HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-12-26, Page 3,4111•111141.-.11 . ,t l aft' e abets teed to u seam Lath. This j PRAYED IN IttII.t-tA1 CARRIAGE. �, Uji1JL1' Ul NATURE attcas the outside shell a little at the - •- same tinier contracts the meat within 1'aesenuer. in Darkness lel Hampstead mot tench to separate d or tv make tt 'Tube, Heard Dr. Ilurtuu's Petition. 'I 111'-, `t ill; 1 \in t.N. 1: lilt t'.tit t) e- , r to r eparutc from 1110 ••t Bili tats ateaut hath the i :l.s go Nt 1 1►tI.1:. t. t malt who opens tl :'.; :scam: - tele., in the .legal bath the a1 er the nuts, or some of thele, ivies , . • 1'(„e I. Nritlk reel Shelter 11 Has hung which facilitates by so much tt,._ t,.;„ the o:.c 1Cr, "Father used to crack the co:oanut r.! s! 1' professional to nut cn• with a hatchet. 1 • • ;ntit opeucr uses an intp:ement That .'•h like a solid steel oyster knife, ty at one end the blade. \\'iIh the en•t el this the opener tains the ,. 111 and ernek: the abet ant lakes • r :e ; ,.' • r all ef it stall adheres ! .. I:r•.i! ) re, ,t oft w silt the i .l•: '• ,'ad • f tee implci eel, leaving : :nJ {!;. t+• (,f C.,a ,...eat Meat uu- .•.11, bol iL c•ivcie.1 with its fa- ih 1� w' 1 tor 'i a Dwellers 't Tropic Seas. 1 . .!.yr. 1a4: • �, ,•:h urih_ua11y fl: .re. 1 !•j r':Ct.s► C';rr• 21t, .., I miler: �: r • • •!,'.1:r!;; L, , (ttu1J• pee ..... .1 Lel .tie fueer toe.., ihe. •t to L.• found ill . ha .Ilia all l 1.,, •l;l•,i... ,,nut I},r ;-,.: 1 `❑ 112.41' ret. :It jrilt n' !: i 1 e tee 1i alit . by .1 to I.c•; !;t at r, 1:11 at.oVr1 that it ,c:uJ 1.1.^ water. 1f it i, , +..: : , slur inland they put a l,:•: '. .. _:t under it. { !: I is thr c:' ^ >r.,lt itself, which . hums; tt .'. (.41cr;iti1::1_: r: . 11. Sea tu:•1 spread "Iluviri� !• ':i. : nut send: .t cies b) t'.' 1'1 . - it gr;Ins on • 1 til r^ tiil.'J - .; rice. ding 'e. • ate' . lodge , . S , of tire i! ::d OI 11-11:•' eyes lana 10 it, CO1111nonly sec the co -.:.nal in e:: s.t:erical form d:teslcd of it- outer husk -through one c;f these eye-, :' .sends up a sprout which works it w:', through and out of the initial. Lrevv'll °atter akin. "In lheee day, there are mien who vv•trk Ieplu!urlt at cuconnut opening jIO t as Ik'y Ini';•ht at any other cnr 1• -)tl„•n'. though s.ntcwhat unusual feature .`t Ii:C +''.).:Ihlr1 openers' work is that they 1 e.gin it ut 2 a.m.; this so t:: t su(ictent sta=ck may be prepared in advance for lite' other workers i• t •-gfn on. An expert c C1)anut open - .1. ..ut open 2,000 nuts a day. "Tho shells removed. other workers lake .tete whole nut. pleats and spoke- shave sill that tavern outer skin, and Hien the whole round globe of cocoanut neat is glut into a machine and quar- tered. In these quarter sec tions the neat is inspected fear Brit rejection of tittle not sound and street, and then it is 'del-ilizcd. alter which it is ready !cr the vaeoIs further processes in- t•' lye"( in :he:ai ling and dryings and pii'ejlar:mgr it f•)r the market.' MORE ECONQ\ILCAL. The amazing spectacle of a celebrat- eG NoncorhfornuLst divine lifting up his oleo in prayer in a 'Tube" railway .•.•1 r ase wits Wilnesscd the elle. clay. 1) . Morton, of Lyndhurst ltoad Church, il.uupstead, t.enhluti. Erlg:end, was travelling in the ilampstead 'Tube. when ho train 1 t stopped ,ed suddenly and the passengers were left in complete darkness. They took little heed of tee occurrence at first, but twlen the stoppage and the dnrkrcae a it nueJ fol a quarter of an heti•, that half an hour, and then nearly un hour. they began le be perturbed. 1)r. Horton theretii:on rose to the occasion. Ile suggested that the • should ay. The 6'g J pray. passengers ,gleed, and Ili-. 