HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-12-05, Page 8WELL
1'he well dressed elan is the suc-
cessful u, n of 1 he day. A good
appearan ••• counts fora great deal
in the t• t.articular times, and a
little care about neat and well fit-
ting garnne'nts is one of the best in-
vestments a young main can make.
Have your clothes made to order.
We make the kind of Suits and
Over e..'tt• that gives a Ivan that
"well di e -.ed" appearance so much
desired. We make the Clothes to
fit the roan.
Merchant Tailor,
Exeter, - Ontario
Business Locals -- Read Them
03'ti11,'11F'P'1.1VeirlI r'P'Pf • i Mr. W. S. Cole has moved into the
44 next house north on William street.
LOCALDOINGS. Mr. (;to. Brn,ynlee h.es movedcorn
Z��r�>lab�AL.&�f Mr. J. Mallot's house un Ilutun sttert.
:1 number of young people attended
011 assembly in Clinton Friday even-
Master Ernest Taylor entertained a
iumbet of his friends Tuesday evening
very pleasantly.
The little child of \1r. and Mrs. Glad -
man was quite ill last week, but is
now much better.
C. E. Hackney intends holding an
auction sale of fatal stock and imple-
ments on Saturday, Dec. 11th. Icor
particulars see next week's paper.
An old time shooting watch will
take place this week, probably today.
Old rules and old customs will prevail,
and an oldtime shooter is in charge,
W. J. Bissett.
For defective vision, headaches or
any net vous derrangewent consult
with Miss J. J. Allan, eye light special-
ist and refracting opticion, at the
Cowwercial Hotel Saturday, Dec. 14.
The regular meeting of the Woman's
Institute will be held in Senior's Hall,
Friday, Dec. 0th, at 2.30 o'clock, sharp.
Members having libraries will kindly
return them.
Mrs. Athos, Pres. Mrs. Hastinge, Sec.
B. B. Gunn, Conservative member
of parliament for South Huron, was
taken to the hospital at Ottawa Mon-
day suffering from an attack of stom-
ach trouble. Mr. Gunn's condition is
not serious according to his physician.
We understand that Dr. J. A. Rol-
lins of Raymond, Alta., formerly of
Exeter-, has received the appointment
of medical superintendent of Orillia
Asylum. If this be true, and we trust
it is, no more worthy or deserved ap-
pointment could have been wade.
Thirty -fir(' dijji•rent Toilet Sets to Si-
1(et from at Stewart's. Yes, they (,re
svrll, :j/.5u rind $5 for rare beauties.
prising Horse and Pigs for Sole.
I'he undersigned has a good driving
horse, suitable for farm work and a
number of pigs, about 4u 1b., for sale.
Apply to
Geo. \VA1.l:i:►t, London Road South,
Centralia P. O.
. teuart's 1,•r Fancy -Vim's. i /isa.
l iiyg(at slvc6- and big g,st rallr41 in tout.
Their 108-pir,-e hinter Set at $10.50
an.! 812.50 are certainly the lest ue bar,
Get your Marriage Licenses at the
Advocate office.
.1 ear v1 /.rdpath'ss sugar just elrriree!
at •!ru-urt x. //e' s. it. no �•thr r. lron't
non/,'y with rhes, sugar.
Two Houses to Let.
T.vo good iralne houses to let, apply
at 1 his office.
Something doing in .lhns' and Boys'
Overcoats •11 Stovall'.s. 411onei F,(rin't
prices is th. or•14r.
Pad Your Tatcs.
The Tax Collector will be at the
Town Hell, •.n each Friday from 9 to
12 and 1 to .i o'clock for the collection
of taxes, als.' on December 12th, 13th
4,1111 14th.
A Slack.
.1 lot of T'r•0 ell, rs' samples in Ladies'
l•'ur-Lirte,! (''.its: all Sabi(' Collars and
1:•,eres, lined .rltl. lint, German Mink,
,11.irinot and 11an.st r. Er, ry 1 ',net a
s/e• riu! haryain. Stewart.
darriage 1.icenses issued at the Ad-
* ncate offiee.
/:'rrry Lady wanting a smell set 111
jnr.t shunt,' ,p. 1v St, wart',. Ark to see
their Stone .11•n7irt set, .y,••ia! at $18.
lt*A lonely.
Clubbing Rates.
