HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-12-19, Page 8t WELL 1 DRESSED 1 The well (tressed man is the suc- cessful 111 .n of the day. A good appears• counts for a great deal in these particular times, and a little care about neat and well fit- ting garments is one of the best in- vestments a young man can make. Have 'our clothes made to order. We melee the kind of Suits and Overeoat- that gives a man that "well al t e .>;ed" appearance so muchdesired. We make the Clothes to fit the man. W. W. TAMAN Merchant Tailor, Exeter, Ontario Business locals -- Read Them Oranges from 15c. to OOc. a dozen at Stathaum's. 50e. each !or -Hen's fancy Ties; put up in fancy -huts. boxes. Stewart's. We make a specialty of holly and mistletoe. Pretty and appropriate for decoration. Follick's. Our dianiend rings make a beautiful present foe your lady friend; see then'. A. Marchand, 30c , 60e. and 76c. for Ladies' Fancy Collars, put up ii fancy Xmas. boxes; splendid for presents. Stewart's. $(G.75,t•.r Ladies' swell Fur -Lined Jackets; lint throughout ..ritle hamster fur and collar and rereers of sable. Go to Follick's for your Xmas Cakes -from 15c. to 25e. a lb. Cutters tor Sale. A car load of McLaughlin cutters for sale. Beet on the market and the price reasonable.-W.G. Bissett. Oysters by the bulk or served in any style at Statham's. We have jewellry to suit everybody in both q.rality and price. Examine our stock. -A. Marchand. $8.00 fro- Ladies' lorely Stone Marlin neck fur, lona and full. $7 for pillow rail/ to rnntr/r. They're swell. Stewart's. Dr. Overs Croatia`. Dr. Ovens, London, Eye and Ear Surgeon, will be at the Commercial Hotel, Exeter, on Saturday, December 'Lith. Grasses properly fitted:and die - easel) of Eye, Ear and Nose treated. For confectionery, chocolates and candies go to Follick's. Always fresh. Get your Marriage Licenses at the l.dvocate office. Choice Bonbons in fancy boxes at E. Hardy's. Make pretty presents. 35c. for lorely satin -finished china fruit dish, sold decorate(!. Stewart's. Horse and Lot for Sate. A story and half brick house, good stable. i acre land, hard and soft water. situated on Andrew street. Apply to D. Itowcliffe at the grist mill. What is nicer for a Xmas present than s ni .e flowering plant. Folllck has some beauties. Marriage Licenses issued at the Ad- vocate office. Fresh oyster at E. Hardy's. )touee to Rent On %Villi tin street, brick story and half drat -fling, in good state of repair. Apply to Mrs. Perkins. 25r., 35e. and 50e..t piece !Or lorely se.rt< lorely surd ireful pieces of Present glue.. Dandy far presents. Stewart's. Our oranges are best, '2 e. to 000. per dozen. Follick's. DONT MONK EV VITH TIIAT COUGH use IIu%VEY'S SVItI'P WHITE PiNE. and TAR sold only at Howey'- Drug Store. Big bottle for 25e, •1' Who ils Your Tailor To be test dressed d.,esn't mean to pray most. Jest ibecaiise a ru.in pays A big price for his clothes doeeiet make theta leek good. The nee serial may be the fletest.hot the IP. 111.1' net be tight. AI. ways the latest and test fabrics of the moment are here. Oar txil•ning is first- r1.ea anti 1'111 prices within reach of a1I. W. JOHNS ( • arilFir 'o►'firrelifi e 1 al It C k ' ill at his house. . r. . roc er as ` LOCAL 1"iiJ ' '. 4 TllL EXETI•It' HAIIAALNlti OItE. \Ire. . J. Heitman elite! tallied a number of friends very pleasantly un Thursday evening. The Main street League visited the James street League Tuesday evening and furnished a gond program. Those who have been attending the Model at Goderich have returned, and the result of the examination will be known shortly. C. E. Hackney's sale owing to the inclement weather was postponed from last Saturday to next Saturday. See advertisement. The marriage of Geo. Hodgins of Winnipeg, formerly of Exeter, and Miss Jennie Christina Stephenson of Winnipeg took place on the 18th. No service was held