HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-01-09, Page 71 7 1 I TIIE NEYi IS OPENED Silver and Copper Coins were Struck Off. A despatch from Ottawa says: Tho fret Canadian coins t., be minted in to •, , were turned out at 3 i':ur day afternoon at the r. oieh c•f Iho 'loyal Mint, •ally opened by hie Ex- . :, ey in the presence of c • m1. - Government, pronlin- • :,t ull; ..- cote a11d it large crowd • r (maw,' eeepie wo were invited to w:etneee the formal opening. '!:hero tarts no spec...II-making in connection tw'ith the opening, hs Excellency mere- ly .ec•Inrirg the \lint lo be formally < '1• )dl(J, anal starring the machinery which wince the first silver fiifty-cent p!e:.•. The st aanpin:; machinery for the copper cent pieces was Martel sirnul- lano.u.*ly, and a souvenir copper coin tyros presented to each person pre.senl, after a tour of the building had been made. and 1110 venous processes ex- p:airseI by the officials in charge. The Melt will be kept in daily operation from now on. and will furnish a ready market for the product of Canadian cop- rcr and silver mines. It is the intention of the Government to build a refinery 1n connection with the Mint in order to insure 111a1 gold and copper which le brought in for minting will r degree of ,n r, p aly for coinage. The cost of the re - 'leery wilt ho about fifteen thousand dol:altC. C.P.R. WRECK (: _NEAR 'i:\IH.I:.tt'. �. . 1Jnd..ay Lady Killed and People Injured. .\ (1091..10h from Montreal says: An tether fa td eeeck on the 6.P.I1. look place eel i Friday morning hell[ way between l:hapleau and Cartier. A bio - 80 -11). rail caused eaasa ound express Ne 2 to leave the (rack. A baggage car end coach were derailed. and turned on (heir siders, and Mrs. 11. ~lower, of Lind say. Ont., was Lilted. Tho following peeeeng.:rs were h►jut•e:d :-Alex. Ross Ilundurn, Sask., lost right hand ; \\' 1:(•ynelds, elontreal, head cut; Duncan Livingston, Dluana, Ont., 'shoulder bniked; Lewi: Iloilo, 11ek,raino, Man., llrraad cul; E. E. Perkins, Port. Arthur,Peter, \IeN.•nn Black, cut on head; David Lind- av, Inndon, cut on head • I. ?stiletto., Paynter, Sask., head 111 and hand cut; Dan McDougall, SL Al - mem Ont.. cid on head; flohert Met - thew.,, Moose Jaw, back injurer]; A. Gil- chriet, Glennanan, Ont., scalp • wound. in addition to these passengers, Jas. Hale and James Stanley, employe% of Ute C.P.R. at Chaplain, went also injured. The accident happened on the L division Su- perior divi,6the hoadquiater.; of t:hich aro at North Bey, of which J. F. Brady is general superintendent.. The acciilent occurred at a point abut 114 'blies east of North Bey, anthe trails wwas running east. A VI1-St'ICIDE BI'IU \1'S. Resin of the First Year\ \\ ark Re- ported. A de,patch frau 1',radon says: Twelve rn ntlo ago Gen. Booth of the Salve - tea: eons stetted anti -suicide bureaus u1 I e• •• ,, .• t:.• of Iho world, and he 1:.w hoe: is-•,.cJ a rev;eww of the year's \work. Altogether 1,1.5 men and !10 women sought the assistance. • of the London Lurelu le save Idem from selt- dcslruclio whip' at least nn equal number ul • :• I at the bulcan; in other � c !.•<. It :,p; ears feint ,tl:e review that the eeee rs for help belonged mainly In the middle cla s. Moro than half . f It:. n, ear:heed the desire to end their 1 • financial embarrassment. r ..