Exeter Advocate, 1907-12-05, Page 1f ii.....k.......Awtisn• e listed at Zurich. this 28th day of N•,t.. 1A)7. (- ) ,_- L---/„...-txi---) SI to JAN '09 NOW IS THE TIME to subscribe for the ADVO- CATE and get a bargain as above stated; or else take a trial subscription 1 Oc. to Jan 1,.08 TWENTIETH YEAR. tibot Sale Bills I'AHMF:Its who want :t lig crowd at their bales should get their bills at the ADVOCATE and ad- vertise in the Aovo('.t'1'I: It Means Money to You EXETER, ONTARIO. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5. 1907. SANDERS & CREECH The Sovereign Bank of Canada. TNotice Ie hereby given that a (livid - end at the rate of six per cent. (6%) per annum on the capital stock of this Bank bas been declared for the per- iod of four (4) months ending Novem- ber 30tb. 1907, and that the same will be payable at the Head Office and at the Branches on and after Monday, the 16th day of December next. The transfer books will be closed from the let to the 14th day of Decem- ber, both days inclusive. By order of the Board, F. G. J EN! Al ETT, General Manager. Toronto, October 22nd, 1007. Branches at Exeter, Dashwood, Zur- ich and Crediton, JOS. SNELL, Manager r OLD HENS WANTED We will pay the highest prices for live OLD HENS, SPRING CHICKENS, D'JCK8, TUIKE'18,and all kinds of pool, ry. Ythis raper• �.-fit "'-tet . • r-)+^� e Tie Canada Poultry a Produce Company (t.lmitd) ST33ATFOfP. Ogg The Old Reliable CLOTHING # CLOTHING # CLOTHING 30 Days Special Sale OF— Ready-made Clothing 75 Suits of Men's, 65 Suits of Youths', 50 Suits for Boys', 40 Suits of Child's. Also a number of Mens and Boys' Pants in all sizes. A choice line of our Coats, ranging from $5 to $15. We are bound to sell the above at a sacrifice price in order to make room for other goods. Come Quick if You Want a Bargain Highest Price paid for produce CARLING BROS. Prafeaals?mat Care. Da. o. r. ROULBTON, L. D. 8., D. D. 8. DENTIST Member of the R. C. U. S. of Ontario and Honor Graduate of Toronto Unit er.ity. OPFIC1k Over Dickson 3 ('►rung's Law Om'e, in De. Anderson's former Dental Parlors. DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. 8., D. D. 8.• Honor graduate of Toronto Unireristy. DENTIST, Teeth sstracted without any pun, or any bad elect$ OSce over Gleam/to S Stanbury's once, Main street ■rater. Medical AF. MAI.LOV, !r. B. (Tor. Univ.) MEMBER e College of Physician and Surgeons, Ontario. Former Muse Sorieon Toronto Western Hospital. fluccessor to Dr. J. A. Redline. Residence: East on snit street north of once, Exeter, Ontario. DR. T. P. MCLACOIII-IN Hae rearmed praetke aft. r .I cndins a t ear (Col. lege) at ltritleh and Continental Ilospitals. General pra•-tice with ,pedal attention to Eye. (with refrac tion) Ear, Nose and Throat. Ogee: Dashwood, Ont. Legal. DICKSON di CARLiNG, BARRISTERS, 801.1('1 tors, Notaries, Conve)ani ere, ('ommiseloners. Solicitors for Molsnne Bank, etc. Matey to Loa* at lowest rates of Interest. Omces, slain street, Exeter, t. 11. Camino, B.A., L. 11. theme %,(ONIT TO LOAN. a We hare a large amount of pelt ate funds to Ivan a fano and tillage properties at low rates of inter set. (MADMAN & ITANBURY, Bsrri,ten, Sc. itor's,Main st.. Exeter On William Brown Prof. Diploma of Royal 1nr'orporated Society of Masi Jane, €n.land; Organist of Truitt Memorial Chur»h,Eteter. Piano, Organ, ilsrmony and Theory of Music, Terms on application. Exeter, Ont, DR. PINGO ;.ONDON 4) ONTARIO tts•ctrur'at ,rowans^ ne•rA. . • 0Seri Of women a ep y• 1itsslgoee's Notice to Creditors la the {natter of Henry lying, of the Village of Shipka,in the Township of Stephen, Count y of Huron, ven- eral merchant. Nolke is hereby Shen that Henry Wing. M the Village of Shirai.. Township of Stephen, General Mer i•hant, he. made an assignment under R B.O. .