Exeter Advocate, 1908-01-02, Page 4Urediton G Pa n d\Plie, lens. May each day- of the 3e30 in this e:o Ie one of n.aptpiuese and prosperity to the publisbeis of the Advocate, its staff and its many read• 0 t' ' e n i n f-rs. -111 r. and Sirs. Claude Bluest and � family- have returned home after a few days with friends in Forest. Miss Carvin, who has had char ge of the millinery department of C. Zwickee'a store the past season, re- turned to her home in Brussels Tues- day. -The ,anneal school meeting of our school was held on Thursday. S. Brown was re-elected trustee for a term of three years. Not much busi- ness was transacted. -The many good friends of Dr. J. A. Hollins, who has been in the Northwest for some time, were pleased to see him here on Thurs- day. The Dr. has received an appoint- ment as assistant physician at the asy- lum at Orillia and will take charge of his department this week. %Ve all wish bins every success. -Christmas Day passed off very quietly. The snow storm Y, duti the day marred the pleasure oflleighing. A number of our young people attended the Christ- mas festival in Dashwood in the even- ing. -Leonard Grill, who has been vis- iting friends here the past month, re- turned to Owasso, Mich., on Tuesday. -Chas. Holtzman has sold his house and lot to Frank Taylor, who bas been farming in Elkton, Mich. Mr. Taylor sold his faun to Mr. Holtzman. The properties will change owners in a few days. -Christmas week brought in a large number of visitors in our Sanders ,k Creech. Props. midst. The following arc a few we noticed: PercyBones of Peterborough, Sart Callas of Estivate Man., Mr. and THURSDAY, Jan. 2, 1908 Mrs. Uriah Cunningham of Camrose, Alta., Harry Linkin of Clinton, \Vol. - F. Either of Newark, Ohio, Chas. Eil- Lllllllef her of Mayville, Mich., Garnet Baker of Owen Sound, Out . Chris. Fiukbein- Mr. and Mrs. John McQueen spent er, Harold Young, Miss MelissaNixon Christmas with relatives in London.- and Miss Lucy Mast, of London; Mies Inez Andrews, of Otterville; Charles Ewald of Akron, Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. Eli Link, pf Winnipeg; Nelson %Viner of Sandusky, Mich.; Mrs. Johnson and son, Mr. and Mrs,TbowasWind, Chas. Wind, Misses Clara and Tillie Wind, of Detroit, Mich. -Rev. J. P. Hauch, who has been a missionary in Japan the past four years., is making a tour of Canada and the United States in the interest of the missionary work of the Evangelical Association. He preached in the Evangelical Church here last Sunday to very large audi- ences. Ile is a very eloquent speaker and his addresses, especially in the evening, were very interesting and instructive. -The railroad fever has struck town and our people are sitting up and taking notice. The party of surveyors carne to the northern part of our town on Saturday. The line crosses the old Sweitzer farts miles north from here at the river and then runs southwesterly across Mr. Chris. Ailsa Craig, Dec. 28.-Robt. Gray. Haist's fame and that of Mr. Gottfried an elderly man of town has just passed Wein's. The surveying party stopped through an experience for two days there and will no doubt continue the and a night that has cost hire his life survey some time this week. This is and which considering the nature of the nearest that a railroad survey ever the ordeal and his age, makes it re- struck this burg and we all hope that markable that he did not perish. it will not prove a myth, but the real On Tuesday morning be had gone to thing. Of course. time only will tell. the woodshed to split sone wood and -The annual Christmas Festival of when, without warning. a large pile the Sunday School scholars and choir fell over on hire, burying hire. Froin of the Evangelical Church was held o'clock Tuesday morning until 0 last Tuesday evening, Christmas Eve. o oc '!reQd:;y ..;gbt ! -was bur- It was one of the most successful in ied underneath the pile, and if is had the history of the church. The church not been for the insistent ncooieg of was crowded to the doors. The inter - his cow, which attracted a neighblll's for was beautifully decorated with an attention. he would undoubtedly have arch of evergreen and streamers ex - been smothered to death. 