HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-12-05, Page 7L' - PARLIAMENT OF CANADA LEADING MARKETS Speech of His Excellency the Governor General at the Opening. A despatch from Ultima bays: ( liners cannot recall a more I:rii':. scene than That which the ('haneters presented on Thw•sdity t, i 11(Mn •tin filo occasion of the opal. r f 'se fourth session of the tenth 1'-.r- 1115, , et of Canada. Outside the Partia• u.ent Buildings the crowd was riot as targe us usual, lids being due to the fact that horn early morning snow had steadily fatten. So large was the at- tendance of ladies, in the Senate (:flambe'', especially from outside points, ttiat scats usually set apart for the ee11aloss were this year gallantly sur- rendered to the fair. Even in the cen- tre of the doer, the places reserved for the diplomatic representatives. clergy, Deputy Ministers and other impxorlant personages, were occupied by the ladies. Over thirty Senators had to eland below the bar in the reservation eel apart for this day for Commoners. The booming of the guns on Nepean Point was the signal for the arrival o: his Excellency, who entered the ehamher preceded by a brilliant staff. Aft, r his FExceliency had taken his Feist on the wool sack, Block Rod was despatched to summon the mein- lers of the Commons. SI'EECII FROM THE THRONE. The speech from the throne was as follows: Hon. Gentle►nen of the Senate: Gentlemen of the Home of Commons: In again meeting you al a period of the year most colwcnient for the de- spatch of business. it gives me great pleasure to be able to congratulate yoll on the remarkable expansion of the trade of Canada with other coun- tries, the total trade of the past year far exceeding that of any of Its pre- decessors. A gratifying result of thi expansion was That the revenue of the 'asl fiscal period of nine months was more than sufficient to meet expenses • n consolidated fund, National Trans- eeilinentel Railway, capital and special outlays, all expenses of the Dominion of every kind, and leave n balance of over three million dollars to be applied in reduelion of the public debt. Tho stream of immigrants coming to Canada continues to increase In volume, the year drawing to a close showing a larger number than any t'reeeding year, and it is gratifying to 'flserve the many corning froni the itr•itish Isles. 'Ilse Dominion has been blessed by a large series of prosperous years, and though at the present moment Its bust - re is being rc.trieled by the financial igency which prevails throughout , h ,' world, 1 feel assured that this un- isvorable condition will be temporary. and That the illimitable resources of Canada and the world-wide recognition of there give us ample guarantee of ele.ntinucd material progress. THE COLONIAL CONFEIIENCE. 1 cou.t1 of the N • h •I 'frauscon- 1'inccl:.. N• v. t,heless. great p'' has 1.4011 mucic, both on the east, 111 'lois' ,n and on the prairie sec- tion of the western division. A sec - lion of the latter of about 250 miles has Leen available for handling the Irafiic the present season. Contracts for the politer' of the prairie section west cf Edmonton are about to be let, and immediate steps be taken for the commencement of work at both the eastern and western ends of the moun- tain division. Thu-. in a very short time, the whole work from Moncton to the Pacific Ocean will be under vigor- ous construction. ORIENTAL IMMIGRATION. The unexpected influx of immigra- tion of Oriental countries into British Columbia aroused n strong feeling of opposition. A member of my Govern- ment has been deputed to proceed to Japan to confer with the Japanese Gov- ernment on this subject. The suc4jen and unexpected collapse of the great cantilever bridge in course of construction across the Si. Law- rence, in the vicinity of Quebec, may be regarded as a national cuttingly, and the event has evoked much sorrow for the lives which were lost on that