HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-12-05, Page 2"es.. MISS HARRINCTON OF OETROIT !: SAYS: t ;'. "I Caught r !Error a Severe Cold Which Settled ill Catanh. 1 Regan Taking Pe-ru-na W.1551 OELIA t4ARRINGTON. And Fount ita Faithful Helper. 1 Heartily Recommend Pe-ru-fora" !� ► , t:I I \ H\RRINOTON. 3(.3 Second Ave., Detroit, efich., writes: 1 1 •'\\tukreeee has filled many months of my life with suffering. "Through carelessness I caught a severe cold two years ago which set - tied in catarrh anti seriously Interfered with the regular functions of the body and made me nervous and Irritable. "1 began laking Peruna and fund in it a faithful helper, as it enriched my blood and invigorated the %ehole sy.s!ern. "1 have no pains now, and am always well. "1 heartily recommend Peruna as a reliable medicine." Ilrnllh and strenuth Restored. 11• \. I:. Sturdier, capioma. Kansas, "Noma hats given me health and strc•nglh: it is the best medicine that was ever made for women. My friends say they never ba% such n change in n woman. I talk to every one about 'Perone. t cannot say too tnuch for it." 1'e-1'U-na in Tablet Forpn.-- l•'or two !years Dr. Hartman and his assistants have incessantly labored to create Pe - !rune In tablet form. and their siren*. toms labors have just been crowned w'ilh success. People who object to liquid medicines can now secure Pa runa '!'alters, which represent the me- dicinal ingredient& of Perrino. Each 'tablet is equivalent to ono average dose of Peruna. For Years an Invalid. Mrs. Charles Grasu Indian l.o ls. I tan Loretto, Quebec, Canada, writes: "For years I suffered from a disease that the doctors dud not understand. "One day 1 reed in the paper ubout your excellent remedy, Perunn. I pro- cured a bottle of it and took It accord- ing to directions. it was not long un- til 1 observed a change for the better. "1 can say that l'eruha has cured me. 1 could not take any nourishment ex- cept milk. "1 will at all limes say a good word for 1'• !onto I hold it in the highest es!eern. ' Catarrh of ifead and Throat. Mrs. William I1. ilinchlttfe. 20 Myrtle St., Beverly. Mass., writes thee Permit', has done tier a great deal Of good for catarrh of head and throat. A If ett1:11 setsuite. t . hhedite'• Cat°rite Daughter is Deaf, Dumb :out Crippled. Harem secrete are .3 well guarded al Oriental courts that only few arc aware o: the great sorrow that troub'es the otherwuse unc'ouded donlestfc happi- ness of the Khedive of Egypt end of his Khedhiuh. It is That their eldest chihl, Princess Etnia. now in her !hire tcenllt year. is deaf and dumb and nl- Ilic•led with a spinal complaint which while it does net near the gal's rare htauie, nevertheless renders her unable :le walk without support. inasmuch JO the (1,118(4 of Egypt is regarded by II • leading I:niopean specialists who hate been consulted about her its too 'debilitating. tette reekles on the beard'. ,hr'. Island of ithodes, where 1151: Kite. dive has great. estates and where he '., built n beautiful palace for her t. (here elle lives i,Il the year round bier medi-al ntlendonis and a ••tier of the 'noel devoted relainer'e, F ":.,oidia Try every lneiry, and vlsil- t >• limes yearly 1.y her par- lilt- loin. as is so often the case -lance; ns these. she is the fat, . •1. - -4. DOC1tilts 111(11 (.111 It\Iry \\ tO\,t \1r1I11 A LE111:It 'lir \`. It '1 • \I;fllllats b. written li ti i 't glutei of h 'oleic, 1'. Q.. who Z. -4)Z. "My little 4 ,.:ir-c;',d lay entered since he was I$ !months <.Id from a bad leg. 1 tried 'many :elk, rill•! had tk,ctets attend ettjnt, but none did him all) goer!. The 'do t. ' - t 1 t iris i1 was 1n lite blond. ane ,. .. • • 11emue1ien. 1 onh' w a 1 more halls In rate 1'..L. ..t!