Exeter Advocate, 1908-01-02, Page 7MURDER OF PEEL FARMER William Curry the Victim of Immigrant v*' Farm Hasid. A despatch from Brampton says: Dur. ins' the closieg hours of C:hrtstmos Day a horrible tragedy was enacted 4n To- r(,nto teens rip by tvhich William Cur- ry. u mai of sixty yea's, was siert and killed. Thursday afternoon John Ter- r%.s, en English immigrant, was token le the county jail here, charged with order. VISITING ON CHRISTMAS. Christms Day was 4ous;e d by the de- -ceased and his son at the home of \1r. J. Black is son-in-law, 'nee. • tt•ere then left in the Curry home 'terns attd •a ten -seer -old "twine' boy. Mins Curry the housekeeper, was away et Stayner .paseing the holiday with her sister, Mrs. fain. About 8 o'clock the two Currys returned to their home. 11a1r- ,agt 8 found Janes Curry zone the pri- ener• sitting in the living room reading t`''"`%%%%%newspapers at the table, with the fa- ther gone to his bed in 1. room opening -cif the living loom. The home boy, ac- centing to the story tokl, said to the hired roan. "Let's go to bed." Terriss r.. walked over to the corner of the 1'4,, lin, :ori picked up James Curry s !trete:I-loading, double-barrollod shot- gun. Drawing 'tie gun to his shoulder he covered Curry with it and remarked: "The other day you laughed at me be- fore others, but now 1 have the laugh -on you." Currry thought the gun was •empty, ns he had left it in the corner it few days before, and did not treat the threat seriously at first. Ile told 'i'er•riss to put the gun down, end there mere words Peel enough to rouse the I 'ran in the adjoining room) and 1i.ng him to the door. TO SAVE IIi.S SON. 'arras, it is said, Turning to hint. or - •d, rod trim back. lin•eatening to shoot if Lc advanced. The old man advanced Auld the shotgun belched at the sante 44) moment. A charge of No. n 4 shot en - .reel the old men's left breast and tore pen n tares la's. At the same moment the lamp was extinguished by the dis- charge of the weafx n• Jamey Curry, whe had been stinted when the shot i n a, tired, sprang, to his feel, rushed e', ferriss, grasped his throat with one leind and the elan with the other. WERE TWO SiIOTS. A second report rang out, but th charge passel harmlessly into the cell ing. The deadly struggle in the dar continued over chains and around the table. Cluny suceeded in pulling th gun away from the Englishman, bu tic sooner had ho done se than he was attacked by a fresh weapon In the hands of the infuriate1 Torriss. 1111Swes a stove crank shaker, which the man had m his poekeI. Ile struck Cur- rys on the head and on the arm with- out inflicting very serious injuies. Curry was able to wrest the crank from the mat, whom he struck over the lett temple, felling hint to the floor where he lay unconscious. In the rnean- time old Mr. Curry had staggered in- to his room and fallen on his bed. Tho boy had fled the scene when the trou- ble began and hod hidden himself. A MONTHIN CAN -1D.\. The aged victimof the shooting ling- ered for two or three hours, but he was unable to survive the shock and expired. The alleged perpeteator of the deed, though he received a heavy blow 'front the poker. regained his senses and revived sufficiently to be brought to the jail. Ile had beer, known around the farm as "Jack," and iris (suniame was not ascertained until 1!e gave it to the officers of the law. Ile Nigher slated that he had conte from New- castle -on -Tyne, and it is believed ho has a wife livingthere. The prisoner is about thirty years of age end is a painter by trade. Ile came from the old eounlry about a month ago and went straight to the Curry tern' from the innnibnnlion depot in Termite. e k t