•hap, 117, and amending Acta of all his estate. cre.i• ,t., and effects to Johnathan J. Mrrner,"f the Village of 7.ari.•h, Township of Hay. Count) of Huron, Gen• real Merchant, for the general benefit of hie reed!• tor. A meeting of the t reditore will he held In the Tecameeh Iforne. in the ('ity of London, Ont$rtn, on FRIi'AY. TIIE ern DAY OF IIIDCEMItF.K. 11r7. at the hour of eleven o'clock in the forenoon. {� ra.•eitc a statement of affair*. to appoint in.ptc. ton and f.tr ordering At the estate generally. Credi• ten are requested to file their claim, with the As• Pignet with the proofs and particulars thereof re- quired by the mid este. on or before the day of such meeting. And notice it further sit en. that after the 1st day of January. Met, the Ataignee will proceed to dutrtb» to the assets of the debtor amongst the parties entitled thereto having retranl only to the claims of which .hall then have been gtten, and that he will not hr liat.le /•tr the as.ets, nr an)' "rt then • of, endietriterte4 t., any nelson sr persona or soar claim he e1Cll no: then have had t►di.-a. . Jonathan J. Werner, J. SENIOR Agent Confederation Life Assurance Company, also Fire insurance in lead- ing Canadian and British Companies. Main -St., Exeter. For Sale or To Rent. Lot No. 13, Con. 2, Tp. of Stephen. County of Huron, containing 1010 acres of land, well fenced and drained; with good orchard, about twenty acres of good hush, moderr, buildings, con%enient to school, church and market, and is situate about two miles from the Village of Exeter. If not sold before Nov. lhth, elil t,e rented. For furtuer particulars apply to Robert Leathorn, or to Messrs. Dickson S Carling 366 Wellington et. Barristers, Arc. London, Ont, Exeter •rn t Estray Steer. Ayearling .ttcr, nhite in color, strayed from qutnton Bro..' farm during the summer month,. Piece of fence wire in one ear. Kindly send infor- mation to A. A. SPENCER, Klrkton, or to this office._ — --- — -- — Clubbing Rates We can equal any club- bing rate offered. Call and see. Auction Sale t)' Farm Stock and Implements Theund,r.ig,ned at aioneer has been instructed to sell by public auction on LOT 32, CON. 1, t'SBORN E WF:DNEsnAY, DECEMBER 11, 'iii AT 1 O'CLOCK SHARP. The following property: HOIL.SF-: 1 horse rising 6) rs., t horse, rising 4; 1 drirloR mare, 4 yrs. 1 blood colt rising 3yeare. CATTLE -1 cow, due to ratite inJanuar ; 2 rows In February; 2 cows in April; 3 cattle coming 2 yn. 3 _yearlings. About lest hens. IMPi.EMENTS 2 lumber wagons, wagon bot, 2 gravel hose, top Muggy, open buggy-, cutter. pair bobs sleight., teed drill, hay rake, scuttle?. weigh scales, 2 plows, gang plow, set harrow, fanning mill root titter, hand straw cutter, 2 grindinr stones,l,tone Coat. Masse) Harris binder, treason mower, land roller, *aeon rack. car, ropes and stings, milk tank and cans, smelting machine, ringer, set double hat- nees,ret single henna, wheelbarrow, quantity man reads, whimetrees, re. kyokes, forks, chains and oth- • r articles too numerous to mention, TERMS—a5 and older cash; over that amount In months credit on banishing approved joint notes. 