occasion. A commission has been appointed to enquire into the causes which led to the disaster. When received, the report of the commission will be laid before von. It will be necessary to devise means for the completion of the bridge within a reasonable time. 1t is most gratifying to find that. notwithstanding the large reductions of postal rates which have been made, the revenue of the Post-ofice Depart- ment has continued to increase rapidly. Tho large receipts of this branch of s the Government business will enable the department to make still more lib- eral provision for the extension of Postal facilities throughout the Domin- ion. WIDE GOVERN\TENT CONTiROL. The conference held in l.onden in the months of April and May last be- tween the Government of the Untied Kingdom and the ('Governments of the Itritish Dominions hcye.nd the seas satisfactorily dealt with many sub- ), its in which the Empire at large is interested. A copy of the minutes of the proceedings will be laid before you, Two of my Ministers, duly nulhoriz. e•' by his Mlejesty for the purpose. and acting In t r rnn rn ,bio j n with his \in- jesiy''s Ambassadors al I'aris, have re- cently negotiated n convcntksn with the Government of the French Repub- lic respecting the commercial relations between France end IAnada, sl:Ujcct however, to the approval of the French Chambers and the Canadian Parlia- ment. A copy of This convention will be snhmilte(1 10 you immediately, and you will be asked to give it your s(inc- lion, TIIE FISHERIES Ql'ES`TION, The Government of Newfoundland having become Involved in n contro- versy will' the Government of the l'nil- ssl Slates ns to the true meaning of Article 1 of the convention respecting li'hcries, or 'eluded in the year 1818 between the ('sited Kingdom and the United States. and Canada being also bilcresicd in the question at LS,:uc, my Government rrnnment has joined with the G,v- (. engem of New•fouredland 111 an agree - r to refer all matters of difference rising under said Article 1 to The Ilan+.' Tribunal. The difficulty of obininhig Int=er nn! !palerials al it time of great t r • tiwify hoe somewhat rater • The Time has arrived when the pub- lic interest requires That telegraph and telephone companies holding Federal charters should be placed under Gov - eminent control. A 1)111 will be intro- duced for that purpose. Oen Lien len o! the House of Commons: The public accounts for the nine months ending 3lst March last will be laid before you without delay. The estimates for the corning fiscal year will he submitted for your appro- val at an early day. OTHER NEW IIILLs. Iron Gentlemen of the Senate: Gentlemen of the Ilouee of Comtnons: Among the measures to be submit- ted to you Ls a bill for the extension of Uic boundaries of Manitoba end of other provinces. also a bill to provide for Ike issue of Government annuities for old age, it bill respecting insur- nnre and bills to amend the Election Act and the Dominion Lands Act. 1 commend to your thoughtful con• sideration the several subjects to which 1 have referred, and 1 trust That in your delltoedation you may be gilded by Di- vine light. SSI:' 1l:It\ IVIIEST 111:1.1►. The(' Crop .r 1 nw 1 A re ale' tie • 1 11 � me fi !1 Slither) Bushels. A despalch from Ottnwe say.:: The 11, pertinent of 'Trade nm1 Ceinmeree en Friday morningg, received a letter fr:nn Mr. C. C. Castle, \Vnrehouee Commis - teener at Winnipeg, slating That the wheat yield this year niay possibly aggregalc seventy millkm bushels. and the percentage of grades 4 3144 under may 1* as low us forty per cent. He adds, however, that It is yet a little too early to make any accurate eetimate. NO (Atte I'.011.. _ .til Are haled 1 -ed in I;elliiiii 1►111 1111 brain 1 rap. A despatch (rent Fertile. 