Exeter Advocate, 1907-12-26, Page 74.+0+0+0+n+*+0+0+0+a+0+/)+teie04O+0►Q+"+0+0+L:+0q ' \` rites gtotving acco::nts of the city?
b 1• ,.iish little p,'trl, this place .suits h
O better. Persuade her L conte back to
soon if she wants to keep her roses
"That 1 shall, after I've seen some
the sight.- with her, sir ! She writs sue
tales alr,,ut the theatres, and the than
places of awtscnlent, that toy mouth fa
waters for n taste of them. For once i
my life 1 mean to have a good rain
round toe, sir; none can blame rne, l'1
e 1•
40fck+ k+fit♦A,uStJtfkfttt0+Atte!+fit/CetfCf+0+0.+i +0+0+0 Ai1
ell:kill.:: \\"111.
•'•• you, Mr. Sinclair.
1, -e• I • ,'l;tl could net hu5e
std.• ,,; r, e, ;aid Ur. 'Timothy
Day, 1:,•, ;,, he took Duncans
hand ie.•t '.t: a::: it heartily.
'"1'hnie. ..., r••i,:;:••1 Duncan in a
s0rneehet i. •I, "1 feel trrost
grateful I•. niy am±�. • . �::,'h a prospect
newer d;:• ureJ to 1.:.•. I to my t.netes
"Is a rascal, un unmitigated spend-
thrift ! Sir Ralph never intended Ienv-
it • him anything but what he was
obliged le. The tete, of course, is his
and the land was enhiiled, but the mon- For, siu<'.a she h-i.i gone he realized
ey and That Cornwall estate were Sir how much she was 1., him. Ileo their
Ralph:s to leave where he pleased. You occasional r,tec•linge had been looked
need the stoney and will husband it ferss-nrd to, how he h id Helene(' longing -
carefully, Sir Ralph own- :, sensible roan ly for the sound of her sweet clear voice.
despite Iii(' deplorable . -: of memory. Ile had st•uggl- .1 valiantly against
She 1141 leis heir •!•- •.• t!;.• will, he st,ch feelings, mailing his engagement
hnstt't a leg to�. , I'nl de- lo Eileen, and Sunlxenm's shadowed par-
liicht.,l at your g.,Jil !.haul. etitage, in vain. The strange new pas -
"Well. lest not such a f.- :: tis to say sion for this girl had ousted everything
taut Ian not pleased. For money was etre, from his mind. 110 knew Ilint he
Me thing I needed above all others," re- loved at hist, and that the object of his
),lied Duncan, flu. ping as he remembered. devotion was certainly not Eileen. lie
willing he now wanted even more. had Ihercf,re decided that he could not
"But 1 wish my uncle had lived to enjoy marry his cousin, and that his poverty
his possessi.)ne longer; to nt:u'ry even, t-.ust continue since his heart entirely
and so leave all to one more worthy of refused to buy a fortune at such a price.
hi: name than Eusta•e James." Ile loved Sunbeam, whilst his affection
Timothy Day nodded uppruvingly. for Eileen had dwindled into mere in:
"Ni doubt, no douht,' he muttered ; diflerena, For her sake, and his own, he
"-e would any oilier honcrt young fel- tenet put an end to their. engagement,
L•.w. But after all thhtg; were ordained If, later, Sunb ein loved him also ho
otherwise. Ilis syn_, a sad life; the pathos v;: tdd risk all in spite of her family. 110
ct his death is swnntl.:',l in that tragedy would let l'o )wine and lake her abroad
of . his youth That turned hint Into a -away fount all associations --to begin
wrecked man. I',:rhap.e a sudden death e new life in a strange country. Iter
is really • the be.;t. For toy' cwn part 1 Line r w:,uld be bound over to leave her
we.uld prefer It. Sir Italplt had no time alone. And she herself was the soul of
lo suffer. 1 take it that lie fainted and le nesty and honor. The pride of blood
fell, as the doctor very aptly explained and lineage shrivelled to ashes before the
al the inquest. You were toe young to no. of passion consuming Lint,
know hint 14 -fore the accident that To see her again an.l to obtain his free-
ci:aagod his life?" dont front Eileen were his chief reasons
'•I was len, Mr. Day. obi enough tc Lar going up to town us soon as he
r• u • ,ntx'r Itis bright fascinating shah- :emit!. The death of his uncle had de -
1n corrected Siticiuir, with n s utile- lay ed hitt, but now everything connected
'hetet-el. So you were! Dow Time with {1 was over, rle,lhing kept him in
flies . 'Jacultikd the old man, blowing s'. Lae r.'nce. Besides, petty Green had
he ,!• tastily. "I really had forgotten spoken about leaving the place nlso.