5 per rent. oft far cad on reedit amounts. fosit,rely no reserve as proprietor has .old his farm. (l. F. CASE THOS. BROWN Propri 'tor Auctioneer Vogelgesangs--- A Born Doctor Will 1* in Exeter the evening of the 10th and 11th of December; specialist on chronic troubles. asthrna, rheuma- tism, tits. pneonotnia, diphtheria. heart, kidney, stomach and nerve troubles. despondency. if there should he a case of typhoid or scarlet fever while the Doctor is here he will per- form a core in a few hoar% without charge to show his wonderful remedy. Treattnent for smallpox. For further particulars apply to \%m. M. Illatehford..\gent. Main Street Anniversary. The officials and congregation of the Mair, street Methodist church have reason to be proud of the , success of their anniversary services on Sunday last. The morning service was well attended; the mass meeting of the children and teachers of the Sunday school and parents in the afternoon was a large one; while in the evening the church was filled to overflowing many having been unable to gain en- trance. The music by the choir, assist- ed by Mr. E. Beech, bass soloist of London, was of a special nature. Mr. Beech bas a tine Kass voice and his solos were very pleasing. The preach- er for the occasion was Rev. Marina - duke Pearson of Strathroy, a former president of the Toronto conference. His sermons both morning and even- ing were of a practical and interesting nature, showing the result of deep study and wide knowledge of the needs of human nature. The evening ser - 78, M Walker 77, W Jacobi 75, L Walker 74, 0 Kelly 72, \V Brown 68. Pt.I.—C Mallnt 87, L Dearing 86, C Harness 80, V Sweet, G Carter 74, A Cornish 68, M Hedf4rd 65. No.on roll 49 average 44. M. V. Martin teacher. .Tr. 11.—M Huston 92, F Neil 92. E Rowcliffe87, .1 Ferguson 86, M Elliott 81. Sr. Pt. II.—M Vincent 93, D White 82, L Zuefle 92, M Gladstan 02, J Hurdon 010, M Harness 87. J Ford 71, R Marshall 60. No. on roll 41, average 34. F W Howard, Teacher. ADDITIONAL LOCALS Mr. Henry Smith is in Cbicagojudg- ing live stock, The County Council is meeting in .Vingbam, the members from here going there Tuesday. Cavern Church Ladies' Aid purpose holding a Bazarr in Senior's Hall, on Wednesad Dec. 18tb. Tea will be served -from 6 to 8. Admission lOc. mon was from the third verse of the M{,. and Urs. Frank W. K. Tom of fifteenth chapter of Revelations "And Toledt►, who were married in Grand they sing the song of Moses the ser- Rapids, Ohio, last Wednesday. spent vast of Gild, and the song of the part of the past week visiting the for - Lamb." rner's parents, Mr. and Mee. Jas. Tom. The speaker dealt particularly with Death of Adam Whiteford. Mrs. Thomas Hawkins received the sad intelligence on Sunday lest of the death that day of her father. Mr. Adam Whiteford, in Virden, Men., at the age of 80 years, l► months. De- ceased had been ill for about a year of cancer in one lip, and that combined with the infirmities of old age, was the cause of death. Only during the last three weeks had he been danger- ously 111. Mr. Whiteford had been a resident of the western town for e little over three years, previous to which be had lived for ahont fifty- seven years north of Exeter on the 1st concession of Hay. He was a native of Scotland. Shortly after corning to this country he married Miss Jessie Logie, who predeceased him about 26 years. He was a Presbyterian in re- ligion, a Liberal in poltics, and dur- ing his long residence in this district be became widely known and highly respected. A family of one daugher, Mrs. Thos. Hawkins, and three sons. \Vitliam, John and Adam of Virden, survive. The late Mrs. \Vm. Weekes was also a daughter. James and Bella, a son and daughter, are also deceased. The remains will he brought here for burial. The hour of the funeral will he made known by notices later. the points of resemblance between Muses and Christ and t heir application to the pi esent age. In the course of the s.