HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-12-19, Page 6A SA AFFAIR AT COBALTLEADING_!ARKETS Two Children of Mr. and Mrs. F. Hewitt Burial in Bed. A despoil) fr. in ('• `- :t rel ' ,•1nesday filo mid \Its. 1.. 1! .tt . • absent from their leer. • .. , .• took Ht enol (heir' too !•'!'• • h,ldren, Slay ant ioet il, seed1, 1Lvely' three and !t rr r. :ti each others el ill led. 'fir. i,• ;:..,: was a board 1 I.17,sli etcd with lar paper, and turn- .,; rnhid1 . \\'ill;iig h�t .utdsork- . ,' I.• ..:lily in great danger, but one (•: the children was deal iefort 1,'at at,osi t., \\'n:. i•:hnstolt.. :..,us. :see ' t : !Cation. 'I:.. tic when loth .: the fire starter. pretty Mlle t::` • :. .:. i ., i Toronto, Due. 17. -Manitoba wheat - No. 1 Fiorillo -1e u►out nominal ut $1.13; Ns. 2 northern, $1.07!;; No. 3 t:crl!r . !Is $1.04: feed wteat, 62e; No. 2 fool. ..o., 1. 5ic•, lake ports. 1•sr---Ontario winter wheat paten's :, : , v,orl, $3.G:, tusked, $3.(() Ltd. Ma- e,.:•.,:, pa:sits. steeiul Lrt,ni, $5.80 fo sr. seconds, $5.2e; c'., itg bakers, *5.10. 'Issas) wheal - No. 2 while cr rod, + 95c. outside; No. 2 mixed, 1r2c . ,. -:de; goose, Mc. 1 • 1 No. 1. 704; to 72c; No. 2, fie \o. :1 extra, tee.: (•, f>ic. i. N.. . elite, 433eic, outs:de; se..• rift ,,.;•.•.41.. r., , Ii . 1.,• .s 1i. �t i,al(tc 1 - : rl moi,I!•(., :,rrv.d :•:.<,u alter taro-- \ . , ,•'.v American, 703;c •i :., c11l:hren %%ere IvoM tri 71e, .1.•:.,,,i., ;elides; nevili No. 3 - Lad g;I i t tae. 1-.1•'' , t , . , •,t . 1; i 14G to ti:/0,da1tve1 y utter tan. with cvu'ylott; .n town. A (0.1, , !•..11 ts beteg taken • 1, Lebalf of the st'- esters. and lite cittse:.s are resfwnd(,ng .1c,.,:ly. FIRE .t'I' OUI- YIEC. I'1 ur Hurl by an l:splusiun in a Burn- ing Binning). .\ s S lost. Peterborough says: Tit ,i_,;. :r;us fire in the history o' U...e' ! :ose out on Friday morn - his l_.. ,-.• el. and raged till day - let's s. S12,(100 worth of damage Def•- r, I: was , linally extinguished. An esp.. - nut one of fhe burning build- ing- !wily Injured four men. who had n r!.. acetous escape from death. The injured are: 1'. A. McPherson, local teenager Dell 'Telephone; Frank Bogue. 1ligh Schou! student; Chas. \IcCaflery, end \Vtn. \f^Pherson. The lire starlei in W. 11. Stevenson's tinware store on King street, the principal street in the village, rind the buildings burned are ns foUaw,: W. 11. Steven's tinware Moro. boss 4,5100, NO Lr trance. Gee. Griffin. merchant tailor. Less on build- ing $1.500; c:,nteils saved. alas -owe (tall; los. $2,000. Mrs. Merris, dwel- ling house, dauiago SL,00CJ: insurance 51.U00. The public library, situated within two feet- of the hest-naute:l build- ing. \v:•s caved by the efforts cf the vit- btg:er- v th a Wand 'rnen,'. 3• G.T.R. MIST (:111_! 11 a-t:G\T It.1'17:. An 1i' «irlatt Decision ity the 1 uprente Court. ,. !;,tett from Ottln•.:1 ,,: 'fit. ur ::.e too• (:cl delivered on r` •clan ju:,igment on Friday in dist:. - th uppenl of tit:• Gi: iid Trunk y. It. ! The e';urt v.. uanincou:-. 'I! - was 111 appeal (1-' Iu 1:..• <hci !.,u f Itrlilway (•rnluission, t'.:• , (;rand 'Trunk It :;;e.:,. was bound t , r., , !i::! i • . - - clution • .. !n._ .., 'Termite ... ,,,o • r::'.-. irate. 'Its 110.4 111111V., \ 11 S 1 ! 1 . and :.t,14'.. was put off the te: &eught in the c't.it.-. ('c•nlpany ' . seeded .:i liken free. 1 .,• ,'. •'11 t(I,tien Ito! • t e • I that the ch::rt. r ply Ihir,i 1. !