CLAI\IS SHOOTING ACCDENTAL. it is said Merl the iliepute between the younger Curry and the hirci man arose over o question of wages. The hatter, it seems, claimed he had been hired for a year, wimile curry state) that be had only come a month on trial. Terries; had been fold his servtc- es were no longer required. After- ward., it is claimed, there was n quar- rel about o sick horse, and whatever was said rankled in Terrill' (heart. When arrestees in lacking of the affair the prisoner claimed that the shooting oras accidental. LEADING MARKETS tithe\I).s'l1 1 1 • yipI Tonto, . 31.---elanibeba Wheat- "• . 1 u' 11•.fF,1, about nominal at 81,- 1 ', N tiorthern, $1.133,; No. 3 •I toes; feed wheal. 6(k! to 1 \ • I. .''t Io 51e, inke ports. \s : e 2 tt tete or red, \o. e mixed, 94c . sew. - Dinars• r wheat patents; !• I export, 83.65 ',se. offering at $3.7u: at ,h;rtoba pateunts, epec•ial brand, $5.80 1. 86; sex,nds, $5.20; strong bukeree veto,. Bark'}' -No. 1. 72c to Tic; No. 2, 70c tr :'c. outeide; No. 3 extra, Glc to70c. 'ea outside. kiln - lie \•,. 2. 80:, e.im--Old No. 2 yellow .\►n erican, t•, 73c, 'Toronto freight.:: new, No. 3 yeIk,w. 63e; new• No. 3 yellow, kiln- 'drie 1. 67e to Gee. O.'il.:--No. 2 while. 45e to 45%e, cia- o] e ,ut.1.: mixed, He lee 11,14c. outside, 4t►c Par/ 10. rtuckeheat- -We outside. Itrun--$19 in bulk our!ide; &hurt., '121. COUNTItI• PlIODCCE. hatter- \tarket steady, tt ith prices nn. 1:441., 1. 4.1,'.eecry. print& .... .... .. 28' to 30e • solid; .,,, .,,. •• .,.. 26e D e ry prints .... .... 23e lo 21c 111.i 4.)I:411 .... .... .... 22c to 2:Ic biteri•ir ,... sees .. 20cto2le (:hecse--2)012 at 13' c for !ergo nod 1't c for loins. I.:glee--Storage. 220 r dozen In case eek'cts, 21x: sheeny new -Ink( nom- inal om- inal at 30e to 35e. Ix)tnl .'.i-Steaely at 80e to 85e per ln, in car .ohs .ren track hem. It'a►)s- tl.7i► to $!.7' for primes and 1e1.8E1 to $1.8a for handideked, Venison- Firm anti in demand; h nJ• q"ar'crs, lI ,c to I:c; front quarter?. 5e•. caren'e . 8,Se 1, 9e. Balevl Ilay--Timothy quoted front f.'17 to 117.50 icr Ion on 'reek here. Brent Straw --Quiet et 81.50 to 810. - to per 1 on on track here. !410VI'IONS, seeded end Dry salted \lent.-- Long wear baron, 10c to 10)-;c for torts and Gree.; harts, large medium and light. 1f. to I5c; hauls. 12Xc to 13c; backs, 16.eec to 17c; shoulders, 10c; rolls, 10c to Jr }{c; breakfaet Won, 15e to I514c; green n:eats out of pickle, 1c less than 5'reoked. P•)rk-Shirt cut, .2;.75 'o $.'3 for bar - 1,.1s; mess, ere to b19• Lard- 'Solves. Wee; tette, 12 c, 12c; pails,, BUFFALO \IAl1KET. Ruffa!o, Dec. 31 -Wheat - Spring, firmer; N•', 1 Northern. $1.173,; \\'inter, steady; No. 2 red, 11.06. Cern-Lower; No. 3 yellow, 6I ;c; No. 3 white. See. Oats -.Steady; No. 2 intact!. 50c; No. 2 White, 533 e. Barley -95e to 11.12. nye --Nu. 1,• 90C. • NEW YORK \VIIE\T MARKET. New York, Dec. 31. --\'beat - Spat, fern:: \o. 2 red, $1.44, elevator; \'o. 2 red. st.biy feel,. anent; No. 1 northern, Duluth. 81.2.73, f.o.b. alkoat; No. 2 hart 'tinter, 81.173, f.o.b. afloat. 1'It(iI.M 711 %I)1: \11111 (:V\.tD.t. Cermet' Paper .tdvocales Change In Gaul • 11's Polley. A dmpatch (rare Berlin says : 'The Dor- een Courier publishes a leading urtielo all trade with Canada, urging u change of tactics on the part of the German Government. It regrets that not the sleilitesl reference is made to Canada in the bill pmle;nging-the provisional com- mercial ur•rangerncnt with England until the end of 1t109, which has just become law. "If we continue our present policy In respell of our commCieInl relations t'. ith Canada, • it remarks, "wee run the teak of being left very far behind 111 the rare for trade with Uti., thriving country which contains almost inconceivable pos- sibilities for development. The interest of German trade and Induary demand most urgently that the German Govern - men shall now do something Inwards renewing German•Cnnndinn dnnrnercial relations." V1-IT11 CLOTtlt\:: \I11.