Exeter Advocate, 1907-12-05, Page 4Grand
nP enin g
Fall and Winter Goods.
We have just opened up an im-
mense import order of Scotch and
English goods in all the LATEST
SHADES. Our success in the past
has been doe to our knowledge that
Honest'Coods and
Honest Prices
must pt•etail,in garments which appeal
to:the better class of trade.
The first consignment of flags_.
!'pion Jack's- to be presented to the
schools of Onttu io by the provincial
government ., l e now being dist! ibuted.
All the schools are expected to have
them by ('hri,tutas. fhis is a good
step toward the teaching of patriotism
in the school, and properly handled
Ly the teachers it may he Made of
great educational value to the children.
J. H. Holtzmann
°Uetc' Abtioiate,
Sanders it Creech. Props.
THURSDAY, Dec. 5, 1907
People are wondering just now what
the result would have been . had the
Ross Government been in power when
the London Election trial carte up.
And now comes the story that
money is becoming so plentiful in
United States that it will shortly be.
conte a drug on the market. Wonder
where it, was all hidden.
It hits been figured out that it costs
--Canada 8735,000 per session to pay the
senators and members of parliament.
$'202,500 pays for the senators. a small
amount that the country might as well
save by abolishing the senate.
Nova Scotia no longer sends an un-
broken list of Liberal weathers to the
Dominion House, John Stanfield, a
Conservative, having been elected in
the bye•election in Colchester on
Thursday. A Liberal majority of 101
was turned into a Conservative major-
ity of 250. The result is looked upon
as a strong endu►•semwet of Mr. Bor-
den's Halifax platform, to which Mr.
Sandfleld gave unqualified approval.
The Conservative leader, Mr. R. L.
Borden, was accorded a most enthus-
iastic reception in Ottawa the evening
prior to the opening of the Dominion
parliament. Over 2,i00 people gather-
ed at the Russell Theatre to hear him.
So positive is he that the Conservative
party conducted a pure election in 1001
that he said in answet•to Mr. Pugsley's
charges: "I taut willing to go before a
conuuission and answer any question
put to me by Mr. Pugsley. i welcome
a commission." The country and
• party are proud of Mr. Borden.
The Dominion Government opened
in Ottawa bast week with the usual
• booming of cannon, blare of trumpets
and display of finery. important
matters are to be presented dining the
session•,snch as: -For the extension of
'Manitoba and other provinces, to pro-
vide government annuities for old age,
respecting insurance, to ammend the
election act and the Dominion Lands
Act, to place telepho• 's, telegraphs,
etc 'trier government control. an(i
regarding Orient al immigration.
Judge Winchester (wind the four
Londoners. George M. Reid. 'V n,.
Plinio)', Dan Wiley and John O'Gor-
man guilty of conspiracy to brit... and
corrupt the general electorate of Ont-
ario. at the trial of the Liberal 1. 'intim
Election workers in Toronto lit -e .reek.
in giving his decision the ju.tr•• an-
nounced that the jurisdiction wits
clearly within the hounds of the court.
that conspiracy bad been amply jean -
en. Bain in the sunt of $5,0q) each
was allowed and the defendents will
come tip for sentence before the assize
court in March.
The publlc accounts laid on the
table of the Daminton hoose 1...t week
by Hon. W. S. Fielding. tin wee min-
ister, show the following mutton try of
revenue and expenditure foo the nine
months, ending March 31st.
Revenue $87.1k10,3220
Expenditure on consolidated
fund 51.512,216
Expenditure on capital ac-
count I I.:01,143
• Railway subsides .... .. .... 1,:T21,Stelt
Paid on bounties .. .. l,ron,oti
Total expenditure . $65,778.138
Simples of revenue over
expenditure .... ...... $2,19I,Itr'2
It quiets
the Cough
This it one reason why Aycr's
Cherry Pectoral is so valua-
ble in consumption. it stops
the wear and tear of useless
coughing. But it does more
-- it controls the inflammation,
Mulct . the fever, soothes, heals.
Ask your doctor about this.
The best kind of a testimonial --
"R. i t t»•r over ,:7s1y roars."
WMebr.r a Ay.• r..w.at,stese.
i i saas(paQrlta.
hers „tut`'was.
