HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-12-26, Page 1SI toJAN'OD
NOW IS 'fits•: TIME to
subscribe for the A1)VO-
CATE and get a bargain
as above stated; Or else
take advantage of our
Low Club Rates
Sale gills
FAUN! '%I K U S %Nilo want a
trig cluwd tit their sales
should get their bills at
theADVOCATE and ad -
eta tise in 1 he Anyor•.t•re
It Means Mmley to You
The Sovereign Bank
of Canada
:d tip Capital: • • $3,000,000.
4 Slane , J .A rz vr;, Esq., - • betide
'411. A.
MAcr.ONALI,. Esq. laVrce•Pri;d
411. A. ALY.AN. Esq.. • - rad Vice-Prelai>'(
t1oN. D. MCMILLArs.
Anvil. CAaeeaPLL., I M.P.
A. F.. I)rsti rr, Esq., 1t1.P.
W. K. MCN.t:car, Esq., M.P.
ilk G. 'EMMETT. - - Genera: -,'lunare
It, CA SS RLS, - - - .4f•:. (i-me,'al.:wa,wvr
Sai fns Rank Department
intra t rr Lett curretd rats pail quarterly.
Branches at Exeter. Dashwood, Zur-
ich and Crediton,
JOS. SNELL, Manager'
We wi:i pay the b;+;):est
prices for liv 010 HENS,
TURKEYS, and all
fiads of
Poultry s
8111ATF0AN 01*
The Old Reliable
Christmas is near at hand.
What are you Going to Want?
No doubt there are many things you need and a lot mote you will
buy that you do not need. \Ve have things for the needy and
things for the needless. We are now stocking up with a view to
big trade.
Here are a few Lines we are Offering:
Pure Demask Bleached Table Linen with Napkins to
match, sizes 20x20 and 22x22; Jap Drawn -work Tray
Cloth and Dollies; Damask Drawn -work and Hem-
stitched Towels, 30c. each; Embroidered Linen,
25, 35 and 50; Tapestry Curtains and Table Cov-
ers in all colors, ranging from $2 to $6.50; Tap-
estry and Embroidered Cushion Tops with
Cord to match; Ladies' Hemstitched and Fancy Em-
broidered Handkerchiefs in Silk, Linen and Loan,
choice line of Fancy Collars and Retts. a very
• choice line in Gents' Mufflers, Handker-
chiefs, Mores. Ties, Braces and Socks
Prodesalsaal Cards.
Da, 0. F. ROCLISTON, i.. D. 8., D. D. 8.
umber of the R C I). 8. of Ontario and donor
graduate of Torooto Vol%enitr.
OFFICE: Oler Dickson k Carling'. : Offmre, in
De. Andereon's former Dental Parlors
Da. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. 8., D. D. 8..
Honor graduate of Toronto tlniveristy.
Teeth extracted without an) pain, or any bad elects
Ogee over Oladmso t Stant,ur)'1 office, Main street
AF. MALLOY, M. B. (Tor. Coir.) MEMBER
• College of I'h)si.-ians and Surgeons, Ontario.
Former [reuse Surgeon Toronto western Hospital.
Oucceoeor to in. J. A. Rollins. Residence: East on
trot street north of office, Exeter, Ontario,
Hie resumed practice after spending a year (Col•
lege) at British and Continental Hospitals- General
practice with spect1t attention to E)e,(with refrsc•
tion) Ear, Nose and Throat.
')tree Dashwood, Ont.
ton, Notaries, ('on+ejanrers, Commistoners.
Solicitors for Moleons Dank, etc.
Messy to Loom at lowest rates of Interest.
Offices, Main street. Exeter.