11'.1011 ,ed with the words, "Lord, wilt 'Thou bring us out of this darkness into the light ofsafety?" Ilehodno sooner ul feral the supplication than the carriage was flooded with light, and the train went on it • way. `route people may call This a ooincidence," Ile. host --n says, "but putting this with other simi- lar experiences in life we must know that they reveal a prnyer-hearing and a prayer-unsw•ering God." -It TORTURED DAY 4\I) NiGHT. Z-.un-ttuk Cures Piles. That there is no end to the heeling powers of Zant-lluk Is being demon- strated every day. Mr. Julius Glacier, of Denbigh, Ont., was tortured day and night with blind bleeding pilau, hi: bad that he says: "1 could find no comfort standing, silting or lying down, and was unable to do any work. (inc day nay eyes rested upon a little sample box ut Zam-Buk. 1 picked it up Expert testimony may be valuable and rend the words, (:ORES PILES. 1 from a s^ientit1c point of view, but started using Zam-I3uk that night. and before 1 could purchase a large box l was already cured, and IIA\'1: NOT' BEEN TROUBLED SINCE. You may publish this if you wish for the benefit o! other sufferers." This is only ono of the many cases where Zarlt•Buk has healed piles when all else failed. \Twhy do you go on suffering when such a splendid remedy is near at hand? Zitm-Bttk heal, sores, cures eczema, skin eruptions, ulcers, ringworrl►, itch, barber's rash, blood poison, had leg, s cuts, ' t abscesses, u abrasions, a 1 salt rheum, m burns. scalds and all skin Injuries and diseases. Of all stores and druggists at 50 cents. cr from Zam•Buk Co.. To- ronto, for price. 3 boxes for $1.25. Bight you are, Alonzo; the fountain plays because the water works. there are often cheaper ways of esteb- husk, tali • ! r,' Linin . a certainty, as the hero of the fol: giving aueeck,te derided at the last THE i 141'' 1' OF T111: TREE. moment. An Irish laborer entered a -As the young tree gums the husk dis- (ray:u storehie i)oc d erawing poured oast item rbag co ug integrates and tots ua'ay. "Coaeunut !vas alarm a Height at kr a nunlbc•r of very sticky and unat- fewil lwenly to eiglay feet, recording tractive-tOoking lozenges. to situation and circumstances. The "Cauln ye examine this candy?" he as free begins to Lear frail at about eight 'eat looks queer. what is Ihe mat - its of age. iL, life is about 12') years, tel with it?'' asked file druggist,1)1 . hundred e• about a leu it bearing tx ic1J t b l is .. •. y )id ye ire. Huls uunuully, ani an interesting tact P.rcn. ()Vitt nankin'. [ 1 that lite nuts :Ircp fr•.uu the tree at •e such stuff? Dinnis Daly give thins night. 1.me b'y, and Dennis is )to frind of "In 91111!:'• - es In which 11 Ls f.uid latah'." 11w tree. v its fruit, i; cndispehsuble "\\'ell i can make an analysts," 1•, the vs.- '1 ; and it may be to the "Alt tight. 01'11 conte in lc-11101•rcw• h'nr• t native human dwellers, on ale way from worruk.•, • outer , ,.t of the tree, supplies a The Irishman had ►•cached the door. material nils:!t may to toed f•,r ilte t•►lt he suddenly slopped with 1115 hand I,urposes of clothing; the of:di•r part on the tate-h. ef the tree trunk may be used fol• the ".ind hew much will thot 'nalysis 'framing and the tree's leaves for til'' 14' c'.-s:i:tg me " he inquired. covering of shelters, white the tree's The man a dollars." sthe er toails eountrr r. fruit supplies food and the fibres of the hest a material for fishing knee and swept the lozenges into the bag. "In many places where lite c4.c,,^nut NV hie!' he replaced hl his pocket. 