• i.,e••••n From the small r,o:na1 , r .,1 ,1. n applicants lien. 1' ••!h dcdu •. Ihnt They are better able I. 1 ear up ml.I r eernsws and trials 1, ,en men. Ile thinks it safe to say licit 75% of the applicants have been di.werfed from contemplated suicide and I. e...1 to surmount their diflcultics. Score, of • n m 4r--- NEGLECTED (:IIII.DIIEN. The foltoning extract from the On- 1:.rio C1111dreni, Prete-ellen Act will be of interest lo niagistrate:4 and philan- thropic worker± : -Scc. 31. Any Court (+r Magistrate bt lieu of committing le prison any child under the age of 1t years convicted before him of any offence against the laws of this Province may hand over such child to the charge of any horse for destitute and neglected clail.lren or industrial school or chil- drerex Did snc•iely and the managers of torch home or school or society inay per- mit it% adoption ly a suilnele person, and may apprentice it to any suitable le el.,. calling or service. and Ila' trans. 1, oine be ns we. lief ns If the managers tw'ro parents of such child. The parents e.: such child shall hay.• no right In re- move or interfere will' the salt child so cddnplel or apprenticed except by the repress permisslon In writing of the Minister." FED TiiROI:GII A I'IP1:. I'hrt'e \Icn Far Below Crawnd in n Nevada Mine. A dospalch from Ely, Nevada, says: 'teem, wo progressing C rk fs.lowly on the Alpha shaft of tete Giroux Consoli- dated Mines Company, where throe miners, A. D. Bailey, Peter McDonald and Fred Brown, have been entotn1e,l since Dec. t. 'Through a six-inch pipe food, air and water have since been sent, and a few days after the acct• dent enough canvas was sent down to enable the men, wife' the help of tome timbers and iron which Ihcy found on the 1,0:))-folt level, to make three cots. It will take at least three weeks more to reach the men Communication can be had with them by telephone, and they aro patiently waiting to be liber- ated. STARRED BY AN ITALIAN. Young "surveyor Named Bedard Badly Wounded. A despatch from Quebec says: Eying i t a bed in the Jeffery Ilale llospitnl, suf- fering from a number of knife wwot,ndLs inflicted by an Italian, a young roan mm�ecl llenl•1 ltedlard, a surveyor of Cap Ire uge, k in a serious condition. An Italian, who gives his mune as Stephan Sloan, is now an instate of a cell in the Central Police Station, charged with the culla,. The slabbing occurred in the d.ap Rouge omnibus about 5 o'clock on Tuesday evening. while the vehicle, lead. c:l with passengers, was on its way out of the SI. IMuis rood• and when it was at•out opposite the Plains of Abraham Spann 01141 Bedard, who are both em - propel by Contractor Davie nt Cap 1ira,g*e, goad Kiln an argument, and `al•anu. it i a.,te'd, drewv n knife and stabl:•'.1 Doter! some four or five lines. \\'hen Spnno we.: 0rrdstrd he appeared to be under 111•' .1211tlence of liquor. '11111:11 To IUL1_r111:N Si It IDED. British Officer Ends Life Under Peru - Bar Circumstances. A despatch from London says : Major Coates Phillips, an tepee' wile. distill- gui,hed hinas,'lf in the South African War. committed suielde here on 'Tuesday night under sensational circumstance . The \fajta' had been divorced. Some lime lige he made an attempt to hill him- self in the residence of leis former wife, tut was restrained. Thesday night he j returned to Iho home of \Irs. Coates 1 Phillips and reveal an entrance. Ills former wife. her mother and •n solicitor t were in the house, but when they nnW 11 ., excited nom break in they fled. Tho t Maier opened fin• with Ills revolver, Hanning at everyone he could see, and Then blew out his ernes. The snlieitor and the mother of Mi s. Cooks Phillips twerp wounded, but not seriously. _•--�.