•u)- re 1,e•u ! SIAM:FACTURE Or BORING. Montreal (tan Fined Tao Hundred Col- lars for Imitating Butter. A despat:h from M,.tl.real say's: Jean Kelckider, - manufacturer of ''ix:rino,'. was on Wednesday prosecuted before Pudge Pichc in the Police Court on a charge of infringing the law regard- ing butter, in so far that he manufac- ture:l the preparakon "Lorin." which C0111(1 IA' mistaken for butter and was not bitter. (k,vernment Inspector Mac- Pherson testified that he sent two sam- ples of "Iwrino," procured from a gro- cery firm In the city, to Ottawa, where the Government analyst, Mr. Yalen, found them to consist of cotton seed oil, beef lar and a small quantity of milk. with coloring added. Kciski(!er was tined $2C0. PAY 1'Olt DE -D CIIILDR N. ttoche'latga School Commissioners Settle Suits for Damages. .\ drq)atch Inn \iont'cal says: Al n meeting cif the Protestant Board of School Commissioners on Thursday nnorntne. it was decided to pay the par•enle .1 (he children who lost their lives in !tie Ilcrhelaga School fir • tact \•inter the stun of S3f0 for each child. Teo weans the outlay of 54.800, ex -ht - o• of the expenses of the Anderson suit. The Chairman. (rev. Dr. Shaw. remount -et that the Three new schools that were being erected by the hoard were not ' my fireproof, but were being equipped with fire escapes. 1SL0 Ci.IILDREN PFRIell. House '100k Fire tturin(g the \teller's • !; • ! Abscnre. .. l;• . • ,'-, n 1 ines I. '•:,•t, A despatch from Montreal says: Two ,. !:,.,.t -c•1:,-- like: children. one aged Iwo years and the ,.:1. !tt'eh••. \o„. `'e"' a baby, belonging to Mrs. ilelle- I ill the , . , - ' , •f Bushervil!e, near Easl (:lines). i soled to death on Tuesday night. 'i• I 1 r `,err left the children in the house • • „ o -!,•• went to a neighbor's on a 11,,,i 1„ : li • `- , \\hen she returned the house .11 J! Ines. and the fire Ind gained st.rh I:r:rlw:,y' ihat all efforts 1'o save the childr• e futile. The mother nude frantic • ff• its to resew her children. and was eeriously-Lurtistl in the attempt. • :Nodal cgs fit eI .is. ot in iia, now; - • • me lA iirt. 1111: i\l;I:\Iftt i4 10`aa. 1Io :1911r:'• Out a Nt:fle fleshless In ilail%ay tars. 1 .• J. t 1. • 1 r. 'e . 1. \\ in it .t'. .•t 1-! . !t \\ .-ti •I Int:, • t, ._. 1 • ;-,•ral.. . :Ir..:+. Ici:rr ! ,)• . ! , tut ,....t e., , me L, . --4 BOR'" {TIS s 1. t'1' '1'Etttt. President .trlllnllnees That Ile %Yill Not Run .gain. .\ 4•'spat'ti total Washington says: I':.••ident lto :.'vett will not tt' a cnnl!- t • new No. 3 yellow, kilt: -dried, 661 to 61i%c. Buckwheat. --62c. outside. Itren--$19 to $:0, in bulk outside; shorts, $2I to $22. On the call board 47c was bid for isi0. 2 vvh ste outs, and 403% for mixed. COU\ fill' PRODUCE. Buller -Dairies are easy in tone, but creameries hold steady. Creamery, Inuits , . , . .... .. 25c to 30^ do solids 2Cc 10 27e Dairy prints .... .... 23c to 21c do solitus .... .... .... 22e to 2:10 Inferior .... .. 20c to 21e Cheese-13eec kr inrge and 13%c for Swats. E,41gs-Storage. 22c to 23e per dozen it: case lots; selects. 20e; strictly new - laid nominal at 30c to 35e. Poultry-\larket slww',e little improve- ment. Chickens, choice .... .... Scto9c Old lovl 5^ to 7c !Weiser chicks and fowls , . , . 4c to 5c Young iree`•e .... .... 7e Inge acting ducks .... .... Sc tock: Thin I l:rkeys .... 