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Exeter Advocate, 1907-12-12, Page 5
1 r 1 K $.tetet Atnioeafe 1.,.ET}.It - - ONTARIO $I 00 if paid in adsance, $110 a) tar it not ao paid. 1r. To Casted States Sabscribers$1 t;0 • Year Strictly it Advance i e Rh:E 11, l'u'!.-Koro 1JLAS• We are showing the Best Xmas. Goods We have ever carried. Our Pianos are up to city goods in every way only price, its lower. Organs and Sewing Machines at prices that make them sell. Stationery A most beautiful line of Station- ery, Bibles. Hymn Books, etc., at Awag Down Prices. Call and see them. S. MARTIN&SON Cook's Cotton Root Compound. The great Uterine Tonic, and only nate effectual Monthly Regulator on which women can depend. Sold in three degrees Of strength -No. 1, 1 ; No. 2, 10 degrees stronger; No. 3, , per box. Sold by y all dru sta. or sent tor special case:pprepaid on rcce ppt of price. Free p.vmpfilet. Addree4 : TN COOKME010iNEC0..TOIONTO.ONT. garment/ Windom" NONE IIECOR�TOa PLUMBER (Hot and enid Water) PIPE1I llllNEll See our Canadi- an and Ameri- can samples. SIGN UffEli II�INER Estimates furnished on application. A Trial Solicited Arthur D. Davis EXETER RESIDENCE: Corner James and An- drew Streets. LEARN DRESS -MAKING BY MAIL to your spare time at home, or Tako a Personal Course at School. To enable all to learn w'e teach yn , .,H or instalment plan. We also leach a personal. -class at school once a month. Class commencing East Tuesday of each month. These !,sons teaches how to rut, ,. r. moot from the fit and put t0y;rthor :toy },a plainest rhirt waist suit, t , 1h.: most elabor- ate. dress. The whole family c -an h :u n 1r.nn out coons. VI.• have over s••trn lhousaut.1 tiers -m .6ing, and guar:Int.., t,/ give five hundred dollars to any on. t1i t cannot L'ar i bet . , n the age of t ) 40. 1'0,1 caun..t t: s!re>s-m:ahint Ihorotmh as this cons se teach. s if r.p11 of la iii • :.eprs for v.'.tr.. t: ..:14 •.• ,•( a:r.a , (setts a . empty no one oul.idr the' school. '1 is tile only experienced PI c!..1 Cutting s. n.. l .n t .anad.i nd excel!, .1 by none 1 .1 . her c.'untl v. tVrite at rule 101 is It ti, a .0 ..• • pp p• hare cut rue rat.. onc- third i r .1 -lisps! Ii lar. AJdr. •3: - SaND:f S' DRESS•CUTTI110 SCHOOL, 311. i.•- .Stratford, Ont •(aradl WASTED AT ONCE -We hare decided to in struct and employ a number of smart young ladie to teach one course in Dressmaking. having one teacher for the six nearest towns where they lire -- age 20 to 3.S. Those who have worked at dressmak• ing. or likes inning pre(erred. Please do not apply unlere you can devote your whole time. Address Tata Scrruot. Wanted. 2 reliable men a- agent. for Exeter and surrounding country to sell our specialties, MAYNARD PLUM, FiT'Z- tiE1tA3.D i'EAOH. AHCiiDI'KE ('HER1RY. itUTSON PEAR. CUM- BEIt1.ANli 11AS1'IIE1111Y and a gen- eral lin). o1 fruit and oruaunental trees. You can make money out of our stock where you world fail with cotnnron stock. \Ve pay cash weekly, supply outilt fee.• .ted give a%CInaive territory Write to I'ELIIAM NURSERY CO., Growers of high grade net eery stock, Tomtit°. Ont. S.11.-Sj►cci tt te►nls to stilt agents working pal t time. Ir.• 'Sf'i 1.1" V .ti Y NY V 'sir sir elk 4 BEST 0 S i T U AT I O N Sfive tellewhng is a ,lapse of thousands o. testimonies to the w %ndertul merits of i•S(t,IIr6 in the most dun.ult cues. Doc- tors are prescribing PSYCHINE In their practice with the most satisfactory results. CORDIAL INVITATION ADDRESSED TO WORKING GNUS Mile. Robitaille Tells Flow Mrs. Pink. ham's Adv ice Helps Working Girls. (iirle who work a r e particularly susceptible to fe- male disorders, es- pecially those who are obfigtel,to stand on their feet front morning until night in Stores or facto- ries. Day in and day 140Aoiit'ae//e) out the girl toils, and she is often the