" "Ther) ws-e will not %vette any more time, if you please. i nen walling." Tile tort eyes rolled wildly in their sockets and his face become contorted as he bega! : "Kuk•kuk-kuk-ktlk•kuk•kuk Clarence ! 'that's my first name. The other is Pup. pup -pup -pup -pip -pup Perkins ! 1 neter shutter cep! when I'm npenking my name, and when I'm 11:: ggi d like Ibis I'm a whole kit worse, mautn." AGENTS *ANTE Tu SBI 1. SiCkIES UlY AcC!E1 I In�irc AM e\tellIAl PaQPO$ITION. Active Agents can Earn a Substan Hal Weekly Income. Write at "nee for partirularr. GENERAL ACCIDENT ASSURANCE COMPANf OF CANSDA, 112nllnental U!e aulldifl , Ter -neo Why G© South ? Try a Visit to the Famous Siring: of the "81. Gailiorines WWII' CANADA'S 111iAI.TtI RESORT In the Niazara Penins'u?.a• rite treatment o1 ti•rvnu+nese ar.J Rheumatism a Specialty. , APPLY TNa WELLAND, Sr. Cat:tot:Sas 1 \tl'N \Mt It. "\\'hy (10 you moll y r 'ing1 I:alkoW ''.holly?' Ills first nano' is NO111,, sa111 T. -011e." "1 know," replied Itrm\wne, "lett 'intro M., innppr.prinle, N.,nh 111111 setts() cl,ough to get in out of the rail." "What are you 1r ng nl.nul. dear inquired at 'yrepat! h • It r'hnnd. "(lh, George. the !Nice hove gt'•I into the p;11 - fry nttd eaten up rt leratllth►1 ruslnrd p 1 mains myself ' 'There. there. nay Beni ery over n few little miee'. Illy doubtfully complirnenInry rr;oin. SHILOH'S Quick case for the worst rough -quick 'elle( to the heaviest cold -:rid SAF'I; 10 take, even for a child. Cures is Shiloh • Cure. •t Sold under a guarantee trough" 10 cure colds and cough., jot COid 3 quicker than any ether medicine -Or your meney task 31 ye is pf success curs rend Shiloh'( Curs L hoc , $ 1. QUICKJJY