6c to Sc Potalo(s--Slendy at KA' k• 'J'Jc per tag in csr l-,ts on track here. Beans -$1.75 to $1.1t5 ter pi -lines and $I.W' 1., $1.95 for !Melee(' tied. Venison -hindquarters, 11Xe to 13e: Ii 111 quarters. Sc; (•nrcnFe $.I3 . t•, 90. Iloney-Slraint.l at llc to 12c per pound, for ('i -hound pails. and I?c to I3( kir 5 lc 10 -pound pail_:. Combs at $1.75 to $2.5() per dozen. - Baled flay -Timothy. $17.50 to $18 in car tote on track here.. Baled Straw -Quiet at $9.50 to $10.50 Cr, track here. PROVISIONS. h 41 mind Dry Salted hieing -Long clear 1.t,0n, 10 c to 11C kst' tons and •-IL-cs: hates. medium and Light. 15e to 15!t,-: heavy. 1.l1 c to 14e; backs, t634c to 17c•; slimi:d. r-. ICc to 10'/,e; rolls. I1i3. c 10 11c; breakfast Lacon. Lie to 15Xe; grre,i meats out of pickle, lc less than smoked. Fork -sliest cue 322.75 to $23 for laurels; iness. $I'.t 1.' S?l), Lard -Tierces, 11 ',(•; lobs, 123 c; tails, l21e'. CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS II.11:1'!:\1\GS) 1'It011 ALL 01...1 TCG GLOVE. lcle(Jraph Briefs front Our Oen ant OIIii r Countries of Recent Fossils. CANADA. Galt f.nlale teachers demand sic -t. fury. St. 'Phomas Canadian Club has 144 members. smitten] building permits total $o52,u3s. Four fires in '('Drente wl :190,000 damage. Toronto's percentage lust month the street railway was $22,5:)5. Roils for the Canadian Northern cxten- S°on have been laid into Regina. Some of Lhe Canadian banks have granted bonuses to their stuffs. The Northern Navigation Company will build u sister ship to the Hui -mile. The (:Ity Engineer estimates that un- derground railways in Toronto would cost $1,500,000 u mile. The sum of $2,383,797.27 has been ex - fended by the "1'Gronlo City Engineer's department this year. Thos. McFarlane was acquitted at Sault Ste. Marie of the charge of mur- dering William Dixon. A number of "Toronto bakers were fined for selling lightweight bread, and curses are pending against others. Peterboro' will again ask the Legisla- ture for perntissicat to elect its council for two years. The silver output in Ontario for the first nine months of this year was vut- ued at $4,312,000. Work on over three miles of sewers is to be commenced ut once to relieve the labor situation in 'Toronto. Lawrence Lowland was banged at Aicrden, Man., on Friday, for the n.ur- det of Miss Georgina Drown. Alex. Aikens, a Barton township far - mei drove over the mountainside near Ilnmilton and was killed cn Friday. Edward Nagle. a Montreal vwe.rkinan, was burned to death on Satur'(luy in a fire that destroyed a boarding house at Cedars. Arrangements have been made by the Beard of Control to give a certain amount of work to Clic unennp(oyrd 01 T -mato, Traffic! through the Sault Ste. \larie canals thiel year amounted fo 58.000,000 tens, an increase of 7,000,060 tons over Inst year. Brantford Council will limit the mint - t rr of pool rooms in the city to six. and will exclude all youths outer eighteen. Toronto City Council decided 10 ask the t.egislnture lo amend Ike municipal act so as to give married worsen voles at municipal elections. An action for $500,000 has been entered br the Tendsknlning fi Northern Ontario llrtilway Commission against the Alpha Alining Company. Dr. Ilodgetls, Secretary of the Provin- cial Board of Health. eelhnnles that %within n decode smallpox has cost the Province of Ontario $2,000,000. From figures presented by the liquida- tor, shareholders of the Ontnrio Bank may be called upon to pay from :10 to 5.1 per cent. of their double liability. Canadian, imnnigralinn agents in Eng- land will be instructed to warn the Bri- tistt public lh{gt 1145 is un inopportune lime to go to Canada. The Dominion Steel Company has pur- ci:ased the Cow Bay coal areas in Nova Scotia, close to the steel Own. and will probably develop them immediately. Arthur Jackson, wino was sentenced t„ Set en years' imprisonment fit \Wo(•dstess on a robbery charge. told Judge Finkle Mat he would have something 14. say to Ile whole community when he cache out. For this he was called back and given an additional lwn )'ears. GREAT BRITAIN. MON'rltEAb. \111:i;I.I sr. M• .nlreal. 