HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-12-26, Page 4THE MOLSONS BANK (tncorporated'••:: Act of Parliament 1555) Head Ofllce, Capital I'aitl Up Reserve Fund Assets 0% er • Montreal $3,200,000 3,000,000 33,000,CO0 ►SIXTY-TWO BRANCHES IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA - EXETER BRANCH „ OFFICE HOURS 10 s. m. to 3 1 r;: SATURDAY'S, 10 a. m. to 1 p. tr. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current rate of interest allowed Saving Bank Departments Until further notice interest on Savings accounts w 111 credited quarterly instead of halt yearly as fom:erly he Dhposits of s1 and upwards receh•ed. Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government. Dicxsos e: C.ARLING, Solicitors. N. D. 1IURDON, Manager, Gr'and n penin ----111 Fall and Winter Goods. We have just opened up au im- mense import order of Scotch and English goods in All the LATEST SHADES. Our sue,•. - in the past has been due to our 1,e:—sledge that Honest"Coods and Honest Prices tlutter g•arments which appeal to -the better class of trade. CALL EARLY. J. H. Holtzmann CREDITON (Exeter Adraeate, Sanders ck Creech, Props. THURSDAY, Dee. 26, 1907 The school hoard ele•u11.e1 s whore terms expire this year are Messrs. Car• ling, Frayne tied Hasten. 1t is under- etond that 11r. Huston will again be in the running. 11r. Frayne has not de- cided but leans toward re•electiun, while Mr. (Soling bas almost decided to di op out, although his friends are urging hire to allow bis name to go on the ballot. Other possibilities spoken of are F. W Gladman, Dr. Amos, Richard Davis. George Manson, Ed. Dignah. SOUTH HURON VACANCY. It is expected that the Dominion Government will issue the writ for the bye -election in South Huron at an early date. The election is made nec- essary because of the death of the hate 8.0.0tint. Conservative. The Liberals some months ago chose M. Y. McLean as their standard-bearer. Mr. Gunn would undoubtedly have been his op- ponent. Now it becomes necessary for the Conservatives to choose a can- didate, unless it is agreed to let the riding go unrepresented until the gen- eral election. The Exeter Times says : "The suggestion has been made by not a few that the Conservatives would do well not to oppose Mr. McLean in a bye -election." By what kind of yeas• oning or on what authority the state - inept is made we do not know, unless it emanated from one or other of the members of the Liberal joint stock company. that now controls The Times. 1Vby should the Conserva- tives on the death of their member allow a Reform candidate to be elected by acclamation ? Would it not be a little more reasonable for the Liberals t 'to t to allow a Conservative e elected by '►ccla !nation to succeed a Conserva- tive? Because the Liberal was chosen drat. the Times reasonsthat he should be elected by acclamation to avoid an election. That reasoning would un- doubtedly satisfy them, but wonld hardly be acceptable to the general public. NOTIs' AND COMMENTS The Liberals were electe•c! in Ottawa and Centre Volk on Monday for the House of Commons—the former by a largely increased majority. the latter by .t decreased majority—from 124 to l0. Osesip is beginning to got busy with the names of several who are possible candidates for the municipal council of Exeter for ties next year. It is pretty certain that Reeve holier and the present councillors will be in the field again, although they have not definitely said so. \Vnr. Bawden and W. 1i. (,vett, it is said, would not object to taking the reeve's choir. New aspirants to the seats of thec,,un• clllors are scarce, although a few good names have been casually mentioned. It looks like a re-election by evident- ation in 1'sborne Township this year. After many enquiries we learn of no new aspirants, nor do we herr of others desiring friends to run. Cent rants \TELSON E. HICKS --Voice Prudu tion and Slur• log—Pupil of London Conservatory of Music, 11. ltuth%en McDonald, Charles w'hit•. L .twioo, Ernest ►:acne). London, Eng. A limited number of pupils will be accepted. Mr. T. N'. Boyer has putehased the property here of the lite John Ten- nant from Miss McGoldrick. The property consists of two acres of land and frame dwelling. Mr. I3oyes in- tends tuoving on the property in the spring.