1'. M. Smith -tending therefrom to each gas chande• - was informed and he at once organized lier, The first part of the program a search party and finally Mr. Grey's coileieted of di,aInget.e. solos and an - shoes was seen protvnding underneath thews. as -wets as two selections by the the pile. The wood was so m removed famous male diorite of the choir, while and the unfortunate man reproved to the second part was acnntata, entitled his bed. Since that time there has "\Velcorue the King." About 190 been periods when it appeared as if children took part in this and the pro. Mr. Grew would recover but. Monday grant throughout was given without morning he suffered another relapse an error. The music was very suitable :and the end crime. for the occasion and the -beautiful + singing of the chittlm en made it an ideal Shake in a Bottle entertainment. The proceeds of the evening amounted to ,about $70. Great credit is due to the different commit - Now is the time when the (port eee gets tees for their efforts in connection busy, and the patent medicine in im . with the evening's program. - The facturers reap the harvest,unless great township nomination was held in the care is taken to dress warmly and keep Town 11 all on Monday. The hall was the feet dry. This is the advice of an packed to the (loots and the different candidate+ made addresses. After the meeting the nominees got together and decided that the Council Board of 1008 should be as follows : Reeve. Stephen \Vebb; Deputy -Reeve, Jacob Kellerman; Councillors, And. Hicks, W. D. Sanders and \Vm. Yearley. We will therefore have no election next Mondity. Our village ratepayers got together in the evening and there dis- reesret the town's business At the time of tveiting the matter of who will be our tillage fathers in 10118 is still undecided. Fall and Winter Goods. We have just opened up an im- mense import order of Scotch and English goods in all the LATEST SHADES. Our success in the past has been due to our knowledge that Honest Goods and Honest Prices must prevail,in garments which appeal to the batter class of trade. CALL EARLY. J. H. Holtzmann CREDI TON O xeter Advocate, Charlie Kingon of Ardock, N. Dakota, . returaed koala on Monday after visit- ing relatives here. -John Vance is spending the holidays with Listowel relatives. -Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell of Wingham were here attending the funeral of the late W. H. Stewart. - Miss " Nan " Harton of Harpurhey is visiting friends here. -Mr. and Mrs. Seamore and little daughter, of Dako- ta, are visiting Mrs. Seawore'a moth- er, Mrs. T. Itychman.-Hoy Traquair of Detroit is spending the holidays with his parents here. --R. Y. McLean ha3 accepted a position as teacher in a school in Stratford. --The Anderson family had a re -union at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. henry Anderson on New Year's Day andpresentedthem with it fine couch. -Miss Vera Glenn left this week for Dundalk, where she has a position as a teacher in a school there. BURIED UNDER WOODPILE old eminent authority, who ea vs that ltheumatisne and Kidney trouble wea- ther is here, and also what to do in case of an attack. (let from any good pharmacy one- half ounce Fluid Extract Dandelion one ounce. Compound Kargote; three minces Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla. Mix by shaking in it bottle and take a teasponnfiel after each meal and at bed time. -lust try this simple hemie-unade mix• ture at the first sign of Rheumatism, or if your back aches or yet t feel that the kidneys are not acting just right. This is said to be a splendid kidney reg- ulators and almost certain remedy for all forms of Hheumatisru, which is caused by title acid in the blood which the kidneys fail to filter out. Any one can easily prepare this at home at a small cost. Druggists in this town and vicinity, when shown the prescription stated they can either supply these ingredi• ents or if our readers prefer they will compound the mixture tree for h P tem. My Hair is Extra Long Feed your hair; nourish it; give it something to live on. Then it will stop falling, and will grow tong and heavy. Aycr's flair Vigor is the only genuine hair -food you can buy. it gives new life to the hair bulbs. You save what hair you have, and get more, too. And it keeps the scalp .1c.;n and healthy. T9 • • .