HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-12-12, Page 3•'.u:e et In.. Why. they w sold have no- lip; tendo this curtain. the horror of
+0+0.0.0+4+0•0.0+0.0+0+0+04 0+ 0+010+0 .0+0+0+00 „ the, with i, ! 1 <et,ult' tike the what he had done overwelmed tiro, and
• it of y sur sunbeam•, eyes if she a mad longing to rusts from the spit4. i:, .:: eel 1., swine here. What es more drew hire u few steps away.
g' •.old not gem udnritlunce. !fly 111811 lint the r•ememibr,ur'e of what such u
4 1 . ! :, order., Go hack to where you a urse of therms might Iced lo, and Ihue-
_ elite; !u iii mud eve nw In pt a,ce." tn,porlael it sea-, t., Prevent susleeeel he-
!ulh'd uwuyI u, hu spxtkeand do- in;; thrown upon 1....-,•,f, he went back
+ 1 mended ono or two rough steps hewn in t•, the plistratc t•.,.ly, and with tre'm-
O 1 ill 1>athway and leading to u seal l
bling but determined hand, drew it to
• • i...• ,e. Hut hill, springing after him, 1111.! e'tige Of the (1111.
0 r Win by the shoulder and forcedA few minute, later he toss walking
0 • e round, dew n the road to the village, svhULsl on
the le.ae•h, ,wane Ilfty feet below. the
+ 1 -- 1; at air ufo"e• y(u tell any runrtir 1111rngled body of Sir Ralph Fret•r smelt -
OR, THE CONVICT'S DAUGHTER. will, „,..ii„.„,„,„.ir1"lieu. a lone'nl:�(lil`i cel aicuvery.
pro b I c intinut•d).
'.tre*.e. 0+04O•0+0.0+0+0.0.0+0 te+0•0+O'F0.0.Q+09
Let Once, when 1 did your .lily work
far you, 3011 teemed ale feller lime your
+, dandified .elf. I'm 8111 Green . . . 1.)1.1
Sunlx'uui, ley daughter. 1e no n,.u•.• none
than yours.. , You know who .-!,.• t.,,
and Ilittl's why tette i ;bleu her from
111'' and 11'ttV Ie11 these hes,"
11 \1'1'I:It X1.-,l:uutinueii).
!:. ,, 1 1, •n part'!.• outside the e
ieiil is ,• ... ,
t"lld. 1
that u:,. . 1
nlurh i,'. •
in 11..•
say. ee. •
e a ►herr •
eft• melte 1.. ,
y• u1 llsier.-
"Roighi yew.. 1 Rill, a Y „ion
cf the )n.l,lic-i.• 1.1 rising before
him. "I i:.t 1 ! • 1• in Ille Town i1
.shcs got . 1 ell get nothing for
ex•ur u•t,11h:,•. - . . ., not fallen over
teem cliffs, 011,1 ;. • e let lie hiding in
them caves. ell. s t. • • h deed GI the dark
fo' Thal!"
Ile slouched up the sunny while road
I cis he stroke, his hawks deep in his pie*.
els, his hat al the back o;f his head, a
but specimen of hes Ouse.
The thought of searching around hila
seen+ d ridiculous, nor did he agree with
I tut in tIi
that Sunbeam ► as
t -ing
near home with the intention of go-
ing to her aunt when the coast was
clear. ile knew lhat elle would not runt
such a risk of being caught, and felt
convinced that she had gone to Olney.
Al she had nG stoney with her, he knew
she could net gel further. Probably she
letended willing to Golly from there.
Ile would Iimd her easily. But ho could
oto no harm by dropping into the Half
Way House, and Inking a few minutes'
rest, especially as he might hear some-
thing from a pa4ning traveller that
c, weld give him n clue.
ile pushed (pen the bar door and en-
tered. A o;uple of laborers lounging
against the minter stared at him, as the
-oaten nodded rend smiled.
"Thirsty weather, sir," she exclaimed,
1 elping hint.
"It is that. And I've a long walk
'Mead unless stunts 0110 can give me a
idle he retot•teil.
"Going to Olnay elle queried.
