HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-12-05, Page 5i
EXETER.1"t?`ite Backache,
6100 it paid in of, an. e.
sL 50 • ; t:.t .1 not w pail.
'To t'sited States subscribers $1 MO
�- a Year Strictly is Adyarct
:-AND a:-, a t'ta:r.• n, ruiatsher,.
We are showing the Best
,g■, Xmas. Goods
We have ever carried. Our Pianos
are up to city goods in every way
only price, its lower. Organs and
Sewing Machines at prices that
slake thein sell.
A most beautiful line of Station-
ery, Bibles, hymn Books, etc., at
Awad Down Prices.
Call and see them.
Cook's Cotton Root Compound.
Tho great Uterine Tonic, and
only tufo effectual Monthly
Regulator on which women can
depend. Sold in three degrees
of strength—No. 1. 1 ; No. 2.
10 degrees stronger, $-3; No. 3.
for special eases, .5 per box.
Bold by all druggists. or sent
prepaid on receipt of price.
Free pamphlet. Addres: TM
COOK Mtotcllt! CO-TOItoMTo, hitt. lforrnerly Windsor?
To Jan'y lst, 1908
10 ctS.
PLUMBER (Rot and Cold Water)
Estimates furnished on application.
A Trial Solicited
Arthur D. Davis
RESIDENCE: Corner James and An-
drew Streets.
in your 'Tiro lime at Lome, or
Take a Personal Course at School.
To enable all to learn we teach yn
c a-11 or instalment plan. We also teach a
p,•rsonal class at school once a month.
l.ass coin:n.•nciug last Tuesday of each
month. Thos.: lessons teaches how to . ut,
fit :and put t.•4• tiler only garment from 111e
pl.tine-t •lira yy..i.t suit, to the most elabor-
ate d. cf... The %%hole t:.mily can (earn from
one course. We lase taught over severs
thous:m.1 dress -making, and g o..i.."t., to
give five hundred tl.•llars to tiny one Or t
intim t learn bet •seen the age of 74 and
40. Vrnl c:,un.1 I.-.r•t dre>..-m:akinti as
thorough a. tlis c se leaches if you
o,n k in • ''op- t. •r ye .rItew'are . f irnil.t•
ti.•n. a . ,ye eia.a.•y no one outside the
school. Thos is t1,,• only experienced ['tress
l'utting School to Canada and ex, tolled by
none in any ether country. Write at once
for particulars, as we have cut our rate one-
third for a short time. Atldt .ss :
31 Erie `'t . Str.tt't,rd. Ont . ('annds
WANTED AT ONCE We have derided to in-
struct and employ • n•unher of smart young ladle
to leach our course in Dressmaking, having one
teacher for thesis nearest towns where they lite --
age 20 to 3.t. Those who have worked at dressmak-
ing. or likes drawing preferred. Please do not apply
unless you can tet ore ro•u whole time. Address
Tns 801001.
Farm Wanted to Rent.
One or two hundred acres. Apply
at this ofitca'.
;IF 'Sr Allrigi V' IF lel
Are available with renewal of
industrial activities in early
SPRING. If you desire one you
moist enter NOW. short. sharp,
snappy courses for those whose
time or money is limited, and
t he In molted and most compre-
hensive curriculin for those who
would attain more then ordinary
MA11. COURSES in Commercial
k Stenography. Telegraphy. Civil
IIyeevire Matrienlatinn. 1'ennien•
tship, etc.
'Write f.•i psiticnl.ars
4 0 Clinton Business College
iGeor e Spotton, Principal
LR PeliaAr&AtAi ALAtA r*A
"The Blues"
Both Symptoms of Organic Derangement, in Women
—Thousands of Sufferers Pind Relief.
How often do we hear •... •:i -u say: "It
seems as though my back would break„'
or "Don't speak to rte, I ant all out of
sorts?” They significant remarks prove
that the system requires attention.
Backache and "the blues" are direct
symptoms of an inward trouble which
will sooner or later declare itself. It
may be caused by (lineage(' kidneys or
some derangement of the organs. Nature
requires assistance and at once, and Ly-
dia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound
instantly asserts its curative powers in
all those peculiar ailments of women. It
has been the standby of intelligent
American women for twenty years and
the ablest judges agree that it is the
most universally successful remedy for
tt'oman's ills known to medicine.
