HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-01-16, Page 1SI toJAN'OO
subscribe for the ADVO-
CATE and get a bargain
as above stated; or else
take advantage of our
Low Club Rates
Sale Bills
FARMERS S t •i want a
big crowd at their sales
should get their bills at
theAl)VocA'rI: and ad-
vertise in the Anvot tI'I':
It Means Money to You
The Sovereign Bank
of Canada
Paid Vp Capital: • • 13,000,000.
'. 1dILICs JARcV15, Esq , - - - Praiddt1�q/
'RA DOLPHMACDONALD,Esq.ratVice-Preittfte,
PA. A. ALLAN, Esq., • - n:d Mc d
11ON. D. McIfictAN,
a A. E. DVMENT, Eby., M.P.
W. K. McNAt•OHT, Esq.,'f.P.
At.Ex. BRCCE, Esq., K.C.
P.C.EMMET - - -
1 J T- Grntrm=,tfaAOlfe
St. CA SSE Ls. .dot. Generab.tfaAeitY
Savings Bank Department
!niece t et Le,t current we. paid quartet(r,
Branches at Exeter, Dashwood, Zur-
ich and Crediton,
JOS. SNELL, Manager
and Weekly
Mail and Empire
Weekly Globe
to Jan.'09 ... $1.35
and all other papers
at lowest rates.
The Old Reliable
This being
The Beginning of the New Year
we wish to have a straightforward business talk with yo•1.
Where do dou deal?
Whd do dou deal there?
Are dou satisfied with gour Purchases?
Would dou change stores if dou could do better?
These may he personal questions, but isn't it true that you want court-
eous treatment; you want the hest goods at the lowest prices; you
want a variety of goods to choose from; you want to feel at home in
illthe store with which you are dealing. These are but few of the things
you want and should get no clatter where you are dealing.
st Remember
Yon can be at home in this store, yon can get the best of goods, the
kind you want, at the price you wish to pay. Here we are :always on
the alert. to accommodate you in every purchase.
Come to us With Your Shopping List
We will see that you go away well satisfied.
We wish you a Happy New Year
er.re.el a1 Cards.
DB. 0. P. ROU ETON, L. D. 8., D. D. 8.
bar of the R. C. D. 8. of Ontario and Honor
t. of Toronto University.
OIIICE: Over Dkkeon h Carling'. Law Office, In
Ds. Anderson's former Dental Parlor&
(DR. A. R. KiNSMAN, L D. 8., D. D. 8.•
Honor graduate of Toronto Univerlttr.
neib extracted without any pain, or any bad effects
alta over Olaf,nan & Stanbury'. office, Main street
1. MALLOY, 11. B. (Tor. Univ.) MEMBER
Collette of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario.
r Ilcuse Surgeon Toronto Western Hospital.
llsec.ror to Dr. J. A. Rollins. Residence: Eat on
flat street north of office, Exeter, Ontario.
DR. T. P. McLA1'(:I11.1N
BM resumed practice after spending a year (Col.
) at British and Continental ltoepital.. General
tactics with 'pr. Tal attention to Ey e, (with retest..
tion) Ear, Nae and Throat,
Office: Dashwood, Ont.
tore, Notaries, (•nn.e)am.r., CommIteionen.
Solicitors for Mnlrons Bank, etc.
Meaey to Loan at lowest ratesof Interest.
tall e., Main street, Exeter.
L Oaautn, B.A., L. H. Dimwit
We bare a large amount of ri. ate funds to loan
a farm and village properties at low rates of Inter
Barrister,, Solicitors,Main et.. Exeter On
Prof. Diploma of Royal in -orporattd Society of
allalLO., Ragland; Ortraniet of Triritt Memorial
nreb,lixeter. Plano, (Organ, Harmony and Theory
a! Music. Terms on application. Exeter, Ont,
William Brown
Agent t'onfeeleration Life Assurance
om4tany. also Fire Insurance in lead -
ng Canadian and Hi Hist) Companies.
Main -St., Exeter.
Farmers T011Ee Notice
The Crooks are now open at the 1.10rs to receive
pmet,. roe the grow ng of Kull for (hit reason's
. Pirtle% wishing to take acreage should apply
u the opportunity will not be open tong.