}--. -- \\ \I.1w1 1 (11 1" \\ 1111 VIII: \I(1NI:Y, LEADING 111AIIKETSicoNIENSED NEWS ITEMS I111:4DS1•UlFs. Toronto, Jan 7. --Manitoba Wheat. - No. 1 northern, c,b,til nominal at 81.20; N. 2 not teens, 81.15; No 3 remittent, t41.11; feud veile.tt, 6k; No. 2 Iced, 51c. lake torts. Ontario Wheat -No. 2 white, Of,c to 97c; Nu. 8 red, t)5,: t, 960; No, 2 Mixed, 95c. Ilarley-No. 2, 71e to 720, outside; No. 3 extra, O9, to 70e. Flour -Winter wheat patents for ex- tent, selling al $3.70; Maniooba patents, e;,ecial brand, $5.80 to $6; seconds, 1'5.20; strong bakers', $5.10. Peas -R;1);^ outsid0. Bye --No. 2, 80::. Cern-Old Nu. 2 yellow American, lac, 'Toronto (eights; new, No. 3 yel- low, 65c to 65)Se; mixed, kiln -dried, 64yc. Oals--No. 2 white, 45).,0, oulsile; mlx- e 1, 41yc outside, 48c to 48X0 track 'Nervine,. Buckwheat -620 outside. Bran -19 in bulk outside.; shorts, $21. -- COUNTRY PRODUCE. Young turkeys, extra choice. 14et015; ale eh •Ire l lc to 13c eoaulg csc .... 9c1,a 10c Y..ung decks .... .. .... ... 9c to If, (:h: -kens, cho:ce , , .. , , , .. , 8c 1010e. Old fowl .................5e10 7c Inferior chicks and tow!, .. 4c to Sc Butter -The market is steady, with t prices unchanged. C:r•eanlery prints .... , , . , , . 28e to 29c do sa1:ds ... .... .. ...... 26; to 27c Dairy prints .... .... .... .. 23c to'4c do solidi .... .... .... .... 22c to 23c Inferior .... .... .. 20c to 2Ic Eggs Storage, 2ec to 21c per dozen ire case lots; selects, 25c; strictly new - laid nominal at 30e. Potateeo--700 to 75c per bag in car lets on track here. 11e911s-$1.70 to $1.73 (..r i•rimes and $1.80 to $1.85 for Irani -picked. iloney-.Straincd steady at Ile to 12c per found for 60 -pound .pails, and 12c to 13a for 5 to to -pound pails. Combs 111. 81.75 to $2.50 per dozen. Baled Slraw-Quiet at 89.50 to 810.511 per Mu on track here. Baled flay -Timothy is worth from $16.50 to $17 in car lots on track Here. PROVISIONS. Smoked ane. Dry Salted Meats -Long Greer bacon, 10, to 10)40 for tons and cases; Karns, large. naed:uin and Tight, 14c l0 15e; hams, 12),c to 13e; bacls, 16),c to 17e; shoulders, 10e; rolls, 1Oc to !Ogee breakfast bac- n, 15c to 1534c; green meals out of pickle, lc Ieze than smoked. Pork -Shore cut. 522.75 to $23 ,per Lar - rel; mess. 818 to $19. Lord -Tierces, Wee; tubs, 12c; pails, 12'/,c. IIIUFF:AI.O MARKET. Buffalo, Jan. 7 -Wheat -Spring high cr; No. 1 Northern. $1.17% carloae Winter firm. N... 2 red. $1.05. Corn - Firm; Ni. 2 yellow, Ole; No. 2 white 604c, Oats --Steady; No. 2 white, 51e No. 2 mixed. 49',0. Ilarley-98c to 81.10. Rye -90c, No. 1, on track. NE\V YORK WHEAT \1. tlNF.T. New York, Jan. 7. -Wheal -Spot, him; No. 2 red. 81.06)4 elevator and 81.07X f.o.h., nlalnl; No. 1 northern. Duluth. $1.23X. f.o.b. afield; No. 2 hard winter, $1.17), f.o.b. afloat. BUSINESS AT \IONTIU:.\L. Montreal, Jan. 7. -Grain -Car kits On- larin No 2 white al 50 to 50Xe; No. 3 at 43 to 49) r; No. 4 at 47 Io 47)he. and re- echo' al 4fy to 45e per bushel ex store. -armor-Cla(rl•o spring wheat patenL4, 861.10; seconds, 55.50; winter wheal pa- ei;t&. $5.50; straight rollers. 5:0 1•, $5.25; do. in bags, $2.25 In $2.50; extra, 41.30 0 81.1n). Feed -Manitoba bran, 823; shorts, 825; Ontario bran. 822.50 le 523; middlings, 825; sfiorl.s, 823 lo 824 per Ion, including hags; trilled needier, $28 4t $30, and puro grain moraine. 434 to $3C per ton. Previsions-itorrels short cul mese, $33.50 to 523; half ba•rele dM, 811.75 to 812.2:; clear tat backs, 823.50 la 824.50: long cut heavy twee, 821 to 521; half barrels do, 810.50 to $11.25; airy salt long clever l.rueks, 10); to 11 ,c; barrels pinto beef, $1:1.50 to 815' half harrels do, 87.25 to 87.75: barrels heavy Mega beef. 810 10 811; half barrels do, 85.50 tea $6; compound lard, 10 to He ; ire lord, 121 to 130; kettle rendered, 2), to 130; hares. 