Thele is no clubbing rate too good
for Alev(IrsTI: subscribers. We have
the b •-1 and che.tpt•st list that can be
tweeted, and all you have to do is call
and t..ke advantage of it.
1.5e . N„ moist end %ur 4,i,•, .1 rnrriean
I )!„ ro Flannel at Stewart's.
Alienist tt
The .,nnn:.I 11.,zisr of the Tri vitt
Memo' i.tl ehnl (h will he held in the
Hall, Friday, Dec. lith. After -
teem -tea a ill be served from 3 to 0
i.' -leek, admission 1(►c. Evening- Con-
cert s Ire Ii1, admission 11 le. Refresh-
tio•ntx extra.
Stewart's Sailor Boy .hlpari Tin 25c.
are/ ,1/i.rttrttf•i mired ba at 30c. at.,
ties (ft the last tea mines in ('ana(la, su
e.rp•v 1.. e,t!h
House and Lot for gale.
A sten )• and half ht irk hoose. good
sta►•b, 1 r. -,e land, bald and soft
tt4?,•r, srtu ,ted on .l ndrew street.
Aptly to D. ft'o cl1ife at the grit twill.
O•r TreirstI.' : last in or near Exeter,
a p.ir of bit k skin gloves. Finder
kindly retain to ADv.a'ATS office.
+++++++1N'+++++4-14-1 +++++4 -
Your Tailor
To h.• hest dressed
doe -1/1 1111011 to pay
most. Just because
a limn pays a hig
1e.• for his clothes
d,'.•s•t't slake them
bulk food. The int•
tett.; limy he the
flrte-t. )nil the tt' nue r
nor 1•,• right. Al
ways 1 he 1nte'st and
hest f ihri.s of the
ne.n.e•r.t .tle bete.
Our tailoring is first-
eles. Anti our prices
within reach o1 all.
Merchait Tailor • Exeter
Just three weeks to Christmas.
Mrs. ,Dr.1 Malloy gave pleasant
evenings to a nuultet• of friends on Fri•
day and Tuesday last.
The smile that won't conte off is
worn by those who are looking for
municipal honors at this time of the
Miss J. J. Allan, eye light specialist
and refracting optician, will be at the
Commercial Hotel Saturday, Dec. 11.
Hours 9 a. m. to i) p. in.
Have you thought of a suitable
Christmas present for your boy or girl
who is away? Send the Anvoca s for
a year. It will be very acceptable.
Tommy Burns, a Canadian, is now
the champion heavy weight pugilist of
the world, having defeated Gunner
Moir of England on Tuesday in the
tenth round.
Service was suspended in the I'res-
byterian church on Sunday evening
owing to the anniversary services at
the Main street church, at which Rev.
Mr. Martin assisted.
Many a mother spoils a good son by
waiting en him and pampering him all
the years of his boyhood. Consequent-
ly when he marries there is either an
unquiet house or a good woman be-
comes a slave.
Parkhill Post: -"Mrs. Marian Ar-
nold is suffering from a paralytic
stroke, which she received one day
last week, Mrs. Arnold is quite an
elderly lady and this is the third time
she has been similarly effected." Mrs.
Arnold will be remembered here by
runny friends who will be indeed sorry
to learn of her affliction.
Seaforth News: -"Mr. John Floyd, Although we have had some snow
who was an enlpIoyee at the furniture and a little sleighing it is a little doubt -
factory here for the past eleven years, fol whether winter has come to stay,
and who was laid off work it few considering the fact that the swamps
weeks ago, intends leaving town on are as dry as the higher land, the
Monday. Ile goes to Kalamazoo, rivers are low and there is a limited
Mich.. where he has secured a position. supply of water in the wells. Seldom
Mrs. Floyd and daughter will remain does winter set in with as little surplus
in town for the present." water on the land as there is to -day.
Masonry lost a grand old member
last week when the death took place
in Hamilton of Hugh Murray, Grind
Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Can-
ada, Grand Treasurer of the Royal
Arch Masons, and Chancellor of the
Supreme Council of 33 degree Masons.
