Exeter Advocate, 1908-01-02, Page 3THE KAISER IN ENGLANL LIFE OF THE GlittlitN EMPliIIOlt Al simple Debits Veiled by Etiquette and Over One Hundred Police. b The park surrounding theta -Idle Cas - Iles well guarded. To the right, 10 Mc 14 11, in front and behind; one caught tight of strange profiles whose identity see; easy to guess. The very gardeners .•llectiig the dead leaves and raking the paths were evidently i tore accus- t.nned to other occupations, writes a correspondent of the Paris Alatin, "flow• nitny )Police are there' 1 ask- ed my guide. "Over a hundred." When we entered by a small side doorway the tic -vac of a telepraph in- strument was the first thing that Incl my ear. "There are three, and telephones as %•ell," a telegraph operator told mc. "\\'e don't stop working all day. Des- patches are going and arriving with- out cease, because the Kaiser sends his 'valeta! correspondence almost entirely by wire. In addition, two special Ines- eengrers leave for Berlin every day." On arriving at the kitchens my guide told me he was going to introduce Inc to a fellow countryman, M. Terrell, a Frenchman, who has charge of TIIE IMPERIAL COOKING. "What does his Majesty like?' 1 asked. AL first M. Terrell wished to entrench himself behilSd the ramparts of profes- 'reonal secrecy, but. yielding lc a lel- 'ow countryman's Importunity he re - dented so far as to say: "itis Majesty likes everything that is fight. Ile eats very little, but. often. Ile is very partial to fruits, particular- ly pears. A favorite dish is cold tat 'pullet. One day 1 sent up as a sweet n strawberry souffle, which his Majesly liked so much that he deigned to ask Inc the recipe." Then M. Terrail, growing interested In his story, violated the code of pro- fessional secrecy still further. "In the morning at 9 o'clock the Em- peror takes poached eggs with a lillle )trilled haat, fruit and tea. At 1 o'clock 1 serve bus lunch—eggs or fish, en en- tree Of fowl or game. Often there is simply a buffet. Perhaps you don't know what a buffet L'? About te.n Islets of cold meats in jelly. As for dinner, it Ls a little more substantial. A typical menu included soup, fish, saddle of mullein, cold young turkey, salad, pears and cakes. Before going �.� bed the Kaiser cats two or three bis - cads of German make and drinks a glass of water." Then we passed through the core- d, rs; corridor after corridor, and every ere encumbered with trunks, big trw1Tts, little trunks, Oat trunks, all sizes and kinds. '''hese are the personal trunks of the Emperor; each contains A DIFFERENT UNIFORM. Al we reached the private room.: se by the Kaiser. First came the library, with thousands of looks and the newspapers of every country. Then the private sibling -twin, where In the evening smoking u cigar Wil- liam 11. takes delight in listening to the t trona Norte o 1 6 ! r tic mechanical piano. A small anis-chamber sepals ides this room from Ihe dining room. "IL is in this ante -chamber," sail my -guide, "that his hfajesly:s suite meet before heals. The Kaiser is living here in the greets!. simplicity, but he. In- sists all the sante on etiquette being ok.erverl. Nobody enters (he dining. room before Ihc Emperor. if his Ma- jesty <:c:gns to smile everyb'xly smiles, 1f he has a frown on his face nobody pays a word. "At dinner the Emperor wears even- ting dress with derorattens, generally the Golden Fleece, the Block Eagle and of the knee the Order of Ihe Garter. As 'sown as his Majesty has taken his place eft the table the imperial suite sits town. Ills Mnjesty gives n sign to the house steward and the meat begins. "During dinner the Kai-cr drinks gen- erally orangeade, !emonnde or cider. end fen at the end of the Ileal, but no ttq ueu rs." Mem the dining ro(iHI we went to the private rooms of the Kaiser. First of t.11 was a bedroom decorated simply end in good lasts. An Empire led of great histortcnl value constituted the chief furniture. It w•ns on This bed that r\tai 4hal Ney was laid on the evening et the day he was shot in 1x15. A small table' s:a( Bred over with cigar- ettes. On the el,imne'y 1 saw n wooden bow /n which were Iwo bracelets and four rings, one being ornamented with n miniature of the Empress. Many pho- lograph. were about. three of his sons, of Kung F.denr(1 and THE C7 I1 NICIIOl..