Read the convincing testimonials of
Mr:T. Oakes and Mrs. MacNantee.
Mrs. J. I'. (Makes of Prince of \Vales
Hotel, Head of St. Margaret's Ray, near
Halifax, Halifax County. Nova Scotia,
Canada, writes :
Dear Jars. 'Inkhorn "After what your Vegetable Compound
•li•I t 'r me, I am a bran !reliever that it is a
v.mderful medieine, and that any woman
who is troubled ,with any of the ills we
suffer from should try it and she will soon
be convince} of its worth. Six mottles
changed me from a peevish, despondent,
sickly, ailing woman to a sweet -tempered,
healthy one, who rarely ever has a pain
now, and who before was rarely without
one. As a regulator, strengthener and a
tonic, I think it has no superior and I
certainly endorse it."
Mrs. Anna It. MaeNatnee of corner
Queen and Wellington Streets, Kingston,
Ont. writes:
Dear Mrs. Pinkham;—
"Lydia E. l'inkham's Vegetable Com-
pound has done all the good in the world
Ask Mrs.Pinkham's Advice —A Woman Best Understands a Woman's Ills.
forme. I suffered with irregularities, back-
ache and severe pains all through my body,
and was very nervous and blue. I tk
I used a dozen different kinds of medicines,
some prescribed by the doctor and some re-
commended by friends, but one bottle of
Vegetable Compound was worth more to
me than all the other medicines put together,
My general health began to improve es soon
as I began to use the Compound, and in
three weeks I was a perfectly well woman."
When women are troubled with irreg-
ular, suppressed or painful periods, weak-
ness, displacements or ulceration, that
bearings town feeling, inflammation of
the female organs, backache, bloating
(or flatulence), general debility, indi-
gestion and nervous prostration, or are
beset with such evrnptoms as dizziness,
faintness, lassitude, excitability, irritabi-
lity, nervousness, sleeplessness, melan-
choly, "all gone" and "want -to -be -left -
alone" feelings, blues and hopelessness,
they should remember. there is one tried
and true remedy. - Lvdia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable C'otnpq lne( at once removes
such troubles. s
No other medicine has sucn a record
of cures of female troubles. No other
medicine in the world has received this
widespread and unqualified endorsement.
Refuse to buy any substitute.
Itetneuiber, every woman is cordially
invited to write to Mrs. Pinkham if
there is anything about her symptoms
she does not understand. Mrs. Pink -
ham is the daughter-in-law of Lydia E.
Pink ham, her assistantbefore herdecease,
and for twenty-five years since her advice
has been freely and cheerfully given to
every ailing woman who asks for it.
Iter advice and medicine have restored
to health innumerable women Address,
Lynn, Mass.
You want to learn bookkeeping so
that when you finish your course
you will fee: sure of yourself, don't
volt? s
That's the way we will teach you
We -will thoroughly instruct you
in the theory of bookkeeping and
then snake you apply your theoret-
ical knowledge in a practical way.
You will know the correct way to
enter up every conceivable kind of
a transaction by either single or
double entry.
You will know every phase of
modern banking methods.
You will " mala good " in actual
business life. And, do you know,
we cannot supply the demand for
our grade ties'
Large, illustrated catalogue free
Members of Business Educator.'
Principal, London.
Wood's Phosphodins,
The (Irrnl EnalisA Remedy,
Tones and 1nyiguratee the whole
nervous - n, ntnkos new
mood in Old Veins (."urea Nerv-
ous Debility, Mental and Brain ii'orry, Lrs-
Implod. ney, Sexual Weakness, akness, Erniy.sions, Sper-
nntorrh.rn, and Effects 0/Abuse or 1•:rcrexar.
'.ico 71 per box, affix fort,c l one will pleano Glx
,sill cure. Sold byall tlniggiets or mailed 1q
plain pkg. on receipt of {{r.1..'. Nrtn pimp/deg
mrailydffree. The Weed Medicine Co.
(formerly il'indsor) Toronto, Ont.
