HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-12-12, Page 1SI to JAN '09
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CATE and get a bargain
as above stated; or else
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10c. to Jan 1,' 08
Sale Bills
FARMERS who tvvant :r
big crotid ul their sale,
rhoald get their bilis at
theADVOCATE and ad-
ti-•• in the ADVOC.'.TI-:
It Means Money to You
The Sovereign Bank
• of Canada
Up Capital: • •
1 mai us JAR %AY.r 1 , • - - PrVt4q
JtDOLrli MACDONALD, Esq. rat Vice-Pre4fi._flit
A. ALLAN. F -►q., end VuaPrai
L, M.P.Esq..M.P.
A. E. DyueNT, Esq.,
W. K. MCNAC ;In. Esq.. U.P.
ALEX. BRUCE, Esti., K.C.
C. JEMMETT, - - - Genet a!-rfara;
Si!CASSELS. - .4"f. (.fn•eat.Marda•
Savings Bank Department
inters t r% lett current date' paid quarterly.
Branches at Exeter, Dashwood, 'Zur-
ich and Crediton,
JOS. SNELL, Manager
We will pay the highest
prices for lice 010 HENS,
TURKEYS, and all
kinds of
pout ry.
Poultry a
The Old Reliable
Christmas is near nt hand.
What are you Going to Want?
No doul,t thele are manv things you tiered and a lot more you will
but that you do not need. \Ve have things for the needy and
thing, for the needless. We ale now stocking up with a view to
big trade.
Here are a few Lines we are Offering:
Pure Demask Bleached Table Linen with Napkins to
match, sizes 20x20 and 22x22; Jap Drawn -work Tray
Cloth and Doilies; Damask Drawn -work and Hem-
stitched Towels, 50c. each; Embroidered Linen,
25, 35 and 50; Tapestry Curtains and Table Cov-
ers in all colors, rangingfrom $2 10 $8.50; Tap-
estry and EmbroidereCushion Tops with
Cord to match; Ladies' Hemstitched and Fancy 1-:m-
broldered Handkerchiefs in Silk, Linen and Lawn,
choice line of Fancy Collars and Belts. a very
choice line in Gents' Mufflers, Handker-
chiefs, Gloves. Ties, Braces and Socks
Professional Cards.
Da. 0. 1'. ROl'LSTtN, L. D. 8., D. D. 8.
ember of the R. C. D. 8. of Ontario and honor
raduate of Toronto University.
OFFICE: Or er Dickson A Carling's Law Offh:e. In
Dr. Andersons former Dental Parlors.
fiDR. A. R. KINSMAN, L D. 8., D. D. 8.•
ilonor graduate of Toronto URlreriate.
tooth extracted without any pain, or any bad effects
Ores over madman A Sltml•ur)'s office, Main street
L inter.
F. MALLOY, M. B. (Tor. Univ.) MEMBER
A Collage of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario.
Former house Surgeon Toronto Western hospital.
S uccessor to Dr. J. A. Rollins. Residence: East on
Snit street north of once, Exeter, Ontario.
Hu resumed practice after spending a year (Col-
lege) at British and Continental hospitals. General
practice with special attention to Eye. (w-ith refrac-
tion) Ear, Nose and Throat.
Office: Dashwood, Ora.
Legal .
ton, Notaries, Con%eyancers, Commlaslonere.
Solicitors for Mol.ons Bank. etc.
Mosey to Loan at Lowest rates of Interest.
Ortb ea, Main street, Eteter.
I. a. Oatu.e, (1 A , 1. 11. Mateo.
We have a large amount of private funds to loan
s farm and tillage properties at low rates of Inter
Rarri.trr., Soririton,Main s1., Exeter On
William Brown
Agent Confederation Life Assurance
Company, also Fire Insurance in lead-
ing Canadian and British Companies.
Main -St., Exeter.
For Sale or To Rent.
