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Exeter Advocate, 1908-01-09, Page 3
MAYOR OF ENGLISH TOWN'THOUSANDSWEREBURIED u \ICI \\ Ithall \I VIVI.e 610 A 1%%:'11. til:EKES DI RING TUE 110K- %\ 1.1.k v 1 111-. 111 tl 1 . ILAItA EARTIIQI .ala:. Ateilerie Riders Not Su Uncommon In I:n.,Jti •h Cities As We Allele Suppose. all places in this country . • ••n. rally is a man of sub- , t.• I . • . • • 1 lir:!:,1 n, however, it is :loin !• r the humblest be •led chief exec.,- . or , Dublin has a 1•i its present lore) L., • ilio :, • l:lr• 1. -. >w'tep. as one of 11l • ,.• -linen GI the 1. ,h capital, Is in d ,,.• r.n• Iho e. 111 different •1 LSI iniths, cobblers. . si , are 'soarers of the (11i - London's lord mayor must, le a luau of wealth, on ac - lavish hospitality he has to tees his authority extends only .it ihu sit-cathel city, and the .1 'Nifty important metropolitan 1. 1• ._; - are engaged in humble ean- p • essiits. \:.i,1her working mayor is his worship • :;:hborough, Leicestershire, who held his first public reception. ►! st, \Velinrrl Cartwright, A STOCKING -MAKER, and his reception was allendat by more Uutn 1.(,(10 of his fellow workmen at the f\.•tlinghun Manufacturing Ctimpitlly's Billy Cortw'rirhl, as his intimates fami- liarly call hint, beuan►o mayor of the little Leicester. hire town last November. 1:,• lies done -erne good, hard. useful "ae !: on the teen council and his elec- re.n was unanimous. For the last 40 %ear:s he has worked at rho knitting triune in the same factory. The duties of I.i•• exalted Gillet) are not heavy and he Hitt works half-time al his trade. At 6 t.'riock every day he is to be found at this post, working steadily till about 1 t ''•lock. During the afternoon he visits the town hall and alto -nits to the business e f the community. At his Irrele Mayor Cartwright earns Item $7.50 to $IO a week full time, but Fiece the afsumption of his new duties his cnrnings have dropped considerable. IIIc father and mother were also stock- inger. Al four years of age he was left fhtherless, the eldest of three children. find Iwo yenrs later started working as A MINDER AT lbOJME. At eight) 1e went into the factory, but the passage of the factory act sent. him home until he was big enough to pass for thir- teen. 'Three of his six daughters t;••w work In the factory with hint and i.. %vifo before their marriage was C111 - )!.'l I ar)..i )hero also. 1 tie horse of Uie hunible mayor Ls a 1.• ;•1 little cottage, for which he pays ul. lit $1.25 n week rent. There are three teems upstairs and the same number off the ground ilx)r. in 1 p1 c front Ls a email garden w'hi. h is; continually kept in bloom by the mayoress. 'l'lae mayor is a member of the local trades council and hes been president 'el the hosiery union of his dLsttict for thirteen years. ile has a poor opinion o.1 socialists and seldom loses an oppor- tunity of expressing it. "They are ad- venturers," he says, "looking for an easy jot. and more money." Mayor (origin k fortunate in not icing ewer .7 to Met head otllee in one of these cities of England where That Official Is compelled by custom to do all trnuner of iIIDICUI.OUS STUNTS. In the town of Idigh \Vyeoinbe, for in- slt.nce, the mayor le called upon to he v.eig heel in public Witt at the beginning and end of his term of office and the re- sult is placed on record. in Tiverton the unfortunate chief executive must subunit tc n ducking in a river presented to the 1. w•n many years ago by a kind-hearted countess. Saint Res compels Its mayor le. do n public cakewalk around n cerUuin reenument once in every tive years, and Ore