HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-11-28, Page 1SI toJAN'09
ill N(„. is 'FIIE rlatE •^
subsctibefor the ADVO-
CATE and get a bargain
as above stated; or else
take a trial subscription
10c. to Jan 1,, 08
Sale Bills
'-'1AltMl:!t.4 who want a
big crowd at Llu•ir sales
•h •n1d v• t their hills at
1,. \ l e \ t n .1'11: and ad -
' hi. .1Ut111'1'1:
It Meant; Molloy to You
The Sovereign Bank
vy of Canada.
Notice is hereby given that a divid-
end at the rate of six per cent. (V.
per annum on the capital stock of this
Bank bas been declared for the per-
iod of four (4) months ending Novem-
ber ))th, I907. and that the same will
be payable at. the Head Office and at
the Branches on and after Monday,
the 1t)th day of December next.
The transfer books will be closed
from tbe let to the I4th day of Decem-
ber. both days inclusive.
Hy order of the Board.
General Manager.
Toronto, October2.2nd, 1907.
Branches at Exeter. Dashwood, Zur-
ich and Creditcn.
JOS. SNELL, Manager •
We ' l pay ak.e t.sr cat
prices Toe :ire OLD h'_t3,
5; 148 CHiCEEIIS,
TUIMPS, and ae
tied* of
po,,a rt.
Meat. x
$1000 that the owners would not bell •
now for $5.(X11,000. lion. Frank Coch-
rane, the minister of mines, is a very
Hold Meeting at Exeter ca )able and honest mall.
With reference to the Public school
Legislation be stated that the recent
Andrew Bruder, M.P.; Dr. Chisholm, act as first passed making it compul-
M.P.; B. B. Gunn, M. P.; and Henry sory to pay teachers certain salaries
Eilber, M. P. P., deliver fine addresses. had not been kindly received in the
rural districts and the government
(we atm to totes et tht u.t::el i..,•ur last wrist-- feelirg ++Iways that the will of the
Wednesday afternoon-conseyutotlt a full report of le should prevail had struck out
the meeting that evening apt.ears thus sleek.- Pd.) i eoP
that part and had gone farther by
largely increasing the grants to
schools. as ratepayers would see by at-
tending the annual school meeting.
It the revenues are properly busband-
rxi we may some day have rtlrnost free
education. The legiblation bad arous-
ed a Crider interest in education.
The book ring war, dealt witb. The
government had named a commission
.with power to thoroughly investigate
end compel the publishers to give
evidence. This was the only way to
get at the truth. It was found that
extravagant prices were paid for
South Huron Conservatives
At the call of the represeutative of
the riding at Ottawa. Mr. B. B. Gunn
of Seaforth, a goodly number of the
voters of Exeter district met in the
Opera -House on Wednesday evening
The last to hear the political issues of the
Canada day discussed from the Conservative
Poultry a standpoint.
The night was a very disagreeable
Produce one. All afternoon and evening a high
Company wind prevailed and torrents of rain
L;eaiu�> fell. However the inclement weather
E-ea-;Ct;. Qas did not keep many even from a dis-
tance in the country from attending
The Old Reliable
_ the meeting. loth Liberal and Conser- hooka. In the readers :alone it was
votive parties being well represented. found that Part 1 Reader cost to pro.
hearing and received the hearty sp- sold for 15c: Second c,tbt 9.1c, sold for
pl;ruse of the audience. 25c; Tbitd cost II}. sold for at)c; Fourth
Mr. T. B. Carling, the president of cost 1'l. sold for 40c, making a total
the local Conservative Association. oe. lobs to the parents in the province per
_:•spied the chair and intrnditced the year of 82.i (64, while the books were
-everal speakers. He bad hoped to' a disgrace as to binding arid material.
i..tve -e•en a pleasant evening. but was A better book will now to given at one
pleased that so many bad coitre out. half the cost.
Mit. B. B. Gr�v, The Whitney government is now
30 Days Special Sale
Ready-made Clothing
75 Snits of Men 135 Suits of Youths. 50 Suit for
Boy::. 40 Suits of Childs Also a number of Mens
and 13oy s Pants in all sizes. A choice line of our
Coats. ranging from S5 to 615 We are bound to
sell the above at a sacrifice price in order to make
roam for other goods.