Tenders Wanted
Tenderwill be mere'. ed by the nnderdgned on or
before Friday, January 31st, lira, at 1 o'clock 11..m.,
�r the ere. Aon of the new Lutheran church, Dash
ood. Tenders for brickwork and carpenter work
o be made nut separately. The lowest or any ten
der not neceesaril) a.. toed Plan and specifics.
tions can be teen .t II Willett • ihuhweod.
l'on,mittet. Casts r Walper. Otto Miller. George
Koch, Henn Kraft.
11. WII.LERT. Chairman.
Daehwoot. J,n Pae.
Mortgage Sale
Lot 1: and `+nuth hall ..f I.,t 11. con. 1, M �tillie-
y, on Monday. Januar, 17,194'4, at 2 n, lock p.m.,
`the Iwmi«, to i.e soM en block or separately to
It pur•ha.er•. Two thirds of the purchawe money
remain on mortgage for 8s e y ear. at fi. a per
interest. About 20 acres of wheat. fall (flowing
e e rept al.wat 1.3 acres. one quarter m,le from
Me. For further particular. aptly to
ADMAN A ST%SPU Y, Banister.. Evf'er
F. Rt'8ToN, F.wl . Exeter
FA STANLEY. An-tirmer'r, an
Executor's Sale
The executor of the late W. 1i. Stewart has in-
structed the undersigned auctioneer to sell be
Public Auction, on
The following property
STOCK -1 brood mare 7 years, 1 gelding 7 years,
1 gelding rt.ing 3 years, 1 sucking colt; all agricul•
tural; 1 carriage mare, 7 yrs., Standard bred; 6 cows
due to calve in March and April; 1 cow due to calve
at time of sale, 2 fat heifer., rising 3 yrs., 6 steers,
rising 3 years, for grass; 6 steers and heifers, rising
2ears; 5 cahes• 2 brood sow.; 2 store hoge, 11
piles 2 month. okl,
IMPI.EMENT8 -blinder, mower, seed drill, 3•horse
eulti.ator. hay rake, gang plow, walking plow, set
harems e, roller, cutting box,'pulper, truck wagon,
pair bob sleigh, hay rack, new; top buggy, nearly
new: cutter, nearly new; ret double work harms's,
set double plow harness, 2 sets single harness, one
new; robe., folio.; shovel., hoes, fill eel syrup mak•
Ing utensils, some household furniture; 15 tore tin'
othy hay, some clover hay, quantity good at straw;
300 bushels turnips.
There will also Ire sold at the same time and place
that choice faro, being lot iA, Con. N.E.It., Usborne,
containing 100aere., on which there is an up -to•
date brick house. with slate roof; bank barn, 3619:,
feet; brick hog and hen house; large frame drive
house, never failing spring of water, good young
orchard, 12 acres hardwood hu•h,13 acre. fall wheat
Soa,ns in grass; .11 theplow Mir done. This farm
is well fenced and drained; is in a high state of cult i•
ration and a beautiful home.
TERMS - Chattels -115 and under cash; .tr that
amount 9 months credit o
it given on furnishing a1,-
proved joint notes, 6 per cent. off for cash on credit
Real E,tate -Tenn, of sale made known on day of
,ale nr t -r applying to .t. W Stewart, Eseeutor.
Dickson & Carling. J. 1V. Stewart,
Solicitors Executor
Auction Sale
OF -
Farm Stock and Implelnents
Th• ocd, r• ;r . J au, tioneere ha.e been in•trn. ted to
'ell l.; public anctMn on
Lt)T 9, CoN. 1.2, TP. OF 111 HiIERT
TUESDAY, JANUAitt 21, ifltlg
The following property-
11044E8- 1 brood mare, S )ears; 1 brood mare,
',years: 1 aged�nare;1 filly 6 months old; 1 good
work home, al agriculture; 1 driving horse.