1t , There is a great r•lrortnge of caw: u1 the VI,1'19115 colliers,. of I11e 1:I.0o. N.'a Pass. (h+•' 10 the cfforle of the (I.P.It, tee handle tile eked crop. The shortage renohnts to 11(1y per cent. The corn -1 p:.11i4 have made frequent protests to 1 It.' C.I'.it.. deelnrhtg that they Are trr►- • Toronto. Ike. 3. \lanitobu \Vheat- No, 1 hard. nomtnnl; No. 1 northern. 81.15; Ne. 2. 51.10; No. 3 northern, 1.0.5 S,. Ontario Wheat t -No, 2 while, red or rrrxed. 95c• to 90ai outside. Barley -No. 2, 65e to 67e, outside: No. 3 extra, (i3c to 65c. Oats -No, 2 wttite, •48c to 483e out- side; mixed. 47c 10 47Xc, outside - Ryes -82c to 82yc, outside. 1'eas-88e. outside. Corn --No. 3 yellow American. 07Xe, ior•,nto heights. - Buckwheat -60c to tilc, outside. Bran --$19 to 520, in bulk outside; shorts 321 to 322. Flom' -Ontario winter wheat, $3.80 hid; Manitoba patents, special brand. 85.80; seconds, 85.20; strong bakers', 35.10. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Buller -Supplies are a little heavier, but prices are unchanged. Creamery, prints , , , . , ... .. 29e to 30c do solids .... .... .... .... £tic to 27c Dairy prints .... 26c to 27c do solids , . , ... 23c to 24c Chemie -13%%c for large and 13%ef for twins. Eggs ---Storage are 23c per dozen in case bis; selects, 26c to 27c; new -laid, about nominal at 30c. l'oull•y-Cho1Ce chickens, 7c to 9e; inferior. 5c to 6c; choice ducks and geese steady at 7c to 9c; fat, clean, dry -picked turkeys, 12c to 13e; thin turkeys, 8c to 10c. Potatoes -85c to 90c per bag In car lots on track here. Beans -$1.75 to 31.85 for primes and 81.85 to 81.95 for nand -picked. Honey -Strained steads at llc to 12c per Its for 60 -lb. pails, and 12c to 13c for 5 l0 10 tb. pails. Combs at 81.75 to 32.50 per dozen. Venison -Hindquarters, 11c to 12%c; fronlquarters dull at 4c to 5c; carcases. 8c to 9e. Baled flay -Timothy is quoted al 318 le 818.50. Baled Straw -S10 to 810.50 per ton on trach here. --- PROVO-SONS. Smoked and Dry Sailed \lents- i,ong clear Lacon, 10%c to Ile for Ions and cases; hams, medium and light. 15c to 15%e: heavy, 13Sec to 14c; backs. 16%c to 17c: shoulders. IOc to J0Xe; rolls, 10 se to 11c; breakfast. bacon. 15c to 15X,c; green meals out of pickle, lc less Ihnn snicked. Pork --Short cut, 822.75 to $23 for barrels; mess, $19 to 820. Lard -(firm; tierces, 12c; tubs, 12 e; Nies, 12,'-,e. MONTREAL MARKETS. Montreal, Dec. 3.-Manitdbt No. 3 t I white oats on spot, 59c; Ontario and a Quebec No. 2 white, 58c to 58X4; No. 'o 3 57c to 573• c; No. 4. 553c to 56e: Manitoba reje:led, 56e, and Quebec 55c per bushel. ex -store. Flour -- Choice spring wheat patents, 88.18; s(tconds, $5.50; winter wheat pateet�. 85.75; straight rollers, 35.50; do., lirhags. $2-60 to 142.C.5; extra. 82.05 to 82.10. Mani1oba bran, $23; shout. 625; Ontario bran. $23.5) to Sgt: uud- dhngo, 827 to 829 per ion, including bags. Milled rnouille, 828 to 332, and pure grain mouille 825 to 837 per ton. The demand for hay Ls active. No. 1. $177.5(1 to 518; No, 2, 516.50 to $17; mixed, 815 to $15.50; clover, 814 to 814.50 per ton in cur lots. Provisions--Ilurrels short cut. mess, 522.50 to 823; half barrels, 811.75 to 812.25; clear fat backs. 5;3.50 to 824.50; long cut heavy mess, 321 to 323; half barrels do„ $10.50 t0 311.25; dry salt long clear hewn, 10ese to 11Xe; bar- rels plate beef, $13.50 to 815; half bur - .reels do., $7.25 to 87.75; bar- rels heavy mess beef, 810 to $11; half barrels do., $5.50 to $6; compound lard. 10' to Ile; pure lard, 12Xc to 13c; kettle rendered, 13;1,c to 1lc; limns, 12Xc to 13Xe. according to Mae; break- fast bacon, 14c to 15c; Windsor bacon, 14%c to 153ec; fresh killed abattoir - (free -sod lags, 88.50 to 88.75; alive, $5.- 50 to $5.85. There is a very firm lone to the local cheese market. November tail -ends are selling at 1l%c to 11%c, and Oc- tober at 12c to 12Xc. A moderate and steady demand pre- vails for butter. Grass goods, 28e to 28%%; current. receipts, 27c to 27!;c. BUFFALO MARKET. Buffalo. Dee. 3. -Wheat --Spring firm- er, No. 1 Northern, 81.15X- on track; No. 2 red, $1; winter firer. Corn -- Higher; No. 2 white. 