Exeter Advocate, 1908-01-02, Page 8WEL DRESSED 1 The well dressed roan is the suc- cessful to .n of the day. A good appearsese counts for a great deal in the -e particular tildes, and a little care about neat and well fit- ting garments is one of the best in- vestments a young man can snake. Have ys it clothes made to order. We make the kind of Suits and Overt•..at- that gives a Ilan that "well dl e •.ed" appearance so much desired. \Ve Make the Clothes to fit the roan. W. W. TAMAN Merchant Tailor, Exeter, Ontario Business Locals -- Read Them Clubbing Rates. There is no clubbing rate too gond for Atits 4walls subscribers. We have the best and cheapest list that can be secured, and all you have to do is call and take advantage of it. Cutters for Sale. A car load of McLaughlin cutters for sale. Best on the market and the price reason able.--\N.G. Bissett. Farm for Sate. 531, acne Lunt, situate west of the G. T. 12. and north of the salt block, Exe- ter. Terms easy. Apply A. Q. Bohier. Lady's Fur Lost. 11 •ween Exeter and Hensall a long brown lady's fur. Finder- will be re- warded hy leaving at this office. Dog lost or Stolen. Fox tern ier pup, white, brown ears, brown spot over eyes. answers to the mute of Pete, Any person returning hitt or giving information that will lead to his recovery will he suitably rewarded. -- A. 11. Going. Get your Marriage Licenses at the Advocate otdice. House and Lot for Sale. A story and half brick house, good stable, A sere laird, hard and soft water, situated on Andrew street, Apply to 11. Rowclitfeat the grist mill. darri-,g,' Licenses issued at the Ad- -treats (Alice. e to Rent. On William street, bri.•k story and half dwelling, in good state of repair. Apply to Mrs. Perkins. nover's Institute Meeting. The regal .r tweeting of the Woman's 1nvt11lite will be held in Senior's Hall. Friday, Jan. 3rd, at 3.()) o'clock, sharp. Snhjects: Suggestions as to work by individual members; thoughts on the 1 pestling year by his. Amos. A collec- tion of hooks belonging to the library will he disposed of. Everybody wel- come. Mrs. .1mos, l'res. Mrs. Hastings, Sec. Key Found A hon..• key on Main street. t ►wn• er (1n have same by paying for this note t .• Installation of Offb:co.s. The following ()Meets were installed in 1.••hartori Forest Lodge. N4. tai, A. F. &..1. \l.. 4n Friday lay night, by fast 1).1).1:. \I. tiro. L. H. Dickson, assisted by of le,•t 1'. NI'': os, Fisher. 1. P.11.. • tock events \N.. Lynes trade ltd. S, 7, drMfwriprMFMfApr see Nor IFWSW SW I, As we go to press we learn with re- ilr_ `� ggret that Mrs. \Villianl Baker, of LOCAL DOINGS. 4 Huron street, has died. Just as weare going to press Tues- day aft. ninon the tire brigade had a call to Frank Wood's slaughter house. The fire caught from the stove. but was out befoie the firemen arrived on the scene. Lost - A gold Oddfellowr' pin, in the shape of a circle with three links across the centre. Finder will he suitably re- warded by leaving same with Mr. Jas. Jewell. Hicks' Forecasts For January. A reactionary storm period is cent- ral on the Ist, 2nd and 3t -d. There are several reasons for apprehending gen- eral and severe terrestrial Dud atmos- pheric perturbations at and about this first storm period in 19IS. Within seventy hours of sunset on the 3rd, aa As Ana ALAI' As Ai .11k alk Be sure to write MS. Be careful, boys -remember this is leap year. Here's wishing you a Happy New Year. Mr. Curt 'hiltless is so Much im- proved from pneumonia as to be able to sit up. Herb Soutbcatt sang a very accept- able solo in the James street church Sunday evening. Rev. Charles Smith, formerly of Ex- eter, died