hoe . ; 1 you were. Mr. Sinclair; an 1.11- Though she still pretended that Sunbeam
pordomable onrissa)u considering I've was vMiling friends ho read unensiness
n:atiaged your affair.; so long. Of course and liiiscry in her every movement, and
you roust remember your uncle's Mere than once longed) to whisper :
charming personality ne 0 young man. "Sunbeam is safe and happy." i'rudence
"lite Apollo of London Ito was called. hew -ever weighted his tongue. And, al -
11 wn.; a bad day for hint when he went (Lough Iii: watched her carefully. guess -
16 Null 'heeler. sty I irtltplare, 1 reser Ing that the nl.sent Bill had not been
saw hien :diet %ve de \viIbout feeling the sucree fol in his s.'arch and that she
,nthos of the change. So young, `o was peeiOncly miserable, site never
:,ppy, so full of the pleasure of lying. or, . , • ,1 from her t•elicence, and
hat illness cluing...I everything for him. es. „ t •, t t Fir :., to loll him tutee•
weeder if tato iutn•rlago of Lady Cruse d.:' .. :uneenrt±•- ,tats, first in 01 -
added 10 his cop of bitterness after- nae leen in I !•,n, whinier she
wnr•Is." ! •.: ..I t .en her.
"1 can't say. Ile was, as you pro! ably I e, I herd not w-ritlin to stint.
kooe. rt confirmed woman ha'• and 11 I sir Ralph had deemed it wiser
e ukI 1011 bear to Ivor her n:.,• f ; i•• r tie to do so. A fact which added
":Ind 11.: m-tc•ry ntwlut It, . . - anxiety to get away. Ire minted
will never 1:.: soros! through t..: •. t. ':
,.•.•.eau and hear of the plans
Fe peap,e nnlurally connected t! future,
events. In my opini• n '••• 1• •.1 ; Pelt lei -day 1 ..; • .peeled gond fortune
death -for less of n; • , i '' I had fall. ,. 1 • • :nm Nought \vie' it
bad as Bell-- in try h. ± • i t .'intulc.. 1 • how could he ask
from n kidnapper. it • 1. .1 to rearm.•• tum now? Rich he
over. Perhaps he nit.nrda re`tpucst.It
n;ctrl crexl. Anil I111w• u!,I seemly ink? 11
Ito brutal and clearly prove
must be deed, or tb•
walk will be pleasant enough. It's a
pretty villago this."
"1'. ;," murmured Duncan, 'Tut Its
beauty has gone for rne,"
"1 understand, \\'ia+ol,t being morbid
al all, the recollection of the man you
owe sol much to met his death here,
would be trying any where. And here,
where the sun seems to shine all day,
Vie thought of death must ,stx'nt worse."
Sinclair remained silent. A guilty
ft i.7btg made him own reluctantly to
h:msetf that Itis reason for diseu.'hanl-
ni nt in St, Lawden• 0 was, more than
•ttythittg. Sunbeam', al -once.
st•,le I .. to her that fortune alone had bound him
would have r•'st• •: t'd l e ; N• ago !• i• to her for so long.
the sake of n reward, of that 1 lose net ile %valkwl back from the station with
the s;ighlesl doubt. But I must caloh n heavy step, and nn'thin' but Ihe n -
y n
nn• train. as you say there's welting p,ee:an••e of n yaang inn to whom had
more Ilint 1 can do. 1 suppose you will cerate 1.,ng desired ntllucnce.