• ly healed the 1• hearty 4 years c'•i I�nmp. 1, , Ilk i. I .,t, ,1 '11 .n.1. h.•,.Ihy ihly. tb l,l. i., ! 1 ,. it , 1•1. licai tem r . lsif4 nutll 'Lint-Ruk ( lug Balm. :end quickly' e.,tle el -:!n diseases. It Ls rile- ) ,'• • ,l 1.: ye ung and 41e. I • ed skin d:-' s(4 %ern-Ituk i• ,ta,at etlual. It cure, u'.-ers. fester- 'tng V1rs, ting11.rn1, cul-. brakes, 1 hand=. !_•Citi, kerma, etc.. t \ 1 ehoce end dr.tggtsis sell 'Zany ,.n 1 l.- d.,• tiing he- failed y••u have trial Nuterce Ileal - ever orhee and . • el :.ti rents n l*•\, or hva-unld 41. -el the %an:•R•Gc PAC.. Ter..nf, .} site "1 would ncvrt• iia r) n plan hyN, .ins a ts•waieS." Ile- •',\tint h•.w ,brace noutd it le nP.'e_stsry for film Ito ie in enter to win }our appretal?" ifihN "\\'ell. be'J hove to hate (5) wage •natigh to. -e•-pmpttse.'• "Man wants but little 'here behjw.'' remarked the landlady. "And here is !the pliee to get It," continued the fare- . With boarder. \\ 111 '1111: FAItelLit- GCT Itll.11. itlrirullurr lc Now a l'i'oIeolon. \ul a Business. Mr. Geo. C. Creehnun, principal of Guelph Agricultural College, made e mo surprising statements in address - Ing the students of McMaster Uni\t!r- stty, Toronto, on "rhe New Agricul- ture' the other n!ght. The oat crop of Ontario has been increased 20 per cent. by scientific me- Ihod.e. over what was in earlier limes, when the coil was in its virgin rich- ness. This means in money Twenty rutin') dollars in the farmers' packets. A fellow -student at the Ontario Ag- ricuitinni college slowed him a hand. lug of Vnnchurin barley ns n curiosity, eighteen years ago. To -day half n million acres of thl.s same barley are {.crow in Ontario. That means Iwo anti one-half million dollars' increase in the fernn'rZ itleolite. When a former spends on oceasional winter evening in picking out the plus teeters iron) the shrunken ones in his sent wheat. he 14 Ineteasing his yield, under a rdinnry eenditions 20 per mil. icy sowing in the spring crops in the following rolatton, and one week s,pare the fanner realized 40.M bustler, h) the erre. while the Same grain sown to another relation yields only 35.1 ei steels to the acre. or a loon of 5.7 bushele. The first rotation Is wheal. eat*. barley and Pete. the second is. 1. I1,. w heat. trate. lietrley. Its. average wheal crop in f)n'nrt° for the Iasi fifteen years line been ;0,4 tit -bets to the acre. while that of the Trite I States with their good farming land to the seuth of und with all the Western lane. Is only 12 bu.sttct-. ..r a difference of 8.i bushels to the acre. The question naturally ►►rise., wind lc the enirsel \Ir. 1'reel►nnn puce.•,'. •1 14) explain it ey stating That 11,. 1 '• , • • rs of this province wort` ..1 hat t •t(. 'Ihry had leen intlneti oihs, tire illlry l.('eame more and ii.. \::trot, luetit5 melt- .k W.•r.' 1 •w,•l. know ledge lnerea.•v). Fart:ing 1. le w beeom/' a prutesei.,n. Ihr•lugit 11,. knewtedge..ferientifc principals it de. any.' maids. Yesterday i1 was a biediteee, DIED WiTIH HER MOTHER 01 \4; \\UM\\ s 111\Get: +-tit Ilio. l.\ Iieeellifel Settee 1.ir1 Lease \luthrl's Death Led a:id Leap, Pruni 1:..:,1. 