corresponding official of Cardiff !mist preach a sermon once a year on the defies rind pri'. ilegos of married life. The Irish town of Limerick, however. is more kind to its mayor. for he is allowed a quarter of a ton of coal on eery cargo of lhnl mineral whirl' en- ters the port, tis toll, Thus exacted is !forge enough to enable hint to relieve ninny of the poor families of the town. z' When nature nt'gle(I4 to make n fool of n man it gives some woman a chance. QUEEN CITY WATER WHITE i Gives Perfect stray • Ligl1ta le �os FOR SALE BY DEALERS EVERYWHERE, Heated Like %note eea • - '11- 1a11r Uunpl..•d 1111., the I0"11- iu.,J Gulf. 10!..• 01 11:wt as. Oil stones of sae siitla' • '• .1 for nt:ot, years is re- titled le e st. Uetersi,urg correspon- dent of • London Daily Telegraph, who 1• Ilrst lime gives details of the lel t .!. a upheaval in Bokhara on lt,l. 21 last. !le deals especially "nth its effects at Karatug, which, until the earthquake occurred, was one of the past thriving cities of Central Asia. There were about 1,200 houses alto - g ethe.r before the catastrophe, says the correspondent, vtuo then continues: "There are none now. Karutag is be- come n vast ch'trchyard, in which about 4,000 people, who were living and working n few days ago, lie buried. t► the other (owns and villages around, from len to eleven thousand more are said to have perished. PECULIAR \VEA'1'IILII. "The weather had been wane, almost )tot, -until Sunday, Oct. 20. In the af- ternoon of that day the sky was low- ering, the breeze turned' icy cold, nud suddenly increased in violence W a storm. "Moneay morning dawned sullen and rate, cloud mingled with cloud in deep masses. The wind roared maleficient- ly, train line to time blinding light- nings el. -ft 1 , ( too , and lhe thunder leiomce, iiew in the di -stance, now veru r.t hand, the echoes resounding through the snow -clad mountains. All at once the houses creaked to the wild wind- storm. and rocked like ships on the tempestuous sea. An earthquake! (let earthquakes in Bukhara are frequent. and people generally wait, more or 1e s calmly, until they are over. 'lett! GREAT UPiIEA\AL. "Hardly fifteen minutes had passed since the first shock, when a lreniend- ons boom was heard in the direction of a village named Kndadzai. 14 swal- lowed up all other noises. Then, in ti twinkling, the whole town was heave, aloft like a ship hoisted on n wave of the angry ocean, tine vault of heaven seemed to be falling in, explosion fol- lowed explosion as the dry earth burst and cracked, leaving clefts and fissures thebugh which muddy water seethed and gushed and hissed. Then a deaf- ening, maddening inaleslr••tm of sounds. and Then houses area rocks, human le- ings rind aninmate, were engulfed in the murky void. Shrieks, groans and shouts of men. women. children, the howling of animals. and the hLssing cf rushing waters were heard by tate few survivors in the intervals of the thun- der. THOUSANDS OF CORPSES. 'Tho Bey, or Governor, was among the few who remained unhurt in body, tut seared in scut. For the sufferings of the living. who were Imprisoned 'n darkness everlasting, were exquisite. Pinned in among pees of ruins, their pier:•ing cries and fervent prayers could be heard -heard, Lut not answeree. Nothing could be done to save them. When at last the fey gathered a porgy cf rescuers together 11 was loo late. Merciful death had ended tortures, and they cou:d only dig out 1.827 corpses. They expert to bring up over 2,000 more wiry shortly. "Krernttg is but one town in the dis- trict of iiissnr, and the earthquake de- stroyed many others, not only in