1)ec. 17.- a !erre Ls no rha.igc fn •the 14 cal (:our siluniton. Choice spr.ng wheat patents., 86.10; sec- onds. $5.50; wi11te: wheat patents. $5. 75; straight rollers. $:,.50: do., it bags. 5'..s.:.111) to $2.65; extra. $2.05 4, $2.t0. \tilifetd---\tatetoba !run. $23; shorts. $;5; (Irttite,. bran. $23.50 to $21: 1ui.l- dlutg;s. $27 to $29 per ton. including I:Ig;,; mussel n,(•uille. 828 to 832. and purr gr•a.in rnouille, 35 to 837 pr r ton. IL-,llcil oats. ;3.17% per hags; corn- mr,l. 81.75 to 31.85 per ling. Oabs•-OniN it No. 2 wiliie. 54e; Ma- for the year Su,Cay did from 1- r n flit:rl Iran. Alt douhl 011 .nitoba No. 3, 53• to 5331,r; Onli•rio and ,. was ! - i. .:,t weon \Vedrie day night di --1 Quebec, No. 3, 52e: No. 5. 50e; Mani- ) ,s.1,ng ironic. er r . t .. ;.Iiel by the aul: malty.' statement of t„ia rejected. 50:; Quebec, 49c per r. . 1t is seed ile , ,r e. .•• ti , !1,e \\• oe.. Ilous.• 111:11 \I•. Iho(sr\cl( Lush.. ex -store. r,e.r:.:,:•r is needed to dandle all the • ,.!'.•..,•. to the declaration o1 tori Butter' --Sept.. 28• to 29c; fresh re- f:. est. '111;e' V'ei'n' !t,:,1 4'-e1),0:1 :..,,,. :,:,• :1 rondo on the night of the i cities, 27c to 28e. I.. r, tit' n'.,4 s ' t •• '`•I.,' • :, !.1 'oil, ,• • 1. :c ttw'ee years ago. In the Wale- li g:hn'so-\Vestern. Sept.. nominal; be ;:1t' . if 1.. i • 1 ,J. t:1.•.1.:' , ,,,.;! -....ed on SVednesday bight Pre-. tate tot nlukes, 12%e l0 12%c. ( t.-, . :,... . .... 11v,.'(1e l., .'• .1. 1•'1.! II.usevelf says hie huts not chnng- Ila'.- No. 1. $l6.•r.(► to *17.50; No. 2. • a.r. ' . • l• t'''''!• \' 1 , • 't of e.' nn4 Will not change the decisieo *13 t, 316; rooter nriv(re 313.50 ei 314: '':.'i tee "; . , 1.i.:,•: , t.. '. 1 eo•erlh esnilu0icale.l to the American gx'1ple an: c+,vc'r, 312 to $13 ft.er ten, in ear es:elks:.o.: , 1.,•,• . 1... CI ,•I:t ! . , •10s 1n 1t(Il, 11ulc. :t1•' r.: ,!'t .: ,, , ! o ..f l',:. 'f i.'+' .- 41 '� 11 I'ieiyai ,,--Rnrrrlc .415 rt eta mess. g:rr:lt. sees. ::,• <ctrs 1:. ii, .i.'. l!le ear g•p..',fi t.s 823' hnlfd.nrre{s. 111.75 to tYl. 1 I.IIN (:Il tl- CROP• ;11-2.e1); clear fat back. $23.5(► ti, $14.50; o-8•.;,. • 1 Cituada can sup}o.) ill time , f , 'rho' nerd ought t(, m'c:u1 large le.n cut heavy Ines.. 321 to 823; hull• 1aliad.an orders for the Ateer,can car \lorlh Tae: More MNItswore Than ti heroes do.. $10.50 to $11.25: dry Fall feel. r .o." Last, .tccurdinp 10 Estimate' Ling clear b a' -on. l0'{ t( 1I34c: bur. �_ A despatch front Motoren( ::1)s. \Ir. rels plate leer. 813.50 I. 315: half -bar- e/ SIIIN t 1,1 1 11 KED ill FESEIL le T. ti, -min. IT. P. 11. ,nunlgrat/ y1 „•!c d(,.• 87.25 to $7.73; barrel. heavy :gent at \\'it►t;peg. telegraphed t(, tie 111'''' ,,, !, ,' $tri 1•; *11: •hnlf•Lrlrrvts dn.. Tr'iitb,• (':w.ed by hiellntl Prescribed ItaInggieuent •.n \tedrtesduy, s:1. 1i;: s;,',, 1 . . sot is1 lire I(ir to Ile: b'. Specialist. that a. a to -,.•; est latest inquiries ii.1. s .. !• I. 1.+ • kettle rendered. \ •!, ., fr .m so. 1clr,slrorg! snv: to 1he rail.. • • and nulling{ interests. .,,,. .,,•z • t• I' : ' rn . tete to 133lc., fit. 1. • -- \. .:i.ira. \ills) for a tows t• WI" 11(•\1 1.