L a. Oasts, AA., L. H. Dtasos
we We a large amount of private funds to loan
• farts and dila:. properties at low rates of Inter
Barristers, Soticitors,Main st.. Exeter On
William Brown
Prof. Diploma of R. al 'r. ,.rpt•rate.l S.ti iety Ot
Kud•-ians, England, Organist of Trivitt Memorial
chun•h,Esete►. Piano, Organ. Harmony and Theory
of Music. Terms on appli•-ation. Ester, Ont,
Township of Stephen
Nomination and Election
I+1.1C N+)TI('E is hereto: given that a meeting
electors o1 the Township of Stephen will to
the TOWN HALL, C'RF.DiTO44, nn MON-
at „NE o'clock In the after.
e of making and receiving norn-
puty Reeve and Councilmen.
e ril.y telt en that in the event
n.r proposed for any portico•
to he elected. the two ee1ingt
- rd until MONDAY, JANUARY 6th,
A n. :jir#.en polls will he opened at N a. m. 51
t'x tr+1n• lee
rla-N, we fixed by Township tiv law,
1 ix --roll 5, Mille shoe shop, lot 5 non. 1; 2. Fen•
hale', kit•'hen, lot :rr. on. 1, 3. Barber Shop: lot 11,
•-on. 6; e, Town Hall, lot 10. eon. 7; 5, Conning
ham's kiteh•n. lot 11. one. 13: i F,immer. Hall,
lot 1S eon. N. 11,; 7 Hannan's Hail, lot 11, Pon. 1: ,
S. "Olson's 11411 lot iceae, Con. S. B: 0, M-atee's
(tail, tot 1,Sauhle. Ante all ele• tors are hereby te•
•Lusted totakr notice and 'olein themselves ar•
ot.tintety. 11E\1;1 EIM.BER.
Returning Oeker,
c reditoe, 1tr- s, 190'
NMi•w is hetehy tette', that the Aird Annual Neet-
cJ the members o( the flay Town.hi{p Farmer.
ll ,,ual Firs lerttwn,e Company, will be held at the
WN H.tl.l., ZURICH, on T1•1'DAT, JANUARY
. 19111, at see neinrk p m tirssintea--Receiv•
s the 151. Auditors' and Treasuni a Reports
E5 ' t ion of Director. and emit +other hareem sa may
tr ',ecewsar, for the rood and welfare of the roni-
N.tll are regmeotal to attend
Kristian Stade. Fly , Henry Eiller.
rre,ident. Serretan
Agent Confederation Life Assurance
Company. also Fire Insurance in lead-
ing Canadian and British Companies.
Main -St., Exeter,
i ll�� "1ONTARIO
Ktee.tr:sal tenni lent of .ossa.eS of
women a st.ectalty•
"Have yo t got any calendarsr " s
what every business man Isconfronted
with about a dozen or more tithes a
day at this season of the year and if
there were forty-nine in a family each
would be singing the same song. Bus-
iness men become disgusted with the
annual calendar cry from the young
fry who make themselves mere beg-
gars for the holiday season. Mereh•
ants and others who get calendars get
them for their customers and have to
exercise care in giving them out if they
would have theta go around. Calen•
dars cost a lot of money and they are
not intended to be thrown around in-
discriminately so that any one family
may have a dozen. while some of the
best customers have to go without. If
merchants decide on giving away cal-
endars it would be a good idea to look
over their ledge's and send one to each
by mail. or address one to each custo-
mer, who might get it when he called
some time during the holidays. Take
sorne of the best calendars and they
cost X35 a hundred, that's 33e. a piece,
and if each got one in a fancily of ten
the calendars world cost more than
some of them would spend in is whole
year at that particular place of busi-
Mr. J. A. Stewart of Regina is visit'
ing his parents here. having been call-
ed home by the illness of his late
brother. -Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Mc-
Dougal of Comber are spending the
holidays with friends here. -Art. Dun-
can of the Sovereign Bank staff of
Hillshurg is home on a visit.