that, i ut also in the neighboring districts. The villages of Chibilurn, Kadidzni, Iloshtwk, Shirkent, Nalbek and others suffered in the same way, and some o: Them to n like extent. They were, practically wiped out; 824 corpses have already been recovered (here. Ilow many more still await the pick and shovel of the workman one cannot say. ESTIMATE OF DEAD. "The iley of Dlnnu estimates the nuttex'r of dentis (here nt 1100. The village: of Bonino, \'aktinu-Or and `4a& were. annihilated. In lean-Gog- iuk 1'09 people were killed, while. Sapi- Dzlu end Unshn-And-dxulti well-known pinceF--ureic entirely ruined rind their ir:habitnnls sw•allow•.d up. Altogether, the lotnl number of killed in the 1lis- sar and Diunu districts is sol down rt 15,1100, nuiJ it is thought (hat alont 25,- (00 head of rattle perished as well. For miles around the pestiferous blast pro. claims the presence of vast sepulchres. fond In the ILssitrrs of the earth. some of which are :Oct yards long and over I',rer feet wide. bla^k water hisses nn,l rushes mound the ghastly scene of dei s• ;alien and denth." drootr11C(ttle (►F MINE I:SPLOsIONS. . r It.-a'ler. said 10 Orme Ill,' Stupe Il••ur in Certain Altitudes. Experts olio het e' haveslignhvt the rtr•'•nt mine disasters in the United States have decided that the expkhs ons are caused by climatic conditions. Supporting the plositie11t inken, it is n I:(lieent.le fart, They say. that the recent eilas1isiphe•.s lunve occurred nt nbote the ware.' hour in the day. in a vine of cer- tain altitude. in about the snnie longitude nett in places when: climatic conditions are similar. The majority of the mines opernled lo- de.% are below the level of the slrenr►►s in Me same sections. and. owing to the nl(tisture, the outside nir forced into the trines Ivy ale fans has been Intim with cr.rteet dioxide, moisture and tither inr- pril lea. It is suggested that if the air forced Irl, the trines was ntknvevl 10 gather from n higher stratum 11041 WAS hentcd selliciently and otherwise treated to t•e• move the Impurities, the an'tdenls'.would l.' less nunierrats during the chnnge of melee's. Proper ventilation with this purified alt. 11, Ls lrhk'ted, will remove I t a great ellen' the Mal dust and explosive genes which are found 14) a certain extent in every mine. N U Ise( I. NO. 2 48. MUST WONDERI•1'1. WATCH. At. Asirunotnital One Mad in 1794 By a Workplan of Mu)cnce. The (:locknutk. us' lemma! of Berlin, Cermany, mentioned in 1903, a pauuph- le: which had Is'e^n pul.ilshed in Italy h.rty-five years ago, and %chi" h had de- scribed the most wonderful watch in the "odd, an astronomical watch, 'pada by J, rcpli \Veidenheuner, of Maycnce, it t.91, for the tnuyor of that city. The watch' is fifty-four millimeters in diameter and has Iwo gold lids covering n front and it back Inc.'. riche front lace shows the hours and the minuks of tate true time by the suit and .,tedium time, the day of the week and tate day of the month. The watch is intended to lie wound tap every day, but it goes for forty hours. The sun in its apparent course do - scribes an ellipse, not it circle, and there- fore our watches do not always coincide with the sun. Our true time is fixed by the sun passing the meridian, but our timepieces show only ntcetiunt time, and they coincide with the rein only four times in a year -April 14, June 15, Aug. 3i. Dec. 23. Between Unite the sun is sometimes behind, sometimes in advance of the clock, and that is sbowit exactly by a hand which moves 011 n curve con- structcst on the table of equations. Austher hand show's the day of the month, and Ls regulated in