Del stay any longer herr your'•'If?" "I shall ge lo London by the next
The ladle man cone;ledl his papers n; !rein." h'' said to holly, who looked
be spoke, and looked art i)uncan over his stere dejected d then ever, owing to a let -
geld -rimmed speclasles• 1e • received from 13111 giving no clue of
"No," replied Duncan. "1 shell go to Sunbeams wheienhouls.
town. The place has kat its charm far Der fare brightened nt Ibis Informn-
n±e. Ileskles, the woman 1 kxlge ss'ith Hurn. She was aching to get nwny her -
is giving up her college. She and ler self and help in the spate!' for her der -
brother aro leaving St. Lawrence." Iieg. For since Sunbeam %vis not with
":Ind a e rtnin y Pamir lady objecla 10 1 hely t:r,.se, it !till a .ured her, she
)int me -encu, eh?" exclaimed the law- eight be in terrible ,traits, (kid alone
yet, has sharp Ince wrinkling masonic- kt.ew what had heppentvl to her ! In lie
yeast• scrawl Bill sul'geetevl Ilint Sir Ilnlph
Dunces to ,keel confused. I'or his freer had inertly given her a lift, and
tl:oughLs were ee•rtninl• not with Eileen. that They had been ti duple of fools to
"1 suppose you'll be gelling married
t.nnn ?" eontinued Ur. D•ty.
'rite young marl stetted, the lot blood
teething to his far,.'.
"1 don't know," he replied slowly.
"I've n greet dent 11 rd., to my home be-
fore Then, 'thanks It Peet,. Ralph 1 can
cin mach more nee. Are you g';Ing7
1'1' walk lack with y •u. Although Sim-
mons has orders k, drive you to the
"No, no, I .ten', st•r1111 h!'n lo. The 1 • .• eye,. o. ell m•p1: • . Sunbeam
hike fright -hut 1o1,1 her that she wan Io
le cautious nevertheless, loved ham. What hash could resist such 31111 go then, sir, 1 shall o. Tit're's cunei''
nolhillg bi keep inc here'. en i sty' es „ "loll nee inn gaud,' ale nitll'1n11rNI.
sell go 111 for it 11111,' 'ollificalkm with 1 know ilial 1 d••serve herd look.; and
Sunbeam and 13111, as stay alone," she p,rvieh pout;, Instend o1 wvhi 'b you
answered, after Duncan had explained give 1110 smite: and the sweetest Ii -t,
Ilint hie work in the village was entirely the w4;r1d."
flnI;h• I and !hal he shout,' i. t return. But even ns he spoke his thoughts
"flint mould be wise of you, eh„..s to Smthenm. Iter lips wore the
lr.'en." he replied, genii('. looking into swedes? nfler all. nll1Nnlgh lu', had rust
yet Iouche'd Ihern with his own. Anger
"No, indeed . 1 hope you will really
enjoy your lithe there. You must tell
1110 where you go to, and I'll conte and
see you and Sunbeam."
Ile smiled us site turned away, present-
ing a deaf car to his words.
"Poor creature!" he ejaculated "\\'ha
an imagination she really pcssesses
What would she say if 1 told her that
know all, and that 1 shall see Sumbeat
myself In a very short time?"
'!'Ire thought cheered him. And he cot-
lected his paraphernalia, whistling gaily.
Not even the vision of Filectm's face as it
rose mockingly before hint; could dispel
to fueling of lumpiness that increased
as the hour for his departure drew
nearer. I'or the lime being he had fcr-
gN•Iten everything but that he loved Sun-
beam and would see her shortly-obsta-
ck's and depression were swept away by
the tide of Love,
Itis heart still attuned to the joyful
song of Love, Duncan Sinclair drove
through the busy streets of louden to
Ids :iso. es house.
The tit tight of going to Eileen (lest
had n',t ,•ten orcurYd to hint, for his
mind was full of Sunbeam and the over-
whelming de.ire to see her at once.
For although the woman Fate bound
hien to swan l;itcen, the soman he really
loved was Sunbeam; therefore, the pre-
sent was for her and love ; the future
tort! duty could wait. Until then way
listen to the whisper of sorrow, why
close the heart of joy?
L'ta when he entered the drawing -room
le , feelings received a stock, for the
re Mary figure seated by the window was
to 1 Sunbeam after all.