W• hers no •,-r•1.! R'•pO,Ua',
the rormu;es or ail our medicines.
seen recovery by keepIng the
bowels regular with Ayer'• Pills.
The Bert Lane Minstrel Co. at the
• Opera House, Exeter, Thursday night,
I Dec, 13th. Get your seats early at
Browning's Drug stun e•. Conte and
ood l.t u tt
The Bert Lane Minstrel Co. at the
opera House, Exeter. Thursday night,
Dec. 12th. Get your seats early at
Browning's Drug store. Come and
have a good laugh.
Jno. Appleton and tangly of Shipka
have tnoved into the dwelling lately
occupied by his brother, Thomas. We
welcome thea! into our midst. -Geo.
Either is working in London with an
Ironworks Co., who are putting up
some overhead bridges for the Mc -
Clary Manufacturing Co.-James
Doyle lost a valuable steer in the Mud
Creek one day last week. The animal
became mixed in the soft snuck and
slowly suffocated. -D Mcisaac of Zur-
ich has accepted a situation as black-
smith with Alonzo Hodgins. -Mr.
Crompton of Toronto was in the village
on Thursday inspecting • the local
branch of the Sovereign Bank. -Miss
Liizie Finkbeinet• of London spent a
few days here last week the guest of
her parents. -Fred Brown, who has
been visiting Mr. and Mrs. \Val, Wen-
zel for some time. returned to his hone
in London last Thursday. -The Town-
ship Engineer, J. Lewis Thomas, of
London, was in this neighborhood last
Thursday inspecting certain drainage
matters in disprite.-A. Q. Bottler of
Exeter was in the village Thursday.--
Onr seedtnen, C. Zwicker and S.
Brown, are buying in the annual quan-
tity of clover, timothy and alsike seed.
-C. Hoare of Clinton, representing
The Newcombe Piano Co., was in the
village Thursday on business. -Miss
Cat ry Kuhn has returned home from
London.- Amy Mercier of Lon-
don is visiting Miss Annie i early.-
Miss Clara Hoist entertained a few of
her friends last Monday evening. All
had a fine time. -Mr. and Mrs. harry
Mills and Gamily of Centralia spent
last Sunday in town the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Satnbr•ook,-The high
wind last Friday night levelled Mat-
thew 1Viner's garden fence. -John
Hays has sold his farm on the South
Boundary to Gilbert Grieve of Green-
way. -Mr. and Mrs. August Hill were
in Waterloo on Saturday attending
the funeral of Mr. Meyer, a brother of
Mrs. Hill's. -Again our people are
talking railroad. This time it will
come for sure, at least the papers stat-
ed so Tact week. Probably its only a
pipe dream. There isn't one here who
wouldn't welcome the iron horse, as it
will be the Means of our people placing
their grain. livestock, etc., on the
market, besides getting better' ship-
ping facilities of our business and man•
ufacturing men. --Leonard Grill of
Owasso. Mich.. spent a few days here
last week the gnest of Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph llaist.-Chris. Fahner's old hay
horse was shot Monday morning.
Some of our boys make aspeciality of
this business and have become quite
handy. -The acetylene gas piping and
fixtures care being placed in the Evan-
gelical church. Hy.. Kilber and Harry
Beaver' are doing the work and it is
expected the gas can be used in a week
or so. -Council tweeting was held here
Monday. The last meeting of the year
will be held the lath of the month.
No doubt the Municipal Pott will be-
gin to boil before long and every body
will he your friend for a few days at
least.-.tr. Collin of London will be in
our burg next Sundayy tie will deliv-
er an address on '1. M.C. A. work in
the Methodist church in the morning
and in the Evangelical church at night.
The Male Chorus of the better church
intend singing the same evening.
They have made wonderful progress,
come and sea -Chas, Kerr; is visiting
friends in \\'sat ton. - Thi Sunday
school of the Methodist church intend
giving agrand entertainment in the
T•e.vn hall on the 18th of the month
old (be Evangelirr,l church will have
Xmas Festival on Xnias eve.
Co t u tees of the both churches inc
hail it work practicing the children
and milking preparations to make
these entertainments a success.