"1 suppose you're fetching your young
I•.ely back. 1 saw her go off this morn -
leg. It was early, but 1 suppose bile went
there for the s•ike et the lift. efr. Sim-
mons Ls that sly that I had quite a shock
-w ben 1 .saw her with him. But the quiet-
est hien are always the keenest after
pretty fu'r's. Besides. the old captain
liked her and perhaps Sir Ralph---"
"What aro you. gentle nt?" asked Rill,
:t gtl:•am of excitement in his sly eyes.
"Sir Ralph. Who the Deuce is Sir
Ralph?" She drew back, half startled,
0e(.r hit voice 'shook with stippreeseti pas-
RI .Il.
"So, I'M telling tales out of school, am
1?" she et.rlehnet, with n little laugh.
'That depends." replied Bill, cautious -
y. for the had a itlized that he must not
•eyeal lguorn'i on the subject. "My
uughter has ghat' to Olney'. She's there
slew. But I thought sea ---she'd walked.
"She got a lift. 1 ought to know. be-
ause the trop belong.. to i.e. \Ir. Sim-
mons. Sir Bailee% servant. (w t rowed it
r• four. Sir
seems afoul fur .
r tuft.
4 IIx
Ralph is the invalid gentleman et the
cottage; he's queer In hie head --het his
memory. Ile lives (here ramie wilti Mr.
Simmons. and a mise gentleman 1 never
site. They offer, berme. my trap. %Ie'.
Simm<nt,s said tie a anted it very early.
i:ecause his muster could not bear driv-
inl,• to the hot sum, and had a fancy to
gel his hreakfasl at n geed hetet, and
tie dare not be contrary to hitt. They
carne hack a Utile week, ago. alone. 13111
t'.hc•n they passed. going, i was at the
te▪ es. and your raung lady was with
thein. Like 0s not they gave her the
"Oh. yes, like es net. I'm sorry 1
tiroke 'asly. 1'eu slerticd ale. Sun-
beant'e too pretty a gal to go about with
strange men. nod ---"
"Slut's safe with Sir Ih:tlplu. Ile's a
tont gentleman. and to. lila.+-11. arleil as
they make them. -
The telierers gt.ifawed.
'i'litties the wove.' ee Ilhint(td eat',
"The quality look at a pretty gal whet
ain't of their sc.rl like a cot de a thistle-
down-- the tow• chews it up the quality
teem likewise to the gal. Rti't it so.
nrlater 1"
Rtll swore !minty. The woman's loco
• 1
tel ell
..i r,. 1.
,lout h.:•.
•..: i. to gel u
pew angry •
"Suapiebeu, to -elute: tarn nm 1 What
wollId Sir Italph wail with 5u itteatII "
she demanded ntigt ie. "Ile sa'V her
walking and kindly eficred t') take het-
eret his trap. That was kindness only.
Resides, he's bark again. end -he abet- -
met :thews ynu1.' a tong.'
Rill brought his flst &soil heat ily on
10 the '•cuntor. The gusset•• jingled :as
Pe stet,k it.
"II•' gosh, 3 mere rteighl, niacin !
Miele a pack (t feels. 't'tetr gentleman.
se. Italph - whet s 11i• ether name
Hatph Freer.'
He glared at her %s tilt arrested ',reek.
The cow fader) irons ender his titmice
Ile seized 1114 glass and gulped les
L,,1', hoe thirsty 1 ens r' lir tie, u-
Inleal. "Sir Ralph Freer- what It minor` .
Well. 1 b'llece c°u. !Hartle 'thin sir
Ralph Sn --Freer-- geed my gat a tat,
that',- ;III. When 1 sues hen 111 thank
She gegge d.
"What's the geed' IZell have fe.rg•ellcn
about0it ''
"1t his memory so bad a: met be e"'
Maimed incredulously.
"Well, they eay nude ti'. i:'nes-. 1 e•.,
of memory and hate o' weme►n. Are you
toting ' I hope t shell be as forlutale as
Sunbeam an get a lift. fee a ,teamingi
bet m••rning for a Welk. eioetl day to
( 11 \1'l ER
h ill +seen wnikcs!
The 1ititay Bead. his
gree 4 puckered.
a little way ei. ng
head bent awl hie
For the stomata
• .1 1 11111 to strange
hint, end the name.
• lowed i11 his eater.
