HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-12-05, Page 3+1:4+04e0+0+0+4)+0+0+0+1)+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+4)+0+0+0+00
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' 11.11'1 Eft \I\'. dL-tasteful maiTieee. There is no crime
A:I tied teeming Sunbeam kept on r'• i in that i'
calling Eileene angry look and word;, I "011, but 1 ant not even what you
end pt.zzling 4)l • r theca. She e(nllel 114)1 Height call of respectable pnrt'ntnge;
find any rril,ee for such u iiiurki'l dos- 1'leko in !-€U11Iewi1, hot with excitement.
like frons one l.11o had never sell her "What Sir Italph kept buck L. what you
before, and a slight uneasiness runlet eight to know. . . . 111y tether is 114.) -
flu calm th.1 i':td descended upon her. (thing but tt burglar. .. Ile has been to
1'rid•• pre w, 1,4„.,1 hos Ip1,r4font11g Mi-. ; 1•+ 1' 0 seven ye14r.. . . 1?ween your ser -
1 :•'!d, Ihe ,u. ;. ;ped hos churgr, a,' %;,1::•••houkl slam me. if arty knew Il,
!v lite beelib nl-t,1!I4. r', 1,».tin;: in Ian. 1....H the village people slid. and--- -"
house, and m• seance word es. 1 1 e \ , , es,. dew lir 1 . het' and kissed
that C4Ul.l rni.bilin her. \.•i .11,1 .,Ie• Vire, s.essiiiiig
see Eiieen agile'. 501neelrel 1 , 401. des- "Thal u,.•!... 1.: •:iif.•'nce, Sun -
appointment. fru• she ei:1 ..? L, ase her beau,. 1 (• I sere v,:,: ,11r• right. le. n
what she had dour 111 see eke se :h hungry seers t se.), ! lungs are trifles.
marked linepalhy, and lenge' be. the .\4)41 l441% 1 ash eon t.. 1,e 11 daughter to
oppc,rtunil) of e! stag so with Ihr seheir !tier, 111 repels,. les Mille girt 1 lost So
of a youth at Ihr ,cent of battle. ninny year, ag .. YoU are henlele,,s-I
But Eileen did not return to the house at,, childless. \We can thus help emit
\vitt! Lady Larkin. and Sunbeam lunched other. So, if Sir Bulph consents, will
in the: schoolroom uftei a short walk 111 you conte?"
tale Park. Lady Larkin had sent up cll,thoanl hemmed, Again the trot
eels{u• ! her 1.) go down to the drawing- 1,1,4)41 r►►sh(d to her brow.
re.,111 at three .o'clock, ready l4) ue(v)ur
pony her 011 a slopping expedition in "If Sir Ralph and Mr. Sinclair say yes.
anter to obtain the various necessities 1 do. 1 Iuii'I a.k them beth, ns 1114.3'
She required. But it was long Lefore code. nae promise to d•.. molting without
that hour when James carne to request ..esettinit them. Anil \Ir. Sinctnir•
Ler• inml.diato presence. She glanced "Will, of course, bone all that to Sir
inquiringly tit Mies Field as he left the Ralph Freer," inlerp0-ed Adele. some
nom after deliverilig his message.
"1 slielsee Lady Cruse wishes to see
yr)); of 1 \l'- Held, smiling encourag-
ingly. "se.) Lis lunched here to -day
and is infers -'•d in soling girls. No Sunbeam gltuncaera1 her, puzzled.
doubt Lady Iselin has told her about 'Of course." she said.
you alrrnd) .' "Of ,course," she hesitatingly._ replied,
"\Why i; she interested in young
girls?" asked sunbeam, rising from her ale so--"
seat ti, she stoke. "Yes, yrs." .•\.:laimed :\d.•l' in *nee
"i think it is because she last her only e(. nfusion. "Ile handed the resl.•ntsihil-
(i;iid, ft girl. years ago." replied \tis, sly nn to his ,mule which was sensible
Field. "But I will tell you about that .:I him; for In, lienees, Miss Eileen 111-
anotiter time. You had Letter go down vivre, takes up all his spare time, and 1
u: once. i'erhtrps she knows of sone- am afraid you would have found him
thong that may suit yoil, if sho ap- seinewhal of a broken reed."
proves of you. And d tun ,elm•e she will Beth women 11011Ced sho effect of those
do that." words upi.n Suntean11 with different feet -
"I !emcee)," faltered Sunbeam, smooth- legs. Adele's heart sank ns the girl's
ink her hair o till a hasty hand. "Per- blt,slr chunged to a deathlike pallor, a
haps it is silly of rue, Mia, Field, but i pained expression filling her dart: eyes.
gel rather nrrw•u/s." And for the moment elle felt vexed with
The governess laughed, her somewhat herself for musing both, though, for
hard face softening. • Eiieetee ,ik.'. she knew she had done
"Poor child!" she exclainlett, gently. the wisest thing.