Come Quick if You Want a
The speakers wets givers an excellent duce 5e, sold for Pk: Part II cost fl,
ready to t,e weighed and le- with sure
On rising to speak Mr. Gunn was would not be found wanting.
::earttlr selecmed- He was pleased hart. A't,1:i w BHUnvit
:o see so many out Int regretted tl. 11 r. Broder µ ho traa uexi cw1l••el u•
.►,caner c,f the ladies. though tl:• , �aiditiat ii t;e rc-erut,trd Aii- l,:r.
weather was unfit fur ladies to be ott•. ,.sits it must be because he war tai'.
He explained that he had prorni-' •t ;:+n'i.y and riot tasty good lock+r.g. 13•
;o wieit the different parts of the rid- -d Canada would neer need .r.
ing after tbe sessions of the Hou,•-.
t ',t business prevented it. Haring ii - fid the Laurier petty bed p: •
-.e1J his business be was uuw at greet- • 151 ", made their f,,11:Jar: -
--r liberty and promised to be here of- dar, ' the time of Free Trade.
Continental t'nicm or L nreatrict:-'i
When asking fur the =:tppott of the; jtc,preeity. then to Free Trade as :t.
;•.--11141.t. in 11111 be promi. to act and) England. Sow the Liberal leads; -
vote n.•cieutiously. He bad done so. wanted their. party to dance to tt,t-
Its 1.:i riot know whether the C'onser-' tune of baring ''kept their promise-,
would again nominate rim. a:t;en only one promise bed Jeers ke1,�.
If :..right_ If not the orammee As aeon at. they came into power
would receive his hearty support. The they adopted the C„nsei vative policy
party had redeemed South Huron at -.out a little frill on the old and honor -
the last election end he thought they akr3•e.•oat, called the ft ill "pre•ferenee`
wcsld retain :t, anti they had Deter been w :viii dress -
Tc the farmers he said the 1..iberalr_ t -d Lef;;re.- The L+t,eralt want t -•r,d
claimed to be their friends, but in 9 grrern umfiL sir Richard Cat tit • . bt
years they had reduced the duty on /54:41 (,:anode wtitt be made a
Bargain farm implements only trbile the ouctry to live in and to prod,:
Highest Price paid for product-
C'cr:servatiree :o 1(f) ears had reduced but Lb.ezpaditure had tt-en tr •
.t illi! . ' in Eleven years Ile paid the I.aberal;
When Laurier came into power he' lewdest, had bin:ply rlirnt•e-ei on the
said the Conservative expenditure of bcsnte the Censers atives had letitt and I
__ 42 millions was a shame and disgrace. .boated. Canada had been prosperous s
but this year the Liberals were spend- because of energy and path of the
ing 1215 millions of money -just three vefple, and feca•,*e of general prop=:
times the amount -an increase of an sty throughout the w-orld.
•:.inions in 11 year*. The C. P. R. bad been built by :Le
in 11i1; the excise ar.d custom duties Cr,Lkriative., faith the Liberal* Nos..
rr.te ataaal Cards.
Di G. r. lttotLsTO•. L r. r, n a L
Y e :.: H ce tin ICC LI E re ces.taris and Moot 1
srs�: -sate at T3evaso rt.:• ars.: a
C ret: L D. e, I',:.UC.: t - ar' 14 a La. 0f a e. s
=•r asakreta e farc,ee Lite.:..a. I"ariraa
Agent Confederation Life Assurance
Company. alto Vire tnturance in lead-
ing Canadian and British Companies.
Main -Se. Exeter.
For Sale or To Rent.
Utz A. 1 LL•rfltUr. L D. L. D. D. a • .
Sone t;ta'na.e a! gnat'. rsirerioxt •
Lt -- •
Tank siv.raied .'thaw: aa' pa a. et a:.. taed eat. -1.
awl :gr..? &,is eat fr"sa n e u -, laa:t. vast'
Mc •r Sail
Ar 1 .aLii:•T. It. 1t (T . • . ><L11 LLk
. C'tatia�e el Psysi^ata a• : •..,ta .:
Tams Si net !ae'ra•: Z Teras: - to rr: a -. B reap -It
lea:u re•na It . 1 t t`a aaa 1i•�e,uoe :,-t Las sty
te% Me sar'aa se °Oar. Earles. •:arae•
Di_ T 7 Y .at••ii:1�
-fie a: tr..ac an• • , - .•e, :a 7gtLa,a, Gera -a
.ca r,sti • ti •t.. -.a t''.: - t?,. •-::i rem,"
M F.& %an aid `T. -:a:
:saw • pad. (h.
