Exeter Advocate, 1908-01-02, Page 5I
(A.ieter gtbuoC'ate
t:\E:T}:IL O�T.t1a0
Si 00 if past to rl,aa•e,
S1 60a).,rifout so paid.
To tilted States subscribers $I.50
a Year Strictly is Adveace.
I Es.
SANDER-= A CREECH, Pu'.li,hera
We are showing the Best
Xmas. Goods
We have ever carried. Our Pianos
are up to city goods in every way
only price, its lower. Organs and
Sewing Machines at prices that
make them sell.
A most beautiful line of Station-
ery, Bibles, hymn Books, etc., at
Awag Down Prices.
Call and see them.
Cook's Cotton Root Compound.
Tho great Uterine Tonle, and
•.only sato effectual Monthly
ltegtilatornn a bleb women can
depend. Sold In threo degrees
of strength -No. 1. 1; No. 2.
10 degrees stronger 3: No. 3,
for special caaaea, per tax.
Hold by alt drug ids, or sent
prepaid on ruse pt of price.
a, Free pamphlet. A.ddre,4 TN
000[ MtDlCH$LC0..TORUITo.ONT. Uurmerly'andeorl
ill your spare timo at home. or
Take a Personal Course at Sohoot.
To enable all to learn we teach an
or instalment plan. 11'e also teach a
personal classa
ss at school once a
(.lass commencing last Tuesday of each
month. These lessons teaches how to cut,
1 fit :and put together any garment front the
pl:ainc.t shirt waist suit, to the most elabor-
ate dress. The whole family can learn frau
one course. We have taught over seven
thousand dress -making, and guarantee to
give five hundred dollars to any one the t
cannot learn between the age of r.1 alai
40. Veit cannot learn dress-npalang as
thor..u.:1* a: this course teaches if you
wink in ',op. for years. Beware of imita-
tions a , we employ no one outside the
1 school. This is the only experienced Dress
Cutting; Schcol in Canada and excelled 1.•v
none in any other country. %Write at once
for pa{jicutars, as we have cut our rale one.
third for a short time. Address :
Erin at , Hcr.tford. Dot , Canada.
1 WANT T ONCE We have decided to in-
:+tnact and employ a number of smart young ladle
to teach our course In laresantaking, having one
teacher for the sax nearest towns where they litc-
age 20 to 35. Those who have worked at dreumak-
InN•, or likes drawing preferred. I'iease do not apply
unless you can devote your whole time. Address
Tris wriest.
reliable sten as agents for Exeter
and surrounding country to eel! our
PLUM, MA1. AI [ I '\ , FI Z-
eral line of fruit and ornamental trees.
YOU Can make money out of our stock
i with COiuolon
• i would fail '
a• Prt of
stock. We pay cash weekly, supply
outfit free and give exclusive territory
Growers of high grade nursery stock.
Toronto, Ont.
N.B.--Special terms to suit agents
working part tinge.\
and Weekly
Mail and Empire
Weekly Globe
to Jan.'09 ... $1.35
and all other papers
at lowest rates.
'aV 4Li151rRArg.D
Ferry's Scotia
at0tom best known and
the t.tuat rcllablo Poe is grown.
Every packaae has behind it the reputatten
of a house ahem business standards aro the
highest In the tradr.
ferry's IttM ,eel %wows! a •ll be mailed ?Rra
to all artema ms. 1t contains roi,plates. m*nr
rt,rt titsosp111,1 •, r .as,a, Lt . • nnddae.u.n+
lotr'anunat Ott! uu ran.•Iro . 1
v..•rut.te ao0
1'k•'.. i &ed♦ 1nttIMMo to a11. se, .1 rot 11.
D. M. Min' a CO., Wlndsor,Ont.
Tuckersmi1h; Itobt.11rock,♦rill toed,
passed away Dee. 14. Ill' Iisd been
sulTertng for :about three weeks from
Abscess behind the ear and which Oro
ally ntTe.•ted the brain. causing death.
Ile stifettit intensely and as little ee•
lief con1.1 be mite -dial death was in his
CAM' a happy relief. Ile was tE years
of age and came fr Quebec [3 years
ago with his brother, the two residing
here feet' mince.