"And you need net. They are both the I.ady Cruse, not seeing Iwo necessily
kindest souls in the world, ever ready Pe it, felt angry wish her friend for her
lc help those lass forhmnte than them- bluntness. 11 was 1(apntur, of course,
selves," that Adele should at once Think i1 wise
But In spite of that cheering assurance lc nip any bit of ronanre 111 Ihe child's
the gird felt her knees shaking beneath heart, as things stood, bol foolish also,
1•:'r as sio enlered sho drawing -room, and not untouched with fenlimine mean -
and, for a moment, the inlet before !let' tees. 'therefore, she sought to change
eyes prevented her from distinguishing the subject be saying kindty-
any object distil.:buy. "Alt 1 ask is for you to leave your
Then she glaueed around the immense father entirely. And after all Sir
seem, half hoping that Eileen was there, 11..11,11 says. 1 do not think that. would
but saw Lady Larkin and a stranger he teeth to terrible task, since ymt 3wt.h
only. They had stopped talking, and 1. Ismaili in hiding from hint."
were s. serving her. "Oh no -at tenet not at preset/I,
"Se you aro Sunb, 4th ?" slid Lady though the day might Colne when 1
Cruse, rising and holding out her hand. should feed That t roust see hint. You
"Lady Larkin has told me all stout you, see, a bk,lsl tie is never quite dissolved."
and 1 felt that 1 must snake yens ac- Lady l:ruse shook her head.
q'taiilance at once," "i know. my ellitd. Nor perhaps then
A letter fluttered from her knees to 5140uld 1 wish it til be. I should be the
the ground ns she rose. Sunbeam stoop- 11e-1 peleom 1. rot, a parent of n child
-n.' and picked it up. Lady Cruse laughed willingly. left ee 4111) consider that
as she took 11, exclaiming: matter later. leis the present you have
"It's Sir Uaipte s I Peer Sir Ilnlph ! lois him willingly. therefore, he hetet not
%hat would he say if he knew that 1 know where you are. Now, Adele, I will
)tad rend it, .Wile, :\Iso what should leave you both. 1s Stan es Sir Italph
lee say if he knew w teat 1 have pre.gx,sed has heard m) prejKlsad to have Sun -
14. do for his little protege. Ile dislikes bruin. for a seise at rill eve'ils, lel ale
we 410, poet I' 1114111 1 And yet, once----" knew. 1 tgl.l t e,n \viten \ •+, I+t-t .nllg;
St"• sighed, and a end sok ehnsed the lee. penises Ilse :tie night L. ih' gel
smite from her face, "sty little one Bove sought hs -•, lung :In cuflai•api0n.
k,ved 111111 04, ! 1'4.10r Sir Batph ! Will he Need have „ • �; her 1 du not 1\ i<h ie
coisenl,'I wonder 1., relliii 11i.h the l'':In. 1 want her exceed -
Lady Larkin smiled. her lyes on Slot- ingty. 11st yells' Lo=1'fet. rile..,
(Manes altenhive face. she kissed seed ennl again wilh tears
"That 1 cannel say," she exclutlu• d. i t her eye=, :111(1 the girl was conscious
"We Mita wait. lie says Ilial he i, of n great longing to thee•\ her arms
owning up in a few days to Make final ureuud the stalely perk. she had newer
arrangements for Sunbeam's C4lnfert. I been illy 1111e . 4) hea111hful, e e fo'eci•
r.rp1K,se, as she 1 es run away, to pre- meting as this sed -fared wanness, !whose
went any guessing,' al Lie purlicipalkut in eyes pierced to her soul. Ilex heart was
he- act he thinks it wiser net to Mme ceerllneirlg with gratitude to her \viten
al once. 'rherefere. Ilnlil he eppears, hely Larkin rellirntrl. saying t.rlgh.13
Sunbeam mur,t rebuilt with see \t) "You are a hirky girl, Sunbeam. Lady
husband thinks ,I 1 .d!. r. 11 ;1 s -1 fees.. 14 the ;lives! woman I know. Of
know what yetis I,.n t • 1; , .t.•• i•, r • els-e sir Ilnlph writ! 11411 ice ).0 fu ac -
St nta'nm; we 11.131•e. h, • :,+ •l,• . pl her offer,"
Lady 1:r•Irle. on hearing 3... Jet '. .1.. "Rol she leek: e., unhappy 1114)1 1 fell
something. hn- kin.11y sung •'.t'ri y. 411. ii,, lined is err. d, she nflhnppw. Lady
greng lo her it .4 n Cuulpanteti. it 1s good 1 41rktn
of her. HO, Ili 1 Atilt'. 1e 40444.1 wail 1'.' •'s! • 1••••1 :t 4,1, 111 - resew, \11111) we•uiss
Mrs deckling. \s Sir 111111,11 freer hoe ngt• -•,• se 1.• t I' 1'.• girl - -tile child dis-
taken up the eudjel, for• )..u. ecu t\ 111 oftpeereel r • •,t tier Mime whilst Lady
hale t.. vonsull trim tt little lie hues (ti-. , r+. Loll. Ste' was a widow
have something 14. tell yeti eked )our the. ,1 1 • e; e. ,1 1., 1 .,rel Cru.e. .1nd.