12 10 13)4c; breakfast aeon, 11 10 15c; Windsor bacon, 14; to 5 4e; fresh killed abattoir dressed hogs;, las.75 to $9: alive, $6.25 to $60.50. 13u1- er--sepl., 28 lo 29c; fresh receipts, 26 to 7c; dairy, 33 to 25c. Cheese -13 to 13)40. II.tf''I:NIN(;. rim ALl. O\ -..; 1111 W.o111:. telegraph Briefs Front Our Oen nut Other Countries of Recent Etyma. eats. CANADA. London's fire loses for 1907 total $30,000. Whitby's council was elected by ac- clamation. The Bell memorial fund at Brantford 540,603. Betiding operations in Montreal last year beat 5334)3,129. Bank clearings for 1907 in Toronto amounted t, $1,228,9e5,517. A new jail is needed at Woodstock. the present building being overcrowded. Judge Eruuttinger, of St. 'Thomas, holds that fishermen are not seamen. Permits to erect buildings \\1014th :2,758,540 were issued in Ilunlilton i11 1t 07. The Crown Bank of Canada is to bo amalgamated with the Northern of Win- nipeg. Jo':n Bird was fatally injured at Paris by being crushed 111 an elevator, on Saturday. Teterboro' will promote a bill 1•etore t the Legislature i o c loci its A Aldermen every two years. Customs duties collected in Toronto last year were $11,611,262.23, an increase (I 81.561,976.58. lion. J. 11. Cameron has been formal- !; proclaimed Justice of Iho Kings fiend' in \tnnitoba. The C. 1'. 1t. is laking off trains in the west. owing to a falling off in pas- senger erratic. 11. W. \\ a!ker, general auditor of the G T. 11., has reared after over 50 year: sel'wicP. Canada's total cuslomv revenue for December was $4,09:I,066, a decrease, and the first in years. The C. P. R. will issue over twenty- four millions of new stock to the pre- sent shareholders at par. Miss Margaret McBride of Sl. Tho- mas ,.ommitted suicide. by taking car- bolic acid on Saturday. Dominion Government wireless sta. lions are doing business regularly be- tween Victoria ane Pathetic. Geerge Kelly was killed in the Teethe - way mine at Cobalt on 'Thursday, by a Mickel dropping down tho shaft. IL ha, been decide) to keen Brock- ville schools closed on account of the smallpox outbreak. Twelve patient, aro it the hospital. John 'Pinson was run over by a freight (rain at Hamilton. on Wednes- day. One leg had to be amputated and the other is broken. An explosion of gasoline at the es- Inhlishment of the James Dye Works. Tomato, hlew out a side of the build- ing. on Thursday. • The Manitoba Government have Men \\'ah Resolver (Rohs n hiintr. tee Grocery Store. A despatch from Winnipeg says : A daring te)141-up wits molly and sue:tes. fully carried oil here on Salim/lay even- ing. ellen n stranga'a• walked! into Fran- cis' grocery s1010 in North Winnipeg aleeit 6 p.na., when them wales only one lfl clerk on duly. He poked a revolver 1 under the clerks nose and compelled hint to hanel over Ih.' cash in the 1111, nninunling in all In 57e. Ile made good 2 KIS .•-.: a e. HARDSHIPS BY SH1PYIIEO Ten Men Cast Away on an Island Off Cape Horn, A despatch from Boston says: A kilo of sltipwreck off Cape Horn, with its de- lnils of terrible sufferings from coal, hunger and exposure, was related on \\ etneeday morning by Herman llorke, on erri\al hero on the steamer ilorten- slue from South American port`. Ilarke was n nl.'mt.er of the rreww• of the Amen - cite barque Premia, which was wrecked o:1 Staten Island, Cape Horn, on June 1d, while on a voyage from Norfolk, \'a., M fort Townsend, Washington. The vessel struck a rock and in an endeavor to reach land four of the crew were droene.l while ('apt. Andrew Johnson wwas s., weakened by exposure that ho died the day atter. and len aurs-Ivors reached