Whales% I Blake
TheMethodist church will be opened ltobt. 1'. Douglas is borne on an ex- I Among those who were home for
on January 12th and 13th. On Sun- tended visit from Saskatoon. Sask. - the holidays we notice: Abe Chesney.
day Rev. WV. J. Ford, L.L.B., Pr eel- Miss lasie Thompson has been visiting Bert V, hite,John \\'ren and wife, Miss r
at J. Leslie's for a few days. -Arthur• t Etta Davis, R 1% Murray, Messrs. Mc-
Allister, McEwen and Geiger and Mies
Reynolds. 'Toronto; Frank McGregor,
J C. Meths, A. Or.veio, Detroit; Art.
Bush, Misses Nellie Bullard, Margaret
tiobkirk, Polly} Moore, Francis and
t)iiveCox worth, Bessie t'rquhert, Eth-
el Murdock. Mr. Pearson and wife, M.
Ortwein, Bert Stoneman. W. Jackson,
London; Sam Coulter, Mi1vetton; Mrs,
Leo Charlesworth, Petrolea; Miss Flo
Cudmore, \Valkerville; Mr. Hemphill
and wife, Wroxeter; I)r. C:u•thore and
wife, Parkhill; Lorne Scott and wife,
'L'eeswater; E. Robinson, wife and Mrs.
Robinson, sr., Lambeth; Mrs. L. Har-
old, \Vitigharu; Oliver Geiger, Water-
loo;John Lick and wife. Clarksburg.--
larksburg. -
Mr. Thos. Luker is home front Moose
Jaw and Geo. Dick bas returned from
Arcola, Sask.-A. Reichert has return-
ed home after spending the summer
on the lake. -Mrs. Anderson of Chica-
go is visiting her father W. Bell and
other relatives. -Will I3onthron of
Chicago is home on It visit. -Miss Ida
Coulter has returned from a visit to
Milvertan.-Jack Horton of High Riv-
er is visiting his father, who is ill. -
Albert Forest and wife of Manitoba are
visiting in this vicinity. -Miss Jean
Yule, nurse, is looking after a patient
at Kippen.-Rett, Toll and wife have
returned from a visit til Essex and St.
Marys. --Miss Flaming, after complet-
ing the millinery season at J. ♦Veis-
mdler's, has returned to her hotne in
Oakville, -The Heneall Foundry em-
ployees are taking their annual holi-
days. -Reuben Cudntore who has been
sojourning in Alberta during the sum-
mer, has returned home. -S. Martin
of Dauphin. Man., is visiting in town.
Mrs. Bowers and Mrs. Darby of North
Bay are visiting at W. Richardson. -
Dave Cantelon is recovering frotn his
recent illness. -D. McEwen son of
Alex McEwen has returned from the
West. -Mrs. W. B. McLean was pleas-
antiyy surprised the other evening when
her Sunnily school class presented her
with a handsome Morocea Teacher's
Bible. -Hey- E. N. Shaw and wife of
Lyons circuit, formerly of Hensel),
Kippen circuit, were (,-lade the recipi-
ents of handsome gifts at a surprise
party held on their circuit. They were
presented with a Saskatchewan robe
and carriage rug respectively. -Miss
Bella Thompson, who is an efficient
and painstaking teacher, and who re-
eently resigned No. 14, Hay, to accept
No. 10, Hav, at an advance in salary,
by her pupils with a
was resented
handsome mirror and je el case, ac-
companied by a flattering address. -
Our hockey club has been reorganized
with the following members: Hon.
Pres., J. E. McDonald; Pres.. H. J. D.
Cook; 1st Vice, N. E. Cook; 2nd Vice,
D. A. Cantelon; Sec'y, A. II. Ring;
Treas.. F. W. Snrallacombe; Com.; T.
Palmer, W. Bengougb, Gen. Welsh:
Manager, F. W. Smallacombe.
dent of the London Conference. will
preach Morning and evening, and Rev.
Veale, of Kirkton, in the afternoon.