—Jno. O'Neil, accompanied by his sister-in-law, Mies Flannigan, have returned from a pleasant visit in Park- hill. --Miss Lucy Andrews of Spring- field is visiting friends here. --Mr. Har- vey Hicks spent Sunday here.—Largge congregations greeted Evangelist Mc - Hardy on Sunday, and the sermons were practical, inspiring and masterly expositions of truth. `early thirty persons have presented themselves at the altar ns converts. The meetings will be continued this week and will likely close next Sunday, when a big day is looked for.-- Fairfield public school closed the year's work on Fri- day with a grand free concert in the afternoon. The school room was liter- ally packed with children, parents and Wendel. I{ey. \V. H. Butt acted as chairman, and more than fifty select- ions formed the program, all the children doing credit to themselves, and some parts of the program being exceptionally fine. The trustee's and others made speeches expressing re- gret in some respects at the division of the section, but a good feeling was displayed and all hoped that as neigh - hors and friends they would continue to live in peace and on good terms with one another. The most interest- ing incident in the proceedings was the {presentation of a beautiful silver pickle stand to Miss Sparks, the junior teacher, and a letter portfolio to Miss Bottrill, the senior teacher. These presents were the gifts of the children frons their respective rooms. In con- sequence of the division of the section only one teacher will be required in the future, and Miss Brittrill has been re-engaged. Both teachers have given good satisfaction, and many gond wishes were expressed foe MissSpai•ks' future. Crediton Mr. and Urs. Sambrook and fancily spent Sunday in Woodham.— Miss Schwenz of Cayuga is visiting Miss L"flit►n Gaiser.—H. Either, M.P.P., was in Toronto on Monday on business. -- Last Sunday evening the acetylene gas in the Evangelical church was used for the first tiate. The Tight is a vet y uuu•ked improvement and the church trustee board is to be thanked for snaking this change. Harty Either, who did the plumbing. made an excel- lent job.—School closed Fridav for the holidays. Concerts were given in the Principal's and in one of the Junior rooms try the pupils of the school. A number of the ratepayers of the sec= tion were present and enjoyed them- selves vety much. The Principal Mr. Claude Bluett with his wife and fam- ily are holidaying in forest: Miss Rob- inson at Exeter; bliss Girvin in Luck - now. --The annual school meeting of the section will be held Friday, 20th inst.—Our barber is snaking weekly shipments of eggs to Toronto. Ile is getting good prices for the fruit and expects to make a snug little sum this winter from his poultry. -•Miss ida Ewald of Etinlvillo spent Sunday here with her patents.—Miss \Vallis 11111, who has been attending Business Col- lege in Berlin, is Monte for her vaca- tion.—Miss Dorothy Kuntz of Exeter is visiting her aunt Mrs. Link for a few days.—Mrs. Percy Humble of Sar- nia is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John F. Brown.—Mr. and Mrs. \Vat. Lewis of South River are spend- ing a few days here with relatives.— Peter Winer of New Hamburg is visit- ing his daughter, Mrs. Thomas lied- den.—Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Greb of Zur- ich were here on Sunday. the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A''gust Hill.—Some of our young people attended the school concert in Dashwood Friday evening. —Harrison Fahner of Maple Hill, Mich.. is visiting his uncle. John Fah• ner.—The railroad appears to be the sole topic of interest these days. Some of our people are sizing up their pro- perties as to where a station would be most convenient. Wait until the track is laid and then you can be certain there is something doing, otherwise it might only be a pipe -dream. Mr. James Cockwill has purchased a flnel imported entire horse, "South- port," from T J Berry of Hensall. This horse was imported when a two•year- old, took second prize its a three-year• old in Toronto. Edward Bell of Lon- desborn owned hint for three seasons, when Mr. Berry bought it Irick owing to Bell's illness. The horse is a good one and has made money for all who have owned it. The people of this dis- trict will Appreciate Mr. Cockwill's bringing the horse here as they all know the value of good stock of get- ters. Cosreer.