HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-12-12, Page 4Grand • O P enin g U1. Fall and Winter Goods. We have just opened up an im- mense import order of Scotch and English goods in all the LATEST SHADES. Our success in the past has been due to our knowledge that Honest'Cood>R and Honest Prices moat prevail.in garments which appeal to,the better class of trade. CALL:EARLY . J. H. Holtzmann CHEDITON (gzcetex gldrocate, Sanders tic Creech. Prop.:. THURSDAY, Dec. 12, 1907 It limvllle Mrs. Newton Baker of Centralia spent the past tveelt at the home of Mrs. Coultis.—Owing to the anniver- sary services at Jaques street, Exeter, next Sunday there will be no morning services.—An ' election ot officers ter In the Sunday school was held Tuesday ev- ening. it is understood that a fresh staff of officers will be on for next year. — Ratters Woods has had the water works put into his barn and stable. John Hunter of Exeter had the-- con- tract.—Mr. Mills and wife of Blanshatd visited with Eli Coultis and wife on Monday.—John Andrew and wife are spending a couple of weeks with their daughter Mrs. Mitchell near Centralia. — The Tp. Council were kept busy on Saturday receiving taxes and settling up accounts for the year. Their tern) of office is about completed for the year but up to -date everything is quiet on municipal affairs. --The many friends here of B. B. Gunn will regret very much to hear of his death in Ot- tawa on Monday.—Richard Hunter has returned home from St. Marys, where he has been foreman for Mr. Webb of Toronto, who has the con- tract for building the new railway from St. Marys to Embro and it is rumored the line will be continued westward in the near future, cooling by way of Kirkton and Elimville to Exeter, thence south east to Sarnia — J, Johns, . r„ and Robt. Ballantyne were in St. Marys on business Satltr day.—Mrs. N. Baker of neat' Crediton is spending a few days with Mrs. It. Skinner. --J. Hawkins returned Fri day from Winghaun where he had been attending County Council. Clandeboyc, Wedding bells are ringing.—Mr. Ira Bice was in Toronto last week on busi- ness.—Miss Fir. McMillaen,afterspend- ing the summer with her sister, Mrs. S. C. Clower). has returned to her home in Kingston.—Mrs. 'rhos. Itol. ,gins of Bat tleford has returned here to spend the winter with her parents.— Garnet Amy spent Sunday at Brinsley —M. J. Ovens has returned horse from the west.—Miss Jennie Fitzgerald of Devizes spent Saturday arid Sunday with her friends, Misses Myr r l.• 5 itip. son and Jennie Brown. --Mi •0 1 Nes. Lamport spent Sunday in I:'etrr.— 51ra. ii. George of Putman, while here visiting her brother. A. E. Hodgins, was callers horse owing to the sad death of her brother-in-I•a•, Mr. George. who was killed in 11 t un.tway accident. --Mrs. W. haarrigen has gone to London to reside.—Miss Bock has returned to her home in Zurich.—The 0.T. R. has improved the station yard hy- tearing away the old platform and filling it in with cinders.—Bytonllicks and his mother spent Sunday het e. - Little Miss Marjorie Fritz of (ir.and Bend is visiting friends in the burgh. --Miss Mahe Cunningham is the guest of her aunt. Mrs. Carter.—A netaib.•r of our young people attend the bazaar in Luca'', held in connection with linty Trinity church. --Iter. Carlyle of Lit - can and Her. Diamond of i.ondon ex- changed pulpits on Sunday. The death is announced in Buffalo cf Mrs. Sifto), wife of Gerald Sifton, the young irondon Township fernier, whose trial on the charge of mist. ler- ing his father was nne of the most sensational 111 Middlesex r 1 inianal rrurt nnoaal•. rr D4Lung Troubles vatosmssallaNNIMINIMMINIONINISMNIMsestretosst. 1 ycr's Cherry Pectoral cer- tainly cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, consumption. And it certainly strengthens weak throats and weak lungs. -There can be no mistake about this. You know,' it is true. And your own doctor will say so. Tho best kind of a testimonial - "8old for over sixty yeasts " i erd e t r J'. C. A 7st ce.. To welt, lltsew AJo tn•,uf►otunt, of Sr stet(SPeRlLLI. i'tl1syaT� atlI'.1ra0R. tVs a see no secrete' We patt:uh tax totalities of CI eat mwilelnee Keep the bowels regular with Ayer's Pills and thus hasten tocove►r.l Dasliwood Last week Emit Tiernan sold out his I butcher business and real estate to Daniel Seltoede s, while Mr. Schroeder has sold his fax in to God(' ed Oestreic- her. Possession will be given sotue time the first of the year. No