1:'ec thrivee (tali and ocreamlts form "Niter ntoind." he said. "Oil' feed wan to the cat." sr ----- Mr. 1Cipting's Canadian Tour. Ontario rind all Eas'r'rn Canada is deeply disappointed that \Ir. Kipling, upon the occasion of his recent visit to Canada, should have only seen "The wet from a car Window'' and the the only food supplies of the nati:•ea. and in (Batiste iso!aie,1 stilt water sur- rounded islands or bays the coeoauut ,itay he their only source of sipel• of 'resh water. The eacoanut Ire,' is }'rac- e • ,ey boltow inside. and through this r . •.a.s interior, almost as frce'y as 11 i.,uid Le pumped up through a pump leg. it draws up wa'er for its own ells- East not at all. The older provinces 1. nance and growth, and froth this it are always proud and never jealous 1,11s with distilled water the fruit 4)11 o' the ‘West, into which they are send -- the tree, for the milk se•calle;l in the ing their sbelcefs and their sons. With :cocoanut is practically (h•ineing water, all his powers as a word painter, 11 is with very little other matte.. And Cao hardly to fie expected that Mr. Kip - 1111 some pliers tete coisiamit suf)plics ling can do Justine to all of Canada. all the freeh water eblain1ble ae it ile lin: not seen the thriving cities and 'arty as w•'1! s)l 4 food -surely a won- lows a -f Ontario, with its 9alendid (i rful met benalicent tree. rats'°. es.mills, and manufacturing in• "Calming back te; the general sot -• -. Ile had only a fleeting glimpse wit Hint that the ntanufa.turcd i ,t. • . ' l • • ate. and saw nothing cf the ducts of • • • r more other industrial centre4 TIIi: \\'O\DEtil't't. TREE ' • 1)e anlinion. it is too bad, Cana - d. ,,:. i- Isere, that he slould havespent are new In oommr'n use threughvnll. Ihe moat of the lime. which he was the civilized world. 'Te string it right : able to give to the study of cenditk,ns close it may 1 e mat w iit:l y<•11 go 10,111e, in the itominion le the troubled shores 14. -night .--u will eel'. the mud oft of Ihe Pacific. \\'illi 110 desire lo mini - y' lirshoes on a doormat made of its ! mizc Illy seriousness of the labor des. Biers, and if you s euld tido- a nap be- 1 turtnnces out thele. or to disguise the (i tet' dinner you w211 lie down. it stay foci that Canada is in sore need of 1'e, on n k,unge wteee sculling mnl•ain- more n,en to curry forward the work allele sir lees of the 1 n111C nu113'l 1,!, ,n hand. Canadians would have be•'n "'Tile on with which you dee - t.. .r unmet of some pen pictures by ?1r. eaktd may he ('.SY'unut oil. ,.n'1 f ' Kipling of Ihe• Industrial Ensl, where dessert you may have ce,cotnut pie. 1 'he p°etpte are prosperous and happy. the kikhen volt itegl:t find earmbIoi 'I' 'a eenvieuen Is by no means local 1•rushcs made of cuceanul fibre. ai, l t to widespread. universal. ("Cana. likewise brooms. The Curs id 111e e. • ,11." London. Eng., Nov. iGlh, 1907.) cr,nut are varous. '-` "leir many years. in fact since 'way 1 WAIL FOIL \\*All\Tt'I'. back, ec)counuls have bean imparted in • T' , ,,. nrv' various m'il's et ke'-ping fame numbers tinct they were 14) 1. , 1 . , r r„ 772 le,:•mling benunlbeti by found for sole in Ifreceis' stores met ilia ,. 1'lt Ilevhr,ps out the least re- e;rscwhcrv'. Its they sell tier. and dill- wa144.42''' .. that a(le•ptee by two wadi.man wed tee buy them and lake than cr., (it 7, .' heat regiment on duty in a Itonie find bore a he'•t through the eyes !intro. • n til'• Ilrtllnn-French frontier and our the nritk vet into a icacup (1) \lots ' • es. \\lisle piing off duty and drink that and filen get father to iowar.i. near I'arrncks they list their break hie ceconnut with a hatchet. and \way in a snews'r.rnl. and when found Ihen they'd eat the meet, as children hs Ih''ir c•anradas they were in a pill - ,l111 do. 1114 (metal et. On being carried to 'Tax number et the °.tunnel' import. their