—The concert given in the Town Hall last Wednesday evening, the pith inst.. was a grand success. The hall was `Ipacked to the doors and all the available standing room was occupied. The half was beantifnlly decorated for the occasion with an evergreen arch, flags and streamers. Rev. J. W. Andrews 'linden very gond ch;tirntnn and kept the audience in splendid order. The program consisted plainly of choruses. dialogues, read- ings and solos. Special mention must he made of the pumpkin and sash drill, the performers doing their re- spective Italia without an error. The receipts ter the evening amounted to $10. Stephen Township looks good for an election this year. All kinds of gossip is rife. W. i). Sanders is being urged to heats for the deputy's chair, while the present deputy..I,icob Kellerman, is spoken of a9 an aspirant to the reeveship. Mr. `sanders thinks a conneillor's chair will quit him for an- other terns. Mr. Kellertn,ut's uttpon• ent of bast year, %\'n1. Anderson. it is thought, will 1►e again in the field. The present councillors will likely seek re-election, acrd if report be true Andrew (licks will he in the field with them. Henry Either. M.1'.1'.. id Crediton and J. E. Vt,l)onell t,f lien+all are prominently mentioned by the city dailies as likely Conservative candid• ates to rorttrst Mouth heron for the Dominion Howie. H. Npacktnan of Exeter is also mentioned as s possibil- ity. Any one of these 'nen would make a strong candidate. Why Refer to Doctors Because we make medicines for them. We tell then) all about Aycr's Cherry Pectoral, and they prescribe it for coughs, colds, bronchitis, t:on- sumption. They trust it. Then } ou can afford to trust it. Ask your own doctor. The boot kind of a testimonial "Sol .l tor over •tzty years." Tb t•Sf 2.e. a yet co.. Lown. Was. 1 v- ctZ5.4PAtittA, 5 1 %re ',se. • , strr.ts' tt • ruttish Das f,rmnlae of all our is alleles•. Ayer's P111e greatly aid the Oh Pectoral In breaking up a o Clanll4l)t;)'t'. intended for [set week lir•. ('coning and Miss Marjorie Fritz Etre• returned to (.rand Bend.—Miss F Io McMillan, after spending the autu- nite- with her sister, Mrs. S, C. Chowen, bits returned to her home in Kingston. —Mrs. Downing is home again after spending a month in Exeter and vi- cinity with friends. -- Mrs. Thomas Hudgins of !Littlefield has returned home to s end the winter with her pparents. - Mrs. ,1Ltry of ,S tnilae, Mich., is the ir'lest If Mtq. Sarah Ilo.lgin'.— M. J. Ovens has tenoned hotitP ft out the west. --Eli King and Miss Yearly of Crediton called on friends here on Monday.—Mrs. h. George of Putnam, while bete visiting her brother, A. E. Hudgins, was called home owing to the sad death of her brother-in-law. 11r. George, who was killed in a runa- way accident.—Miss Minnie Cunning - barn of !snider) spent Maturdity with her parents here. --Mr. W. Harrigan has gone to }:,radon to reside.—Mr. Pitman has sold his hotel to lir. Hen - nesse of Lucan, who takes possesion 1st January. We are sorry to lose Mr. Pitman. -Miss Bock has returned to bet home in % ►rich. —Norman Mar- tin is engaged to teach in our school for the corning year. Our forentr teacher is going10 attend the Normal. --The,vet 1 sta- tion improved d to s lis T. 1{. has rr i p tion yard liy tearing away the old pintfntnt anis filling it in with cinders, —Mr. S. C. ('lumen MIA in London on Thursday.—The Misses Rent And Rey Mellhargy of Ila'ltiltott are visiting their gr,tnd•plrent, bete. - liras Chita Collins spent San•tty with her sister, Mrs. Dorman, of Alist Crelo.—Karl hatlton of this place, has engtged to work for Mr. Mel.ean of Istvan for the corning year.—Mia. K. (!anter enter- tained a few of her friends 1 nendty evening. --Burley Doalgins is visiting friend.' in London. --Mit. Ben Meale anti little son, AndreW. i+ visiting her father in Petrolea. Hensall Mrs. Anderson, of Chicago, is visit- ing her father, Wm. Bell, and other relatives in Hensall and vicinity.— Percy Carlile, G. T. It. agent at Lon- desboro, is spending a week's vacation with his parents.—Miss Getrude Hart has been appointed leader of Carmel Church choir the management having accepted the resignation of F. Ruse. Miss !fart is a good singer and is poss- essed of the good tact and judgment necessary to 1111 the position. She commences her duties on Jan. 1st.