Dr t►?s a :aL:•_'. • 1.aFI.:" -u tt.i1
Tata Smarms. c ea •r.v.-et a :.:ra•n:na+tates*-
aabeamn ire Sr.1K.a tart tt•.
a.M, t. Ulf a: •v..trc races tr :ar-er.R
i,dta 1 e T Farr: I -,,rt
LtCamas. tt i H .rle-y
f, a. , a 1atre a7a:.u1.; r1 1r,*a. 'nus, :c trim
t laza arse eater, pr p r.,e• a .res ranee a' t1:1!
SLAV" t lil•I': 1T.
taa.,*tatara t..t .-ern. !tan en is t-t•r 04
William Brown
I - : ;.7l.$ d Lyra 1t. a - 'teras' to
!as•-larrs Loran* (es.aa re Trus 'smart'
'Ats3.La-laser P' .*(.. St'F'aI L 1 .rrt,.*i nom
las.-_ Site+ to stets:.tet. I-i.i t.PM.
CK'Ar aao
rcxr�t• - r s-� c _ --as.s or
-- c a. sP..c. a':v
At". at•ailatele *-itbt r•neirie of 4
asidlo u -aa►`• art. s itaets It er r1y A
SPRING 1! y:.•:: ` ••r aM • . .
IP fibra eater N C ••‘-‘ • . r -t. gm- .
L .marry CO:..,.., r rw }w l . •..•
1 thee o.e its:tr•y -tee L
tb, trtr'nahease: ►t•: vmiar-
, 1tre+se,w" c:.r•►cr ,. • :Lame wt: a
trrwid attain more Char fed '::Air y e
up sACt7lwa
1 'skit CICar"lMR� t C>c+sataatr- :
tcre•»rttr•ra bt• Trl•+gr•afete. Ci t
rwe•*•rtne atriMtlat ttsr. Pesitaa*
0 ,n R• r• : • ,,,• :i.-.:.-.:---1,&.--.
OdttctL Bt:fw::fl:l Ccs..` r: ` 4
C,resrtr sp,,,,rt. F•-rtr:.;Jaa `
'L,• is***.**�essaa.1
• r.
• 1 .• - • . t a};rS :..
:. • : •, : r.Jd'seta-
.;.:r'. a . : _r. eT parte -aian
• • .er se to
• .:sw
• :mir+t. (rot
.esters, Le.A.a s. t Ctr.=nr
nar1Sr.a-a t
Lu -.:e/ reit
to tet . • re Stats a rarer: a
:t.r • ..t•.. 'ui.t, -T u :rt t.r,a d4weef * a: :
1 : r. trt 7 u. tt j tel day d tarca.hn seal
..: .. .. _ .:. :t roils* tier, u4 i .is 2 Unlit ta
v ' t ;to -reit 1-. ttirrti .rt :,'at
Ia-t•_ •• • • w Labe (Sere
(-tf Jr.ein Webber. late of the Towo*bip
cd tsh:.rr,.. in the Count H7r.:-t•.
loeeaoetc. deformed.
xtr.r.. basely r.• •T eees.a.t- -: a.. r9. tr "twat•
:n '3 :5 tare at..., • • • A5 au:
an ralror area Ors a some .4a,Ma
the t•,raa a ar o put e',44 W .:-T :..� d.rr t» t.
at. -n:• :to Milt day co /ta, 15: are r,atanteE to
;r t.••r'.M
1ST t►A' (4. I►EC'E14BEFt. A.D..14r-r
:t ,••-,: ' - p.w•ta.G :te. taht•satreose !••,ir-stn
t r :t., e.,.� • „•11p1, •:1 1r :tN ress:e it . r for- .1t.
•t ir • 6.1•;•••••••• ,.t,! A,••• -.it-, or s•.4 a •u:
Jat•Lrt:.a•7 ct :.Ars ^tame ATV: :we tta
:r to tae-ttra;tw air • twat 1•• :.tra1.