%7i:. --- Woman Itn'hr, rhil nn the Street In et. leen. \.B. \ despalch fins 'i .I. ;,.. e \\ bile Mrs. clary a „r;" ,i. ,. '.1../1 Streit. wen. lighting n Tire in the :.:t ',• n :stove on \Wednesday afternoon her (1-111- ing caught fire. The family Ile on the third iki)r of the house. leers. Connell was nk,lee and when she saw her dress afire she rus!id down lite three Ilights of slain end into the open street. The flames by this lime hell enveloped her Male blithe and ng she enlergeel into h, the street she presented a fenremnne tl sight. "I he terrified woman made a -Insh tth foe 1110 open doer of Gmrge Heeler's xt restaurant. where a man threw his cont on Ib $117.000.o a FOR ROLLING STOCK. 'rlw Railroads In: reared Their Equip- ment in 1207. A ele.' patch burn Chi.•ago says : Ilail- roads of the United Stakts and Canada have spent approxiniutcly (half a billion (tellers for rolling stock this year. This ewers only the cast of products of car building concerns, and dons not include cars and locomotives constructed in thee railroad shops. Ansording to the Railroad Gazette, U Rmanciul tilunhp will be felt by the c; buiklers next year. Orden; for uc et:uipnieeit, to be a:elivtmtkl during 1908 leave fallen off greatly. 'I'Iw total number of ears built in 11 United States and Canada this year 2e9,645, against 213,670 in 1906. Of the built Uri, year, 281,118 were freight ca and 5,157 passenger coacher. The out- put of locomotives was 7,:362, against di t: 952 in 1906. Freight. cars nt an aver- age of 81,100, an increase of $11X), pas - singer cars. $8,51X1, an increase of $500, and locomotive's, Ste,000, un increase of from $500 to 81,000. 'Taking these figures as a basis, the total expenditure for toll- ing stock was $177,000,000, an iaceeaso of 25 per cent. over last year. The mileage added til' year wan 5,220, against 5.623 in 194)6. Only 349 mile's of road weal i111) 1110 hands of resolve's this year, against 657 in 1!X0;, and only six toads, with a total mileage of 175, were sold under foreclosure. A I[E.\D-ON (Y)LLISION. Four Trainmen Killed on the Grand Trunk Railway. 10 1' tv le is l f) rs A despalch from! Detroit says: Speed ing through n dense fog at forty nulls at hour, Grand Trunk passenger train No which left Ivnrt Huron shortly before 7 o'clock on Friday night for Phi: city, collided head on with a double -(reader freight train one toile north of Lenox, Mich. Five trainmen met death, four be- ing killed hsten!ly, the fifth dying three teems later. All of the passengers es- enlrced injury except a baby. who was only slightly hurt by being thrown out of its mother's arms and over a seat when the trains crashed. The. dead are: Engineer Bennett of the passenger train, Etegineer Beleneski of the first freight engine, Pirvivan tloughner, Fireman Albert McCall, Switchnman \V. G. Tay - ler. The passenger locomotive ploughed metier the engines of tho double-header and the trainman were buried in the wreckage. Their bodies were terribly mangled and scalded by the escaping steam. • WHISKEY KiLLS A 1101'. Ten -fear -Old Got Hold of Some on the Railway. A despatch from St. Stephen, N. B., says: A very sad affair has occurred at Ronny Hirer, Charlotte county. On Christmas eve a number of born wCPC (,lay en►; ab nit the station, among them Jelin Maxwell, len years old, who lived with hie :itepfatrer, Mr. Cook. The boys discovere3 there was