•1►put :I That 1115 )e•.r. ,•,:n_ 1. : 1 reakfast bacon. IV e, • • t • ! t, leen sullcrtn i .,r,. 11 Uy' three provinces (,f a o'e ver un \\e.Irus• \l:,1..:• t.:. \iberia amt S;u ileliewan • r.viia 11 lit turd, 1111111 11111'last '.car had leen. This • :.:+••,1 to :1 slit•: i• •• largely dee to the inercased pries' t ra'n core \eo,,.,I be worth teenly f„ f influenza, w: . - .1 t•; v s••\,.,,' tegli• wtr,,•h roar's' gr/1.11q commands; No. 3 1,.• • • v.'igel. anti Ler pre- wheat yielding this year as :nisei es er.1 e 1 In th s. No. t Manitoba hard formerly did. 119,287,O91 IN ESTIMATE I.. I.`• : \\ .! • 1 • ,• baron. 14%e to 153•¢c; 1n'-11 k , ahatt .lr ()reseed hogtt, 8•q - a r to Q'•. •. r,!it e, $5.:5 to 36. feaTf1.1: \1ARKEr. Toronto. Dec. 17.-i'rices were firm pretty \yell through the list, weeping 01 the poorest elns'e5. \ kw lends of extort ^n111e were t ..1ght ferwnrd. mind one sold at $190. 1 range wn. maul 31.60 14 $1.911 per • et. Export lulls Were srlluig frim „t.2:, 1(. $1 per ewe. S••,iie swan lots of pe�strn Choicebut- e1 er. h"efer: sold at $5.50 to 85.60 pee .--' -- A fee' sale. were also recorded Hon. Mr. Fielding's Provision tor Next •, -,nril muistatp:r b$LulSgk totf(t 1351' e. is et loads laoug!ht ei.2S tr. 84.5.0; me• - I Idiom to g;. • „i. 83.7:. 1-, *t.:''• ; r -►Intern l ' medium. $2.3(' 1n $3.0: roe- ch oiee, 133 1•) $3•50: eo►nnx.n. 8: to 82.75; con. 31s•!. 1e1: . .' i ;,) . ,i;.,.C'ii of e• I • s. \h. 1 • puny••• . the \alt .. i ::,i, - . , • u(•111a1 ! 1.1 els teen leio) In e.0 cath, and ',rdinnry n ltlure •.;. • ro se. I•:1. •1 . I' \ ....i(t 1 ,., f. r n.,• t1.1.1-(+.1. 1 Et...) L, `)I5 upie; e. Fiscal Year 1 hers. 7:.e In 81 per cwt. Itr,i^e sto.kcr, sok) at 82.;:, 1 8,3.'.,t) 'at.le e• _ 1 i•'• per cwt. Ordinary fight sbv n.kers ,:d at x,'1 ••• n ,. 1 • '! $1.15 to 82.60 per cwt. . , . ;tie eaptlal ; • t • . , _ . . for tt Mileh ce w, (•f goo 1 wieldy said readily e it , ;,,c 11.10 pri,• -s 1e err 111)111. Fal. nee (-r1PS 10111(1 BRUTAL DOUBLE MURDER Chinamen's Heads Were Smashed in With an Axe. 1.014 lutlridrysuen at trot( s:rlit, \ • n..•-. \• •.• . hrutally rine:dr-red in 1 • . ' , ! "Thursday night and 11:, 1 , , ; 0 othe ., I Ecu ,n . Ile 1 by l lc n u m • eilcctually destroying tut t iu.: k t, .. crone.. The tire, however, was own '1 �.• nevem( and extinguished, and a ruled:, ..: 1 li •,�+/l liailvny. "I',etotal amount v,.ted! I.ig!tt ieriegs 0! ea vee kept Iheir t•,'.: , I , , .et'ih.l at• •nu, - • tit i:1.23:.tr•l ilU iinrei+,a ••f $2.152.361.:\ r the a;: - • \. t,•:1 1351 e•easol) for the euryon( y • n:. lite t eat tslinialex oil e' -I 4!;•.14'•1 f111H1 a:eoiiItt� 0r!N,till (•' 37G,s11. 471, en incrp(tee of 82.3.'i".7R5 as ct,in. i 1::1-151 with Iho' nnw.l;fit steel last 11.es-1 Lttn. (rf I:ds increase, $1,IJJ,kIJ is , • , sestet r<r.r.1111 tar• seeskm wars 841.•'Ilex. s hr.0 al :1 to (.• per I1,. r•',1, rr elel.557 le -s than the amount Es, -.,rt ewes. 33.75 1.1 8.4: bucks an41 cci►s. $3 It) 83.'01: lambs. 8125 to 85.25 cwt. IM•gs c. ere first 0t *5. In riot Fel', t fe•r lig:lit• anti flits, told $4.01 to $1.75 is•r c\%1 ltd rough. :raison showed that beth men find i. i '..• , heads smashed tvitlt an aur. 11 i . et (dent They had been killed and i• .:ed in their bids. 'this at first nlielt'd .• police and led to the supposition ut • sioertllurn. 