Exeter Advocate, 1908-01-02, Page 1S I to JAN '09 NOW IS THE TIME to subscribe for the ADVO- CATE': and get a bargain as above stated; or else take advantage of our Low Club Rates -- - -- - -- TWENTY -FIRST YEAR. t Sale Bills FAlt\11:Its who want a big ctu►►'d at their sales should tzet their bills at be ADVOCATE and ad- vertise in the Auvocam-: It means Money to You EXETER, ONTARIO. THURSDAY, r1AN PARR• 2. 19()S. SANDERS & CREECH The Sovereign Bank of Canada HEAD OFFICE :-TORONTO. Paid Up Capital: . • *3,000.000. RO•RD OF DIRECTORS: MILKS JARVIS, Esti., • - - PrF(kf DOLPH MAC DONALD. Esq. lit I'., e -Pell A. ALLAY. Esq., - - prod lite-Preli HOS. D. MCMILLAN, ARCM. CAMPBELL, Esq., A E. I)vMME, T. Esq., M.P. HON- PETER MCLAREN, W. E. MICNAMGHT, FAQ., V.P. • ALEX. Barts, Esq., K.C. 11. 13. JsUMETr, • - - Genas!-.11arrpt( ' 'it: CASSE, s, - - • _1)rr. Genera!•.tfandg(1 Savings Pr.nli Department kitre-t rt Lett current rates paid quarterly. Branches at Exeter, Dashwood, Zur- i)h and Crediton, r JOS. SNELL, Manager 4$4.1 OLD HENS WANTED We wi'i pay the h;Kba.t prices for lire 010 HtNt, 8111110 OHICKENS, DUCKS, TURKEYS, and al; kinds cf poltry. Mention this paper. r• Tho Canada Poultry (1� Produce Company Lisxiisd) 6TKATFORn. Dai The Old Reliable -XMAS, XMAS. XMAS1s ('llti- tunas is near at hand. What are you Going to Municipal NominationsInh)red the attacks nn the toad cool e seen ler and the trice and dt'- ' ntissioner. He takes the work serious- ly and desired tine reelection of the The nominations in the various tnun- old council. W. Jchns when elected had made up his [Hind to do his duty, hoped he succeeded as several speakers had re- marked, and promised like faithful- ness if re-elected. W.J. Heitman was surprised to hear the council so well spoken of, both as to town and cemetery. 'the w +tering system was a paying business. A fence would be neede.l at. the cemetery. ile thought W. G. Bissett was an odd financier in finding a deficit where so gond a surplus was shown. In replying peeve Bobier stated that there were other industries as well as an armory on the road that we would surely ger, and that the C.P.R. would l e here in nine months. fie thought the town could not afford to change Lite council. icvpalities took place at noon Monday. In Exeter the following were made; Fon REEVE T 11 McCallum by II Delbridge and E Maguire. %V Bowden by A Dow and 13 Martyn T B Carling by N I) Hurdon, 1V Tanton 1V G Bissett by Wm Batman, Wm Harding. A E Fuke by J It Hind, C Heywood. A Q Bobier by A Dearing, H Parsons. Tilos Hartnoll by A Q Bobier, J Bell. Fort Cot•setLr.oR W J Carling by W G Bissett, A J Mc- Donell. 1 J Knight by E Maguire, 0 E Ander- son. W G Bissett by 1' E Handford, C E Hackney. \Vin Fletcher by D Mill, A J McDonell T B Carling by T E Handford, 0 E Hackney. \V H Levett by L Day, T B Carling. W J Ileaman by J Jewell, J Brintnell R 0 Beldon by It Delbridge, I Arm- strong. John Mitchell by 11 Parsons, J Davis 1VelI Johns by T Harlon, R E Davis A E Fuke by J Davis, 0 Heywood Fon ScitooI. TRUSTEES 11 1; Huston by J G Jones, T Harvey Peter Frayne by J G Jones, T Harvey H E Davis by J Hunter, 1 Armstrong F 1V Madman by '1' lfartnoll, R Gould D W Collins by J Grieve. A E Fake e meeting was then adjourned to 7.r Want? Th i • THE EVENING MEETING No doubt there are many things You need and it lot more you will buy that you do not need. 1Ve have things for the needy and things for the needless. We are now stocking up with a view to big trade. A Here are a few Lines we are Offering: *Ire Demask Bleached Table Linen with Napkins to match, sizes 20x20 and 22x22; Jap Drawn -work Trag Cloth and Doilies; Damask Drawn -work and Hem- stitched Towels, 50c. each; Embroidered Linen, "25, 35 and 50; Tapestrb Curtains and Table Cov- fi's in all colors, ranging from $2 to $6.50; Tap- estrU and Embroidered Cushion Tops with Cord to match; Ladies' Hemstitched and Fancy Em hroldered Handkerchitte in Silk, Linen and Lean. choice line of Fanc\ Collars and Belts. a ac: -.s choice line in (lents' Mufflers, Handker- hiefs, Gloves, Ties, Braces and Socks Ci&RLI1rTG BROS. Protesslor•al Cards. R. 0. F. ROULSTON, L. D. 8., D. D. s. DEINTIST Mem` er of the R. C. D. 8. of Ontario and Ito•or graduate of Toronto Unlvenity. OFFICE: Over Dickson sk Carling's law OlBce, in Dr. Anderson, former Dental Parlors. gibDR. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. 8., D. D. 8.. Honor graduate of Toronto Uoiveristr. rDENTIST, b ortraete,' without any pain, or any bad effects ce oyer Oladman & Stanbury's office, Maio street stir. 1 Modicat r. MALLOY, M. B. (Tor. Unb.) MENDER e College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario. mer Meuse Burgeon Toronto Western Hospital. eessor to Dr. J. A. Rollins. Residence: East on street north of office, Exeter. Ontario. DR. T. P. McLAt_olILIN Iiu resumed practi••e after spending a year (Col- lege) at British and Continental hospitals. General practice with special attention to Eye, (with term, tion) Ear, Nose and Throat. (fake: Dashwood, Ont. Legal. DIOK8ON & CARLINO, BARRISTERS, SOLiCI ton, Notaries, Cotoerarr en, Commissionen solicitors for Molsons Bank, etc. Mosey to Lose at lowest rateaof interest Offices, Main street, Exeter, 1. B. c'aaLaao, B A., 1, II. Dram MONEY TO LOAN. MO NEY - _ -a ha -e a large amount of private lands to loan arm and village properties at low rates of Inter William Brown Prof. DIV u.x : ! i.' x: II.• , ry•• rxt..l S .'fety M Matdcisnp, England; Organist of Trtvitt Memorial Churcb,Exeter. Piano, Organ, Harmony and Theory -' M-ssic, Terms on application. Exeter, Ont, • • GLADMAN a STANBL'RY, Barristers, eoliciton,Main et , r:xeter On AGRICULTURAL MEETING. The annual •• ting of the Exeter Branch :1gr•g•al Society will be held in the TOWN PIALi., EXETER, i Ill RAD:\1-. JANUARY 10Tti, it1)S, at one o'clock p. ru.. for the purpose of electing President. Vice -President and Directors for the ensuing year. and other important business. All members and interested parties are earnestly requested to at- tend. t4 -The Directors are particularly re. written to attend a meeting at 10 a.tn. of the same day. J()HN DEi.BH1DOE. President. A. 0. DYER. Secretary. N. D. 111-131)ON, Treasurer. Notice ! otice is hereby siren that Ib, Med Annual Meet- ( the enenitrn of tht Ray Township Farmers, al t ire Insuran•-e (Company,. will be held at the Y IHALL.!.1-klCll, on TUESDAY. JANUARYMI, at one n�•k 'x k p to Nn.iness - Re. cit - tNrR•tors', Auditor. and Trea•urei s Reports w of Irmo tors and en,h ."cher boniness as may an for the g -'wt and welhre of the corn. re.p,rsted to sae's., stint* Lei Ile F ' re rre..d•r:! s• r• :sr. J. SENIOR Agent Confederation Life Assurance Company, also Fire insurance in lead- ing Canadian and British Companies. \Lain -fit., Exeter. DR. MCP LONDON, ONTARIO Elect, '. ,s i tr.,a'rnort e,• .: s.sasee of women a a•Yecralty. Why Not Escape Colds? �� Th,' new way * I Take The old way to a cold. cute HOWEY's Ct•RE-A- COLD CAi'SCLES Put up in cap- stiles. Harm- • less and easy to take. ]'rice 25c,abox Man 0fa^tared I only by W. S. Howey, Phm. B. Chi mist and Optician, Exeter. FA R Ml FOR SALE. r... 161.0e Or le +., N ', Lot '3, t'o,, r..i.,n 3. 