sone Whis- key in transit, and little Maxwell ob- tr,ined possession of a quantity and drank i1. The result was that be be- came ill, and died on Christmas Day. An inquest was hell, at whi•:h witness. - es testified to seeing Maxwell drinking the whiskey, and a verdict was return- ed that his death was due to that cause. I'.V7'ROLLINli THE WEST. mounted Police to Visit Isolated Sec- tions This Winter. A despatch [mar Ottawa says: Al- though climatic conditions in the west have been quite favorable so far This winter, the ,Northwest Mounted Police •have derided to repeat the policy of last w:iikr of sending out patrols to 11►e out- lying sections. The first of them pa- trols will be, sent out to look after the welfare of a party of Scold) settlers who arc 100 miles from a railway and twenty miles from a neighbor. 7 hey are located between Swift Current and Ilattlefonf, 0t -her patrols will follow in due course. SIX at: tIt 01.11 Itl)1• LOiT. Started Froin Home 1n Final His Father in the Weeds. A despatch from Quebec sap, News comes (rani Sl. Gabrlet, county of Ilttnouski, of the cfmppeornnce of 11 six• yearold boy, named Levesque. It ap- pears that the lay set nut iom his Tame with Iwo little sisters to join their father, w'Ia W31 at work In a bush at a considerable distance from the house. The Iwo girls, who were younger than the boy, became fatigued, howe•er, and after vainly urging their brother to re- rn home, parted from Ihirn and retraced eir steps, rea•:king there siIIely. Since at time no trace has been found of the y. A general hunt for him was at co inaugurated, some seventy men of t• place turning out, bul, despite all their endeavors, the boy could not be found. The only thing discovered was the boy's pocket handkerchief, which was picked up in the bush. The boy is supposed to have become buried in the snow or to have fallen into some cre- vice, end the parents have lost all hope of seeing him again. f WIRT "1.11?" DID IN & T. 1.01'1S. mound her end pet out the fire, She Li badly burned, but will recover. f All) TO TI:MI'Elt 1\(:E. Stencil) nI Itarlry 1V ill (:lose One Thou - Nand I:hirafin Saloom. A despatch front, 4 ago says : "One theeusand eneeets eel have k,c;.t,l their doors and gone out of busine,ee in this city by Mey 1 next," said Adam Ortsel- feu, president of the McAvoy Brewing Co., during a talk on Tuesday night on Ilse scarcity of barley, which is sei1otasly crippling the largo breweries and the malt house\,, and may mean a probable raise in the price per barrel of beer o illtin a few weeks. loth brewers and malslcre. for several week:. have been I,i,Iding almost to the point of wiping out the margin of pmflt in order to get the few carloads of barley that arrive in this market each day. - VI %DE 50.000 MEL. Robber% Broke Chicago Jeoelery \Window and Seated Trnys. A dn+p,ateh from Chicago says : while I!,c jewelery store of David Mollie was crowded with customers on Tuesday night, two robbers smashed a show window and escaped with two trays of diamond, and jewe•lery valued at EA,. OW. The thieves °seeped. Store Sunday Lao Enforcement ''ruses 700 Saloons 10 Quit Business. :\ despatch from St. i.ouiA says: Thome E. \Iui•ihill, Slate Excise (om- n:tssfoner, gives out a statement show- ing the effect of the enforcement of the Sunday closing statute in this city. Comtnissloncr Mulvihill says that 300 mere St. Louis saloons will close when their licenses expire Jan. 1. making 700 saloons driven out of business hero In three year by the enforcement of the Sunday closing law. Ile says that 250 lit lilting clubs, which sprang up to re- place Sunday closed saloons have also been closed, only twenty-five now