HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-01-09, Page 8f WELL
The w••th.lressed man is the suc-
cessful ni •n of the day. A good
appe it a se counts for a great deal
in 11.e particular times, and a
little ear•• about neat and well fit-
ting garments is one of the best in-
vest mews a young man can make.
Have your clothes made to order.
We in •ke the kind of Suits and
°vet coat - that gives a man that
"tw••i I t • e -sed" appearance so much
des red. We make the Clothes to
fit the man.
Merchant Tailor,
Exeter, - Ontario
Business Locals-- Read Them
Clubbing Rates.
There is int clubbing rate too good
for Anvoe.tTE subscribers. \Ve have
the hest Hod cheapest list that can be
secured. a,.11 all you have to do is call
and take ..1 vantage of it.
Cutters for sale.
A car 14•iel of McLaughlin cutters fur
sale. Best on the market and the
price rea.,.n able.—\V,G. Bissett.
Farm for Sole.
5:11 acre farm, situate west of the G.
T. R. and north of the salt block, Exe-
ter. Terms easy. Apply A. Q. Bolder.
Lads Fur Lost.
Between Exeter and Mensal' a long
brown tady'a fur. Finder will be re-
warded by leaving at this office.
Marriage Licenses issued at the;Ad-
vocate office.
douse to Rent.
On William street, brick story and
half dwelling, in good state of repair.
Apply to Mrs. Perkins.
gaiF Mfg ilir'Uritil"3f AF
l.O(. AL 1.)OINGS.
School reopened Monday with the
sine staff of teachers.
Mr. Chas Rowe received word last
week of the death of his brother John,
at. Flushing. Mich.
00 " Where Art Thou?" Itev. Going
preached an interesting and appropri-
ate sermon to the commencement Of
the New Year on Tuesday evening.
\1r. Choi les Clark, who resided in
Mrs. Wm. Dearing's house, Elizabeth
street, proved last week into the house
recently vacated by Mr. ('ruickshanks
on William street.
A piece of a darning needle, an inch
long. was taken from Mater Earl Cook -
run's foot the other day. The needle
had been in his foot for over two years
and had become quite rusty, causing
hire much pain at times.
Last Thursday Mr. I).tvid Howtclitte
soot him house to Mr. Phil. I{owcliffe
Of E. onion. Possession will he given
on January 1st. Mr. RowclifTe will
serer' hi. connection with Harvey
Bros at the still and will engage in
the meirantile business with Mr. ira
Spicer at Granton,
1•, the interests ))f Y. M. C. A. work
the Provincial Aaameiation is ende•ty-
nr•iott to organize a county association
in Huron. With that object in view
a convention is called for January Zird
in Clinton. Meetings will he held in
the .1 ones street church next, Sunday.
Rev. J. W. Hopkins, the field secre-
tary, will speak in the morning. A
men's mass greeting will he held hi
the .tfterno„n. and a 100)5 meeting of
t he e, mg w.1 ions Of all the chtirrhes
will he hell in the evening in James
atreet church.
sold only at Howey's Drug
Store. Big bottle for 25c,
-! +4+++f+4.41 44++4.41H.11-4-1114.44.44-11.1144
0 man pays a big
price for his clothes
doesn't make then)
1o..k good. The nr,t•
ierial may be the
tineat.hnt the 11' may
iI.)t be tight. Al•
ways the latest and
beat fabrics ,•f the
nisenent are het e.
(Sir tailoring is Olst-
en:. t-' ,end our piice%
\Within te•aeh of
Your Tailor
1.ot be tars$ dressed
.'•Il't meanmeantm pay
most. Jost I,erallaP
Merchant Tailor - Exeter
A pleasant ttssewhlt• was held in
McDonnell's Hall no Tuesday evening.
Mrs. John Wood was quite ill the
former part of the week, but is int -
Mr. 1f. Spackman took it) a cut•os it yy.
haat week in the shape of a white drink
.kin. The skin of the mink is :almost
Meat iabty black and such a freak of
nature is rarely seen. The fur is of no
pat titular value, however.
Fireman James Lutton, who was re-
cently ,tarried to Miss Rose Batton of
town. had his leg fractured in several
places Monday as a result of being
crushed between a car and the step of
an engine upon which he was riding.