in London on Sunday after an illness of a year and a half. What about those New Year resolu- tions : A few of thein would not he amiss, even in quiet, orderly Exeter, general and heavy winter scorn). The fi iends here of Mrs. Isaac Baw- amounting to blizzards and blockades den will learn with regret that she is iu many sections, with severe seismic very ill, with only slight hopes of her disturbances in' many parts of the recovery. earth, may reasonably be counted on. Parts of the earth on and south of the equator, subject to earthquake dis• turbances, will he especially exposed to seismic lines of force at this time. Heavy boreal storms and gales will prevail over both the Pacific and At- lantic oceans during this and follow- ing January periods. No reader of these forecasts should be surprised if one of the greatest cold waves of the winter appears from about the 3rd to the 7th, progressively out of the north west. \Vetch indications and reports. Ferry's Free Seed Book. For half a century thousands and thousands of farmers and gardeners have regarded "Ferry's Seed Annual" as the hest guide not only for the buy - Misses Lily and Ainy johns enter- tained a number of friends Thursday evening, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Goodissn. The rain of Friday did not do a thing with our snow. In a single day excel- lent sleighing was changed to just as fine wheeling. Heys. Going and Fear exchanged pulpits Sunday morning, the occasion tieing the educational services in the Main street church. Mr. Ernest Grigg, Missionary, is to give a lecture, accompanied by lime- light views of Burmah, India, in the Presbyterian church on Friday even- ing The marriage of Miss Nora Clench, the famous Canadian violinist, former- ing of seeds, but for their planting and ly of St. Marys and Mr. Streaton, a care. Daily reference to its text and distinguished artist. was announced to illustrations proves it to be the actual take place Dec. 21st, in England. beginning of a successful season. The \Ir. Wallace Fisher of the Sovereign new edition for 1905 is now ready for Bank, London, has been promoted to accountant at the Windsor branch of the same hank. Mr. Fisher is a bright young man and gives every promise of reaching the top of the ladder in bank- ing circles. A complimentary supper wits tend- ered I)r. J. A. Rollins on Thursday night by a few of his old-time friends in town. The Doctor spent the batter part of last week in this neighborhood. Ile has now gone to Griffis to take up his duties as assistant superintendent of the asylum. The surveyors timing the week made another survey east ofo town with a view to locating the station east of the village, and thence proceeded to the G. T, R. bridge and westward in a southwest direction, to pass Crediton to the north and west. It must be re membered that tires _tutseys are not fir:aj rind may lie altered considerably. Mr. D. D. Wilson of Seaford) was in town on Friday night Last. Ile is reported to have received the appoint- ment of Returning Officer for the ap- proaching bye -election in South Hur- on. and that he was looking up suit- able polling places while in town. He thinks the election is to he very soon and mentioned January 20th as the probable date. Prof. Crockers' educated horses will appear in the Opera House, Exeter,for two nights, Monday and Tuesday. Jan, 0th and 7th, with his troupe of educated horses, ponies, donkeys and mules. it is without a doubt the most highly entertaining, refined and in- structive entertainment ever present- ed on the continent. These animals do everything but talk. Tne only show of the kind in the world. Watch for the great street parade Monday noon. Matinee prices IOc. for children. Even- ing prices ...