HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-11-28, Page 8f WELL
The well dressed man is the sue-
cessfal men of the day. A good
appearance counts for a great deal
in tl.e:e particular tinges, and a
little care about neat and well fit-
ting garments is one of the best in-
vestments a young man can make.
Have your clothes made to order.
We make the kind of Suits and
Overe,,;ete that gives a ngan that
"well r) r eased" appearance so much
desired. We make the Clothes to
fit the man.
Merchant Tailor,
Business Locals -- Read Them
Thirty./ire tri rent Toilet Sets to se-
lect front at Stewart's. its, they are
swell, $1.50 and $5,,ttr rare beauties.
Driving Horse and Pigs ter Safe.
The undersigned has a good driving
horse, suitable for far in work and a
number of pigs, ab, ut 01 lbs, for sale.
Apply to
Gso. WALKEtt, London Road South,
Centralia P. O.
Stewart'.1 for Fancy .Vmas. China.
11ioest stock and biggest ratites in town.
Their 108 -piece Dinner Set at $10.50
and $12.50 are certainly the hest ice hare
Get yoar Marriage Licenses at the
Advocate office.
.1 ear of Jledpath's sugar just arrived
at Stewart's. Ile sells no other. Don't
monkey with cheap sugar.
Two houses to Let.
Tao go, .1 frame houses to let, apply
at this office.
Something doing in Jens' «nd Boys'
Ono -coats •'t Stewart's. Money saring
pric.a is tlnrordIr.
Pay Your Tues.
The 'I' • \ Collector will be at the
Towo II -sr. on each Friday frotn 9 to
12 and 1 t.• 5 o'clock for the collection
of taxe-, also on December 1.2th, 13th
and lath.
A since.
.1 lot •j Trarellers'samples itt Ladies'
1.' u•-Irinet! Coats: all Sable Collars and
Reeeres, lined with Rat, German ,3Iin1.•,
lIarim,t and Hamster. J:rery Coat a
special I semi►. Stewart.
Dr. O.cns Coming.
D,•. Ovens, London, Eye and Ear
Surgeon, will be at the Commercial
fiotel,Exeter, on Saturday, November
31th. Glasses properly fitted:end dire
eases of Eye, Ear and Nose treated.
1•:t•erg Lady u•antin•l of scull ret o/
/itra sh+ticld .p► to Stewart's. Ask to see
their stone .Martin set, special at $18.
it's hasty.
Clutolleg Rates.
These is no clubbing rate too good
fot A nvorATE subscribers. We have
the best and cheapest list that can be
seenr.•11, and all you have to do is call
and take advantage of it.
t i• . the waist int! /or nice .1ntirican
Op, . •' / Iannel at Stewart's.
1)r. iletler will he at the Central
Hotel, Exeter, M.tturday.Novrntber 30
Tait 11, n.t is Optical Co.. 2:37 Dundas St.,
L radon, ••r local dealers will promptly
attend to prescriptions for vlasses.
Stewart's Sailor Boy Japan Tia 2br.
and .ef,.r orate sei.r, d tea at .30c, are
(ito n' the hest tea rallies in ('irnttdti, so
experts say.
The Bert Lane Minstrel Co. at the
Exeter Opera House Thursday, Dec.
12'h. Tickets on sale at Browning's
i)reg oto ••. (iet your seats early.
See the biggest minstrel show travel.
ling in ( •D uch--composed of ('autad-
ians. S.•e trig Lew i)ockstader, sweet
ie•onora. the three pretty maids in the
big Sextette. Two hours and thirty
minutes of laughter. Conte and enjoy
4++ + ++++++++++++++4-114444.4
Is Your Tailor?
To he hest dressed
doe,n't nu•an to pay
most. Jtist because
s man pays a big
pi see fob his clothes
-ill make them
leek good. The curt•
tee nil may Is' the
finet•t,hut the W. tn.'s-
u.tt Is' right. A1 -
w ty.
-w.,ws the latest and
best fabrics of the
u,, meta ate here.
et sr teilerhi1 i. first•
class and , '„ prices
within re., b „f all.
Merchant tni.or - Fseter
r++++++++-}+-1 4 ++•f++++++++
rsur mill WISP vvIFAVNVAir v -
i ° LOCAL 1)uINGS, 44
Mr-. Horrell entertained her friends
to a taffy -pull last night.