\S 11. Rut this mem serves chiefly as n dress•n),e.lox,rn. as les \lajesty sleeps in en ndj:.;n ng nom. This second loom. eimp!er n than the former, C'1118ins w bedq per covered w'ilh a coun- I(rpnre ernbrlitkretl in silk that once belonged to Mario Antoinette. On the night table by the bedside was a re - innate it revolver in a doeskin cover. On n chest (.t drawers we're 5tlll more phokegraphs--ttw.se of the Empress aTri Ms daughters-in-law. immediately after This bnl:'4KIni comes the last <rf his \fa- jcsly's privet,. moms, his workroom. 1 e•nly had Ilene to catch n glimpse of a desk littered with lettere, printed nine ler, etc. \lore photographs lay mess! and more b'''mks, nursing them the r er (mils putelishiel "Letters et Queen \ ` toric." 1.0:s of p n4 weie scattered about In;e ,<.e.k, ntl eeset'quitls. as Ihe E►ni: -e • uses nothing c'se. 11e uses fine sst t to dry his ink, never Holt ng papa r. \\'hen the Emperor is in ane of his private moles no one is n11r•v ' l !o ep- pronch hen tut tha lour servants ;.t Inched to 1i1' 1.Ce•4 n. At n ght n faith fat guard p'nersl al his door forte& en. try to any one. As 1 reseed through the parr le go away 1 heard 1!►e purring of an auto slid my guide said: "Do sou see That auto? Last Wee I.'•,'tay it disturbed blue I.:mimeo!' con- .eirerably. Ile was just returning heat -1 shooting expedition and as he put las foot on the step to get out a loud explosion occurred in the motor. Wil- liam 11. turned slightly pale, but the engineer in charge of 111e imperial au - 1.., quickly reassured hint. Then the Kaiser smiled and said: "Never tuird, �.: long as it in the past.'" 'Je 1011 'I'1:\II'1'A'I'ION. "There are some persons," said \Ir Burdens, one day, "who don't wear II Hue ribbon with sincerity, They we; it, perhaps, nlxiu1 as hyporritica1ly 11. was worn by un employee of a ccrtu blower. "This employee, after years of dissipa- tion, aptx'ai-ed one day at the brewery with the blue ribbon on his Invest. No- thing was said to flim, and he wore the nit lain for some month;. Then one day the head of the deal, happening to 110 - Uro the hunks badge, nppronched hint. "WitY, Frank,' he said, 'it is strange lc tern you, a brewer, wearing the blue ribbon r "'IL does look strange, sir,' the elan admitted. '\5'e11,' said the brewer, 'why do you do it?' 'IL is like this,' said the workman. '1 wear the ribbon because it makes mlttn Tike to tempt enc'. and when I'm tempted I succumb, sir.'" s. le tr it in DOCTOR WANTED TO A\IPI'TATE. Mrs. E. F. Fonger, 34 Myrtle Street St. Thomns, Ont., says: "1 an most thankful 1 discovered the exist- ence of 'liana-Iluk. For about 9 months 1 suffered cruelly front the effects of having a corn removed freta my little tee, for with its removal a hole re- mained and my toe was in a terrible state and 111.e doctor thought it necessary to amputate it. About this time 1 received a sample box of 'Lahr Bak and began using it on my toe. The first application gave me the greatest ease from pain and encouraged me to give Zanl-Iluk a thorough trial. Two months after commencing with 'Lani- Ruk there was Ito sign of a hole for tfie flesh had grown in very firmly and all lereness and pains were entirely ban - hhod. Zahn -Bok brought about this testing when all other remedies tailed. We find 7,am-fluk .so valuable that we would not be without a box in the /louse." 