•ru)om he said: "1 cannot see how people believe in the New and not the Old Testatnent. %Ve must know Mos- es to know Christ. Both came from obscure positions in'life. Many who have commenced in the midst of great disadvantages have risen to places of eminence. Two great despots were afraid of the two boys, Moses and Christ. Pbaroah's and Herod's policy was Lo kill the boys, just as that is the policy of the devil to day. Both boys were saved by a marvellous interposi- tion of Divine Providence. Moses was saved by being placed among the bull - rushes, Christ by Joseph fleeing with him into Egypt. Moses received all the education of the time while Christ re- ceived but little. Both bad great in- fluence. Both were tempted of the devil, the purpose of the adversary be- ing to defeat them at the beginning. Satan offered Moses the throne of Egypt, and he offered Christ the king- doms of the world. When first con- verted is when the devil tempts all people the most. Moses choose rather t,o suffer with the people of Israel. and Christ choose to gain the world by God's method. God gave Moses the commandments on the mountain. The law then came by Moses and Christ came to fulfil the law. The old law said "Thou shalt not kill, etc.," the new said "Thou shalt help, encourage and save, etc." The world does not appreciate the intellectual character of Christ, which was unique, as was his moral character. He never, like judges to -day, needed to reserve de- cision. The deaths of Moses and Christ were wonderful, called of God, and in their deaths they gained all things, and were satisfied with the lives they had lived." The contribution was very large, amounting to 8375. Easter Sokol Report. Following is the report for November: Jr. Teachers.—F Clegg 71, M Johns 70, M Pfau 68, E Willis 61, 11. Work- men 01. Jr. Matriculation—E Going 57, M Bobier 57, T Sanders 55,F Foss 40. No. on roll 20. average 19. L. C. Fleming, teacher. Forst Ii., Sr. --K Collins 82, (honors) .1 Oestreicher 73. E Jones 67, L Antos di, i Handford 61. Jr.—A McMahon R3 (honor!) 1 Marchand 63. No. on roll 30, average 28.4. t3 1 Gregory, Teacher. Form i.—A Floret's 79 (honors), V, Sweet 72, E Luxton 68, (1 Acheson (16, i. Ehlers 66, O Kestle 65, 11 Carling 01, Kellerman 0C3, It Brintnell 131, H Jones 60. Commercial, Sr, -R Oes- tretcher 7S (honors), C Fisher 71. 11 Dunhill 71. Jr.—I, I3irney 87, 13 Mack 86. G Bissett 75 t honors i, No on roll 44, average 43. A. M. Johnston, Teacher. Sr, IV.—L Grieve 75, H Fnke 75, E Howey 7:3. 11 Sweet 72 (honors). A Jackson 68, L Itivers 67, C Harvey 012. E.Sonthcott 62, 1, Howe 61. 1r. iV —(' Wood 82, 1 Hoyle 71, 12 Dearing 73, W Stewart 73, 1, M Frayne 73 (honors). R Hi.aett 07, (' Pickard 67, C Ileywood 66. H McKay. No. on roll 31, average 111.6. C. Vo!per, Teacher. Sr. 111.- - 1 Snell 91.0, M Acheson 01, R Wood f1?, W Heideman 89, 1 Rivers 85, i Hardy 810, M Carling Kt, M South- eott 81, N Jones 79. Jean Meltlon '78, Il lialkwill 70. It Fleming 75 (honors). V Rowe 71, F Dinney 70, (1 Ilodgert 70, 8 Hector ft►,A Beverley 10, 11 Mnell 65, A Jackson 62, i. Treble (M), Jr. 111. —I Sweet 81. I3 Qnance 80, A MacKay 76, M Jones 76, A Jackson 62, 1. Treble 60 (honors). R Rowe 0R1, M Blatchford 68, 0 Anderson 037. Mary ilolden 61. No. on roll 48, average 42. Elsie A McCallum, Teacher. Sr. 11. - F Rowe 85, J Follick 8'2, %V Manson 82. F. Day 79, (honorer, A Knight 71, V Knott 71, H Rivers 71,'H RowclitTe 60, E Davis 68, W. Mack (1(0, A Day i13, 1 Ford 62. Jr. if,—M Case 87, M Heywood 8:3, J Brickwood 82, M Senior 81, f3 Hodgert 77, M Hicks 77, A Bell 701, 1 Handford 70, lhonor's), G Richardson 74, M Smsllerornbe 71, W Kydd 015►, H Parsons (P1, W Mitchell 61. No. on toll 30, Average :in. H. M. Kinsman. Teacher Mid. 11 -i' Jackson la), M Seldon i8), F Wood V), 1 Delve Kt, O llrtwein 82, D Holden lit), y \lentils 71. Jr. 11.