bread -winner of tho family. Whether she is sick or well, whether it rains or shines, she must go to her place of em- ployment, perform the duties exacted of iter -smile and be agreeable. Among this class the symptotns of female diseases are early manifest by weak and aching hacks, pain in the lower iunbs and lower part of the stomach. In consequence of frequent wetting of the feet, periods become pain- ful and irregular, and frequently there are faint and dizzy spells, with loss of appetite, until life is a burden. All of these symptoms point to a derangement r '• n which can be thefemale O '!► Ildl of easily and promptly y cured by Lydia E. l'inkhatu'e Vegetable Compound. Mlle. Alma Robitaille, 78 oto St. Francois, Quebec, Quebec, tells what this great uiedicine did for her. She writes: Dear Mrs. Pinkharrt:- ' Overwork and lone !piers at the office, together with a seek, 1...1 ,...(.1, brought ort a very serious fatale trouble until finally I was unable t.i go to work. I then thought of a friend who heel taken Lydia E. Pink- hanrs Vegetable compound when her health was in the same condition that mine was and straightway sent out for a bottle. I finished that and took two more before 1 really began to intpr. •ve but after that my recovery was very rapist and I was soon well and able to go back to work again. I certainly think your medicine for sick women worthy of praise and am indeed glad to endorse tt." It is to Ruch girls that Mrs. Pinkham holds out a helping hand and extends a corslial invitation to correspond with her. She is daughter-in-law of Lydia E. Pinkhatn anal for twenty-five years has been advising sick women free of charge. Her long record of success in treating woman's Ills makes her letters of advice of untold value to every ailing working girl. Hibbert: Mrs. C. McCurdy, former- ly of Hibbert, died at the Winnipeg Hospital on Nov. 27. Deceased was a daughter of Mrs. Thos. Norden, and sister to Fred McClocklin, Mitchell. She had not been in good health for two years and underwent an operation a week before her death. Besides her mother and brother in Mitchell, she leaves a husband and daughter and five brothers. in the West. a sister, Mrs. Wntn. ('ook. Logan. Zurich Mrs. Jacob Kaercber of the Brouaou line has been very ill for the past six weeks and her recovery is doubtful. - A number of new telephones will shortly be installed in town. It is ex- pected that the line will be run as far as Blake in the near future. -Mrs. H. \Vur,n and family moved on Wednes- day, to their dwelling recently pur- chased from Fred Hess, Sr. -Miss Roxie Silber of London and Miss Phoebe aickbeil of Exeter returned to their homes here after completing the millinery season. -Jos. Dirstein's many friends are sorry to learn of his depar- ture from town. -After an extended visit its this vicinity Miss Ethel Hill has returned toer home in Kincar- dine. -John Con% it of Hillsgt•een still continues very ill. -Rev. L. H. Wag- ner of Berlin conducted the services in the Evangelical church on Sunday. - Thos. Consit's new residence at Hills - green is fast nearing completion. -The Board of Health of Ilay Township met recently. The expenses this year were $277.25. This largo amount was due principally to the prevalence of small- Jpox in the township last spring.