CATTLE- 4 cow', due to cap, in March sod
April; 1 dal eow, 6 heifers 3 years, fat; 6 steers rising
3 yrs; 1 heifers rising 3 years; 6 .teen and heifer, ri•
inalyear*; 6 steers and heifers 1 vr. old; 3 all
IIO0S- 4 hogs nearly ready for market; . hog.,
140 lbs. 1r• hog•2 months old.
FOWL !S Barred Rork hems.a . White Leghorn,.
IMPLEMENTS Massey llsrris hinder. Paterson
Pinder. Brantford mem er and pea bar. esterattn. he.1
10 -foot •teed rake, new; McCormick div drill: new
1.15 hoe seed drill; 1 bon di.- harrow, yet diamond
harrow.. large 2durrow plow, gang plow, 2 aaiking
plows, 1 new plow, 2 sna ers, land roller, 2 lumber
wagons, top boggy, new; open buggy, pair 1.nb
sieighs, cutter, wagon tax, gra. el Lox, fanning mill,
root puiper, i-ale*,rsp. son n.a.:.•ream Separator,
,tone boat, hay fork. rope, ear and pulleys: dike'
Iron'craper, wheel barrow, chains, forks, Ansel*,
grain bag* and numerous other articles. anlongthe partielentitledthereto,hae. given the hearer*. Vocal solos were
in ton. Ent rias. timothy hay. quantity of fret- in
The hY.M.CSA. Movement.
A movement is on foot in Horan
County for the establishment of a
County Y. M. C. A. There are over
6,000 branches of the Young Men's
Christian Association in the world,
but they are Mainly confined to the
larger towns and cities. In the United
States a few county associations have
been organized, and now it is proposed
to organize county associations in
Canada, and Huron County has been
selected in which to begin the work.
With this object in view, meetings
were held along this line in the differ-
ent churches in Exeter on Sunday and
a mass meeting of the men in the
Town Hall in the afternoon.
Hev. Mr. Hopkins, Field Secretary
of the Ontario Association, spoke in
the James Street Church in the morn-
ing, giving an account of the history,
growth and objeets of the movement,
the work done among railway men,
the army, the navy, and among the
negroes in the south. He also spoke
of the dangers awaiting the young
man on first going to the city, and the
value to him of being connected with
the Y. M. C. A. Tine other gentlemen,
Mr. Stewart and Mr. Collins, spoke in
other churches in the morning.
The mass meeting of the men in the
afternoon, presided over by Mr. 'r. H.
McCall , was well attended. Hev.
Mr, Collins read a Bible lesson, the
male quartette, consisting of Dr. Kins-
man and Messrs. Senior, Palmer and
Fleming. sang, and Mr. Collins, who is
the Field Secretary for the County
Association. spoke on " A Man." In
the course of his talk, be said a man
should have a purpose, have enthusi-
as►u, physical and mental development,
be honest. truthful and a Christian;
and the Y. M. C. A. taught young men
to be thus.
A general meeting of the congrega-
tions of the churches was held in the
James Street Church in the evening,
when Mr. Hopkins spoke of the pro-
gress of the work in greater detail and
Mr. Collins satlke of the need of it in
the rural communities. A convention
is to be held in Clinton on Jan. 23rd
and 24th, when a county committee
and secretary will be elecred to organ-
ize the county. He also talked of the
manner in which the social, ethic*.
tional, physicial and religious work
would be assisted in even the little
The people of Exeter seemed to be
favorably impressed and will undoubt-
edly do their part to further the move-
DR. PiNGEfj, O or
tl•otrIORl trwwtmw"t of .t.n.ases of
women a specialty.
Brick and Tile for Sale
The undersigned has a large quantity of Brat -class
brick and tile for sale on his yards, situated opposite
the grist mill at Crediton East. Satisfaction guar-
anteed. It will be to your interest to call and make
an inspection before buying elsewhere.
JOSEPH IIAIST, Crediton East.
The Council of the County of Huron will meet in
the Council Chamber In the town o1 oo,lerich, at 3
o'clock p.m. on Tuesday, °.lith day of January next,
All accounts to come before the Council must be
placed with the clerk by January 270).