2 reliable men as agents for Exeter
and surrounding country to sell our
specialties, MAY NARD PLUM, FiTZ-
eral line of fruit. and ornamental trees.
Von can make money out of our stock
where you wonld fail with common
stock. We pay cash weekly, supply
outfit free end give exclusive territory
Growers of high grade nursery stock,
Toronto, Ont.
N. B. -- Special terms to suit agents
working part time.
Parkhill: Burglars entered the shoe
store of 34m. MacDonald on Thursday
night, Nev. 28, and a quantity of goods
'wee token. hattgt) herr dlt window: loa•rance was
was then opened and the store ran -
o; ,eked. Besides shoes, a suit case,
several pails of gloves nand a purse
containing at small vuni of money were
taken. A large turkey was takenfrom the woo croon) of J. Skinner.
next door.
Deafness Cannot be Cured
t.y local applications, as they cannot reach the diseas-
e,, portion of the car. There Is only one way to cure
deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies
Deafness is caused by an inflamed eondition of the
mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this
tube is Inflamed you have a tomhltng sound of im-
perfe. t hearing, and when it is entirely closed, tear
nesse% the result. and unless the inflammation can be
taken mat and this lube restored to its netmal cornu•
Don. hearing will he destroyed forever; nine cases
nut of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing
but an inflamed condition of the mnrnus surfaces
w e will trite one Hundred Dollars for any case of
ieataess(•-auasl be catarrh) the* cannot be cured
t.y Itatl's Catarrh Our,. Sent for circulars fret.
F. J. C11ENEY t co., Toledo, 0.
Poll by Dntg.iats, 75e.
tike iia:1's Family Pills for constipation.
Geo. Douglas of I3lake has rented his
farm to his brother, Wm. and D. Beat-
tie, and intends moving to Seaforth
where his daughter Irene is attending
the Collegiate.—Mrs. D. S. Faust has
returned from a visit to her daughter
in Milverton.—Chester Smith has re-
turned to his hotne in St. Joseph after
a brief stay at Powossan.--Wm. Dow -
son and wife, after a several months'
stay in the West, have returned and
are now settled down on their farm
on the 14th con. of Ilay.--Louis Jeffery
bas his house now moved to its new
loeation on a lot he purchased from 8.
Rannie.—D. Dedman and son Seth of
St. Joseph have returned from the
West. We understand Seth intends
taking up a homestead in the spring.
—Miss Sara Allan of Blake is on a few
weeks' visit. to Ifatnilton.—Wm. Bec-
ker has returned from Sasketchewan
where he visited his son.—Miss Green
has returned to Exeter after a pleasant
visit. at the home of Fred Witwer.--
Ernest Gies has sold his fern] to Sinton
Dietrich, for $0000. Possession given
in April.—We understand that C.
Schrag will start a restaurant end con-
fectionery in connection with his bak-
ery.—J. J. Merner and F. C. Kalb-
flelsch were in Toronto last week on
business.—John G. Erb, Bronson Line,
had quite a loss through fire Friday,
when his smoke house and apple dry-
ing house was completely destroyed
together with a lot of apples in pro
cess of drying. Mr. Erb had only re-
cently put the dry house in first-class
shape, and the most will be consider-
able to have the building, racks, etc.,
replaced.—John Howard of the 111th
had the tnisfortune to get his tight
hand in the gear of a straw cutter on
Monday, with the result that Dr.
Campbell amputated three (bogies.
two at the middle joint and the third
clime to the hand.-- J. Preeter has se-
cured the contract of installing a Hec-
ht furnace in the i,utheran p irsonege,
in place of the wood (menace.
1)ICAT( -The death of i..tae Errntt
of Stanley, t'nme ns a p-tinful surprise
to hie many friend.. The death occur-
red on Mundaav, and was totally nnex-
ppeeete-d by the family, as he retired on
Saturday evening seemingly in his
1191131 health. The defense(' was in
the municipal council of Stanley for
many years end was a very peinstak•
ing (Arial. in the home he was kin]
hem ted, and in b11anese dealings
strictly upright. His remains were
laid to rest, in Hayfield cetuetery, on
Tuesday afternoon, and were followed
by a large circle of sorrowing relatives,
neighbors sod friends. The stricken
family has the heartfelt sympathy of
the whole community in their loss.