-x, ...i,)c. and ;141. Plan at Coles drug store. On Friday a number of the members of the S wr •t faulilie•s of town and their visitors enjoyed a shooting thatch on the club grounds. The vis- itors were William Lynes of Toronto, Silas Sweet of Vancouver, 11. C., ('has. Anderson of Rnw•ulanville, Fred G. Sweet of Kincardine. Robert Sweet of Clinton. and (leo. \Vinterhot.toti and W. It. Garner of London. In the ten r \\ - \\ Ton ('Ieec\\ .M. 1), W. Collin, S. \\ : R. N. Ch. J. \\'.: C. H , . San- tl' !► ti Silas Sweet .i, ii, SI 9, 7, 9 9 • tiers, Ser ; Jos. Davis, Tress.: Fred Keir, S.D.: 1V. I). Sanders, J.1).: H.G. meld., i 1 G.: S. Sweet, 'Tyler. R. H. mu, ph. • S.S.; J. D. Atkinson„1.5.: I)1. sweet. 1►. 4f ('.: A. 11. Going, ('hai•. Th....mi. tt 4f the evening being over the brethren repaired to the oyster room ••r lir. E. (Ludy and there en- joyed a hitt' ti and a shot t toast list prr.po.e 1 and responded to. d o I►ON"I' MIISKI-:Y \VI'l'H 7'11:►'I' (111•(:11 use I1(11VI':)"S S\'itl'P '\' it i'i'i: PINE and TAR ('has. Anderson I. 2, s, 7, 6: Fred (i. Sweet :1, :t : Robert Sweet 2, O : George Winterbottom 4; Samuel Sweet 0; I)r. Sweet :3, 1 : Thos. Sweet 6. Silas Sweet and \Vm. Lynes also shot :t In cork ulatrh, snaking 1S) and 21 respectively. Mr. Gardner acted as referee and scions The following leo:reference to a bu- nter Exeter young lady: -"A quiet, bet very pretty, wedding took place at St. Peter's church rectory. Hamil- ton, on ]Wednesday. Dec. 1st b, the occasion being the marriage of Miss Olive. daughter of Mr. anti Mrs. John T. \Vestrott, Wilson street, to Mr. C. E. Fink. contractor. "rhe setemal's and ere long i{e•v. I). W. Collins, rec- wasperfortwed by the rector, Rev. .f. tor of Trisitt .fetuoris1 church. pro. W. Ten Eyck. After the reremeny nounred the mystic words that made ' the young couple 1eturned to the the happy couple man and wife. The Id only .t Huace )s Drug bride's home. where .t daint v wedding bride wits most handsomely adorned in .'I (• 13 g bottle for ::'''. dinner was prepst ed. Only ir11n1ediste relative's of the bride and groom were free mailing to all who write to the publishers for a copy. It is a high tribute to the house of D. M. Ferry & Co. that two generations have planted Ferry's Seeds, each succeeding year adding to the confidence that "seed trouble will never arise when Ferry's seeds are planted its " Ferry's Seed Annual" says they should be. Anoth- er remarkable feature developed by the house of Ferry is the method of distributing seeds to dealers through- out the country so that the planters everywhere can secure at their horse store exactly what they want when they want it, with the absolute nssur•- ance that it is fresh and fe: `:;,•, Ev- eryone should send s: (Mee to D. M. Ferry & Co.. xa';udsor, Ont., for the 1908 e•lition of " Ferry's Seed Annual." Plait Growers Organize. Last Thursday evening M►•. Levi G. Tinckelppaugh, genets! agent for the Stone & Wellington Nursery Com- pany, of Tot onto. called :t meeting to organize " The Huron County Fruit Growers Association." The meeting was held in the parlors of the Central Hotel. henry E. Huston, of Exeter, was elected president ; John N. Rat- cliffe, Exeter, secretary ; N. Dyer Irurdor;, Manager Molsons Bank, Exe- ter, treasurer : S. M. Sanders, Manager Exeter Canning & Preserving Co.. Ltd., assistant secretary ; also several vice presidents and directors. Mr. '1'lnckelpaugh presented the following preamble: Resels'ed that " We, the undersigned fruit growers and citizens of Huron