barrtict.., silty related how try ed ter such mei other n tee demand, had struggle! fur Ion day, againi 1 the is considerable. but it liana a dr.sp) it) I:hulled. and in order to keep theln- st•ives awake. and to countered'. the effects of the °till. they unceasingly struck fine another. At limes they fought stubbornly for hours on en". which explained tete reason for the ex• haualed rr4tte in which They were fund. the lir het to the number now uniort- s'tt k r ►nanllfni taring Iles. "Without stopping to leek up the GFurex exactly, 1 flatted say haat there an. gke,w uupor!nl tc Arni•ri'a aloul thirty tnillen ceeennuta annually, some of thew frith weld (r natural growth facts, and some fraena placated and cul. avate(1 ireea. kir the °°cannot IS riots Illvatcrl: and it tight to menti')ned patoing that a Cocoanut plantation called a cocoanut walk. "Of Cie. enorne us nnpi rtation et co- coanuts 1 y far the greater proportion ,ore. M manufacturers. nn(1 the greater starter of thio to the manntnclurers of prrtllared cocoanut k•r domestic and r Cher cooking uses. Formerly the home.;mite when waidol to use cseerinut kir Ilacs CC Cake.,. r pudJulg' used 1. . .11 herself. Nate' the vast mai( all the users of CRCeanu: toy the r i. LItacturcvd product all ready ,re/lar a 4or Irp. and the tnanufacturc of this a trade In metes^h 11ANY 1'EOr l: FIND 1:\1i'1.0Y- 1 \1EN1'. "'MQAnu( to 1 ` used in making pre - „pared 'Ocoafut are pelt. a k)t (4 them kgether, tib hon crates in which they 1 N l'N:1\s\\T.ItABLE. 1 tike l:lw.ra -"Mamma, when the firnt eees out where does it go to?" Mrs. Gaylord -"1 don't know, dear, i'(u might just us well „ .!s t•. 1h. r your father gams when he b.. a .,u1." As the Oil huts In, the I'uin (tubs Out. -Applied to the stat of a Jain in any ,part of the Nally the skin als(1rbi the soothing liniment under brisk fric- tionn and the 1 al`g' tobtuins niftiest ost in - stunt relief. The results of the use of 1)r. 'Themes' Echctrie On have surpris- ed unary who were unacquainted with !Is qualities, and once kitow•n it will not be rejected. 1•ry it. "Ever been in Siberia?" ,'ked 11:•' he- per'er. "Era-yes..un,wercd the dee. lulguishca Ihicsi:nl refugee. "I took a enouling there ono .summer!" All women know whit it Is to ears vloient Ain • and aim, another. • x�. •e nue t a teen; mn ttL Our advice is, to plisse •' The n,t I." Meuthul Plaster over the moat +•1 the Ira:.: it will du were t., give you comfort th:ru apt) thine. The long tails of the Shah of Persia's horses are dyed crimson for sir inches nt their tips -a jealousy-guarJetl pri- vilege of the ruler and Itis sons. :\ f'in'ely Vegetable Pill.-Parntelec's \ egelable Pills are compounded from root:. herbs and solid extracts of known virtue in the lreatn►tnt of liver and kidney oomplainls ani in giving lien to the system whether enfeebled by 40erworli or deranged through excess- es in living. They require no testimo- nial. 'Their excellent qualities are well known to all those who have used !hent and they commend themselves to dyspeptic,. and talose subject to bilious - tees who are in quest of a benelicial medicine. \\'t►en some sten start out to leek for the deserving poor their first stop L: )n front of It mirror. iTCiI. Mange, Prairie Scratches and every form of contagious Itch in human or animals cared in 30 minutes by Woe fercl's Sanitary Lotion. It never fails. Sold by all druggists. NOT witAT Ilf ASKED. in these days of indivilualisen in thought and action the balance of de- ciaiuu tips more and more toward the pereenol. Even in the matter of sect• ling, the ego asserts 1l -.'1f in the lace of tradition and history. "1:6114" is not the only person wJ:o Constitutes