He was ill of apoplexy only a few
hours. Mr. Murray was 65 years of
The marriage took place in Detroit
on Nov. 20th of a former Exeter young
lady, Miss Lillian Mande Blatchford
to Mr. James Henry Bolitho, a prom-
inent lawyer of Detroit. They will re-
side in New fork permanently, al-
though they intend remaining in De-
troit for some time. The young lady's
friends here will wish her every happi-
Never get the idea that your busi-
ness is decreasing. But if you trust
think so do not let other people know
it. Keep a stiff upper lip. There is
nothing like a successful business to
draw business. Advertise and snake
the people conte your way. Go around
looking as though von were attending
a funeral and ppeeople will shun both
you and your business house.
Remember the Big 30 white people
in Burnt Cork Comedy, at the Exeter
Opera House Thursday night, Dec.
12th. The Bert Lane Minstrel Co. See
all the good people in Comedy. Big
Lew Dockstader and his 4 assistants in
comedy and laugh producing. See
the Haunted House and watch for
Little Willie and his big dog. See the
great afterpiece. llltreated Trorator
for thirty minutes of laughter. Rem-
ember the hig show and procure your
seats early at lirowning's Drug store.
Bring the family and come early and
avoid the rush.
The Christmas number of the West-
ern Houle Monthly, just cit. contains
eighty-four pages of Christmas stor-
ies, Christmas pastimes, ideas on how
to slake useful homemade Christmas
gifts, the whole beautifully illustrated
and encased in a handsome Christmas
cover in colors. We desire to call the
attention of our readers to the fact
that we have clubbing arrangements
with the Western Houle Monthy.
Those of our subscribers who send in
their Snhsciptions for the two pavers
now will receive a copy of the R est•
ern Home Monthly Christmas Num-
Fetter to Rave C. P. R!
The St. MRI•vs And Western Railway
Company and the Canadian Pacific
Railway Company have entered into
an agreement by which the former is
to proceed with the survey and con-
struction of the line from St. Marys to
Exeter to Sarnia. The road will be 70
miles in length. From St. Marys to
Exeter the direction will 1.e slightly
northward, thence to Sarnia in a
rout h-westei ldal ect incl. The project
will he hacked by the C. P. R. and will Mr. W. W. Taman spent Tuesday
finally he taken over by that •nnipany. in tA.ndon,
1Votk will commence in the spring. Mr. J. J. White was in London Sat•
The people of Exeter may confidently utday.
expect to have C. I'. H. connection Miss Annie Lang of St. Marys spent
both e.e't and west in two ur three Sunday here.
Y"". The many ady.lntagt•s that Miss Annie Sanders is visiting in
this will give Exeter are self-evident London this week.
and it should mean a boon to this Miss Host' Sutton is horpe from
town p:irticnbu1s- le the mannfactur• Cleveland on R holiday.
ing line. Miss Florrie Anderson of London is
Cured )' CIa) visiting at her honer here.
Miss ida Twitchell, daughter of Mr. Miss Stable \Valtrtsof i.ondon spent
and Mrs. James Twitchell, of Clinton, Sunday at her home here.
is reported to be practically cured of Mrs. I). L. O'Brien was the guest of w,
hit disease, after having been compel. Mrs. J. A. Stewart on uesday.
led to keep her bed for over ten years. Mrs. Patterson of Medicine fiat vis•
Miss Twitchell attributes her cure to ited her sister. Mrs. Fear, last week.
the 11Se of blue clay, which. it is claim. Mr. Ed. 1Vesteott returned Saturday
ed. ha+ produced such excellent results from 1)(nigles, Man., where he spent
that she is now able to 1* out on some months,
crutches and hopes in time to he conn• Mr. and Mrs. 1f. W. Beaver*. of Far-
pletely (-tired. Mise Twitchell 1s now a char visited at Mr. Simon Campbell's
twenty ye.lrs old, and when a little 00 Sunday. p
girl of seven fell off a sleigh while nut Nr. and Mrs. Arthur Hoskins of
playing with some rotnpanioRR. Her Brantford arrived here Monday to
hip was injnrel andhip joint diieARP
visit for two weeke.
detelopel, with the result that she Mrs. Perkins of Ingersoll will be a
w (� confined to her Md. `treatment g„est at Dr. Ilynduran's for the Eng -
after treatment was tried, hut no cure )ish ('hnrrh 11azeat•.
wa. effected. About four year. ago
MIS. 1. Rowcl,Kr And daughter, Miss
an aunt ft'ote Toronto *'limp to visit Cora. of Clinton are visiting old friends
Mr.Twitcbell, and st, ge-.ted that the in town and 1'.iAtrnr township.
hip 1:e covered with hTte clay. Some
clay WAS obtained from
The residence of Mr. John Preszca-
tor nal rotyly escaped destruction by
fire one day recently. A defective
chimney$wits the cause of the trouble.