•st k(nd et a tset,m,,niat - "80:.: for over maty yeteare." Mmama* ••• Ea1o'y.t. C. ATer co., t w,n Maim. A .o niar.u:.otwrere of p sAISAPAtntLA. versc:.maoaat. A Mae class coltese. Mr. A. A. Ilibner, M.A., Pb. D., who is a literary teacher of high stand- ing and one of the etrongest commer- cial teachers in the profession. bas been engaged to take charge of the Commercial Departmerit of the Wing - ham Husinees College. Mr. 1lihner has not only held the chair of Higher Mathematics and Modern Languages, in the Canton College for three years, c' , the chair of Ancient and Modern into• gie:tees in Austin ('allege. three years, but hoe bad many years experience in teaching and in managing some of the largest (lommiecial ('alleges in the country. Mr. Ilibner is et specialist in the highest sense of the terns. A scan of resource and strength h n f charac r R tr, always inspiring the pupils with his own entheisisstic methods. He is n thrnongh disciplinarian and n willing teacher. plresarct and entertainingrend keenly alive to the rapid progress end best interests of these under his care. The Shorthand Department is in charge nl Miss E. Virginia Grant, who is most widely experienced shorthand ieeteher in the. Province and is a greed. ate of the author of the system taught and highly recmumeelded by hint. With these two departments in charge of see capable and widely experienced specialists we sntieiitte the most tl-.t• Go Mg results. A College rapidly in• creasing in attendance. gtuwing in in• Iln"nre ,and prestige and commanding the a espect and recognition of (':ane la's nue,t enterprising business men. Mr. Wiener will assist Principal `pot ton in rarnpteting mail ('nurses in Mt.teic•- illation. Civil Service, etc., which he hopes to have in (perm ion by early spring. We understand that the \\'inghstie Business College end its branches, located at Clinton, Walker• ten. Orangeville and Gnderirh reopen foe Winter term en Jar, lith. Huron County Model Schools'. The Board of Examinees for the County of Huron met in the pablic school, Seaforth, Dec. 21, to finish the work of the Model School examination. The beasion just closed es expected to be the last, therefor e t hci a was a large attendance at belt!] Model Schools. At Goderich there were :37 attended the session and one wrote on the final, At Clinton there were -14 in attendance. The papers were considered fair. To pass candidates had to slake (JOS of the total and 75',. for houors. The pass Mark was 750 and the honor mark 037. The model classes this year have main- tained the reputation of the county Model schools, fur good work, it large number receiving honors. Honors.-Wiunifred Catling, Martha V. Carling, Cora G Currie, Lillian J Clark, Jessie Scott Elliott, Maty E. Fear, Pearl E Heuder•son, Esther E Jamieson. Ethel M. Kellerman, Reta Keys, Olive L. Leishman, Ella M. Met- hatfy. Nettie M. Mitchell, Mary L111ter- ray, Stella G McQuarrie,Stella J Neth- erby, Edna L. Pentland, Ruth Shaw, Norma R. Sperling, Evelyn 0, Tiplttdy, Jessie L \\'ilson, Emile Cassie, Orlando Cean, Wm, Manning, Harold Swann, Thos. G. Wilson, Jean Toni, Samuel Bean, Geo H Jefferson, Wm A Mathe- son, Nixon Welsh. Pass.-ida Armstrong, Jennie Arm- strong, Jerinie Carter, Margaret Cow- ard, Olive E Chef!, Lillian M Deyell, Erma A Diehl, Marion Fraser. Laura Griffin. Vera Jane Glenn, Daisy B Hodgson, Lizzie A Hetherington, Jean Johnston, Mayme J Keys., Minnie P Laidlaw, Ena McPherson Jessie E McMane, E Myrtle Phillips, Mary Polly, Mary Escott, Minnie E Sherrit, Weida I Stevens, Lydia Sherritt, Mag- gie Smith, Gertrude M ThomsonEdna V Taylor, Tillie Zimmer, Chester F Barker, Robt E Bryans, Wm. Geo. Breen, Victor Cur ran, Archie M Camp- bell, Melvin Dodds, Geo A Elliott, Wm S Elliott, Edwiu Kilpatrick, Emmanu- el Lyon, Knox Mair, Hector McKenzie, %Vm Robt McKenzie, Roy H Mason, Ross R McKay, Win 0 Morrow, \Vm. Oliver. Bailie \V Stothers, Alfred L Tosliff, Wm LTriebner, Vru J Smyth, Wm %Vilfred Weir, Harvey Young. The