— (1 Wells 91. H Homey )(4, 1) Kunz 84, G Fitton !C3, A Devis 83, A John! 86 A Carter 80, (1 Ford In Mid. il't i1.— W Davis 78, J Hag!haw 76, A Mitchell 75, M Russell 70, F Fannon ttV, i East- erbrook (p). Jr. Pert il.—M Morlock Lumley The Bert Lane Minstrel Co. at the Opera House, Exeter, Thursday night, Dec. l2th. Get your seats early at Browning's Drug store. Come and have a good laugh. R. V. McLean attended the ball giv- en by the Bachelors and 13enedicts of Clinton on Friday evening last.—Miss Smith of Region, Sask., is the guest of the Misses Stewart. --Roger Rice has returned from Souris, Man., and will spend the winter with bis sister here. —1V. Armstrong, agent for the Ben miller nt ery, was in this vicinity taking ors for the spring delivery. —8. McMordie has been improving his property by having the empty house moved and fitted up for stabling. -- Ditch fever seems to have struck this vicinity. Although rather late in tak- ing etTect will no doubt be completed ere Tong.—Miss Edna Horton is visit- ing her parents in Seatorth.—Quite a number from this locality attended the party given by McLaren Bros. of London Road, Hensall, on 'Tuesday evening lust and report a very pleas- ant tiute.--J. E. McDonell of Hensel', aftompanied by Mr. Seneonl of lain - don, travelling salesman for the Singer Sewing Machine Co., paid this section a business visit.—D. (:itib is Lust/ get- ting material on the ground for the erection of a house during the coming sumrner.--We regret to state that W. H. Stewart is recovering very slowly (10811('ll Lin Stephen The Bert Lane Minstrel Co. at the Opera House, Exeter, Thursday night, Dec. 12th. Get your neat• early at I3rowning'a Drug store. Come and haye a good laugh. PL1!As,N•r EVENING.— An event of unusual interest took place on this line Tuesday evening of last week which will long be remembered by those in attendance, the occasion being a nutn- ber of the Mende and neighbors gath- ering tet the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward Dietrich to bid them farewell prior to their departure for Berlin. where they will make their future home. it appears that previous prep- arations hod been made for the event as earl] load brought with them an ample supply of provisions. The gath- ering was a most happy one and the home wes at once thrown open for the pteasure seeker!. Mr. ('htietien Sto- die was asked to take the chair. Mr. John Reader was then called on, who epoke in most kindly terms of Mr. and Mrs. Dietrich as friends and neighbors and expressed regret at losing such worth residents, but our los. will be Berlin s gain and we all heartily unite in wishing them the greatest measure of happiness in their new home. Mise Jennie Kestle and Mrs. Louis Kraft then stepped forward anti presented Mr. and Mrs. Dietrich with beautiful chairs. The recipients responded in a suitable and feeling nianner, thanking the friends for their kindness. The evening was then spent in music and bar►nlets games. while Mr. (len. Maw- hinney favored the gathering with selections from his grnntaphone. Following is the address: Dear Mr. and Mrs. Dietrich—We, your neighbors and friends have gath- ered here to -night to enjoy the even- ing with you and