Exeter Advocate, 1908-01-09, Page 4Grand
Fall and Winter Goods.
We have just opened up an im-
mense import order of Scotch and
English goods in all the LATEST
SHADES. Our success in the past
has been due to our knowledge that
Honest Coods and
Honest Prices
rust prevail in garments which appeal
to the better class of trade.
J. H. Hol tzmann
Qxetet Abitiocate,
Sanders & Creecn. Props,
THURSDAY, Jan. 9, 1908
Mrs. Ctidmore, also of the West, is Russ. Skinner of Eliinville last week.
visitin • at J. Johns and other freindsl -Geu. Banthorpe of Winchelsea is
around here. -Ed. Powell has been re- visiting old fiends around here. -Roy
Luxton visited relatives and friends at
Cromarty a few days hast week. -Miss
Brooks of Mitchell is visiting with her
brother, Ton, Brooks.
'�� ELSON E. HICKS -Voice Production and Sing.
la ins -Pupil of London Conservatory of Music,
11. Ruthven getionald,Charles White, London, Eng.
Ernest Eardley, London, Eng. A limited number of
pupils will beu,repted.
Miss Gladys Essery left Monday to
attend the Alva Ladies' College, St.
Thomas. We wish her success in her
studies. -Messrs. Edgar Buswell and
W. 1i. Butt left Monday Morning to
resume their studies at Toronto Medi-
cal College, after spending the holi-
days with their parents here. -Mr.
Russell Colwill, an arts student of
Victoria College and one of our own
boys, occupied the Methodist pulpit on
Sunday evening, and delivered a very
thoughtful and practical sermon on
the text, "God is Love." -Sunday w+is
the anniversary day of the Methodist
Sunday School and large congrega-
tions were in attendance throughout
the day. The pastor, Rev. W. II.
Butt, preached in the morning on
"Sunday School %York," and Mr. R.
Colwill preached in the evening. In
the afternoon an open session of the
Sunday School was held, when ad-
dresses, recitations and music were
given by both teachers and pupils.
Free will offerings were called for, in
lieu of the usual tea meeting. -Wm.
Anderson, of the Fairfield. Line, was
thrown over an embankment at his
barn on Saturday night by the door
blowing against hint, and had his leg
broken below the knee. a double fract-
ure being the result. The injury is so
serious that be is to be sent to the
London hospital. His many friends
regret very much to hear of the acci-
dent. -Mrs. Parsons, Sr., is quite ill
from congestion of the lungs. -Rev.
N. H. Butt left Tuesday morning to
visit his sister near Watford, Mrs.
Robt. Mcllveen, who has had a stroke
of apoplexy. She is well known in
this district, her husband having been
Reeve of Stanley for some years before
their removal to Watford. -Miss Isa-
bel Ingram of Toronto returned to
her home after a pleasant visit with
her uncle Mr.J. Hepburn. -Miss Marie
Hepburn is visiting at her home for a
few weeks.
A charming home wedding took
hplace at high noon on Dec. 28th at the
ome of Mrs. Alex. Jamieson. when
her daughter Nellie was united in
marriage to Mr. D.H. Austin,of Nairn.
The cereninny took place beneath a
wedding bell hung from an art'tticelly
arranged arch of white, trimmed with
evergreens, holly and flowers, Rev.
Rennie of Nairn officiating. The
bride in a charming gown of point
d'esprit over white silk, with conven-
tional wreath of orange blossotus,'en-
tered the room on the arm of her bro-
ther, who gave her away. After the
ceremony a tempting dinner was ser-
ved in the dining room. which was
prettily decorated with evergi eens,
holly and mistletoe. The happy couple
left on the 6:16 train for a brief trip to
eastern points, and on their return to
Nairn were given a reception by their
friends, about 50 of whoop gathered at
the home of the bridegroom tat do
honor to him and his bride. both of
whom are well and favorably known
in this neighborhood. Many useful
and beautiful presents testified to the
esteem in which they are held. The
bride's going away gown was of navy
blue chiffon cloth with hitt to match.