11 will be a very perplex. auto tc, fathom owing to the dillkull ,i -king ainong Il1c Chinese colon t.bbery was probably the motive, 1erd Kelvin is seriously ill. The Crimes Mt nifty be revived In Ireland to slop cattle elriving. A large number of fishing craft Were lost In the English Channel in a hun•i• cane that swept over western 1•:umpe. sir 'Hennas Sutherland says the sbenmers of the all -red line could not carry ••nongli cool for an express service from Nee Zealand to Wanet.uscr. UNITED S 1A'i I '- . The Missouri hoard •,f Midway Com.. inies:on',' have cut espie-s rates tete.. l% �,n•' I err cent, Pi' Iiibll.<•n vtorkcrs in Des \times. La.. have begun a sar►paign for Stu!. i fuer This year. The Fapplementary .-,:rr,ate". 1, be let -eight (fawn late in Ib • es..ss,,,n. Nile of eremite, increase the 1110N 14.:4164. 1.ast eessir 11 lie lie main tont:mks wan $ltif.,G 3. uIJ. GENERAL. 'rite family Gf Garibaldi are quarreling about the poeseesi0n cf the patriots tomb. The Parliament buildings at Welling - ten. N."L., were completely destroyed by Ore. Australia will r„tubae. and IWO for three year.:, The demand of returned emigrants for bruin is causing a remarkable rise in teal estate in Hungary.. 'Three fishing vessels, with crews of 1?0 men, which left !Miquelon on October 1st, are given up as lest. The Shah of Persia bus had two of his Minister. arrested, and hie Parlia- ment has demanded an explanuti. 11. Prince von Buelow has asked the Prus- sian Dict for $66.000,000 14. he ii -ed hn espi'opriatittg estates in 1'r'ussian Po- land. The german Emperor, who paid n vigil to the Queen of Holland on Friday, was given un ovation by the poople of Amsterdam. m Seventeen Social Deocratic mei hero of the Second Du11en have been con- demned to terms In the mines and then esile fo Siberia. Ten oPiers are exiled per manently. The Japanese ollici,,l- have failed to wake good their promises lo Hon. Re- dclphe Lemieux, enol the emigration que,tien i5 no nearer-.'Ileutcnt than it vias o11 the day of h;, urrivel. purchnse three sub - torpedo boats annually wale prohibition. Mrs. Russell Sage has given away to ally 315.000.000 of the 375.000.000 left her by her husband. i.ynn. Mass., fins %til d to close the 1:e:. ::ed tots elected Thoi. F. Porter. 1:, .: , 1111 mayor. se. brothers. 11 12 and 10 years setts of N. E. (renal, were drionn• to while sknt:ng at Tania. Ia. The manager of the Banco Agricola ..i I.inla. Peru. look hl+ life because he was $110.000 0111 In 111.4 ncrounte. The negro('- of Philadelphia own err: .leer!, of property. valued al *2.438.675, which ie an average of $3.040 runt(. The g:nitrtl States army will slinrlly roll for ',Inn. for a prncticnl aeroplane heavier than air, to be u. -ed for fluttery purposes. Seven eon were killed in the eol- Iafise 4,1 a n••w• bridge that was beings t tilt (,ver the su•quehnnna 'liver near B ceeansburg. Pa.. on Tucsany. Alt through New England, tmill.s and fa"h,reet which shut down when the financial stringency became acute, are rc-opening. Henry Youtscy. serving n life con• fume for the tnurder of (kkebet in Ken- tucky. gave eviience (n Tuesday which iuopb eabPd ex -Governor Taylor. In a enc' 5 divorce bill 01ed al Chien• go, Mrs. Annie J. Prior deelaree that h,r husband. Thomas W. Prior, drinks from twenty to tinily glasses of ivitis- ke) a day. Presbyterian preac.:ers in New Yerk nn.t New F.ngland re(-eive an average Fa!nry of kiss than $500 a year. anis the New fork Presbytery will Myelin - gale the enn(litions. Ara' ng Intc provisions of the will et lhnry (braves. of Ch,cng>), h (me Hal v fountain and monument Phil!' be erect - re in memory of "Ike Cook.- 'k.