'loam-Ruk heals cuts, bruises, old wounds, running sores, eczema, ulcers, hats, eruptions, scalp sores, itch, piles, Chapped innnds, burns, scalds, and all 'kin diseases. ',Oc. lox, all druggists Ind stores, or 'Lam-Buk Co., Toronto. A STRONG BANK. The Merchants' Bank Statement Jest Issued Shows Its Solid Position. • Confeeited by the Annual Statement of the Merchants' flank of Canada, just issued, one docs not require to go far afield to discover the Secret of the eta. billy of our Canadian banks, and in tli(uzc- ud) y when there have been rune bhngs and lumblings in the Onanoial world in the neighbxoring republic, we pride ourselves in the safeguards to both shareholders and the public pro- vided by our Canadian banking system. The Statement of the \letehxulh' Bank presented at the forty-fourth Annual \feeling of Ihc Shareholders, held at Montreal on the 18111 (rest„ sets torah in practical n 1 aC 1 (ll Illalllle r the best features 1m t f that system and refects the greatest credit on that 'tank's management. The dale of the closing of the banks by the tank 'las been changed from May 3Ist to November 30111, and during the Last half year the net profits carnal. after• allowing for payment of charges, etc., ametint to the largo cum of $173,144.51). lite fetal drgx)sits by the public amount le $36.251,343.97. which Ls scoured by total assets of the hank which amount to ever fifty -Iwo millions of (Pillars. At a lime when the management of our banks ixtve teen stlrengthening the positions, f their re's)cctivc Inst)tntitns by pursu'ng a mnser%ati%e policy and increasing (heir cash reserves, we find the "Mer- chants"to the fore with immediately available nssets nnlouMing to a little oder, nineteen and a quarter million dollars. Cntrenrh<vl le such n strong position this Pard: merits the confidence of the Thousands of people who are in- teepeesl in its po,itien. '1'o the share- holders a yearly dividend at the rale of tea, has been paid, while the lorge Iral- artec of $267.1011 hes tom carried for: ward 1., nest year. The pnii-up Capital ret the M'rrhant; Rank -stands rel te.0)0: (N)0, Mond wh:ch there is a Reserve ..f The statement lc n highly satiefa.•kery one from every slatelpohlt, ntxl if the r :tidily (d our ennnlbian hanks at the present lime hes the effort of crnaling Confidence of nriny foreign Interacts 'n Canada. Ibe thnuka of the pub) c are due Io tach an institullret among (Abets as the Merchnnl9' thank. STRANGE BURIAL. BEQUEST. At Irl inquest at Bath, England, re- cently, on Richard Fume/tux. who com- mitted suicide by turning on the gas in Iris bedroom, it was slated that his in- slcu•:liens for burial were that three parts •o1 (remain salt were to be mixed with one part of slack time. find his needy ens to be place.) inn box filled with llee nlixhue, and messed to re• rnnitl ter 19 years. Then it was to be seen w hillier pctrifl nl on had occur- red. /OC• The latest Success. w .ice lac The bi black plug chewing tobacco. ••••++...- .•t••ei4-+-$-4•+•• AN EASY VICTIM TO CONSUMPTION Tho ran down system is an Inviting field for the germ, of Tuberc•iuslr. You cannot avoid breathing In Phu germs -- they are ever; where - hut a robust eye. tem is inuuuue from their attacks. To rebuild a weakened system there le nothing that contains au much virtue as COO LIVER OIL, but the virtue is not in the grease. In fart the grease retards the beneficial action of the really valuable prinotplcs of the OIL by deranging the digestion. In " lilt It'K'S TASTILLic 3 grease Is eliminated. I, cetWonte veloahlo principles of COD LIY OIL In a palatable forth, combined whit phosphorous in the form of the Com- pound Syrup of Ilypophosphltes, the nutritious Ilunid Extract of Malt and the Bronchial Tonic and Sedative Fluid Extract of 1t•'ild Cherry hark. ARM YOURSELF AGAINST CONTAGION. "BRICK'S TASTELESS" will build up the enervated system and will euro Bronchitis. Pultuonary Affections, at.d rho deranged or disordered nervous system. Make your body healthy and you need have no fear of germs or diseases. Read prick's guarantee with each bottle. -BRICK'S TASTKLESS' is put up in eight (8) ounce bottler, retail price fifty 1501 cents, and In twenty (20) ounce bottles, retail price) one (l) dollar. ♦••-••••••-•••o-•-•0-•+•o•••••-• for .