.' 1 •, lieu: • 1 : c•-miing 'ere , .. tetter
tleee yeti- ' `,nd yet they Net his
1 u ! , \\'hat can i1
. •.: ,•tl. stopping staidenly
and 1•-olene : . et the cottage tasking
e the 11;11 r . • . • the Morning sun.
. •• :r.ridencecould not have
•,lieu;+ feet i; lo the yixtl and into
1 wilt simbennl'1 Perhaps even
,. slur said elle dill not know his
male she utas laughing up her sleeve!
perhap.; .,hr knew everything .
eery r,!uglc• tui:ug there tau- 10 1,1`
knew,- ! i'erhnps Sir Italph had neut-
ered his memory and reuiernt erect all
Ihul had happened- long year; age. !
Ile drew n deep breulb an'i Emelt 1110'
t, string .,f oaths. That they, 3:r !tattle
and -inieecun should attempt to pit heir
brains ugnint his! Ile would show that
II% wies as clever and as sly 11., they
were. They should not bailie hon entire-
ly. Sir Ralph tni„t Aleut I►inh ta'e to
fate and tell hill what 1.e had done with
"Sir Ballet lever 1"
Ile uttered the w'.irtl with a flown.
ki :long a stone ye..lusty. It rotted
demi the reed, while he watched it with
n smile, .)ding thoi.ghtfully: "I gal the
hest of him onai; 1 can do so again."
Memory carried hint back to a squalid
tercet. The scent of it small tobacco -
filled inn lined hi, tlost'ils. A hand-
some young man In evening dress barely
hidden by his great coat, looked earnest-
ly acre.,; a table at hint... "I trust you,'
Le said In a refined voice , , , "You'll be
good to her."
Ile tossed his heed. The Vision van-
ished. °nee more the sea -blown gra:-
bowel before his eyes, patches of scar-
let relieving iia monotony.
Yes, tie had been goad ie her, until
now. She owed him ;otnettling for years
of love and cure. No ono should steal
her from hits. Not even he who had
given her.
With another °loth he stumped along
the road. The laborete lie had niel, at
the inn stared as they carte up to hila.
"Been t.. Oluay already :"' tusked one,
with an attempt at wit. -
"1 ain't ge.he. It's t.x, 'ot. I'm goiti
later on hi the day." he gr.,wled ns he
passed on. "And yet. eee.hi L (rouble
your wooden noddles ahead rue," he add-
ed sell° voce'.
Ili, eves sought the lonely college
standing on the high headland. The
garden surrounding it knlual cool and
shady, and sloped down lownrdLs the
Very edge of the cliffs, beneath which the
blue water., of the sparkling sea dancer)
in the sunlight. tpssing the fisher boats
upon theme front one to another play-
fully, liken loving mother dangling her
But tutu peaceful beauty of the place
had nu effect ul,•m him. !fie mind was
pull of ranger. :A longing to see Sir
Italph Freer and tax him with theft drew
him elevnrds. He steel,' not give up
"tut rein without a liked. she was lits,
lie w.,uld have her bark again, or snake
Uaugs very bed indeed for the inmate
.,i Ito r'npteliI s collage.
A; he neared the trios.- a man cattle
uul, a b"ket in hie: hand. and turned
int( the rued. .et the same incipient an-
other appeared at the front door and
"Simmons. don't forget Ute stapips this
!fill 1114-1 led et the toted,. The voice
sent a chilly feeling down his Leek.
Row well he had known it once! Ile
g'aneed toward+ the tall hent figure.
(:hanged as it wits, he would have recog-
nized 11 anywhere. though the hair wits
now grey mei the features ttogggard,
Ile sat down by the roaelsld.• tutu
webbed Simmons walk towards the se-
ttee,. ei ringing his basket as he wont,
les body. straight. Itis head eruct, l Mutt
when be answered his master he had not
glaurel hock °mete 111' emir+, altitude
lull ,.f 1.10.1 Ir.peelnbilily. ruin he
wooled tanse troll sight 111111 the colot
le (leer. Then sir Ralph emelt be sur-
priee,l ii,•te.•I.
hull .1111,1.le••1, \lest v e1- he fell. Ihi-
t.elhe ,( 1,:1n...; 1 cktee, The pow,
seem,' s t i111. . , 1', n. ti n111,••:un.
wt.cret.'r -1 • w: . 1 ....n IN' 11 4111
Wm again. 11.'.., .[.1 ,lltuttl to laugh.