683 c; No. 2 yel- low, 67c. Oats -Unsettled; No. 2 while, track, 55c; No. 2 mixed, 474e. Harley -95c to 51.10. Bye -No. 2, 87c store. NEW YORK WHEAT MARKET. New York, Dec. 3. -Wheal -Spot firm; No. 2 red, $1.04X., elcwater; No. 2 red, $1.05% f.o.b. afloat; No. 1 nort'tlr ern, Duluth, $1.19% f.o.b, afloat; No. 2 Lard winter. $1.11% f.o.b. afloat. CATTLE MARKET. Toronto, Dec. 3. -Good loads of but- chers' cattle, 84 10°$4.25; medium to fair, 8;1.50 to $3.75; cows, good, 33 to 33.25; cows, common, 32.25 to 52.50; canners, 504; to 31.50 per cwt. Trade in feeders and stockers was dull. Fecdcrs, best. 1.000 to 1.100 lbs., 83.25 to $3.75; fair feeders, 82.75 to $3; stockers, 650 to 850 lbs.. $2.40 to 52.75: common stockers, 82.25 to 82.50; sleek calves, 81.50 to 81.75 per cwt. Sheep, lambs and calves were steady.Export ewes, 83.75 to $4; export buehe, 82.50 to 83 per cwt; lambs, 4X to 5Xc ; rr,lvcs, 3 to 6c per tb. flogs went down to 3.5 for selects. milts and fats sold al 81.75, and sows $3 per cwt. Skinny hogs were not ,anted. GUELPH STUDENTS WON Victory For Ontario Agricultural College at Chicago. A despatch from Chicago says: For the third time In succession the stu- dent team rfom the Ontario Agricul- ture College at Guelph on Saturday won the trophy in the live stock judg- ing contest at the international I.ive Stock Exp oeition. Agairu.t the stu- dents from Ontario were,ittd re 're - 1 i eentalives from the State colleges of Indiana. South Dakota, Kansas, Texas, Ohio, lova and Missouri. This tmphy. which tins been presented by the lin- ion Stock yards, now becomes the pro- perty of the colkgc at Guelph. The animals judged were:-- Horses, Perchum, German coach and shires' sheep, Remhaulelli. Shropshir•e'•_s Anel` (oltsw•okis; swine. 1(a nipshires, Berk- shires and Yorkshires; cattle. Short- h•,rns. Angus and fat grail' steers. Each r-lu,lcnt was a1.wed eighteen Minutes to judge each class and two minutes in which to state his reasons for the deciafon, The Guelph team se- eured an aggregate of one hundred more points in judging sheep and swine than any other team. The members cf the team are: E. S. Architbald, Trio ro. N. S. T. Ark 11, Wellington eounty; 1.. A. ikrwe!s, Meukord; D. A. McKenzie, Bruce county, and 11. 11. 1toelson. Myrtle. While no individnnl on the Ontario team attained neat place in general ef- flcicney, (heir average was so good that all are inehided It the ilrst len. This victory, including the two prior ones, have given the Onlarto students n decided prestige. All the nx'Inbers e i the tenni are fourth yen'. men al the college. 'fhe Ir4II3 is valued nl pm. hn1)1y $1r00. kll kl:p \S IFI: TA 111:1111. flu -land Murdered Iler Reeausr �uppr, 1\ n. \ 'l Beady. \ do.oliteh from Or -e% 1.4 says: vi,•Ithew OIwell, n s'- ‘ store, 37 Sears i rote. entered a :,i.Y:,n ou 'Iuesday 'held: and announced to friends that he had killed his wife. Ile had retuned Kale to find no supper awaiting him, ho said, had accused his wife of drinktng nn.l neglecting their home and finally nur.tere4 he.. In the hallway of the Orwell home the police towel the wo- men's tasty. (,nlhere) menti her were four little e1•i'•h'•'n making pitiful efforts o reelore •1 le 14. 011 orders, and ;minting oil that y enn101 10 11011 1 • • nsible if a fuel • eine occurs in the v airi0 Pmwinees ••••re the coal resets bre much lower 11 is generally- sm., • -ed. REPULSE FOR THE FRENCH L Attacked in Algeria By Twenty Thousand rjri'ibesinon. A deer '••li ficin I.nl'a Magnin. Stor- e says: "[he Frenrh c. been which . tignged in a sera vs fight with the :. onen Monday returned ern T.:eddy r' • r bombarding several villages. A ' I • roll re'c'onnoitering; party was al- l., ..'d to -day by twenty tti uasnd tr.hea- m, n and forced 10 retreat. having I)(ht poen wosylded. Fite more tribes nye joined the Renis Nasser) tribes - ten. end the s:tuahon la becoming Critical. 