Mrs. J. A. Stewart entertained a
number of lady friendsTuesday even-
Mr. Robert I)inney has accepted a
position as clerk in the Commercial
House for the winter.
Mr. Curt. Harness is still confined
to his ted with pleuras, although his
condition is somewhat improved.
ira Andrews has sold his store busi-
ness at Cromarty to Mr. D. McConnell,
of Dublin, who took possession last
GIANT TRIPLETS , "Currency'''
"Bobs" and "Stag" Chewing Tobac-
coes, in big plugs. Quality always the
Have you renewed your subscription
yet? Don't forget that the Editor
needs the honey to pay his way along.
Your dollar will help along.
Mr. A. E. Morrison, of Sarnia,rov-
incial inspector, made a tour ofd the
hotels in South Huron, accompanied
by Inspector Torrance, last week.
For Quality and Quantity ask your
dealer for the new big plugs of "Bobs"
"Stag" and "Currency" Chewing
The James street League paid a
friendly visit to the Main st. League
Tuesday night, and furnished the pro-
gram. Monthly visits are contem-
Mr. W. B. Hawkins of Huron Coll-
ege, London, preached in the Trivitt
Memorial church Sunday in the ab-
sence of Rev. D. W. Collins, who was
at Granton.
Rev. Toll of Hensall, who preached
at the James street church Sunday
delivered excellent sermons, that in
the evening being a particularly bril-
liant effort.
A large number of cases of smallpox
are reported at Goderich. Word from
Exeter people in Goderich says that
there are from 100 to 130 cases. The
disease is of a mild type.
The Trustees of S. S. No.:3, Stephen,
have engaged Mr. Wm. Triebner to
teach in their school during 1908. Mr.
Triebner is now attending Model at
Goderich. The salary is $390.
On Saturday NIr. Nicholas Beaver of
Stephen bought from Mr. Chas. Box
at the Conunerciatl Hotel, Exeter, the
E. Lot 8, S. B. Hay, fifty acres,
which was offered by public auction.
The price was $1550.
The wind on Wednesday night last
blew down the largo chimney at the
House of Refuge which crashed
through the roof; fortunately none of
the inmates were hurt but some .of
thein had narrow escapes.
Mr. Geo. F. Case last week sold his
fifty -acre farm In the township of L's -
borne, being paint of Lot 32, Con. 1. to
Mr. John Coleman of Hay township
for a good figure. possession to be giv-
en March 1. 31r. Case will dispose of
his stock and implements on Dec. 11.
A quiet weddiug took place at the
James street parsonage on Wednesday
evening Last when John Kellet of Us -
borne and Miss Elizabeth Gould,
youngest daughter of Mr. Jas. Gould,
sr., were united in marriage by Rev,.
Going. The young couple have the
best wishes of their many friends.
They will reside on Huron street.
Mr's. Maria Gill, who left here a few
weeks ago on it pleasure trip to differ-
ent parts of British Columbia, writing
to the Advocatesays:-Harebeenhav-
ing a very pleasant visit; this is an ex-
cellent country to live in and is part-
icularly noted for Its beautiful scenery.
The weather is lovely here. roses and
other Rowers being all in bloom. 1Ve
meet people hese from all parts of the
Three Big Bargain Days.
There will he three big bargain days
this week at the Exeter Bargain Store
Thursday, Friday and Satin day. All
the stock roust be desired out to stake
room for a stock of Boots and Shoes.
Cracking Rig 13nrgains Inc three days.
J. W. Broderick
Hicks' Forecasts Por November.
A Reactionary Storer Period is sen•
tral on the last three days in the
month. This period will reach its
crisis on the 30th, the date upon which
the Moon crosses the celestial equator,
going southward. Atmospheric tides,
like ocean tides, follow the Moon in
its declinations north and south.
Hence the storm periods in which the
Moon is moving south of the equator,
are touch more liable to he followed
by change to cold, boreal conditions,
as the atmospheric currents tend from
notth to south. bringing the "cold out
of the north.' As a rule the tempera.
ture of storm periods does not change
to colder with the Moon en the (spun.
tot. Electrical storms, even in winter.
are much more liable in storm periods
at such times. Hence November will
go out with rutin. and possibly lightn-
ing and thunder in runny places south.
ward, with rising barometer and Tepid
change to much colder beading down
from the northwest with the incoming
of December.