Special mutic by Kirkton Quartette
and C. J. Pink of London. Special
offerings for building fund. On Mon-
day a fowl supper will be served from
5 to 9 o'clock' and a splendid program
will follow. See large bills for partic-
ulars. Admission 50e and 25e. On tate
following Sunday dedication services
will be held.
!!.yell. --rue death on Dec. loth of
Sophia Wall, wife of Thomas Hern, at
the age of 72 years and 4 months,
aroused the sympathy of the entire
community. Mts. Hem had been ill
for about a Month with stomach trou-
ble, it growth being supposed to be the
cause. Deceased was a very estimable
lady and always bad the esteem of the
community. She was twice married.
Of the second family, besides the hus-
band, the survivors are George, of
Blanshard; Fred, nn the homestead;
Walter, at EIiniville; Misses Lizzie and
Mary, at home. A daughter by the
first marriage. Mrs. Stephens. also
resides in Usborne. The funeral took
place on Saturday to Zion cemetery
and was largely attended.
DEATH -The news reached here Sun-
day of the death in Zurich of Mrs.
Henry Waiper, and sincere sytnpathy
is felt for the family, a number of
whom live in thio neighborhood. Mrs.
Waiper was always of a healthy na-
ture, but the end carne very suddenly.
Her husband died about a year ago
atter a very short illness. The family
who survive are, Conrad, Lake Road;
Louis and Christian, Moltard Line;
Ilenry on the homestead two miles
north of here; Casper on the Zurich
Road; Mrs. Jacob Surarus of Zurich;
and Mrs. Birk of Petersburg. The
funeral will take place Thursday.
The following is a repot t of the stand.
ing of the pupils in S. S. No, 4, Stephen,
for December: Sr. IV, -M Either, 11
Schwarz, C .ilber, HWein, A Cornish,
A Brokens re. L Morlock, L Schroe-
der, H Kra B Smith. Jr. IV -W
Schwartz, M Coxwortb, M Klurnpp, G
Cornish, O Brnwrl, O Corn ish, C Brown,
ES Schroeder.
o e ashi
re Jr. III.
• M Brki
c t
E Roeszler, I Either, E Amy, L Smith,
C Wein. Jr.11.-E Cornish,J Schwat tz,
0 Morlock, M Coxworth, E Wein J
Brokenshire. Part 1.-A Wein, C
Schroeder, 0 Cornish, C Morlock, H
Preszcittor.-M. C. Jennison. Teacher.
Canadian Tettering
is nn nhsolute, certain cure for Eczema, Acne
Rosen, Tetter, Pimples, Blackhe ids, Ringworm,
Barbers' Itch Scald !lead, itching Piles, Ulm-A.Sores, and all cutaneous and facial blemishes.
Itas been thoroughly and successfully tested
In hundreds of so called incurable cases.
It is entirely unlike any other preparation.
mixture or ointment that ttas been sold or pre-
A few applications will convince that is has
wonderful nicdiral air? AC nod intrinsic merit.
It is made in Canada. .t gaud honest Cana-
dian preparation.
Price one box Fifty Cents, or five boxes Two
Mailed to any address on receipt of price,
Sold and recommended by all le (ding Drug-
gists in Canada,
liamphlet free to any address.
Manufactured and sold by the sole proprie-
The Tetterine Chemical Co.
Windier. Ontario.
Sold in Exeter by .1. W. Browning
W. S. Howey and W. N. Cole, Den
Woo&'f3 Ph
R -
The (;r.., 1',gfis!i JfrmrdV
Tones mai i •,:ertttct•the wbolo
nervous r . n, nutkoe now
Blood in e.J V. -ins. Curra.�'rra
-.vs lkbilityy. .tlrnhrl °n.1 Ito, its Worry, Jlt+-
.n.f. era, •Se.rural Weakness, Emi...sums. Sp(r-
•tnrrh.rn. nnd Effrcfs of it ',use or Etoreets.
•%,•0 $1 per box, adxfor s. one will please six
:,II corn told by all druggistaa or mailed In ship of Itevdm. Sykes of Toronto and
I ♦ n i•rmph/et
EdigholTer, barber, of Godericb is vis-
iting at his home here. -Miss Weida
Stevens having completed her model
terlu, is spendingthe holidays at her
home here, and Ieayes this week for
Blyth where she has secured a school.