Prof. Crocke►'s trained horses were
an attraction at the opera house on
Monday and Tuesday and the show
was well patronized. The perform-
ances were well worth seeing, the
horses being well trained and very
The Exeter Hockey Club was organ-
ized on Tuesday evening with the fol-
lowing officers : Pres., It. N. Creech:
Vice -Pres., Fred Bawden; Sec.-Tteas.,
W. G. Harding; Manager, W. H. Alger.
Practices will be held on Monday and
Wednesday evenings from 7 to 8
Monday, Wednesday and Friday
nights are reserved for skaters at the
$•ink, the other evenings of the week
being retained 1)) the curlers. On
Monday and Wednesday the ad-
mission is 10 cents for all. On Friday
nights, when the hand is in attend-
ance, the admission is 15c and 10c.
Mr. \Vm. Balkwill met with an un-
fortunate accident on Tuesday of last
week. He was out hunting and on the
approach of a rabbit stepped off a
stump and alighting on an uneven sub-
stances broke a bone in his right foot.
However he got the rabbit. A few
weeks no crutches will be the result of
the accident.
A week of prayer is being conducted
in the different churches this week.
On Tuesday evening Rev. Going took
charge at the Presbyterian church.
On \Vednesdity Rev. Martin took
charge at the Main street chutch. On
Thursday Rev. Fear takes charge at
the Trivia Memorial church and on
Friday Hev.Collins takes charge at the
James street church.
Mr. F. E. Karn of London, formerly
manager of the Sovereign Bank, Exe-
ter. was married in Woodstock on
New Years' night to Miss Florence E.
Robinson. Rev. Mr. Wallace per-
formed the ceremony in the presence
of the immediate relatives of the con-
tracting parties. The bride was mar-
ried in her going -away dress of blue
broadcloth tailor-made, with hat to
match. Mr. and Mrs. Kann are now
on a trip to the eastern states. F. E's.
friends here will wish him and bride a
happy and prosperous married life.
Board and lodging for two gentle-
men. Apply at Advocate office.
On Friday night, January 10th, a
grand carnival is to he given in the
sink when liberal prizes will be award-
ed for fancy, comic and national cos-
tumes, hest country couple, and two
races. Band in attendance. Adrnis-
sicn 25c, 15c and IOc. Season tickets
not accepted.
%oxetgesaaas Remedies.
On account of the incr'easxd demand
1 am obliged to Better the accommoda-
tions. Mr. Cole has kindly accontmo-
dated ma of the privilege of keeping
the remedies at his store. Come and
see what we have. The Doctor's rem-
edies have made the insane sane, the
sleepless to sleep, the weak strong.
('ore for pneumonia. Everybody
should have it. it keeps for years.
WM. M. BI..aTt•itt-otln,
Agent for Canada.
Installation of Officers.
The officers of Exeter Lodge No. I17,
1. O. O. F., were duly installed on
Thursday evening of test week by
D. D. (...N. Bro. Stanbut•y, assisted by
other fast Grands, as follows: J.P.G.,
W. Prayne; N.(i., A. H. Kinsman;
V.6., ('has. Disney; ltec.-Sec„ H. N.
Taylor. Per. -Ser., A. E. Enke; Treas.,
E. M. )ignan; War.. Jos. laanlbrook;
('on.. ('liarle • Beller; I{.S.N,G., W.
W. Taman; Iy S.N.G., Wm. Statham;
R,S.V.(1.; Wm. Berry; L.S.V.G„Chas.
Northcott; (1.G., Alex. Stewart: LG..
Ed. Beaver; H.S.S., Wiliam Martin;
L.S.R., 'Thos. May; ('hap. John hind.
Coalag *gala.