Fire bad communicated with the roof
and was fast gaining headway when
Mr. Hobt. A. Sanders," a neighbor,
noticed the blaze and at once reported
to Mr. Preszcator when the two men
set to work and with a great deal of
difficulty succeeded in subduing the
Mr. Robert Sanders returned on
Saturday front North Huron and
Bruce Counties, where he spent some
weeks hunting. While away he met
one of the oldest hunters in Ontario,
Robert Yeo, well-known to many read-
ers of the Advocate. Mr. Yeo is (ie)
years of age and enjoys a hunt as well
or better than hunters many years
younger than he. He was spending a
few days with James Point of Turn -
berry Tp.
Messrs. Stone and Wellington, the
well-known nurserymen of Toronto,
in pursuance of request by Mr. 8. M.
Sanders, (who isa personal acquaint-
ance of Mr. Wellington), have sent
their agent to Exeter to increase the
fruit prodietion1, in this vicinity. by
such varieties as the Exeter Canning
and Preserving Co. will consume in
large quantities.
House to Rest
On William street, brick story and
half dwelling, in good state of repair.
Apply at this office.
If you enjoy gond oysters get then)
at Statham's. \Ve have the best fac-
ilities for keeping then) fresh.
Wisdlss-up Sate.
\Vinding-4,p Sale this week at the
Exeter Bargain Store. (tattling Big
Bargains in i)ry•goody, Ready-made
Clothing, etc., etc.. eta 2. men's
ovetroats; 41) pairs teen's trousers; •r1')
teen's vests And all the dry -goods at a
BiG SNAP. Also (t lot of Bats and
(gaps at 25e. each. This sale will he a
cracker. A word to the wise is suffic-
uffixient. The store is for sale or to rent.
Death of William Bee.
The death took place in Parkhill on
Monday, of a former Exeter young
than, William, only sun of Miran) Bee.
The deceased was a young MA 11 of :31
years of age, find been married only a
few years and is survived by his wife
and little daughter of 3 years. He had
been until a short time ago agent for
the Canadian Northern Railway at
Woodridge, Man., and it is heleived
that his death WAS largely due to over-
wnik. which hi1nlght on a conlplica•
tine of internal troubles.
woods neer Miss Mand Campbell I•'ft on Monday
the hnnse and a treatment commenced. for !legion. whete she will spend the
itnrnediately there wes a noticeable winter with her sister, Mrs. D. !Dock -
improvement in Mise Twitehe"ll's con- nPy•
+dition, and thn applications of clay Mrs. I-:li Snell, .accompanied I.y her
were continued. Very slowly the girl iaoghti'r. Mrs. (leo. Etherington and
improved and eft Pr four v.'..r...f r.ui- two children, lett thio tne(rninQ•Thnrs•
tion . is tle.(tn)rl�t is m1 le to move (l,,, • t•• (i•it her d.('((th(••r, \dts. John
a►.on; on crutches. Yorry. 'nitre! y.
\Wheat t111
Barley 54) till
Oats -10 42
Peas 75 80
Potatoes, per bag 50 75
Hay, per ton 12 00 14 00
Flour, per cwt., family 2 75
Flour, low grade per cwt 1 33() 135
Butter 2•_' 23
Eggs 24
Dried apples 11
Livehogs, per cwt 405
Shorts per ton 22 ()0
Bran per ton -h) 00
Turkeys . . .. .... 10
Geese 7 8
Ducks 7 8
Chicken 8
Hens. 5
The apple evaporator has closed
down for the season, owing particular-
ly to lack of storing room.
Is the word that describes our select
goods. Everything in ebony such as
Ebony Hair, Cloth and
Military Brushes,
Mirrors, Toilet and
Manicure Sets, Etc.
Perfumes from the leading perfum-
ers, as well as high class imported
goods in beautiful boxes.
The finest selection
anywhere at popular
prices. Inspect thein
Should he selected at once, while
our stock is unbroken. Many sun-
dries in
Kod.lks mod Supplies
Eine Stationery
Perfumed Soaps.
Sachets, etc.