114 - ewe; . a b_autitut young u Ltr.l word her widowed e • . : :, I brother in Revere Hull, ii.. ,;;.nit apartment house in New 1 • e, committed .uicidc u sew Guys eines, by laking poison and throwing herself from the roof to a paved court one hundred fct•t below. For weeks past Miss Sohwob, who was in icer twenty-third year, has been welshing sit the hedside of her mother. eh. was slowly dying of cancer. The t:at,ient had been u►cons(WWU. since Sunday, and about two o'clock on Tuesday afternoon the trained nurse in attendance culled the children to the iaidQ and told them the end had rbtx., rte. CUT 11 \t► IA►IIK 01' DEtii'till. As the :.;n , to:,ped t., imprint a kiss on the pallid brow, his sister, \vicep- ing, hurried from the room. The Schwv►b apartments are 011 We Third !Hoer. MIss Schwab, without a nto- ieent:s hesitation, went out RAO rho u.o:n 111111 and Chided. the stains to U►o tool, six storks above the sidewalk, and seven stories alx:ve the payed court in the rear. She was bines.~ and wore only a loose -fitting dress. William Doran, a plumber who was hi work on the roof, saw her as she emerged (tom the scuttle. 'There was ti look of despair on the pale, drawn face and the tears were streaming down her cheeks. She wulked hur- riedl). to the edge of the roof, and without looking downward, raised her hands ns if in prayer. '!'lien she took from the bosons of her dress a bottle, turd after drawing the cork, placed it to her lips and drunk. Not until then did Doren 'devise her intentions. Ile started toward her, but it was too late. Without a word or it cry she threw herself into space. DEVOTED TO MOTHER. iklran hurried downstairs end found the body in the court yard. The girl did not )hove and while she still breath- ed slightly it was evident that she was B Y ►ce t beyond suffering. \\'nth the aid of Percy Brown, the hall boy, Doran car- ried the girl to the- Schwab apart- ments. Dr. Fletcher, a nearby physt• clan, was summoned, but before he ar- rived filo was extinct. The doubly -af- flicted brother was beside himself with grief. \hiss Seinen)) was entirely wrapped or in her mother and it Is quite evi- dent that grief over her death tmset- lktl the poor girhs mind and drove her to take her own life. It Ls only about a year ago that her father died suddenly. The family had hardly re- covered from the shock when Mrs. Schwab developed n cancer of the breast. She was taken to Si. leiges Hospital for an operation. During the month that she remnh►ed there ilelen occupied an adjoining te-.oin in the hospital and searcely lett her side. She has been constant in her u%tendnnce ever since her mother teas brought home. There is nothing equal to Mother Games' Worm [exterminator floe do- srroyu)g worms. No twitch, of its Id has given such satisfaction. Ne man ever has as much sense ns the to lean he le engaged to thii:ks he hes. `^ 11111. Mange Prairie Scratches and ct cry f..rm of contagious Itch on human .,r [mimes cured in 30 minutes by Wol. ford's Sanitary Lotion. It never falls. S'ld by all druggists. 'Phe mutt who !hulks the world is growing worse imagines Ise is growing better. W11AT DR 1'BOPLIS NEED wen err run .town. .n.emlr. pale li.tles•.••1.