Lovers of moving pictures will have
a I are ti eat Tuesday and Wednesday
of next week when Green's ” World's
Greatest -. will appear in the 1►peta
House with an entirely new collection
of pictures, educational, mysterious,
imaginative, and not forgetting that
the world loves to laugh, the humor -
tots pictures will not be found %rant•
ing. With a new machine and the
latest electrical devices, the pictures
will he shown tlicketleas. Mr. Berton
G. ['eters, in popular songs beautifully
iltttstrated, is a strong additional feat-
ure. Prof. Green's success last engage-
ment and the splendid pictures shown
will be remembered by his many pat-
ron• here and crowded houses will
greet his 1 4.1 11111 here next week.
neat` of Mrs Janes A !taaders.
it was sad news to many tt1 It:un of
the death on Saturday of .Nirs. Jaynes
A. Sanders, formerly Miss Emily
Wood, daughter of Mr. \Vat. 1Vood
of London, but who until a few years
ago resided in 1'sborne• township. 1'n -
til May last the deceased was the pic-
ture of health and vitality and gave
promise of a long life. It was then
she was taken down with symptoms
of serious illness, but it was expected
that her youthful energy would have
enabled het to shake ofT the fell de-
stroyer, bit it tuned out otherwise
and she slowly and gradually succumb -
ell to the deadly effects of the disease.
For several weeks she had been cared
for at St. Joseph's Hospital and all
that the skill of physicians and train-
ed nurses could suggest were to no
avail. The subject of this sketch. who
was in her 20th year, was a universal
fat or ite, of a lovable disp )aition, pre•
posing and amiable, nice of appear•
ince and lady -like in ntanner,and deep
sorrow prevails at her demise. Ah )lit
six years ago she was united in marri-
age to Mr. Sanders to whom the 55d
bereavement is indeed a devere trial.
She leaves no family. Her remains
were brought here by train on Monday
mot nit g.the funeral taking place from
the tleoot on arrival of the ISO train
to the Exeter cemetery. There was a
lar►tr a'tendanre and aim-ete 5ympl•
by is • 0 the bt'reayed (• i• oda Wes
f•'' .t •i '\pressed.
Apple Butter for Sato
Parties wishing an excellent quality
of apple butter should buy it at the
('awning Factory.
Card of Tkankss.
Mr. Win. Baker and family Desire
to thank the friends for their kindness
awd sympathy allow') during the ill•
Hess and death of the late Mrs. Baker.
Death of Mrs- N'a, Baker.
As we stated in our labs issue the
death occurred of Mrs. Wm. Baker of
Huron street on Tuesday afternoon,
Dec. 31, as we were about to go to
tress. The late Mrs. Baker was born
in Galway, Ireland, in 1827 and was 80
years, 2 months and 4 days of age.
`Viten three years of age she with her
parents emigrated to this country,
settling in the County of Carleton. In
18:i0 she was married in Londcn, at
which time she and Mr, Baker settled
on Lot 7, 5. Boundary of Stephen,
where they remained notil 1884 when
they disposed of their farm and moved
to Exeter: having purchased the pro-
perty of Mr. Allen, East Huron street,
where she remained until her death,
which sad event was the first break in
the fancily. Deceased had been ailing
for over a year of dropsy, which coup-
led with old age was the cause of her
demise. She was a good wife and a
kind mother and the sympathy of all
is extended to the bereaved husband
and the family of four sons and three
daughters, Thomas of Port Huron;
Mich.; Wm. J., of St. Marys; George
of Walkerville; Harry 13. of Detroit;
and Mrs. Thos. Flynn, Mrs. Abram
Dearing,r., and Mrs. Chris Zuelle of
Exeter, all of whom were here at the
funeral which was largely attended on
Thursday, the remains being interred
in Exeter cemetery.
Mr. Henry JLasun has retut sed to
Miss Pearl Rollins is visiting friends
in town.
Mr. Alger was in St. 'Phomas New
Years I)ay.
Miss Bailey of London is visiting the
Misses Treble.
Mr. John \Viinisley visited in Lon-
don this week.
Mr. It, Hueston of London visited
here Last week.
Mrs. Goodison and son Jack return-
ed to Sarnia Friday.
Miss Francis Davis of \Vinghawt was
home for New Years.
Mr. Richard \Ve1sh returned from
Port Arthur last week.
Mr. A. J. Snell and wife of Lansing.
Mich., are visiting here.
Mr. Charles Adams of Calgary visit-
ed friends here last week.
Mr. Adolphus Hooper has returned
from his visit to Michigan.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Inwood of Lon-
don spent New Years here.
Mr. Lionel Howard of Arthur visited
among old friends here last week.