re- maining. Ono thousand five hundred of the 2.300 saloons here, he says, are not paying Investments since the removal of card tables, belting rings and wine manus as the result of the rigid enforce- ment of the statute!. The Interoolonial Bailw.ay menage - meet has decided that its emple,yoes Shall not accept municipal . ffi tr. CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS 11.lrl'l:\1\CS 1110\I AI -l. o'. Tin: GLOVE, Telegraph Drkfs From Our Own anJ Other Countries of Recent Events. CANADA. Canada's fisheries yielded 826,125,000 last year. Over 8113,000 was spent in Waterloo This year on new buildings, Port Dalhousie storekeepers protest against unlicergad peddlers. At Kenora 85,772.80 was paid in 1907 in 1'clice Coral lines. The play -grounds of the St. Catharines Public Sct►erels are all too small. The N., St. C. and T. Railway will rr lay their tracks in Niagara Falls in the siring. Fred Leclair•e was murdered with an axe near Gretna, Man., his head being split open. Andrew McComb, railway laborer, drank wood alcohol at Lanigan, Sask., and died, Oswald Robinson, aged 40, of near (:umpbelllon, N.B., died from drinking wood alcohol. The O'ole! calcl► of'flsh in Canadian waters for 1906 was worth over 213 mil- lion dollars. 'toy Pears, of Rosthern, Sask., received nn injection of anti•to:Ono and expired instantly. A number of St. Catharines b ys'have been summoned to answer a charge of conk -fighting on Sunday. Toronto es.scssrnenl, as finally revised by the. County Judge, is 8206,403,246, an increase of $22,120,161 over last year. Atr•. James Blythe has given the Meth- odist Church of Raleigh Plains a free site for a church. Mr. Blythe is a Catholic. The first sheet of Canadian tin-plate turncxi out al the new factory at King- ston was presented to Premier Whitney. D. J. Hamilton, a diver working on the G:1'.13. bridge at West Fort William, was drowned by Ills diving suit bunging. 11 is reported that Mr. John D. Rocke- feller will donate 82,000,000 to McMaster University, Toronto, for the establish- ment of a medical department. Since the inception of bounties, in 1882, the sum of 83,949,701 has been paid It the deep-sea fishermen of the Mail - time Provinces. Plans of Saskatchewan's new legisla- tive buildings, which will cost over a million. are being prepared by Messrs. E. & \V. 5. .Maxwell, of Montreal. A young Tann named Roland Madill was stabbed• by his uncle, Jnn►ee Morri- sc.n, at (:0oderham village, on Christ- ians Eve. and may be fatally woundecd. For raising it disturbance In the Kingston penitentiary on Christmas night twenty-seven convicts Shave been placed in solitary confinement, The '1'aronlo City Council decided lo ask the Legislative 1) grant to marr°ctrl women owning properly- in their own uanre the franchise in Toronto. A quantity of plate, including two w.Iid silver trays, was found near the railway nt Niagara Falls on Thursday. It is supposed to bo thieves' spoil drop. ped front a train. Two Emerson, Manitoba, men who were forced over the line and arrested by a United States secret service officer are, taking steps to extradite the officer and havo him tried 4n Canada for his illegal act. GREAT nllrrAIN. Seven hundred Indian IUuliny veterans met in London to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the great struggle. net'. W. White, a curate In 'Tipperary county, Ireland. was shot and danger- ously sv'itinded by a brother clergyman on Christmas Day. UNITED STATES. New England colloh rnanufaeturers w i!1 curtail their output 25 per cent. un - lei March 1st, Bertram Somers of San Jose, Cal., mis- look his five-year-old boy for a burglar and shot his dead. Officers of tete New fork trust