other business changes has taken 4,lace al- though tumors to that effect rias been spread out but they are entirely with- out foundation. --'''iii. Brown receiv- ed word Monday of the serious illness of his son John at Hosthern. He left Tuesday morning to visit his son, who is not expected to recover. --M iss Laura Goetz, who has been in Detroit for some time, has retut ned to her horse here. --Rev. LK. Eidt will preach on the evening of Dec. 22. on —The Stat s." He bas already spoken on the Sun and Moon which was very interesting and no doubt the next subject will prove equally interesting. Everyone should try and be in attendance on this date. —Mr. Bill of Michigan is visiting re- latives iu the vicinity.—Miss Lily Ha►•tleib is in Goderich this week at- tending the Model exams. —The teach• ers of our Public: school are luny training the pupils for the "Farewell Concert" to he held on Dec. 20th. A lengthy program will be provided and the proceeds of the concert will be devoted to the Library Fund.—Wm. Tiernan of Stratford is visiting his brother, Ezra, for a few days.—Miss Sarah Stuart of Mt. Carmel visiting friends in the village this week.—On Wednesday evening of last week the i. P. A. stet and conducted their an- nual business tweeting. The meeting was a gond one, thanks to the untir- ing efforts and also unselfish motives of our President who has certainly raised the standard of Y. P. A. work in this place. It is true some things were brought up which merited dis- cussion but discussions were such that one could see the spirit of love pre- vailed and that the best interest of the society was pre-eminent in the minds of those who took part. The reports of the Committee showed every department to be in a prosper- ous condition. The result of the elec- tion was as follows: Pres., Rev. L. K. Eidt; 1st Vice, Miss Emma Callfas; 2nd Vice, Miss Letitia Snell; 3rd Vice, Miss Ethel Kellerman; 4th Vice, Miss Tress Miller; See., Miss Theo Hart - lea); Treas., Samuel Oestreicher; Or- ganist. Miss Ethel Kellerman, Assist- ant. Miss Lillie Miller. With such a noble self-sacrificing staff of officers we feel sure the Y. P. A. will do noble work during the present terns.—The '3rd quarterly tweeting service will be held in the Evangelical church here on Sunday next. Rev. L. H. Wagner, the Presiding Elder, will have charge of the services.—The date of the Ev- angelical Xmas entertainment has been set for the 25th, Xmas night. A good program will be given on that occasion. Crediton Miss Getty McCue of Melancbton is visiting her brother Dr. P. .1. McCue. —H. Eilber, M.P.P., Ira Brown and Saul Kuhn were in London Friday. --- A large number of our young people enjoyed the excellent skating on the River last week.—August Hill has had Henry Stanley working in his hotel stable the past week putting in new flooring and making other required improvements. --Miss Melinda Trick who has been atteeding the Business College in Stratford is home for her holidays.—Henry Eilber is placing acetylene gas piping and fixtures in Jas. Lawson's jewelry store and Alonzo Hodgins' dwellingthis week.—Victor Bertrand of London on spent Sunday in town with friends.—Word was receiv- ed here Tuesday that Henry Shear - down. tvhn formerly lived here, died in Mitchell after a short illness.—Fran- cis Clat k. wife and family spent Sun• day in Granton.—Aufrust Kuhn of the Sovereign Bank was in London Wed- nesday on business.—Rev. Cullen of London, representing the Y.M.C.A. delivered addres-es in the Methodist and Evangelical churches Sundav morning and evening. Ile is an excel- lent speaker and his remarks on the proposed Y.M.C.A, County organize- ri•en. as well as the noble work of this a..„rri.ation in general was listened to With &creat interest. --Our barber Wm. Salnhl•ook intends constructing 1411 open-air skating rink this season. We wish him every success. We are sat- isfied it will be well patronized by young and old. --Our merchants are starting to decorate their stores and windows for Xmas. trade. Old Santa Claus won't have to leave town to 1111 his seek with presents as he can get all the varieties he wants to from our merchants. - rhe moany friends of t he late B.11 Gunn. M. 1'.. were shocked to hear •.f his sudden death, which took place ill the hospital at Ottawa Mon• day. Mevetall from here ane attending the funeral at Seaford) today (Thurs.) Charles Stock. who has been in the butcher lousiness here for about a year, has bought out a similar business in yeht'ingville. ile is busy tnnv'ing bias effects there this week. Who his sue• ce.sot' will be is still unknown. DEATH.