himself the final court of appeal in the realm of vrthography. "So sou go to scliool, do you, Ps'b- by?" asked the minister. Umbrellas are like men, ns usually "Yes, sir; an-werej Robby. the poorest get left. "Let 1110 hear how you spnll'breatt.' "11 -reed -e." Sudden tr:msull gicn from n trot to "The dictionary spells it wilts an 'a,' Robby." "Yes. sir; but yam didn't a'k nae how the t('•Iionru•y spells it; you asked pie how I spell II." a cold lcmpei'ulure, exposure to rain. silting in a draught, unseasonable sub- stilulic•n c.1 light for heavy clothing, are fruitful causes of cods iiiid tate. re- sultant cough en pervious 10 persons a; weak lungs. Among the many me- dicines for bronchial disorders so aria- ing. there Ls )ono better 11a111 ilickle s Anti-Censun►pUVO Syrup. 'Try• it and become convinced. Price 25 cents. A woman Is never t tisfed unless she has something lo worry tilxnrt. A mann is apt to get his back up when his wife calls flim down. famous Iran is one who is len men by More people than he know,. Fever the Carse of the Tropics. In the slew .on+ teo..v)r1e+ from tri. and all •ether dl -u.1-u '• }'erruvirn " 1, 0101444g funk.. 114;0)0• e, be: the lam"I'ERROVIyl." \Carriage is sol ol'en n failure, lett the contracting parties very often are. some men like' long office hours be. cause it shortens their huese rel tt.+rl,e, Holloway's fawn Cure is a sprit.: 4.nr the removal of omens end wnrta. We have never Nein' of hl. failing tre- move.even the Horst trend. end to l Atter a men has po-et ns n cynic for u short time he begins to Think too little of others and too mush of him- st•if. Mirrors area nolsence in the hoose of •alga whn.e face Is branded with e, coma. 1111 oW11 with \sewers Verste andtnt purify his hisRL 1111AI1bk.od with N•esver'a $yrap• "E1e^tricity in 1t:e atmos:'here off., t, your t.ystem,"' 1-111(1 Ihe doctor, "l, raid Ilii pttlicul, s•hu hail (*lid 'wu +,liars for WI) visna. "There are Bale. when (net !('els ower-c•hurgete• 'They- Newer Knew Failure. --Careful olserwaliun (.1 the efh•ets cif I'arntr:ee's Weletabte Pitts has simian t►at Ih•'y MA immediately on the dia••rsed - ti the syclml and c1' late it:• ••• heathy action. There may be ca.,rs in which the dis••ast: has been keno u aled and dopa not (nsily yield let b-• - �, C.101 De', but even 111 sue h ru:e.• P';lt.s have Bern kne %is to bring when rill other so-oalled remedies ha% e fai(ed Theme assc1'liens can he eltbelnntiat'd by many who have used , the Ills. and medical mien speak hip:t: ly of their qualities. An Inheritance of weak lints 1s s serious handicap, but .tllon'a i.ung 1111+410 taken at the that sign. of :t °•.ugh will sumo) immunity (rola this dangeruue defect. Dotal bride with unknown euro -elle. The unhealthiest uccupetio0 in the world is !hat of the Sicilian sulphur miners. Out of LW) of these; men, cal' 200 proved. on u recent examina- tion, 111 for military mortice, Only Ihose w)io are not !druid of be- ing poor really Ive..nte ride Pale, sickly ch;ldren sheltie met \lo- it:er Graves Worm Escrtninutor. \\.-•suis are one of the principal causes et teetering itt children and should be expelled druid the :oaten). \Where the whnleb;,ne product usral lo average 1,01t0.(1V) pounds 0 'true. it DOW DV* rige.t tis- Ilion 200.(100 monads. 'Tilt THE BOSS. \\•itcn Unitas go easy, he just suuntcrs iouud AL tan o'°boli 111ai1, Diets lcos. Sona° tate gib 1, Tosses us euclt a word, or maybe two, Louis ut the papers, lights u ,..od cigar, 'Phones 10 a friend, and then goes out to lurv:11. aw G e and to .t s::1 go mac And 1ho A Jy whiz! 1 hate to work! 1 wilt 1 was the toss'" I3ul my, when things go wleng! May. 1)0 it birth$ Or priers down, or olid busts Then ain't he Johnnyon-lite-t:pet eight! 