such a mtun- net theft i1t m(nlhs of thirty clays it skips the thirty -onto and passes on to one, and hi leap years passes from Feb. 29 to the first, in other years from I'eb. 28 to the first day cif the following ►ro•nth. \Vital steals store wonderful still is that when this hand is regulated forward or baekwu•c! for months or years it always acts automatically for ih0 February and for leap year. Another shows the days of the week, which are n,au•ked in Italian. Another is for regu- lilting the watch when it advances or gels behind cline. Still another hand shows the course re Venus, which lakes 5ti3 days 22 hours 7 minutes 6 seconds to get around the sun. \Vhen the Venus hand is behind Ilia sun hand them Venus appears as evening star; when it is in advance it eppenrs us morning star. The moon hand completes its course round the dial in 27 days 7 hours 4 minutes. This hand's motion is faster during the days from full moon to new ancon, slower from new moon to full moon. When the moan hand fonns an argle of 90 degrees with the sun hand the moon Ls in the first quarter; when it i••. opposite the 'noon is full, and when the moon hand is under Ute sun hand it is new niton. The watch con be uttered WWI( to any date of the calendar, and then bo wound up again to lite present date. It is said that it has never been out of repair since the day it was made. LITTLE GIRL'S FACE COVERED WITH ECZEMA. Cured by lam -Duk. The following cases toslifying to trio marvellous cures brought about by Znm- Buk Ls convincing argument that In Zon-Bak wo have the very best skin cure offered to thLs or any other coun- try: Mrs. A. E. Grass, St. ('^tharines, says: "One box of Zan -flak heeled my 1.i ITLI: GIRL: S FACE of Eczema. We use it for Cuts and Sores n1so." Mrs. G. A. Kerr, Denbcigh, Ont., says: "My Baby's legs were se bad with Eczema that 1 could not keep stockings on her. A box of %am-Iluk cured her after the 1)oc'or hod fa{'e.l." Dame J. 1t. Smith, Ifnwkesbury, Ont., writes: "After three applications 1 was tetter of F•ezerna and before 1 hnd used half a box. 1 was cured." Zant•f)uk cures Cuts, Burns, Scnlds. Ulcers, Ringworm, Itch, Berber's Ilnsh, Mood Poison, Bad I.eg, Salt Rheum, Abrasions, Abscesses and all skin In- juries and diseases. Of all stores and druggists at 50 cents cr from Zane Duk lip.. Toronto, for price. 6 boxes for 52.50. A DE`I:RVF,D REBUKE. \fns. de (:lose: "Willie, what have you leen doing?" • Willie: "I bin skalln'." Mrs. de (:lose: "Nonsense! You have- n 1 been out. of the house." wine.: "Well, 1 bin statin' on make- lilieve ire with the skates you promised the last birthday." A CHANGE IS NEEDED. Through the 142ngr sinter eine phis n change. Why g:o South when 'lite \Velland," SI. Catharines. offers nn en- vironment ret moderate (01.1 which will minister to tired nerves find worn out Indies? Try the tonic influence of 'TM st. Catharines Well" and the restful il- Iluence of "The Vsellan.l." Apply the malinger. `t. Vnthnries, er any Agent of Grand 'b ruink Railway 5 )stem. "I141W 1.4 it That a string elan Ifke you cannot gel employment ?" n Indy nskevl 't tromp. The niendiennt replied: "Ah, mite, yer sere people wants re'fen'nens (min my last employer, nn' hes been dead stout twenty years r \Vhere Wealoiess is. Disease settle. --I( en(• suffers ft•.•in any organ:.' wenkrn's. inhertlal or content te,l, Rete il'ea'c will settle when it attacks the tasty. 