THE NewSrnool. HorsE.-An event
of considerable local interest was the
"house-warming" of the new school
house on Monday evening. The build-
ing, which is of brick. is 20x10 feet,
with it large, airy basement, contain-
ing furnace and coal rooms, besides a
neat play room. On the main floor is
the large. well -lighted class -room, with
an up•to•date black -hoard running
across the rear end. Every child can
thus view anys
part of itfrow his or her
seat, and the teacher can command
attention from her seat without inter-
fering with the view of any pupil. The
ceiling is covered with Georgia pine,
varnished to bring out the grain of
the wood. 0R from the stain entrance
are two commodious cloak rooms.
Surmounting the building is a neat
bell couple, in which a large hell of
fine tone is placed, and which may be
heard a couple of miles away. Through
the indominntable energy of the trus-
tees and the staff of able woe kmen
empioyed, the whole structure was
built and pleted within six weeks!
in 11pprarance,eonstruetion,desivn and
convenience it's it tuodel school -house
and does et edit not only to the village,
but also to those who have had the
enterer ise in hand from start to finish.
Miss Swann. daughter of the Rev. F.
Swann, of Fullerton, who collies to us
with many complimentary notices and
high recommendations. has been en-
gaged las teacher at it salary of $1(N).
The formal opening of the school took
place on Monday evening, when the
building was packed to the full by the
children, parents rind friends of the
sertion, and members besides. Rev.
W. H. Batt was alerted chairman and
presented a lengthy and varied pro•
grain of music, recitations and speech-
es. Spare will not permit your cor-
respondent mentioning all the moues
of those who look part in the wren•
ing's entertainment, but we cannot
overlook the suitable remarks of Miss
Botterill, who has been teacher at the
Fairfield school for a couple of geese,
r a s
end (III Cnll 11
tan a in that capacity,
end Miss Mwatih, silo is just he in•
ring her work in the new school. The
former expressed gloat satisfaction
at having the latter for a near neigh-
bor and extended her a cordial wel-
come. while the letter was pleased to
have so rflI' lent and successful a
teacher from whom she might get
some points in her work. Refresh•
rnents were ssrved 1►y the ladies dur-
ing the evening and a most enjoyable
tame was spent together. if there is
any one person who deserves more
e'redit then enrolee. ,t is yr, Andrew
Hicks. who for weeks, without any
remuneration what ever, or hope of
such, superintended the construction.
and worked in his shirt sleeves in all
weathers, until the completion of the
undertaking. Arrangements have
been made with the chere•h aathori•
ties whereby the Roman Catholic
children of the village who have been
attending the separate school, may
attend the politic school in the village.
With such a beginning and under such
favorable Auspices we look for it new
newing old acquaitlnmces around the
burg. --The morning service will be
withdrawn next Sunday here, it being
the dedication of the new church at
Whalen appointment. -Rev. John-
ston, a former junior pastor, spent it
few days here. --E. Prior of Detroit,
T. Hodgson of Hanlay, Sask.; and Roy
Hodgson of Toronto were guests of
Mr. and Mrs. It. Skinner last week. -
Miss Fair of Pettolea spent (he holi-
days under the parental roof. -F.
Jackson and wife of London were the
guests of Win. Vale and wife during
the holidays.
Grand Bend
Ephrain'Tetreau has ret urnedto Bad
Axe, Mich., after visiting relatives
here for two weeks. -Wm. Brinker of
near Bad Axe. Mich., visited Asaph
Gravelle one day last week. -Wm.
Patterson is all smiles over the arrival
of a boy. --Mr. Melman and Mrs. Shep-
herd with their wives and J Gravelle
of Thedford, spent New Years here. --
Mrs. H. Gill, who has been visiting
here, returned to Port Frank Thurs.
Clay. -Mrs. Dandren. who has been vis-
iting his aunt Mrs. Wm. Dewey re-
turned to his home in Monroe Monday.
-Mr. Oliver, wife and family returned
home Friday from a two weeks' visit
in St. Marys. -Joe Marks of Dawn
Township is visiting friends around
here. -Mr. Ireland is very ill owing •o
it paralytic stroke, -Mrs. Patterson
and Nal. Fritz are on the sick list. -
Louis 1avelle has bought Mr. \Ving's
stock at Shipk•t and is moving it to his
store here. -The goung people gather-
ed at Frank Allisters' on the 10th and
had a social hop nn New Years night,
while a few others gathered at Win.