-Itev. . Stempfer of Toledo. a former pastor here, has been here during the week and on Sunday occupied his old pulpit in the Lutheran church. His many old friends were pleased to see hitt once more. -Mr. Charles Hartleib has taken his first step in the race horse business this week. He bas become owner of Freddie Lee, a horse that Can pace a mile in about 2:25 or better. H. Bossenberry of Grand Bend was a former owner. -The Ladies' Aid of the Evangelical church, gave Rev. Theo. and Mrs. Hauch a pleasant sur- prise on Friday. The object of the gathering was to welcome the aged couple into church fellowship. An address of welcome was read by the President Mrs. (Rev.) A. D. Gischler. A sumptuous repast was served dur- ing the evening. -Mrs. E. Wadper and Charles 'Wainer were recently waited on by a few friends and pre- sented with it handsome rocking chair and a beautiful pipe respectively. - Moses Touren who has been visiting at his borne here has returned to Dundee. --Fred Haberer has recovered from his illness. -A quiet wedding was sol- emnized at the manse, Kippen, recent- ly, when Elizabeth, daughter of John Reichert, became the bride of Arno Stelck. both of Stanley. The young couple were unattended and only a few relatives of the contracting parties witnessed the ceremony which VMS performed by Rev. Urquhart. After the ceremony the happy couple drove to the home of the bride's parents where at dainty lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. Stelck have taken up house keeping on the groom's fine farm on the Pair Line, Stanley. Hai' Council Council met at Town hall. 'Zurich, on Dec. 2. All present. Minutes of previous meeting pend and adopted. A large number of accounts were pass- ed,which will appear in the Treasurer's statement shortly. Next meeting will be held Monday, Dec. W, at 10 o'clock, when all bills against the municipality should be presented. -F. Hess. Clerk. McGillivray Council Deafness Cannot be Cured Council met at Town Hall on Nov 30. All present. Minutes of previous rneet- rytocalapplitations,as they cannot reach thediseas• ing reals and signed. Morgan -Poore ed portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have *rumbling sound or im- perfect hearing, and when it is entirely dosed, Deaf- nessis the re'ult. and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal eondi• tion hearingwill be destroyed forever; nine rases out of ten are causal Ca h, !chish is nothing but 311 inflames condition of the mucous surfaces We will gine One hundred Dollars for env case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot 1,e cured by hall's Catarrh Ceure. Send for circulars Tree. F. J. CIIENEY A CO., Toledo, 0. 'told by Dnaggists, 7Sc. Take Hall's ►'anally rills for constipation. and Weekly Mail and Empire or Weekly Globe to Jan.'09 ... $1.35 and all other papers at lowest rates. -that the several accounts attnount- ing to $372.55 be paid. -Carried. Mur- dy-Clens-that By -Law No. 8 of 1007 appointing polling places, deputy re- turning officers and poll clerks as fol- lows he rend a third time: -1, Morgan's house Lot 12 Con 3. James Neil, W. Maguire; toe p Cunningham's n ho use Lot 21 Con. 2, A. Cuuninghnm, B. F. Marra 3, Pierce's house Lot 15 Con. 11. Moses Pierce, W. Pierce; L Cameron's school house, D. Robinson, J. J. Cassidy; 5, Town hall, J. D. Drummond, W. H. Pearson; 6, Taylor's school house, T. McInnis, W. Dixon, Jr.; 7, Nichol's house Lot 8 Con 22, A. Grieve, John Laurie. -Carried. The Council then adjourned to meet in the Town Hall on Dec. 111th nt 1 p.m. J. 0. Drummond. Clerk. Aden The following is the of the standing of the pupils in5 No. 1. Osborne, for Nov., based on regularity of attendance and weekly examina- tions. Nantes in order of merit. V- 1Villie Esseryy. Sr. 1V. -V Kerslake, R Davis, \4' Webber. Jr. IV. ---h May, C May, A Skinner, A McCurdy, '1'. Coates. ti Davis. Iii-- M McCurdy, i. Coates, E Kellet, A Hunter, L Hard• ing, V Coates. Sr. II.