— Melvin Stoneman of Toronto is home. —James Logan has Droved into the fine new house on Richmond st., south, erected and owned by It. Cudntore.— We understand that Miss Violet Whiteside who has been teaching at C.uwale, Sask., for some time is likely to remain permanently in that coun- try. --Mr. \ i i ofBar- rie, and slips. Mc. t+ t o t r 1 t rie, who just arrived here on Satur- day to visit the home of the (atter were called to -London owing to the serious illness of Mr. McMartan's fath- er. --Miss Florence Bonthron returned home last week after spending the summer in Barrie.—J. Bonthron wits in London last week and was accom- panied home by Mrs. Bonthron who has been visiting in Barrie, for n couple of months. --W. Buchanan is still improving. and may yet he Digi to go around.--N'e understand tha there are three aspirants in the f1P14 for the 1{eeveship, also a big slate fol the Council.—it is generally believed that unless some members of Hay Council drop out the old bunch will be elected by acchrnuttion.—.hiss Gert- rude Thompson is home from Clinton having completed her course at the Model. Mitchell: While the little 1•yeiu••old daughter of John Mot•eoz was poking a stick in the Hre her night dress took fire and but for the arrival of her mother would have been fatally burned. GOT THREE YEARS. Y\'M(D+TIM•K. Dec. Z3.- •Philip Mann- '. .t,, eines Tom Reid, the 20•year-old .t,g Hurn who was arrested by high -table Hobson and Detective Itob- 1.:11 the 1'. 1'. It, depot 00 December loth last, appeared hefnre 1'. M. Ball ilii• morning And was sentenced to three years with hard lab t in King- ston pe•nitentiety for nttempting to commit a criminal Assault upon the person of n west end woman. Reid wait a deserter from Wolseley Bar- to,1. indian superstitious. '(1►e Indian believes there are boa constrictors it the streams of North America and also that the South Amer- ican tapir lives In North America. He culls the bon constrictor the late-ach- war•nayer and calls the tapir nocas•oh- tner. The Indian believes he has a cure and preventive for rabies, or hydrophobia. Ile also believes he con cure nay snake bite on earth, from a ground rattler to a velvet tail or diamond rattler. An Indian never was known to go mad from dog bite or die from a rattler's bite, while other races succumb to the venom of a slake or go marl front the bite of a rabid dog. 'ile Indian w'11eu In battle and fatal• ly wounded believes that it hie tnelit- cine man can reach hint with his bitter medicine before he flies It will give him Instant relief and he will be able to es• cape from the battlefield. He thinks every man Is honest until lie !hide him out, in tt•hich event he loses all confi- dence In hint and never get', over it. The Indian never makes up after falling out with any one. ile may speak to an enemy as be passes, buil isles with the hatred in his heart. PERFECTION tial nClt�®St • lagati# a PERFECTION- ("ANT/AS.ai Pc�IoP 5 or 500 or 5,000,000 —they are all alike. Each biscuit as light as if trade by fairy hands. Baked to a golden russet brown. So fresh, and crisp, and tempting, that just opening the box is teasing the appetite. And you find a new delight in every one you eat. Yon get perfection when you get Mooney's Perfection Cream Sodas 'o Grand Bend CASE SETTLED—The claim of Bruce I3ossenberry, of Brucefield, against the county of Huron, for a horse injured at St. Joseph bridge, on the Lake Shore, and which, at the last session of the county council, was referred to Messrs. Lamont and Greiger, the Hay and Iiensall, for settle - we are pleased to (earn, tonily settled. At a con- n`eet the parties interested, reeves o Ment. has been sat is ference bet held at Hensall last week, it was agreed to pay Mr. Bossenbert y $125 in full of his claim, and this was ac- ceptad. Mow ".111 sten \ r.