fattier when he carnes. Yeti (nay even ria; ,e, . . ., „1 11. sustiettit ere de.
be able to go hens. (hen,' 3' + : •• •• lers never for -
"Ne. 1 do net Think m.," replied see. g. •,• ' ;,, 1• , 1 t•.e _1 e.•1. even new sloe
benne, Petering deeply. "1 Ihink 1 shall 1- . !.'ng; 1• r 11,e chill. '''hough
steee'r return flow. \l• faller mill le e• l•. t. I,d 1.1 -elf is iiia.' then Ihe
anew let. .1 lung bunt', and -- , eg mu -t have deed.'
"law wilt ,.•nn• 1 4114' '• int''tp."'sI v , • .•1 Lody (:iii 114,w (treadle!
1.edy leas" oft Vol ' le•''' syr. hr.ghl g, \eel .1,e le,.- ter heard any-
wwlllt e\ei'e•• • •' • rll.uag.'ly ihn:gi •.• ,' !' • .old.:'
• I. a ill Ihe Lath I 11'4141.
I''.4 .
w'It ( linty, `'You see, he i, a young
nom wile is very 1111401 1111,A•11 up w'ilh
111. own affairs. If Sir Italph consents
that will be enough, won't it?"
'bah' sir. Shrelan. fout•l me, and knows
drawn l0 1 ..
Id peel
Soul t
140111 1111e t•
.1 .. t.. ..1
• ,1 ...1 ,. e,e. But
tio11,4' the 11 ,:,.,• o. ,,1
tI ougli n longing 4. , 1
Watt with ex+rgrmel eg : i.
that she would 11. tinseling '• - ''1e 4 ,
endue-- front Lath ('sur). ,•3,-. \•) r ..
Ia•fore lied rhe fell se atlre •L.1 ly any I:. •
' . .i 1e .4,13
I , t..,,c pole.. _,Ike.
'id• r:'1 war, INV! 1- a1
1 .1.a 41.1 •r..1 Lady f ruse
t.1 1 \telt:ic \\.
\leuiw wile, comp:. '.• coneternuli, w
reigned in the bark teepees of Sea View
cottage. For, a. (till was eating t'
hearty breakfast before starting out.
Gentleman Dan burst into the kitchen.
leis flax+ utLnu'• ►villi +algesi and de:-
i:lnuded Sunbemu at enc.',
"Sunbr'uill ! What d'ye mean','
gt,spevl the ea -convict, kis mouth full, hi-
eye. s:tu•timg from his head. "Isn't Sun-
branl at your pin ,• ? Aro you mad le
c,me lure like this?"
"1 belt you S1.ul.enfll 1111141 le lure.
t•el. rted the other. lirea1httn;ly. "1h'iug
tits forward at oilee, you olio scamp. 1'il
',eve none 4.I Your 1ritk,, renlenutr:v !'
[1111 pu,httt hack his Hair angrily.
"'Old your row," Ile snarled. "1 sup -
p )so this i, your dodge to snook her
right away ? lou pretend he guru,
t•1td come gassing 'ere. But 1 wasn't
kin yo,terday. She's safe enough. I'll
Iftit oven as he spoke his feats of the
pr.'ciu i- night had ritiirntd, greatly in-
teesitie,t by the nierning depression front
1!.• .eeitiug's liquor. Ile recalled her
face at the bat window. Perhaps Dan
speaking gospel truth, and she had
really gene. If s•.. evhere? Ile turned
uppe.lingly 1,. ll••tir, w•he, eat' a low
cry .,f angu.-., had rum cautiously to
obese the d.: r leading into the passage.