- Jane Hodgins, relict of the late Robert Hudgins, passed away quite suddenly on Wednesday. Dee. 1, after alaief illness, at the age of 67 years. Ity her death the lose a very hear ft te•r.1 :wad at valued neighbor, whoa) t,• know waas to love. The t•e• mains wets Laid to rest in the cemetery on the St I St li concession on Friday the funeral tering Lovely attended. I. e Andrews nflici.etcd. She lease. r„ mourn her demise a sister and hent lyre. besides e nrn►1..•t of eelative. and 1.. them we extend our deep sympathy in this their h of trial and sorrow. The Rev. Irl R. Hicks 1908 Almanac - 1 readv for delivery and excel. all former editions in beauty and value. The corer is a beautiful design in col - me. the entise hook is full of fine half tot,ca, a.Iton,uuical engravings and interesting twitter. It contains the flick•. weather fit,:asts complete for the whole year. finely illustrated. The pt ice by mail i.:1.1 cents, on News. Stand. :i1 cent.. %Vord and Work., the Ret. Irl R. Hick(' fine monthly Magazine, contains all his weather forecasts from month to month, to- gether with a vast amount of the hest family reading. The prier is $1 a year ;tisk! one almanac goes with esch sub- set iption. Address, 1Vord and Works Publishing Co., '12111 Locust Street. 8t. Louis, Missouri. 1Vrite for rate on altnanacs in quantities Agents ;vent- ral. tiret'nw'ay Mr. and Mrs. lino. Luther entertain- ' ed a number of theii ti i, [Ai to a soc- a cal evening on Tuesday last. Diener was served at eight o'clock. The re- mainder of the evet.ing was silent in music and games.- Harvey Uellespie and wife of Detroit ate visiting the latter's parents Mr. ,and Mr.. l:d. Mc- Pherson. --Miss Zillah English visited friends at Moray. ---Jas. I. McPherson has put a chopper in his factory and is prepared to chop on Tuesdays and Fridays. ".lila” is a hustler.—II. Stewardson and friend who spent the past couple of weeks here returned to their home in Toronto on Saturday.— Geo. Hartle is under the doctor's care. --\V. '1'. Ulens, Dep. Reeve of Mciil- livray was in London the past week attending County Council. --Chas. Stewardson retail ned from the West on Thursday hast. -Mr. and Mrs. H. Wickert were in town on Monday. - James Brophy called on friends at the Bend on Saturday. -Charlie Godsave, who spent the past three months in the 'Vest, arrived home Last week. USLoriie Council, Counnil met at Township Hall, Dec. 7th, pursuant to adjournment. All the members were present. The min- utes of the last. meeting were read and approved. Nomination sheeting will be held at Township Hall, Elimville, on Monday Dec. 30th, at 1 o'clock. If an election is necessary polls will be held on Monday Jun. Oth, at the follow- ing places: -Div. 1—T ). Hall, Elim- ville, Sidney Andrew, D. R. 0; George Kellat, P. C; Div. 2—George Cornish's house, Lot. 7, N. T. R; J. W. Horsey. D. R. 0; Dan Dew, P. C; Div. 4—Wm. Stephens house, Lot 2, con. 10, Mat, thew Routly, D. R. 0; M. L. Beavers, P. C; Div. 4—Public Hall, Farquhar, John Duncan, D. H. 0; Silas N. Shier, P. C. By-law No. 8 snaking provision for holding nomination and election was passed, signed by the Reeve and Clerk and the Corporate seal attached. A large number of accounts were passed which will appear in the finan- cial statements and orders issued in payment. Council adjourned to Mon- day. Dec. 1(ith at 1 o'clock. F. Morley-, ('leek. Sharon. The following is a report of tbe stand- ing of the pupils in S. S. No.4, Stephen. for November: Jr. IV.—II Schwarz, 0 Eilber, 11 Kraft, L Schroeder, A Brokenshire, L Morlock, B Smith, H Wein, M Eilber, A Cornish. Jr. IV— W. Schwartz, M Coxworth, 0 Brown, M Klutnpp, 0 Brown, G Cornish, E Schroeder, M Brokenshire, 0 Cornish, Jr. IIL—E Roeszler, E Amy, i Either. I. Smith, 0 'Vein. Jr.II.—C Morlock, J Schwartz, J Brokenshire, E Cornish, M Coxworth, E Wein. Part i.—C Schroeder, A Wein, 0 Cornish. C Morlock, H Preszcatot'. M. C. Jennison. Teacher. Mooresville Mrs. Clarke received word Wednes- day of the death of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Hodgins who passed away on Tuesday of last week. Mrs. Clark at- tended the funeral Thursday.—Mr. Farrel, who has been onthe sick list is recovering.—Miss Jackson of London is visiting Mrs. John Gilmore.