'l'hen he dung take 110 limo to rebid r1Ctt'S. Nor eat no lunch, ap unt . 1 Then he shoots letters at the gid till she GeLs Iluslry red stets on her cheeks; and make; Even ol:l Chief Ck• it hustle; you know hint. f.It one with the scat of double chin pie -waits. 1`Ill when 1 • • -t when 11 ;r.1' . • ,rr r, then 110 looks kind cr pn:a anxious like, and yet so full • f light, n :ort of aching in any throat, something °hooch me, when 1 look at him. I go home and say whiz! Bigness is tough. boss rr 11111 TENDER IiEART. She has a very tender heart, She wouldiYt hurt a Ilea, But to one per«'n she is oft, As cruel as can 1e. • She has no pity en that one, For, just to be in style. She'll punch and punch and herself And suffer a!1 the while or so; then reads Its half dozen letters► to tome bank goes al the tut keeps us all Thai 'end And And 1 get lake And greased lightning to maw -"Gee I'm glad 1 ain't the squeeze I Shiloh Cure Cures Coughs and Colds QUICKLY aeric r Use Shiloh's Cure ,J:er thew worst cold thesharpcst cough -try it on a guar- antee of your money back if it doesn't actually CURE quicker than anything you ever tried. Safe to take, -nothing in it to !inn even a baby. 34 years of success common 1 Shiloh's Cute -- 25c., (JOC.. e l . 3: 5 1 e e ••T • PREVENTION OF THE WHITE PLA(>UL The prevention of Consumption and 114 cute in the early arta,;es lea mutts!.mutts!.of fresh air and nouri.tulent but to 144 41re nourishment).m thlust histo ap- petite, and uotbibg Is better kunwi to inedlt:al science to stimulate and Int iy- ,nto tne srsten than the active brim violet' ot COD 11 Litt W 1, -too or t T drawback bee been that lt has hitherto beim imp.xsible to separate the really laluable elements of .ods' livers from the nauseous oil or grease. which tact Ctrs largely Whet thy good derived !rout the alkaloids or active principles coo- taired in Ihe Olt.. "lIItiCKS TASTE1.1;GZ" to - pre- paration of the va,uab:e alkaloids or art.ve principle. sepanttcd thaw the grease and combined Willi Phos ,hon.ue ,n Dm form ut the t'o::{ound d)rupof Ifypopttospt•ttee, the nutritious LI(l' id Extract of Mail, an 1 the Itroee.,tal Tonto and Sedative Fluid Extract of Wild Cherry Itark. wasting '1ire. Ci r n eases 9 O rl 11 areas ofi •t a I a enervated a,nditien ut the system its• in dist° improvement and eveutuul cure follow its Use. flood Brick's guaranteo with each bottle. "IIRICK'S TASTELESS•. is put up in eight IS/ ounce bottles. retail pri,e fifty (30) re t3; and In twenty (20) ounce bottles. retail pisco ono Il► dollar. i i f • e • •-•-••1--• •-••-••-• +-G-4-•+-• e e • very Woman Is Bitot• -.t -d awl should know atwl:t aha wu .1.rfe.l MARVELWhIrlingSpray, las ne'A S'aglnal ear ora. melt -)1(4' 4..04. Yea. le'l. at elat:+ee irstauur. tas your drtq,rist for it. M carnet 1211•:1the A It V Id t. accc2( ro other, but send stamp for I:tustrnu:d book --sealed. It cats full partteatera and dIrecuou lu. 4a1. 1' 1 r1see. WrNUSOaluut. OeuerAg.nWindsor. da. Why Co South ? Try a Visit to the Fatuous .rings of the X1116 11 CA'.ADA'S NEAL111 11 ESORT In Cie Niagara Peninsula. The treatment of Nervousness and Rheumatism a Epeelalty. APPLY TNI w[LLA!lo. SI. Cal II ma1Mi:1 FAG -----W I T Power, Heat, Electric to Lease for a Term of Years. Central location. About ten thoutaia s4uaro feat In four floors and basomont. Exoollort sill;):) n.; faciiltiol Standard Firo Sprinklor Sysiotn. Lo.v inturaaoo r..tu. MURRAY F. WILSON, 81 Ado!alde St. Wet, Toronto i lit . hit.t•. firs a p•• 1111d.e: S1..31=7>. f! iBA\.1NA INK. "The banana furnishes Ile w site ink, 1 with hankerch.efs, with wax. with blarkin{t. with excelsior. with oil, with