"Nonsense t- retorted Dan, dropping
iuk al chair and plopping kis brow
vigglroust) "You know eel! enough,
Hill. that i have dune no stuh Thing.
Dunt bluff ane. . . 1, she Isere or isn't
"No," en•eiw•led 11i11. glaring viciously
ii: Ilk weeping s)Ner who lied seized
ar111, exclaiming:
"\What do you mean? Where is she?
11a' she run away really. lean If so,
Ihr• lolling may Le killt'd--fallen over
Ili. rGff, told (.0L crushed t.. death 1"
she snbl>.•d convulsively. Bill sid-
vered, and Dan grew white as she
sp•.ke, though he excllVmed angrily,
turning to lite other elan- •
"You know better limn I do, so speak
t i . You've hidden her somewhere.
stew else could she have got away?
The window was boarded up; she has net
touched it . , . the door yas locked.
S inelsex or other you got her out.
Where is she? For your sister's sake
you might speak al any rale, for the
gone s up. I'm bound to find you out
in 11te nes."
"On ►n)• oath, Dan, i know nought.
'('his is a shock to Inc. 1 was eating ray
breakfast so us to come 1e you nt once.
1 donne what to think, on my oath."
"Your cath 1 Pheugh !" sneered Dan
with a low voice. 'What's that, Bill
Green ? Come, confess your genie, or
"On any mother's bones, Then, strike
me dead if I Ile. I stayed al 'Alf \\'ay
1I',use and then canto nine. But 1 re-
member now seeing .r eyes looking in
through the liar winder at me. .erid yet
when I sunned out she'd ge.nn, and I
thought it wits my funey. Hut it roust
have barn '0'. \\h)• dkln'I 1 gees% plat?
Where the deuce then can she he? Can
she huve Born all Mese hours ago?"
Il.' .1'1 ,ed aghast. Ills heart sank in-
to his ',sits. A horrid fear clutched his
Throat. Ile Tried to speak again, and
clicked 314)h -silly in the effort.
Meth. 33ieing her tears, turned expec•
tautly 1•. I)am. who looked utterly bewil-
dered :is tie realized that Bill wee !en-
ing the Irulh, and was ns much at sea
in lite platter as himself.
'She's gone 1" he explained. atter n
slight pause. "And perhaps you did see
her. then. - .. When 1 get Irene 1 Osumi
Ike light in the kitchen out, end Ihink-
iug; that teeny I went to the fool of Ihe
stars I,• lt,l.11. But seeing a light shin-
e's umber her door I Itlol.ght nothing
mere meet it, and settled myself in the
kilchee Ger the night. 1 slept soundly,
and only woke about All hour or so ago.
'''hen 1 went up to call her, angry wills
nlyt t'lf for oversleeping and being late,
fah• the train we ought to ealeh K4.es 1)1 a
Vert' -;.1r1. limine. Even if we 1111(1 her
Hee we• Can't gel it. Gelling 110 1111%\\•e1',
pi. ked up the key I had dropped Ihe
night before. end opened the duet. The
' ,nt was empty. Not u stick was 4u1 d
parr. Ihr candle had burned away en -
1' . (}
and the bed was uhluurhed.
Nulurn!ly I Itoilgli yet. must have
sneaked earl, and lel her out, ticking
the door lignin, Ilia now 1 ('811 think of
nollung. L•nlss she managed to :.(.i11111
the key in, nil----"
',Never mind Ilial n'•w .'‘.:funned
Belly. rising exsiledly, It thing is to
find her. She may be hurl. .icing,'. dead
Bev voice dr.pp.vt to an aphtous
"Yee,- Pjeculatd Bill, "awe must look
ter 'err. She milst be near. A. for her
being dead. Het. 'old your mese. You
always Cackle nonsense when sou open
your jaw. Just sluff your lodger's ears,
and keep your eyes on 'lin. I)nn and nie
will go and kook. We ,don't unlit any-
(.ne In know yet , arty she's slaying
al Olney for the tnighl if he asks you
about 'er."