Though rage would 1,It.1 ant all ether
feelings when he :amp fare to flee weft
sir lin11.11.
\1 10.1 he 1111 •.'. ant! wiilk••,l lin 1 . the
cowed den,+• t' he nu -tel tui, hand
Illknerker he eats. ' it Ralph wall. doom
Ill garden lessee!. the • 11(h. Ilii 11,11,1
fele Ill his ' 1' . \\ ,n. :, t_''+ut • :tiered.
1 , sl••ppevt 1 1'• : • h-1' one (m
1 Ihr gall• , i li r,• 'user tithed..
i 1 n• el It ;,` . u tau. hearing
,•ey' 1•. h nJ`hun. - • •1 .suddenly
u 1 ,,;• n...! .,•
11.• 1 111 . ,•. 11 :1,t1 1..
stint and pHu,\. ktunne •
t'.,g.•tlk'n ere,: m;" ti'- 1'10.- 1.
t i'. iugf m• 8•ur. d it.1t trine lop l.1 due
;rout til. Ihre•a'.-eying -
"eehet 1.-, cls thy mat,'" let you \stout
:ort Ming? 'lies is a 1111)1111' garden.
"See.' inlert opted 11111 1eug li! . "1
sella 1 ..41110.1h11114 1111(1 felIeri+b'.(,II In eek
f. 11, 1 emit tie daughter Stlnla•atn.'.
ser Ralph smiled. then retook itis head.
$,114.40041 who the roan 'n1, 11)1•1
y,dt prepare.! r•'- 111111.
"\.,nr daughter !" ice exclaimed
iters i- nt. \vermin here. Teti are mi--
Rill's etre Ila-htd.
"\u." he retertd g(5 utiO . "I'rn not mis-
ttoken. 1 kneww•s 81'..40 tft no good Wi-
tty anything from tee. 1 know, ns well
as ywt. that env daughter i n t hero now.
lie she 'as been. and what's nwre, yo'.:
knew where ehe 1s f'
"Then you are cera,nly lles(cd :'.1th
e. t•aordinary acumen, my mend. 1
et. •,c nothing about your Aau Qtiter.
Sunbeam, dM you colt her ?? rm an in-
'.ultd, in search of rest. Worsen are no.
Sir Ralph Incl his hand to he Iletin. A
Troubled .-xprti;siott crossed his features.
"I'm .,eery," he replied. "taut uhfor-
Ienately 1 have no knowledge of a fer-
nier uc•qurtintancehip with oat. lour
maul, conveys .tinting either. You are
mistaking ale for some one else."
Ile end de,•cn wearily as Ile spoke,
and bulked t• \seek Ill.► sparkling sea,
Dill laughed • ••ttemetietusly and steed
it. froth of I'ir.:,
"You can'tret me to swaller all that,
g r•ru.r," I. sncwrtxl. "It's bnpas;iblo
y..0 don't know me now ! Ingress -nee
Vuu'te f ,rgol all I did for rhe. ,
\\'hem 3•,01 was ill, end k. -t your melte
ere, and wryer turned le, ieetitl, I be -
Level it a11' sen. glad ee- :-he .ousted her
1.111,• hotly int.. 0111' 'VIII+, and 1 would
'ate died ler 'er. 'What, :thy 1 never
owned up. '.te if I de, 1 mean to be paid
for me fatherly lose and cart:, not 10 ave
her sneaked ;may from rue jist be -cause
your an invalid. Iiot' do 1 know Ileal
story's true, ch" Perhaps Ileal'; your
r e But 'VU
treelike 1
( t
I tl .
,r of out ,t y
dodge to
Kc' b
don't t ee e over
Green that
Aleatory or n',, you 'aye Su ietein now.
So tell pie where ..he
Sir Ralph, setts Mud listened with evi-
dent wonder, shook his head
"1 cannot tell you Mut. Seta -cam, as
you call lee -
"Yee 'ad her in your trap this merit-
ing, s nnt"ti'• ':hat ;user you told me that.
And things leeing its Ihcy are you can't
make me believe Ihat was mere hued -
dent. You was taking 'er away from
,no. sending her away. You 'Opel her
is eecupe from the cottage in the wood.
It's no good k,ukiug Tike a blank, you
know all that, and you Wive to own tip.