the barren island. "1 lived a lifetime in terse few weeks when we were cast nwway nn that desert hit of rock,' Hnrke said. "it was bitterly cr.l.l. (:apt. Johnson stile trying In make Nee ' eaee Island light. The wind in- Cresed to such frightful velocity that the barque el; a:horc and n wreck he. fore anyone realized where we were. She broke up at once. and everyone of lie jumped overboard. Eleven of the talrleei reached n jagged nock, where there was a bit of haul, white sand and overhanging cliff. "Al dawn Sabah, the Japenose cook, and Harry Hammond. a sailor were missing. They may have been crushed \where the ship went asunder or per- haps were drowned in trying to mach the rock. \Wo were almost frozen. "The strip of sand was about 300 feet long. and we 51w the ledge that over. feting our p4citiun wwas completely im• r(,asahle. ?l00 re was no escape. (:apt. J(•hnsen was suffering from an injury. We shielded him as best we might by forming a circle about him. Ile seemed Lt freeze stiff almost before the last Breath had belt his body. We menages! • bury him to the send. Wo collected a little driftwood for a tire and oonstru:ted a rough shelter." LiVE STOCK el.1f1KET. Tort11110, Jan. 7. -Prices of butcher callle got within touching distance n( &i, (.001 to choice sold al 81 10 $1.60, medium to good al $3.50 to $4. and com- mon horn $2.25 up to around 83. ("owe were scarce and higher. choice selling from 83.25 to $3.e5: medium. 82.50 to $3, and common, 81.50 10 83; canners, 75c t•. 81, 'Then' is a fair market for the right class of slockers. Prices lingo from Si.73 to 83.50. but cattle worth from 52.85 10 $3 are the r.l.wst hi ()emend. Milkers are steady, with pricea show- ing no material chnnqc'. Choice, 810 to s 5; malium, $25 10 835. The run of calses was very sn1n11, 3c to 6c per Ib still ruling. Choke lames sold from 85.25 In 570;0. with common grading down to 81.50. Sheep were flrrn, but quotations were un- changed, export ewes selling from $:1.75 t' $4.23, with bucks and culls al $2.50 to &1. The hog market was steady. The top figure paid was 85.70, with ,n diem at $3.15. Rough hogs were quoted about 5'Y below selects. •••==.111•••• The enemies of Count \W:11', the t•,rm- rr F(tlssian Prtete \linfater, ere trying to recce the resronsfhtlity for the ltsasters of the Rtraso-Japane--o war on hts shout• d enc 11 was Mattel at the Novae! court- martini oart- marttnl that at the time of the capitula- tion, the troops In Peri Arthur were tits - spirited and sick almost to a marl with scurvy. height the Bell Telephone system in the Province, the price reported being $3.300,000. The customs receipts at Montreal for 1907 total 816.876,465, 0n increase of 82.732.819 over the previous year. Engineer John 1. Walker was killed and J. Merrily. braakenlan, had his kg ern off in a coll.slon at Tilsonburg, on i hureday. Hon. J. D. Cameron. former AIJor- neyGeneral of Manitoba, has been ap- pointed a justice of the King's Itench. In a fight on Friday night in the lleli- nn quarter of Montreal one man was shot dead and another was stabbed and shot. and will harlly recover. Alex. Green, colnrel. irnplicnted in the C P. i). station robbery at Woodstock, was senleneed to five years in King- ston Penitentiary, on Thar-elny. \layer Cleve( of Port Arthur tins been presented with 1111 illuminated address, a picture of the Council and it gold wwahlt out hes retirement from the chair. The latest victim of small -pox in Win. nipeg held n large reception before con- sulting a doctor and the health au. therilin% nro agitated. In Mennonite dititri••ts in \lanllohn the t'nlon Jack is not flown