in the Main street church Sunday evening owing to the James street anniversary. The pastor, ;rev. Fear took part in the ser- vice. The newly elected officers of the James street League are: Pres., W. S. Cole; 1st V. P., Martin Salter; 2nd V. P., Cora Prior; 3rd V. P., Dr. Rotd- ston; 4th V. P., Gertie Harvey; Sec'y- Treas., J. M. Southcott; Organist, Miss Brown. Saturday was "Tax Day" and many a man had a more or fess difficult time raising the necessary "dust" to satisfy the municipal demands. It is not be- cause the people are not worth the money but they simply haven't the ready cash. The Free Press says. -"The King's Hotel, Kingsville, has been purchased by Win. Brundage of that town." The hotel is at present run by Thos. Oke, formerly of Exeter. whose term does not expire until one year and four months from now. Business in town was paralyzed on Saturday by the heavy wind and snow storm that prevailed all day. The storm was equal in intensity to any- thing experienced all last winter. Sun- day morning however, the wind went down and a quiet fall of snow made excellent sleighing. Business this week is in consequence very brisk. At the regular meeting of Lebanon Forest Lodge, No. 133, A. F.&. A. M.. held Monday night, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year : Bro. W. W. Taman, W. M.; Bro. D. W. Collins, S. W.; Bro. It. N. Creech. J. W.; Bro. A. H. Going, Chap.; Bro. Jos. Davis, Treas.; Bro. C. H. Sanders, Sec.; Bro. S. Sweet, Tyler. The officers will be installed in their respective offices December 27. The Alumni Christmas Entertain- ment under the auspices of the Trivitt Memorial church will be held in the Opera House on Monday evening, Dec.23rd at 8 o'clock. The program consists of Drills, Dialogues, Recita- tions. Carols. etc. The military and physical exercise drill by twenty boys under the instruction of Sergeant Major Hector will be well worth see- ing. Admission adults 15e., children IOc.. S. S. scholars admitted free. Messrs. Kurtz & McLean of Strat- ford are in financial difficulties. The company has assigned to the London & Western Trusts Company. The company was formed last April with a nominal capital of $10,000 In 1400 shares, 212 of which were subscribed. There is said to be a mortgage of $10,000 on the property. Mr. Kurtz will be remembered as residing in Ex- eter during the summer of 1000. vain- ly endeavoring to snake the "carry all" automobile he brought to town for Reeve Dobler work right. The Fonthill Nurseries, of Stone and Wellington, with head offices in the Gooderham building, 40 Wellington Street, East, Tot -onto, are the leading nurseries of Canada. Having over 800 acres of land. situated on the Niagara Penins[ of Canada, devoted to the colter: of nrsery stock, and selling at whnlesal to otherurseries, as well as a eta throe Tinckt at strived iu '. e . stopping at th C booking orders, for No. 1 stock on for next spring's delivery. Eve strawberries. raspberries, black currants, etc., can only be sold spring delivery. Recently we recttiv �e.l an interesting letter from a fortne}�xeter boy, Fred Jeckell, who is one of( the best ers that ever left the old the time of writing he w ip New Mexico. Gallup is • 'n th Diabo mountains, and even in that warm country they frequently have a fall of snow to a depth of eight inches. Regarding the game of the country he says some of the sports of Exeter would be delighted to ere the numer- ous deer, mountain lions (12 feet tip to tips, large timber wolf, black and brown bears, coyotes, silver-grey fox. and the rattle -snake and owl that live in the same hole. From Gallup he was about to leave by usage for St. Michael's Indian school, fifty miles across the state of Arizona. He wish• ed to be remembered to old friends. Remember us --headquarters far all kinds of confectionery for Xmas tiade -Statham's. Select your present of a piece