� Get the fres book that tells "When Pau! - try Pays," and is packed with facts you ought to know about the up-to-date way to go into poultry -farming without big capi- tia tkwk describes outfit. and the p'an that as.k.s success aortal.. Coats nothing to get it. Explain., hew we find you • cash buyer for your pprod- uct. P,ove+ w b y Peer- less Incuba- tor, Peer- less Brooder 20-Egg .tdh°no- (No .ti.ee) a.do PEVPLE33 i way of sel- 1•saltater !i.e. Relit - uteri, you the right .tart. Send for book to -Jay. brfoee edition is goee---so charge for ,t. With Use rtes Roos we mew r,.11 eel.11s of how to ret a Psora... Poultry forrroat eh.tat wltbout puttlog up a esat or reedy mosey . how to mate .urn Mror. you .tart that poultry Wiping will pay Got tae boot POW. ddress The- t t LEE-HODGINS CO., hives sea Pembroke St. PEMBROKE, ONT. MAY QUAKEiIS SUCCEED. There is no record of a single quaker being an inmate of a workIKner, and yet their rules, which tire strictly ad- hered to, prevent Friends when engage] in business From even taking advantage of the law and the usual devices of com- mercialism if they deviate in the slight- est principle of righteousness. From the very foundation of the Society of Frien(Its, :30 years ago, Quaker lncr- _c!tnnls a a itsfsetutere inspired con- fidence eir srrupulon.; honesty. They n led to meet their obliga- tions, and ..,,lite their trade rivals were busy in spc^_ulatkms to increase their wealth, and devoted 'heir leistere 10 sport luld gambling, the old Quaker laid 111': foundations of what are note world- famous businesses by strict application, by studying the latest methods, by giv- ing their workpmple a (Iireet interest In the welfaree,f the urel1e r rk' lg . in direct rl opposition to the general conditions pre - veiling at that period in England, and b)• observing ilio strictest integrity it all their dealings. These qualities have been inheriled by their snore..sons, and terve undoubtedly caused their astound. Ing commercial success. The greater the irritation in the Throat the more distressing the rough be- eonles. Coughing is lite effort of Na- ture to expel this Irritating substance from the air passages, !tickles Stilt - Consumptive Syrup will heal the in- flamed parts, which exude mucous, and restore Mete to a healthy stele, the c(.ugh disappearing under the curative effects of the medicine. 1t is pleasant lo Ihc taste, ani the price, 25 cents, is within the reach of all. Young Lady (enlhusinslirnlly): "Oh, 1 say, isn't out' new mnlrnlk)'. v.,1:•0 just heavenly'" Elderly Man i•'nnternely): "Well -il's unearthly, nt any role." Did yen notice tbtt “del 11119 Itmpin; along • day or soago/ Well, 11 he will put in his hark " fhe i k1.- Menthol !'taster, 111 a week he will walk es straight as any one. "Ilse Deb—sets al last have n girl they hope O. 'seep." "Ahaurd ! \\ herr is retch a girl to be found; "She was born to them yesterday." A Gen• ral Favorite. -1n every place where inlrituced 1)r. 'I tc,,tr►s' I;ck'o Iris Oil has not fnilel to establish a re- putation, slowing that the akrling qua - sties %tecth it Ixnse..sr'.c are valued everye Isere when they become known. II is in general use in (:nnadn nod .other countries ns a household medi- cine and Ihe dcnulnd for it etch year shows that it is u favorite wherev, r used. 110T11 AGItEED. A builder's lalr.r'r had got hurl --not much more than tt scratch, it is true. but 1114 employer had v isinna of leiter eine pellnl to keep hint for life. and had nel)pled the wise course of sending him ret once es Ihe lospilal, Afli`' the llouse- surge)n hal) esRnlined hire carefully, he said to the nurse :— "As sulx'uteneous abrnnion is next ele- ser'nble 1 do rwil think there Is any lea- ser to apprehend tegument/0 dealru..i. IM111 of 111e wound." Then. turning to the patient, he naked, ggizzi:olly '\\'Fal do yens think. my man '' I'.. which the taller made trply :-- "\Well. )stele a wonderful !twilight - reader. okeker. Yeti !ere!( the very nerds siert ief my mouth. 'That's ji,l what 1 was going lo say." "Bot. Timmy.