HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-01-09, Page 1SI IoJAN'09 NOW IS TI1E TIME to subset ibe for the ADVO- CATE and get a bargain as above stated; or else take advantage of our Low Club Rates TW :TY -FIRST YEAR. the Sovereign Bank of Canada HEAD OFFICE :-TORONTO. Paid Up Capital: • • $3,900,000. • 101RD OF DIRECTORS: '.MILKS JARVIS, lisq , . . . Presukla OOLPH MACDONALD, Esq. rt! £'s—PrUldtite A. ALLAN, 1?sq., 2nd MCC-Pre:Ufa YJ , liox. D. McMILLAN, ARctt. CAMPBELL, Espy M.P. A. E.'nate:sr, Esq., I.Y. HON. PETER MCI,Aaste, W. K. McNArcar, Esq.. M.P. ALEX. BRUCE, Esq.. K.C. C, J6MMP.TT, - • - Genteel- fan0`p g. CASSFI S. - - As'r. Ceneee-.1IanazAr tibeet EXETER. ONTARIO. THURSDAY, JANUARY 9. 1908. le. Sale Bills FAIt\IF:its wine want a big etowd at their sales should net their bills at the ADVOCATE and ad- vertise in 1ht• Ai)Y'O('ATE It Means Money to You SANDERS & CREECH Why Not Escape Colds? The new Yvay Henry Horton Conservative I1 _ •rt►k�; _ Candidate for South Huron The old way to cure a cold, Savings Bank Department W. S. Howey, Phm. B Chemist audOptician, Exeter. HOWEY'S C't'ItE-A-CoLD CAPSULES Put lap in cap- • stales. Harm. ' less and easy to take. Price 25c.abox Mantifaetared only by ILtere-t et Lett current rates paid quarterly. i — DRPINGEL LONDON, i Branches at Exeter, Dashwood, 'Lar- ich and Crediton, e 1 ONTARIO JOS. SNELL, Manager' sI•akl°wo eon a sot oldiseases Ly ases of i The Old Reliable This being The Beginning of the New Year we wish to have a straightforward bu-lues talk with you. Where do gou deal? Why do you deal there? Are you satisfied with your Purchases? Would you change stores if gou could do better? These may be personal questions, hut isn't it true that you want court- eous treatment; you want the best goods at the lowest prices; you want a variety of goods to choose from; you want to feel at home in the store with which you are dealing. These are but few of the things you want and should get no matter where you are dealing. ) Just Remember You can be at home in this store, you can get the best of goods, the kind you want, at the price you wish to pay. Here we are :always on the alertto accommodate you in every purchase. Come to us With Your Shopping List We will see that you go away well satisfleld. We wish you a Happy New Year CARLING BROS. Pr ffteolMoaal Cards. DR. O. F. ROULBTON, L. D. 8., D. D. 8. DENTIST Memier of the R. C. D. S. of potarlo and Honor Graduate of Toronto Unker,itt. OFFICE: Over Dickson & Carling's Law OMee, In Ds. Anderson's tomer Dental Parlors. abDR. A. R. KINSMAN, i. D. 8., D. D. 8.• 'Tenor graduate of Toronto Unlrerlete. DENTIST, lsete extro•ted without any pain, or any bad effects OMce over Olalman & Stanbury's office, Main street aster. Medical AF. MALLOY, M. B. (Tor. Univ.) MEMBER a College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario. Former Htuse Surgeon Toronto western Iiospital. Successor to Dr. J. A. Rollins. Residence: Fast on Int street north of office, Exeter, Ontario. —_ DR. T. P. MILAUGIILIS Iia resumed practiee after spending a year (Col- lege) at British and Continental Iinspitals. General practice with special attention to Eye, (with tetra, - lion) Ear, Nose and Throat. Office: Dashwood, Ont. L gat. DICKSON A CARi•IN°, BARRISTERS, SOIJCi• ton. Notaries, Con%etan'ere, Commissioner,. Solicitors for Motions Bank. etc. Mosey to Loaf at lowest ratesof interest. Olives, Main street, Eaeter, 1. it. Caattso, B.A., 1. 