Lc: No. 1'•, Con.:, Tp. of Stephen. County of
Huron, containing 100 acres of land. well fenced
and drained; with good orchard, about twenty acres
of good bush, modern buildings, convenient to
school church aml market, and ie situate about two
miles from the Village of Exeter. 11 not sold before
Nov. 15th, will be rented. For fuKuer particulars
apply to
Robert Leathorn, or to Slew.. Dickson & Carling
:re,, Wellington st. Barristers, Ac.
London. Ont. Exeter Ont
Clubbing Rates
We can equal any club-
bing rate offered. Call
and see.
Auction Sale
Farm Stock and Implements
The undersigned auctioneers hate been instructs t to
.ell t.y public ■0. t n at
Thomas Ilandfcrd'e old Sale Statile.
The folios In property:
IloluiE' 1 heavyy. mare, / yn, with fool; 1 heavy
mare, 3 years with 1oa1; 1 draught horse, 4 yeah• 2
draught hones, 3 yre.; I draught colt 2 yrs.: I driv-
ing mare, Gyears with foal and foal by her side; 1
driving marc, 12 year. with foal; 1 driving matt. x
yrs.; 1 driving men 6 )'ear.. 1 driving marc 2 year.:
1ring horse, 4 yr..; 1 aged pony.
- pa
!a'i'-3 come, OCK , o s, 1 atter _-y raid; 1 brood sow; r
young pig..
IMILEMI:NTM (tinder, moser, hay rake, seed
.1011, manure spreader, side delivery• hay rake, disc
harrows, iron harrow., roller, srut8er, sulky plow,
walking plow, 2 -farrow plow, truck seates,rap.
11,0., water trough. bag holder and (nick, vire. cream
• an., sausage grinder, car:pulleys and rope fork,
spade, s.ythe. wo.d,n pump, shovel .row rope,
seta team harne.s, set light double harness., a num-
ber of collar. 3 let light single harness. wagon,
, t t. rick. wagon box. ndbber•tind buggy
alet:trl,;u1 tr,,.etd„e.•t o• ,r i,asos of ''r'' ''r. .chine for full( mgonfeneesilos, augttn
worsen A n itsctalty.
Prof. Diploma of Royal in. orporated Society of
Musititna, England; Organist of Truitt Memorial
"'hureh,F,teter. Piano, Organ, harmony and Theory
1.f Made, Terms on and'. erica, F:seter, Ont,
utter, rope pullq, wire stretcher, handl
Wipe's Notice to Creditors
In the matter of Henry Wing. of the
Village of Shipka,in the Township
of Stephen, Comity of Huron. gen-
eral merchant.
N.•ti r• i. herebyit en that 11 1.,r hint.
1'ge of Bhipka, Tow Township of Stephens Gt t
hoot. has made sn assignment under R.s
hap. 147. and amending Acts of all his ester„ • re•L
• • and effects to Joltnathan.1. Merner.of the Village
7..•,r, -h. Township of nay. County of Huron, Oen-
ral Merchant, for the general benefit of his credi•
t !or A meeting of the crelitor• %till be held in the
Tecumseh Mum*. In Ibr e'ity of London, 0 Barin. nn
s1 the hour of eleten oela-k in the forenoon.
to re -tier a statement of affair, to appoint In.tr•c•
ton and for ordering of the estate generally Credi-
ton are re.luested to file their claims with the As-
etgnee with the proof, and particulars thereof re-
yuiml by the said seta, nn or before the day of .n. -h
meeting. And notice Is farther sit en, that after the
1st day of January. loin, the Agnee Till proceed
d,.tribute the ....eta of the Mor among., the
rties entitled thereto hating rrcani nil% to the
• ins* of which shall then have been given. ant that
will not he baht for the assns. . -r an) part (hen•
M dierlheted M any per.•.,% •r person. of w hoer
ir. he droll not then ha•e ha•l noti.-e.
Jonathan J. Mrrnc►.
fated s1 2uri. h. this trill day of No. Veil'.
and ! •i. hammer, wenches, athe netrees, neckyo e•,
hand saw, horse • tipper,. about 6 loads oat aheacr..