DEATH, -After nine weeks of brave
struggle against disease the death oc•
cerred on Sunday, Dec 22nd, at 1:31.1
the afternoon, of one of our tnost pop-
ular young men, Wm. 11. Stewart, son
of Mr. Win. Stewart, at the age of 110
years, '1 months. Nine weeks ago he
was taken ill of empyema or chronic
preurisy and during the whole of that
time his condition was very serious,
and but for his naturally strong con•
ltihition and the hest of care and at-
tention death must certainly have in-
tervened some weeks ago. Not only
will his death be regretted by his im-
mediate fantily, but also by a wide cir-
cle of friends. To theta is extended
the sympathy of the entire common•
ity. Those who sure ire are his parents
three brothers. Fred And John of this
)place. and J. A. of Regina , now visit-
ing at hornet and four sisters Mrs. A.
Campbell and Misses (iertie, Nellie and
(Tara at home, besides a wife and two
children. The funeral took place to
tha Exeter cemetery on Tuesday at
1:3) p.m.. and was largely attended.
Exeter School Report.
Following is the report for Der. -ether:
Jr. 'teachers. -M Johns tt3, M Pfaff
62, I Fergson 60. Jr. Matriculati.m -
A Brandt 61, l; Going 30, 13 Martin 37,
T Sanders 48. No.on roll 20. average 10,
L. C. Fleming, teacher.
Form II., Sr. --Honors, K Collins 83,
L Amos 81, J Oestreicher 75. Jr. -A
McMahon 68, E Copeland 64, L Hey-
wood 03. No. on ro1l3O, average 27.3,
H L Gregory, 'Teacher.
Form 1.-A Surerus 85, %V Monteith
85, G Ford 85, N Kellerman 78, 1, Kel-
lerman 75 (honors); H Morton 72, 0
Kestle 71, E; Laxton 70, W Mclean 66,
E Case (36, H Triebner 63. Commercial
Sr. --H Duplan81, (honors); \V Day-
tuan 72. Jr. -L Matey 84, B AIack SI,
(honors); G Bissett 66, F Beaver 63,
No on roll 42, average 37.5,
A. M. Johnston, Teacher.
Sr. I V. -L Grieve 83, H Sweet 76,
(honors); E Howey 73, A Jackson 71, L
Rowe 69, 11 Fuke 63, R Knight 63, L
Rivers 62, E Southcott 60, Jr. IV-
R Dearing 81, C Wood 78, W Stewart
77, 1 honors); L Boyle 72, L M Fra •ne 71,
C Heywood 71, C Pickard 70, It Bissett
60. No. on roll 31, average 30.
C. Vosper, Teacher.
Sr. 111.---R Wood 91, Al Acheson 92.
L Snell 92, \V Heideman 1)2, J Seldon
92, I Rivers 91, M Carling 89, H Snell
87, It Fleming 87, S Southcott 80, I
Hardy 83, A Jackson 82, L Treble 81, N
Jones 80, F Brock 78, V Easter brook
70, (honors); F' McPhersou 74, A Bever-
ley 71, 0 Hurdon (ii, V Rowe 60. Jr.
111. -M Jones 92, 13 Quance 60, 1 Sweet
87, E Harvey 80, M Blatchford 78, A
MacKay 78, L Harvey 76, 0 Anderson
73. (honors); B Walker 72,31 Holden 72,
R Howe 66, L Taylor 03, L Marchand
64, T Fear 63. No. on roll 50, average
44. -Elsie A McCallum, Teacher.
Sr. IL -F Howe 92, H Rivers 88, E
Day 2, WAlanson 81, J Follick 81, A
Knight 81, V Knott 70,(honors); A Day
68, HHowelifTe (17, W. Mack 65 Jr. 11,
•J Brick wood 87, •MCase 83, •M Senior
83, •A Bell t33, •M Sutallacombe 822, •M
Hey_ wood 82,•L Handford 77, •M Hicks
76, F Bowey 75. (honors); E Homey 73,
G Richardson 73,'13 Hodgert 72,J Craig
60. II Parsons 69, %V K ydd 66, 'W
Mitchell. Those with a ' prefixed to
their names have been promoted to
the Sr. class. No. on roll 41; average -
H. M. Kinsman, Teacher
Mid. II. --M Seldon 90, 1 Delye 87. P
Jackson 86, F Wood 80, G Ortwein 79,
D Holden 77, S MCFalls 71. Jr. 11--B
Homey 411, 1) Kunz 88, A Davis 88, A
Johns 87. 0 Wells 86, G Fitton 83, A
Carter SS, E Disney 73, 0 Ford (38. Sr.