-- M May,T Skin - report M.S. Stephen Council Council suet at the Town Hall, Cred- iton, Monday, Dec. 2, at 10 a.nl. All members present. Minutes of previous meeting read and adopted. Webb-Wuerth-that the petition of the Canada Co., et al, be lard over till !text uteeting,-Carried. Sanders--Kellerman-that the sum of $38.00 be paid back pro rata ac- cording to the assessment imposed for the construction of the Mud Creek to the respective parties assessed there- for, being the surplus not required af- ter the completion of the work. -Car - vied. Following orders were passed: Jas Guainan, selecting jurors. $4; H Wil- bert, do., $1; H. Eilber, do., $1; J L Thomas, balance of D and W account with Clerk's fees, $10.90; Express Co., charges, 40c.; for contract, F McKee- ver, $:$1.30; S Morrison, $00; 0 Harri- son, $29.25; for gravel, F McKeever. 80; P Sullivan, $288; F Triehuer, $0.35; W Rollins, $70.44; 3 McKeever, $3.20; Rr Leavitt, $5.30; G Kellerman. $7.80; L %Yelper•, $4.00; C Morrish; $8.60; Mr. Woods. $5.00; A Mollard, $18.50; J Mitchell, $93.45; S Morrison $3. W Yearley, $1.40; 5 Beaver, drawing and putting in tile, $7; gravel contracts, E Willert, $98; W B Gaiser, $31.50; A Moranz, culvert and spikes, 75c.; Com- tnissioners, R Webb, $3; A Mollard, $5 H Roeder, $83; P Beaver, $50; C T 'Valper, $42; W J Keys, $0.25; J Wil- liams, $1.50;J Klumpp, drain on 3rd s.r., $3.50; W Brown, drain awards, re Smith acd KI m P1o. J Stephen, use of scraper, 40c.; M Amy, culvert and drawing tile $4.50; rep. culverts, R Hill, $3; W Anderson, 50c.; F Mason, $1.50; H Adaif, $2.50; T Oliver, draw- ing brick hats. 75c.; J Lawson, rep. M. C.D., etc., $48; A Hodgins, repairs. $0.55; M England. ditch on cons. 8 and 9, $2; for tile. J Guainan, $22.23; F Kerr, $5.25; Young Bros., account, $3.:37; 5 Brown, do., $5.05; J Houlahan re drainage fees, $1.50; C Kuhn. clean- ing award drain and making tile and furnishings, $29.55; for concrete tile, D Oestreicher, $10.75; D \Vestman, $190; (1 Finkbeiner, tile across road, 00c.; J Bowland, tile and drawing same under award, $10.20; C Kienzle, grad- ing, 810; J. Kellerman, do., $15; J Doyle, putting in concrete tile, $2.50; W. Witzel, do., $3.50; J Martene, tile across road, 50c.; M Alderson, error in dog tax, $l; M Beaver, work on Hoist's bridge, $0; Tp. Clerk, work re M.C.D., $12.01; sundry person, rebate re M.C. 0., $218.06; A Webb and others, gra- velling and ditching, 0 rd. and 18th. $74.50; (i) 11 Smith, account, $1.25; It Webb, drawing plank and tile, $1; A Ireland, rep road, $1.50; W Lovie, plank and spikes. $9.73; F Tetreau, posts, $1.50; W Patterson, stringers. $2; C F Eilber, rent and caretaking of lumber yard, $25; %V 13 Gaiser, ditch and tile, $8.80; W Calfas, drawing tile. $3; W Robinson, do.. $4; J Turner, gravel and plank, $1.45; Crediton Po- lic Village, grant. $70; Dashwood Po- lic Village, grant, $:33. Council adjourned till December 10, at 10 at.m.-11. Either, Clerk. PAROUND ABOUT US ..LikolazabLikaasilk Ontario Clydesdales captured many prizes in the Chicago Fat Stock show, beating all competitors on the average. Brucefield: John Ketchen bas rent- ed his farm to Murray Gibson for a term of five years at $'2.50 per year. Mr. Ketchen still lives in the hours. Mitchell: A. E. Dunbar of Guelph, has disposed of his law practice here to Messrs. Making, Hanley & Gregory. Gregory willre- \ i. \ .1 of side here and look after the Mitchell office. Mitchell: Messrs. Kleiman & Timms, tinsmiths and !plumbers, who have been in business during the past year, have dissolved partnership. Jir. Timms leaving the firm. The business will hereafter be omni).! on by Wm, Klenutan & Son. Seaforth: Many of our readers will regret to learn of the death at Grand Forks, North Dakota, of W.II. Lands - borough. He was a native of Tacker - smith, and although he has been in Dakota for a number of years, will be remembered by tunny here. Hibbert: The death of an old resit!. ent of this township took place Thurs- day night about 10 o'clock in the per- son of Archibald Graham in his 73rd year. Mr. Graham had been ailing for the past couple of years, and his death was not unexpected. Ile leaves has widow and at grownup family. Clinton: It is proposed to convert ner, 5 MlcCur•dy, 1 Ford. F Coates, F the Doherty Organ Company into a► Webber. Jr. 11.