Goshen Line Stephen Fritz and enjoyed a dance. -yrs. Joe
YWe wish all our readers a happy iavelle left Saturday to visit at SebeYear. - Ourringville.-School commenced Monday
and prosperous New
Christmas and New Year's visitors and Miss Mills, teacher, has returned
from London we:.: Mrs. Davis and from a pleasant holiday.
family, visiting her brothers, Harry Credlton
and Louis Snaith; Mrs. Mersey and
two sons, George and Robert, also her Geo. Bedford left Tuesday for Sar -
daughter. Miss Amy, visited at the nia, where he wilt take a position in
home of Mr. %Var. Yearly, and other the (toodison Threshing Co.'s works. -
friends; Miss May Brown visited her Chatle; Holtzman and faruily moved
friends in and around Crediton; Alf- to Elkton, Mich., last Thursday, where
red Williams, Fred Jones and his he has leased it farm. %Ve wish him
friend, Miss Hill, visited at George every success. -Miss Hallie Hill and
llawhinney's; all of whotn have now Miss Melinda Trick have returned to
-returned to their respective homes.- Berlin and Stratford respectively,
Mrs. O'Brien and son, accompanied where they will continue their studies
by Miss Newgent, of North Dakota, in the Business College of each place.
are visiting the former', father, Mr. -Mrs. Daniel Oestreicber is visiting
Richard Glanville. -Mrs. Davey, who relatives in Tavistock for at few weeks.