Misses Helen and Edith Sparks teach-
ers in Hay. and Percy Keys and Nor-
man Boyes of Kent (.o., are home for
their holidays. -Misses Violet and
Ethel Stevens are hotne from Seaforth
on a visit. -Miss Maggie Sparks of De-
troit is bonze on a short visit.
Mrs. Wm. Paxton of Melita. Man.,
is here on a visit. -Rev, Geo. L. Duet -
of Pott Huron occupied the pulpit in
Salem Methodist church Sunday morn-
ing. -Misses Eunice and Beatrice Durr
who have been ill, are recovering. --A
very enjoyable time was spent at S. S.
No. 15, on the hast day of school. A
number of the parents of the children
were present and a varied and inter-
esting program was given. A pleasant
feature of the exercises was the pres-
entation of a beautiful Morris chair to
their teacher, John Nichol. A well -
worded address was also read to him,
expressing deep regret at his removal.
Mr. Nichol replied in suitable terms,
expressing his gratitude for the kind-
ness of his friends. He then treated
the children to oranges, candies and
nuts, after which the ladies served an
appetizing lunch of cake and coffee.
Mr. Nichol bas been at No. 15 for five
years and leaves now to take charge
of No. 12, nn the 7th con,
Enoch Connor and wife of Michigan
are spending a few days in tbis vicini-
ty. -Misses M. J. and M. A. Corbett
and nephew Hamilton Corbett of the
School of Pedagogy, Toronto.are home
on a visit. -Miss Rebecca East of Lon-
don is enjoying the holidays at her
home here. -F. C. Talbot, wife and
Cannily and Wm. Currie of Toronto
are spending the holidays with Mrs.
Laurie. -The Presbyterian people ex-
pect a good crowd at their entertain-
ment, New Years night. -Miss Fraser
bas completed her three years as teach-
er in her school. During her stay
here she has inade a host of friends and
endeared herself to the hearts of all.
On the lust day of school she treated
her scholars to oranges, candies and
nuts and they in turn presented their
teacher with a handsome ring,'set with
rubies and pearls. The gift was accom-
panied by a flattering address. Miss
Fraser made a very feeling reply in
which she thanked the donors for
their kindness and expressed deep re-
gret at leaving such kind friends be-
Now that the holiday season is here
a, number of people are renewing old
acquaintances and probably forming
new ones, among the number we no-
tice: I. Challett A. and E..Ilorner'. Lon-
don; L Snider and 8 Watson, Colleg-
iate, Seaforth; R. Stirling, Goderich
Collegiate; C. Durand, Winthrop; A.
and J. Ducharrne, Detroit. -Naviga-
tion on Lake Huron is closed for the
season and many of our boys who have
spent the past summer on the lakes,
are now recuperating under the pa-
rental roof. -N. Howard is in the
butchering business now. -Miss L.
Trainer teacher in Separate school No.
1, Stanley, is enjoying her holidays at
Owen Sound. --The many friends of R.
Turner, jr., fireman on the O.T.R. line
between Sarnia and Niagara, will be
f r ill at his
sorry to learn that he isvery
horse here. We trust he may soon re-
cover. ---The trustees of S.S. No. 1,
has •P•en a ed E. M
Stanley, le• ht t
3. g g
Horton of Tuckersnrith for the coming
year at. a salary of $350. Miss Horton
is it clever. energetic and painstaking
teacher and the trustees ate to he con-
gratulated nn securing her for another
year. --The workmen who have been
engaged in the construction of the
large bridge over the southern ap-
proach to St. Joseph, have completed
their work and the passing wayfarer
can now proceed on his journey with-
out molestation.- Evangelistic services
are being conducted in the Union
church, north of here under the leader -
pkR�[. on bre ppt of Irl. a r• 1
r+u,fMdlrrr The t1Y�Medicine 0a Nelson of Dashwo.xl•
nnert y Windsor, Tomaato, Oat.
r/ lilliilr.