-,e..int " th• INsf tante. It boll', makes strong. it Rive. new life. lb* re are rawly tunica led only ,.n• F'r•r,titd- 1 111. le eel EMEND. It is a tour fro• tut that wilt pat you nt, the back turd knock your feet out from under yuu et the same time. Ira N,It it - s Stos 'hots -e '!'here are cure., .. \ledi••al eepcsinients hate 515011 55 conclusively that (here are me - dental %f lties un men eirdlnary pinnls glowing up urnund u+ w ha •h give them a value That cannot be rtlr'mat- fee II is held by reuse that Nnittre provides, a euro for every dhrate which neglect and ignorance have tisited up- on num. 1fo\\•ever, thin cony be. it Is well k1N,wn That Parmelee's Vegetable fill:. d'xtiil ed from tole and herbs, ere n s..vereign renne.ly In curing all disorders of the digestant. f:\'I'lll:M S Preachley : "It's eertrinly True thnt If a mini haslet airy respeel for hhnscif no. 1,( fly else %% ill liar- much respect for hen. N'ise : "Ilul !1', equally True thnt if ho Ie:.4 hr) much nobody else will have A !'ROPEit KIt:K. "\\ell.' d1 itstidttl Thu snrtlen of Int preterit. "what are you ki•'king 11..111 ?" "I'm klrking Mem( Thi. ;IriIN.! ,'u;t . s.►mploin.,1 the new r,nsiet. ":\11 }' silly dude- are going in f:;• stripes n. and il'. n shame to make sis wean rlt\r,ING iii -rete s. "\\n'" 1 It Jupiter aiio when hie bend burl hint. r,,lkd on 1 clean to opal it with an ii e.. / • "Yes. I believe he was the author of 11,e headache." • lbs \\ire: "eeas the hetet tots .topped al white in London homelike?" Her 111:0.auwl: "Tete! Ther.' wasn't a Thing on the bill of iere fit to .al:' 1 1 t Ib'tI: \l). 19 r7. OLD CONTAGION. Doctor (to his putient, who is ill with typhoid fever) --"This is caused tery likely by drinking teas much water. When did you Last take .:oraie?" Patient-f'.11ou( tlu'ee years ago, 1 11 tnk." 1111.11 %%11111 ai i u• to be the most In (4 iul e. -• urr en , .. t.f life prove to be the moo np•ne it.,ue. Many are dLs- recs.ed to i. ..,i i :1 1•,1.1 as a slight thing, de,crsiis .•1 1 Ila• (o leeterotitut, and this neer t often r.• -nits in most seri- ous ailisl. els entailing years of suf- fering. Drive out .-i•lds and coughs with Itiekle's Anti -t -A lsumptive Syrup, the recognized remedy fur all :dick - Gone of the 111ruat and lungs. A young constable arrived i1 a e.er• lain bon. ugh ill Scotland, and In the mouse of duly found it essential to apprehend a very old offended. er- ritntd at the police :Station, he us!sered hint into the cells with the comment. "ern(' the step." "Gee awe', ►nun: „i1 11 e pris4. ser. with contempt. "I Lent the step afore ye was tx,rn." MARK eels nISTINII ION : A purely luta] areas,' .1 rho skin liko halher's itch, it ,•ural by We.tre r's',•orat• aloneriot where the 61,....1 la I.,0e11 with fin ,unity. such a. Salt Rheum, Wsarer'• Syrup also shuult be not "ee en. Entity. lad you Lute a g.. ,d time at the masked ball?' "Oa, 1 had n splendid time. I made illy husband dress up as the knight in heavy arm- or, 'and he was unable to budge from cue spot all night.' Trial Prin'es its Excellence.--Tltoi)est leslintoni:ll one can have of the virtue of Dr. Thomas' Fcleclric Oil in the Ireatlnent of bodily pains, coughs, colds and affeet..ns of the respiratory ergots, is ft Trial of it. If not lomat the sovereign remedy it is reputed to be, then it may lc rejected as useless, end all that Ira. 1.•rn said in its praise denounced us untruthful. MAKING A START. Jackeen and llughee were old oleic%. '1'hc former, by shrewdness and indus- try, earned a good income, but llitghce was slot s-, (brhus rte. One day he asked his successful friend the secret of his plv4sperity, "Well.' milled Jackson. "I'll tell it to you for 825. Be saving, of course. and when you do (make a bargain with anyone be sure no one hears you, and then if you get the worst of it or want le back out you can." Hughes thought n second and then 551141:- '1)141 any'ooe hear