Pt Ii. -J Bagshaw 82, F Fanson SI), W
Davis 711, M Russell 68, A Mitchell 65.
Jr. Part i1. -M Walker 82, M Mot•lock
80, L Walker78, W Jacobi 75, V Welsh
68, 0 Kelly 6l. Pt.1.-C Mallot 90, L
Dearing 87, V Sweet 85, A Cornish 78,
E McKay 73, C Morley 70. No. on roll
49, average 44.-M. V. Martin, teacher
Jr. iI. to Sr. 1L -M Huston 01,.1 Fer-
guson 80, F Neil 8R, Sr. Pt. 11. to .1r.
11.-U Vincent 91, M Harness S3, 1,
Zuefle 81, M Gladman an, D White 77.
Jr. Pt. 1I. to Sr. Pt. 11.-E Johns, M
I),ty. Class 1 to Sr. Part 11. --M Hardy
M Patterson. ToclasslV. --M Kidd,
If Boyle, \V Rendle, J Norsworthy, 0
Carling. To class 111.-B Oeuld, M
Lloyd. To class I1, -M llartleitt, 1
Zuefle, E ('sok. No. on roll 12, average
xi, -F. W. Howard, Teacher.
Correspondents Take Notice
in view of the fact that New Years
Day comes on Wednesday this pa-
per will be published on the Tues-
day previous and correspondents
will kindly send in their budgets
so as to nr'rive not later than Tues-
day morning. Do not forget this.
The concert in the basement of St.
Patrick's church on Thar•sday night
last was a complete success. A fea-
ture of the program worthy of special
mention was the drills given by the
children. tetlecting much credit on
both children and Mrs. itacey who in-
structed therm. it may he said that
this was without exception the best
concert ever held under the same aus-
pices. Mr. Marshall Miller of JlcGil•
iivray 'made it pleasing chairman in
the absence of Mr. Fox. who unavoid-
ably could not attend. The proceeds
amounted to $13.45. -The' concert in
connection with 8. 8. No. It. Biddulph,
on Friday afternoon was a most en•
joyable affair to all who were fnrtun-
atP to be present. The program con-
sisted of readings, vocal selections,
drills bv the children, etc. A special
feature of the occasion was the pres-
entation of a beautiful silver fruit dish
and pickle cruet by the pupils of the
school to the teacher, Miss NellieJam-
ieson, who is about to sever her con-
nection with the school. These
beautiful gifts were accompanied by a
flattering address, expressive of their
regret at her leaving. The program
Ower luncheon was served to which all
did ample justice. -Wm. Carter of
Detroit is visiting relatives here. Ed-
gar Smith of Arthur is spending the
holidays with his parents iter.,- Th,pa.
Care. wife and family of Hamioti,
Man.. are here spending the winter
among old fr iends.Mr. Sidney Hod-
gins. we are sorry to report, is very
ill wieh pneumonia.
London, Dec. Z - John Strang, in•
mate of the asylum. broke away from
a party today and drowned himself
in the reservoir of the instiwtion. He
dived through a hole in the ice and
disappeared. The body Ras not found
for 15 minutes. He wos sent from
Kipla-n A wear ago As not dangerous'.
lie RA! A farmer And became mentally
unhaltr,re owing to the death of his
w.fe. Twice before he attempted
The Many
Thames Road
DE-tThl.-The sad and sudden death
occurred on Friday, Dee. 20, of one of
Usborne's bright and promising young
men, Wilbur Passmore, son of Mr.and
Mrs. Thomas Passmore, aged 30 years,
4 months and 18 days. The young man
had been ill for about a year of pernic-
ious anaemia, supposed to have h c n
contracted by hard work and studious
habits while engaged in the Stratford
Collegiate Institute. When he came
home in December last he was very ill
but during the following summer he
improved considerably and appeared
to be gaining. The illness returned
somewhat ice t he autumn and although
he had been up and about he was not
in the hest of health. The end carne
very suddenly while he was in the
kitchen, shortly after bidding good
bye to sotne friends who bad been vis-
iting at the home. The sympathy of
the many friends is extended to the
family. The funeral took place to the
Exeter cemetery Monday afternoon.