-11 'Thompson, V ,point stock company and at charter of Hicks. It Webber. 1't. IL --0 hunter, incorporation has been applied for the V 1'incombe, C Thompson, H Hunter. following loping named as provisional Part i. --A hackney, II Coates, 1V • directors: W. Doherty, W. Jackson, Thompson, D hackney, E Magee. W II. 13. Chant, J. \V. Moore, F. 11111 and McCurdy. Average attendance 31. B..1. (Iibbings. Thr (7/with! is placed.1. W. Hogarth, Teacher., at $200,000.0 !MMO Clinton: Mr. and Mrs. L. C'ree are mourning the loos of their little daugh- ter, Normal Hazel, who passed away on Friday last. She was a bright wee tot of five months. Ailsa Craig: Miss 't ilbud is sutler- ing as the result of having a needle run into her knee one day last week. The doctor has been able to extract the point of the needle, but the balance' still remains and is giving her much pain and incovenienee. Seaforth: The death of Mra. Love, formerly of Seaforth, occurred at Ed- monton, on Nov. 22. Mrs. Love had made her home with her daughter, j Mrs. John Copp, for a number of years, ; and a few months ago spent some time with old friends in Seaforth. Pneumonia teas the cause of death. Hullett: Jenny Scott, granddaugh• ter of the late John McMillan, died at the home of her brother, John Scutt. 0th con., on Wednesday. About as month ago Miss Scott was in Seafort). and a few days afterwards was taken ill. front the effects of which she ueVAP recovered, stomach and kidney trut►bl,• being the cause of her death. The Great linyl ieL•?fey. 011e8 nod ir, cigurutes tho w holo 11er.uua r) 14, tunktss new Blood in old \'cin3 Cure •1 \, rr- out Ability� Meatal and 'train Worry. poataicnt y, Serual 13 eakm..s titans„cions, R1xr. mirror a, a nit 11,jrrrte of .� hose or t xeesse e. Price $1 per box, sizfor �.a. One w-IllplLd.tt et will euro. fold by all dr'uggi,;ts or trailed In plain pkg on receippt of {{,ice. New pamphletsorbed Jrre. Th• t1Yt70O Medicine Co. Vor,nt rt y Windsor) Toronto, Ont. Wood's P {�12or2rc�t�o Anybody who has the "determine- f.,.•,:adle impression on an employer tion" can becorne a good penrnen if titian the neatness and legibility of he or she will inteligently follow an applicant's handwriting. our instructions and practice an hour Write for our large, ill ustratad free or so a day fur a few months. catalogue. It explains our Business Penmanship is of far greater int- and Shorthand Courses in detail. Shows the value of an education in a school which is a member of the Business Educators' Association. The demand for graduates is greater than we can surlily. portance than most young people realize. We know from intimate acquaint- ance with business men that there isn't anything that creates a time.. FOREST CITY BUSINESS COLLEGE J. W. WESTERVELT, Principal. London. Members of nusiness Educators' Association. What SCIENTISTS S 7 0 i 0 �g Il t L©c a: ptbir oo= Professor A. B. MacCallum, Lecturer on 1'h; , .:-dy to The line ter>i:y of Tor✓nr, The results of careful experi tents shop that alcohol. taken in diluted form in small doses i. oski zed within the body and so su••;•:ies energy like common Isrtiel. s of food : and that it is incorrect to designate it a• a poison." Professor P. H. Pye-Smith, Lecturer 2.. (iuy'r I1 0: .Medical School, London: "Malt liquors. for a large number of people (Perhaps for most aloes), do more good than harm when taken with meals. Temperance is much better than abstinence... Professor Lafayette B. Mendel, Yale t',:, •ratty, .fie. ii,n:,a: "Mao ,s by nature a temperate animal, and it is only by distinguishing between temperance and intemperance (i e., use and abuse) that the evils of alcoh.: ism can be combated. Present methods fait in this respect. Professor T. J. Clouston, Lecturer to The University of Scotland. 