has been quite ill the last few weeks, -Our public school reopened Monday
we are glad to note is improving very after the holidays. The teaching staff
nicely. -Miss Ida Finkbiener, who has hasn't been changed. -A large num-
been working at Zurich, has returned her of our skaters have been enjoying
hoose for awhile. -Wm. Yearley will the excellent ice on the river the past
be our new Councillor for the ensuing week, Quite at number are learning
year. You got it easy this time. Will. to skate and their actions are certainly
-S.hool re -opened Monday with Miss amusing to see. -Rev..ixcob Staebler
Keys, of Stanley, as teacher. We wish of Kilmanagh, Mich.. is visiting his
her every success, -Geo. Mawhinney father. lie occupied the pulpit in the
and Simon Hartman intend remade a- Evangelical church last Sunday even -
ling their barns the coining spring.- ing.-Returning Officer D. D. Nilson
A small party Poet at S. Preszcator's of Seaforth was in town last Saturday
on Monday, Dec. 30th. All report a looking after the polling booths for
good time. -Owing to the illness of the bye -election, which will take place
his in ether, Reuben Davy is keeping on the 22nd inst.-Jos. Edwards spent
batch. Be careful, Rube, this is leap it few days in Mitchell last week with
year. -On New Year's Day the annual his brother and sister. -Miss Marie
shooting match and oyster supper was Morlock, who has been one of the
held at Mr. Louis Kraft's. Supper was organists in the Evangelical church
served at six o'clock. After nearly 70 for a number of years, tendered her
guests had satisfied themselves with resignation to the Board of Trustees
oysters, salmon and other good things at the annual church sleeting. held on
provided by Mrs. Kraft, the evening New Year's Day. Miss Olivia Holtz -
was spent in games and other amuse man was appointed in her place.-
monts. The hours passed quickly till Henry Horton, the Conservative can -
about two o'clock, when all left for didate, of Tuckeramith, was in town
their respective honies, wishing Mr. last Saturday.- It is rumored that the
and Mrs. Kraft a Happy and prosper- railway surveyors intend running an-
ous New Yrar, and many of them. \Ve other line through here. it will run
must congratulate Mr. and Mrs. Kraft along the southern part of Exeter and
for the excellent manner in which they cross the river here at Kerr's yards,
entertained their friends. The follow- and then southwesterly. This will he
ing is the score : a more desirable route as it will catch
Nr.tRltowA-:i TURD MATCH. the brick and tile yards, flax and grist
W. Yearley 4, L. Kraft 2, Ciro. Ma -stills, as well as being quite central for
wh aney 3, Thos, Morey a, Drive Ma- MI. -Walter I'1a k i; having acetylene
whinney'2, Wm. Marlyn 3. Hobe. 11a. bank. as piping
rThekap rye ar eis t 10 t,to the
whinne { Chester 1
lmney 2. Al. THE year for tnurriages. List 'Tibor,•
Williams' 1, Thos. Mawhinney 11. Ite,i day Edward Wurn) and Miss Lydia
ben Davey 1, Win. Schrader I. .I.,hn S,.hwartz were mtit ied at. the Evan -
Hartman 2, Chris. Dinney 3, geliral parsonage. We extend con -
FIVE It0(K MAT( II. gra!oLstions. Rumor has it that more
W. Yearley 1. L. Kraft 1, i'. 1.aw- are to f e l•IW. ('01iid must be busy.
son 2, IL Pr eszcator 0, W. Mai lye 1, %Ve will soon see what success he has
H. Davey 1. blvd. -The following. who have been
TEN ROCK MATCH.visiting friends and relatives here dur-
ing the holidays, returned to their re -
Will. Yearley 0, L. Kraft 7, 0, Ma. apective honies this week : Charles
whinney 1, C. Denney 0. D. M awhin- Ewald of Akron, Ohio; Mr. and Mrs.
ney. 8, W. Schroeder 5. It. Ms whinney Thomas Wind, Misses Tillie and ('lata
0 J. Schrader 5. T. NIaavhinrn•y a. ('. Wind. and Charles Wind, of Detroit;
Mawhinney i. Chas. Either to Mayville. :Mich.. and
Wm. Lewis to Mouth River; Fraser
it:11111vII1e Brown, Bruce Kienzle and Ezra Oes•
Mr, and Urs, J. '1'. Parkin+un of 11 eicher left for Chatham on Thrlrs-
London spent the holidays:tt the borne '1.1)'• where they will take ,t roomier -
of her mother here. Mr. I'arkieson is tial comae in the Business College. --
pprincipal of Grand Avenue Normal Conrad Kuhn and .Christian Bearer,
Training School in that city.- -Election who were nominated police trustees tit
time is rather quiet Around here this the last nomination. resigned, leaving
year, all the old councillors being re- '"t)1• Lewis the only one elected for
turned by acclnnaation.---1{ich. Cuultis the )present year. Thos. 'l'revethick,
and his grandsons Leroy and Chester the Returning Cllicer, has called rui-
epent the past few weeks with friends other nomination meeting for Mon.
in St. Marys. Thedford and Forest.- day, the 10th, to fill the vacancies. -
Mrs. Joseph Hawkins, who has been The many friends of Wm. Anderson
under the doctor's Bare for +awhile, we were greatly shocked to learn that he
are glad to hear is now speedily re• hied the misfortune to break his leg
covering.- W. Andrews of Fi,aniuta is Last Satin -tiny evening. For pat ticti-
visiting old friends around here again. Lets see Centralia news. His many
friends here trust that his recovery
will be rapid. An auction sale of his
farm, stock and implements will be
field Thursday. the pith. Bills are out
giving. particulars.-- ('has. Stock of
Tavistock was in town Triesdny wind-
ing top his business NtTeirs. - The local
Forester !si
ge held its
animal elec-
tion of (Misers last Tuesdav evening,
the :test tilt.. which res,lltee(t as follows:
('.I{ , (ten. Hui zel; V.('.i{.. "111. 11.
1Vrmzel: R.`t.. Herbert Kilbe, ;
Alonzo Hodgins; 'Treas., Ezra Feist;
('hap., Iletry Beaver; 8.W.. John
W. in: .1. W.. Moses Feast: 8.11. Paul
lhenk: J.13 . l'her•les Either; Trustees,
.1. (:. Young and in. Maine; Marshal,
Matthew Ginter.
For over sixty years doctors
have endorsed Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral for coughs, colds,
wcak lunge, bronchitis, con-
sumption. You can trust a
medicine the hest doctors ap-
1'ro% e. Then trust this the next
time you have a hard cough.
The best kind of a testimonial
"Sold far over (WY Mists •'
School opened on Monday with a
full attendance. -Mr, end Mrs. Amv
of them ford ere visiting the mitre's
sister, Mrs. P. Coates. -Mr. and lit+.
Aubry Ila+well of Indiana and F;tlgar
Buswell of Toronto spent the (`hrist•
Inas 1► •tid,.vs tinder the parental roof.