That's what len here for, \\'here is
"1 understand nothing of what you
51ty, 11ty anon. Is nitre Mane mystery
about this girl, Sunbeam. Do you mean
le sity That she is not really your daugh-
13i11 drew bade in disgust,
"Weill Of all the middles, yours be
Fie 'ardesl I've known, I'll believe that,
until you seed ate, yott'd forgot, but 1
can't bVyoll don't member now,
titat's beyeliFoned any man'sreunder tending,
You know now, after all I've said, who
Sunbeam is -you remember what you
did the night of the II ,ichester hunt
Rall, afore your illness. You owe me
summal for reseti'ing your memory -
you owe ale all round. you see, so it's no
good wasting more (line, I've business
ort hand, and my pelienCe is worn out.
1 should 'ave made you speak afore only
1'v respect for an invalid. Now, invalid
or not, I want the truth anti the truth
111 have. Where's Sunbeam, what you
soy.s you theft know who site is when
you've t.nned 'ere a purpose to sneak
her away.'
•,\Who i, sunbeam? Telt ate," nsketn
Si- Ralph. glancing apprehensively tip
ll.• garden. If only Simmons would carne.
le•e• the strange man was gelling excited,
and aright become t totem at env mo-
ment. 1lis heart fluttered within his
breast like a frightened bird. Some-
thing strange seemed about to happen,
stencilling he mild old
away f not
"\Who's Sunbeam 1" relortel I1i11,
"Nen ask me that? tend you knew I
\\ ell. I'II honor you. lou know Mel you
yeurself stole Sunbeam, n bider cold
night it were, out of 'er bel, and gh'ed
'e: to me -swear you don't remember
Ihel. ch ""
sir Italph blaneet'd visibly, his eyes
dealing will+ horror.
"1ngx,a'ible !" he gasped, "I ,.lent a
elite' 1 Why -what should 1 de with
Me? " \\'hose wee -h.•
11111 lnughevl again. Ile could not be-
e, se sect, oblivion genuine. Ills anger
re,•, .1, 1t • realized how long h.; ilnti al -
read y sett -e•.1 talking to Ibis grho-1 of filo
sumo R'neer Sir Ralph he had on, kueewn
,tell. and he blurted impalienlly :
"'t rty ran I know what Von did i. f•Ir'
louit your reasons, black 1,118, no .1"111,1, sMn of the same tiupopuler palroll)! nc;
Me ,•een 11hoiI 11i YOU cruel. Ae pot while n eertnin Erni!• Kruger, n factory
I1(1\\ '10 CI 111: RIll t U W11S11
t.\D IIle hill\l: i4,
arr Skates
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Practically every prominent hockey
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16 different styles, to suit all kinds
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Our ►toe Skate Book illustrates and describes then:
Write for a free copy.
of ice.
hockey Sticks are
The Starr Manufacturing Co.; Limited
Gives Reader, Adsire--.tie) Tell, of h t++++++++++++++++++t+++
Simple 1'm-etipli.,n lo \lake a house- • -
%lade elisions •
\• w is Ihr time ellen t':' ±. t•.r gels •
About the Farm
lees . and the patent mere., elle roan.)- . +
lecturers reap the harvest, unless great ♦ 4
cure is taken to dress warmly and keep
the feet dry. Thls is lite adyi •e of an It++++++++++•++++++++++
old eminent authority, who says That
Rheenialtstn and Kidney trouble wea-
ther is here, and also tells what to do
In case ot an attack.
Get from any good prescription phar-
macy one -hall ounce Fluid Extract
Dandelion, one ounce Compound Kate
gen, three ounces Compound Syrup
Sursuparilla, elix by slaking in a bot-
tle and Take a teaspoonful alter meals
and at bedtime. Also (rink plenty of
water. You cane drink too etch it
Just try This simple Monte made mix-
ture, and don't forget the water,
at the Iles( sign of Rheumatism,
or If your back aches or you feel that
the kidneys are not nclutg just right.
This is said to be a splendid kidney
regulator, and almost certain remedy
fur all forms of Rheumatism, which is
caused by uric acid in the blood, which
the kidneys fail to filter out. Any one
can easily prepare this at horse and at
small cost.