of Jewellry or a watch or clock from the biggest and best stock in town which you wilt find at A. Marchand's The finest lot of Xmas. Oranges at E. Hardy's-2 dozen fur '25c., or :etc. 25e, 30c. 35c. 40e. 50c. OOc. per dozen. Par. for Salt. NIA acre farm, situate west of the G. T. H. and north of the salt block. Exe- ter. Terms easy. Apply A. Q. !loftier.The children of Grace Church Sun- day Scheol, SOMA, are working hard preparing for their annus) Xmas. Tree Entertainment Xmas Eve. in Hibbert Town hall. Candies and ell kinds of confection - et y galore at E. Hardy's. Lion -bons ranging, in pike from 25c. to $1.00 at Statflanl P. $1.50 each for lorely bleached fable carers, 2,} yards long, $1.::i for 3 yds. long. Make useful ere -elite Stewart'.. Have you thought of a suitable ('hristmes present for your boy or girl who is awn}? Send the Amex -Ave for et scar. it will be very acceptable. std►'•+ Far I. rod Between 't Fx•rr and Ha . nil a long brown lady's fur. Find.1 will to re- warded by leaving at this atter.1 thr b. it 'Amadei. f Tho their agents, heir agent. Mr. to, has recently r a short tim ral hotel and Christmas Cheap Sale of Jewellery nntl Fancy Goods suitable for Christ- mas (afts. All goes for half price; also a stock of clothes, tweeds and ready-made clothiug, tried 15 men's overcoats to go for half price. This will be a Rattling Bargain Sale and will continue for three days, Saturday 'list and Monday and Tuesday, 23rd and 24th December. The balance of the stock must be cleared out. The store will be closed for two days this week, Thursday and Friday, and the Big Bargain Sale will commence Sat- urday morning at 10 o'clock. -J. W. Broderick. Dog Lost or Stolen. Fox terrier pup, white, brown ears, brown spot over eyes, answers to the name of Pete, Any person returning EXETER MARKETS. CHANGED EACH WEDNESDAY Wheat Barley 54) Oats 38 Peas 75 Potatoes, per bag 50 Hay, per ton 12 00 Flour, per cwt., fatuity Flour, low grade per cwt Butter E s Dried apples Livehogs, per cwt Shorts per ton Bran per ton Turkeys ... .. Geese Ducks Chicken Hens 1 30 22 t►0 d0 40 80 75 1400 135 24 0 5 •0 2.200 20 00 10 11 '7 8 7 8 8 0 5 0 hint or giving information that will lead to bis recovery will be suitably rewarded. -A. 11. Going. A System School. The Clinton Business College enjoys a provincial reputation for adopting X1111 prccnis the tnost modern office work, Their 8 latest acquisition is the Loose Leaf I d ed 1 t d to whole - .e ger, now us ►y up- o• a sale houses. A very interesting ad- vertisement of this High Grade School appears on page four. Members Tale Notice. The members of Court Exeter, Exet- er, No. 123, I. O. F., are particularly requested to attend the regular meet- ing of this lodge on Friday evening, Dec. 27th, for the purpose of electing officers and the transaction of other very important business. Let there be a full attendance. G. E. Anderson, It. S. Died in London. Mrs. Patrick McPhillips, one of the best-known and most highly -esteemed residents of London. passed away at her home, 510 Princess avenue, on Dec. 10th. The late Mrs. McPhillips was a native of Ireland, and came to this country more than half a century ago. settling near 'Toronto. Later she moved to Exeter, and from they e to this city 24 years ago. She is surviv- ed by five sons and three daughters - Messrs. Peter, William, Frank. James and Joseph; Mrs. McPhillips. of Win- nipeg; Mrs. George Kidd, of Sioux City. Iowa, and Miss Clara, at home. The late Patrick McPhillips, who died several years ago. was a son. Many Exeter people will remember 11rs. Mc- Phillips. The funeral was held in London on Friday. School Board Minutes. The regular monthly session was held Tuesday in the office of Mr. Mar- tin, absent F. Wood. The following are the items submitted and approved: Minutes of previous meeting. Howe - Martin -that the Inspector's report be