11, '..';:, ray , . heap if .old at once. Aptly to .1111 NEIL. Royal Hotel. Central:a ant. South Huron Farmers' Institute kev•Iiar metings of the above so ietr will be held as follow.: Brucefleld, Dixon's Hall, Sat., Jan. 11 Exeter, Town Hall. Monday, Jan. 13 At 1 o'clock and 7.30 o'clock. Seeaken at Rrncefield-G. Barbour of Croeehill, afternoon snhlevt. "Draft horses and hos to raise them", evening subject, "Farmers and their sone; W. J. Lennox of Newton Robinson, afternoon. "Sheep breeding and their manarement •"; evening, "Training corm¢ horses"; W ir. Sander., Exeter, afternoon, Selected tulle. t. !treaters at Exeter -(t. Barbour, afternoon,"Draft horses and how to raise them"; e ening, "Farmers and their arms"; W. J. Lennox. afternoon "Sheep breeding and their management"; evening, "Farm• ere gardens. R. N McLean. Kippers a ternocn Re- le,ted Wo\IEN's INSTITUTE MEETINGS (ei11 to hell at RH1'('EFIELi) AXI) EXETER (Stt:(r'.Hall in the afternoon at 2.3.,. Miss 1.. Shuttleworth .f hnelph will speak on '•Fr' ;te, Meth• oda of Canning and Preserving.' EVENING MEF:TiNGM With Clet-k Joseph Senior voted to the chair the meeting was called to order, the chairman desit'ing the speak- ers to deal entirely with municipal politics. Reeve Bobier was pleased to see the large number present (the hall being crowded.) It showed they had the in- terest of the town at heart. He re- viewed the work of the council, the money had been well spent and the rate was only 10 mills, while the surp- lus was $5S5.5, less the county tate. The town had prospered -witness the station, canning factory and evapora- tor. He reviewed the agreement be- tween the town and Gibbs Co. and thought the by-law to supply a free site should be passed. Ile touched on the cow question and explained the Dominion law with regard to cattle running at large. He was in the field and to win. 111 ro..P4wden the t th"tn�et --t,.;d ---- rxtt•uu n much for come o _ ► i..war in 1Jsborne the old council is elected by acclamation. in S'ephen an election by acclama- tion has also taken place. Stephen Webb, Reeve; Jacob Kellerman, Dept]. ty-Reeve: Andrew flicks. W. D. San- ders and Wm. "(earlec. Councillors. ' J \li' and Mrs. \1'nt. Dignan, a (laugh- ' ter. rmaRR AI GEs. J.tnito•rr - Titoviut-At the horse of the bride's parents, Dec. 24, by Rev. Hart, 11'm. E. Jai rote f Bt'igden to (4 1:d. Miss Christie An Troyer, Hay. .al('HOL-1VRIf11[T- Dec. 23. by Rev. Doherty. 'ichol of Toronto to Miss WWt Stain. MILLS -SANDERS -At tl bride's mother, Mr .l North, Dec.25, by 1 • ,ollins,Fred. J.Mills,of tsborne,to Miss Elizabeth Jane Sanders, youngest daughter of the late James Sanders, of Stephen, STOSKOPF-JOHNSON-At Zurich, Dec. 213, by Rev. Maas, E. W. Stoskopf,to Miss Adeline Johnson both of Zurich. BARLEY-DAVIDSON-At Mitchell, Dec. 25, by Rev. Bradley, W.A. Davidson of 1Viarton, to Janet Isabel daugh- ter of Mrs. 1Vm. Barley, Mitchell. JEATKR-ROSE-in Mitchell, Dec. ') , by Itev. Garbutt, Wm. Jeater, Kin- ^ardine, to Sophia, eldest daughte r of Mrs. J. nose, :Mitchell. ome of the son, Exeter ra �a a As all_ xti a� da a� a6 of k a� United States Subscribers 41 Take Notice. I. The United States Subscribers it A to the ADVOCATE are now is ��11 aware of the fact that we have NI to pay lc. postage on each paper IP A going into united States. This hi ^ means 52e. in a year. Couse- (luently the price to subscribers 1� in United States is $1.50 a year, 4�tI :and as we must pay the postage L.L. Il( in advance, so we must ask our W 4 subscriber's to pay in advance, lis �I Many subscribers have already I� '1I renewed for next year, saying If 4 they cannot do without the 111 ItAnVocAT)s, even if they (10 pay postage. Kindly remit at once, r 4 It means touch to us to have p your early remittance, and will avoid delay at the first of the year. P. 0. Order or Express Order 41 is the best way to remit. lir sir v.