'Therefore drive out the pains Ihnt !esti putt, do not let n Nee or a (v)11g11 harn45 you, and keep the respir- nlory organs In a f?eied healthy condi- tion. This yeti can tio by using Dr. Thomas' lieeetrh• Oil. Prevention is the wisest comp". I.ffl'i1QCeete1'R1(F IiOIISE. (Odense Henry E. C. Kitchener, lewd Krtrheners eldest !metier, who resigned from the British Army severe' yenrc aggro t0 become a Lnmutn planter in Jarnoe•n, is now In Ent/Intel pia. hosing material f•.r the eonslru.lint, of 811 earthquake. pewit 1su.s•' on the "Kitchener' ii ski, (',rk.nrl Kil.•hener's reeklrnee in the submits of limsfs401 was badly d0n- apiel b) Uw' earthquake. Ile has decided In build a he.use eel' walls compete! of rows .of drnin pipes placed nn end and tilled with cement, with layers of (slimed between. with n easing of cc- menl on the outside and Thin wend in- side. Ile d., lar•'s Ihnt This combination will resist ane earthquake. CATARRH OF HEA©' 0 White R-ru•ssa Re/relied ix a Short Tisa. MIsS -USIE M. KI NGS \\ Oteri 4641 Quebec Si., Louden, Ontario. writes: "I began using Peruna last January, when 1 had such a bad cold. and I could not get anything to help nue. "My nose and bend erre all stopped tip, se that 1 cou1J hardly (jet my hrcalh. I thought at limes that I would smother, especially al n ght. "I have no trouble with that now. Thr noise in my head has all disap- peared. "I know Peruna will do just what you say it does. 1 cannot praise Pe- nunn too highly, as it bus done so much for me. I hope my letter will reach other suffcret•s." Mrs. 5. J. Kounlz, 1015 Scovel street, Nashville, Tenn.. writes: "I have had a very tbutl cough nearly all my life, and 1 ani tort}' -live years cid. I have taken airiest every kind of cough medicine that has ever been made, but none did file much gco.l. i woukt have spells of coughiuni that 1 thought 1 would cough myself to death. 1 look Peruna, and last winter and this winter 1 have had no cough and I know that Peruna cured me." Ask Your Druggist for Free Peruna Almanac for 1908. WHAT INDEED? Tess: "Miss Mugley said she paid $15 .t dozen for those photographs of her- self." Jess: "But they don't look a bit like iner." fess: "Of course not. What do yet. sup- pose she paid 815 for?' (;opens enuse inloWrable pain. Done. way's remit Cure t cnnoves the trouble. Try it and see whirl «moat of pain Is saved. SNORER. "Here!" growled Mr. !Smiley, "what do 3011 moan by waking Inc out of a sound sleep?" "lie aus.•." replier) !es wife, "it \vas End) a dis:rtsssing $ound." The Lavery of .v sound throat and robust lungs Is most keenly onj •tar by pe rple wti., hawing suffered fr•nu a "little cool, you k,„w,•' hate been rescued from misery anddauter by Allen Lung Balsam. ANC/1'11E11 FA'1'Al. E111101t• \fret' : "I saw n nnele try lo run away with a cart leaded with pig lion, but he e. ul.tu't dge ," case o1 G3e'r : "Anotheril'didn't know ft bu was loaded,' eh?" r' rhOver•woal,\\'Ixot ore the coPouSCS ofo dcspundenrkry an -d nnelnncholy? A dbs.r:lered liver is 0110 cause and a prime one. A disordered liver menus o t1i')(,,.lered stomach, nu.1 a d e !dived d stomach means rlistu•baree of the nerve res syslern. This brings the whole L<.dy into suhjeclkin and the victim frets sick nil ower, I'ar'1ne:ces Vege- telex fills are a recognized rerue;ly in thiti elate and relief will follow their use. "Yee," said the bride of n week, "Jack I(IIs me everything he knows. end 1 idly him everything I kno'.v." "Indertle rejoined her ex•tit•nl. alae laid Leen left ill the feet. "The silent•e when you are Ic gether must be oppressive." Impossible to Plod. A platter equal to "The 1) A 1. M.'nth,d. !tor side :vie n•.thing'Nasls lt. In ),rd r •11 . ret, 7 pl..•.tc•r. Mailed .•n receipt of price. karts &Lawmoos ten., Montreal. An old North :Sera skipper. oIto nes asked to buy it number of lite-Lette for l•t= veseers use. waxed eloquent in the st;l.hmily of his contempt. 