•' a famous Irottingt hers-.- In the early '50s that Le - longed to Mr. Graves. MI•st 11 tat: 550 IN I't►(:L I T. 1'nuper lnutigranl tY:11 be Barred from Canada. ,1-i:ticlr from Ottawa says: in or- der t•, curb immigration bout Great Britain during the \\'baler season and put a further check lutein P00110 toes Canaria when there i= n t• ` s- bility of work not being forts, • • agents in England have been :e- SI:YF:\-IleAR TF:It\t FOR CHILE.George 1(41'.0101111, of 111010 Inter, Guiltyof Arson. A despatch horn Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., says: TIOtrial of George - Boy mond. until receglly fire chief at 0hud 'liver, for' . inceudiarisnl was concluded on Saturday night and a sentence of seven years in Kingston Penitentiary was Un- rested. The charge against Raymond vas that of setting lire to the Campbell if'use on Sept. 3rd. "Fite Met fire started at II pm., and the second at four next meriting. According to evidence given, Baynton,! was seen coming horn tho scene of the Ore after the first alarm, and else going in the direction of Ilio house before the second alarm, and 11.11101g over the fence around the Is use. He was later seen going to his own house. He gave the alarm himself ley shouting "Fire' from his own yard. Sentence was also imposed on the con- victionkr forgery. which wan rendered on Friday, Raymond having written toins hiclf a leiter, signing it with the names of the two (Melte Bros., in which l e offered himself $500 to set fire to cer- tain buihling3, Ile Was sentenced to seven yearn on this charge also, the sen - tuxes to run concurrently. RIGHT t7' TO l.t\1ES PAY.Nei-them Ontario's Climate Is Good for A1p•icu!ltire. \ despatch hornOl:uwa e! d,(ssing the ('-: (,uoadiiue (:Ii) rut U111410'011on Mr. 11. F. S111- '411,1, Director et 1• • Dominion \teleor(t- t.,.i,•:,t eel -vice. „ •clarod that he was f t- •• tract of country ly'- , , .\,h;,: 1 -rn and Slave Lakes ! fti,:do•ies Ray Would ever he •grieittural purposes. M g , ! , I the ean tentpernlnr(' of '••gheemthan Ihnl of Mac- \ .. ,1:,1 the inean temperature cd to notify intending enuif rails +' 1 . - not as high by severill de- w Mackenzie River basin nc [shill will be allowed I , hest;� .- Canada het ween Low and the I5t11 er itele, \Vitlt regard to , ,.•• from the height of February unless lie has 35(r ir1 his fw •1 1 , he said there \v us ket. From the lnller date t•, :\!,ell 15' r ;,a: !:: 1::, • ;.!:,: !1r e(nulili( the 111 1 Ile amount tnu"1 be $25. 'The only cx- , rLl!, i!o prevent the Wcoit great d tr r ct-, tiro ia; In the case of 111(150 oho ru from being n good agricultural countis nal Icirdend-, and hate work right up to the shores of James Buy. proconniwidg(rdntot' (heoot. IA ILi, 't Plitt .`4S i'IR %(:Y. krltain 1141• t'itdertakrn the Poli.itie of %% est (titer. China. A de,•pltch h. i . 1'• 1.in say = : Great Britain un tui ti,::'1 of Iliis month as- signed four nlol, •.4 .:>',,,,. 10 )Katt'&' the Meta !liver. and , : \ !: ,1n% ten ves- sels, undo' the Ce tIlCi e,•1 ' 1 a,lnliral Vii" Arthur Moore, are 1•., :•, leg 150 utiles of the river to Pie hied of the Witeliuu ccncess+iol. Great Britain is pr'epnred to take tv11:, • ''• es may be re:•, •••.vary. if China •t r• 1 suppr(•se 1•., eirney, 1., i':olec•1 elupioutg on the . ;•,,e1 s• • s. nelifled the Chinese► ,,i „ ,:1!1 patrol the leer 111,1;1 I!t , • • 1.•,tire hoots are placed nude;• 1 ..'li- nistratinn of the Imperial l'u.tJ1,,• I). pal This Is t1.