Mr. and firs. Ed. Kaufman and
children of Glencoe spent Christmas
with Mrs. Kaufnlan's sisters, Mrs,
Turnbull and Mrs. heavers. ---We un-
derstand that Mr. Fred Allerington
has reesived the contract for drawing wood in a shoe store. -Chris. Hauch,
the the for what is known as the mtiiilent at Toronto University, oecu.
S•ewat t drain. - General regret is felt pied the pulpit in the Evangelical
that the school section loses Miss church on Hominy. - John Taylor and
Hamilton as a teacher. She has gone wife of Lansing. Mich., spent the hob -
to her home in Motherwell amts will days here. --John 11• Schnell and fain -
David Render and wife of Illinois,
and Miss urn Bendernt Port Huron
are visiting in town. -A. ltittenhouse
and wife of Dunnvine visited here last
week. -Jerry Curriveatu, who has been
in the employ of C. Fritz for some
years. has accepted a position in Dash•
not have charge of the Fchool next
term.- Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McDonald
of California are guests itt this neigh-
Resolution of Condolence
The following is a copy of a resolu-
tion passed recently (p)• the South
Huron Conservietivt' Aseoeintion, and
fnrwatded to Mrs. 13. 11. Gunn: "We,
the Executive, on bt'hnlf of the Smith
I1 o Liberal-Outsetvative Assoeia• ou an extended stay in Elkton, Mich.
tion. wish to express o11 deep myuipa-
thy with you and the men►la're of -The following officers were elected
v family in theqrent low yon have at the recent meeting of the Junior Y.
recently sustained by the death of P.A. of the P.vAnge'lical church: fres.,
v,itir est Unable husband and our wor-
thy tepresentntice to the Federal
ilk are now Occup) ing their new home.
Noah Geiger, wife and two daughters.
and Geo, Schnell and wife of Pigeon,
Mich, are here on a visit.-- Oscar Kropp
has returned from a visit to Detroit. --
Mr'. Meston 11. Meston and eon Eddie of Elora
is the Rueet of her father, Fred De-
e•muth.-- Harry Yunghlut had his uncle
and brother from Auburn this week. --
Andrew Schmidt of Detroit is here on
an extended visit. ---Miss itht Sipple has
formed a music class in town.- -Misses
('lar,( and Carrie Gellman have gone
Ilei,ry Horton, .1. A. NVilliams
Hon. Secy President.
How's ThisP
Weider One itnn.tred Dollars Renard tot any rate
of Catarrh that cannot be cured by 114114 Catarrh
r. J. CIIENP.y A Co., Toledo, O.
We the undersigned have known 1'. J. Cheney for
the lad 1S years, and relieve him peNeetly henmahle
in all business' Iran's •tions and Ansnrtally able 10
.any (nit any obligations mate by his Arm.
N at.alfe, KI\!A1 A itlarl•l,
Wholesale nrurgtuts, Toledo, 0
mall', C.►tarrs **tare is taken internally,
petty en the blood and morons surfaces of the
.vttetn. tostins trials ant free. 1 eiee ',Sc. per
tae. Sold by all Druggists.
Take Mara Family Pills tor constipation.
Floosie Ilartleib; Vier -Pres., Marmhell
7.�ller: ('or. See., Muriel l'recter: Rec.
Sec., Olive 0'131 tete Treas., Alberta
Geiger: Librarians. Clayton 11offmen,
Russel %.'Iter: Page iioye, Ionics Cai-
rns, Roy Appel,
WEnt tlNu. - A pretty house wedding
took phare at the home of \1r. and MIS.
Thos. Jnhnsort Dec. ''.3, at high noun.
when their eldest dnilgtlter, Adeline,
was married to Dr. E. W. Stoskopf.
Rev. Masa performed the eerr'monv in
the presence of a few friends. Mics
t9uaie Jnhusmu played the wedding
march. Jai" Jlatilda Johnson and
(leo. St.i'kopf attended the happy
couple. The bride was attired in pearl
grey teffett t. and carrier' a bouquet,
while the bridesmaid wore pale '.:de
terfTeta. The present from the groom
to the bride was n cresent; to the
bridesmaid a ring and to the best man
a fountain pen. We extend hearty
WEDDisa.-The borne of Edmond
Troyer, Parr Line, was the scene of a
pretty event on Tuesday, Dec. 24, the
occasion being the marriage of hie
daughter Christie Ann to William E.