—Wed- ding bells may be expected to ring in the neighborhood shortly from all ea. counts. u- counts. AccinKNT- Mr. John T. Simpson, thresher, met with a very painful and unfortunate accident last week which will lay trim off duty for some time. Ile was engaged in rutting straw with the machine and in some manner got his arm caught in the cogs of the machine. injuring it badly. A doctor was called and dressed the wound and the injured member is now doing as well as CA1) hr expected. Shipklt We wish you all as Merry Xmas and a► Happy New i ram, --J. (lower is on the sick list,—J. i). Hanna has a nice selection of Xmas toys. -it keeps S. Sweitzer busy fixing the farmer's sep- ar'atrn s and water troughs now -+:-days. —11. Wing was in London and Ham- burg one day last week on business.— Dave Raiz of Philipsburg while visit- ing John Ratz of K hive, called on H. Wing of this plaice.—A number from here attended Miss Pearl Keys birth• day party last Monday evening and repot t a very enjoyable evening.—Mrs. Thos. Lamport and son Williatni• for - wetly of this plaice, who for the past years were in alleliln, Man., ate visit• ing her daughter and friends of this place. --Nelson St. (hair, formerly of this place, who was at Revelstoke, B. C., is visiting his pumas here. i3•It• ehei'iig hogs is the order of the day amongst the fainters bete.- George Kellct•tu:an is securing Wren from i)Nsh• wood to workup his flax. --Mrs. Jos. Ilaist of ('t edit on spent Ttiesdat- with Mrs. S. Sweitzer.—Gus. Laddie wears a smiling face. It is a bouncing baby boy.—Don't forget the Xing. tree on December 2:31.d. -('. Lochner and E. Brenner repent having a good time at Bcnvert ow11 lust week. Tells Now to Mix it A well-known autho- rii . un i;h•tnia• i 'ism gites1he ielide,s nt a I age New !York daily paper the following able, yet simple and harmless prescrin- tion. which any rine can easily prepaue at home: l'bald Extract Dandelion one-half ' ounce: Compound Kergnn, one rnnece: 1'oninonnd Syrup Mars.epuilla three ounces. Mix by shaking well in a bottle and take a tessponnfitl lifter each meal and at bedtime. Ile states that the ingredients can be obtained from any good prescription pharnlalcy at small cost, and being of vegetable extraction are harmless t.. take. This pleasant mixture, if taken teg- nlNrly for a few day., is said to tee et - rnnu •nlmoa•t any cl.e of Ithenlnati ua. The pain snd swelling, if any. dimin- ishes with each dose. until permanent results are obtained, and without in jnring the StoffInch. While there are many so-called Rheumatism remedies. patent medicines. etc., some of which do give relief, few really give per man• ent result, and the above will no doubt be greatly appreciated by many stiffer- ers here at this time, inquiry at the drug stores of this neighborhood, elicits the information that these drugs are harmless and can he bought separately, or this druggist* here will mix the prescription for our leaders if asked le. Hon. A. B. Aylesworth, minister of justice, who was threatened withdeaf- ness, is again in his place in the !Lube of Commons, touch improved. mTiUt When as sweets" lose their sweetness— and " substantials," their charm—there are always MOONEY'S PERFECTION CREAM SODAS to coax hack the appetite. Do YOU know how good they are? 105 Kippen Jaynes C. McLean, 2nd con., Tucker - smith, has been suffering the past few days with blood poison in his hand.— The deal between George T. Kay and Gen. Weir, for the purchase of the for- nler's faun, has fallen through and Mr. McKay still retains the property.— Our Sabbath schools are slaking ready for their Cboistmas tree entertain- ments St. Andrews' will bold theirs on Christnras eve and the Methodists about the sante time.—Alex. Mcl3eath Is busy shipping lumber these days.— Our merchants are busy with their Christmas trade. --G. W. McKay, who has been attending Knox College for the past two years, and spending the summer months in mission work in Algoma anti Saskatchewan, has been visiting in our midst and on Sunday gave an interesting address in the Methodist church on mission work in Formosa. Lucas Perhaps it has never been known of in Canada before that maple syrup has been made on a large scale in the month of December. On Saturday Martin Roberts of London Tp„ tapped twenty maple trees and the following Sunday and Monday the sap was run- ning and is now being boiled down. 'Ibis is certainly something extremely unusual to happen two weeks before Christmas.—J. M. Donnelly of London visited here Sunday.