Everything at astonishing low
Cole's Drug Store
�aA AAA6A AA 6A�
88 J. J. ALLAN
Sat., Dec. 14
Commercial House, Exeter
No Charge for Cossultatios
14OURS: 9 a.m. to 9 p.m
there are a lot of things you use
don't cart' for in hot weather.
for instance, we have all kinds of
rubber goods for winter or summer
and made so they don't horst first
use. Get rubber goods of us and have
theta (linable at prices too that are
W. SPhm.B.
Chemist and Optician
r.4,..1rmrlirl.r WV' 111 11.1
P► Give the
Cook a Chance
to prove her skill in leaking
by providing
it is the rine flour that has
the quality to assure the
best results in baking. Star
always yields the lightest,
whitest, sweetest and most
nutritious htead and yolk
and the choicest rake and
pastry. A trial will prove
ItAt silk aaailk > LIlk AL r�
Jobbers and
Dealers in
Builders' Hardware
Plaster Paris
Galvanized Shingles
Corrugated Iron Roofing
Did 11 Ever Oednr to You
that the way to succeed in business is to handle the lines which
the people want: And I can tell you right now that you will
hunt a long while before you will find anything to eclipse the
we carry. It is up-to-date in every
particular and is the best paying line
for any buyer. Call and inspect our
stock before purchasing.
The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors.
This store has been headquarters for many years, and its popularity
increases with each succeeding year. A vast assortment of beautiful
things at low prices.
Christmas preparations this year are on a larger scale than ever.
If you want the moat for your money in useful gifts, then make this
store your shopping headquarters.
This Christmas time we will show you the largest range of Holiday
Novelties we have ever shown before. Every piece new, bright and
useful. No time like the present for Christmas shopping.
Christmas Ladies' Christmas
Handkerchiefs Neckwear
100 (cozen of Plain and Fancy Our selections are so large and
Handkerchiefs bought especially so nice we simply cannot describe
for our Christmas trade. Soule of them. You must come and see
the nicest we have ever shown. Our.them and be convinced that they
fancy ones are sure to please you, are the most beautiful goods ever
as they surpass all previous efforts. shown in Exeter. We have thein
Christmas Cloves from 15c to $1.54 and everyone is s
Our glove stock contains all the Christmas Belts
new and correct things in gloves -
Black and Colored Kid, Undressed Have you seen the new Bens??
Kid, Silk Lined Mocha. Swedes in We have theta just tine for Christ -
all colors, Cashmere and Ringwood mar. Wide and narrow Leather,
in all shades. 'Elastic with cut steel trimming,
Christmas Linens Leather with cut steel trimming,
Silk Belts in all colors, and the new
Doylies, Fence Cloths, ('entre Metallic Melts and Belting,
I'ieces, Sideboard Scarfs, and Tea Christmas Furs
Cloth. They come in Plain, Fancy .14, one of our nice Furs will
or Hemstitched, and are a beautiful y
collection. Also a full line of Tableslake a very useful Christmas Gift.
Linens and Napkins. A nice Fur -lined or Fur Coat. Ruff,
Y*tuR or (gap would be very nice,
Silk WaistsChristmas Silks
trill find uR fully prepared for
for Christmas all demands in Fine Furs.
This is something you most not
forget. For ds and $., we can give Stiitable for Dresses, Waiste or
ffetas. Tamelinee and otheis.-
you 140111" of the nicest Silk or Net Fancy Work. All colors in Jam
Waists :you have ever bought in Ta
Cream. White or {flack. Also a You (-amen. di) better than !my our
full assolirll('ut of !flack or ('ream sit
Lustre Waists. ilei(
Don't Forget the Men ! ! !
They are Handy about Christmas.
\V" h tv'• looked after the
Gents' Want List and have a
(oil stock of the tel y newest
Neckwear. Ncekscatfs, (;loves, Sue•pend(•rs, Ilandkerchiefs, etc. I)o
not fail to see the new Ties. :,') down for the Christmas trade 'n noth-
ing but the newest colors and designs. Don't forget them.
Big Reduction Sale
Splendid Opportunities to Economise
At This Big Store''
For the Next 30 Days
We want to raise $5000 in cash and in order to do
so we will offer our entire stock of up-to-date goods
at greatly reduced prices. An opportunity you can-
not afford to miss. We suggest early action (in the
part of intended purchasers in this great sale. Re-
member this includes every department of 001 Lig
sti)re. This is It genuine sale as we must have the
1, fi R()WE