Comity. Ontario, do hereby agree to unite ourselves as eharter members into an organization to he known as The Huron County Fruit Growers Association." to improve the o ) fruit growing and producing qualities ofc) our r(hiud and to supplement the work of the Ontario Fruit Grow- ers Association. of which \Ir. \\'. E. Wellington. of Toronto, is president. Oflirets if this new association to setae tor the textthree years. A nnmbet of by-law's are to he drafted to govern the business 4f the associa- tion. :111 fanners and ft tit growers of Hilton County are invited to juin the association." The following gen- tlemen were elected vice-presidents : NV. J. Carling, C. Hoare, :1, (1. Bolder. .14.hn Farmer. V. D. Sanders. .1. 1V. i'ay141, Wesley Snell, \\'nt. Monteith, Wesley Dearing. John Hunter, \N. I)anteey, Jas. Aitch, Jas. Stanlake, Peter Schroeder. 1, McTaggart, F. Metcalf. Mills Sander• Suptial. ,• A very !telly Christmas wedding wnscelehrated at the donde of Mes, John Cookson, Exeter North, when her daughter Miss Elizabeth Jane San- ders gave her heart and band to Mr. Frederick .1. Mills 4f 1'sborne, An arch of evergreens had been erected in the parlor aro! at 2:30 o'clock the bride ami groom made 1heit appearance and with the bridesmaid, Miss Hattie Wil- lis and ts'st ratan, Mr. Chas. Sanders. took their places underneath the arch ++++++++++++++++++++*fM- Who Is Your Tailor ter •A. 1 } "1'o be best dressed 1 doesn't mean to •a> ' most. Jost because A 111.10 pays a big • price for his clothes d,w-.n't hake them i look good. The to 4 - ter oil Moly iw' the fln..t,hut th.•ti' may not he right. AI - w ay. the latest and best f thrice of the moment .are here. ()tar tnil.ring 1s fit clv.s and wit prices within reach .f .11. W. JOHNS Mer..haat Tailor • Exeter ef♦++++f4 4-1-1+++++++++++++4 present. rhe ht ide s going -away dress was a shat t unlined traveling suit of navy chiffon broadcloth, wIth hat t4 mate!). l'he bride WAS the re( ipient ' ed and the blushing hi ide duly kissed of many handsome and useful gifts. ! and congratulated, the attention of among them being a beautiful Crown the guest ',which numl.ered about 100, Piano. a gift of the groom. The young was attracted by the tables in the h '1ne on 0 visit. couple left for IiuRAlo, Niagara Falls,dining room, fairly groaning under the Mr Fred Elliott 4f Ilailevbnry iv and Other points. They will reside in load of appetiticing and delicious dish- ( spending It few days here. Hamilton. ' es placed upon there. Soon the assets- Will A s is visiting in \1r(iillivray Holidn Visitors b1y were hard at work and it took Township. From London, Mises Vera ]{owe, some time h('fore all had been s tt isfled. Mrs. Ernest Reeves of i3oRaln is vi. - Mary Mack, Maiel Walters, ida Bird, In an upper room the bridal gifts were iting her parents here. Mr. ,and Mrs. filch. itissett ani do igh-placed but spare will not permit ns to Miss Welsh of London is visiting I a gown 44 cream lost re. unmoral with Money lace and presented .1 most he•• witching ,tppe:u.,nce. 114.1 travelling 811it was of brown ehitTon Lroadcl•'th. Afterthe 01'1rntony Is 41 l',•15 pet form. EXETER MARKETS. CHANGED EACH WEDNESDAY Wheat Swt Batley 50 till Oats 38 4() Peas 75 80 Potatoes, per bag 50 73 Hay, per ton 12 00 14 00 Flour, per cwt., family 2 75 Flour, low grade per cwt 1 30 1 35 Butter 22 23 Eggs 1.4 Dried apples 6 Livehogs, per cwt 550 Shorts per ton 2•) 00 Bran per ton 20 00 Turkeys ... .. 