(first lime sin 19n0 flail Gr. ill Bri- tain has undertaken such military melt. stae5 1n China. _4_ _ THRi:F: It tIIII.S AT ONCE. . Itul 1'rdh; r of the Triplets Is al Present Uul of tt ork. A .lcsI11t : from 1 .,bolo says: What between siJdelds being; made 'fie fa. then of triplets -three bouncing baby girlie -and being out of work end v. 4111 gu'- tlnnnces at a tees ebb. Atr. Jak(" Finkelstein of 50 Nelson street is not sure whether he is happy or not. The bird that delivers the babies brought three little ()nee to St•. an•l Mrs. ions. Ostein just in the e'iry hours of Thurs- .:ay morning. and when the netgghto's he nrd of it they pres•el ab out I1" proud parent. lend(rati( trial eemgratuintions Mr. F'nkehtein accepted lie! go -id \wish• and shoo!, hands. tut L(' shook his Lea•I and spent the day kinking \vith renewed eagerness for work. Ile Ls 8 1:,,1<•r he 1ritee. hut has hail no work n.,:,'h . A 111SellitR11'S 1tcAT11. :Montreal Couple Found t'!0•onscioue, In Their Room. \ '!c -pitch froom \lonlr:n; 5.y.,: Mrs. 1, 1 \\ . b,lttlew'.o l of Lachine died on rider nissteriutis circuu►slun- c, -. her husband were founduse ••11-- •, - in their bedroom on Fri- day i ie:r:.,ngf, with (eery indication of strychnine• poisoning. They were loth stiffened aha their jaws tee. Fo that they were unable to speak. 'lire two - plan died on Saturday. Lot the ratan re- oevetc'd enough Io offer some explana- tions. Ile slated flint !h.') each look IWO brook) quinine 1nblaLs for their (olds on Friday night, ant that was the last he knew. Ile has since re- lnpsed into unonnsciousnees. and lies in the city hospital in a critical (ondl• tion. An autopsy will hr held on the woman to find out the castsc of IibP 10ublo. MI .EI1.SS ENTOWnED. Tcrriblo Disaster In a Colliery htr Wales{. A deepnk•li Lone I,onrV'n says: !1 terrible espk,surl occurred at the 1)i - has maul c•,ilirr•) in \tut." tot Sat- urday. Fortunately only 1)44 -lie men were below the surface al the tune. the ethers having, cometi, 1.' r:• x•,te their week,y pay. fhe 41 snstt•r which cnieee iht act eked tees brought afoul by the firing 01 a shut to srgrnnhze tae t'1lrtnge •d shifts. All the headgear of 11,0 top (e! ttlo bt.unit was blew.. tad mil (herr wni a great hall (•f reel. In'rrnl ') . 'fila r, suer. tire {,till al stork. lo I (•4 11a'o been found. Lel 11 is h• h'z. 1 that t::. death roll w.11 Lc Lode -r. THIRTY KILLED IN RACE WA) Trouble Between Whites and 1V egroea in Alabama. despatch from Columbus. Miss., says : Thirty negt•)r, hawP been tolled. five whiles t. ,.t mane worse wounded, and Ove negro kntg• looms burned in leskens County. A.:it:•1,r,a. just across the Slissu'SIppi lor.ise t he ra rtsrof ithe tfo:1 111 lee. a,,:0l - and the first ferret Suri•Iay night lingua suddenly Rd.lfng has been incessant *ono! then. and ,ie roost are fleeing for their li\cs. Owingr k, the 4tanr•very of a plot hy negree• to rise ngninst the Whntea of the county ev cry black is in danger. This :conspiracy was carri"et r•n 1 e II,e1,11 . of s1 1•tciet uOciely. which laid 1...:gr.• r(yns 111 r(•'IOte i1&01•1e1S 4)1 ler k' n, 1 i,:illfy. Fifteen riegr(•••. were I to t e d 1, (bath ill u ksIg•' roots near !tette-in on 'Ines. dos nes- day 111011 \ylvn wink+ attacked lin piers.. and lu/dtii reheating rake acid shotguns. fired 1!,e tending. .11ee 1 'mks acre penneel In by 1h^ continual stt(,e.l- ing of the whites an'1 11e(.v wluo ‘‘,• re tlo3 kph 11 h I,lteouplingr h. e.erq,e 1r -- masted n1'\e. !so far its t:as leen teas 1r, t,•srn:ng! ••f 1!41• other lodge were wt:twut fatalities.