M1. and '41F;ssery returned
made b7:. c. Ater co . t. •...u. ar..s. home on F'ri,lay last. having spent the
w:e.e m.nur,:curer. a ('hristmas holidays :n Toronto. -Thos.
t1RSAPAtlLLA. Brooks is all smiles (hese days, It's A
uers P"ts. oR. girl -Will Harry vis -
11,91 his brother Charles at London Tot
a few days. -A number from here a t •
tended the Sunday school anniversary
Ayer', Plllskeep the bowels regular. , at ('entr:tlia on Sunday last, -Mi-as era in educetinnel m -steers in our neat
All vegetable •nd gently Ia*$th'e. • Ma; ';inner visited at her uncle'e, and orderly little burg.
W• h.., r > sto-.ts • W• publish
vas forms -.as or a'.. cur oediein•s.
Yod have heard of biscuits -and
read of biscuits -and eaten biscuits -
but you don't know biscuits -until
you try Mooney's Perfection Cream
Sodas. They are everything that
the ideal biscuits should be.
The air - tight, moisture - proof
package brings them to you fresh,
crisp, inviting.
Practically every grocer in Canada
nas MOONEY'S. Yours will get
them if you ask. In t & ; Ib. pkgs.
CRfd nc+r',ci• S0d
11,1100Pd(Yi SCYlT1CANDY C4
Wood.'s Phosphodiao,
The Gr, ,' ' a'i..h Ilrnredy.
Tones al.,: - ,.tiesto b.1iolo
nervous • makes novo
lmloodin •it Gurea erv-
or.s Debility Alcntal au.! l:r..;r► iVorry, Des-
v.n�lcney, Sexual lleaknr ss. Emissions.
sions. S)xr
rtorrh.ra, and Effects of Abuse or Ereesses.
ico tl per box, six for $S . Ono will please six
;All cure. Sold by all druggists or mailed in
plain pkg. on receipt of price. Veto rxtrnphlet
,nailed free. The Wood Medicine Go.
(formerly iVinrlsur) Toronto, Ont.
%Ve regret to say that we were in
error last week in our account of a
death in the Advocate. It was through
no fault of our regular correspondent.
We heard of the death of Mrs. Walper,
and our informant who gave us the
particulars gave the wrong name of
the lady, consequently the names of
the family were also wrong. A cor-
rection will be found below:
DEATH. -One by one the old pio-
neers are fast passing from time into
eternity, but the fragrance of a pure
life is left for the sorrowing ones to
cherish. The last one to be called away
was Mrs. Louis Walper, which sad
event occurred at her home on Sun-
day, Dec. 300, at the good age of 75
years. Her death was quite unexpect-
ed as on the Sunday before Xmas. she
attended divine service in the Luther-
an church of which she was a consist-
ent member. Deceased was formerly
a Miss Weaver and was a native of
Germany, but for the past 55 years
has been a resident of this neighbor-
hood where she was dearly beloved and
highly esteemed by all who had the
pleasure of her acquaintance. Besides
her bereft partner the following child-
ren survive: August, Fort Wayne;
Casper, 21 miles north of Dashwood;
Louis on the homestead: Mrs. Charles
Winer, fort Wayne; Mrs. Jac.Schroe-
der, North Dakota; Mrs. Peretzy, Fort
Wayne; Mrs. (Rev.) Schroeder of
Michigan; another lady (Bertha) in
Fort Wayne; 3Irs. Hahn, Not th Da-
kota; Mr. Fred %Villert of Hay, west
Dashwood. She also leaves over 40
grandchildren. The funeral took place
Th•n•sday and was largely attended.
The grief-stricken ones have the sym-
pathy of the entire community.
On Monday evening of last week a
meeting of ratepayersU
f the vi -
lage was held in %irnnrerman's Hall
for the purpose of nominating trustees
for the village for the year. Several
names were placed in nomination, but
all withdrew with the exception of the
required number, three. }fence there
will be no eleetion. The Board will
this year be composed of the following
persons : 1. ♦Veltin, Geo. Edigholler,
and Louis Preeter•.-Mr. Shore, the
principal of our school, has resutned
charge of his duties, as has also the
associates. the Misses Carl ing. Mr.