Death of Mrs. Jame• Nandford.
Death saddened the home of Mr.
James Handford, London Road South,
t'sborne, early Friday morning last
when the spirit of his beloved wife,
Margaret iiearnish, took its flight.
Mrs. Ilandfotcl was eget' 51 years and
10 months. She had been ailing for
about two years of asthma and brow.
chitis, but was able to be about as
usual until two weeks ago when she
became worse. Even during the last
few days (lentil was unexpected and
the end came as a shock to the family
shortly after midnight Friday morn.
ing. Bolt) at Maple Lodge. Middlesex
County, she resided there until it few
years ptewiotis to her marriage when
she snowed to Devon with her bristlier.
Those who survive are her aged moth-
er, Mrs. Heamish of (iranton, three
Sister!, Mrs. Weir of Manton. Mrs.
Ferguson of Strathroy. Mrs. Ketcbenl
of (salt, and t wo ',pothers. Rev. George
of Belleville and Richard of Manitoba,
besides the hathnnd and family of six
children. The children are Lottie,
Annie. Maggie. Hattie, Lydia and
Frank, all of whom have the sympathy
of the cmmncunity in their is'reave-
ment. The funeral took piece from
the family residence on Monday to
the Exeter (-enamel v. and wag largely
attended by sympathizing friends and
n• ighipnrs, v..rell as a large number
lel elves fr'en, as fl se.tre.
On Wednesday evening Miss Cota
Fowell entertained a few friends.
• Lost.
1 On Thursday- last in or near Exeter,
ia pair of buck skin gloves. Finder
kindly vetutt► to AUV1,l•.tTE office.
Rouse ana Lot for Sale.
A story and half brick house. good
stable, h acre land, hard and soft
water, situated on Andrew street,
Apply to D. Rowcliffeat the grist will.
Fast Work
Mr. Tbos. Johns, J. Morley and N.
Patterson pumped 10,2(1) gallons of oil
from two cats into the storage tank
for W. 11. Levett in five hours on
Shooting Match.
Some good shooting was done at the
match held on the Gun Club grounds
on Thursday and Friday last under
the management of Mr. Daniel Hart-
lieb. The first day was rather dis-
agreeable but the second day the
weather was of the finest. But few
outsiders were present. The best
shooting was done by Fred Kerr who
shot 53 out of 55 live birds and 172 out
of 200 rocks. John Triebner was a
close second in the rock event getting
169. The following are the scores:
Birds 10 15 10 Total p.c.
A. Tillman 8 13 7 - 28 -- 80
F Kerr 8 15 10 - 33 - 94
D Hartleih 7 13 7 - 27 - 77
W Sanders 2 - 2 - 20
N DHurdon 3 - :i --30
J E Cantelon 8 12 6 - 26 - 7.1
J Dodds 9 12 8 - 29 - 83
E Brenner 5 - 5 -- 50
J Hannan 6 - 6 -- 00
J Triebner 0 - 6 - 60
F Triebner - 7 - 7O
miss AND ore.
1st- Kerr and Sanders
2nd -Kerr and Cantelon
3rd -Kerr
BLUE ROCKS -20 bard events.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 In Tt'I p.c.
J Outlaon 14 15 11 11 16 18 12 14 18 17-146-73
F Kerr 19 14 19 16 20 15 18 19 17 15-172-86
D tiartleib 19 17 15 15 16 19 18 16 16 10-161-81
Elirenner 14 14 12 13 14 13 - 80-67
J Triebner 18 16 18 17 15 16 16 19 16 18-169-85
t Hannan 10 13 11 11 15 - 63-63
F Triebner 18 11 16 11 18 16 16 -109-78
C Stantake 1, 16 13 16 13 15 16 -107-76
W Holmes 15 11 11 12 -- 52-65
Messrs. Stone and ♦yellingjon, the
well-known nurserymen of Toronto,
in pursuance of request by Mr. S. Dl,
Sanders, (who is a personal acquaint-
ance of Mr. Wellington), have sent
their agent. to Exeter to increase the
fruit productions, in this vicinity. by
such varieties as the Exeter Canning
and Preserving Co. will consume in
large quantities.
etDs000,A.e•sa3 56063.014a8lSAtfe
Mrs. Thomas returned to London
1)r. McDowell of Listowel spent
Sunday here:
Mts.'Fowell returned from Windsor
on Friday.