Jarrott, Principal of Brigden Public
School. A pretty arch had been erect-
ed to which a bell had been suspended
and it was here the ceremony took
(place at 5.30 p.m., the tying of the
knot being performed by Rev. J. Hart,
the sante being witnessed by about 100
guests. Arrayed in it handsome cos-
tume of while silk eoliene,and wearing
it bridal veil, ornamented with orange
blossoms, the bride. presented :► very
striking appearance. She was attend -
tended by Miss Horner, who wore an
exquisite gown of white silk. (.race
Lorne and Verna Jarrott made pretty
little attendants being ring bearer anal
flower girl respectively. They looked
dainty in pink dresses, stockings and
shoes. Mr. Belfry of Toronto support-
ed the groom. After the ceremony
all partook of a most delicious ten.
The gifts were of n high order. The
groom's gift totbe bride and brides-
maid Wits a crescent of pearls. to the lit-
tle girls, gold bracelets. and to the
groom a
a grand reception was held at the
home of the bride's mother at which a
goodly number were in attendance.
Mr. and Mts. Jarrott leave this week
for Brigden where they will reside.
We are only voicing the sentiments of
the entire community when we wish
this young couple a pleasant sail over
the matrimonial Brit.
Messrs. Jas. and Charles Fraser of
Port I
P Huron spent Christmas
their tnother hem. --Mrs. Henry and
daughter of Port Huron are visiting
friends here. -Miss Emma Dsgg of
Sarnia is visiting her sister Mrs. John
Gilmore, ---Mrs. T. Hodgins of Battle -
fond is visiting friends in the vicinity.
-T. Gilmore of fort Huron visited
friends during the past week.- C. Fon•
ger of Hamilton Is visiting at John
(iilmere's.-Mrs. ♦Vrie Simpson enter-
tained n few friends Saturday evening.
Rusmell Simpson, who has been vis-
iting in Hamilton during the past
week, returned homeTuestley.- -J. and
11. Simpson of London visited friends
here during the past week. --Mr. Cul-
bert of Michigan visited Win. Miirdv
during the past week.
St -One` d)tt.Ttt-The sudden death
of hire. Mellhargey, beloved wife of
Mr. Archy Mellhnrgcy, carne as a
shock to the residents of this cunlnntn-
ity on Friday night last. The deceas-
ed bad been in her ususl gond health
until at few momenta before her de-
mise. She had tondo preparations to
go to bed while Mr. _preparations
stepped outside, when to him great sur-
prise on his return he found his aged
partner in the throes of death, and in
a few moments Sill' expired. The de-
ceased was much remperted and belov-
ed by a large circle of friends who will
deeply mourn her sudden taking off.
She lea PCs a Targe grown-up family to
mourn her demise. Th.' funeral took
place to the Mount I':arrnel Rutnan
Catholic renn•tety on Monday. The
deceased was aged about 05.
Intended for lad week.
Melt y Xmas and a Happy New
Will' 10 all. Mrs. .lames Fraser and
son Clifford of Port heron are visiting
frit'n.ls here. - .lehn Bloomfield is in
iw,ndon visiting his sons. Mrs. Win.
Smith is visiting het daughter Mrs.
Foster i.1 K.nnnka. Mr. Barbarian of
Wisconsin iv visiting Mr. Whiteford.
Quite a number from here attended
the Xmas. tree• and concert at Ebenez•
er.-- Miss Farrell, who has been in the
Northwest the past two tnonthe., re -
MONEY can buy advertising space, but it can't buy a
quarter centuryy s successful record of wonderful and
almost euireculens curia of the most difficult and
intricate cases of throat, lung and stomach troubles. Such is
I'sychine'y record. Thousands of cases given up by leading
doctors as hopeless and incurable have been quickly and per-
manently cured by Psychine. It is an infallible remedy for
coughs, colds, bronchitis, pneumonia, consumption, indigestion,
loss of appetite and all wasting diseases.