Dated Jan, 13, 1908. W. Lane, Clerk
50 some, more or leas N ry Lot 3, Concession 3,
M,1;illicray, cheap 11 sold at once. Apply to
Racal Hotel,
Centralia, Ont.
and Household Effects
The undersigntrl Auctioneer has been instructed to
sell by public auction on the premix.s of the nide r
signed, Exeter, vin
at 1 o'clock, the following property:
01&v cupboard, bureau, 2 carpets. a number mats,
3 bedsteads, cupboard, 2 pair lace blinds, 12pieture.
2 wagons, a quantity coal and potatnts, land roller,
easy chair, clock, extension table, cook .tone anti
furniture 2 box stones, 2 rocking chairs, drop leaf
table, sink, clothes ringer, 2 stands, 12 common
cbairs and other *Weir' too numerous to mention.
There will oleo be sold at the same time and place
that excellent tillage property,beinv part of Lot 16,
containing 414 acres of first-class land, situated on
South side of Huron street, in the Village of Exeter.
There 14 on the property a good fran,e house and
stable and other conveniences.
TERMS OF SALE -Chattels, cash;
made known on day of sale.
real estate
Nomination At Hensel!
HENRY HOHTON, Conserative
M. Y. McLEAN, Liberal
Both the Conservative and Liberal
parties from all parts of the riding
were well represented at Hensall on
1Vedneeday afternoon when the nom-
inations took place. So great was the
crowd that the church shed had to be
Continued on Page Four.
Farmers' Institute Meeting.
The regular annual meetings of the
Farmers' Institute of South Huron
were held in Brucetield and Exeter on
Saturday and Monday. A large num-
ber of people were present at both
At the Exeter meeting the Presi-
dent, %V. D. Sanders, being detained
in Crediton, Henry Smith was moved
to the chair until Mr. Sanders arrived.
Mr. R. B. McLean, of Kippen, was
first called upon. He chose as bis
subject, "The Life of the Farmer and
the Bondage under which He Labors."
He said we should raise the standard
of the farmers, socially, morally and
politically. The drift is in the wrong
direction. The rural districts are the
safety valve of public opinion. 1Ve
should do away with gossip. lingenet•-
oslty, unneighborliness, get rid of had
habits, and conduct ourselves so that
disparagin; statements may not be
made of us. The fiscal laws are a
bondage to the farmer. We have only
20 farmers in the Dominion House -
too ins ly professional men. We should
send farme@rs-good rnen. He hoped
the far•nlertlirwonld consider this. He
regretted the extravagant expenditure
of money for various things when a
few dollats for rural delivery were not
forthcoming. The government spent
too tnuch money in bonusing and
bounty feeding. It is the duty of the
farmers to co-operate.
Mr. Sanders, who now took the
chair, endorsed tbe statements of Mr.
'.1r. G. Barbour, of Crossbill, spoke
on " Draft Horses and How to Raise
Them." The couditions in Ontario are
so favorable as to food, etc., tbat we
should raise horses of high type and
quality. There le evidence that we
ure not doing this. There is too much
mixed breeding and cross breeding.
We should persist in pure blood,
not use grade sires, as the progeny is
no better and no advance is made in
breeding. 1,'a�•eata should be sound
and free frotiifdamage. By means of
a chart be showed the points of a good
horse, dwelling particularly on the
foot, the pastern, knee and hock joint.
Good foot, sloping pastern, wide and
flat knee, wide and flat forehead, well
set ears. wide jaw, arched neck, slop-
ing shoulders, thick through the heart,
short, broad back, and good coupling
are necessary. He also spoke of the
care of brood mares. previous to and
after foaling; also of the care of colts,
which should l:e weaned after 41 or 5
months. He warned the audience
against syndicating horses. Many
questions were asked and answered.
Mr. W, J. Lennox, of Newton Rob-
inson. spoke on "Sheep -Breeding and
Their Management." Many farmers
went out of sheep a few years ago,
owing to low prices. The price is now
increasing and farmers are returning
to the raising of sheep. in the choos-
ing. two-year-old ewes and well-bred
and good individual sires should be
chosen. The sheep should be well
culled. Care should be exercised in
lambing time. Good buildings are
necessary. Sheep should be fed clover
hay, pea straw, and a few oats and
roots through the winter. In the
spring they should be introduced
gradually to the pasture and allowed
a little Chop meal, fresh water and salt.