Mr. Thos. Harvey went to Lucknow
Wed nestle y.
Miss (;i -(gory has returned front to
visit. in 1Voodstock.
Mrs -lames Dignan is visiting her
son 1Villiatu at Lucan.
Mr. Eli Snell has gone to Thames -
ford for n few weeks.
Mr. Janes Bonthron of Toronto
spent this week in town.
Mr. 1Vr►►. Taylor of Toronto is visit-
ing his father, Exeter North.
Mrs. 1). L. O'Brien was the guest of
Mrs. (Badman on Friday last.
Mr. Taylor of Forest visited at Mr.
D. (ohblediek's over Sunday.
Miss E. Itoniston of Listowell is the
guest of Dr. and slit's. Roulston.
Mrs. Fred Hawwkshaw has returned
after ,t visit in Toronto for some weeks.
Mr.. 1i;1a. of Grams Bend visited
her (1'tighter, Nlrs. 1Vu.. Sweet, last
Mrs. Shirley Bobier i3 visiting in
London. Mr. I3obiee• spent Sunday in
the city.
Mrs. (Dr.) Ortue of Centralist spent
the latter part of last week with Mrs.
Gen. Mantle.
Nit's. W. J. White and daughter.
\Ire. Sibbitt, of Ottawa, are guests of
Mrs. J. White, sr.
Miss Niinuie Seeders returned last
week from Springfield, where she
spent the millinery season.
Miss Mabel and Glenn FlintofT of
Stratford spent it few days with their
sister. Mrs. J. C. Snell, t'shorne.
Mrs. itobert. Sweet and daughter
Myrle have returned to their glome in
Clinton, after a pleasant visit here.
Dr. harry Browning left Tuesday
n1(11111ng to assist in caring for the
smallpox patients in and near Godet ich.
N1r. Win. liataows spent part of last
week in lilvtheswooal. Mrs. iiar•t•nws
is this weelt visiting in Detroit, while
Misr Jftabel spent Tuesday in London.
Miss Georgia linnthron of 'Toronto
is the guest of her nitrite. Mrs. R. H.
Collins coni Miss (Cate Honthrnn. Miss
Honthrnn has just returned from a
two months' visit in Chicago.
Exeter Council
The Council met in the T"tw'n Nall
on Monday, Nov, 25, Ilan, at t3:30 p. rn.
Conncillnt Beaman absent. The min-
utes of the meeting held on Nov. 13th
were read and approved.
Snlicitor L. H. Dickson wasresent
with the fly -law as drafted by hits, al-
so the proposed agreement between
the Gibbs 1•:vaporator Co. and the
municipality, it copy of which had
been forwarded to the company; but
not having received word from the
Gibbs Co. the matter was deferred un-
til next or special meeting.
W. Johns A. E. Fake -that the
commissioner secure a new burner for
the gasoline engine also to properly
hank tip the pipes lending to and from
water tanks. --tarried.
The Bylaw calling for a politic
meeting of the Electors and for the
appointment of Retoolingputy Retoing
officers and poll clerk was rend the
first time and laid over until the next
regular meeting.
The following aCCO r1ts wereIf
and orders drawn on the Treasnter for
the cattle: Peter 11 *wden, bal. less 10%
of emitt•.tet nn cement walk. price be.
ing *32),I3-10.21 %'2.t0: Fred Kee r. tile,
$43.25: Thos. Qrevch, gravel. $(b►; Silas
[landlord.lsbnr, $1.50: Rd. Qdance,
labor, $i.RR; Ftank Mallott, labor,
$1.13; Mrs. ♦♦'bite, scrubbing, 411; Geo.
Ford, grawel for cemetery. $0.(1it; Wm.
Bussell. woeal, Thos. liartntdt,
wo.xl, R:), anr,ontinp in ,all $2,0.90.--
3. J. Knight --A. E. Fillip -Carried.
:1dj • oro, -r., by J .1. Knight.