• 11•.rn r:'jams'• The wotunn bo+•11 t•eaut (111 doesn't griller to (tit' site her Intelligence, Is epoitil by flattery. It unable to hold the men she nitre t9. The woman born homely is delver) to develop her thar- aeter and he: mitt t, tiitd su Itlev;*tv th.t•t OVert'otnea her h:uttlienp AS n:calnst her pretty si+ter. The man learn clever Ioget bee ri1 t' Ile *Drat+ for v.'say nod Into no In •slurs t t th t: >ti :1Ia,.1 ef- reef wltit•It ni ,its alchievtw success. The maul born 'slow" develops patience, 99- siduit}•. balance and. hest of all, tenac- ity. It comes near to lteiag n universal rule that strong 11 ,1014 nisi weak ones jt: -'t nl,ont olT4et r r•:t ,'lwr in any h0- 1. sot tieing at the A':1+1 ulr! '. the de - t•',, melt It it Herter f ) • i;t is ; hlin if to ,!eterui he. Alla there Is 1. , f9• Nil handicap esee;,t the disporitioh to regard one's hon lteop 88 fatal.—Sat- tirday Evening l'nst. The Ideal Beverage A f'ALP. ALP., (,.tl.ttable, full of the virtues of malt and hops, and in sparkling condi- tion, is the ileal beverage. Now when chemists announce its purit,. and judges its merit, one treed look no birthers Lucan Allen M-:Dougqall is home from the West.—Miss Alma Stanley of Torcnto University is spending the holidays at her home here.—Miss Denholm. milli- ner, having completed the millinery season with Miss Lee, has returned Ito ber home in Blenheim.—Miss Nora M. Kinsella was among the successful oan- didate at the London model school. She has been granted a third-class ter- ti(icate, valid for three years.—Anni- versary services in connection' with the Methodist Church here will be held on Jan. 12th nndi3lh. Rev. Dr. Crews of Toronto will be the preacher of the day. A fowl supper follows Monday evening.—Wilber Perley has returned from an extended stay in the West. —Rev. J. E. Holmes has received a call from the Devine street Methodist church at Sarnia for next Conference year as their {{pastor.—Miss Emma Sproat. teacher in the Lucan Public School. was the recipient of a hand- some all -leather music roll and address from the pupils of the Third and Fourth Forms on Thursday afternoon. —Dr. E. N. Hodgins, who has been travelling in Europe and visiting the colleges of medicine and continental hospitals. has returned to Lncan for the Christmas holidays, after obtain- ing his degree of L. R. C. P., London. England.—At the regular meeting of Irving lodge, No. 151, A. F. & A. M., (1. It. C., held Thursday evening, the following ofllcers were elected for the ensuing year : W. M., Dr. T. George Thompson : S. \V.. Dr. Win. T. Btant- ing:.3. \V., Win. J. Branton : ('hap., John Fox ; Auditors, Dr. Orate and Wnt. Matheson ; Treas., Jas. Stanley, sir.; Secy, Duncan i1. McVicar; Tyler,. Charles Hnsket.—Walter Gibson of London is spending the holidays at his home here. --Holy Trinity .Sabbath School will hold their annual enter - tainutent in Stanley's hall, Jan. 1st. Mr. Kershaw, with itis moving pictures of the Russo -Japan war has been se- cured for the occasion. --The Presby- terian Sunday school concert in Stan- ley's hall Monday evening was a decid- ed !success in every particular. Rey. WE. Smith wnschairtnan itnd the pro- gram was admirably rendered and well received. WAREHOUSES CENTRAL —AT STBATrORO, ONT. EXETER, CENTRALIA THE LEADING SCHOOL. AND CLANDEBOYE Highest Price paid for Grain I)asllwood Mr. 11. J. Stephens. who has been mailing on the lakes, returned to his horde here this week to spend the Xmas. holidays at his home here,after which he will resume his college course at London. s Make it Yourself IS) giving a better course of training than that giv- en by any other similar institution In Ontario, we have become one of the leading business training schools in Canada. Our graduates are in demand as office assistants arid business college teacher.. Our courses being the best our gradurtcs succeed. If interested in your welfare write now for our cata- logue; it is free. We have three departments, Com- - - menial, Shorthand and Telegraphy. winter term ary RICH. SELDON °PentaanEI.LL9et. ' IOTT & ;1lcLACli1.:\N, (Successor to Joseph Cobbledick) Principals wcipale There is so much Rhenmatisn► here in neighborhood now that the fol- lowing advice Ly an eminent authority who writes for readers of a large East- ern daily paper. will be highly apprec- iated by those who stiffer. Gat from any good pharmacy ene- half ounce Fluid Extract Dandelion one ounce, ('onl(sllind Kitt gin; three ounces Compound Syrup Sarsnpntilla. Shake these well in a bottle and take in teaspoonful doses after each meal and at bedtime,: also drink plenty of (food n-at.pr. it is clninled that there are few