ns pre- scribed by 111e government and tete pro - metal grants are threatene.l. On Snlnr.lay (awe firemen were thrown into a burning Mere nt Montreal by the ninsonry on which they were slane- ing giving away. All were rescued) without seriou., injury. GIWAT BIIITAIN. Lord Kelvin bequeathed his eslale of f5.1100.ne0 to his wife. . Countess Loupe Giussn, wife of a lead- ing Italian banker. was nriest.d for shoplifting in London, on Saturday. London proposes to provide f(•r its future water supply by creating n rest r- ye it where the Thome.' enters the city. The flag taken from Ile United `hates frigate Ctlesepenke In battle with the Shannon in 1813 is to be seed at au•' - lion. It is Anted lhnt Cir Ilenry Cnmpbell- flannerman, who is not yet restored Un health, may shortly resign the British Premiership. John E. itedmond has Wcsuel a Male. rreent In the effete lint nn reeonclltalion has ret been brought about tectween V. illiam O'Brien and the Irish party, lord Stralhcona grove a big ball on New Year's eve at Knebwworth ilall for the rnnling nig of his granddaughter, Mess France; flowery'. UNITED STATES. Thera are said to be 125,000 persons our of work In New fork. T\wo women were killed at Rochester Ly an explosion in a fireworks factory on Thurelsy. Twenty-one new boats will go into eemmis=l.,n 011 Iho great lakes when navigation opens. Irving linker. of Kingston. N.Y.. killed his wife and !mireear-old son enol then committed suteide on Thursday. Two inn are treader arrest at R.+rlles. tel on a charge of stealing the Street Beltway Company's stremetox from a cat. George A. Fisher, city builder inF.pee- pr at Namark, N. J., we. mortally • A DELUGE OF HOT VtCTAL Rushed Into Pit in Steel Converter at Pittsburg. A despatch from Pittsburg, Penn., says : Two men were killed and the - teen others seriously Injured by en ex- plosion in converter No. 3 of the F• ignr Thomson plant of the United staters Sled Corporation al North Bradd.,ck, about seven miles coast of heed, on Wed- eesday. The two men killed were foreigners. six of the injured were Americans, and the other's Slays. All were removed to a hospital in this city, where it wwas said their injuries were not serious. No official State'nme'nt of the cause of n, lt„ explosion has been i -:noel, but old converter quill men say the cause could i:ardly be other than tea! some of the molten metal sifted thr ..1, h the, soap• ci. nc lining of tate cxon\titer arid! 001110 in nonlact with the steel sheathing which perhaps was damp. \\•hen the e\pl•tsion occurred the bot - 10111 of the cones rater dropped out. throw - 1111; 15 tons (•1 ueolk'n metal int,, the pit where 15 1000 Wove woi king at the 'idles.. 'There Wars no expk.,uur when the hot mass of steel struck Ute bottom of the pit, but instead flames of burning gas were. sent up which burned the leen ,n the pit. The two 1)1er1 who were killed d had been working 1 n. r n r 6 under the 00 u eerier, and their bodies were terribly mangled. wounded by a burglar that enteral KILLED IN BUFFALO. he: use. N ev, Vork:s dog deleetives are to be used in Ma search for the slayer of the risen, N.J. Al. 11. Spink, editor of the Daily World. of St. Louis, was shot and per- haps fatally injured byVictorGroves, an employe. Miss Mollie Desmond, who swallowed lit rescues eighteen months ago in an attempt to commit suicide, died on Mon- day at New York. A jury at Boise Cily, on Friday, ac- quitted Pettibone of the murder of ex - Governor Steunenburg. The ruse against eloyer was dLsmiseed. A bomb, believed to be a Black (land atrocity, wrecked the lower floor of a fh:e-storey tenement house in