Following is the report of the stand•
ing of Lite pupils of S. S. No. 1, 1's.
borne, for Novettileer. Names in order
of merit:- \' (�ia9P.-J Strang. N
Rowclife, A 1(nwclifTe. 1, Harvel, G
Oke. C Down. 0 Iltatehfa•ed. Sr. 111.
-3 Strang. .1 Do;igttll, 11 Down. T
Dougall, ira Moir, A Moir. Jr. ill.-
i. Moir, R Bell, K White. Sr. 11.-N
Down. W Strang, W Dougall, E Har•
vev. OItowektfe. Jr. ii. -C Harris,
(i Moir. Pt. fl. --K HowclitYe, F Jar-
ott. Nfld. i't. 1.-J Dougall, 11 Moir,
V Bell. Jr. Pt. 1 -M Dew. M Strang.
L Oke, Average attendance 29.
J. A. Brintnell. Teacher,
Simple Home Recipe
have tg g .
Alex. Smith has returned front
Alichigau.-Woe. Henry has tette-fled
to his twine in St. Marys after it pleas-
ant visit here. --'Wedding bells are
ringing.- \Vin. McLarren is assisting
Nelson Sutherby in the blacksmith
shop. -Thos. Kyle has returned from
his trip to the West. -Mrs. Lorne
Scott has been visiting with her par-
ents here prior to going to Teeswater
where her husband has been appointed
manager of the Sovereign Bank. ---The
Junior Hockey boys are organizing for
the winter and have rented the rink
for ppractise told gaines.-At a meeting
of the trustees of the Methodist church
held on Monday night it was arranged
to throw the new church shed open to
the public the 1st of Jan. The shed is
it cement structure 100x511 feet and has
a Metal clad roof supported by trusses
on the bridge principle and is well
lighted by a number of windows. It
is use of the finest structures of the
kind in the county, reflecting touch
credit to the liberality of the congre-
gation. -Another Hensall landmark is
gone as Geo. Brown has torn down the
old R. Bonthron's store, which he has
been using as a show room. Ile will
use the material for a building to be
erected beside the blacksmith shop, on
the other side of the street. -Mr.
Birks has sold his barber business to
Fred Manns, and has purchased Jos.
Dirstein's business at Zurich. The
latter sold out owing to ill health. --
The lockup arrived in town on Satur-
day and was installed in Mr. Miller's
blacksmith shop by Mr. Dennis of
London. -Miss Jessie Hopkirk enter-
tained a large number of friends Wed-
nesday night. -The ladies of the Car-
mel church are hnsy decorating the
hall for the bazaar to be held on Dec.
0th. -Miss Doty is busy training the
school for their anniversary which
wiil be held on Dec. 9. It promises to
be the best ever held in Hensall.-The
Hensall evaporator closed on Friday
for this season. -Quite a few took ad-
vantage of the snow on Sunday and
were out cutter riding. -J. E. McDon-
ell is visiting Toronto friends. -Mr.
and Mrs. Heddeu of Crediton have
moved to town. -On Saturday Dr.
Seller•y received the sad news of the
death of his sister, Miss Olive. Much
sympathy is felt for the parents as she
was the only daughter. Three weeks
ago she was at church and took a
fainting spell and never recovered.
Bright's disease was her trouble. Dr.
Sellery and bis wife left for Kincar-
dine to attend the funeral.
DEATH -On Monday night Mr. Wi-
ferd Horden left his home in gond
health, and went down street. He
stepped Into Mr. Macarthur's hard-
ware store with some boys. Almost
immediately afterwards he fell back-
ward on his head dead. Heart trouble
was the cause. it was tt terrible blow
to the mother who is almost heart-
broken. He was aged 1a years, 5 otos.
The funeral took place to Stafin ceme-
tery Wednesday, Rev. Doherty offici-
WKDDnNO--A very pretty wedding
took place on Wednesday, Dec. lth,
at the home of Miss Beatrice McQueen,
when two of our most popular young
people were made man and wife. The
contracting parties were George Fol -
lick and Miss Beatrice McQueen. The
nuptial knot tits tied by Rev. Toll.
The bride was very daintily attired in
white silk, trimmed with lace and
appligne. She was attended by Miss
Lucy Hmnunerson, who was dressed
in a gown of embroidered nun's veil-
ing. trimmed with lace. The groom
was so pportetl by the bride's brother,
Edgar McQueen. The wedding march
was played by Miss Laura Holten.