For a second etttbnrrassmcnt laid an
embargo on his tongue, and the oolor
reshot! to his brow. But as Eileen
turned, her face a lovely rose of wel-
come, he remembere.l his duly tow•anls
her with a pang, and lock her .in Itis
"My Eileen r' he murmured. "how
sweet of you to be here -and—"
"Ali, faithless one," she laughed, her
eyes shining with the glorious love -
light. "'That was accident. 1 wonder
when i should have seen you after all,
had I gone before, you chine."
"1 meant to come after seeing Adele
and leaving my luggage here. You
would not have waited long. At the sta-
tion 1 thought of Adele first, end then
lie paused, baling himself for the
double pert he seemed to play, and wish-
ing that Toilette had not added it fresh
ohsbu:lc to his annulling their eugnge-
ment. And yet, would it not ix, better
for her to believe him n mere fortune
Minter? For she was worthy of a man's
greatest leve, and he had nought but
friendship to offer her?
She smiled, and doing so, slabbed hint
M the heart. For he saw how she loved
him; therefore he; durst not pain bet
"An eager lover wotild hat,
'Eileen first and then Adele,' at ; ..-i I
think so," she murmured, shaking her
heed. "But 1 will not I•o too exacting
now 1 have you. Only pot trust not go
away for n long time. For the present
pit, belong to mcg -and to love."
"l'o love 1" sighed his heart. while his
lips whispered lutlltngiy, "1 have been o
beast, 1 know, but, as you say, 1 am here
to do your bidding. 1 will atone four the
past. Only, ns you know, I suffocate in
town, and—"
'Thal is all right. i go to Brockley
Park next week. Adele has promised to
chaperone me, and we shall have a large
house party. You nre to be of the mint-
Ler, And 1 will t,e indulgent w it h you
then'. Yen can paint feint morning till
night ns long as 1 see you occasionally.
will that please you, and am I not an
ideal fiancee?"
Ile bent his face lo hers oil gave her
1!t' kiss her red lips asked. She nestled
in his nrnls.
"Yeti do not deserve to be lel off so
enslly, • she lat.ghed. "For 1 must con-
fess that your long absence from nae was
me al nit to my liking. But 1 have quite
made up my mind to be n model fiancee,
etc! to hamper you too much %% Oh m
wishes, and to let ynu go your way as
much nut you like, leave cannot Thrive
U driven. 1 realized that long ago."
Ile smniled down Into her glowing fare.
And his puts(' tl i ill eel quickly. For
he' beauty Uttoxirat's1 hien. And she
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against himself filled his heart.
"T'o'e good '" ejaculated Eileen, in n
gentle voice full of emotion. "Not that !
1 I•r%e vol., Duncan. amt .;ue31 HAI- as
wine can overlook mere triches for 1 know
that you love rne. Perfect love eastelh
oel fear. You love me. Dunenn. say 1!
once' 'fee hear Iltmea ward. front you it
mere pleasure le ale then to hear any
other man say them a hundred time.."
lie gave a little laugh. 'there was un -
In the sound.
"St. Aubin 7" he inquired, glad of the
She fmwned and lit her lip.
"St. Aubin 1 Jim. I'hnr silly Jim !" she
e;ncnlaled impatiently. "Your know
quite well that I do not rare for hi►n.
1 lose you ---you- you. itul those art' the
\verde yea ought to say. laggard one,'
she continued, her face clearing. "You
nlnko me a typical modern girt -fn that 1
mote ewe while yon Luton. Reverse the
tables et once. 1 only %Lsh 1. be an
ordinary woman showered with loving
epistles and caresses -1 hase no desire
le woo. t wont ie. be wooed. For 1 an:
hungry ler your love. Denean; you have
been ,c. 1'.:ng away. Ane ! H•se you cn.'
110011 Gad . now rent.' he. in the face
e f such pnc-!•:n, stat' her with Me newt'.
Only a brute MII).1 ieil her what he had
to snv. And yet Sunlcarn seemed to
draw hlm from her ares. Sunbeam, the.
only woman he had ever loved. Sun-
beam. Mee w81 lonely and needed love.
.-r had man been plaood in such a
: • .... ament
** AA ..Ta Ib a•1.ak a.* wa ,a ak. A -A eat.
"(erne. Say '1 love you, sweet,'" dic-
tated Eileen, her hund on his cheek, forc-
ing his face to hers. "\\'e huvo been so
kung apart that you have forgotten your
role, and 1 will not scold you for that.