�vmsMir "Ur 1Wi�'� S. Huron Election January 22. Opera House, Exeter Ft•ou) Ottawa the report (s'u • that the bye -elections in South 'boon at,,i TWo Nights, January 6th & 7th and Stanstead will take place on Januar y 22nd: polling one week earlier. New G. T. R. Station Opened Station Master J. J. Knight with his staff and e(1uipntent got moved into the new (:.'I.11. station un Monday of last week, and to say that the building and furnishings are a credit to the town and company is to draw it mild- ly. The new station is as much a cred- it as the old one was a disgrace and ful- fils the statement of Snpetintendant 1'. E. Gillen, who said that they would build a station the town would be proud of. however as the genial agent says: "Those things cannot be accomplished in a day." As we have before stated 0 C new building is situate on the east side of the track, about fifty yards south of the old one, and is purely a passenger station, while the old one, enlarged by a wide platform to the soot h,t•efloored. repaired tied repainted. ti ,ke: is first- class Ire :•. t stall, n. Sn ,•. „t rr �1 )d; to k. The watering cart which Cost $280 could have been bought for $125. He thou ht the cows should run and be cared for by herding or some other means. Ile had helped the town by putting his own money into the found- ry, grist mill and salt well. The road commissioner, he thought, should not be concerned in constable or bailiff work so that he could supervise the work of the men. The evaporator is a good thing but no other town paid for such an industry. He was in the field. T. B. Carling thought the people were pleased with the old council. Ile thought the watering of station street was unnecessary. A lot of money ha been spent, but the town was progres inp. Fine residences and good indu tries had been erected and the C.P.I would lee a big benefit. Not a cand date. The school trustees were next cone upon. Mr. Fi•ayne said that (ilrin his 111 years as trustee he had no missed a meeting and had done h best. Ile was in the field for re-ele tion. The school was the best for cot tinuation work in the province an compared favorably with the big sehools. Much credit was (lite th teachers. but the trustees deserved little. He was prond of the boys am girls who had gone out frotn Exeter. R. E. Davis had nothing against th old board but said there were othe men just as good. He was in the run ningand solicited 1hereitepayers' votes F. 1V. Madman said his friends Iia( pressed hire to stand when Mr. ('ar ing had declined to run again. Th school had et good reputation and h would try to uphold it if elected. 11. E. fltlston, an old trustee, was proud of the school. We had a school where the poor loan's Troy could be educated. By co-operation the con- tinuation school trustees had secured larger grants during his terms -from $35 to about $80II. A number of ques- tions were put to him and answered. The new aspirants for the Council were next called on followed by the old council. 1V. G. Bissett in figuring out the statement found n deficit of $700 instead of a serpins. He was not :afraid of being beaten but declined to run because of health. He criticized the street watering and the watering cart as being to high priced. Ile and Nr. Samuel Martin had a controversy with regard to the payment of stock n the canning factory. W. 11. iA'vett was a candidate. No atilt to find but thought too much had men paid for labor. Ile thought a block of sewer should be put in each year and that crushed stone should be ut on the road instead of gravel. if lected he would go in for making Ex - ter a town, and he hoped the C.P.R. would he dealt with on business prin- ipies. J. J. Knight said the watering of tatinn street had been criticized but he street watering had cost less than apt year. if he had his way other treets would be watered. ile had not rasped after the office but was pleased have been elected last year and was train in the field A. E. Fuke thought the work had en so good that election by acclntna- on wowl(1 hive been thee result. but d 8- 8- t. cl g t is c- 1- (1 h c• a e r • • e f p e e s t 8 g to a be ti Pet.,the arose rentionell wldressrs, Miss Shut• t Ileaorth will stppetak at the Evening Meetings at both ti places on '•Ilealth a a Basis of Womanli Beauty A 000,rt of n,usir will also be given at the e)en- ieg rneetir,er•. tfn Barter at Opera House,, ti CA W. 1). SANDERS, 11. S. 1'1111.1.11'S, President, !DieterSe .y ?nes . 