accepted. Carling -Rowe -that the Board cannot eee their way to a re- vision of the salary list to effect cur- rent contracts. Martin -Huston -that the following accounts be approved: Dr. Kinsman, Tamp, $1; Jas. Beverly, book ease, 85: J. A. Stewart, soda, 20c; It. Dinney, oiling floors, $3. Carling adjournment. -J. Grigg, Sec'y. Notes from the inspector's Report: School roof leaks, repairs necessary; class rooms, heating, ventilation, out- buildings and grounds are in good con- dition; organization. decipline and de- portment of pupils creditable to both teachers and pupils; pupils work satis- factory and good progress; teaching efTectiye and methodical; the school and its work first-class in every re- spect. N.B.-These notes are contrib- uted with the above report unknown to the Board.-J.G. A Poor Aggregation. Seldom -if ever -has the stage of the Opera House here been besmirch- ed with such an aggregation of misfits and minstrel mistakes as that which held forth on Thursday night last un- der the title of The Bert Lane Minstrel Co►npeny. The patronage was liberal, many occupying seats that cost fifty cents, which, considering the quality of the entertainment (?) would be dear at ten cents. say nothing of the waste of time. From any viewpoint whatever the production was a contin- ied conglomeration of odds and ends -well nothing, even disgusting the tle children. There was not the mblance of an actor in the whole wd of over twenty. and those to in the work was assigned were ore like a lot of miners or chant - (nyder cooks than a company of en- ainers. The singing ton lent no tris to the test of the horseplay. was simply awful. In fact it is little ort of criminal to ififlict on an midi - nee. it must be said. however. that P orchestra selections were good, and t to serve as the only redeeming ire and retaining the crowd to the el, but the performance in itself was dr below what the public were led .,o expert that it was a distinct case of fraud. }iow tench an aggregation ex- ists on the road is a mystery. Exeter- ites will certainly long remember the Lane Minstrels as the most consum- mate fraud that ever struck the town. PERSONAL. Miss Effie Treble has returned from London. Miss ida Hutchinson of London is visiting here. Miss Sadie Walker left Tuesday to visit in London. Miss Nortna Dottier left ye'tetday to visit in London. Mr. John Quance is here from Snow- flake on a visit. Mr. John Taylor is visiting in F:xeter North from Michigan. Miss Merril (Meld, milliner, has re• touted from Milverton. Mr. Richard Seldon of Ingersoll vis- ited his son. It. G. Seldon last week. Mise Olive !fern is spending the hol- ideys with her brother in Norwich. Mrs. Hooper of Palmerston is visit• ing Mrs. S. Davis, London ltd. South. Mrs. !)emp•ey (nee Miss i)orrington) of heel Deer. Alta.. visited friends here during the week. Mr. Chas. Dyer left Wednesday for Windsor and from there he will re- turn to Amherstburg to resume his position in the Maisons Rank. Mrs. F. W. Collins left this morn- ing (Thin-odeyr for near Brantford where she intends remaining the guest of her brother•in•law, itev. J. H. l'ol- lin.. for the winter. before joining her son in Winnipeg. where she intends n►skinit her fnrnre horse. She lease. t.e•t washes f.,r a met ry t'hristrnas and happy New Veer t' x11. The kind that brings cheer to the heart of the one who gives, as well as the one who receives. Dainty, Artistic, Useful and Ornamental Gifts in choice ebony goods, in toilet and manicure sets, hair brushes. mir- rors, etc. Fine Stationery, Perfumed Soaps, Kodaks, Etc. Special attention to our lines of Christmas Perfumes The fittest selection anywhere,com- prising allthe most popular odors in bulk, from the leading perfunt- et s as well as imported Perfumes in beautiful boxes, making very suitable presents at astonishing low prices. Cole's Drug Store Mrs. W. D. Clark