New York. In a paper before the convention of the American Ethical Societies, Dr. Emil Ilnsch co►nplalneXt that Jews were be- ing persecuted in the United States. After a month's idleness, curtailing production, the woollen milk at Saxon- ville, Muss., resumed operations on full time. About 500 hands are employed. The prohibit:on law in Iho State of Oklahunia has eerie into force, and on Tuesday night 2,300 barrels of beer were retired into the s, vers in Oklahoma city. The grand jury ri luriled four indict- ments for alleged embezzlement against officials of the California Safe Deposit and Trust Company. Walter J. Ilarl- nett, J. I)alrell Brown and James Tread- well were the officials accusal, all of San Francisco. A bundle of lepers, registered peek - ages, etc., were stolen from the mail trucks at Temple, Texas. About 515.000 wt•crl1 of cheques, money orders, and /liofts were found in a pile where the letters had been torn open. but all regis• teret packages and money had been taken. GF.NERAf., Blount Vesuvins is again in eruption. Maxinlillen Ilarden, cditer of 'fele Berlin %ukunft, has been sentenced le four months in prison for libelling Count Kuno Von Moltke. Harden, the Berlin editor nate on IrlaI kr libel, received his information about the Court camarilla front the Knisc•r',± sister. British and Japanese interests in northern China have come into conflict ver the extension of the Hein Min Tun Railroad. Itobroff, chief of the provincial gcndnrnaerie•oa, was shot and killed in a crded strecl al Samara, Russia, on 'l'hursd. t►1. Deay4caigne, the late French efIn- isler of Justice, was refused a church burial because of his connection with the Free Masons, Japan hers !sued a memorandum in reply to the suggeaticn a on the restric- lien of emigration offered by the United States Government. Cnptnin Van Goebert, a distinguLehed German artillery officer, has confessed to to the ilunierer of Major Von Schoen- beck, a brother officer. TWO 11111)1111:IPs KILLED. \ Charge 411 Iay n:candle Expended I nnes• p ectedly. A despatch from Kcnor•a say.: in a dynamite fatality on Thursday even- ing on the Transoontinentnl Railway c •nslru•:11,11 works at Hawk, some roll.' east of here. John and Joseph Do v. r kst their li%'et4. The then, who are brothers. had a contract for. blasting, and white engaged - In 11111ng a bele That had been recently sprung;, the Chairgee unexpectedly exploded, killing both almost instantly. The iodiee (.1 the victims arrived !aero on Friday, 011 route fur fort Arthur, sstiere their re.• !her. Wok Dwyer. a flnr st, melee Terrible Death of Licul.-Col. John C. Cantley. - A despatch from Buffalo says: After passing through several campaigns in India, the Soudanuda n and `hulAfrica, without suffering a Sing!la w•uwid, fate reserved a horrible dea111 for Lieuten- ant-Colonel John C. Cantley, retired, whorl winter headquarter:~ were at the (.rand Union 11ote1 111 T01,011t0. As he stepped off a !Shin street car in this city on Sunday afternoon at Bryant street on his way to wide his two daugh- ters, ho was struck by u car travelling in an eppesil0 direction. and hes mang- led• body carried for 130 feel Lefora the mo:ormai brought the car to a stop. The accident 00cu►1.•1 in front of the Frontier Hospital. Surgeons from this institlat:on carried the dead colonel into the hospeal. and after the body had teen reviewed by \ledieol Examiner Howland it was removed to the home of Attorney Jotut M. Provost. No. 2,420 homed avenue, where liLs two daugh- ters are stopping. Both girls, who at- tend fhe Technical Iligh School here, were prostratod by the sight of their mutilated father. The us -dal which he \esu,.