—Thos. Henessey, for many years bartender at the Cent- tral hotel here, has purchased the Vic- toria hotel at Clandeboye from J. 1V. Pitman and will take possession Jan. 1.—Rev. Dymond of Glencoe exchang- ed pulpits with Rev. Cat -lisle on Sun- day. --Miss Aggie Atkinson returned to Chicago Thursday.—A. K. Ifodgius has returned ftou► the West.—Reeve Hawkshaty spent a fete days in Lon- don last week. --R. E. McLean has pore i chased a lot from H. Mowbray and will put a house on it shortly.—Mrs. Geo. Obanyon and daughter Margaret are visiting in Detroit.—Thos. Kensela 1 and wife of St. Marys, formerly of Bid- dulph are rejoicing over the arrival of a daughter. ---One of the greatest sec- cesse•s that has crowned the efforts of the ladies of holy Trinity church, was the bazaar held on Dec. I, b and 6, from which the suns of $5l3 was real- ized, which after all expenses have been met, will leave fully 8500 profit. The Indies wish to extend their hearty thanks to all who so :ably assisted thein. DF.ATit--This week we are called upon to record the dearth of another old and highly respected resident of this village io the pet son of William Rollins. who passed away at his resi- dence on Monday. Deceased had 1 e,n in poor health for the past three years and although he suffered much he rarely complained. Ile was born in I3iddulph township and has been a resident of this village for al o it four years where tie has been engaged in the bakery business. Ile was (11 years of age and leaves a widow, four soils and one daughter. 'ih. film rap took place from his bete residence on We I- nestley afterimon to St. James' church cemetery. The bereaved Gamily have the sympathy of this cenlmWIRY in their loss of se loving husband and a Ti STBATrONO, ONT. THE LEADING SCHOOL 1p gi.ing a better course of training than tt..,t git• en by any other sin filar institution in Ontario, cue have become one of the leading business training. schools in Canada. Our graduates are in demand as office assistants and business college teachers. Our courses being the best our gradurtea succeed. If interested in your ccellare write now for our cata- logue; It Is tree. We hate three departments, Cont. u.erciai, Shorthand and Telegraphy. Winter term op u e Januar- 6. ELLIOT'l' .h MCLACIILAN, Principals WAREHOUSES — AT— EXETER, CENTRALIA AND CLANDEBOYE AT THIS TIME OF THE YEAR Everyone needs something to create and Ilhtiut. 111 strength for the ti:: 't• round of duties. There is nothing bett.r than an Ale or Porter, the put icy and merit of which h:es been attested by chemists, physicians and experts at the great exhib- bition'. ASN FON Highest Price paid for Grain RICH. SELDOM 0.91400141 (Successor to Joseph Cobhledick) THE MOLSONS BANK (in- ortarated L} Act of Parliament 1555) Head Office, Montreal Capital ''aid Up' Reserve Fund Assets Over $3,200,000 3,000,000 33,000,000 IXTY-TWO BRANCHES IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA EXETER BRANCH OFFICE HOURS 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. SATURDAYS, 10 a. m. to 1 p. m, A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current rate of interest allowed Saying Bank Department: credited quarterly interestonhaSatlt yearly will be credited quarterly instead of half yearly as formerly. Deposits of $1 and upward: received. Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government. DICKSON & CARLiNG, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager, Why Not Give a Pipe for Christmas? It would be a perpetual r,:a:ineler of the fiver a:ui a source of continual satisfaction if you get an This brand on a pipe is equal to the sterling mark on silver. The bow' is fu'.ly guaranteed against crae king or burning, and everything about it is fully first-class. Cole's Drug Store kind father. IC finest assortment of pipes in t1)tc►►, 1';\ 1': I'Elt Toilet articles: bearings' Bazaar The Name of Santa Claus Holiday Goods for Everybody We have a full and complete stoelf' for Everybody. Look at these Fancy China: ('omplete assortment Leather Coods: Hand i)ags. purses, etc Manicure Sets. Combs. Hair Iii ushe'. having Brushes, Mugs, Etc. Stationery: Enve'O[)C4 and paper, 15c. tn 51.50: album . looks, pictures, etc. Toys: To numerous to mention. Call and wee them, Confectionery: Flom the choicest chocolates to the mixed. Fruits: (';11ifaalIlia and 'll;uiish Oranges. Dates. Cooking Figs. Perfumes: selling out at half price DEARINGS' BAZA AR, EXETER