Miss Livingstone returned to her
home in Blyth \Vednesday night.
The Misses Pearson of Landon spent
the New Year with relatives here.
Miss Lily Bell of London visited Miss
Edith Sanders on Thursday last.
Mrs. Elijah Higgins and sister Miss
1)everall have returned to Toronto.
Miss Bettie Sweet has returned from
a visit in Toronto, Ilamiltort and Lon-
Mr. Jack ('rooks of Clinton spent
New Year's evening with friends in
Mr, and Mrs. Gibson of Saginaw
were the guests of A. L. Hodgert this
Rev. and Mts. Perkins of Ingersoll
holidayed herr with friends last week.
Mr. Aobry Buswell of Lanchester,
ind., visited relatives in this district
last week.
Mr. At thin Sw•eitzecof I(ilnaanagh
Mieh., is spending a few days in Exe-
ter and Crediton.
Miss Lelilla Hedges of London spent
the holidays at the home of Mr. James
Dearing, Stephen.
(.rant and henry Milligan of i.on-
don are visiting their aunt, Mrs. \Vat.
Sweet. Mill street.
Mr. Thos. Phair returned to Leth-
bridge, Alta.. Saturday after a visit
with relatives here.
Miss \label i'ar•ker of Port Elgin is
visiting her aunt and uncle, Mr. and
Mrs. James Beverley.
Mr. and Airs. Shoebet 1 of Bad Axe,
Mich., are visiting the hitter's sister,
Mts. Simon ('ampbrll.
Mr. i.ouis Long• with his mother,
Mrs. Welsh. and son Gerald, is visit-
ing in London This week.
Miss Flossie Taylor of London is vis-
iting at the horde of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. James Taylor.
Roy Farmer and Fatnotr Senior,
students, have returned to Toronto,
and Tont Carling to Kingston.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Dearing return•
ed Saturday everting from a delightful
visit with friends in Mi •higan.
Mrs. Jane Snaith, accompanied by
little Mervyn Russell, visited in Lon-
don during the Christmas holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. Smith 4nee Mav Snell)
of Ingersoll and Miss Vera Snell of
Woodstock were here over New Year,
Mrs. Rosa has returned to Living-
ston. Mont., after several months' visit
with relatives in Exeter and Mensal!.
Mr. a. M. Sanders has been in To-
ronto during the week on business in
connection with the canning factory.
Mr. James Putnroy and wife and Mr.
Hazelwood, wife and fancily of Lon-
oneek. Hannahvisited airs. Hannah Sanders last
Mr. Gen. Crawley of Lucian spent
part of last week in town. There is a
possibility of Mr. Crawley moving
back to town.
Russell ('olwill, who visited his par-
ent. here during the holidays. re-
turned to his studies at Victoria ('oi-
lege, Toronto, on Monday.
Mr. \Vat. Hearnan and wife, Bert
Neaman and wife of London and Mr.
and Mrs. Beaman of ('ollingwood vis-
ited at W. .1. Heaman's New Years.
Mrs. Harry i'rouse after a pleasant
visit with her mother Mrs. Wm. Dear-
ing and other friends here, left Mon-
day for St. Marys to spend a few drys
with friends• prior to leaving for her
home in Marlette, Mich.
Mr. and Mr...1. it. Inksaterof Paris,
Dr. and Mrs. Hxlloway mf Peteritoro.
Dr. Mr1)'well of Listowel, Mrs. Floyd
and daughter of Seaforth, Mr. Wm.
1Velsh of Kansas Cite. Miasonri. were
guests at the home of Mr. W. .1. Bis-
sett during the holidays. \ir. Welsh
hag not leen „) i?a.•►er for 10 era? •.
Ht i, temaini:,K this week 5150.
Peas 75
Potatoes, per bag 50
Hay, per tun 12 00
Flour, per cwt., family
Flour, low grade per cwt 1 40
But tet'
Dried apples
Livehogs, per cwt
Shorts per ton
Bran per ton
Turkeys .
50 60
11 00
2 75
1 45
2.2 23
5 00
21 00
22 00
11► 11
7 8
7 8
5 tl
Melissa Balm
Makes the face and hands as soft as
velvet, prevents chapping, cures
roughness, redness and any
irritation of the skirt.