following are underage and will not receive; their certificates till they are 18: L .0 Deyell, A A Dalton, M E Fear, P E Henderson, E M Phillips, E M Kellerman, E McPherson, E L Pent- land, L B Sherritt, M Smith, E C Tipp - lady, J Tom, C Barker. RR McKay, 11i Swann. The following have non-professional standing: V Curran, 0 E Cluff, L A Hetherington, M J Keys, M Fraser, L Griffin, J Johnston, M Polly, E Lyon, J E McMayne, M E Sherritt, R NV Wilfred. The following wrote on the final for renewals and will obtain one year and a half: L Hartleib, Winona Howard. Elsie M Clark,Carrie Milligan, Mildred Martin, Marie Parsons, Cora albite. Geo. Baird, Secy. Grand Bend Mrs. F. Tetreau and Mrs, Leo. Dis- jardine spent Christmas with Mrs. Vm. Jones, Exeter. -Mr. Frank Tet- reau returned Monday from a visit with friends at Ann Harbor, Mich.- Eucery Corriere of Kingston is 4ilne for the holidays. -A. Pisj rdttie lost his valuable driver by death last week. Ile refused $150 for it a few days ago. -Harvey Bossenberry held a ball Xmas. eve. A pleasant time was spent by all. -11, Gill and wife of fort Frank spent Sunday here- Mrs. Gill is re- maining s few days. -Christmas pass- ed otT yery quietly. The weather, al- though blli,try was pleasant and the sleighing good. -H. Hamilton is on the sick list. -Mr. Marks of Parkhill and a few friends spent Friel -1y here. Mr. Bossenber•ry and son Harvey at- tended Council meeting at Thedtord Monday. -A barge crowd attended the echoed meeting and A. Itavelle instead of Wm. Patterson. --E. Disjardine spent Sunday at 'Zurich. --Miss Bach, who has been visiting her home in Zurich, returned here Sunday. -Miss E. Geaze has gone to Toronto for the holidays.- 11. Tiedeman and wife of Goderich ate visiting their parents herr. --Thos. \Vebb, 10th cot., spent spent Xmas. at Pt. Fronk. -%Vin. Oli- ver, wife and fancily are spending the holidays at St. Marys. -Miss Ethel %Valkrr is the guest of her sister Mrs. George Dawn.- The Sabbath sedum! Xmaw. tree tenet taintuent in the Pres• byterian chinch Dec. 19, was a newt gratifying success in every respect. The night wax one of the most delight- ful of the season and the church was packets to the diner. The program consisted of solos, ehornses, dialogues, recitations and addresses. The plat- form was graced by a large Xmas. tree bountifully adorned by presents sent by good old Santa Claus for tire. child• ern and were distributed et the close of the entertainment. The proceeds amounted to $58. The Methodist en- tertainment was of a /limiter nature and was well patronized. They made $27.01. Centralia Ei,Si ON 1.. HICKS -Voice Production and Sing int - Pupil of London Conservatory of Music, 11. itutheen McDonald, Charles White,l.ondbn, Ent. Ernest Eardley, London, Eng. A limited nnmher of pupils will he accepted. Misa Mary Hepburn. of Toronto. is home for her Lolidaye. -Mr. Ethelbert 1311tt, of Detroit, with his wife and spent child. , Pllt ('hl . tr 119 p 1 1 with his pat - euteat the Methodist pers.nege. -Rev. (lerrge Dunkley. missionary ninon, the Indians at Hiawatha, is visiting his sister, Mrs. Anderson. He lived herr over ;ill years ago and planterd thaw' gr rat evergreen trees thet adorn Epworth Pat It." the old Trivitt honlesteed. Many were the warm hitndshakee he brut with the old friends he knew in his younger days. He pprearhrd in the Methodist Chinch on .\landay evrolrg with a good deal of 1 his (dd.( i rime t ig"r. --The evangelistic i sei viees, conducted by Hey. Roberti t Me Hardy, cloyed on Sunday evening. i The church was packed to the doors and a most interesting set vier was conducted by the evangelist, wive has trade hosts of friends doting his twee weeks' labors here. About 11) persons have pre deesed c•anversion. and on `Monday morning the Rev. W. H, Butt received :Si into membership of the church As the result of theer meetings. --The Methodist Sunday School venni- t veraery is to he held on Sunday next. i !Rev. Butt will preach in the morning 0 and Hes. Hosxell Oolwill, of Victoria r College, in the evening. A Surprise in BiIsenits Every box of \loonev's Perfection ' Cream Sodas you open -you will find a new delight in these dainty ' biscuits. 