vice time of this (trend and tortntone dig• ease who will roil to find seedy Irbil' in c his simple lt,•tttc•ltutdt mixt to is :,ll in nn,st a Imes n permanent elite ii the r •tits This simple 1PCPipt iwmild tosttengtit en anti demise the elittlutative Raines Mf the kidneys sit that they e'en Inter and suite) from the blood and system the (>.,isnns, acids and waste matter, whieh cause not only ithentnatism but numerous other diseases, Every man ttr wont in here who (ee•Ie that t heir kulneys are not healthy end active, or suffer from any urinary trouble what- ever, Should not hesitate to crake np this mixture, its it is eertnin to do much good. and may save you front Much misery and suffering after while. Olit home druggists may they will either supply the ingredients or mix the preectiption ready to take if our tiselets ask them. LOOSE LEAF LEDGER SYSTEM The oetly Comtnetcial School west of Toronto using the above Modern Office Work of Actual Canadian Business Procedure, Wholesale houses calling daily for graduates of Canada's Greatest Chain of High-grade Business Colleges, because our students "Learn to do by doing." Each student has loose leaf ledger, hill charge system, card system, bank book; fills out scores of n ., drafts, deposit slips, cheques, statements, leases, Mortgages, rece shipping hills. etc., etc. Our students do actual business from the f day. Gregg Shorthand AND Touch Typewriting taught by the most widely experienced teacher in Ontario; she is also a graduate of John it. Gregg, the Author, anti highly recommended by him. Last year our Stenographe►s were all placed within Thu Days of graduation. Many of these young ladies now drawing $700 to SHIM) per year. It is freely adtnitted that we traits the most rapid and accurate. Our Telegraph Department s9 well equipped. Railroads are shoe t of operators and 'maple are advancing rapidly. Wide Attendance. Students attending our chain from 311110,i c, el) count b, O„tar• to; many front Manitoba Saskatchewan. Allwrta and British co- tulabla: some from the United States, Inland and &rotlaml. we train more yonn¢ people than any other management in western Ontario. tion. Day situation ttaken by lou I;graduateseis of `take ; we all incite% r omparisnn lu:iIsI hind Untrue ae WINTER TERM BEGINS JANUARY 0 tt ltlTl. 1,•I: IT (I 11 ) CLINTON BUSINESS COLLEGE ()Et r See erT t lu" inti. l:sborne The following is the report of the standing of the pupils in S.S. No. 1, l'sborne, for Nov., based on regnlatity of attendance and weekly examina- tions. Nantes in order of merit. V - Willie Foolery. Sr. IV. —W Webber, 11 Davis. V Kerslake. Jr. IV. -11 May. A Skinner. A Nir('nr•dv, T. ( atP . \fay, G Davis. W Walker. 11i— M McCurdy. Lt'ott(' . K Kellet, L H:etd• ing, \' ('oases. A Hunter Sr. 11.--I Ford, TSkinner. .S McCurdy. M May, F ('Mates, F Webber. Jr. 11. R Thomp- son, ft Webber•. V Dirks. 1't. 11.-- V i'ineomlie, (1 Hunter, 0 Thonipsnn, 11 Hunter. I'strt I. -H Coates, W Thompson. A Ilacknrt•, 1) hackney. Average Attendance :30. J. \V. Iingarth, Teacher. Clilselhurst All of the young sten who lett here for the West have tetanic& - hiss Ells Stohenuut hair returned from a visit to Mitchell. -The weather of the past few• days has taken away a lot of our snow. -Miss Ent nut Regan ha', re- turned from a month'', Stay in St. ,los• eph.—The special 9rrvices are being retainer(' in the llethndist thatch. Miss Lean1►r) of Blenheim le ear rt•ing nn the work and motel) success is nt• tending her labors.—There is an Rime tatinn on foot to secure a post office on the 12th eoneession, to be known as 5.•.s1tford. Hibbert. 1* It hough such a post afire would not /terve a very large number, it would be very con- venient for the farmers in the vicinity who are now some four utiles from a post Aire. Local Option Is Hypocrisy Local Option is the hysteria of the folk who would govern conlilltlnities by the emotions instead of by the reason. Thes pretend ill check athe atm alcohol. It IS a pretence; for statis- tics show beyond chal- lenge that there is more liquor sold, and more than TWICE AS MUCH DRUNKENNESS, in the prohibition states of America, as in the states under license. Local Option in your town rll substitute make•be- Iieve morality for the honest decency of a free and self-respecting com- munity. -