Your lack of speech but prove; want of
practice. 1 would rather have It so."
She laughed lightly, Ilia maid re-
gaine l its balance. Ho was betrothed to
her. Ills words canto before his desire.
lie I est to her.
"Yes," he murmured, "You are right,
sweet Eileen, \ly tongue is out of prac-
tice. You must leach ale how to slake
love to you. 1 will be a willing pupil,
for 1--"
The swords trembling on We longue,
balled its though ashamed. Dew could
he lie after all. Even to secure her hap-
piness at the cost of his own Ihcre was
tic need to perjure himself. Ile loved
Sunbeam, no other,
13u1 Eileen seemed to notice nothing
unusual in his manner, and was about
to speak when approaching fx,Lsteps
fell upon their ear's. She sprang lightly
away front hint, her face sparkling with
mischief, as the door opened and lady
Larkin entered.
The relief he felt at the interruption
vas tempered by disappointment at Sttn-
bam:s noun -appearance. Where then was
the child? l lad she already gone away?
The question was visible in his eyes its
Ie greeted his sister with brotherly
warmth. But quick as she twins to rend
his mind, she did not refer to the sub -
jeer he longed yet dreaded to broach.
"\Veil, are you coming with rue .0
not, Eileen?" she asked, turning to lit
girl, with a sympathetic smile, "If u,
run and put on your hal, will you
Duncan tvill come with us if you do
I'm sure, though you've had a long tete
n -tete as it is. flow dart you know Eileen
was here? Did you drive to her home
o, he didn't,' laughed Eileen, her
still glowing with pleasure, "he
t-• wing to me later•. And like a fool
napparenttthinkof he tins something hidden up
11 •t,, something we cannot guess
ac to ilecount for his haste in coating
here first, Adele. Is brotherly affection
generally so keen?"
Despite tier laugh there was a ring of
anxiety in her voice, u hardened glitter
to her dancing eyes.
Adele glanced front her to Duncan np-
r•rehensiyel•. find tl•• c quarreled"
Was that strange ►no -sl she had seen
Eileen in so often lately, eked int to return
and cause trouble bettt.•cru the two?
She laid her hand on the girl's arm.
"What could Ito hide from you, Eileen ?
And of course he knows you are mere
often here than al hone?, eo—"
"So?" interrupted the girl, her face
raised inquiringly to Duncnn's, "Is that
wily you came here first ?"
Ile hesitated. It was so easy to say
Yes, but somehow his tongue seethed
tied, and her aneious bunting eyes grew
cold and angry.
"I know," murmured Eileen, turning
leawards the door. "You were anxious to
see your protegee, the village slut, Sun-
So cline :el was her manner as she
flung the • ede at hire, that he started,
thrown off ! 1 - guard. .end before he
realized 1, e. we,:: - \would be taken,
he had 1 ' I • et -
tit he 1 have ctrl hie
. 1 i .it, -?!c 1'. • tr., ••tf,'.•t of
.rut, ir. i t all
i., I beenn1' itiitt 1.. • •:',1
11+.:1: 1 old of Ihe ennui
mutt ..n her pretty fe: • . .1
eyes b ,.I t\•Hlencvl with e • t ..
.1)11. 1.. ;,n. ttnw•LS? 11)n11 she tire•
muted. ±.. ; door closed and they were
left nicely..
'•itut svhy? what is the ntaUrt'? 1Iod
anything happened lo Iter -or--"
'Nothing. 13ut don't you see -though
1 supp.re vett don't, men are so blind --
that Eileen oyes not like your taking such
a't interest in her? 'That's natural
enough. For you must confess the af-
fair is extraordinary. and she is so
young and pretty. Eileen L; very pa-
tient with you. Duncan. You must not
try her t.o ntuch."
She spoke nnxionsiy, for she was foil
of Eileen, and did not quite approve of
Dunce:es m'NIe " t ceurtshlp.
Ile sat silent. A little sorrow for
Eileen crept into his heart. She livid, as
\d.•!e said. been very good to Itiru. Ile
had no right to make. her Iter unhappy
niter nII. And yet. what had he done?