The .(.n. a area lot of good implements and w .11
be saidw;Mont re.rr.easthe proprietor has -
the Mantle prope rty and has no farming land.
TERM'% f'. and ander rash; over that amount 1
month. • edit on furnishing appro. ed joint notes. .
per -eat r'1 f:-ir cash on credit amounts.
Ed. Bo"enherry and Thos Cameron,
C. F. HACK NEV. Proprietor.
Why Not Escape Colds?
The new way
[ •Re - A• Cott)
Put up in cap-
sules. Harm•
lees and easy
to take.
Toe old t • v to cure
a ,.1,1.
Price 25c.ahos
Mannfa -timed
nnit ht
W. S. Howey, Phm. B.
( h• Fart ,and uptie•i.tn. I -5c -tet.
Exeter Council
Council utet in TownHall, Dec.0, at
8:20 p.m. :All present. Minutes of hast
meeting read rind approved,
Mr. Juo. Mitchell asked fur as refund
of $1 for dog tart, not owning a dog.
The Reeve explained to Me. Mitchell
that the council anal no power to re-
fund taxes.
After the Court of Revision had
closed Mr. H. E. Huston appeared on
behalf of the Public Library Board
asking it grant of $35. Granted on mo-
tion of Knight and Hearnan.-Carried.
Solicitor L.11. Dickson reportedaw-
ing received the agreement as prelar-
ed by hint and forwarded to the Gibbs
Evaporator Co., Hamilton, forsigna-
ture, the sante having been properly
signed and witnessed.
Fake--Johns-that the By -Law, re
Gibbs Evaporator Co., as now read be
accepted by this Council and that a
vote of the electors be taken thereon
at the corning municipal election. -
Heaman-Fuke-the Clerk and Coun-
cillor Johns confer with the printing
offices re publishing Gibbs By -Law. -
Johns-Heaman-the Council accept
$40 from Main sI. church Board in
payment for the construction of pave-
ment along Victoria st.-Carried.
Heitman-Fuke-the Council grant
Mrs. Sutton charity to the amount of
The By -Law as read at the last meet-
ing for the purpose of calling a public
'fleeting to noutilate Reeve, Council-
lors and Politic School 'Trustees and
the appointment of 1).11.0. and Poll
Clerks, was read a second time •411(1 on
motion of Fiike and Heitman the sane
be now rend a third time and finally
passed, the Reeve and Clerk signing
same and the seal of the corporation
affixed thereto.
The following accounts were read
and ordered to be paid: Jas. Weekes,
Fire chief, salaries, etc., $240,15; C. I3.
Snell, street lighting; $1022.81; Do.,
Town Hall lighting, $3.00; J. Murray,
account, less what was chargeable to
cemetery hoard, $1.70; S. Sweet, labor
and cement, $30.09; 'Times Printing
Co., printing to date, $9.20; Bell Tele-
phone Co., half yearly rent cemetery
phone, $12.50; Queen City Oil Co., gas-
oline, $791; for repairs and supplies,
Connor Bros. 15'25, Ed. Treble $4.75,
A. E. Pyt) $1.30: 11, Spackman, sup-
plies for fire hall engine, $1.95; James
Acheson, night watch, $1.50; Jerry
Knott, do., G1.51): for labor, T. Cornish
$1.25: T. Creech, $3.50; J. Creech, $1.50;
W. Westcott. $1.37; W. J. Bissett, pt.
salary, $33; Do., refund of tines, $1(1; C
W. ('rosy, cemetery. $27; Dr. Brown-
ing. M.H.O., $5; J. Senior, Sec'y, B. of
H., $5; Do., balance of salary, 1907, $30:
F. Gillespie, freight and cartage, $14.52:
H. E. Huston, public library grant$35;
Mrs. Sutton, charity, $10.49; S. Buck-
ingham, caring for benches in park, $1;
A. S. Davis, repairing Town Hall win-
dows, 50e. Amounting in all to $690.97
Joh ns-Fuke. -Carried.
Beaman -Johns -the offer of T. Haw-
kins.\ Son for a 22 -inch fire bell for
$125 was filed. --Carried.