11 rc-infor.etnents ere nos sent immediately French fora' will b in danger ef • ;elation. A despatch is i', its stays: .\ able• gram re'•ea•e,1 here :rem General Drude. c• mmander of the French hese!: in \Mmcco, recites that a sanguinary en. Ragern.nl lasting: two days has e-ccur- reel between Iribeemen near Rabat. During the height e 1 the battle the Zelda tribesman who were figliling for A1)•lel-Arii. suddenly sent over to Ow enemy, after which this Sultan's me non ons force.) to retreat. ►obit,$ sew• teal cannon. ('11(11.111 •••••• \ 1 ri \1 1011%. 4;.'I. P. General llanairer lb'lutrns from ssorrosse lour, A elcspaiih from \Iunlreal si,. Frank W. see -e, a so.'•president laid g. nt's fll manager of the 1.ran.l 'trunk Pacific. returned lo \k•nlr"al nn 'Thiers• day after e1 Three months' trip through Western Canada. During this Trip Mr. Morse hn. mini,' a Ihoimigh inspection of every pail of the Grund 'frank under cen`lrl'llon. 7111.1 has 1•ellll'It, 1 In \tnllt- r(al Besought): pleased with Ii,' pr.,- tire.01 that is 1,.:. - nrnl • iu Ilse wort. of bulldog. mutt t 7.111.\1 11111.. Ito--i:u, Rohl.eie Steal 1.u4 ernntenl \ lI " I Jrlt teen \ ballet ••f IN.LM'ra lknerlirnenl g7nlhernl together di the value of $7:, .rip ►t7:,.41ee From P,tw n•I,up. 11+1i1. 11n -sin. say . or. 'll!esday entered p:gw n'hop here, lowest, tool gold 10 and c -caped. I:\10\t1i1:1► 1N \ \I1•1:. %finer., one, is,un•SI al Fay- ette City. Penn. A despatch from Mononl;ahela, Passe„ say.,: itctween fifty and sixty ruiners are entombed 01 the Naomi aline of the United Coal Co. at Fayette (Sty as the result of an explosion of black drrrnp en Saturday night. It is thought many are dead behind ions of rock and coal whirl fell during the conctieskei and brooked the cnlran.•,', 'The explosion was roosted. it is said, when n miner with an open lamp entered one cif the± c11 workings. \Irdiead ntd has been s(111 front \L, nongnhele rind surround- ing h.w ns, Details nor meagre e w .11g .f. ! • ,. Isom' c'rwirc. n ssro 1111 fro: . (her 1-i11y 1:111 II 1 1 1.1 1 II(ItIA. 14nn.l 1111.11.441 114 .% 111 Rad (.on•liii,,n :41 11!1 .111.1 \ do-i,,t t fed, Itltiiwn says: 1 Less hII •r. :ui orphan troy fifteer, ye , e.: ng;.•. els I'rs sight 'o water Silos! 11o<piial on Fraley (welling rr.rn Lake SI. Vary. (,hue•,• with both hands end loth feet Ir. zen. The little fellow. w le • wee by !fig with an uncle. way . i. :.il(•1r.l. turned cid of his unrle'.s is.usn. en•1 as he hnd n••when? to g.. hi wandered into the hush, a 14(1e l.( .bent n night and pare „f a day-. \\le n found by s,.rn nciy;hl.•rs the la•l libel his hvo Get fr,u'n as well as his Iwo Woods. sheriff 1Vrighl of (lull nil) he vest ign tc. 'the Startle (retardment has ar149Wei 1 1. ince Iig161i,ou•ets ode 1h.• lake, heel ol4 n as king ns the S 1(7 Canal can be opts tocd. THREE CHILDREN PERISH Were Burned to Death in a Fire at Winnipeg. A despatch from Winnipeg say..: '1 hree Mlle children, William, Dora, and Jo- seph cseph Dcnabgrg, aged thirteen, nine and six, respectively, met a horrible death in a fire which destroyed their home on AloOr•cgor Street at midnight on Wed- nesday. 'three others were saved from the same fate by the nar'ow•est margin. The fire broke out around the stove just after the family had retired, and the smoke which poured up the narrow stairway practically cut eft those up- stairs from escape. Denaburg was awakened by the smell of smoke, and rush••,1 do•,. n '!ilia. Ile Hien called to wife to bring out the children. Ills ode seized the baby and ran down staiie. Samuel Mely. who lived w 'th them, picked up the next child, a li le toy, and brought him dawn. The body of the boy Joe was found iifterwards at the foot of the stairs. A fifteen -year -4,1d daughter, Lena. followed the mother down, but has suffered 60 much from shock that she may not recover. The Ilre was put out by the firemen. in ilia upper storey were found the bodies of \Wither and Dora. Both had fallen from Ifieir bed, but the dense smoke caused them to lose all sense of direction, and they could t„ 1 111.1 the stairway. CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS tI tl 1'LNINGS FROM ALL O1...1 7711? 