11'r.ati It here seemed no s itisfying. Three rues ns much gravel had been put on his year. Streets were in gond condi- on. The town was secure in the nning factory deal. Everybody was rosp(•rons as shown by the small char• y hats He defended the buying of aeon ..I torr new building . e will be tilled in, levelled, sodded and planted with flowers (luring the (soloing slimmer. The building is of the most approved and modern architectural design and presents a pleasing and imposing ap- pearance from any view point. it 1s J. J. IkvulitT, G. T. R. AGENT a frame slrmauve. ptinted on the nut side in green and dra -i from the 311at forth tot he roof. The Alit form extends along the north, west and eolith sides and is wide and thorny. The building is divided into five rooms. a baggage - /- Rx Lf�T6n room to the north, a large wailing ji room eenlrally located. too private • rooms and the ti.,ket omee toward the 7Ne OhLV RA20• AND AUTOMATIC west, in a sort of bay window or oh. arwoePere coMe,..eo ,•.ON[ servatoty, with an excellent view of the Irsek both north and south. From the slain waiting ronin a gentlemen's private s king ronin and lavatory and a ladies' private room lead to the east and between these an ,alcove to situate. The furnishings throughout are of oak and ash with a hardwood floor finished in oil. Seven feet of the wall of the twain room are of ash wain- scoting and the remainder plastered in dark green burlap, with it beautiful stencil design. The wall rounds of? to the ceiling which is high, designed in panels, blue in color and done in fresco. The seating consists of two settees and six benches, t wo /wilt in the wall and all of oak. The goal -natured and ole liging agent looks quite at home in a comfortable revolving chair, seated at a fancy roll desk. while the remainder of the office furnishings are in propor- tion. Underneath the baggage room is the fnrna••P room. which heats the building by a hot water system. For- ty-four electric lights are !weltered thn'nghnut and both the interior and the platform are well illuminated. Little remains to ire desired by agent or public unless it be n shed in which the waiting horses might stand in shelter from wind and storm. Matinee Tuesday Afternoon. Prof. E. K • Crookors Educated Horses Ponies Donkeys and Mules. They do everything but talk The only show of its kind in the world Twenty animals on the stage at one time. Matinee Price: 10c. Children Evening Prices: 25c., 35c. and 50c. Plan at Cole's Drug Store. Watch for the Great Street Parade Monday noon 1 FIJEST JEWELLERY OURNEW STOCK OP Watches, Je wellerd, Silverware, Toilet Sets, Etc., Etc., has just been opened up and we may safely say that this is the finest stock that has ever been shown in Exeter. Our Coods are at Prices To Suit EVERYBODY Ther Will Suit You Call and Examine Earles A. MAROHAND, Exeter, Ont. SIMPLt AND UNIQUE Razors 75c to 1.50 Carvers 50c to 1.75 per pr. 0EATM• Rifles 1.00 to 4.50 !lynx-InV•'inchel.e:l. on Dec. .'13Ih, Skates GO to 5.00 Sophia Will, wife of Thomas Vern, aged 72 years and J tnnr,the. RIRTNS ---- 1)1(.N 0: --in I 'can, on Dec. :loth. Sensible Holiday Gilts. Self -stropping Safety Razor A Complete Outfit $b.00 Including Stropping Safety Razor, twelve certified blades one first quality horse hide strop --all in handsome leather case Razor Strops 25e. to 1.50 Carvers 2.25 to 4.50 per caw Shot Guns $.4.e0 to 15.00 Hockey sticks 10e to 45c. ,,,HE�Mi AN'S�fARDWARE & STOVE STORE