If von have never tried
don't accept another before
you have tested its merits.
Price 25c a Dittlo
W.S.COLE, Phm.B.
where every toilet necessity is stocked.
Mr. John Kerslake and Miss Etta
attended the funeral of Mr.John Rowe
in Michigan this week.
Mrs. Evans, Misses Park and Quance
of Ailsa Craig were here New Years.
Darnel Itendle has returned to Lon-
Mrs. Vale has gone to Niagara to
spend the winter.
if you want ehoice apple butter—
something of excellent quality—call or
phone the Canning Factory.
ENO 01•' wttllLtr TiItH YEAtt
I.ee J. Spangler, who has been pro-
phesying for the past few years and
who for the past eleven years bas been
issuing animal bulletiues,has announc-
ed his prophecies for 1008. When
Spangler first began to prophesy has
statements wete discredited and rather
inclined to be scoffed at by the incred-
ulous, but for the past few years the
fulfillment of many things which he
seemingly [.retold has caused his state-
ments to be looked forward to with
much interest and anxiety. Spacgler
has predicted many horrors among
theta the Baltituot•e (ire and the San•
Francisco earthquake and last year he
predicted great stoney stringency.
The recent outgoing of the American
fleet from Hampton }toads has spurred
Spangler to issue his bulletin for 1908,
in whirl) he predicts greater evils to
befall the nations of the earth. Among
them will he: The destruction of the
world, which will occur dining the lat-
ter part of December, lions. The exact
time he does not stipulate. There will
be great trouble with the nations.
There will be many famine.; and earth-
quakes. Mountains will crumble. Is-
lands will sink and ninny cities on the
Atlantic slope will he destroyed. Ile
predicted the destruction of Boston
and the burning of New York, There
will be a great falling off in crops and
the once boasted prosperity of the
fin rosy will come to nn end. Ile al-
leges that the stoney stringency will
be greater than ever. and that the
treasury of the 1'nited States will go
broke and that President Roosevelt
will hit/Fe his pile taken away with the
skill of it magician. The lack of con-
fidence, he says. will cause the people
to establish pocket banks and entry
their stoney around with thein. This
will provide robberies and great enmi-
ty among the people. Ile predicts the
visitation of the plagues mentioned in
the Bible and the sting of the locust
will mean death. Towards the last of
the year, he sacs, the sun will turn
black, the moor) will throw out a
bloody appearance, the heavens will
he shaken and the stars will drop.
Then trill be the end, and that the God
of the nations will select his own to he
with him in the air.
"Is The Beat"
Alk Akre' /kr& At Alk 1St
The Leading Hardware
We desire to thank. our Many pJatron.s
for the exceedin!2y liberal patron-
age extended to us during the past
year. We can assure them that their
int er c st s will be carefully looked afte7'
daring this year, anad that the quality
of OUT output will in no wise be 'sacri-
The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors,
January Stock Taking Sale
Big snaps in all our Winter Goods. We are now stock taking
and see that we have some winter goods that must be cleared out.
(food deep cutting will do the deed. We don't want to carry one
article over.
Cashmerettes and Wrapperettes
All nor 1'_'! and 15c. lines to be cleared out for only Inc. a yard.
All colors and patterns to choose from.
Ladies' Fur Coats
This is all we have left:
1 only. Fur -Lined ('oat; grey squirrel lining with Alaska Collar
and Revers. Reduced front $75 to $55
1 only, Electric Seal Coat, Sable Collar and Resets, reduced
from $50 to $10.
:1 only, Astrachan Coats, Sable Collar and Revers, reduced front
$50 to $10.
a only, Astrachan Coats, plain Collar, reduced from $50 to $10
They are all the best quality and are gnaranted for 5 years.
Fur i{uffs, Muffs and laps at 25 per cent. off.
Ladies' Jackets
Only 5 Ladies' Jackets left to be sold at _'1 per cent. off
A few children's jackets at the same discount
Men's Tailored Suits
About 12 suit lengths of this reason's gond% to Le cleared out to
make vomit for our spring stock.
Headquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing
20 per ceut. Discount plc
20 per cent. Discount off
all Winter Goods
k11 i di
& ROW F.