com- panies claim that their institutions are in a better position to -day then they were before the panic. The New York Republican Club has endorsed Governor Hughes as a candi- date for the Presidency. James W. Paul, a Philadelphia hanker, gave a ball the other night at winicn the decorations aline cost 835,000. The International I'aper Company has purchased 350,000 ares of !town). - wooded spruce lands on the Ilestigouche 'liver in New Brunswick, nee, A. Leonard Parker, an Episco- palian minister, said to is well known in (:a)ada, has been arrested at Boston on a charge of Inrceny. 0 r• 1' 1: c k th r c rt a p ca ar of fr m GENEII.IL. Famine is threatening a large number f villages in the interior of 'Turkey. The Mikan Government will com- lete the excavation of Herculaneum., Guslave, the new Icing of Sweden. Ries not desire an expensive corona- ron. The Dutch Cabinet has resigned be- low.e its army esti/mitts were rejected y the second !liaise. Two hundred and len strikers were in encounters with the troops in c Chilinn nitrate trouble:,, General Drtide, commander of the retch troop% in Manx co, has been re- elkel on ociunt of III health. The Indian National congress at Sural rake up in a free fight on Friday. home ile for India ons the owed question. Fife men were. killed by compressed Ir in the Metropolitan subway in arts, and sixty-five miraculously es- ped. of chikIren In the f.rim- y schools of Berlin. Germany, aro .liged to go to school %%1111,411 b .eek - at and web no prospect of a midday eat. 1\t111C.R VI ION 1NCRE.%SI:D, Returns for Not mber Show tdvnnce of Eighteen Per (:rat. A despatch from Ottawa says : The immigration returns for the month of Neverr1'cr showed an Increase of about 13 per cent. over Nov. 1900. The total arrivals for the month were 13.599, an increase of 2,074. There were 9,064 im- migrants by ocean ports, compared with 7 225 In November last year, an increase of 2,:1!13. The arrivals from the United Stites were 3,990, a decrease of 260, TWO LIVES FOR A DOLbAB Double Murder Near Genoa Over • Four Shillings. A c'ospatch from Genoa says: Heated words between two wives over a ques- tion of four shillings for rent led to u de able ruuder by (Ito husband of one of there in the suburb of Semitic,. d'Arena. The nurrierer escaped to the mountains, where his arrest St problematic owing to the facilities to fugitives to escape over the frontier. Signora Bianchi, the wife of a trade melon leader, with four children, who sublet a room to a custom-houso guard rimed Quattnnr'chi and his newly mar- ried wife, quarrelled with Signora Quat- lrocchi over the anrot.nt of rent to be paid before the latter left. Bianchi entered, but 5001115 to have taken little part in Iho discussion. Quulhocohi ap- peared in the doorway holding his hand behind his back. Suddenly he sprang on Bianchi, dealing hire a blow in the chest • with a largo clasp -knife. Bianchi's wits rushed to his assistance, but Quattrocchi turned his fury on her, stabbing her in the chest, shoulder, face and lower body. Bianchi seized a chair to defend (himself and his wife, but was overpowared and fell mortally wounded. The knife, bro- ken by the force of the blows, was found on the floor. Neighbors hearing cries ran to the Biancl)is' lodging. Quattroschi rushed past them, covered with blood, Into tho street. 