Ilow r.,u!d she know That he lowed Sun -
!want 7 Ile load merely nuked for the
girl. Surely there sync 110 harts in that 7
Ib' was keeping true to hie 5•11d, but
that did not mens he was h1 lithe no in-
ternst int n girl who needed help and
Ile looked el his Sister. Ilcr ince was
geese, n suspicion of InJnble ahead
shone in her ,'yes.
"Ilrnw i; Sunbeam?" hr asked
She shrugged her eve:l ed.•r. with o
gesture full of impnli, :, 1t .:,1 foots
sten were 1 Although I:• u . 1 leen
angered, has thought; \t • ; . sem.
"She is well -1 think she '-
Lady (:r'uee in n day or 1•.e.,
inn. She has gone there t.
But 1 nwst nek you k, c• r I:ilr,'m,
Duncan. It was foolish el y•• t nee to
laugh svhy that question of here. 1
.Isn't suppose you came here first. kir
Ilial renwm. but- —"
"Oh, bother!** hn ('('('hinted. hi.. L'e'e
lighting up with nnnoynls'e, "If Eileen
is going le lye silly moat that. •,f drturse
we shell 111111rr•I ! 1 1 .r t1gtil tt 'r tier('
;ensllee, 11•' I • e --------------!t in
?eying 1 lint.. ! • • .± 1 ,1 sink('
amends for ii±at. - , - ! not coned/On
tf my nt de of 1•,•,. •• -mg any more.
,ts for sunbeam. of course Fin hat-Testc.1
ill the child, and. what's mere. sly in-
terest will (" tItlnue. Il'otb you Dna
Eileen can nnke up your mantas to that,"
Lady Larkin sighted and opened her
!ire. But nt that whittle ialecn returned.
her face bereft of Its anger, her eaos full
'•1 delight.
"neve i kept you walling long?" .I..
!;tvd n; Iilough nalhing in Pie world
d ruffled her.
(To be continued).
1 go to
• moan -
to -day.
NO D,11' (\f 1.5,
i va-"i should naw;r-.!•-'t a 1.•
from the young men • f the .1..\."
Edna -"Nor I. 1 rlt.tuld select e.n.t
frem the young tree cf the night. That
11 the time They pen.1.-'Iy call."
11.1D t31 t1\Ieee.
"Yee. sir, 1 mnrr:e 1 my Orel love."
"Gash! Ilosv (1., you keep your wife
from krowing about your later oncaf'
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ments. They are becoming more uni-
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count, more prepotency-. Again, you
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lara,•. 'there is no wool on legs, nor
11.•.: 1 n;f. N. eller of which will
I•y • i:, t---------------7!an improve-
ment). 1, . .. ..:rot type has
Leen chane. d \, ; maulfilly since the
day's of tato le•ee popularity-. Nov,s
usefulness .as n 1.-.ef maker and especi-
rely when combined with good milking
qualities i5 more generally the type
looked for. Mere style and gay appear-
ance, ss•hieli once counted for touch,
is now laughed at unless it be the fln-
telled touch lo a Least of subsinnce
• nd flesh. These will serve 1, illus-
trations ehnwing that it is quite pos-
sible to elan;;pe and improve the l•pc
by oarefu! and
None el Iheee changes have been ef-
fected immediately, mor have !het
come :lout by mere :Accident as mine
su!-.pe;- •. The result, ht>,we !'ten at-
taine l I-. sI• ;„l. ane! persistent work
along •', : - w illi a distinct ot'-
je I. :u t', t5, Ir• !:1 1!••.; in the ewe:.