1 When you want to surprise yourself, 1 give your appetite a treat with Mooney's iii Perfection Cream Sodas 91 Lucas The annual installation of officers of Irving Lodge, No. 151, took place in the Masonic hall Friday evening, St. John's night. Worshipful Bros. Mun- dy and Orme performed the ceremony. The following were duly installed; W. M., T. G. Thompson; S.V., Dr. Bant- ing; J.W„ \Ven. J. Brunton; See'y, D. B. McVicar; Treas., Jas. Stanley. Jr.; Tyler, C. Haskett; Chap„ John Fox. The brethren then proceeded to the Central Hotel where a banquet was tendered them by the newly installed W. M. Bro. Thompson. Speeches and song were the order of the • evening. Among the singers might be tnentiorc- ed W. Bro. Matheson, who received ovations of applause and amid laugh- er and hand -clapping gave his song and dance entitled "The Old Sunflow- er." After other singing and speeches the brethren departed about 2 p.m. feeling that a very enjoyable time had been spent by all present. -John Fox has received word from his son E. A. Fox, who is on the Bank of Commerce staff in North Battleford, to the effect that half of the town of Battleford had been destroyed by fire on Sunday. Election Cards TO THE ELECTORS Your vote and influence is kindly so- licited for peeve for 1008. 1 have done nay best to serve you well and if elect- ed will continue to do so. \Vlebin.. you a Hapliy- New SQ. Howlett TO THE ELECTORS OF EXETEIt e I ant in the field for School Trieste and solicit your vote and influence to secure my election. 1f elected my ser vices will be given to secure the bent interests of the school. RICHARD DAVIS TO THE ELECTORS OF EXETER • Your vote and influence is respect- fully solicited for W. J. Heitman for re-election to the Council Board for 1908. If elected will use best effortr) in the interest of the village. TO EXETEil'S ELECTORATE 1 and again in the field for Councillor and respectfully solicit your vote and influence. i do not purpose slaking a personal canvas and take this means of asking your suffrage. Sincerely \VKI.taNterltx Jones TO THE ELECTORS OF EXETER Having been nominated for Coun- cillor 1 respectfully solicit your vote and influence. 1 have had consider- able experience in Municipal matters and promise if elected to promote the beat interests of the town. W. iI. LEYssrT VOTE FOR J. J. KNIGHT For re-election to the council for 11108. if elected i promise the same careful attention to the town's beet in• terests. VOTE FOR A. E. FUKE i take this means of soliciting the vote and influence of the ratepayers for me for re-election to the council. Your best interests will receive core- fol attention. %'M. BAWDEN Desires to place his name before the electiors of Exeter for .teeve and re- spectfully solicits your vote and influ- ence. TO THF: ELECTORS OF EXETER i ata in the field for re-election to the school board of Exeter and re- spectfully solicit vont vote and influ- ence. Fours truly 1'. I' n.tYNE TO THE i:LE('TORS OF EXETER (laving set ved the town faithfully for a netlik- of years as School Trus- tee 1 suli.•it your suffrages to re-elect mr for 1(1115. Yours truly 11. E. Ht'KTOe f0 '111E ELECTI►RS OF EX i•:TER 1 am a candidate for the office of school treetee in the ensuing elections. A. it will be impossible for me to see you all pereanally i take this means .f asking your suppatt. Our school hal acquired et splendid repute/ inn tnd is doing good work and if elertr(1 t will be my endeavor not only to neintain its present standing but to nerease its usefulness F. W. G t. t i t M .t v Opera Home Etetcr Piaf.l'rarket rdac,ri d hnr.es,pan ies. donkeys and rami-. Twenty hors- es on the stage at one time. One of the most refined and educative enter- tainment ever presented on any stage. These clever animals do everything nit talk. Monday end Tuesday even• reg.... len. 