Simpson Ireland and Gamily of Stint -
ford were called here on Saturday ev-
ening owing to the ilinsrs of Mr. 1re•
land's father, who 0 few days ago, re-
ceived it slight paralytic stroke. While
it is only very slight, owing to his ad•
v,uiced years, a repitetion aright fol-
low et any time with fatal results --
Mr. Wiegand is cosflneel to his house
with an affliction of some kind. We
hope soon to see him around twain es
ttsnal. When well he is down town
almost every day, leo that when he is
not seen wending his way to either of
his daughter's houses we may be sure
he is not well. -Mr. Shrnrnm has re-
moved his household effects to Wel•
lend. where he has again gone into
business. Mrs. Shrum,, and family
will follow in A few days, -Mr. %Vestey
Miller gave a birthday party to his
friends on Tuesday night of last week
They t
which speaks well for VreIvy
entertainer. The question now is, how
old is 1Vesley ?-Mr. Sol. Miller•, who
has been spending his holidays et his
home here, left on Saturday tore
his work at i,•)ndnn.--Mr. and Mrs.
1V. Sitidercock of London are visiting
the latter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Fred
(lossrn*nn.-Simon Willer•t has re-
turned to I'l lttsville after spending a
few weeks' holidays et his borne here.
- N• rliger has returned to his
dirties as harness neap! after spend.
ing the Irr.lidays et Detroit and Thed
fond. -Nisi M. Parsons. of the Baby.
len bine, a isileel friend., in our village
on Sunday. -The Misses Olive and
',toy Fenn, of I'm khill. are the guests
of their cousin. Miss Ethel Kellerman.
--Arthur Kellerman has returned to
Naperville, 111. where he will resnmt
his s• tidies. -Lennard (frill, tvho hes
been visiting here for some time. It as
te•tnrne1 to his home in 4)wossa, Mich.
-Wal. ilenderson, of London, was
the wrest of Miss Selina Nadiger for a
few days last week.
STerItEeio .-Ut•Blting- -in Stanley,
Jan. 1, by Rev. Davidson, Charles
I{. Stephenson to Miss Mary An-'.
detnghter of atmeel McBride iv!' Of
India Pale Ale
Brewed from se-
lected hop., choice
barley malt and
pure spring water,
with the utmost
care. Bottled at
the brews• v depots
to enure proper
handling. That i,
why I.abitt'. Agit
is equal to the fin-
est, surpassed by
none, though it
costs nn,nnlrr. only about half as much as imported goods.
ANDCLANOEBOYE Bygiving abetter course oftraining thanthatglt•-
en by any other similar institution in Ontario, tie
_ have become one of the leading business training
schools in Canada. Our graduates are in demand as
Highest Price paid toe' Grain • office assistants and business college teachers. Our
Y courses being the best our gradurtea succeed. It
interested in your welfare write now for our cats
iogue; it is Tree. We hate three departments, Con:-
- inertial, Shorthand and Telegraphy. Winter term
Ropens January 0.
iSticce„or to Joseph Cobbledick) Principals
(Incorporated ? A._: of Parliament 1.55)
Head Office. Montreal
Capital Paid Up$3,200,000
Reserve Fund 3,000,000
Assets Over 33,000,000
OFFICE HOURS 10a. m. to 3 p. m. SATURDAYS, 10 a. in. to 1 p. m,
DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current rate of interest allowed
Saving Bank Department, Until further notice Interest on Sayings accounts u I11 be
credited quarterly instead of halt yearn• as fortcerly
1 Deposits of 51 and upwards received.
Agents :it Exeter for the Dominion Government.
DICKSON & CABLING, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager,
ake Care of the Dollars
And the Pennies wilt lake care of the mse. yes.
It's ail very well to save the pennies, but get into the way of
savias, tau: dc Mors. They count up faster. Consistent saving will
place you beycnd the grasp of need.
I ►:.asst is paid quarterly upon deposits, and Huron ML•Erie
De`)'-, •roe; earn 4 per cent. per annum.
Cas' Value of Mortgages $10,060,973 25
To al Assets 11,1C3,214 52
P:i1-up C 1,`_ . co
Resew: Fuld ....... c0
There i3 no stronger Cn:n-t my wi, i wnicn ' t , • busi:a.., in
Canada. Correspondence gladly entered into.
L1,Ini,..._, Com`1JJf
i.. J
I.�,tI rl .1;.
Loan & Savings Co., London, Ont.
Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers spent
the New
Year aalt'
g relatives i
Brantford, --Miss Ettie Allen of Strat.
ford visited at Thos. Cameron's last
week. --J. A. Stewart visited friends
in Seafnt•th part of the week. -Two of
our buys. Gordon Brown and Johnny
Hawkes, caused some anxiety last
week by their sadden disappearance.