• was found crushed against his heart. The body will be shipped le a Mother in Baltimore for burial. Lieu- tenant-Colonel C.nalley had belonged to the Royal We -.1 Kent Regiment. He had seen servo.) in India, in the Gor- don relief expedition, rind at Mujuba Hill, retiring from the array in 1831. Ile leaves a wife ant seri in England. i GOOD 1'013 (:.A'rTLF\1':N. Mild \V oler etas 'leen Easy on Feed in the West. A despatch from Winnipeg says: \llld weather and the abseneo of snow have been a Lt...' ing; lo the prtjlle who have cattle in these districts where it \w:,.5 impossible to put up sullieient hay la.t fall for winter fodder. 1:p to Iho present time cattle have been browsing on 1!.e. prairies and it has emit unne,•es:nor lc give them any extra feed. 'Thus far- mers and stockmen have effected an inmton ' . awing on their hay supplies. Some stockmen killed off or sold 14) dealers a considerable proporllon of 11ieia• herds, and others secured a supply of straw, to help out in ease of pressure, find it is ltoww felt that the winter will bo paired without iuse. EDWtRD 11AM.1\ I.; MAD. Famous Oarsman fiurr h, to \hark of Pneumonia A despatch from Toronto says : 1'.41• award Harlan, former champion oarsmen of the world. diel at iris residence, 18') Beverley street, /silently before 1 o'clo:k on Saturday morning front pneumonia. 1'e ihad been ill for nhnul len dogs, and his physician, Dr. 'T. F. M.:\lalrnn, gave up lope early in the week. The patient was unconscious for several days, with orrasienal rallies, nnd he recognized hie) wife for the last time on Friday morn- ing. Mr. Hanlan was horn on 'Temente Island (Iffy -Iwo years ngo, and was el. ways a r'%!,lent of this city. S17(:11W ON 111s RIiITIID.AY. Ness Itruns\\irk 111,11 Ilan.gc.' Himself in Hie Rant. e decp.•Ii'h from Chatham. N.13...says: Jolu► pully. n well-known resident cif l '.t.gloslotwn, wwa nn \t'ednevlay found l:nngpng to a beam in the Karn of Mrs. John (bnue'lly, of that town. It was het 611h bfrtteley. When he 1ef1 the Imus., ILaI rent ning he wee apparently in wiry g(od health. Ahont 13 minules after ho went nut he one found hanging to the Leant Joel. OLIUE FOUGHT IN ARMOII A Four -Hour Battle Took Place in St. Petersburg. \ despatch from SI. Peter -berg says : E,rept for the discharge u1 lit'='arm+, the eenOtcl which was 1n.ght t.elww., a :•one Ilevolulionlats and the potter in 111 old s:reel in Riga the other .1:1) !tight have been taken for an e.uaull in the clays of Peter the, (,n'al, for the 4Nevernment forces elllere•l the nitnck wearing steel treastp•lates and helmets. The r•etol•a- Isnniste ncrnpi•..l the lop rooms nt n hwe- Mnre). heaves. The d'rar wee haroesele.l, neat toren the pollee demanded 211104. swop a women of lifly-Morn, named (;reit Tnmeen, rep tlel. "We shall not surr'n•l"r wltheet a light." At the earn(' 1n•fen( a volley acs f!rrsl through the door by the inmates, tiro built -4e ratil.ng against the armor of It,e men! !)llttil4e, ore, of whom ea.: slightly Menne, d. The [notice then enl"re.l an ardjoining Mee. 1nee ahl••h the re•a,141- 1ionisls .'ould 1'e mete r•en.lily attacked, and for heir heeirr a re,nlini.•,Is lire \wry (el -ivied Ihmugh 110' v,:at'<. (u•adnutly the replica 01 the revolu,e,nist4 lwcan,) leas fregnu'nl. aid Iinn!t) ,P01"1, 1'11.' polite* then broker inle the epnrt• remits and tonne (aiir deer. !•.eluding( ilio w• men To►ns+,n, lying: en ihr floor. Thais erre 111,0 01.4 11) 11 nine Iwo girl, w:c utelee. ?hey lend fired abeul seven Modred %huts and were none) with a \envier 1 : Ile and terve i lrvwvn: ng \Ras. •