'Take 'em away i" said the old "salt." "Don't let me see such 'krngslore publish 4111 my decks. i don't wont no life -tells. nor liei snrelliug-softs, nor no wlu-dr-( olt.go. , nor no feevling-loltke. or tons nloant 01 plc. 'them ns sails in my ship has got to Mirk 10 her ns 1 d•.: ;tad 11 she g;."ts d'•wn. why I expects them in dhuty- isa.nsl to g•► along with here' iMI'OSSI111.E. "It's herd for n woman lo be out at the ettoos In winter." "That's Ihr• •n •e sf povertey," "Not n e t ±.. ' style." Get acquainted with Black Watch the big black plug chewing tobacco. A tremendous favorite everywheTe, because of its richness and pleasing flavor. 2200 FACTO WITH Power, Heat, Electric Light, to Lease for a Term of Years. Cen'raI location. About kin thousand square feet In four floors and basolnent. Exoellent shipp ng fttoilities Standard fire Sprinkler System. Low Insurance rats. MURRAY F. WiLSGII, 81 Adolalde St. Wost, Toronto 911111=' 1111151=1111101111211 \Vl:.tI.I11V, 011:D 01• HUNGER. Au Ohl 1%(mun Miser Mil Uoiudcd Suet of 522,500. There are some curious features in the case of Ellen Cresswell, an old Manches- ter (England) woruan, who liver) u simple and lonely life and died of starvation, although she had over 822,500 in money and securities. :\ cnrcful seam► of the house by the p,( lice showed that the late tenant had balances in Manchester banks nntount- in>: to over $22,500. She ttxd had lien- s:idions with the jlanchester and Liver- pool District Runk and the Manchester and Salford Stevingn Bonk, but most of the stoney W(as deposited in the Distri•a. ht dr.nvcts and unlikely placers the ere lice (tenet 5200 in gold, while stitched Io the clothing she Was wearing were three lit vereigns and tonus silver auwwiling to 52. Effo5rts to find any of her relatives have failed. '('here is c'.ery indicnlion Unit at one lime of her life she lived in nxuo comfortable circumstances and better surroundings, for the police found some et(d jewellery and a quaint miniature por- trait of a young man, which is believe.) to be that of one of her sons. 4._..- _..- Something Afore Than a Purgative -- 'T.: purge is the 01113 effect of many rills now on the market. Parmelee's Vegetable 1'ills are more than u pur- gative. They strengthen the sloui ch. where other pills weaken it. They cleanse tate bbo' d by regulating The liver and kidneys, and they st!multtc where other jell oOruV uruks depres9 Nothing of 110 injurious nature, used fon' merely purgative lowers, enters in- to their composition. 'fMoIty: "Do y'011 know. I called to in - (pare for that rich uncle of 'nine This afternoon, and found That h0 was a great deal (,ether." Kale: "Now, didn't 1 toll you not. to oil! cin as Ft'klny'1 lei - day's always an unlucky day." A Quick Recovery from Peva, and all sick - pas. its always the came whe.t •• Ferrorim " tin lest fon(e it used. It builds, it strengthens, it giros new life. Try 1t. !some men are kept so busy trying t• make a living that they Ireton t lime 1. live. The super e r.1 v • f \t cher Graves' \\'ons Exterminator is sitowti ey its good effects en the children. Purchase a bottle and giro it a trill. Mistakes are funny (ply when otter people make thein and they don't hurt IIS If a dreg bites you d•.nl 1., .t -,roe. natlte the wound with 2-21•1 water artd cover It with a cloth on which wna,ei s Crate has been freely spread. 'the Cerate relietas the pale caused by the sting of losects. "Yon want me to Zell the whole !nith^•' asked tin witness. "Certainly," replinl the judge. 