1.7dinburgh: •' Alcohol is a food. and may in a diluted form (as in beer) be a very valuable adjunct to ordinary foods. by exciting appetite, by improving digestion, and by stimulating certain nutritive pro- cesses, e.g.. the laying on of fat." 1 Local Option does not promote tem- perance ---it does promote the mis- use of drink. It should not be taught that the drinking of one or two glasses of beer or wine at meals, by a grown- up person, is dangerous ; for it is not true." Prof. (of Chemistry) W. 0. Atwater Wesleyan University. Prof. 'of Pathology) H.P. Bowditch Harvard University. Prof.. of Pathology) R.H. Chittenden Yale University. Dr. Wm. H. Welch (of Pathology) Johns Hopkins University. rip Do Your Banking by Mail rhes Company offers you an inves'menf of the highesi class. It has become an ordinary thine; for a person to do banking by mail. You can open an account by sending $1.00 or more, and the account has the same care and attention as though the depositor came in person. If you desired you could take out a Huron & Erie Debenture bearing, interest at 4 per cent. per annual. The simplicity and safety of this form of investment appeal; to those who desire a convenient and profitable method of placing their saving;. The savings are not so liable to' -being broken upon if deposited inDebenture form. This Company has been in existence for forty-three years. Its name is a household word in Ontario. It has a paid-up capital of $1,900,000, and a Reserve Fund of $1,600,000. Its asset; exceed 511,000,000. Deposit your money here. It will be perfectly safe and will be earning a good rate of interest. o3 Loan & Savings Co., London, Ont. A certain THC PROOF. Are available with renewal of indnetrial activities in Pally Sl'll1N(3. if you desire one you most enter NOW. Short, sharp, snappy courses for those wit. . time or 111011ey is limited, at,„1 the broadest and most co111pre. hen.ive currierlim for those who would attain more than ordinary strewn. \1Alf. COURSES in Commercial DoStenography, Telegraphy, Civil Seeviee Matrirlllntion. Penman• 4 ship, etc. 4 \\'rite' for particulars 4 Clinton Business College 4 George Spotton, Principal 4 4 4 4 4 4 "Several years ago my wife was so seri- ously ill of lung trou- ble as for months to be unable to walk, at which time a noted physician told me that the next dress that I would bit) for her would be a shroud. She used PSYCIIiNE and is now reasonably well. Rim. C. E. Potreo!., "Baptist Minister, Forest, Ont.' 1 1'1;121 I fit f '.,.a D-- j ac_ • 51 1 4' 1 I \ v Those who use it get well. cure for all run down conditions and wasting diseases. Highly recommended for Insomnia. For Cru ; hs and Colds take PSYCHINE. For Throat and Lung trouble take PSVCI1I1•1E. For Catarrh and Consumption take PSYCHINE. For after-effects of La Grippe, Pneumonia and Pleurisy take PSYCHINE. .1 c jY(.11INE 20 YEARS AGO. ••i 2.e: •..r.,,' I 't as almost :+ ; .r- sical wreck, and 1 s . . . . ' . - p ''r get . 'per. ! 1; ",.t:a tip &I.., II t'. i. losing r.; .+ay )espy saci,u1, 1 istucu. rd another ono ., a,•.wn:ncnded the use of PSYCH INE. i wan pi ;sing beyond description the t...t a bail. 1 s.rnnd to({.un wtih every dose, inside of two weeks 1 was able tO attend to my Housework again. 'There ars no It n:plonr, of consumption about me now. "MKS. 111:N1)ERSON, St.John,N.B."/' For Loss of Appetite take PSYC I I I N E. For Indigestion and Dyspepsia take PSYCHINE. For Chills or Fevers take PSYC I I i N E. For Run -Down System take PSYC I I I N L• . To Feel Young and Keep Young take P1'VCHINE. An Unfailing Cure for all Throat, Lung and Stomach Troubles. A Reliable Remedy for diseases caused by exposure to cold or wet. Por sale at all druggists, SOo. and 111.00, or Dr. T. /4. Slocum, Limited, 1711 King St. Yi , Toronto