"lJy son had a terrible cough and
was waster to a shadow. Doctors
said he could not live. lie used Fey.
chine, itcurolhim"-lira J. Eatwj•
er Brockville.
t, After taking $&OO worth of Psy-
chine my lungs aro well and late 1s
again worth living.'• -Ira 1. Ench-
ants, Itlarrlotts Cove, N.i.
"My lungs are nowt hind asabell
after using 1'sychine."- 11. Bobbins,
llrtdaeburg. Out.
l'. ehlnesavedm 1lfe."-A.Wa1-
den, 7 Cornwall SL, Toronto.
Psychine Neter Falls Psychine has no Substitute
AT ALL DEALER.. sane and $t.00 A BOTTLB
DR. T.A. SLOCUM, Limited, 179 King St. W., Toronto
turned home Thursday. --Ebner Mun-
dy visited in London last week. -Mur-
ray Neil, London. is home for the boli -
days. -W, J. Hodgins had the misfor-
tune to lose one of his valuable heifers.
The cattle as usual went down to the
pond to drink when one of the num-
ber broke through the ice and was
drowned. -The many friends of Mrs.
Ab. Neil will be pleased to learn that
she is recovering from her recent ill-
ness. -Miss Ella Simpson is visiting
in Exeter. -Miss Redmond of New
York is visiting in this vicinity. --Miss
Ida Simpson spent a few days in Lon-
don last week.
Stanley: Jas. MahafTy has disposed
of his farm on 2nd con., to Chas. Kel-
ton. The farm cnntains 100 acres and
the price paid was $5000.
St Marys: Win. Ellett while work-
ing at a cutting box on the farm of
Colin Snider, his hand got caught, the
knives tearing the back of his hand
St. Marys: Henry Wilson slipped
and fell on the sidewalk, breaking both
bones in his left leg just above the an-
kle. The bones wete completely sev-
liucefleld: After a very nice program
on Tuesday Miss Mustard, who has
severed her connection with the Stan-
iey school, was presented with a beau-
tiful suitcase and silver pie knife by
her pupils.
Itusseldale: John McKinnon, after
a fete days' illness of pneumonia pass-
ed away Thursday at the age of 15
years. Deceased was a native of Scot-
land and came here with his wife and
family in April 1001.
IInllett: On Friday the scholars of S.
S. No. 9, ,assembled at the horse of II.
Mogridge, and presented their teacher
with a lady's companion, a manicure
set and a jewel case.
Clinton: Walter Gri Stewart,sott
of Rey. Dr. Stewart passed away at
Toronto General Hospital Saturday at
the age of 19 years. He has been in
failing health since midsummer and
about a month ago he was taken to
Toronto hospital where it was found
that a tumor had started growing on
the base of the brain which caused
him to lose his eyesight for it time nnd
to be partially paralyzed. One or two
operations was performed; his eyesight
came hack and the paralysis left hitu
lint the bursting of a blood vessel is
supposed to have caused his death its
he went into unconsciousness and slept
peacefully away. His remains were
rought here for burial.
Parkhill: John Love, who recently
resigned his position as teacher at
Folden's Corners in order to take op a
course in Toronto Business College,
was presented with a handsome suit-
case by theeople of the section and
he also received a fine fountain pen
from the pupils.
Mrs.Fisher and daughter Polly spent
Xmas, at George Buswell'e.-Frank
Coates yisited a the rat
let's parents
n t 1
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Dickens, on Xmas.
day. -Thos. Caves and family of Ilam -
iota, Man., arrived last week to spend
the winter with %Vm►. Caves and other
friends here and at Mitchell. -George
Banthor pe visited at Hich Coates Sun-
day. - Byron Hicks visited friends
here last week. -Sane. Skinner. wife
and family spent Xntas. at Jas. Neil's,
Fairfield. -Will Ford and wife spent
Xtnts. at the home of their daughter
Mrs. Thos. Brooks. -Geo. Luxton of
Sarnia is spending the holidays with
bis brother Fred _ Luxton. --John F.s-
sery and wife I re visiting in Toronto
and Darlington this week. --Misses
Hollingertnd Maggie Alci)augald were
guests of Mise Clara Luxton Sunday.
Charles Coates and wife of London
and Mrs. Fisher and daughter Viva of
Exeter spent Xmas. at Rich (•nates'.
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