1,. :t :r• 'a one I i• • I., another there
irate 'son setbacks, disnppxrtmtneeits
and heavy loves. Yet with the :heir -
ed result in the mind of the breeder.
and with a certain 1r:lention ewIti_!t
canto s•
conceit well �. d ser” •
It c ,tka)n;towhml
rnnling will best produce it, progress
is certain, although it is sometimes
slow. The present day popular Seolch
Shorthorn is in type entirely different
from either of the once popular s'rains
c' Booth or Bales, 'file cattle are not
so large, but (hough smaller they ore
smoother, with more quality and sub-
slence, end especially do they excel in
early maturing qualities. Nor are they
wilhuut milking qualities of a high or-
der. Mr. Cruieksshank. to whom the
greatest cre:lit Is due for the changes
effected, was n great ndvn-ate of culti-
vating the utilising qualities. In order
Lr test his cattle in Ibis regard he In•
variably milked the young heifers by
laird in order to prove 1,y actual test-
ing the:r nhiltly as milk producers. All
those really inferior in this respect
were discarded 311 breeders and sent
lo the butcher, When lite p.,pu!nrity
(if his cattle Inercase.1 in the Cnite.t
states. the demand became so strong
that everything was culled for an -
sold for breeding purposes regaidleee
of milking qualities nllogethcr. Al
Ihe une mtd tpde
hint (t.':trim sIle!eeclingIis Ihe dibitrot milker.reclufour
re lenli•.n in his own herd, eei that pro-
gress was steadily mndr in this dirce-
ten. We fear. howeser, it is ion trite
I1.nt many of the foreneet breeders in
Se"dlnnd at the present litre pay little
At') ntion to the milking qualities o/
their Shorthorns. The beef quality is
the main thing aimed at ane sought
for l,y the nmj.,rily. Besides the teu-
deney at the show. is 1•:sw•rardy
11B'• '41 .N.. 111.1.1- 'I l r►:
m the (Ir -I place and t!: - .• ,i•:;• ••• :en•
r: tsar► ere thus edu, :,t.,1 .11
hrmselses in this dirtetton.
To those who do not fellow dairying
a speeinlly, end to the greet mast
f ordinary fanners the Shorthorn is
rid by m"it lo be the ix at ideal. They
se and 11+tis•e, r''spondiug to Vowel
•cttltnent in every cctuttry. Their grit•
sl power lies in their ('billy to Inn
prove the t'• •••mon, rt• r •hay cattle of
ail breee.is. \•, elle', . • d can show
Ibolter ►.ecu' - di lb;- : • • :1, end when
there is 011 1. 1 to t - . ! otr+•t di t:
.,trist ^
td 1•.‘,11:1'• ae•,.,.. .
that They 111',r PoPuliu•- 1\ base nn
h9ttsh ee.r•i for these - . e/.e,'eil
.mty as 1r,i;', ! r..h; e. -. ; • • the
soil and c ns'ir..ttrt:.-r t • . Imir
ably, but (herr, are 0111(r•f 5s:• rind 11
more pronlohie to combine i • •• two
possibilities of brei mot nick. fhere
bre farmers. who, (';king t., ' rr•tuu•
atanec , must carry on nie0d bd,•
Isutdt'y. A proper type fur soca amdi-t
Zion can be created nni will Le with-+
out doubt. evolved. furnishing a cowl
cepelee of producing Ihe amount turd!
gratuity of milk given by Ihe a+wernRa
dai.'y cow, and in a•h!i'i••n .t r,tlf w!tir
11:, best beefing o : : '
peal, it will not r
is so often asserted, 1'
ben :;f tt,:' i:!'a! ntc .i
• t• ! ::: _
141,0 wi:ut:
\\ hon it has Leen ew,;: ,
ply a distinct heed and add r.•
turns of ninny farmers w-hosa
situation present rosibililic, in r eir
'rile ideal row noel no! be registered,
in fact it is probable the cast major-
ity swill be grades milled welt a puro
bred bull with the bTwd of superior.
Inuring damns strongly predominant,
Such cuss were numerous 30 years op.,.
but the low pole(' of beef coupled Witt.
(t:,- ! t• •....';ng fad for the richer will:
• Id • !Tate,: breed, •.,r,;eI
11-• . 1 • r. - . I ,::Ili Jeesey=, :1yr-
• .. r. ,:;.±::g generally in n•o-
•..:i •!• or useful for either beer
ra. milk. Ti.r can be turned towards
time old type ;ad improved by care and1
study, and IL is rot too soon to coin -
:1101C° 1.OW.
l: f'l:n tN ro Fo11 ('Itl\II\ \1 i .