Mike Adjournment to Dec. 10, at S.
J. Senior, Clerk.
County Council Doings.
The Huron County council met in
\Vinghan last weak. The county
bridge commissioner reported that he
bad examined all the bridges in the
county which were over 23 feet in
length and gave an estimate of 8(,,s541
as the alnoitnt required to renew the
wooden bridges. The lest wooden
bridges were built in 1891-5, and some
of these would be good for some years
yet, but the above sum would rover
the cost of replacing the wooden
Fridges with iron ones. New bridges
had been constructed this year as fol-
lows: Bluevale: one south of \Vinq-
hanl: Campbell's bridge, in Ashfield;
St. Joseph, in Hay; °rand Bend, in
Stephen; Sauble, on the boundary be-
tween Huron and Middlesex; K irkton,
on the boundary between Huron and
Perth. Bridges will be required next
year as follows: Hall's Midge, tintler-
ich Township; Warren ('reek, one mile
south of Hensall; Josephine street,
north of Winghani: and a bridge on
the boundary between Grey and Elm*
townships. The commissioner has is.
cued orders to the amount of *13,428.00
since the last meeting of the council.
The horse of Refuge committee,
consisting of Reeves Middleton, Geig-
er, \Villert and McLean, \Verden Cur-
rie. Clerk Lane end elnsnector Tor-
rance, visited that institution last
week and were very touch pleased
with what they saw. They expressed
themselves as well satisfied with the
management of Mr. Jfutch and his
better half who are not only getting
good results for the county, hilt are as
well very popular with the instates.
Township of Stephen
Nomination and Election
i't'n1.11 Nl)TU•1. • bore, gheTr the a mt.tiny
of the electors M th• Town.hip of Stephen will he
held In the TOWN HALL, t'RF.DITON, nn MON-
DAY, DE('. BO, 1997, at ONE o'cla•k In the alter•
noon, for lht purpose of mating and ree-ehinte nom
(nations for Reeve, Ilep+rh Reese and ('ouncilmen.
And further notice is hereby given that in the event
of more candidates being proposed for any particu•
lar nm --e than require to be elected, the proceedings
win l* adjourned until MONDAY, JANUARY lith.
A.D. 1919/., when polls will be opened at 9 a. m. at
the fallowingg ``dace., a. Ased by Township By law,
vie --Poll 1, Mill'..h. a shop, lot 5, eon 1; 2. ren•
hales kitchen. lot 211, ern. 1: 3. Barber Shop; lot 11,
eon. 6; /, Town Hall, tot in, con. 7; b, Conning
ham, kitch.n, lot 11, ran, 11; 6, 7.immer's 11x11,
lot 231, eon. N. 8 ; horror's Hall, IM 11. e•on. 47.
11., Wilson's hall IM lo, ('on. S. B; 9, Mare•at.ee's
Hall. lot 1. sable. And all electorr are hereby re-
quested M take notice and got ern Memoriam ac-
cordingly. IIENRY rIt.RF.R,
Returning Of8•-er,
Crediton, ter. 9. L••7
School sect ion No. 13, Solon[ School,
intend holding their Annual Christmas
tree entcrteinrnent on Dee. 19th. when
it i4 expected that ago.dl program will
be rendered.
B.B. Gunn, M.P., Dies at Ottawa
Ottawa, Dee. 9.--13. 13. Gunn, Con-
servative member for South Huron,
died at 9,45 o'clock tonightin the hos-
pital here after tut illness of about one
The end was not unexpected. as it
was known since Friday night that
the patient's condition was most ser-
Mr. Guru'sb health had not been of
the best for some weeks, and shortly
after arriving home in Seaforth he
complained that he was 110t, improving
as he had expected. Acting on the
advice of his physician, he entered the
hospital. where for the first few days
he seemed to iniprnve. Friday night,
however, he became worse and he
gradually sank. This afternoon it
was known that lie could not last long.
Ars. Gunn and his two sons, Gor-
don, at medical student at Toronto
University. and John, of Seaforth,
were with 1 ' hen the end cause.