- said Itis nrether, "did- n't )fair eeissiencea 11.11 y u1 wen were 1k,ing a rang .'' "Yee," re eli s.l Tummy, "tut I don't believe everything 1 hear." Rooting�� Is Eases Right � Work SHAWA' GiSTEE ed 3HINLE5 Put them on with no tools but a hammer and tinner's shears,— can't go wrong. They lock on all four sides, are self -draining and water - shedding on any roof with three or more inches pitch to the foot. Make buildings fire -proof, weatherproof and proof against lightning. Cost Least in the long run. Made of 28 - gauge toughened sheet steel—only one quality used and that the best— bent cold and double -galvanized. Last longer with no painting than any other metal shingles heavily - painted. Guaranteed in every way - until 1932. Ought to last a century. Cheap as wood shingles in first cost ; far cheaper in the long run. " Oshawa " Galvanized Steel Shin- gles cost only $4.60 a square, 10 ft. x 10 ft. Tell us the area of any roof and hear our tempting offer for covering it with the cheapest; roof you can really afford to buy. Le t us send you FREE booklet about this roofing question—tells some things you may not know. The Thdlar PaDpla Addres/ ovs 1&O LAL )nearest Wsrehonae 1 fns ca.lg sl. W. Oshawa Galvanized Steel Shingles are GUARANTEED in every way for Twenty -Five Years Ought to Last a Century 101 Send for FRU Book—"Roofing Right" Get Our Offer before You Roof a Thing TORONTO 11 Colborne 81. OTTAWA 423Stiarez St 0 haws Canada LONDON WINNIPEG M Dundas 8I. le Lombard 8t. IIER BE.AI. PURPOSE. "I'm afraid," said the anxiot.s mother, "your new gown will be too expensive to please your husband." "011," reoined the young wife, "I didn't get it to please him. 1 got It too w(:rry other ttotnen." An End to Bilteus headache.—Bili- on stews, which is caused by excessive bile m the stomach, has n marked ef- fect mien the nerves, and often mani- fests itself by severe headache. This is the most distressing Headache one can have. '!'here are headaches from cold, from fever, and hon1 other causes, but the most excruciating of .all is the bil- ious headache, t'lu•ntelee's Vegetable Pills will cure It—cure it almost im- mediately. it will disappear as soon as the Pills operate. 'There is nothing suer in the trectnlent of bilious head- aChe. Gipsy'Perk:ne Teller (seriously): "Let me warn you; son?cdgles going to crrs.s your path." Motorist : "DoWt y'Ct1�tl,ink yt•ud tetter warn the other chap? Many Thanks are doe from the propri.4ers of Weever'al•erate 1, friend+ who have written to tell of the l•erate'+g., .d word in curing trrofulons humors, .c PIA head and other skin ill seater., a, "fly the way, low dol you came out with Ulla <Irink cult you put in your husband :s lea ?" "First -rale. He hasn't drunk a drop since." "Of whiskey?" "No; tea." , �V Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator has the largest sale of any similar pre- paratien sold in Canada. It always gives satisfaction by restoring health :e: the little folks. Ilenedick : "''hat luminous pnint ie; a splendid invention." singleton : "soled do you use it for?" Benedick: "\\'c point th liaby:s face SO We can give him a drink in Ihe night without lighting the gas." ITCII, Mange, fsratrte Scratches earl every form of contagious Itch in human or animals cared 1n 30 minutes by \Wol• ferd'a Sanitary lotion. 1t never fails. Sold by all druggists_ \VITEN TIIE KIN(. TRAVELS. The king's Irvin was speeinlly built f his Majesty Is: the London and North-Western Railway Company of EngInnil. It is intere8Iing to learn. n paves of this (rain, that whereas some Continental Sovereigns have had railway ('..aches built far therm al the expense of Int' Wale or of their own privy purse, 111•• tkt i.l train provided by this railway end Ivo or three of tete ether English rcrnpulnies have been rr,nstruetel at the c(mpanies' own expense. They then re- ninin the railways property. the mem- bers of the ik,yal Family tensing their fares like ordinary passengers, with merely the 1,sunl charge fair n Epeeist train. The most elaborate pr(`cautk)ns are taken In ensure Ihe safety of the Kings train, n pike engine running fif- teen minutes in ndwnnce thr.ugta ttl the entire is -Laney. The train itself contains n Aitken. n I4.Iv.r.m, rind dressing -room, 811 equipped with handsome furililure, 1PiU to-tE NO. 1 CA. A PICTURI: TO Ali\IlltE. Ariist : "What kind of pictures (lo you admire most?" Friend : "Rare engravings. 