610111•'. lele0raph Briefs Frani Oor Oen and 011ier Countries of Recent 14 encs, CANADA. Ottawa doctors nave agreed to raise their rales. t'ians for the new, post -office at Shncoe have been drawn Tho we'tein grain crop averaged 12,9 I :shell to lite acre, Ilanlflto11 hotels are to increase their rales 50 cents a day. l'clerhoro Board of Health urge the erection of an isolaliou hospital. The salaries of Chatham Public school teachers will not be increased. The total yield of all grain in the west is estimated et 163,936,500 bushels. Another London, Ont., man has offer - 810.000 towards a hospital for con• suuiplives, Over a million bushels of grain wero fe rwarde(I last week from Fort William. Contracts for further construction of tri Temisknining Railway have been awarded. London hotels have failed to carry out their plans to raise the price of liquor. Capt. E. B. Smith, of Picton, has just ended his fifty-second season on the lakes. Two hundred and fifty Bavarians in T.•ronto, out of work, have applied for rib is relief. Rcssland miners have agreed to accept A reduction ht wages, and the mines will hs kept running. A second direct line of steamers from France to Canada has been inaugurated. Nino hundred Chinese called for (tome to the steamer Empress of India, from Vancouver on Wednesday. An unknown woman jumped on Goat Island bridge into the rapids at Niagara. and was carried over the falls on Thurs- day. I'1►e working hours in the M. C. R. shops at St. 'Thomas hav been reduced from 50 hours to 45 hours a week. 'fomby lL's ijurniture factory. on SI. James street. Montreal, was gutted by lire, ou Friday. Loos, 860,000. Apple exporters complained to the railroads that one million dollars' wr.rth of apples are tied up for lack of transportation facilities. Brooks Jones, a young man of Winni- peg. was drowned In the Y.M.(:.A. swim- n►Ing tank in Ilial city on Thursday while the attendant was absent. o i e o(•he• n ,1 t the 11 'or he death c I ids soli t F t Inge school fire. 1. F. Andeason claims 32.631.75 damages from the Protestant Scli(x.d Commissioners. The C. 1'. it. steamers Tartar and Athenian have been told to the Japanese Nc vigalbn Company. nal will go on the route between Calcutta and Yoko - hems. The Western Work') Commerelnl foaycllers' Associnlion risk that local oI.lkin municipalities be required to provide suitable places for kxlging. Robert Braithwaite, the Grenfel home - slender, who refused to pay his Inxes 111141 WAS diol by Corporal Dann, fired least, so the policeman was absolved from blame. On his return to Tokio. Baron Ishii, 11 a Japanese Commissioner, advised tint labor etnlgration to the United .States be prohibited, and that to Canada be greatly Battled, \l•. Frank 11. Mathewson. manager ..' 11, • Rank of Commerce. and Dr. R. I. Ilarri 'n. director of the Aloc(lolahl \I ante Institute. died at \foiitieni. on Friday. Paul D'•wnr.' was fatally Injural al cobalt by falling under a mooring train. on Friday. Allen Allore was killed and 1`hilip Ito) probably fatally injured in Cobalt, lake shaft by nn old charge explodinre. UNI'T'ED SATES. On Monday last 230 women applied for divorce in St. Louis. Seven men were burned to death in Kansas City in n fire caused by a gas esplosicn on 'Thursday. An air rith'. fired by a 15 -year-old boy, frightened iso burglars from the base- ment of a house in Chicago. In efforts to find o11 in Harmon, 111., a five-foot vein of coal was (ound at a depth of 139 feel and gas at 150 feet, but n. oil, Arthur Kaiser, 13 years of age, of Mil- waukee, while trying to be n cowboy. Iassooed a car, and now lies al the point o' death in his gnome. Five factory employees were killed in the collision of a train and