M1•. Erratt had reached the age of 70
years and I months, his sudden death
occurring as the result of a paralytic
-- �- ---
Miss Elizabeth Ellwood, near Lon-
don, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. J.
W. i )ung, 7th coo.—We are pleased
to state that Wm. Noble, who has
been indisposed for sone time past, is
able to be around again.—Gordon
Young, who has beeu suffering for
some time past from an abscess in his
neck, is progressing favorably. —Mer-
ril Mollard has been engaged to teach
in S. S. No. tai for the year, the salary
being $150. --Mrs. Dan. Gilbert. who
has been confined to her bed with an
attack of pleurisy, is convalescing. --
While transacting some business at
the Standard Bank, Parkhill, Monday,
(leo. Luther, in a fit of absent minded-
ness, left a roll of bills amounting to
$85on the teller's desk. He had reached
Moray on his way home before he dis-
covered his lose, when be immediately
returned to town to make the search.
In the meantime the roll had been tak-
en in charge by the teller, who restor-
ed it to the owner, at the same time
refusing all reward.
Mt. Carmel,
Intended for last week.
Mr, and Mrs. O'Rourke and the
Misses Mae and Josephine Coughlin of
London spent it few days in town this
week.—Miss M. Quinn, of Sanilac,
Mich., is visiting Mrs. L. Hall.—Mrs.
Milligan, of Dublin, is visiting her
father, Mr. Collins. --Mrs. P. Glavin is
visiting friends at Detroit.—D. Apple-
ton has gone to the lumber woods.—
Miss Mary Ljatcb, of Toronto, is visit-
ing her sister,rs. Jas. McCarthy.—
Mr, and Mrs. jas. Doyle and family
have moved to Parkhill, where they
will stake their home in future. Their
sou, Mat. Doyle, will reside on the
homestead.—The moving picture en-
tertainments given by Prof. Stuart of
Toronto, on Monday and Tuesday
evenings this week were well patron-
ized. On Monday evening the pictur-
es were of the Life of Christ. Tues-
day night a humorous program was
given of assorted pictures. Every one
present seemed to enjoy tbe program
immensely. The pictures were cer-
tainly fine.
DEaTII—On Tuesday, Timothy
Lynch, one of the pioneers of this
to unship, died at the home of bis
daughter, Mrs. Jas. McCarthy, at the
age of 82 years. His life work was
done and weary of suffering and wait-
ing, he lay down to rest. He bad
been in poor health for a number of
years and death was a happy release.
Only two of his family survive him,
Mrs. McCarthy with whom he resided
and Miss Mary of Toronto, who was
also present at the funeral. Inter-
ment took place at Mt. Carmel ceme-
tery on Friday morning, requiem high
Kass being celebrated in the church
by Rev. Fr. Foster. The funsqge was
largely attended by the old fridfids and
neighbors of the deceased.
'¢ w Am' 'Ur,r'Wier
talk alludiciehudicalkdkaluilkils ALI
Seaforth: Harry Carnochan, who
has been for several years wine clerk
at the Royal Hotel, bas assumed the
proprietorship of the Grip Hotel.
Clinton: Miss Mabel Doherty,
daughter of George Doherty, has been
engaged by the Goderich Collegiate as
commercial specialist for 1!108 at a sal-
ary of $1100.
Tuckersmith: S. Reid, of the Milt
road, recently had a cataract removed
front 0110 of his eyes by Dr. Forester,
of Stratford, and he is delighted with
the results. His sight is quite iinprov-
ed, and he can see neatly ns well as
ever with it.
Parkhill: Basil Phelan met with a
severe +accident on Saturday by being
bit on the head with a large block of
wood which a farmer was throwing
into the cellar at the store. The cut
was it severe one and required two
stitches to close it.
Parkhill: A quiet but pretty wed-
ding was soletnnized at London on
Wednesday, when Miss Edith Murphy,
daughter of Wm. Murphy, formerly
of Parkhill, was united in marriage
with Harry Clement. a Parkhill boy,
lately of Sault Ste. Marie, at which
place they will reside.