flew. with window-••elyd. with hrutt:e4, l hr speaker. a banana planter holo Jamaica. paused ail smiled. "1. i don't believe me, 414t you?' he stint. "Yet. truly the banana tree is a wen.: eerie! thing. Every part of it tor; • mere good nee. Thu.: the long lea; make n fine exeeisl. r. The peep. be- ' :ng rich in tanin. furnishes a getout in. delihte Ink and a goe,l shoe pelith. The stems y ie'(l a Tine quality of hemp and !eon) Ihit h(•trp there are made la''e handkerchiefs. Cord and reties of all kinde mats and britches. The (.11 is' aged to Oiling. Of hanann flab. 1• Cour greund teem the dried foie! eau, • is no nee speaking --yea are (00 fam,l- ISoCR NO. 51 -*7. tar %lib it." -let Yo It45 1 L�11r" 'LessOft EV A C3o!.s ShirtIr�C. You can put on a roof that will last a hundred years and be the right kind of a roof every minute. Or you can put on a ten-year roof that will probably leak after the first rails hits it, and keep leakingtill it is rotted away. ither roof will cost you about the same in money at the start. Rut the " Oshawa" - shingled roof will be FIRE -PROOF -liter- >- ally ; and wind -proof - actually ; and lightning- proof- -positively. That's the hundred -year roof! And that "Oshawa "-shingled roof will be weather-proof for a century. We'll GIIARAN- TEE in every way for a quarter -century -from now till Nineteen - Thirty -Two. • Guaranteed in writing for 25 years-- and you needn't ever paint it, even ! That's saying something. isn't it ? What would your Infill -man say if you asked him to guarantee cedar shingles for even ten years ? He certainly would make remarks ! And even the best cedar -shingled roof will Le leaking badly inside of ten years. Seven out of ten of them leak the first time it rains. No wood - shingled roof is fire -proof for a minute, and the first high wind that catches a loose shingle - whoosh hin le - whoosh ! ggoos half your shingled roof over into the next township. 14" IA-lla 1?iht 1 C•�e� 16 Wc7i Tools A-Planty Yet cedar shingles cost you just about the price of these guaranteed "Oshawa' Shinggles-2F-gunge tough- ene(t steel, double gaivanized_good for a century, guaranteed in writing till 1832, -Me - and -wind -and -weather-proof and lightning -proof. Foar-dollars-nod-a-half a equate buys "Oshawa " Galvanized Steel Shingles --ten feet by ten feet. Compare that with the present price of cedar shingles - how does it strike you? And you can put en these "Oshawa" Galvanized Steel Shingles yourself, - - • - easily, -- with no trx,l. hut a clava -hammer and snips. Simplest thing you know -can't get 'en) on wrung. "Oshawa" Shingles lock en all four sides whole roof is practically one sheet of double -galvanized ate•el, that never needs painting. ti "Oshawa" Galvanized Steel Shingles a r e GUARANTEED in every way for Twenty -Five Years Ought to Last a Century And GUARANTEED don't overlook that. Guar- anteed in writing, over the seal of a company with a quarter -million capital, guaranteed in plain Englii'h, without ar.y Ha or buts, for 25 long years. That's the argument in a nutshell chat the rame as wood - shingles ; fire - proof, water - proof, ri; t- pproof, lightning - proof ; easier to put on; anis GUARANTEED. That's the "Oshawa ' propneitir.n Tell us the measurement of any roof, and we'll toll you exactly what tt will coat to roof It with less work and for leas money. Plenty of ;acts that concern your pocket -book come to yyon as eo',n as y.ra ask for our free t.',,k, "lt'.,ting ltighl." A post card will do to ask on. ) - Wily don't you ask now? The Pedlar People MONTREAL TORONTO OTTAWA Of OshawaLONDON 321.3 ('ral;t '•-t \V, 11 ('•,tborne Ht. 421. sn'. w•r :". ( !Hades sr. WINNIPEG ''. li,•o'ss '1 tt.