you make this Lar- gninT" "Not a soul," replied Jackson. "Well, then,' was the p1-anpt answer, "I think 1'11 begin on you.'' A cure for Costiveness. -Costiveness comes from the refusal of the excre- tory organs to perform their duties regularly from contributing caustee usually. dssordercd (1.gestion. Pantie - lee's Vegetable fills, 'impanel on sci- enUOc principles, nre s,) eontlx)unded that certain ingredients In them prise through the stomach and net upon 111,, towels Ito as to remove their torpor and arouse them to proper action. Many thousands are prepared to tear testimony to (heir power In this re- epect. "1 just wish 1 waC bigger!" said n►is- chevk)u-t Willie Smart. "Indeed?' ask- ed Isis mother. "flow much lugger?" "Olt. just big enough to do all the things 1 gat blamed for do'n' now!" ?LACK) AT Ti1P. HA('K OP THY: semi "'1'h• D 4 L " Menthol Plaster all* It ner?.ms •(• eit•m•ot. They ars equally as efaraet,•us b p•*ral(t*, b 'kach• and rascals.? p stns. Shur- "Ile, has : tweet extIa..rsNnary figure, hasn't her 11e--'Thal:s so. 1 Relieve an umbrella is about the only thing he can buy rend) Mader SHE WAS BUSY. A lady carne down front upstairs and asked the manager of the hotel it she eoukl get a gloss of watts' at once. "\\'hy, certainly, H►u.iuw," euid ILe manager, filling up a glas.e from t' e tiller. Two is st sten later she uppearc.l the office again. "I don't tike t., tr<, sb..k• tete r.Sse tend, loll at,uld 1 get nttother glass of aatte' tight away?' 'No (oute.. at a!I, madame' said the eirtnagee. entitling hes' Smother g1''s-. TW,, 11 . Hiles Inner •he appeared spin, i 1. tiutc .SIN' :ski d f••r IM) glastse-. "certain,,. madam." vi le the :affable ',tanager; ..1 tit may 1 inquire \t;'Iat you are. doing aim es; murk a uteri•.. she said, "1 chm'l watts frig stesi you, bol Illy Isom Ls en lir.• and Ila •frying to put It nut.' lh}tt4 say's corn Cur • is the mcdici'ig !.' Relieve all kinds of (.ores and warts and only cost, Has small slue of taven- ty-five cents. T.-acher-"\Visite, why don't you kt•ep year hair contix`d?' \\'illic-"'1:ruse 1 siu'l 5Jt rte onmt,. 'T(•acher--"\\•tlj d..n't you ask your mamma to buy you one?" \\'f•11.• a -Cause then Id I:ay.• 1,1- ever e , 1::, r combed!" IT'S EASY T() LET a cold hang on. Each night andwith u4 wo RAliee sluennBalsam tie swilt'bat t stays cheek es ed. voice and root.'re health. 'I HE '111IN(i TO DO. "\\ iter a teem:eget' offers you a d. t- ier to take hie fare out of," said The tie! iundttclor, "yon want to size hitn up to see if he objects lo pennies: "What for?" reseed the beginner. "See: you kin scrape logetlie.r all you've got. an' give 'cm to him, o' course." -- it tent teltisahle for a yang man to mike, haste stew'ly If the girl has an- other etring 5. her tete. Shiloh Cure 5s Cures Couiihs is and Cobh QUICKLY Use Shiloh's Curc for the worst cold., tl:esharpcst cough --try it on a guar- antee of your money back if it doesn't actually CURE_ tricker o u c than anything you ever tried. Safe to take, -nothing i13 it to hurt even :t baby. 34 years .,f success conttncn•I Shiloh's Curc-- 25c., SOe., SI. Spozial Notice. X185 OO .'a=h . 1'1 fiuv new "prirht pianos, inti 4.craht«d. Witt• Malt.,nler heiartn.s, font, Till: I.P.AI'Ii PIA\0 l'(►, Montrealr IUustrste.l caval •-u•. j THt VALUE OF 1COD LIVER 011. 1t. tin:r:y use Is .n in No ph)vt- *n wetter dlepnte rte value j of 1'01► 1.14 Elt 014. to nervous and pulmo, a: diseases, if the uauceoua l gre.tao .1! not so derange digestion as 1 , toinure tlitn counteract the good di,,. ty the 1tirap.