The late 13. BGunn was one of the
most popular men that ever sat in the
Dotninion parliament. His good
nature was ever with hire. and it was
corttage..tis. lie was considered a
The late 13. B. GUNN, M. P.
roan Of good business ability and was
well above the average as 0 debater.
Among his fellows be was respected
for his high ideas of life. being a man
of most exemplary habits. '4r. Gunn
was a conspicuous figure in any gather-
ing. being of picturesque appearance.
His popularity was amply evidenced
during his 10.4 illness, when members
of both sides of the house made daily
calls to learn of his condition.
The remains will be taken to Sea -
Little did the people of Exeter and
district think three weeks ago last
night when they heard Mr, Gunn
speak in the Exeter Operas House that
that would be the last time they
would hear him. On that occasion he
remarked that he did not know wheth-
er he would be the candidate chosen to
contest the next election, but little did
he think that death would remove
hint so soon. He then looked the pic-
ture of health, although he was not
felling well. The news Of his death
was received here with the deepest
sorrow. lie was kindly, good natured
and charitable --a man of excellent
character, honored and respected by
all, whether political friends or oppon-
ents. He was an active member of
the Methodist church in the town of
Seaforth, where previous to his elec-
tion to parliament at the last general
election when he defeated Thos. Fras-
er by 111, he was a general merchant.
His wife. two sorts, Gordon and John,
and his mother survive, and have the
evnlpathy of the whole riding in their
Bereavement. Mr. Gunn was 17 years
of age. The funeral takes placeThurs-
day at 1.45 p.nt. in Seaforth.
The Rectos of the 11. i vitt Memorial
is delivering it series of sermons dur-
ing Advent on Sunday evenings on
the 13i ole. Last Sunday the Reiman
was on The Source of the Bible anti his
exposition of the subject was most in•
teresting and instructive, showing
that the Rector had given the subject
much forethought and preparation.
He dealt with Wren). of the Ancient
writings that had been derived from
God to man and how the Bible had
stood the test of all ages. Next Sun-
day he will deal with some of the earl -
lest versions and their traditions. The
third Sunday he will deal with the
Authorized and itevisrd Translations.
This series of sermons is proving very
intere4ting to the congregation.
Married at Edmonton
A very pretty and pleasant event
took place on Wednesday, Nov. 27, at
eight o'clock at the home of Mrs. 1(
Haggish, Belmont, Alto„ It being the
marriage of her eldest daughter Jen-
nie, formerly of Centralia, to Mr, Jas.
E. Smith, formerly of Centralia also,
and now one of Edmonton's merchants.
The groom took his stand under an
arch of evergreens and flowers, while
the t ride, gowned in a beautiful navy
blue 1taveilirrg suit, with embroidered
white silk blouse and carrying a bunch
of white chrysanthemums, entered
leaning on the arm of her brother, to
the strains of the usual wedding
march, played by Mrs, Vail. The
ceremony was performed in the pre-
sence of n few intimate friends by the
Rev. %V. J. Haggith, 13. A., 13. 1)., of
Herat, brother of the bride. After
the ceremony was over all sat down
to a •nmpt11011s repast, where all did
ample justice to themselves and after
it was served the remaining part of the
evening wag spent in pleasant model
intercourses, enlivened by nlnsic, etc.
The bride was the recipient of many
handsome and appropriate gifts, tes-
1ifying to the esteem in which she is
held. The happy couple left the next
day for Edmonton, where they will
take up their abode. \Ve wish them a
long, happy and prosperous married
life, as both are highly esteemed
young people and have anode many
friends since coming to Edmonton.
Card of Thanks.
To R. N. Rowe, recorder of Exeter
Council No. 94, C. 0. C. F., also grand
Dear sirs, --I beg to acknowledge re-
ceipt of cheque No. 980 for one thous-
and dollars in settlement of insurance
claim of my deceased wife, Annie Dow.
I heartily thank the members of your
Council for their kindness and sym-
pathy shown in my late trouble.