"I.el rile conte with you. . 1 shall
1,.. ewerrying 4111 the time 1)h4.111 tier;" sho
pleadtvl. laying n detaining hand on his
"Nunscp-e' I>,• you want 1e rouse
snsti.•iofls ?" retorted d Dan, as 11111 shook
himself free with n low. trot -r. "\\'e
shall lied her hiding in one 4)1 the email
rate. 14•41e11111 1144. 1•111101* perhaps neal•er
Lente then that. Young 'um. like her
never ,seek derail wt'lingly. and as Rte
hila rlear//i 'r11 earl) after dark she can-
. • I !ince met it i e'•idenlnllt like, \\'s11
.1 her right anm,gh. and go siI nt (.pre
Ihr• nest trr:in.'
Deily slglMt 1141130y. (tui eft'` checked
• wee. although her heart was full ( 1
t: t ,he ',new Intal- -as (den
.110 hubs 1,'.yc 111 to Ihe 1510 /1411
It iso hall 1111451 her mere er Iec' for o
man) years,
"I eke* yeti hall eileyed \w full' 34,11
One. t, • .r 11.•1, test(% i' int . he+ did is lysis. (idle' she seamed, her eyes flesh -
"M..11141 Sou • tate !e ,.1'r'• t., rine, Son f't. . t- -'i \,• It.el ye ; ',rr • ,% n her In mg.
brant. and et nth,. n 111) I • • n Mlle P ,• \.• ; 1,1,3. •' • ' 1111 alt alt, The Wren leugle.d.
"That's kind ho the (ne Nhal's kept appear, ('ensequrntle she weal I.(tme,
asked Led) ere•-, "1 e . 4411(43' w0- 1.. ., . •
man; a 5'nl)g life 1,'. . ss emit.' be • \. •:• • . , 441114" tlO1tw•8I n, yule all s.•ur lite, 1'111 glatil(eetd ("1,1.1 In red the .next Ali 1,enr,1 ens 11141, her
• continual pirn.urr, \, .1 1 '",ink 1(444 site, tis i ,• 0 •' : G1'•t,le rang of pale 1•e felled g;r(,\enig; ell Medics, and 11 sun 11•;sbnnd Led be 844' 14(1 11e would
Could be) very happy t•• \\ hal deto •a 4 "ea'i • "•' air ,44 14111 jt..1 keel, ) •cur ?magat fret) wagging. 1l,
k..e his unci: i4) .va►.1eequrn••e. she
sot Think about it " r. ....:e : ,' re.t. Sir Lev . 11e.11 1 1118111•- le, nae emit you think." awns tem he timed ••nay he relea'e41 (m
Italph approves, )• ,4 ('e 1.. ' "\4' 1 ' alt .e1 II •••• • rel.u((l Lade retested her Mealier. aiding tlf, M the
"1 should tike 7. 1 ) • net e.4) tteu,g',' 1.'•H,in. 'lit Thing tier Ila,ugtlt. .old eeti- lie, 4 .101•r 111,1 hfltng Ile' Inteh, pee n.enl of 1)M judgtno(•nt debt. h t shP
••., nIM Ihe' gib "I: ,' lhert b settle- el' e•nt; it the F t i', ..nd,l.a( g • • )%a ,\ a wore ha . a • n •4) i, • had (•lily live farlinters 1 4 her.
/lapse L milienm J,ulee Wit'ee raid 1h• heehaw! mets'
les I ought to see 3• e. You do not dna. ter Ili.• rsnisrtilset.•r 1' 44! I. ate , ,r•, 11111$! .. ;.e, . \. )3 Lord
1 .. ill nt■,II! rite. 1 ii-. not- _ " a),. • eeriest l' Libre. re. ., • , kir %e. •..1. 4 iagaln 1" see"• i, and h• InTh.ocud tM ehtet
, ,••,•..t. • 1,.• ••.1 t' n melte onitI,40f nr.Tr) 1 tu10:41Ip' -• ' -, • . . . .F . . • ohnl
l)le(1 e'erk '0 gse her n neer from 1.1.(' court
(' ,: i• ,• .'e ''ll - • "ls 11 it le 'Miter, g.,Ie.ii 1• e• 1 .s , •'1 i 1 -• ON. Pt• 10 take to BrIXi(.11 I'rlsetl ;•11,1 fetch
"1 knee ehlugh ', I set n 34 ung .e'. !ler jenloa.+y -'r 4 ..,:,.. i • _• • J•hunt• • : • "\Wh,.tt ham a v y. His Heiner else handed Il,e
1. ' 1•'. n youelg iasrase • .l,og LG' --that is niece If one a ea; 1. - t .,• ., -,..: :.1 t/' -•• he from woman 15. Von) his own pe -k,•' to pay