to show our respect tow,,rds you as friends and neighbors before you depart from among us and at the same time to express our sor- row at yonr leaving. You have Always lent a willing hand in the time of need anti shown many other kindnesses that have endeared you to GP, but our ur Poultry Prices Turkeys alive, 8; (`"ash, 9; 'Prate Turkeys dressed 11 " 12 " Chicken alive 5:1 '• G. Chicken dressed 8 - 9 Hens alive 3 - 4 Hens dressed 5 G Geese and Ducks, heads off 8 " 9 The above is for Al poultry --scalded i price. Poor, skinny poultry not wanted at any price. Prices subject to change without notice. L. JONES & CLARK. Loss will be others' gain. To show our respect towards you we ask you to ac- cept these chairs, accompanied with our best wishes for your future hap- piness and prosperity. Grand ]Bend Mr. %Via. Nickel, who has been suf- fering from an injured knee, left last week for the hospital, London.—Mr. S. Green is spending a few days at Pt. Huron.—Jos. Disjardine moved Satur- day to the B. Line, where he has rent- ed Mr. ll'rtde'a farm.—Mr. Pollock's blacksmith shop has been completed and is now ready to supply his cus- tomers. —The Christmas entertainment of the Presbyterian church will be held on Dec. 19th, while that of the Methodist church will be held on Dec. 17th.—Mrs. Baird, who has been at- tending the bedside of her mother, re- turned home Saturday.- Frank Bos- senberry of Zurich called on friends here Monday.—Messrs. Spackman, Christie, Fitton and Johns of Exeter were here hunting last week.—Mr. John Baird and family attended the funeral of Mrs, Stubhe, Tuesday last. —Mr. Canning, who is employed with Mr. Fritz, left last week for A month's holiday.—Miss Rowe, who has been engaged with Mr. Amos. left last week for her home.—Bert Station and Mr. !Yellen have returned from the lumber woods and report things very dull at Blind River.—Messrs. Statton 1sc Mith- ell are still busy sinking rock wells, having bad great success this season. Mr. Stephen Webb of the B Line was in Michigan attending the funeral of his brother.—A. Millard and W. 01i - ver were in London Wednesday.—L. ;tavelle shipped another load of fowl to Parkhill last week. BIRTHS •ay 1i ftRH—In Ailsa Craig, Nov. 13, to A. A. Kerr and wife, a son. HILIEIIR,1L'DT—in Hensall, Nov. 20, to Mr. and Mrs. Hildebrandt, a son. Witaa ins --In Stephen, on Nov. 24, to Feltham Williams and wife,a son. 0183AItnINE—In Stephen, on Nov. 25, to \Vm. Disjardine and wife, a daughter. MARRIAGES. RossEn—LetTCH—At the home of the bride's parents, Ailsa Craig, on Nov. 27, Mossie, daughter of Jno. Leitch, to Stewart Rosser of Denfield. AR1t.1ND—McGionton--At the Presby- terian church, Corbett, James Ar - rand, of McInnes, to Miss May, youngest daughter of John McGre- gor, of Greenway. CLosi:—J.teKftoN—AL the residence of of Mrs. H. R. Jackson, on Nov. 23, by Rev. Neil Shaw. George Welling- ton Close, of Toronto, to Annie L. Jackson, of Egmondville. DEATHS Wttl'resantn.—At Virden, Man., on Dec. 14, Adam \Vhiteford, formerly of Hay, aged 80 years and 9 months. Funeral notice later. IIoLI.I\s—At Lucan, Dec. 2, Wnt.Rol- line, aged 63 years. ETER DIAMOND BALL ]mos. JEVELLERY OUR NEW STOCK OF Watches, Jewellery, Silverware, Tollet Sets, Etc., Etc., has just been opened up and we may safely say that this is the finest stock that has ever been shown in Exeter. Our Coods are at Prices To Suit EVERYBODY They Will Suit You Call and Examine Early A. MARCHAND, Exeter, Ont. Chop Meat, vegetables, and all kinds of food with Sargent's Gem Food Chopper From $1.40 10 $2.75 IIF.&IAN'S IIARDWARE 6 STOVE STORE