After a grand dinner the bridal party
drove to Seaforth and took the train
for Berlin and Preston. The travel-
ling dress was of brown Hud hat to
match. After their return they will
live on North Richmond street, where
the groom bas a comfortable home.
',Ve extend congratulations and best
wishes for a long, happy and profitable
married life o'er the matrimonial sen.
(let from any prescription pharine-
cist, the following
Fluid Extract i)andelion one-half
ounce; Compound Katgon, one ounce;
Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla three
Seaforth: Noble W. Holland, of the
Huron road, west, has invented and
has just had patented an ingenious And
useful contrivance for facilitating the
working of incubators for hatching
eggs. This intention consists of an
automatic titermon.eter lifter. As
every person kr.ows a thermometer is
an indispen•ible attachment to an in-
cubator. it has to be laid on or close
to the eggs so the exact temperature
can be ascertained. The tee vol of
the thermometer is now attended by
considerable trouble and free{uentlyy
danger of breaking the eggs. Mr. Hol-
land's attachment enables the lher-
mometet to he removed and replaced
antotnatically, .simply by the opening
and closing of the incubator door.
0 rcett Way
Miss Lena Laughlin of I'atkhill i•
the guest of her friend Miss Mae Wil-
son. -A. Stinson of Riipley is spending
a few days with his newt., Mrs. W. J.
Wilson. --Henry Stewtardson and his
friend from Toronto are visiting his
uncle, Thos. Stewatdson.-',Vill Stew•
ardson of Forest spent Sunday at his
home here.
ounces. \\'t:nnt,o A pretty wedding was
Shake well in a bottle and take a tea- celebrated on Saturday last atCorbett's
spoonful dose after each meal and at Cornets. when Miss Violet May, the
The above i• consider et! by :tn euein-
tint nettle, it t, who writes in n New James .grand. The bride wasattend-
York doily paper, as thrfinest presetip• cd by her si+ion.. Miss ElithMc(Iregot.
youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrsl.
John McGregor, was mar -tied to Mt•.
lion ever written to relieve Backache. and Miss Ethel Art lout, sister of the
Kidney Trim groom. tthile 1 wo pretty little girls,
form. of 1'tinat•ydificulties. Thi. mix- OiadysPexmanAnil Slat gert(t'an•iere,
titre Arts promptly on the eliminative meted as flower girl and ring -bearer
Gaitee'8 of the kidney!. enabling theta re•pectitely. The groom was Filippo' ted
Ile Weak 11lndderaI I all
to tiller and strain the nric acid and by his cou.in, Jatnes. tend Iter. S,
other waste in atter from the blood Carriers official ed at the ceremony,
which c.in*ts Itheumatisrt'' winch took place in the Presbyterian
Some persons who slitter with the of- Church. Air. 1:. A. Humphries, of
You have bend of biscuits -and
read of biscuits --and eaten biscuits -
but you don't know biscuits -until
you try Mooney's Perfection Cream
Sodas. They are everything that
the ideal biscuits should be.
The air - tight, moisture - proof
package brings them to you fresh,
crisp, inviting.
Practically every grocer in Canada
nos MOONEY'S. Yours will get
them if you ask. In & 3 lb. pkgs.
rV i
CRS ��s�sitt•'
-STRATr0a0 (48555
-Miss Millie *Merritt, who has spent
some time with Miss Delaney, dress-
maker, of Parkhill, returned home the
end of last week to help to prepare the
programme for their annual Christ-
mas Tretaentertainment in connection
with the Sunday School of which she
is organist. -Mr. and Mrs. Stephen
Webb of A. B. line returned home
(tom Michigan on Friday"last, after
spending to week among their friends,
having been called over to attend the
funeral of his brother. David, who
died very suddenly of heart failure. -
Miss Mamie Crawford and others at-
tended the marriage ceremony of Miss
Mae McGregor to J. Arrand in Corbett
church on Saturday last conducted by
Rev. S. A. Corriere of Grand Bend.
\TEISON E. iHICKS-Voice Production and Sing-
ing -Pupil til of London Conservatory of Music,
II. Ruthven McDonald, Charles White, London Eng.
Ernest Eardley, London, Kng. A limited number of
pupils will be accepted.