..1.5 1.1 -or a:.•• .a.r tie, :te Atrrtior_-a:--s
•,i t0...,*t k e,trrifitrt.:to aw•t. •1 :to out
-s-a.5 sumac :.M pa►e., -urns! :1+ -r -.r ,w•-:rr
.start Iwai, at net -trine 11 • tare toe.re staal nes
tees rt.,* r awes eesousrer. awe tea::te tar: An
nttaeraete.a •'!r th.r to hit* ttr .t.. ate: a•a• 1. '*
Noy par. :ter•rtf. St ant two .r .e.'nt. .• • lova
' ssIttr Naim 9151 tot tope tors ' •r.. •• :.Y s:
:ts, lair, rt wW4 dMVitr1Eant.
twin• JX [Bert ••i1N :tat �' to IF r. _H-
.;s!i;.-!c.rs for Admirisar-a'r;t. Exeter.
td ia.t.e stet -t :be -e.::;are
cf C•eetta .r -• t 4•va.ty td Ht..
rasa W>Is1Vvw. de• aeee.d.
t•uattats::., - •halm•• -f- - • Ir' t►( }Ila:•r•+
T.:area Sir Nteae* • tens '..est Vita: at •ta••c
.•n i•.r-x.40,•,^•+P• :,•i 'Mk t114 aFIRMAI .0* •-. • •r
. aN, r'rrnutt: wax .t ;1e a tlltrtR d r • • t..t►
• :To :,r.V,;:: .1 :• lain. •tor•• VW -8w(• et • ••..
tit .^•a 115.1 *1 sari. s It sIx aw- w tr" - -•
"be Stolt Day :f !C: react iter.
wars N•. SOMA worts -e sew taa0er.eparer t,wir,t:
▪ ter Use Load•* am" • eine., Sesta; t ;+t.
esrtaetneatrwt+.e rt taw *MA d :0. wart these sant
ter OArwtat ane aerrl,an,'7. t./Ye7., .. use M*r' '-
.not tea tut 515.5r-tuan tf Nrr -warns, rte Oar
•' •ACK e• wears r-�wras swot ar 11:-ute tr ta. 04.14•
•e. r .n' Wet' 0. item..
Aasr err -t.- .aa• ',r.. ,.a• a'r et. air n•tt•-
•ntreel lie*.• tar afte.rt,.r•a:tr . • is arn.�. t tir:•ii-
:.te :t• awns tr Styr seas.*. a wasps t. ► ono!.
ri�:e•C • t,. A• . -,A( yogurt cm.* so '.r.-
r•bt••t .w:••. dear :wet: awl t.•at Fs,..7. sect :Yat
n. Aaa.nuemisca► stn mit t. NA*, ter trw swat
• a" year La.",e'( t, sr' at•.•.n T r■••vv■er rr • Aeet
ars A•Vot • Irtlal ..• WV" Wet to-o.n.o. 0• '.a-••. U
t• 13114 v ow t tdfyl-tttKiww,
'tater r. rtt ser a,. fro As' e 'sheen a :
• a. ;a. tP
Am taw** alt 11 ewer; Ts;. •
at Viet ata•:•, awsa•4 ►iiiram esd A0'
were millions, Dow they were r. ing hard Against it, and that runner-:
miliioa=, ing link between the east sod we -
The liberals had promised to keep • had been of great benefit to Canada.
the land Inc the settler, but had sold ' He referred to the fact that wbe:.
, .51.,. ►f) acre. to the Satk•attbewan
Land Company for 81 an acre, and
they had re sold for $6i. 7;, to 812 an
acre: which was not lake the Whitney
Government, who the other day re-
fused t• sell one *million acres for one
one millic•a dollars_
He claimed the day would come
when the Gottert,ulrtmt would tee lorry
for the ela.aa of in) n.igrants they we -re
ge•ttieg into the Northwest -I- foglisb
e-atking people from older Canada
should bare the prrfereocr. tent ma-
tte -ad of tbi* the Doakabohr,. Galician,
etc-. were rapidly fining up that
He newer Doped t'• be as clever as
Dr. Cbisbolm. who was extensirelr
the C•onservatires went out of power
they went ,Jut poor men, but tear. y
Liberal leaders eleven yearn ago we:-
e:po r. but now were EWUiooasres. .�
men in p-•liti^s can ber:tne millioaair-
ea ac : : hxettly.
(.'. • r able rrfesence was tra kde by
the •; -.Ater to the corruption that had
crrf-: -.u, the Liberal party although
a�t L • eat Liberals detested it.