•uttc I+r:n•,plcs of the1 s "moult's '1'.AsTeteess - there n1 grease It Inc•r"ases the hp'e!ire, ettn.ulrtea the diuestien, insbp,rales the verve) bynourishing theta. and CURES Cuu(h' told+ und Ur„n.Otte. jj wr.tu.n ww�,rfaimt action. o.mse,luenes. as the weakened system 1, a Jr() to gcrtn d:wase.. snit a+ Tubei-ulo+la Tv)•hold and Ty phos 1.....A cm. and Vipl,:het ts. Brick'. guar/intro with over)' brittle i is nn evidence of our faith lit this utateliloss Prt•l.ernlion• "HIUICK'S TASTELESS •" is put up in eight (& ounce hntticat, retail price arty (:A' cont+. and iu twenty (5)) ounce bot -lee, retail price one ill dollar. ar♦♦ .. • Every Woman ►•luterested ant 'hyoid know •twat 1�1c..e� won MARVELWhirlingSpra/ TLo n•w yaals.l s+l •a,. !Jest -51 eat rcr:Tse• teat. 11 el.a*as• tautly Asa your drusrtat for it. If be eaQnv sorely ( 51•nt F.Isutor , accept no other, tint .•.•::•1 stamp fur f Uuatrate•1 book -sealed. It ((ver vl,l,fullarticular. and dir•caaw In• atu - t., lamas WINDSOR CO,`�t. (tessera! SUPPLYFO..a Cana IW - e9LD PATCH FREE AND DIMS An .t mettoan Movement Watch wilts (sold mats case, warranter to keep correct dine, almtLr lu appear. 3,n••0 N • 8ott1 EWA W*trb war. ranted for 26 carr also a Gold Cued Inns set stn •Spartaoy ..em, Loth 515an tree for settle( 05157 14 Jewelry p ovcltlea. at lee. each. Fend yens' prune 4nd adq ress icr Jewelry. W ben sold send ns the 52 so and we send0t, the wow) ash rag. VMSEmi1►nwt"a, grass. U ler Lir co., Dept. 6111 Why Go South ? Try a Visit to the Famous Springs of he li 81. Cfflliurinos Well 1, CANADA'S HE ALTt4 RESORT In the Niagara Peninsula - The tre.t re•'t of Nrrvnusness and Rheumatism • rpetiaity. APPLY TFTs WILLA'4D, St. CaTllstrIFI -. 1 WITH Power, Heat, Electric Light, to Lease for a Term of Years. Central location. About ten thousand square feet in four floors and basoment. Exoellent sklpp n3 taolllties Sta:fdard fire Srrinkler System. Low Insurance rate. MURRAY F. WILSON, 81 Ade!alde St. West, Toronto litigasommanossimmeemonsommusiansoommusioniszff KO�HAWA'STlth EEL 5071i N GLE� Put them on with no tons but a hammer and tinner's shears,- can't go wrong. They .lock on all four Aides, are self -draining and water - shedding on any roof with three or more inches pitch to the foot. Make buildings fire -proof, weatherproof and proof against lightning. Cost least in the long run. Made of 28.. gauge toughened sheet steel- only one quality used and that the best - bent cold and double-?,raivanized. Last longer with no painting' than any other metal shingles heavily - The Pe dl aF Pap1a Address w sgoingui freior e OITANA • LONDON MOMS" Nearest Warehouse : tN On4( K W. 11odl4el.. ea en ea.es e► e/neae. 01 Ta Lmntt.fd eG painted. Guaranteed in eevcry way until 1932. Ought to last a century. Cheap us wood shin fes in first cost ; far cheaper in the long run. " Oshawa " Galvanized Steel Shin- gles cost only $4.50 a s q u a r e, 10 ft. x 10 ft.. Tell us the area of any roof and hear our tempting offer for covering it with the cheapest roof 5 can really afford to buy. L e t us send you I'REI.; booklet about this roofing question -tells some things you may not know. Send for PIM Hook- "Roofing 11$1It" Ott Oar Otter )Won Yat Hoofs Thin‘ f)1 have. Canada Oshawa Galvanized Steel Shingles are GUARANTEED in every way for Twenty -Five Years Ought to Last a Century Send for PIM Hook- "Roofing 11$1It" Ott Oar Otter )Won Yat Hoofs Thin‘ f)1 have. Canada