'Though chased by a crowd that showered blows on Inn, he sped towards the Ligurian Alps, and is still at large. On entering the room Igo neighbors fcund the husband and wife on tho floor dying. The children were huddled in a COMM' whining with terror, except tho little two-year-old baby, which was play- ing with a toy 1n 1(3 parents' blood. A BLACK IIRND SCHOOL. Discovered in a Raid by the Pittsburg Pollee. A despatch from Pittsburg, Penn., says: Intensely Interested in a lesson explaining the exact spot on the human body in wide!' a stiletto should be plunged to insure instant death, seven- teen embryo Black (land members were surprised on 'Tuesday afternoon by fifty detectives in a raid planned by the Pitts- burg police, assistisi by detectives from all parts of lite country. After a desper- ate battle the seventeen member's of the Italian band, together with two experts in the art of uaing the stiletto, who were acting as instructors to the others, were handed in the police station. For months 1'lltshurg has been terrorized by law- less Italians who styled their organiza- tion the "Black 1land," several murders have occurred and dozert-s of persons have paid tribute to the band under fear of death, 'I• GRIP SMITES NEW YORK. Sixty -Eight Deaths Occurred Within i.ast Week. A despatch from New York says : The city's yip epidemic isn't letting up n bit. 11 is getting worse, Singers, actors. pro• fe kone! men and clerks aro suffering: There were sixty-eight deaths last week, as compared with fifty-one for the same period last year. The disense is not only serious in itself, but the bacillus affects every known throat and lung disease. Leber pneumonia caused 217 deaths, against 134 last year; bronchial pnct,• monis last year, 98; this year, 159. -i- 82,000,000 TO EDUCATION. Trinity College, Cambridge, Benefits [ty Lady Pearce's Will. A deepalch from London. England, says : Trinity College, Cambridge, bene- fits to the extent of 12,000,000 by the do ali of l.ndy Pearce on Tuesday. Her husband. Sir William George Pearce, chairman of the Fairfield Shipbuilding and Engineering Company, died on November 20 hist. 13y his will his for- tune was bequeathed to 'Trinity College on the death of Lady Pearce. i- IIEIR LOVER Dll1NK. Young Woman in S1. John, N.I1., Seal. loos Carbolic Arid. A despatch front St. John, N.I1., Lizzie Anderson, nged about 22, drank carbolic acid on Wednesday night ft a L•cusc Isere where she wui a servant. The young 111811 with whom she kept company called on her, and she charged Lein) with having been drinking, said site could do eo too, end then swallowed the: poison. She died less than an hour afterwards in the hospital. PANIC AMONG (:111N1:-4,:, Sudden Death nl Woman in Midst Re• gnrder as V'laitation of Joss. A despatch from Pittsburg says : Sang Fe,)n \\'uh, the only Chinese tvolnon in Pittsburg, dropped dead at the home of her cousin here late on 'Tuesday night. It is thought she had indulged ewes. sively In opium, whi'h affected her heart. Iler sudden death was followed by a mile among several Chinamen who were in the mom, and who were terrorizes' by what they con.sIdercel a visilatkm from Joss, their god. FLOUR SHIPMENTS DECREASE. Minneapolis Sends Out 1,000,000 Barrels Less Than Last rear. A despatch from Minneapolis says: Flour shipment -4 from Minneapolis for 194)7 will fall short of the total shipped during 1906 by nearly 1,000,000 barrel, This decrease apparently has not betit entirely due to the financial flurry, as the REures for each month show that only in three months for the entire year have the shipments for 1967 exceeded those for the same months in 1906. The number of barrels of flour shipped from Minnea- polis so far tills year is 13,825,375, while for a corresponding period In 1906 there were shipped 11,573,123 barrels, a de- crease of 717,718 barrels, KILLED .tND WAS KILLED, Austrian Navvy Kniied a Countryman and Was Shot by t:ontractor. A despatch from \li e-eula, Montana, says : Two men were killed on Tuesday. night at a railway construction camp near t.otluop. George Morris, an Aus- trian. killed one of hie countrymen in a knife duel, the cause of the trouble beim, ur,knotvn. Morris then started to Lathrop and met Contractor Walter A. Arnol4nn a bridge. Ile atlaeRed Arnold with the knife and Arnold drew a revol- ver and Allot the men dead. Arnold gave himself up, claiming' Vral he acted in self-defence. '1F D114)1%N1.1) 7•IIItOI'G11 THE Three retie. ('eti•h in Pond in Nova Scot Dining Parents' Absence, A despatch from Halifax, N.