11. Notion MONET TO LOAN. Ws bare a large atnouot of private funds to loan a hetes sod village properties at low rates of Inter r4 OLAUMAN t IrlANBVRT, Banisters, Sotklton,llaln st., Rxeter On William Brown J. SENIOR Agent Confederation Life Assurance Company, also Fire Insurance in lead- ing Canadian and British Companies. Main -St., Exeter. FARM FOR SA LE. Wt acre., more or less N ' Lot 3, Concession a, McGillivray, cheap if sold at once. Apply to JIM NEIL, Hotel, Centralia, Ont. Farmers Take Notice The books are now open at the Factory to receive contracts for the growing of stuff for this season's peck. Parties wishing to take acreage should apply at once as the opportunity will not be open long. I'NE:TE t CANNtNO .t PRESERVING CO. Tenders Wanted Tenders will he received by the undersigned on or before Friday, January 31st, icsn, at 1 o'clock p.m., for the erection of the new Lutheran church, Dash. wood. Tenders for brickwork and carpenter work to be made out separately. The lowest or any ten• der riot necessarily accepted. Plans and specifica- tions can be seen at H. Willetts Dashwood. Committer: Callref Walper, Otto Miller, George Koch, Henry Kraft. 11. WILLERT, Chairman. 8a,hwoal, Jan. 7, 1110,. Mortgage Sale Lot 12 and month half of IA t 11. Con. 1, Mil illiv• ray. on Monday, January 27, haat, at 2 o't 1otk .m., on the premise. to be sold en block or separately to salt purchasers. Twn third.of the pnrehasemoney can remain on mortgage for the years at five pet cent Interest. About 20 acres of wheat. fall plowing all done except about 13 acres: one quarter mlle from Mooresville. For further partieulan apply to OLADMAN n STANRI'RY, Banisters, Exeter. 11. E. llt'STON ES./. Eaeter. Jt11Eg'TtN1.iY, uctioner. Lucan. Prof. Diploma of Roy al In. rporate.I Society cf Musicians, England; Organist of Trivltt Memorial Charch,Eveter. Piano, Organ, Harmony and Theory of Music. Terms on application. Exeter, Ont, t AGRICULTURAL MEETING. The annual meeting Of the Exeter Brunch Agricultural Society will be held in the TOWN 4Ai.i.. EXETER, THURSDAY, JANUARY 16/it, 1008. at one o'clock p. rn., for the pin pose of electing President, Vice-I'reeitlent anti Directors for the ensiling year. and other important business. All members and interested parties are earnestly requested to at- tend. s!'The Directors are particularly re. questen to attend a meeting at 10 a.m. of the same day. JOHN DELHRI1)0E, President. A. 0. DYER, Secretary. N. D. HURDON, Treasurer. Notice! Noti. e is hereby oil en that the 113,1 Annual Meet- ing of the members of the Hay Tow'n.hip Farmers Mutual Fire Irwin!, 1. Company, will he hrldat the TOWN IIAI.I„ Zt'RR'll, on Tl'ESDAT. JANUARY 1111, Ears, at one n'cicw k p m Business Receir• ing the Directors', Auditors' and Treasurer's Reports Election of Directors and such other business ae may to net•essary for the gond and welfare of the corn - An. ll are requested to attend. (ltrdstian Stade, Req , Henry Either, President. Secretary South Huron armers' Institute 11e,;u:..I :..sanp of the •!,,.v( so iett w,11 1-e held as follow. Brucefleld, Dixon's Hall, Sat., Jan. 11 Exeter, Town Hall, Monday, Jan. 13 At 1 o'clock and 7.30 o'clock. Speakers at Bnueefleld-O. Barbour of Crosahill, afternoon subject, "Draft horses and how to Wise them' ;evening subject "Farmers and their song'; W. J. Lennox of Newton Robinson, afternoon, "Sheep breeding and their manarement"; evening, "Training young horses"; W. D. Sander., Meter. afternoon, Selected subject. Speakers at Exeter -0. Barbour, afternoon,"Draft horses and how to raise them"; evening, "Farmers and theirsons"; W. J. Lennon, afternoon "sheep breeding and their management"; evening, "Farm ere Cardene"; It. 11. McLean, Kipper afternoon. Se• le. ted sui•ject. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE MEETINGS N'ill t.e held at Bitl'('EFiELD AND EXETER (Senior'. Hail in the afternoon at 3 Miss L. Shuttleworth of Guelph will speak on ' Fruits Meth. ode of ('ar,niei and rreeerving " EVENING MEi•:TiNOS ik•Ndrsthe abate mentioned addre•u.ee. MI., Shut• tleworth will speak at the granny Meeting. at both places on "Health as a Ramis of Womanly Beauty. ' A concert of music will also he given et the elan• Ing meeting*. IIn Pneter at Opera House) W. D. SANDERS, B. S. i'HILLiPS, President, Ezeter Sem J Trva. , Hensall Hensall, Jan. 2. -The executive of the South Huron Conservative Associ- ation wet here this afternoon and chose Mr. Henry Horton of Tucker - smith Township to contest the bye - election in South Huron, caused by the recent death of B.B. Gunn, M.P. Two names were proposed. Mr. Hor- ton and Mr. John McNaughton of Stan- ley Township. Both were considered strong candidates, but in the end the choice of Mr. Horton was made unan- imous. In view of tbo short time remaining before the nominations, which take place on Jan. 15, it was practically de- cided to dispense with a party conven- tion, the feeling being that the Con- servatives of the riding would stand strong behind the choice of the execu- tive. Mr. Horton is an ex -president of the South HuronOonservativeAssociation and is also an ex -reeve of Tiickerswith township. He is a successful farmer, an able platform speaker and a wan who bite always shown an admirable public spirit. That he would be a most able successor to the -late member. Mr. Gunn's majority was 111 in the Last eiectiotas and Mr. Horton should be able to retain that majority on elec- tion day. The polling takes place on January 22, nomination one week earlier. It will be a short decisive campaign and the elections look forward to having some good speakers on both sides. Mrs. B. Meston and son Eddie, after a pleasant visit with friends here and at Zurich, Left Friday for their home in Elora. EXTENSIVE AUCTION SALE of FARM STOCK and IMPLEMENTS The undersigned Auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public auction on LOr 10, CON. 2, STEPHEN, on THURSDAY, JANUARY 10, 1908 at 1 o'clock, the following property: 1 axed driving horse; 23•yr•old geldings, 1 2 -yr -old draught; 1 3 -yr -old driver, 1 cow supposed to be in calf, 1 f.yr-old steer; 3 1 yr -old steers; 2 1' r•old hei• fen; 6 spring calves; 1 brood sow, stock hogs. Frost .fr Wood binder, mower, cultivator, seed dri11, hay loader, sulky rake, twin riding plow, 2 walking plows:set iron harrows, land roller, pair bobsleighs, lumber wagon, buggy, cutter, half inter- est manure spreader, hay racks, 2 sets heavy her- on., !horse blankets, robe wheelbarrow, fanning mill, 3 doz. bags and other articles tin numerous to mention, A gnantity potatoes, hay and turnips. TERMS --Hay and surusof 81 and under cash; over that amount credit Ie given until January 1, 1'.er, on furnishing approved joint notes. WM. ANDERSON JAS. STANLEY Prop. Auct. Auction Sale - OF - Farm Stock and Implements The undersigned auctioneers have been instrti,•0.I 10 sell by public auction on LOT 9, CON. 12, TP. OF HIBBERT TUESDAY, JANUARY 21, 1908 AT 12 O'CLOCK SHAM'. The following property: HORSES -1 brood mare, S years; 1 brood mare, 9yean: 1 aged mare:1 filly 6 months old; 1 good work horse, all Agriculture; 1 driving horse. CATTLE -4 cows, due to calte in (larch and April; 1 fat cow, 6 heifers 3 years, fat; 6 steers rising 3 yrs; 4 heifers rising 3 years; 6 steers and heifers ris- ing 2 years; 6 steers and heifers 1 yr. old; 3 fall Calves. 