is visiting in Lon- don. Mrs. Wm. Barrows has returned from a visit in Detroit. Mrs. 1V. J. Heatnan visited in Lon- don Saturday and Sunday. Mr. IV. 5loncur of Guelph spent Saturday and Sunday with bus parents here. Mr. Sam Sander's arrived borne Sun- day from a several months stay in the Northwest. Mr. J. P. Clarke of Winnipeg spent part of the past week shaking hands with old friends in town. Miss Edith Robinson of Tacoma, Washington State, arrived here Satur- day to visit relatives for some time. Mrs. D. J. Christie of Lachute, Que- bec, is the guest of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bagshaw. Miss Evelyn Gill of Toledo, Ohio, arrived here last week to spend the holidays with her father, Mr. Frank 0111. Mr. John Cudmore of Crystal City, Man., arrived here Friday night to spend some time. Mr Harry Cudmore, wife and son Fred accompanied him. "STOP AND REELECT" it may save you smite money and make someone else happy. Our ex- tremely low prices on HA IR. CLOTHES AND HAT BID 'STIES ANI) MIRRORS will save you many a good peony if you'll only examine theta and buy of us. it's worth while reflecting when I yoei consider our large stock and how cheap we bargained for it. W. S. HOMEY, Phm. B. 4'he►uiA and optician ',rWM'ler Mr lir AIWV' NV'Pi LADIES! ATTENTION Your reputation as corks will depend largely upon the materials you select for your R Xmas. Baking 4 You have the right to de- mand the hest. This may he difficult in some respects but as regards tient, yon can make no mistake in using HARVEY'S 1 STAR FLOUR For your tread, in order to sap{ illv you with this popular FAMILY FLO('it we have just received six Carloads of highlv•gradcd MANiTOIIA %VIIEAT. Our Pastry Pinar "PRIy.:ESS" will give you splendid satis- faction for y•uir p.e,try. HARVEY BROS. le E:1' leI ,►NTAi R) ilk AI Aft At ik As Abu& .4Ik 1 T. xAwxxrrs & BON We wish you all A Merry Christmas and ' A Happy New Year. T. HAwKINS & SON. Did it Ever Occur to You that the way to succeed in business is to handle the lines which the people want? And I can tell you right now that you will bunt a long while before you will find anything to eclipse the MAGNIFICENT LINE OF FURNITURE we carry. It is up.to-date in every particular and is the best paying line for any buyer. Call and inspect our stock before purchasing. ROWE & ATKINSON The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors. JONES & CLARK PHONE NO. 82 E.--1 11,11„--;11 ro„, w r JONES & CLARK Headquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing XMAS. BARGAINS Buy your Xmas. presents at this store and save money. A big stock of suitable goods for Xmas. gifts. Come and have a look through, we want you to see what we are doing and get few prices, because they are light. Suitable Gifts for Ladies Fancy Collars The most h-rantiful showing of dainty rollers we have ever displayed. Come and see them. }'rice :rk., 7'.c. $l. Kid Moves Almost every lady appreciates a pair of god wearing k id gloves and that's the kind we •:ell; every pair guaranteed Mere and eolored. Price :31 and $1.21 Fancy Belts in Silk. Leather and Elastic. in all the popular shade'. Prices 25 and :r4 rents. Fancy Leather (land thew-: also fan cv 'tartan Silk flag--; makes a air.' 1 i looking present :., woeful nth'. Pricer,7...•.. I. 1 .'.•.. 81 :or. w{ 4 4 Suitable Gifts for Gentlemen Ment Fine Kid Gloves in Mocho'e, Swede and Dressed Kid, lined end un- lined. Pi ice $1 and $l.241 Neckwear A )riObt showing of Bows. Four•in• Hand, Knots ann Strings in all the new shades. Price 21 to 50 cents. A suitable gift for gentleman is a fancy box containing a pair fine Frac- res, pair armlets, pair hone supporters all for 75e. t'aecy Mufflers in Black or calors, Targe size, Ireauti- ful fine goods. Price $1 and $I.2.. Mufflers in Silk or Matin (shaped Taney enlnreel lining. )'rice 50 and 75". `\ 1.1,1 ,I4 C NONCE