Xmas. Entertainment.
The annual -l" mas. entertainment of
the Sunday School of the Trivitt Me -
moria) church was a most gratifying
success and will goon record as the hest.
ever held under these auspices. The
attendance was large but not so large
as it other wise would have been had
the weather been more favorable. The
Rector Rev. D. %V. Collins occupied
the chair in his usual happy and pleas-
ing manner and the program, which.
with few exceptions, was given by the
scholars of the school, consisting of
Xmas. Carols, songs, drills, dialogues,
readings, etc., was one of delight to all.
The military and physicial exercises
by twenty boys in uniform, under the
instruction of Seargea tit Major Hector
were admirably performedand brought
forth round after roun1 of applause.
The little fellows deserve the highest
praise for the excellent manner in
which they did the work, reflecting
much credit on both the boys and
their instructor. The violin and cor•
net duets by Miss Jertuetand Mr,\Vm.
Berry were enthusiastically encoured
as was also the drills by the girls. The
farce comedy was a splendid number,
showing the Latent talent in the young-
er element of our population to be of
no mean ortler. There were many oth-
er members worthy of special men-
tion, but space will not permit of fur-
ther comment. A special feature of
the event was the presentation of a
medal to Sergeant ajor Ilector by N.
D. Hurdon on behalf of his son Errick
for the painstaking efforts and trouble
Mr. Hector had shown towards per-
fecting them in the drill. The accom-
bpaniments throughout were furnished
y Mr. Brown the organist and were
excellently supplied. Tbe entertain-
ment teas brought to a close by all sing-
ing God Save the King. The proceeds
amounted to $36.
\VEDDIVriv--One of the prettiest
weddings of the season was (tuietlp
celebrated at the home of Mrs. T. N.
Ilayter, when her daughter Mise Sadie
gave her heart and hand to Mr. Roy
Brothers of Winnipeg. The interesting
event took place on Wednesday. Dec.
18, and the ceremony was performed
by Rev. Newton, Rector of Grace
church and was witnessed bv only a
few intimate friends. Miss lladie has
been holding a vety lucrative position
as stenographer in Hamilton. The
bride was most daintily attired in an
exquisite wedding robe and presented
a most charming appearance. After
the ceremony and congratulations
were over the company adjourned to
the dining room where a most tempt-
ing repast was pat taken of. The bride
received many beautiful gifts. After
tea the happy couple took the evening
train to eastern points to spend their
honeymoon. Tbe best wisbes of a host
of friends are theirs for bright and
prospeonns married life.
TURNBBULL,-In t'stor•ne Tp„ on Dec.
18, to Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Turnbull
a son,
IlieTZEL-In Stephen, Dec.13, to John
Hirt zel and wife a daughter.
The Rev. Irl R. Hicks 1908
is ready for delivery and excels alt
former editions in !sanity and value.
The cower is a beautiful design in col-
ors, the entire book is full of fine half
tones. astronomical engravings and
interesting matter. it contains the
Hicks weather forcaats complete for
the whole year. finely illustrated. The
price by mail is 35 cents. on News -
Stands': -0) cents. Word and Works.
the Hew. irl Il. Hicks fine nxmthly
magazine. contains all his weather
forecasts from month to month, to•
gether with a vast amount of the crest
family reading. The prier' is $1 n year
and one almanac Roes with each sob -
script ion.
utrscription. Address, Wind and Warks
Plrthshing Co.. 2201 Locust Street. St.
iouis, Missouri. Write for rate on
almanacs in quantities. Agent' want-
FINK-WESTCO9T-In Hamilton, Dec.