Almost any druggist in the smaller may be difficult or impossible to secure
towns can supply the ingredients a stand.
maned, as they are commonly used in
the prescription department.
alar '1'NRU1 .\ Melee
When People Rase Conlnriltcd Suicide
New land because of the Targe quan-
tify- of vegetable matter it contaitls is
exceedingly louse. The leaf nlokl also
gives 'the soil a dark color and fertile
appearance. Ileums or decomposed
Vegetation is an essential element in
productive s,oits. It improves the tex-
1111'0 SO that the soil is able to
retain heat moisture and p18(11 food.
New land Ls se aerated that usual -
1y crops growing 011 11 suffer much
from lade of moisture. it will gener-
ally produce a good growth of stalk
but the yield of grain will be poor. It
not overtaken by a severe drought the
fodder will likely grow to a good size
while •the ears will be small and faul-
ty. Among the grasses clover seems
exist adapted to new land. Indeed,
upon such soil it will invariably thrive,
While upon old neighboring fields It
011 Account 01 a Surname,
Dr. C. 111. Gravestone, a physician of
England, who was made a bankrupt,
recently, infcrmed his (-millers the other
day that he had been ruined by les
After a similar fashion an Islington
baker named Sltorlw•eight was brought
to undeserved poverty a couple of
months back; while an alien butcher,
summoned at the \\'hitchapel County UP•
Court about the sante time, altrlbuted his ----
insolvency to the fact of his being WET OR Dm. FEED.
named Kutzmeit. An old mrtleod of feeding Cows and
At the time when ill London was g
flocking to see i'inero's clever play, Tho working oxen was b feel about halt
Notorious Mrs. Ebbsmith, a real Mrs, a bushel to each of cut straw wet with
E1'bsn►ith committed suicide. At the in• water and mixed with chop or meal
quest It transpired that certain diseredi- ground from corn, rye and oats. They
Labe passages in the early lite of the were also given all the hay they could
mythical heroine of the drama coincided eat, The Cows were kept in the barn -
with certain passages In the life of the yard day and night with an open she)
deceased. 'these coming to the know- te. go under when it stormed and were
ledge a her client, -she was a Court fel cornstalks and hay for fodder and
dneesn►aker-her business suffered, rind were slopped %salt buckwheat bran or
in the end she chose death in preference wheat grout mixed with sealer, makingto facing the ordeal of the bankruptcy a "slop." which sees so Mtn that the
a the nonce•
osay,that 1
ee less t c
d� in • e
ticould d nlmo.. drink It. Sometimes
tel.cow e 1 t
clatory coincidence was altogelleer tor- a little' Chop was ndde.d lo make it rich.
Fruit of all kinds do well upon clear-
ed woodland, provided, of Mousse. that
the Iocaction and mechanical condition
o' the soil are suitable. For vegetable
growing now land is very desirable.
note only because of ifs comparative
freedom from foul growth, but beatiete
such soils contain a large supply of
organic nitrogen, the most necessary
and expensive of vegetable fertilizers.
It. is light and .porus, thereby enabling
the lender sprout after germination to
more readily push its feeble forth
through the surface. Upon old land
frequently a trust will form on the
surfaco, or the soil becont(i biked,
thereby preventing seed front coming
tt.ltou•r, so far as Mr. Pinero was con- e1'. it was fed in swill pails and
wooden boxes, and the cows did well
Perhaps. however. the most wholesale on il.
series of instances of ruin brought about`-'n
may he objected that lite 111CSS
through 8 Warne ocemrrect during the wens salon too feet tet produce the test
Ik'er war, when dozens of people whose result, thud if the teed had been given
aursames chanced to he Id''ntlral with re the cows would have been ohgli ed
that of.Seetit e eA president
niRetublic.the otwere toeatit more slowly. and Ihn saliva
tune+ P
literally hounded out of house and home from the 115°11111 would becom
by inlet pnlhcli•v p'ople of itllro-palriee mixed with ill which i hive supposed toe
Uc, ndencies. aid digh'�ilon.