10 I1 Meese 7 8 Ducks 7 S ('hicken 8 9 Hens. 3 6 C OMpliMClltS 0! The Season We sincerely thank our many custorners for their patronage. as our trade for 10117 has beenvery satisfactory, but we still want more customers for 1908. Wehave everything in stock that a first-class drug store ought to have, and we feel that it would pay you in every way to makethis your regular family drug store, CoIe's Drug Mold Mrs. Sheer° was in Brantford this week. Miss Edna Williams, of Alberta, is home on a visit. Mr. Notthcott of Hay has purchased Mr,'D. McInnes' house on Sinncoe st. Mr. Win. Melville, echo has been i11 of scarlet fever in Stratford for six weeks, arrived here Monday to visit old friend_, who are pleased to see that he has now nearly recovered. Miss Lily May of Mitchell and Miss Bunt of London are guests of Mrs. 'T. E. Handford. Mr. Fred G. Sweet, of the Kincardine High School staff, is visiting at his home here during the XMAS holidays. Misses Lois !limey and Bertha Mack are spending this week in London. Miss Dinah Elston, milliner, of Fer- gus, bas returned house. Miss Jennie Taylor', milliner, of Shakespeare. has returned to her home1 here for the holidays. Miss May Gill, of Fort Erie, is visit- ing at her home here. Frederick Waltets, of:Battle ('reek. Mich., is visiting here. Mr. Geo. Jewell and son Freddie of London are visiting with relatives here fofew s a f ave. They also at- tended the f.inera1 of the late Mrs. Her n. Mr. Brown, of ('algal y. Alta., and Hiss Brown, 4.1 Bay City. Miett., are 4 isitot s at Mrs. Hawkins ' Mr. Kline Fear and Miss Mason, of Toronto. ate guests at the Mala street pat sone ge. Miss Ethel I3isse'tt of Watford and Miss 011ie Quinceof ('IifTurd, millin- ers. are horse fur the holidays. Mrs. Cook of St. Thomas is the guest of her sister, Mrs. (leo. Thomas, and other relatives. Nina. 'r. II. McCallum. Mrs. Douglas andMiss Elsie McCallum visited in London and Toronto dot ing the hob. Mr. Adam Whiteford.eford, who WAS here at tending the funeral of his father, 1 t111 tied to his holm. in Virden. ']fan., on Friday. Mr. Geo. 11411111511 and two daughters of Seaton h ate spending a week visit- ing in town. Mr. ('has. Tehbntt, of Galt, formerly a teacher in the Exeter school, spent part of the week in town with friends. and Mrs. Thos. i)itnsford, of Marlette, Mich., :ire spending A few weeks with relatives in this vicinity. Mr. Geo. Laxton 4f Sarnia is spend- ing it week with old friends in and around Exeter. Mr. Luxton was a former resident. being among the first settlers, but he removed firm' here aboiit forty year.; Ago, Messrs. (leo, Biker 44 Walker vine and Harry of Detroit visited here dur- ing the week. owing to the illne',i of their mother. Mrs. Wm. Baker of Huron street. Mks;Ltiilise i:serett of Tilt nntn is T. I3AW8IN8 & SON 4 We wish you all A Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year. T. HAWHINS & SON. Did 11 Ever Occur 10 You that the way to succeed in business is to handle the lines which the people want? And I can tell you right now that you will hunt a long while before you will find anything to eclipse the MAGNIFICENT LINE OF FURNITURE we carry. It is up-to-date in every particular and is the best paying line for any buyer. Call and inspect our stock before purchasing. ROWE & ATKINSON The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors. JONES & CLARK PHONE NO, 32 CIJ • - JONES & CLARK Headquarters for the celebrated' W. E. Sanford Clothing HOLIDAY BARGAINS Buy your XMAS. presents at this store and save money. A big st k of suitable goods for Xmas. gifts. Come and have a look through, we want you to see what we are doing and get our prices, because they Are right. ter Miss 11.4. Mr. Shosenhnrg, wife ,and enumerate them but the er y ncis te , d c f her father. John hn \\ el,s h. i.ondon Road Suitable fsmily. Fred