11005 -1 hogs nearly ready for market 14011.; 10 hors 2 months old. FOWL - 25 Barred Rock hens; 25 White Leghorn!. IMB'LEIIENTS--Masseylfarris Linder, Paterson Binder, Brantford mower and pea hart ester attached 10 -foot steel rake, new; !: ' ormick disc drill; new 1.15 hoe seed drill; 1 lion disc harrow, set diamond harrows, large 2 -furrow plow, gang plow, 2 walking plows, 1 new plow, 2 ecuffers, land roller, 2 lumber warm, top buggy, new; open buggy, pair bot. sleighs, cutter, wagon tar, gravel box, fanning mill, root pulper, a.nles,cap. 20n0 lbs.; cream Separator, stone l.oat, hay fork, rope, car and pulleys; (Bleb iron scraper, wheel barrow, chains, forks, shovels, grain hags and numerous other articles. Iu ton. fist class timothy hay, quantity of flat• class oat straw In barn, a large stock of wheat straw well stored, 1.0 bushels send oats, Banner; quantity of msngolds and turnips. TERMS -65 and under cash: oder that amnunt 10 months credit will be git en on furnishing approved joint note.. 6 per cent off for.'a.h on credit amounts. Positively no reserve as I roprietor ha• told his farm. Thom Cameron, N. and A. McKellar Auct itvn'er. Proprietors Executor's Sale OF FARM, FARM STOCK ANi) iMi'LEMENTS The executor of the late W. IL Stewart ha. in- structed the undersigned attctinne•er to sell by Public Auction, on 1.07' 11, CON. NO1tTII EAST NOUN• DRY, 1'S13OitN E ON TUESDAY, .;ANI'AltY 28, MOS AT 12 O'CLOCK SHARP The following property STOCK- 1 1-rond man 7 years, 1 gelding 7 year.. 1 Belding rising 3 years, 1 sucking colt; all agricul- tural; 1 carriage mare, 7 yrs., Standard bred; 6 rows due to calve in Marc), and April;1 cow due to calve at time of sale, 2 fat heifers, rising 3 yrs., 6 steers, rising 3 years. fir grass; 6 steers and heifer., rising 2 yon; 5 calves; 2 brood sows: 2 store hog., 1s pies 2 month. phi, 1 VPI.EMFNTe --Binder, mown, seed .1011, 3 hnr'e cultivator. hay rake, gang pinw, walking plies, set harrow., roller, cutting box,:pulper, truck wagon, pair hob eeigh, hay rack. new; top buggy, nearly new set double plow hornets, 2 sets single harness, nne nt.,: rotes, fork.; shovels, hoe., full set sirup mak- in�t utensils, some household furniture; 15 tons tin• othy hay. some (lover hay, quantity good oat straw; WO bushels turnip.. Then will also le sold at the same time and place that choice farn. ieieg lot 14, Con. N.B. B., [',borne, containing 10ttat-ress, on which there is an up -to• date brick hone. with slate roof; bank barn, 3etaa5 feet; brick hog and hen house; large frame drive house, never failing spring of water, good young orhard, 12 seers hardwood Noll. 13 acres fall wheat 5(tarres in grass; all the plowing done. This farm is well fenced and drained; is Inc high state of cut ti - intim and a ts•autiful home. TERMS Chattels --$,Y and tinder cash; over that amoant A months credit given on furnishing ap- proved joins notes. 6 per cent. off for cash on reedit amounts Real Mate -Terms of sale made known on day of sale or by applying to J. w Stewart, Est cutor. Dickson ,t f',trliug. .1. \V. Stewart, Solicitors i':xecutor THOS. CAM FAWN. Auct. 1 Election Returns EXETER The old council was re-elected on Monday after a well fought contest. A. Q. Bobier and 1Vtn. Bawden were again the candidates for the t'eeveship, and the result was a victory for the former. although the majority was decreased from 119 to 44. The win- ning councillors ran a close race, the poll being beaded by J. J. Knight. The two old trustees and F. W. Glad - wan were elected to the School Board, while R. E. Davis polled a good vote. The council for 1908 will consist of Reeve Bobier, Councillors Knight, Johns, Heantan, Fuke; and the trus- tees are Madman, Huston and Frayne After the polls closed the citizens congregated itt the Town Hall, where the results were given out and the suc- ce6bful ones gave short a]dresses, thanking the electors. The Gibbs By-law to grant $500 for a site for the evaporator was defeated. 