They thrive faster and are ready for
the market at any time. During wean-
ing time they should be put on poorer
pasture. Numerous questions were
asked and answered.
The Woman's institute meeting held
in the Opera House in the afternoon
was a particularly successful one. The
speaker for the day was Miss L. Shut-
tleworth, of Guelph, who discussed
the subjects, " Health as a Basis of
Womanly Beauty." and "The Can-
ning of Fruits," in a most excellent
manner, giving many valuable hints
JOHN GILi. AVM, S. BAKER to the large number of ladies present
Aq.t. Prop. along these lines. These who took
part in the program deserve great i
also t for their able renditions, c does •FOR ONE WEEK ONLY
A190 their instructor and the Rccomp- I
anist, Mr. Brown. They were Misses 1
Edna Follick, Gladys Bissett, Irene
1n the Sitrogate Court of the Judici•' Farmer, Lillian Anlo', and Messrs. All Stoves and Range
al District of Saskatoon, ' Amit ew Butt and Herb Southcott.
in the estate of Patrick Curtin, late Rev. eD.a W. Collins also gave an excel. 1 0 Per Cent O
of the ('it v of Saskatoon. in the pm. ! lent reading from Kipling. The whole
vtnce• of Saskatchewan, Horse Dealer. , was thoroughly enjoyable.
Deceased, formerly of Centralia, in the i Tire: CONCERT. This
Province of Ontario. 1 1 his iS what 10 per cent off means:
i The entertainment in the Opera A /� �w
Take e t ise daaty, pursuby
H to an or•' douse in theeveningngaeJ a large A. GARLAND Range,
der made this day, by HTP HonnrJndge i number of people and in the opinion g"
McLorg, all persons having claims I of all was the best ever presented tin•
against the above named deceased are j der the Farmers' institute auspices, Regular $38.00 THIS WEEK
required to send in snob claims duly' Mr. T. B. Carling presided in his IIstiai
verified by Stattitort Declaration to' happy style. Mr. Barbour. Mr. Len. Remember--aily stove In store at 10 per cent Reduction.
the National Trust Company, Limited, ; no: and Miss Shuttleworth, who ad -
at Saskatoon, aforesaid, the adminis- , (]reseed meetings in the afternoon. Skates, 50C to :; 2.25 Hockey Sticks., 10c, 15C, 25(', 45c, 50e
trator of the above estate on or before spoke on the slll.ierts respectivelt
To the Electors of South Hurons.
As you are doubtless aware a by-election for tbe House of Commons is to
be held in South Huron on 1Vednesday, Jan. 22. This has been rendered ne-
cessary by the death of our able and lamented member, Mr. Benjamin B.
Gunn, whom you honored with you generous support in 1901. He deserved
your confidence; the Liberal Conservative party deserved that support. To-
day it appeals to you through a worthy leader, who wears the white flower of
a blameless life.
As a candidate of the Liberal Conservative patty, I shall support their ef-
forts for an honest expenditure of public money, and a thorough prevention
of eleetoral corruption. I and a firm believer in rural mail delivery, in railway
and immigration reform and in nationalization of our telegraphs and tele-
phones. As your representative I shall use my beat endeavors in support of
every measure that I know is right.
As a farmer I believe I have both a special knowledge of your wants and
special claims for support from this great rural tiding,
Owing to the shortness of the time I shall not be able to meet all the elec-
tors before polling day; but I hope to visit as many as possible, and to see
many more of you at the various public meetings.
With the season's greetings, I remain,
Yours sincerely,
STEcKL1�.-In Stanley, Jan. 0, to John
Steckle and wife a daughter, (still-
INGRAM-In Hensel], Dec. 29, to Har:'y DEATHS
Ingrain and wife a daughter.
STOKES -At Brinsley, Jan. 7, to Wal-
ter L. Stokes and wife a son.
CA3IPBELI.. - At the Thames Road,
Usborne, on Jan, kith, to the wife ANDREW --In I3iddulph, on Jan. Otb,
of Andrew Campbell. a son. John Andrew, of Usborne, aged 69
years, 7 months and 20 days.