'Rh and 7th. with matinee n Tuesday. See the great street pe• ade Monday. Plan nt Cole's Drug Stot e. for twenty-four years Vapo-Cresolene hu been ettcn. vdy used all forms f tt,:..,.,1 and bronchi..1 tcin-bles All Drvggi::-. CENTRAL STBATrORD, ONT. THE LEADING SCHOOL I:y gie fug a Letter coupe of training than that gie - en by any other siulilar institution Ire Ontario, ae haveL.e,omne one of the leading business tralnin: schools in Canada. Our graduates are in demand as orrice assistants midi business college teachers. Our courses being the best our gradurtes sue:eed. 1' interested in your welfare write now for our cata• logue; It is free. We have three departments, Com. merciai, Shorthand and Telegraphy. Winter term opens Januar- C. , ...iz MIMS ELLIOTT at McLACHLAN, Principals WAREHOUSES -AT- EXETER, CENTRALIA AND CLANDEIOTE Highest Price paid for Grain RICH. SELDON (Successor to Joseph Cobbledick) GOLD MEDAL — FOR — Ale and Porter AWARDED JOHN LABATT AT ST. LuUIS EXHIBITION 1904. Only medal for Ale in Canada. THE MOL SONS BANK (Incorporated i v Act of Parliament 1,55) Head Office, - Montreal Capital Paid Up Reserve Fund Assets Over $3,200,000 3,000,000 33,000,000 SIXTY-TWO BRANCHES IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA - EXETER BRANCH - OFFICE HOURS 10 a. in. to 3 p. m. SATURDAYS, 10 a. m. to 1 p. m, A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current rate of interest allowed be Saving Bank Department, -re(Ii further notice interest en Savings accounts w111 credited yuartcrly in,tead ct i,alf year!►• as formerly. Deposits of $1 and upwards received. Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government. DIOKsoN & CARLiNG, Solicitors. N. I). I1L'RDON, Manager, 1 e LOOSE LEAF LEDGER SYSTEM -T•he only Commercial Svuool wort of Toronto using the above Modern Office Work of Actual Canadian Business Procedure, Wholesale houses calling daily for graduates of Canade1 Greatest Chain of High-grade Business Colleges, Itecaus . students "Learn to do by doing." Each student has loose leaf ledger, hill and charge system, card system, hank book; fills out scores of notes, drafts, deposit slips, cheques. statements, leases, mortgages, receipts, shipping bilis. etc., etc. Our students do actual business iron, t tia first day. Gregg Shorthand AND Touch Typewriting taught by the most widely experienced teacher in Ontario; she is ales a graduate of John R. Gregg, the Author, and highly recommended by biro. Last year our Stenographers were all placed within Ten Days of graduation. Many of these young ladies now drawing $7011 to $800 per year. It is freely admitted that we train the most rapid and accurate. Our Telegraph Department is well equipped. Railroads are shout of operators and salaries are advancing rapidly. Wide Attendance. Students attending our chaln from aineost eters county in Ontar- io; many from Manitoba Sakstchewan, Alberta and British Co• tumble; some from the United States, England and Scotland. We train more Yount people than am other management in Western Ontario. 1 erage situation taken by our graduates is not excelled; we invite comparison. ,nditidual worts. tion. Da} •tudenta attend night eta -Res free, and may take all the a1,o%e course.. WINTER TERM BEGINS JANUARY 6 WRITE: FOR l'ATAL(IOt'E CLINTON BUSINESS COLLEGE 1 What Will The Settlement r of Your Estate Cest ? GEO. SPOTTON, PRIM IPAI. We will be pleased to tell you, if you will fure:ish us with par- ticular. No charge. Vie will alio surlily y0U with will terms and ;;-ice your will in our fireproof vaults w'eere it cannot get lost. The Canada Trust Company is a trustworthy, experienced execu- tor that will manage your estate most economically, and imparti- ally carry out the terms of your will. Our intimate connectidl with the Bursa .e Erie Loan and Savings Co. cnaLles csbt i:l numercus invest:atnts wt.ich ccme ureter the " Trustee / ct," and of which a private -i y wadi never hear. This enables us to keep cur Trttst Funds always invested, and Estates derive a larger profit than otherwise. Services of Family Solicitor always retained. Correspondence invited and answered promptly. LONDON, ONTARIO. Rotigt•t•‘ ill'. The Misses Maggie and Ada (7/apparel spending the holidays in Toronto. - Jeckell of Hamilton and Mrs. Howe of Toronto ore;visiting their mother. - Geo. McTaggart of Blyth spent Sun. day with hi. father. .J.:1. Me'Figgart is emending the holidays with relatives and friends herr.-Miss Vera Glenn of Lumley is spending a week twith her grandmother. Its. ('ase, •