J. V••ni,•,, (Teck.
%Vheat 102
Barley ,it 55
Oats 1" 42
Peas s., 80
Potatoes, per bag 5rt 75
Hay, per ton 12 00 14 00
Flour,er cwt., family 27b
Flour, low grade per cwt 1 :35 135
Butter 25 211
Eggs 24
Dried apples 0
Livehogs, per cwt 5 30
Shorts per ton 22 00
Bran per ton 20 00
Turkeys ... .. 11 12
Gaese 8 0
8 9
8 0
15c. a Cake
This antiseptic soap is recommend-
ed for clensing and healing of
wounds, in many forms of skin
disorders and especially for sham-
pooing the hair, use freely and it
will make a rich, soft and abund-
ant lather, it possesses all the well-
known healing and antiseptic pro-
pertiesof fine Tar.
Cole's Drug Store
The best place to buy fine toilet soaps
Annual Bazaar.
The annual Bazaar of the 'Trivitt
Memorial church will be held in the
Town Hall, Friday, Dec. 6th. After-
nonn-tea will be served from :i to 0
o'clock, admission 10c. Evening-Cen-
cert 8 to 10, admission 10e. Refresh-
ments extra.
Have You Seen the Lithographs?
The Bert Lane Minstrel Cd., 39 white
people in Burnt Cork Comedy, com-
posed of new jokes, latest New York
songs and the cleanest show showing
in Canada that has the sanction of the
clergy. See Lew Dockstader, the big
interlocker; the pretty girls in the big
Sextette; the great Laugh producing El
Troratoi ; see the fierce count. gentry,
servant, prisoner and Pretty Leonora.
Get your seats early at Browning's
Drug store, Exeter.
there are a lot of things, you use you
don't care for in hot weather.
for instance. we hare all kinds of
rubber goods for winter or summer
and made so they don't burst fit st
use. Get rubber goods of its and have
jthen dm able et prices too that are
1 right,
(W. S. HOWEY, Phu]. Be
('hentist and (lpticinn
r...11,11, "VFW IFIW 4111 IW
Give the
Cook a Chance
to prove her -kill in baking
by providing
it is the one flour that has
the quality to assure the
iceat results in baking. Star
always yields the lightest,
whitest, sweetest and r►lo.t
nutritious bread and tolls
and the choicest cake sad
pastry. A trial will prove
Lai taa AL/Illl ISLA& alel 1
T. Ei11WSIN9 & SON
Jobbers and
Dealers in
Builders' Hardware
Plaster Paris
Galvanized Shingles
Corrugated Iron Roofing
Did it Ever Occur to Yoll
that the way to succeed in business is to handle the lines which
the people want? And I can tell you right now that you will
hunt n long while before you will find anything to eclipse the
we carry. It is up-to-date in every
particular and is the best paying line
for any buyer. Call and inspect our
stock before purchasing.
The Leading Herne Furnishers and Funeral D:'Aoors,
PHONE No. 32
Tic Slone ol Good qualify
"Good Quality" is our motto. We And it pays to keep the best
that can be precured. Our customers are wide awake to the fact
that they get the best here for their money. Isere are a few
items of interest for the cold weather.
Bear Cloth
In white or Grey, 52 inch wide:
.least the thing for babies' coats and
bonnets; plain or curled at $2 to 3 i
per yard.
Another shipment of new coats
_Inst to hand. We are keeping up
our stock so you are sure to get the
right style.
Tartan Tles
Boys! have yon one of our new
Tartan Ties. They are real 'trail
and all the rage. A big 1 of
all the newest things in re • 1 taear.
Blanket Cloth
Navy blue or Red, 50 inch wide.
very suitable for Child's or Mims'
Winter Coats or warn] Kimonas;
for $1.25 per yard.
Don't forget us if you need a Fur
of any kind. Yo•r can And every-
thing in the Fur line here, Coats,
Cps, huffs, Muffs, etc.
Gents' Gloves
we sure in first-class shape in this
line: have everything needful in
(.loves. Mocha, Wool, Silk -lined,
Kid, Buckskin, I'into and Mule.
We are• maim; big reductions in all our millinery. A ;nice stock of
trimmed hats to choose from at greatly tednced prices. Come right
along for a cheap hat.
Headquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanforel
Big Reduction Sale
Splendid Opportunities to Economise
At This Big Store
For the Next 30 Days
We want to raise $:)OUO in cash and in order to do
so we will offer ouren tire stock of tip -to -date goods
at greatly reduced pricey. An opportunity you can-
not afford to miss. We suggest early action (,n the
pal t of intended purchasers in this great sale. Re
member this includes every department of our big
store. This is a genuine sale as we must have the
s\F;Lf. & R()\VE