332 votes for it were necessary to its carrying. Little interest was taken in it, many electors not understanding either the by-law or the ballot, conse- quently many ballots were returned unmarked. It is regrettable that it was not carried. The cow plebescite shoved the people were slightly in favor of shutting theist up, but, in this case also many ballots were unmarked and others were unknowingly marked as electors had not intended. The results follow: .teeve 1 2 3 4 Total Bobier 60 57 40 80 - 239 Bawden 50 40 50 59 - 205 Councillors Fuke 82 57 45 81 Heitman 53 60 03 101 Johns 85 73 54 92 - 304 Knight 78 70 70 91 - 321 Levett 42 30 51 75 - 204 Mitchell 48 20 39 28 - 1.41 Trustees Davis 71 38 47 54 - 210 Frayne 70 68 56 80 - 272 Gladwan 02 59 50 110 -- 287 Huston 87 05 05 88 - 283 Gibbs By-law For 55 47 42 79 - 223 Against 28 23 41 38 - 130 Cow Plebescite For closing 45 01 30 77 - 222 Against 50 29 57 60 - 204 - 215 - 280 McGILLIVRAY The council consists of Reeve Robin- son. Deputy Ulens, Councillors Murdy, Morgan, Poore. Reeve 1 2 3 4 5 0 7 Total Miller 03 53 40 20 28 31 35-270 Robinson 53 51 80 00 98 51 53-449 Councillors Murdy 94 72 74 42 73 27 03-445 Morgan 09 (39 80 40 47 28 23-350 Mawson 21 30 72 53 83 21 $9-3'28 Poore 40 32 40 53 81 81 71-403 13iddulph: Reeve Jas. Bryan, Coun- cillors R Reycroft, A. Hodgins, Chas. McMahon, Thos Armitage. Radgervi1le. Messrs. Frank, Joseph Reg. and Miss Susie Case attended a party in St. Marys at the home of their broth- er, Nelson Case, on Dec. 27th. -Garin Moss treated a number of his Rodger- ville friends to a skating party New Year's Day, when a pleasant time was spent, both afternoon and evening. - Mr. Robert Patterson is visiting in Lambeth, the guests of the Misses Malcholnt- --- Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Doulrall and family of White Water, Man., are visiting here, the guests of the fortnet's brother, Henry Dougall. --Frank Ross left Tuesday merning for Hyde Park, where he intends to spend the winter with his brother, Dr. C. C. Ross: --Garnet Case is con- fined to his rconl through iilness. We hope to see hint out again soon. -After spending the Christntns vacation here, Miss Vera Glenn left Thursday morn- ing for Dundalk, where she has accept- ed a school. -Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jarrott attended the wedding recep- tion of his cousin at Hillsgreen on Monday evening of last week. -Albert McTaggart of 'Toronto and sister Miss Mabel of Chathom are holidaying in this vicinity at present. -Peter Case and sister, Mrs. Robert hose, visited one day this week. in Varna- Mies Alice Bell and sister Eliza arrived home last week after spending the summer in British Columtt'a an l other i points in the West.-- Ernest White of Lucknow spent Christmas under the parental roof. -Woodcutting is the order of the day here now. Cards of Thanks. TO THE ELECTORS OF EXETER. I thank the people of Exeter for the confidence shown in me by re-electing me to the reeve's chair for fly. per cent Discount Yobs trul A. Q, 13ohiet- ITo the Electors of South Huron. GENTLE:31EN: As you are doubtless aware a by-election for the House of Commons is to be held in South Huron on \Vednesday, Jan. 22. This has been rendered ne- cessary by the death of our able and lamented member, Mr. Benjamin B. Gunn, whom you honored with you generous support in 1901. He deserved your confidence; the Liberal Conservative patty deserved that support. To- day it appeals to you through a Worthy leader, who wears the white flower of a blameless life. As a candidate of the Liberal Conservative party, I shall support their ef- forts for an honest expenditure of public money, and a thorough prevention of eleetoral corruption. I ant at firm believer in rural nail delivery, in railway and immigration reform and in nationalization of our telegraphs and tele- phones. As your representative I shall use my best endeavors in support of every measure that 1 know is right. As a farmer I believe I have both a special knowledge of your wants and special