MARRIAOOS. LAMM/HT-In Denfield, on January
20tb, 1908, Marriah Lamport. wife of
Elm-STADE-At Dashwood, Jan. 7, Edward Lamport, aged 87 years, 3
Herman J. Eidt, to Miss Emma, months, 15 days.
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. Stade, TOWERS. -In Hibbert, on Con. 14th,
of Dashwood. Jeanette Bell, beloved wife of Wm.
Towers, aged 80 years. Funeral on
HItARN--STRONO--At Egnlondville,
Jan. 8, by Rev. Shaw, Norman R.
Hearn of Hatuiota,Maii.,to Elizabeth
Strong of Tuckersmith.
Matarr-r-In London, Jan. 8, Mary
Alice, wife of Rev. F. E. Malatt,
aged 34 years.
BROWN-MORLOCK-In Crediton, Jan.
7, by Rey. Bean, Otte Brown, to
Miss Marie Morlock, all of Crediton.
Wwtzt-SctlwAnz-In Crediton, Jan.
2, by Rev. Bean, Edmund Wurrn of
Zurich. to Miss Lydia Schwarz of ship died at her home in Toronto on
of Crediton. Sunday.Deceased had reached the
MUTRIE-BETHUNE-In Seafnrth, Jan. good old age of 89 years. The funeral
8, by Revda. Patterson and Larkin, took place. from the G.T.R. station
James T. Muffle of Vernon, B.C., to Seafortb Tuesday afternoon, the in-
isaltel, daughter of Dare. C. Bethune ternleet taking place to the Egmond-
of Seaforth. ville cemetery.
T.Ickersinith: Wilheminia Pape,
relict of the Wm.Bubolz, of this town -
01'11 NEW S'I't)('K OF
Watches,Je wellerd, Silverware, Toilet
Sets, Etc., Etc.,
has just been opened up and we may
safely say that this is the finest stock
that has ever been shown in Exeter.
Our Coods are at Prices
The Will Suit You
Call and Examine Earljjl
Exeter, Ont.
av1ns u� Hardware
The 181 Dad of April, 1001 „ Farmer -r anti Their l9on'," 'Farmers' Ankle Supports, 25c Carvers, in cases, 10 per cent oft
Gardens, ' And Eteninge Rt home. '
Scissors, in cases. 10 per cent off
And Further Take Notice that npon These subjects were handled in a ere -
the expiration of the said time the said cially pleasing manner and were list- Lanterns, heavy cold blast, 65c
Administrator will proceed to distrib. ened to most attentively by the Audi- Nickle-Plated Popper Tea Kettles. 81.35
ate the assets of the said deceat+ed . ence. Mich good informatiern was
I)r. Scott's Stock Poultry Food, 25c, 50c. and 81.00
international Stock Poultry Food, 25c and 50c
A few tons of COIL SPRING WIRE left at
class oat straw in tarn, a targe stork of wheat straw
well saved, 1!0boobs+Peed oats, (tanner; quantity
of manggoold, and turnip%.
TERMS- $6 and under rash; over that amount 10
worth.. relit will le given on furnishingapprove.)
joint notes. 6 per cent nil for,•ash on credit amounts.
roati.ely ne reserve a. proprietor has sold his
Tho. Cameron. N. and A. Nickell'',
:Auctioneer. Proprietor,
g reg%lid only to the elAiIDS against. well ren ere( by Mr. Fleming, Miss
the said estate of which at shall then Carling, Miss Griffin of Lendnn, Miss
have notice. 1Johns.and Miss L. Elliott of Centralia;
violin •010' by Mr, D. B. S
Dated at S.,skat
of Saskatchewan,
!Notional Trust
By Stratton, Su
, .en. in the Province
3rd day of Jan. 141081
Compeay, Limited
of the said t.stato
therlend & Jordan,
Advocates herein.
readings by Miss K. Elliott of Cen-
tralia and Miss Lanlhrca,k. All who
took part ac 1'iitt,- l themselves most
creditably and a twat ty vote of thank'
was tendered theta at the conclusion
of the program.
$2.85 per 100 lbs.