1 particu- larly admire the landscapes on the back of a 8100 bill," It is only necessary io read the lesli- moilifils to Le convinced that 110110 - way's Corn Cure is unequalled for the renewal of corns, warLs, etc. 1L is a c(.mpiete extinguisher. Kitty : "Willis Norton met a girl on beard the Atlantic liner, and before they got to the other side he veils engaged her. What do you think of that?" Torn: "I' only goes to slow that telt all of the perils of ocean travel have been elimi- nated yet." A Great Combination. " re-rovim " the best tonic i. It -heal.! he taken b. all invalid+. by all who ars run dust 1 ur uut of sort,. It build, up, gives new lite. Little Boy k11.ring iris evening lesson n. home, to his father): "Papa, where is the souree of the Volga ?' Father : "1 ',K.:;'t, know." Little Cloy : "You (14)1)1 kt ow T' --s red to think that to•nrit'row• 1 1101)bo pun'tsat'v-to44 ur ign(jr nce !' They are Not Violent in Aclkui. — Sorne persons, when they with to cleanse the stomach, resort to Epsom and other purgative sells. 'These are speedy in their action, but serve no peenianent good. 7'heir use produces int-ipient chills, and if persisted in they ir.jure the stomach. Nor do they is I open the intestines in a beneficial wie.. I'nt•mc!ees Vegetable I'i1L, nnsw'er ;.lt purposes in this respect, and have no superior. Little Roy (looking at music catalogue): 'Tallier, who was i.Iuznrl 7' Father : "Mozart ? Gracious, ►ny boy, you don't know that? Go and read your Shakes - peaty 1" Allen's Lung Balsam. in which there Is rte e ,amu , cru., e4 sore thrt And Were lungs as It allay. the iafianunatoo :,n t rids you of the mucou. that stops up them, r'♦tRaga.. 1460., Nat flee betties. Farmer Ilaye : "That Jews boy Ihnl used lo work for yeti wan!. inc les give hint it job. Is he Steady " Farmer Serde : ''well, if he was any steadier, he'd 1 e teolveneases RICHT AND WRONG TU MK:NC and 'Tln•ir (lesul.'r•, I y' Aar,ut Marlin Crane. At all bookseller; or postpaid for fi1,511. Iiithrop, Lee & Shepard Cu., Roston. Every Woman Llutereated sod should know about the wouderfnl MARVEL Whirling Spray tad The sew •ecepilog*. Best -ll M comm - bent. It cleanses anus Ant mai strewn. !t b cannot sapper the 11 A B V I accept no p� bot send stamp for Ill•wiated book-R.0Pd. It ghee 4.1l •srtfealars add directions to yulmislo 4tnn la,tto WINDSOR el;Pb'1.• (n., ♦YIud.r,r Oat. General Areata ter Canada. Why_,____ Go South ? Try a Visit to the Famous Springs of the "SI. Calftaiines Well" CANADA'S HEALTH RESORT In the Niagara Peninalla• The treatment a1 Nrrvou• sad kbeumatlsm • Specialty. APPLY THI WELLANID. Br. (*autunite. 1 COWARD! Smith • "Did you tell y .Ir wife ye t wouldn't he home fill late' Il,binrun (car(`ks.,1)) : "Certainly." "You did?' "Yes, I should Think so." "And what did she say 7' "Well- as sr'on as I hail lo'd lees 1 rang oft the telephone." Offer n %vomit') 1111 nlelegy and the shrines are she will offer hill 1`XCUSe to! not accepting it. VINSIMIRMNINEIMi SHILOH'S the uickest cough & cold CURE Get a bottle to -day from your druggist. If it doesn't cure you QUICKER than ,anything you ever tried he'll give you your money back Shiloh'• is the beat, aafest, surest and quickest medicine for your children's coughs and colds. it has been curing coughs and colds for 34 years. All druggists-- asc., soc., and $i.00 a bottle. _ Re FACTORY ---WITH--- Power, Heat, Electric Light, to Lease for a Term of Years. Central looatlen. About ten thouta'id squat's feet In four floors and basement. Expellent sillpp n; faollitics Standard Fire Sprinkler System. tow Insuranoe r.tte. MURRAY F. WILSON, 61 Ade'aide St. We3t, Toronto