Will Fraser returned from London
Monday night where he spent a few
days with bis brother who is ill of
pneumonia. -The bit of sleighing that
we are enjoying, although not very
good, is very welcome. -An absorbing
work of snore than the usual interest
is now going ou in our village. We
refer to the building of the new school
house, which is now about ready for
the roof. The object is to have it
ready for occupation in January when
school commences after the holidays.
We understand there is a side bet of
$100 between two of our villagers re-
garding its completion, and this aids
to the interest. -E. Colwill is making
itnprosements in the interior of his
store, and he reports business good. -
Rev. W. H. Butt is holding revival
services in the Methodist church. The
meetings are being well attended.
They will continue throughout Dec-
Camp or THANKS -Mr. James Hand-
ford and family wish to thank their
tunny friends for the kindness shown
theta [luring their bereavement.
The Bert lane Minstrel Co., at the
Opera House. Exeter. Thursday night,
Dee. 12sh. (let your seats early at
Browning's Drug store. ('once and
have 11 goad laugh.
Sleighing has commenced and the
merry jingle of the bells is to reminder
that winter has come. -Mr. and Mrs.
John Delliridge of \Vinchelsea spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Rich. ('oat-
en. -Alfred Brooks, who has been en-
gaged with Semi Skinner for the past
number of yoars, has returned to his
hnme at Woodham. --Mr. and Mrs.
Tom Brooks spent Sun(loy wit ti Elim•
ville friends. -Mr. and Airs. Frank
Coates visite(i at the latter'+ brother's,
Will Dickens, iliddulph.--Mr. Barris
of London Township is visiting bis
daughter, Mrs. John Es ery.--Mr. and
Mrs. Sherwood Hunter were Sunday
visitors at Will Coates'. --Mrs. Fred
Luxton, who has been quite ill of late,
is improving.-Mts. Sam'I Eusery, who
has scent the past three weeks in the
West, returned home Friday evening,
notch pleased with her trip.
India Pale Ale
Prejudiced and uoscruputous vendors may suggest other- but compare it see
nay you will -purity. freedom from acidity. palatableness- t.abatt's Ale Is surpass -
rd Ly none. equalled by few -at about hall (be price of best imported brands.
Its g •• .,iv a better course of t,aininthan that gi, •
en by any other similar institution in Ontario, we
have become one of the leading business training
. schools in Canada. Our graduates are in demand as
Highest Price paid foror Grain office assistants and business college teacher.. Our
courses being the best our gradurtes succeed. 1f
interested in your welfare write now for our cats•
logue: it is tree. We have three departments, Coup
mercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy. Winter tern:
opens January 0.
(Successor to Joseph Cobbledick)
(incorporated by Att of Parliament 1555)
Head Office,
Capital Paid Up
Reserve Fond
Assets Over
OFFICE HOURS 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. SATURDAYS, 10 s. m. to 1 p. m,
DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current rate of interest allowed
acing Bank Departments a alit further npj��p iaterat on Savings accounts alit be
rrcdited the rteriyinstead tt halt yearly Si formerly.
Deposits of $t and upwards received.
Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government.
DICKSON & CiARLINO, Solicitors. N. D. IIURDON, Manager,
The Bert Lane Minstrel Co. at the
Opera House, Exeter, Thursday night,
Dec. 12th. Get your seats early at,
Browning's Drug store. Come and
have a good laugh.
Edward Dietrich of the Goshen line
moved with his family to Berlin on
Monday. We wish them much pros-
perity in their new home. -Henry
Willett and Jacob Kellermann, reeve
and deputy respectively, attended a
sitting of the council on Monday and
on Tuesday they left to attend the
County Council, which on account of
the outbreak of smallpox in Goderich,
will hold its session in %Vingbani.-
The contractors were busy lust week
putting gravel on the roads. -There is
some talk of some business changes in
our village soon. -Wilbert Truemner
of Dakota is at present visiting relat-
ives in the village. -Henry Ehlers and
Fred Baker were elected on Sunday
morning to the offices of class leader
and exhorter for the German class.