There is not muclt
Thteus, in oar week, timing
height doubt that entreats will do better when
of the war fever, an East End Landon obliged tet eat their steal slowly than
eitflshm named 1Cragter sees inrced to when allowed to gobble it down hest-
iu'°a11ger u Ilnuriihing and lucral!•e ily in slop. In either C&4C the meal
business: n jnllrneymml baker henget Ilea in the animal's stomach in n small
himself because he could not face the 14uvpar•, or oowpadl hoop, whemct4
jeers end taunts entailed by his posses -
itnlenl or cvtnlracled G,oJ should Ixo test
it such tL manner arc to 1111 the atomnrh
r( the organs of digestion can easily
lay hold upon it,
f ht:l:r11Y NOTES.
\\ hen geese lave phetty et room they
deo 1.0-1 when allowed to forage and
select their own food provided alwnya
that flu re Ls plenty of grass.
1 knew nothing of nil yeti ray. You mi, -
under its ConitoI O-Irictes are found \ single union of male and tomato
lake m1' for emote one else. Go uwtt+ • 'r wild in teeny parts of westet/1 Akio'. fertilize, all the eggs the hen will Iny
thing• may he I,ad for you,"pleng the (Iver Niger They avoid the ter the. _•'aeon. hence one wheel. still
Ile eh"ked, quivering torn hood lo neighborhood of than. bed on eeme of ;mutts•• :• r twenty or ntore Menet.
\tihe ;he i-. \:ell. 'at'e you forgo! 1.41(I
sir Steller r.,,.' itt hie feet with a low
"1.''at'• that name atone:' he whisper -
...l pnssk,aulely, "I still not hear you
mention il. 'phis if n cense of hla"kmail,
nit• 111811. bull I'm not t., he frighlen181.
worker. was driven 'refine by her com-
panion, senseless and cruel bander.
TIIE O1 l'Rlr'11 IN ,t 1'111+:.\.
'rhe french (k,vernrnent in western
Africahas undertaken to organize the
!reeding of ostriclees in the Irl rifery
11(11, mil 118(1 retreated 8 step or Iwo,
"I, lulu breath metre+ Hurl palest the i+lends in that and other 11Vers the
r.,re hip iteitio nliou beteme pmrple• nnt!•ee hive established rude ostrich-
• dollen 4,1 rage MA'AM{ to his eyes, tarns. fleeter Decor -se. who) WAS np>
\.' 1 n Curse he sprang upset the tall, peileted by the p V('rnnucml to .vti,IV
•• 1 ing figure, end shook it rigor- the atilejeet, says the! the methods of
1j1.''. the oatrh'11-fnrntere of the (:ata' eon.
et %see vele. 0o1el'.•' he snarl's'. not be fully tarried out In 11he French
1- t 1' •u know It ! territeey. It will Le necessary to helve
Ili.' o;triehee In n muttony none elle
state. They migrate mere .-r les: ere
the series -ins. When it leeemia far, dry
in the south they ge unrlhwnrd,
•..1 "11111beutn
1., i ; 1; - • , , . . •• . 14,1 I.ady
h. -i t;;...uer
11• _lopped. tlwe.l by the sudden look
..1 fear 111 the will looking eyes. Melo a?-
1••nnh."l at lit. own weird?. which had
grit en hint urs idea he had not thought of
until then,
Sir 11811,11 drew ha. k, lighting for
1 tenth, and trying to :speak with evident
"!1 'i•' --Lady 4:ruse has no daugh-
•.id 10 the ground. BUI slooped
• 1. 1n, terrine!. '1'hei smiled, ututler-
\:n.ther trick 1 Ry gosh. he skirts give
• n, tethers!' whilst he laid heat y bends
, 'l,i• laden man and shook him again.
"\, m'+ c' )ie.lr winsome '' `ie greet•led.
The c c -'ed "seltds gatceread ppm for a
±r'►rone. The ieck of agony ,n the toe
t,eeveen sent a thrill of ht rent 11:n. igh
hem Ile roleased his hold ireidenly.
Teen, eeelr,g that Sir Ra;ph remained
immovable, .! oped over hdin again to
draw beak with an awe struck wtesper-
"\ty *XI 1 Nee dead r
Theo, as a CsMg3 **Mg et Wert and
Re al peace whit seer esti hl•nr even
1f It means war with t' n1 -elf,
Bald-headed When Are net lo
the chap who parts his heir
ereer at
irl the
'May I have the nest tl:'rice. Mice
fertile?" "I'm ,'ngngal. Mr. Gaily.”