Penhale, Victc'r Sanders. several purses of money, fine linen, fol. Alf. and John Salton, Frank Hunt, (1.. w:ue, china, gla.swsre, ete., testifying Armstrong, W. B. Bird. wife and son As they did to the high estimation in Het hie, Phil RnwclifTe, Mr. and Mrs. whish the bride is held by her dost of Mrs. Young 'nee Edith Beeri, Mr. and friend'. in the evening A large cor- Mrs. Ed. Tomlinson, A. Evans and pang of Young people gathered and wife: W. (ioodison and wife, Sarnia; enjoyed a merry dance together. Dan. Prior, Clinton: Wylie Milliard, 0 Guests were present from Toronto. McPherson. Frank Bawden, Frank i.ondon,l'rediton, Hensall, ('hiselhurst And elsewhere. The wish of Mr. and Mrs. Mills' many visiting st her pirents' home. Exeter friends is that their future ntanv be North. one long season of joy and pro.pt i it y. Mr. and Mrs. l'. E. Cuter and fam• They have taken nn housekeeping in ily. of Exeter North, visited the for - Mr. 1'ogsley'shouse, Exeter. tner's Lather in (onion over he North. Miss Miners. who has been teaching at Dashwood during the past year. is home for the holidays. She will !Ake charge of the 'stin •y school After the holiday. Miss L. 11. Jeckell, model school teacher, of G.,.derich, is visiting nt her home, London Rind Not th. Dennis, hisses 1,iidia Oke and Edna Kipper), \tnt 'dhAR1 All 1 Miss A. ('ohblediek of Toronto is \Icl'allum,Toro; Misses Muriel and Mildred Evans, Norman I'hair, Ails* Craig: ('hall's Adams, Calgary; Art. wood, Montreal: I)r. Follick, St Marys :1 (i 1'eang, 4isi rich: \V11). Moncur, Guelph: Rev. ('.\W. and Fred Kinder*. _ !Christ 1114.1 season. Lucknow: \\'. J. Hodgins, wife and Miss lIsrriet Colwill, who has rt•sid• Mr. And Mrs. JArnee Latton of iron. daughter Marie, St. 'Phones.: W. H. ell in 'Winnipeg. Man., for the least (ton spent Christmas with their oriel°. Gregory. of Mitchell; Ernest Rivera, three year., is visiting her parents. Jt r. Th••mns Hatton. They roomed i3ufTAlo: Miss 5lary ]'arsons. nPar Mr. And Mrs. John (01wi11. of town. to the city nn 1 1O Aremopnni•(I by hitt): Mrs. R. T. Johns, :11vinston; Mr. Ri.•hsr.l (lnanre is :attending the Miss M. G. Tapp. Reg. Elliott, Norwich: James Smith silver wedding 4f Mi. And Mi.. SaruuPl • The Misses Nola anti Jennie Barton, i)etroit. Peter Nfel1 n.1.1 wife :a.,.1 son flnlrhin. ,n, London. -ndnn, and Miss KI14 ilnrton. ;is( 44 Fail g•nnndt: It Y. .1 :1. .e11. Mar- \1,•. i 1.' IsQ .rl•'. lasreturnei from St• Thnnlns• a•.•nt the holitiay. wi 1hon. ille. 11411 )W, their uncle, 11r. Thos. Hatton. Lifts for Ladies Fasey Collars The most 1.'autiful showing of dainty collars we have ever displayed. ('Done and see them. Filet. 5Oc., 75c. $1. Kid Gloves Almost every lady appreciates a snit- of airof good wearing kid gloves and that's the kind we sell; every pair guaranteed lases and colored. Price $1 And 1.251 Fancy Belts in Silk, Leather and EMAstic, in All the popular shades. I'rire. 2.1 and 5t) cants. Finley Leather !land flags: also fan- cy Tartan Silk Bags: makes a nice looking present as well as a useful one. 1'r ires 7aes. RI, $1 2.i, $1 Suitable Gifts for Gentlemen step's Fine Kid Gloves in Nfocho's, Swede and Dressed Kid. lineal and un- lined. ]'rice RI and $1.':'.. Neckwear A bright showing of Bows, Four -in - Hand, Knots ann Strings in all the new shades. Prise 25 to ,) cents. A suitable gift for a gentleman is .t fancy box containing a pair fine brae• ces, pair armlets, pair hose supporters all for 75-. fence Mufflers in i3Lack or colors, large size, I,eaut1• fill fine goods. ]'rice al And $1.25. Miifllers in Silk or Satin ishapedi f.ert. c colored lining. Prise :+i and 7..r. NF11I & R()WE