A1illon Edighoffer of itlake visited in
the village on Sunday.
day some little boys from the tillage
were in the woods and one of their
number had Itis dog along. On their
way hack to the village they crossed
Mr. Kellerman's field, in which Clar-
ence Kellerman and Henry Naueschs
wanger were wotking and with whom
the lads stopped to have n chat; where-
upon Clarence took their little rifle
and trade as though he was going
to shoot the dog. During this time
the boys made pretence to plough, And
Clarence in turning to see what the
boys were going to do discharged the
rifle. which by his act of turning bad
brought it in utmost direct aim with
the dog, which received the bullet in
his hip, with the result that it diet
during the night. The lad whose dog
it was felt badly over the loss of his
pet and Clarence asa recompense paid
over a Sovereign five spot.
A Neil returned home from Muskoka
with two fine deer. -Ezra Slathers, of
Hutchinson, returned from Boisevain,
Man., and reports fine weather in that
vicinity, -J. Morgan had several of hi.i
fine turkeys stolen one night recently.
Beware of sea thieves. ---T. Dale ha.-. n k
moved to his new home in London
township after a few day's visit at J.J.
Cassidy's.-Alex. Jones has returned
to Bay City, Mich. -Wm. Jainieson,of
the Klondike. has purchased the west
half of F. Faust's farm, 118S acres, in
this township. -Thos. Carter, of the
Alaskan gold fields, visited in this vic-
inity last week. Ile is a native of this
township, having resided in his young-
er days with his parents. Mr. and Mrs.
Gilbert Curter, 1111 the 20(1 con. He
went to Mentttua a number of years
ago and engaged in the ranching busi-
ness afterwards going to Alaska,
where he is at present interested in
mining. Ile is quite en interesting
DEATH --It 1e with deep regret that
we report the death of John Ellison.
who died at iris home in McGillivray,
on Wednesday. The funeral was held
Satutdtty and his body wits laid to rest
in Parkhill cemetery. The deceased
was born in England and emigrated to
London, Ont. Ile was married in Lon-
don in 1863 and shortly afterwards
moved to Carlisle, Falkirk. For years
he was a traveller for the McClary
Store Foundry of London. In ISM he
moved to the 7th con, of McGillivray,
whet e he has since lived and where he
was highly respected by every neigh-
bor with whom 130 ca111e in contact. A
wife and five children are left to mourn
his loss and in this their time of grief,
much sympathy is expressed for them.
The children are, Howbeit, at home,
Mrs. It. Smith. of McGillivray. Miss
Mary Ann, of Detroit. Mrs. 1). Yorke,
of Sarnia, and Mrs. Mance, of Alberta.
Iliclion+may not feel nncllned to place Patkbill. played the wedding march. Toilet articles-
utP'h c.,nfitl.•nre in his simple mixture We extend congratulations and hest
yet those who have tried it say the re-
for a long, happy and profitable 1'ai� t`!O Sand '1', i r►(', to 81 'O: alhllms,
Its are simply sir tri'ing. the teller 8tattohery. l Papp
► 1 rnarried life ,; er the matrimonial sea. 7
hetog effected withott the slightest in -
j try to the stomach or other organs. ^- Toys: o numerous to illentlnn. Call and see them,
M x some and give it a trial. It I[arl►fey
bearings' Iazaar
The dome of Scrota Claus
Holiday Goods for Everybody
We have a full and complete stock
for Everybody. Look at these
Fancy China: Complete assortment
Leather Coods: Hand hags. purses, etc
Jllufictlre Sets. l oml>a, Hair Brushes. Shaving Brushes, Mugs, Etc.
t,oOks picture, etc.
c ttaittle conies highly recommended. Manse Hodgins returned home fromConfectionery: Flom the (holcct chocolates to the n1ixcd.
Fruits: (';iliftnnia and sllanisll Oranges. Dates, Cooking Figs.
Perfumes: `ening out at half price
It is the prescription of an eminent
authority. whose entire reputation, it
is said. wag established by it.
A.lruggist here at home when naked
. t .ted that he could either supply the
ingredients or mix the prescription for
our readers also atcttmrnendi it Ad
t• itelese,
the %\'est on MA, tirday evening where
he has spent three !months. Wesley
Meltin and Bert Mtatten, who went to
the Iambs! won.ls a shnt1 time ago,
returned on Saturday. 1 hey report
time very dell 11 the other side and
work Pearce, only n smell ler cent of
the lumber cale,•s being in operation,