claims for support from this great rural riding, Owing to the shortness of the time I shall not be able to meet all the elec- tors before pulling day; but I hope to visit as many as possible, and to see many more of you at the various public meetings. With the season's greetings, I remain, Yours sincerely, HENRY HORTON. BIRTHS MITCHELL -At Moray, Dec.31, to Day. Mitchell and wife a daughter. CAREY-At Mt. Carmel, Dec. 29, to Janes Carey and wife a daughter. PA'rrEttsoN-At Grand Bend, Dec. 30, Wrn. Patterson and wife a son. Y UNt1RLCT-In Zurich, Dec. 30, to H. Yungbl'tt and wife a son. PRANG -In Goderich, Jan. 1, to John Prang and wife a dau4hter. Hon :in -At \Valkerville, Jan. 3, the wife of E. \V. Horne, Manager of the Houle Bank of Canada, a son. MARRIAGES. TAYLOR -KENT -In Lucan, Jan. 1, by Rev. Holmes, Hector N. Taylor of Usborne, to Miss Ina, daughter of Ww. Kent of Lucan. SADLER-O'NEIL-At the home of the bride's father. Dec. 25, by Rev. Com- mis, R. Alfred Sadler to Miss Lois Adeline, daughter of Harry O'Neil of McGillivray. STEI'IIENSON-CARTER-At the home of the bride's father, by Rev. Newton Dec. 31, VV. O. Stephenson of Rou- leau, Sask., to Miss Hilda, daughter of Wm. Carter, McGillivray. JACKSON-RODAWAY-In Clinton,Jan' 1, by Rev. Kerr, Dr. E. W. Jackson, of Chicago, to Mies M. Rodaway of liullett. SCRUTON-BAItIt-I n Clinton, Dec. 30, by Rev. Stewart, Ed. Scruton, to Jennie, only daughter of Sant Barr, both of Clinton. DONALY-CURRY-At the home of the bride's another, Jan. 1, John Doaaly to Miss Alice I. Curray, (formerly of Hillsgreen) both of Moosejaw, Sask. A NDERsoN-WIIITESIDRS--At Carie - vale, Dec. 23, by Rev Sotnerset, Jas. McHardv Anderson of Oakley,Sask.. to Miss Violet, daughter of Wm. Whiteside of Hensall. MACRAE-RITTER-On Tuesday, Dec. 31, 1907, at the Berkeley st. Metho- dist parsonage, Toronto, by the Rev. J. E. Starr, Rebecca, the youngest daughter of Val. Ritter, Dashwood, to Mr. Frederick J. Macrae of Bel- fast, Ireland. DEATHS RANNIE-In Hay, Babylon Line, Jan. 1, Mary Anne Thompson, beloved wife of Alex. Rannie, aged 53 years, 9 months, 17 days. GItEttxwooD-In Mitchell,Jan. 1, Mary, wife of Win. Greenwood, aged 50 years, 11) months. BAKER -In Ezeter, Dec.31, Eliza Long wife of Wm. Baker, aged 80 years, 2 months, 4 days. SANDERS -At St. Joseph Hospital, London, Jan. 4, Emily Wood, be- loved wife of James A. Sanders, of London, E ETES DIAMOND HALL HEST JEWELLERY OUR NEW STOCK OF Watches, Jewellery, Silverware, Toilet Sets, Etc., Etc., has just been opened up and we may safely say that this is the finest stock that has ever been shown in Exeter. Our Coods are at Prices To Suit EVERYBODY They Will Sult You Call and Examine Early A. MARCHAND, Exeter, Ont. Just Before Stock Taking i'tdies and Gentlemen. -1 thank you heartily for re-electing me to the Council Board of Exeter for 1908. Very truly, A. E. Fuke. 1 take this opportunity of thanking you all again for returning me for councillor for the current year, and 1 promise to advance your interest. Yours sincerely, J. J. Knight. 1 ,Nedra to thank you one and all for re-electing me to the council board for the next year. i shall do rely best to deserve your confidence. Sincerely yours, W. J. Heitman. IAdies and Gentlemen.- -Wellington Johns desires to return thanks to the electors for re electing hint as coun- cillor for 11i1.101. The sante careful At- tention will be given the town's affairs. on all Heaters. This is a Snap. 4 tons Cleveland Coil Spring Wire 400 Rods Ideal Fencing at special prices for one week to reduce the stock Ranges, Ranges, 10 per c. off Souvenir, Garland, and Nationals I The most economical in fuel and exc 311ent bakers. Special b per cent. off for one week. i �w. �oequal a°ceii ca offered9EAYAN'S HARDWARE b STOVE STORE