'The whole Inlet Mote Ute pllintifl 1' "Oi tonne." "Might I tisk how long (Mas this court expel to site' "What difference doe; that make?" "li makes 11 kt of difference. I r.iuldn'l lel! the whole truth resell that scoundrel inside of n week, talking all the time." -- While mere prevnlenlin w'.nler, when midden clumps in the weather try the st:ongesl e' nstitulions, colds and c. ughs and ailments of Iho Throat :my come in any season. Al the tint sight of derangement use I1;c10.e'. lnti•Con- eumpli'e Syrup. Instant retie wilt 1.e t•spe'rienced, rind Inc (11 lite medicine until the Codd (heaps/ems will protect the lungs from attn••k. I'or anyone with terse or chest weakness it can- not be surpassed. EVEN. "Homely as you are." said her i:us- tend, "1 love lou no. W(11 if you were pietty „ "Feed that you aie," r;oinetl to wife, 'I love you as well ns if you had sense.,. 1TC11, Mnnge Prairie Scratches and every form of contagious Itch en hurgan et animals cured in 30 minutes by \V:.l• foal's Sanitary tenon. 11 never faits, Sold by all druggists. A IIEI.I'I tai. (1111.0. Little Frank. w'ntrhing nurse empty n hot water bag. asked why she, blew air into it. "11 keeps the sides apart, so writer will tun into it rosily." leiter in the dny Frankie was discov- ered holding betwe'e'n his knees n Man, st'ny kitten. white, with cheeks distend- ee. he blew (keen ifs throat through a 1111 pea shooter. "\\ i!nl ire yet( (loving?'' nurse crier), reselling the tortured int. "Keepin' her skk't npnrt. itis she can drink milk," n'spxmded the }cling phi!o- s. pier. NO CAIJSE FOR COMPLAINT. "Aly gess] ntnn," said the phtlosepher !o the lateirer who wits snowing wrests t.•i n vacant (fere of rent estate, "do yeet ever have (.(rasion le complain of your k'1," "No, sir." answerer) the honest son of keit. "1 doret own this kit." 11W1'NDEISS TODD. "Ilmv mrny people work in your Omcc," "\Nark 1 Perhaps two-thirds of them"" BERMUDA r08 PROCRAid OF; TOUR WRITZ P. Withrow, 9, A Vulture. CAPAC COLD MINES Ct'., LTD. Capital fto,000,aoo. Shares 110. Eo lu,estors with small capital ;testi, us .f safe nreattoaltt for their fonts yielding largo return) e offer shares ou the follce mg terms; sit', upon subscription. 2s'. Feb. 1, rood. ae r►.y 1. iq oa. rerite at once for palticnlan of this propasitio, fore entire stock is sold. 0. J. SAN N OTR, Treas., 101 Summar St., So+tor, ear Wg E P ki U LAR PBOPLBi Side -Walls! for Modern Homes, Fat surpasses wood plu"r or pats is beauty-- matcherperfect!,7any selecheene any colrscheme- .n.dkea the means REALLY sarnery- ices Pra.ectieal against hie- then are some ret the sasses wl+) YOUR; house -why any mi-ters buildms atin ,. here l+out:i hovel PEDLAR. BBIDL WALL.a' Cat I'stie -let indefinitely. Let us seed cwt the whole tale in print and pictures. The hook is flee. 101 The PEDLAR People T i Wows ltontrrsl Ottawa Tereuto 1..a4on Wine pet very Woman 11111,1•14.1dnee! sbnel-tknow &boll(tIH, wonder: MARVEL WhIrling�Stpray t Ww �•nate.' 11•70•E•• 1 L' eet--Yon ,rouraa• tent. It rtearl..a it a 7ca.r dingetd tnr tt. 1. cepao our 727 the A rt v I !, accent no other, rill send e(arup for $Insulted 1,.,..t--acme4. It roes taa► lnt�apa th{-Wa,r{t sand dtrectlol.. 77ln- wrSrYSOtt uT'P1PI.Y M., Windsor, on t. General Aeeutn for (enaaa. WHEN IN NEW YORK :;(1I' THF NEW I'IVITROOP HOTEL NAVARRE 7tA Ave. and sate et. 300 FEET WEST OF BROADWAY, Maittuaul u1 I J r) at >iiu(eur.to t_•..t Areeieste, (loot an•! Elegant within fire Minute, walk of 1 hirtres, Shnp■ end Chubs. New ttutrh I1rit1 ttno)o• ear(test in 1711.. ('able e'ar t'a,.. Hetet t•. all 11.iilroa.le. rurnp.an Plan. t1I.!.) per .lay witho {x.tn per day withtosut $ sihath, upwards. Send for naok!et. �TNAt(' & n1.11t, Prnp. I11'' ' 11 til - - I 1 • 1 ntpn - I 11 . 