On New Year's Day they went into
the woods, taking a rifle with them, it
is said, and at the time of writing had
not returned. The country ero,rnd
was searched for there and many en- Edith A. Burke. Slisinnary 11. M. Church,
gniries set on foot. Whether the boys Akhiruinu. Egypt, and friends. grcatlypleased
have left these parts for gond. or with results after tato years' using.
whether they are away on it visits is 1.. A. ifopes, wiener. Montana. My hair
not known. mss/ and whiskers restortst to nntiirsl color, nark
brown, by using Carrtuaan Hair Restorer.
Canadian Hair Restorer
40 'NO
, Aft e r -
Will rc,lorc gray hair to its natural color.
stops falling hair, causes to grow on bald
heads. Cures dnndnrfr. clotting. scalpdi:eaacRl,
11y its use thin hair grow,' luxuriantly.
Contains no oily or grea.-y ingredients.
is entirely unlike any other hair prepara-
tion ever offered for sale.
A good, reliable ( an Mian preparation.
1'essllelled Testimonial*,
Printed By Request
M. Orem. ner•gessvilk, (Int. Canadian lisle
Restorer is the best I have ever used.
John (3. Hall. New Aberdeen, ('ape Breton,
Canadian 1Ltir Restorer has worked wonders.
My head 1s nearly all covered with thick
, with black [lair, original color.
Mix the following by shaking will__ in Sold by all wholesale and retail druggists.
11 anynlf
a mrens in the civilized
i bottle and take in c 11ircel world
teaspoonful po
w nn u w
f I c r ,
t �Ps
�nrrr9i .
After each weal and at bedtime. receipt of price. 5(pe. Manufactured by
TOB IiawIllA. Windsor, for
Fluid ,
F 1 d Extract)e u
i r del
1 n one-half
n r
ounce; Compound Ktargon, one ounce; gold in Exeter i,y ,1. W. Browning,
Compound Syrup `sarsaparilla three I W. S. Howey ,uitl W. s. ('ole. Drug.
minces. A !octet druggist is the author. gists.
ty that these simple harmless 1ngredi-
pr11s can he obtained at nominal cost
from our home druggists. ��'ill('h('1)tPJ►
This mixture is said to cleanse and
strenLthen the clogged and inactive The Chi istriots holideysluent•erand
Kidneys, overcoming 13ackitehe, Iliad
• our burg has settled drown te quiet -
der weakness and Urinary tr()ahies of nes. once more. --Miss Nellie Frillier of
•.II kinels. if taken before the stage o{ lb iti.h Colombia is the guest of Miss
Bright's disease. ; Almeria Ilevwnod,-Francis Dtirdle
Thmse who have tried this say it pus.. and wife of 13, tassels ore on an extend-
itively overcomes pain in the back, ed vi ,it in this neighborhood --Dune,
clears the urine of sediment and ,ego. McI)ougal.:a former teacher here, and
Tates urination, csperielly at night, his wife, who hate been spending the
curing even the worst forms of bead. holidays here: and at I rrott:tr, have
tier tceakness. returned to Comber.- Mrs. John !tout -
or women man or women here who feels try has returned from a visit to her
that the kidneys are amt strong or act. father Mi. 8t.•t.l ens at Blake.- Fr sok
ing in a healthy manner should mix 1)el1'1 idge sod as Ifs heave 1. rue ord 10
this prescription at home and give it a ('hilliugh:t111 +.ftc•r spending th. hull
trial, as it is said to (10 wonders for . (lays here :and nt Exeter. -.Inti,, Cie.
many pPrsnns. , rnetts betook himself to Mt. Fittest on
The Sr•ranton Pa. Tittles was first to: Christmas (157 on An interesting mis•
print this remarkable prescription, in :shin and now Miss Aggie bowler of
()stetter of IMO :•tore when all the Mt. Eoret has made the heart .,f yr.
leading newspapers of New York, nos-' Clements gind hs- Fiecowing his w•ifp,
ton, t'hiledelphia, Pittsburg And rather it well wishes count for aught their
cities have trade many itnnooncetnettts future will 1* crowned with peleee and
of it to their r'.1. -r,. pr')p.'l 14.