a trolley car at Waterbury, Conn., cn Friday. Three boys are held at Ogdensburg. charged with attempting to wreck a New York Central passenger train. The value of the 1907 crop in this United Slates is estimated at 87.412,- 000.000, or $657,000,000 above that of 1906. J. J. 11111 says New York has recited the climax of her commercial supre- nincy; traffic henceforth must seek other outlets. Sherman Cass, a school teacher, has been in jail two months at Champagne, 111., for debt, and by the laws of the state may be kept there for life. While a "coming out" reception for Miss Sydney Boyce was being held in a Chicago hotel, $1000 worth of jewellery was stolen from her apartments. Charles Cannon, of Bristol, Pa., chal- lenges any man in the world to equal h's record for the present year, of cut- ting 5,450 corn shocks. or 235 shocks a day. Lorine Myers, a nurse girl of St. LcuLs, kidnapped the two little sons of Mrs. Albert Johneer►, because $15 was her and she had not been able to c( gleet it. While shaping a tooth with a sharp tool, Dr. 1). 3. Reese, a Ilarrishurg den- tist. ons struck in the eye by n fragment t1 the tooth rind .lost the sight of the eye. Five little children end their mother were thrust out of their Detroit tene- ment and their furniture placed uton II►e sidewalk, because n drunken Fallon* failed to pay rent. To save the life of n little girl who had been badly burned. Dr. il. A. Cushman, mayor of Princeton, 1114.. had n quantity o: skin removed from his arm and groftcd on the child. GREAT RRI rAIN. England's climate has cured Kaiser \\'llhelln's catarrh. The La Tuque Lomeli of the Quebec & Lake St. John Railway has been nl,eand. Florence Nighllpgnle. the I:runean nurse. has been decorated with the Or. h• Kil Edward. e• of \IeM1 tet As ) 'twenty men were carried into the Thames. al Landon o11 Thursday by the toll of a steel girder. and two were drowned. The Irish Ni.lienalists have decided tc drop their quarrels and concentrate their strength in an attempt to secure home rule. 'The British Admiralty- will equip a fleet of lank s(i'amere In bring the oil uaed as fuel by torpedo hoots direct from the shipping parts. Prof. Weevil's. Secretary of the Brit- ish 'Tariff deform League. says the Franeo•(:anedinn treaty nuiterially re- duces the preference to Britain. Sir Felix Schuster. Presi(i(nt of the British Institute of Bankers. s1o1c4l the ether night Illnt Indicatlon.s pointed not I.) an expansion in trade, but to n resdriclkon. GENEiI\I.. (.?•key fares a grain famine. We -nvins is again threatening enrp- tion. :UI(.thcr Reser outbreak is threaten - r0 near Pekin. s Thirteen terrorists wens tempo! al Odessa Inst week. (:hilla's customs (n off by e61-%t!1(il►. receipts have fa'. 600 WERE SAVED BY A JOKE Manager's Ruse to Get Women Burning Building. \ d: spatc11 from I(n.lon. England, says: Fir.' heavily sMtnnged a big ath- 1('1i' 010111104 eetahi.shtnent lir 1101- 1'orn cis 'I iii': clay morning. 'There were 1.101 employee -5 on the premises at the tine. Including 600 women and girle. Sul they all got out safely. thank. to e ruse employee by one of the man. nests.herr 'the starter in one e f the Inver 1'lie stories. It was iron srx'n t.. Ile' serious. nal. reel ting the ,+r,ns('quen'ete of n toms'. '. the mentosr ,v►I,eeived the ex. lid.'•ul if ' ml•lying the hurdling quiets - 10 by ennc•uncing to the ounce that Frorn ttw' firm 11.1,1 d. - tics to tel Them off to go out and see a passing parade. The manager hurried through the moms calling out to the girls end women: "This way- for the parade; this way to see the show!" Ile got the w•on.en starter' toward the slnirens•', erne n w hie h they veto hnr- rssl and hustled, fly the time they die r.l',erelt Ilio real 'abbe of the rusli they w. r.' .n safely beyond the rtneh of' Iia here. The only person In tiny .was 111- 111re.f a the scrret:try of the firm, le hese a h:.ker,• were buroci 'stele ray- oig Ilia twke,