Clinton: O. Mcilveen,:who has been
teller of the local branch of the Sover-
eign Bank for the past couple of years
has been transferred to Windsor. lois
successor is Edward G. Ferris. W. C.
Campbell of Toronto is taking the
junior post, Mr. Porter retiring to take
+ a position on the O. T. It. at Buffalo.
Egnandville: A very quiet wedding
took place on Saturday afternoon at
:3 o'clock at the residence of .Mrs.
Henry Jackson, when her youngest
daughter. Annie L., was united in
marriage to George Wellington ('lose,
of Toronto. The Rev. Neil Shaw, per-
formed the ceremony in the presence
of the bride's family only. ,
There has not enough of the beauti-
ful fallen to awake sleighing yet. ---Mr,
and Mts. ('arming nee home, after
spending the summer at Grand Bend,
- Miss Hack of Zurich is visiting in
town. —Mr. and Mrs. Baskerville of
Centralia end Mr. and Mrs. Broken -
shire of Sharon spent Sunday with
Mrs. ('.tnning. —Mr. Hoskin and wife
of Brantford spenta few (lays with
Mr. and Mrs. Lampert. --F. E. Kestle
of tlderton paid Clandeboye a flying
visit one day last week. --Mr, Dan.
(Cunningham and wife were in Londea-
borough East. week attending the fun-
s eral of their nephew, who died in M.
Joseph Hospital while undergoing an
operation for appendicitis. --Professor
Stewart of Toronto enterhtinedaa large
crowd in the Methtxlist chmrch Thurs•
day and Friday evening with moving
pictures nnd Saturday evening in the
hall. -Chat lie Cunningham has return-
ed to i.ondon after spending it few
dey" with his parents here.—MAMA
('laws will soon be here, at least you
would think so to see the great lis
pie`s in our stores. --Miss Elliott is
training her scholars for the Christ-
mas entertainment.
St. Marys: Prior to their departure
to their home at Olen Bay, N. S., Mrs.
W. C. Montizambert was presented
with a handsome amethyst and pearl
pendant by the ladies, and Mr. 'Montiz-
anlbert with a handsome gold watch
and signet ring by the citizens. W.
0. will be manager of the Bank of
Montreal at that place.
The Lucan Euchre Club decided at
their weekly meeting on Monday night
to discontinue until after the Christ-
mas holiday. The next meeting will
be held on the first Monday of the new
year. -Wellington Hodgins has return-
ed fro,nToronto, where he had been
attending the funeral of his sister.
Mrs. John Neil, who was formerly a
well-known citizen of this place. --Mal-
colm Hodgins has returned from a
trip to the West.—Most of the farmers
in this vicinity have their fall work
completed. The weather for this kind
of work could not have been mote fav-
orable.—HowerCraig is assisting his
brother, H. J., at. the G.T.H. depot.—
Mrs. H. J. Craig is visiting her parents
in Thedford.—E. McLean has removed
to the building lately occupied by
Percy Hodgins. --George Betts has
opened up a repair shop in the build-
ing formerly used as a laundry.—W.
Crawley, who has been here attending
the funeral of his inother, has returned
to his house in Hartford, Conn.
- v -
The `Canadian Pictorial' for
The Novetnber issue closes the sec-
ond volume of this popular national
illustrated monthly. It contains the
usual delightful seiection of pictures—
many of them fine full-page ones—
making up in all about one thousand
square inches of illustrations.
Among the more notable picturea
are: "An English thatched cottage"
(prize picture), and a splendid selec-
tion from the recentphoto cornpeti-
tion; the new Minister of Public
Works, the Hon. Wm. Pugsley; a fine
portrait of Mrs. Pugsley; the seven
Canadian premiers since Confedera-
tion; a page of snapshots of Alberta
Indians; pictures of airships. balloon-
ing and wireless telegraphy that are
worth columns of descriptions; tbe
Prince of Wald on the grouse moors;
a spirited Algerian war picture; and a
fine full-page portrait of Sir Thomas
Lipton, the famous yachtsman. Num-
erous other timely pictures, fashions,
patterns. news of the month, hints on
Christmas gift -making, and other in-
teresting features go to stake up a
most entertaining number. Annual
subscription, $1.00; single copies ten
cents. Next issue (the Christmas
number) will probably contain about
1,500 square inches of fine etchings.