The Universal 1 enqua{pe I. Iteino Taken
Up Ity French Crooks,
According to M. Jules Garnier, Ilse
far ,t= rolled criminologist, cspetootn
is ! ::;• , , :•:t taken up by the it::tny
lu;.!,I..lilan crooks waor
.1"•-•- • :.- :, Ignarters, In fact,
1±•' -,_•.. ,_
for teaching the new;
certain q1. .:.,,; ;,• r in the Latin:
The knowledge thus 1 - ,,,,.; 1 enables;
there to tori: together in .t. '. • :-' argo
without the slightest fear of 1 • tinder-.
s1oa h) oulsid.:rs, while •,;:Oto
Siem f. i•'ndered peculinrlt• . t-. : r Ills
. -t that the ..'para t•' word whi, take.
111 - argot are practically ii.•• sesta
ill \' over,
1 !el-. i •• retro.elyeerinc which 1: used;
. - Lor±non safe; use
t sbtost-uq,. •g,r iL>peulutsalcnt,
• Doing,' in Fi en. h, end'
- . \', many, of the terms ar.
. , ;.t: -I.. 01 • , •t'J'l.', as. for instances,
1.+itl<, i• gay' -cols, guns, dips,.
petty•w, i� it• ee titch P5, moll-h1172-
cr•. 11niat r' ' ' - + -, gf;phor•:. stall;,
h::l1-!••oche r s. u1 • r i t5i,lers, and•
n 5511.,1,' host • ' eine.: verbal!
cr n+11tnnli'•rr. t',1..• n h, . t preci;cly the!
Hanle meaning the sot Id over to sill
"Inn•'awyel'-" ill crier('.
Translate This already well -digit in-,
eceuprehensihie lingo Into esp, ' ,1" .• and;
it can be &rally .een 1111:1 71••• • • :, 110 'V
:a his e,•rmmend. in all r'•-': •• • - 1 all
any lino', a douldh tingle- •• ., •••; e.v1i
1- speak. maculated to bailie 11.• n-io
sfty' of ('sen Ihe tiI4't perststenl : n 1 ns -e
tute ens•esdropper. In fact. a lard nblo!
t11 rno5er-e tt ith a fi !lets-ihi.l ht 1.hineso
or e ' • • -.old mut be eater fens be-'
Int, . 1.
1: vete% \11\l:1► meet pe 1'1(11 ee Cue.
alit'\f.l � %N1) ne millet•
Tells Ilrader• thaw 10 Prepare This,
lassie-tl:n!r .,IisIurr. 10 Cure Ilse;
kidneys and Madder.
Get from any prescription phnrmn-•
rest the following:
Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half'
ounce; Compound Kargon, one ouncee
(i.nipound Syrup Sarsaparilla, Ihrce.
Stake well in n bottle crud lake at
l('asle:onfdl dose after each meal and(
et bedtime.
The above is considered by en erten-.
eta authority, who ere- s et a To -1
r. No daily paper. es the fl. --I pieserip•.
ton ever written lo relict.. Itackncttt'•
Kidney Trouble, \\enk ::Del all,
term, of Urinary difienIties. 'fill.5 mix-
ture nets prtunplly en the eeleinolis0.
li-sues of the Kidneys, ( nabling thee'
to filler rend &!rain the uric acid elle
outer wale matter from the bl,. dl
which causes IthenmahLs n.
S►,nle persons who suffer with 11.••
r.rflicli,ns may trout feel inclined to rdee •
r► it •h cv.iefi•lenc.' in this simple mittur••,
)CI Ihns,a who base Inc.] it say the 14 •
ltr•11; are simply eurpri.sin;o the r. - •
long effected without the sight. s! ee,
jt'ry to the s!omach or other e,rgene.
'clic rune an.t give it n t•fnl. It .. r•
t:.inky cones highly rccom!nendo,t. I:
fs Ilk' prescription Of an Nulty: ill a°t
therity, whose entire repnlnlion. d :s
chid, wee r';hnhlieleet 1 v 11, 1
. W - e'1 �-
lerf•Flesel 111' •. .
clew'V '*i any he I; .it;, r:,t,t,._
Pal- -"Y.•s.
"\Vht11 furrn (loci
„\\ he
1 y let
t •M 4++ 1• i +4 # 4 +4 +++++ .144