Wishing Exeter Council 94 and your
noble order at large every success.
Respectfully yours.
ALEN. Dow.
A one dollar bill cannot be better
invested than by mailing it to the
Family Herald and Weekly Star, of
Montreal, for a year's subscription to
that great weekly. To have it come to
your home each week means a treat
all the year round, One dollar is a
very small amount when one considers
that every week for fifty-two weeks
lie is going to receive a copy of the
best weekly paper printed to -clay. It
pleases everyone; to farmers particul-
arly it is 0 wonderful help. At this
season one cannot (lo better than send
at dollar to the Family Herald and
Weekly Star, of Molar pal.
Mr. George McNorton of the 10th
con. of Blanshar•d has been engaged to
teach in our school for 1908. Mr.Benn
the resent teacher will continue his
studies, going to Normal.
Ifibbert: There died at Victoria Hos-
pital, London, on Dec. 8th, William
Barden, at the age of 51 years, and 11
months. The deceased had been taken
to the asylum from here for
treatment, but gradually growing
worse he passed away. Deceased was
at bachelor. His remains were brought
here for burial Tuesday, the funeral
taking place frotu the home of bis
brother-in-law, Mr. Jas. Bodkins.
ab ,fk 11 IP IliF INF lir Writs -1
4 United States Subscribers
Take Notice.
The United States Subscriber's
to the ADVOCATE are now
aware of the fact that we have iL
1 to pay le. postage on each paper IP
going intoUnited States. Thislit
'' 111C11118 52c. in a year'. Conse-
Iquently the price to subscribers ir
in United States is $1.50 a year,
and as we must pay the postage
in advance, so we trust ask our
subscribers to pray in advance.
A Many subscribers have already
Il renewed for next year, saying
4 they cannot do without the 111
ADVOCATE, even if they do pay
postage. Kindly remit at once.
1t means much to us to have
your early remittance, and will
avoid delay at the first of the
P. 0. Order or Express Order
is the best way to recut.
lir •iiie Nfr INF AF INF %FA" II, air VT
Saint shuts. : The annual Sunday
School Christmas entertainment iu
connection with St. Patrick's church
will be held Thursday evening. Dec. 19
when the usual progt:un will be given.
Ntta.-In McGillivray, Con. 2, to Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Neil, a daughter.
Dorm,-WAnn--At London, Dee. 10,
by Hey. Sage. 'Phos. Dobbs of Lon-
don, to Miss Maggie Ward of LGcan.
CHESNEY-PI('KAIto-At the home of
the bride's parents, Dec. 9, G. L.
Chesney, to Miss Edna, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. W. Pickard, Seaforth.
LANOIE-DENOMY-At Drysdale, Nov.
20, by Rev. Loiselle, John Latnoie of
Drysdale to Miss Nellie, daughter of
Edward Denonty, Sauble Line.
STEEtER-MALvsoN-At Ailsa Craig,
Nov. 27, by Iiev. Baker, John Wm.
Steeper to Miss Margaret ,Dawson,
both of McGillivray.
Flu vme - KeitsLA03-At the home
of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
I Robert Kerslake, on Dec. 11, Mr.
William Frayne to Miss Alrnena
Kerslake, all of Usborne.
Watches, Jewellery, Silverware, Toilet
Sets, Etc., Etc.,
has just been opened up and we may
safely say that this is the flnest stock
that has ever been shown in Exeter.
Our Goods are at Prices
They Will Suit You
Cali and Examine Earl
Exeter, Ont.
zis. einsi
This Store is Full of Them
Pocket. Pen and Jack
Knives from 5c. up to $1
Razors from 25c. to
$1.50. Star Safety Ra-
zors $1.00.
Carpet Sweepers
Children's Sleds
75c. to $1.35
iSc. to SOc. per pair
Food Choppers
$1.40 to $2.75.
Skates 80c. to $5.00
Hockeys iOc. to 45e.
15c. to -1.25
Teaspoons, Dessertspoons and Tablespoons
From 75c. to $2.40 per pair.