THE 'PlrrontAL' PUIt!.1811iNa Co,.
142 St. Peter St., Montreal.
Recommended by a Well -knows.
Toronto Doctor. Whose Lova
for Humanity is Greater than
His Prejudice Against Pro.
prietary Medicines.
Thefollowing very valuable pre-
scription, by an eminent and success-
ful physician, will be appreciated by
inauy who are suffering from la grippe,
cold, cough, pneumonia, or any throat,
lung or stomach trouble, or run-down
is -sten', a; it is a certain euro, and
wilt save many a doctor's bill. It. is
51111)31 a certain preventive as well : --
"When you feel that you aro taking
cold or have chilly reeling or aching
in any part of the body or head, or
feel weak, tired, dizzy, unfit for work,
pa:a: in the head or back of the neck,
,' • .•,•t neglect these dangerous synlp-
te•. I,it send ittttttediatoty to your
and get. a bottle of Psychine
•. ••:t..tuneed Si-ket,n), and prepare as
Psve•hino, 2 teaspoonfuls.
"Sherry, whisky or nater, 2 tea-
Spoornf Ills.
"Choice of the latter can be trade
according to the judgment and pre-
ference of the patient.
"Mix thoroughly and take regularly
before each meal and at bedtime."
Tia; prescription has been used in
7110/' 4:17)11-i of case; and hat been so
nnivers•tlly successful that a number
of leading physicians regularly pro-
scribe Ps chino in their practice for
any of the above troubles, or any run-
down, wasting or constitutional diffi-
culty. It is the most reliable and
valuable home remedy. It tones up
the entire system, giving a feeling of
youthfulness and vigor, adding many
years to the life of those who use it.
" Years ago i was almost ahysical wreck and
was suffering with lung tfou-blea. Friends and
neighbors thought I would never get letter. I
began to despair myself. Losing faith in my
physician 1 procured another ono who recom-
mendotil the use of I'SYCHIINE. it was surprising
beyond de*cription the effect it h,t.l. I seemed to
gain with every dose. Inside of two weeks I was
able to attend to my housework again. There
are n-, symptoms of consumption about me now."
Ht. John, N.R.
"1 had been suffering from 1.a Grippe. My
lungs were weak and 1 had acough. but Psyching
cured me."
3IR3. 1T. DEAN.
Cheapside, Ont.
Psychine can be procured from any
druevist at 15Oc. and $1.00. It is a very
Seaforth: A quiet event .rt `alar -
day, was the marriage •.f Walter
Kemp and Mrs.stn. M Iwo. tooth
well-known residents of town.
Whatever amount of money one
puts by in an investment—whether
it is $10,000 or 3100—the first
consideration is the security of
the investment.
If added to the security there is
a profitable dividend, the invest-
ment becomes an ideal one ---
exactly the kind that the saving
people of Ontario most desire.
The Debentures of this Company
are such an investment, safe
beyond question. Assets totalling
over 310,000,000 are pledged to
their redemption. Thus their
security is absolutely safeguarded.
They pay 4 per cent. per annum.
Put your savings into this safe
and profitable form of investment.
Write asking for full particulars.
Loan & Savings Co., London, Ont.
The Pandora
oven is perfectly
ventilated. The air in the
even is constantly being
renewed with frcth air
d, -awn through three vents
l'- twccn oven and fire -pot
doors, end the coohil+g
fumes et •
r ied out
another sct
of vents in back
end of even, as
shown by illus -
It ;:titan,
• .1 Myer smells close
and stuffy, as do the
majority of range ovens.
Food cooled in it is more
healthful, a3 well as more
appetizing and satisfying.
If y-nur kers dealer canrw-t go -•
y.nr complete information shout the
Pandora, wri,c d,:.,t Lir
hoof .Ic f.
iiOPDOP,TORONTO. MOirTlitAt, wnottycc, vA ime\ ro. ST. JO'T11, EA'