18, by Rev. Ten Eyck, Geo. Fink.
to Mtss Olive, daughter of John T.
Westcott of Hamilton, formerly of
STA\LAKE-PoILTI:it-At the Main et.
parsonage, by ltev. Fear, on Dec.
21st, Silas Stanlake, Jr., of Stephen,
to Miss Mariah Mai ie Porter of Hay,
formerly of Clinton.
\'.rises-Butinrrr-At the Metho-
dist parsonage, Mitchell. on Dec. 18,
by ltev. Garbutt, Miss Mary Burritt,
Mitchell, to Geo. Watson, of Wil-
REA-KNox-At the rectory. Kirkton.
Dec. 17, Merton T. Rea to Miss Nel-
lie Knox, both of Blanshard.
TAYLOR -LEAft--At Hallett, Dec. 19,
Mr. Taylor of Blyth, to Miss Gertie,
second daughter of E. Lear, Hullett,
BROTHERS -1IAYTER-On Dec. 18, at
the residence of the bride's mother,
Miss Sadie. daughter of Mrs. T. N.
Hayter, Harpley, to Roy Brothers,
FLYNN-SCOTT-At Methodist Par-
sonage, Corbett. on Dec. 11, Miss
Edith Scott, daughter of Adam
Scott. to George Flynn, both of Mc-
PAsastontti-In Usborne, Dec. 20, Wil-
bur Passmore, son of Thos. Pass-
more, aged 30 years. 4 months. 18
ELLiOT-At Yorkton, Sask.. Dec. 17,
Gifford Elliot, barrister, second son
of the late 13. V. Elliot, Exeter, in
his 02nd year.
STRANG-1n London, on Dec. 21st.,
John Strang, of Tuckersmith, aged
40 years.
STEWART-At Fortieth Dec. 22. Wm -
H. Stewart, aged 30 years. 9 months-
BIiLL-in Hibbert, on the 17th inst.,
Maxwell 13e11, aged 84 year..
TlIlniteA ftala< fnMerlM
,d, alit aAa ,01 1a k A.,1,A k
United States Subscribers
Take Notice.
The United States Subscribers
to the ADVOCATE: are now
aware of the fact that we have
to pay lc. postage on each paper
going into United States. This
means 52c. in a year. Conse-
quently the price to subscribers
in United States is $1.50 a year,
and as we must pay the postage
in advance, so we must ask our
subscribers to pay in advance.
Many subscribe's have already
renewed for next year, saying
they cannot do without the
ADVOCATE, even if they do pay
postage. Kindly remit at once.
11 'means much to us to have
your early remittance, and will
avoid delay at the first of the
P. O. Older or Express Order
NIis the best way to remit.
111/^11" 1NiF 'WV" VrAir
Clubbing Rates
We can equal any club-
bing rate offered. Call
and see.
Why Not Escape Colds?
. The new way
The old way to cur
a cold.
('r'!sE-A- Cote
Put up in cap-
sules. Harm-
less and easy
to take.
, Price 2oe.abox
only by
W. S. Howey, Pima. B.
l ha alis' autt Optician. Exeter.
Watches, Jewellery, Silverware, Toilet
Sets, Etc., Etc.,
has just been opened up and we may
safely say that this is the finest stock
that has ever been shown in Exeter.
Our Coods are at Prices
They Will Suit You
Call and Examine Early
Exeter, Ont.
STROat[R COMUtNteO 18 081. tele.
Christmas Gids.
Self -stropping
Safety Razor
A Complete Outfit $5.00
Including Stropping Safety
Razor, twelve certified blades
one first quality hoise hide strop
-----all in handsome leather ('ase
Razors 75c to 1.50 Razor Strops 25r, to 1.50
Carvers 50c to 1.75 per pr. Carvers 2.25 to 4.50 per cage
Rifles 1.00 to 4.50 Shot Guns 88.00 to 15.00
!Skates GO to 5.00 Hockey sticks 10c to 45c.