2 • -e t• 1.1 11 '••r - , \N I:, 7- 1 \ i•+41 t1! 1 II 114''. ••1 4..11. ; •I ►t.. n 1 2 • In! 11 1. 1! 1.1111' -et''1 w1 , •hl , spiced. .r: '.chi 1. \- !... !lad le nmol t ing.• intent:4m 1u the t • lepll. d : t line Nitwit -excellent; bit! 1 • r Il.. chine l0 11,1• nee- meaning p•. ...l;:r '.w. ;.; _ urn hiller than hill rt,• • .11•, ,.p -. ,1.'r.:tt n dinner given nt Ih.• 1 . n - .l llt/i' aas settled ere, n/.'I%ing; that after 1ta'. ing 1 ,+ e 2 1 ll the turbot .1.•!meal 1t1' •:111 + tel 1111h, 1111)1• 1I1( e \tei.s , .::. 1 ;I• ;veld 11 was the sa11C8 )(III h:.• tI. 4411,1 2 111.• 11-h." \\ 11h 1;1,, ret. i• (1 11411)0 the sena. 1• . in • .l:•`. •t t ,1 .•n;en.• nt. which t am I. . trying 10 I •. !:4 Shilonets 1 e,. Shushes Cern I, 1 the worst cold. the sharpest cough Curd -try it en aguar- antee of your tnuney back If it Cures doesn't actually CU It tteirker Coughs than anything yeti ever tried Safe to take. -nothing in and Colds it to twit ever a i■ �.A baby. 34 years of OUCH C�Y w.aa:sm.slluln'Sey,re- 2c, See . S I . ill alb , .. .:%. Steell Side -Walls! for Modern Homes, Fat surpasses wood plu"r or pats is beauty-- matcherperfect!,7any selecheene any colrscheme- .n.dkea the means REALLY sarnery- ices Pra.ectieal against hie- then are some ret the sasses wl+) YOUR; house -why any mi-ters buildms atin ,. here l+out:i hovel PEDLAR. BBIDL WALL.a' Cat I'stie -let indefinitely. Let us seed cwt the whole tale in print and pictures. The hook is flee. 101 The PEDLAR People T i Wows ltontrrsl Ottawa Tereuto 1..a4on Wine pet very Woman 11111,1•14.1dnee! sbnel-tknow &boll(tIH, wonder: MARVEL WhIrling�Stpray t Ww �•nate.' 11•70•E•• 1 L' eet--Yon ,rouraa• tent. It rtearl..a it a 7ca.r dingetd tnr tt. 1. cepao our 727 the A rt v I !, accent no other, rill send e(arup for $Insulted 1,.,..t--acme4. It roes taa► lnt�apa th{-Wa,r{t sand dtrectlol.. 77ln- wrSrYSOtt uT'P1PI.Y M., Windsor, on t. General Aeeutn for (enaaa. WHEN IN NEW YORK :;(1I' THF NEW I'IVITROOP HOTEL NAVARRE 7tA Ave. and sate et. 300 FEET WEST OF BROADWAY, Maittuaul u1 I J r) at >iiu(eur.to t_•..t Areeieste, (loot an•! Elegant within fire Minute, walk of 1 hirtres, Shnp■ end Chubs. New ttutrh I1rit1 ttno)o• ear(test in 1711.. ('able e'ar t'a,.. Hetet t•. all 11.iilroa.le. rurnp.an Plan. t1I.!.) per .lay witho {x.tn per day withtosut $ sihath, upwards. Send for naok!et. �TNAt(' & n1.11t, Prnp. I11'' ' 11 til - - I 1 • 1 ntpn - I 11 . 2 • -e t• 1.1 11 '••r - , \N I:, 7- 1 \ i•+41 t1! 1 II 114''. ••1 4..11. ; •I ►t.. n 1 2 • In! 11 1. 1! 1.1111' -et''1 w1 , •hl , spiced. .r: '.chi 1. \- !... !lad le nmol t ing.• intent:4m 1u the t • lepll. d : t line Nitwit -excellent; bit! 1 • r Il.. chine l0 11,1• nee- meaning p•. ...l;:r '.w. ;.; _ urn hiller than hill rt,• • .11•, ,.p -. ,1.'r.:tt n dinner given nt Ih.• 1 . n - .l llt/i' aas settled ere, n/.'I%ing; that after 1ta'. ing 1 ,+ e 2 1 ll the turbot .1.•!meal 1t1' •:111 + tel 1111h, 1111)1• 1I1( e \tei.s , .::. 1 ;I• ;veld 11 was the sa11C8 )(III h:.• tI. 4411,1 2 111.• 11-h." \\ 11h 1;1,, ret. i• (1 11411)0 the sena. 1• . in • .l:•`. •t t ,1 .•n;en.• nt. which t am I. . trying 10 I •. !:4 Shilonets 1 e,. Shushes Cern I, 1 the worst cold. the sharpest cough Curd -try it en aguar- antee of your tnuney back If it Cures doesn't actually CU It tteirker Coughs than anything yeti ever tried Safe to take. -nothing in and Colds it to twit ever a i■ �.A baby. 34 years of OUCH C�Y w.aa:sm.slluln'Sey,re- 2c, See . S I . ill alb