`;., says A tragedy occurred at bower North:feet, I.ume►iburg, on 'IVodneeday. 'three chit. dren of Ernest \'enk)t were drawee(' in a pond near their temente' house. see and Mrs. Veniot had gene to the Chrial- inas service in the village church. After warning the young folks not to go on the ice. Notwithstanding the caution they ventured on the thin iso to skate, and when Iho parent. returnee) even (Lanett were mi sing, A search was instituted. and below a hole in the ice wero the three bodies. The ages of the three were 23, 12 and 7. ENGINEER ItryNOI.Dt 81:1'11:it. Operation of Skin -grafting at 01I;►nri Ilo.pIIab \Vas tiurres,ful. A deep/deb from Ottawa says : Engle neer 1h'ihert Reynolck. badly injured I1 the ''.Pelt. wreck at Plantagenet on September 11 Incl, was tip o1, \\'cdnes- day at lite (hospital for the Met Limo since that dale. The operation of skin- grafling. when len of his fellow -employ- ees gave up portions of their (skin to.. hum, was eminently successful. Rey- r.clels when fully recovered will testify Is r himself at the inquest on tho fireman killed in the Plantagenet wreck. Until then the inquiry stands adjourned. The Pe'rseati Shah bees accepted the stipulalivn of Parliament us to the mnintett n1^e of the constitution. rind has ogieeil to banish the inlrigui:ii priests. TRAGEDIES MARK VOYAGE Vessel Reaches San Francisco After Many Disasters. A despatch from San Francis:o say.g : hail tbiappcnred, '1 • "a) put into The American mop Aiia., dropjs•,I lb. de Janeno for nee:. -, ,eking badly. res the way to Ude pint a mutiny leek nrchor herr on Tuesday night, 275 Jays- among the crcty over New trouble out. from Baltimore. It ended a voyage with the reale, lett 11 was easily quelle.l. macho tragic by a collision off (:)pe Before the colliskm off (:ape thee, Ilam, attended by the sinking of another three of the shipis company met .Ieath, vessel, the drowning of the fitted craft's 0:i May 23 .1. Scnurnacher and feta... captain and the captain's wife, mutiny Nolan, seamen, fell freer) the jibhnon) on Its decks and death among its Crew. and were drowned. On Jnne 15 John On June 0 nt 6 p.m. the alas struck Ilu)k, saihnaks'r, died and was tures! at the Norwegian bnrgne Viking ,Captain Peltrson), (sound train Hamburg to (:al- the rnptoin's stun and ire• third •:f)r or Pao. (Both were badly damaged by the were ill. end the vt..•rt uta- ed:re•I nl.e ccntael, but the barque fare) worst. In (p:ernntine, the terror of the night thirteen of the The Atlas hail n cargo et ceol Ir.:• Ile.) crew of the Norwegian barque boarded I oiled Steles 1;.' rrnmeiii. l l \.'.-e•1 the American ship. crawling over lan- had Leen 12o days reit foe:, tli., glad shrouds and dangling booms. Cap- Janeim, Reinsurance hail leen orb, ed lain Peterevm and his wife were not et 10 per cent. The Viking on: n u• s•• among those who made the dnngi'miis hnrgne of 2.511 inns. Nothing hail leer', transit. but it was too dark lo render heard of her after she began her Inst nk1, lhoi.gh the Atlas stood by tiering s's;ig.' ,until the .ones brought in the the night, and next morning the Viking tidings on Tureday night. see. when lee ship nr nit est .en '111 -•t.ie