"Oh. what's the odds? Why. 1't'. nine -
rued r'
The Burglar 'to errs. lone. -1: "1f vmt
venture to ray another wore. tiodam.
1'11 shone" \fr. Jones 'fascinated): "i env.
my g.. 1 men hew ninth will yon lake
e. stay bore kir n week""
Physician's Seer,,- "1 shall "en is
wsn!tng a new evening dunce, deer."
rhycte!an• "Alt right. my rlenr, t'Il look
over env :'0 snot find come renew whn
sen effort an operation for appendt-
If leo many hems are ale.w,=d bo run
with one cock thele is always risk of
conte egg- pr<.vhig infertile. On an
average one cock to a dozen hens is
Now that the bad weather is mating
on and the chickens and poultry are
more closely housed. clean out your
chit•ken house.. g.ve the roasts, w•u1L4
and Io)01 a thick elating of whitewusn
end thin with your sprayer spray every•
thing with kerosene. 1f once a !lock has
t•e.•onle ihormighly infected with lice in
the fall it is noel to impossible lo era-
dicate them timing the winter when
they will l,e mostly Valued, will be
greatly diminished.
Provide a liberal supply of line earttt
for winter use in the lien !louse. Some
writers advocate the use of road -dust.
(wJ f
�ullrvm says s this Ls undesir-
'because et lacks vitality and is
loaded down wilit germ life. You
are al liberty to have your own t irw.S
on this quo. -lion, 'l'lte stain thing is
le plr,vido Its dirt. The hen need;
her dust bath, and if she is dept:veil
o! it she will not do her best. A lilitle
insect powder or mite destroyer scat-
tered in the dust will help keep the
liens free flint lice', Many epoultry•
raisers prefer ashes for the dust hath.
eller-1'ON CROPS.
Ewes that are safely in lamb should
be given it little extra food.
The quality of the Iambs and the
strength of the ewes in the spring de-
o-pend upon the care and feed from
now on,
Ile demand for tenths in midwinter
ie glees ing tepidly.
The supplying of these Iambs Ls a
high art brats;h of sheep breeding,
and Ls well worth the attention of per-
sons Who are adapted to the business.
Dry beds are indispensable to sheep.
A damp pen will invite all kinds of
1 rotihle,
1)ry cold is health for sheep; wet or
damp Ls death.
A feed trough with a wide bottom Mss
always preferable. The grain is Then
thinly r.pread over the bottom and the,
sheep must eat it slowly in consequence.
A bushel of marigolds or turnips n
day for forty ewes is an excellent ape
pteizeer lo supplement the other food.
Any ewes in your flock that will not
bear lambs this tee8son• Weed thele out'
and gel them off to market.
A g;'od many farmers stili fellow the
practice of feeding their sheep on the
ground out of doors. It is a costly
way of doing. Not teeny of us inn al=
ford it, and none of us ought to afford
Lumber is high in price. but itay.
e aril will
and a higher. few boards 1
ants A
g K
make a good rack tor feeding out of.
Put a light Lottern in these racks and
save grain.
In arranging for the winter quar-
ters the fleck should ly! divided accord.
ing to age, size. etc. Not more than
twenty-five or thirty should be kept In
one peel.
- +
RI 11n•:1► eel 1 11 III:\'nl.WI:R.
,11 �ni:ue
%%1111 1.1%141.41 Iceinp interred
\Ill a Takts Net e1 Preen/Ilion.
The Dents•:her \- lksblatt, of Vienna,
Gays that a we:l.utan's wife has been
buried al Dux. in Ik,htemia, with a re•
solver in her hand. The woman, who
had always been limited by the dread
of being burieit alive, expre''sed en
her deathbed the wish that a loaded
revolver shone{ be placed in her cot.
fin. so !het should any mistake have
,'con melte she would have the' means
of putting an end to .her sufft'ring in-
stead of dying a lingering (lush+,
Shot war, nccnnitng to her wish,
buried with -a crutiflc in one hand end
the resolv''r in the other.
Are two toper.; In swimming a pair of
bathing tights':
Nursing baby?
It's a heavy strain on mother.
Her system is called upon to supply
nourishment for two.
Some form of nourishment that will
be easily taken up by mother's system
is needed.
Scott's Emulsion contains the
greatest possible amount of nourish.
ment in easily digested form.
Mother and baby are wonderfully
helped by its use.
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