Tt.•:' is only one cure for lad
goverouneot acid that it p•.sblic v;. • ' n.
No matter what party is in s• n>r
only good government stjuld be •.
ilii- CHL►H=n-x.
Oo rieir.g to speak Dr. Chisholm.
for tale -ted roe -to Ger t___ Past Hcar*._J.
tested b the Eog1isti magazines. or
lir. Broder, who oat known as the • R•='ke very highly c•f the ezee- l'- • '
Atte Lrnt•oln c -f Canada. but be had wc•rk dune by South Har ort . we -w . •
Gem hire. •-reedit for towing the f5 ...•t Mr. Guru. pat -Lit -Astir in c. rnruitxs••
matter of erurirsg emigr-aats. and
looking man in the Home of Ce He dealt at warn. korai with rte
!:ad beet nor a [ober al, bis stated that the Claris of ett,freanfat
first rete was LebiraL but be bad we- bac':azLt to Octavio w!•rr istgtly from
been the beet for the c suotrr aid be we'll' t.vt at all ►J'teitde f' -`t tarty 11°'•••1
bad est -'e identifsed birr,«e-lf w:tt that ret. He Kate in..ac,:x•s of for lits:•
Farts But should the ce.aet0Tatise they ktew of farm bfr. and wad thet
iced that for Cootsertalire p aiee had the anis of the ci::rs :•! PI,T and
pattc offer }•g ea •r that was ta! <a tkr tF14,0. o colloe'c'uristt •nrytraotn was
:parr t.orrupt Lt wc•::r_' ;;2tter tri -4 d+tte't vest: }great oat givrt tL•
w 6o worked in the Cities ••f
bold with theta. ++tig�etta
H1lnfas tilt xax terxnv thrF exr•Jld make more
rn:'re-y- He *aid that If the formers oaf
lir. &hater considered :t a tiraIr:::C each davtnct wet and rlrtsd one of
tt• epeak '.:• bis old fret -,ds a! Exeter tbrwaerires tr, arc. rev Fr+glued during
d.istri t the r neer a! the pubdae expellee better
P.a-ardit,f tbe it'e4;Htare ••f the la -to rt.ta;tr t: •:,d trt ae• vred. tie .bey could
R-:*, 6,eeri tt,etit be Baa ad it t+•oti ods: ' rr: t Lets f r•t so the rural districts t4
Lilt 01 a sears .r.'1 os 1Licb tbe *snare the mother laud. )dr- GvtuG. tar *a id.
prrtbed it et5• .r:t r. ast ae:Le t::r•a.':• oat-a,rr!;' y wrack: -g c.at for rrrr..irrs-
rrs stall cont; ,; ;;.-,.r^ s load - : • reed t,t,a Prr>tie u; and he boiled wc•ald se-
b:•st :be late 1raa•-r1:u.r: t (-K.Lar: cure t,ettrr irstsstia.t.a-•r. along't4rrs )cue.
I 'CtrMY 1rKKrt DaWett.►ttett.- Tr re alt''r- The e)e%ta-■os are ootuing salt. if Forss
oey general t.departsr ettLwhg k *.b -•..1d fl:.d the w -n -t dtrtee g-x,a. the Liber''
be very cleats hod akrc'Te reUor art: .woad ieadere 14vt.bf ai ke.Y' them an. ;5 •, .
teen very ecatrupt. bat the petite bad turn :'nevi r'.t. Yotm all. tb►e �.•:
seen :be • .rr. vpt.trra and ga :T. Lay 51035 a.. gr+, ..d.;r a t,d t.e
a.n iRstaeatstmajority. t:.,.rct:re t.tAy alb:tt.estEVICT-re
wjr tit Lt[ of the road w rk of 'bort 1`•t.
«-L. for y (soeeroarrt : be tneatittoed '.taw k-sg of he .n,crr.r. c4 rot ye ua
the large PrTesaiaes sec iwerd from Lbs tare tar aa..l it was at•.e r. alar:• • r
pr.•sitt,r. -i na: trial retssc+ur;,e►.tbe f weer . 5D3 w k . r -e "on s r :ra t *gat.:,* . 1
Us*DSA,. 5Ct- slut •Xr:;td Ma:.•.a •': to that ttat'J:'t
7' ,% 04 57 11,...r"r.w t4 "-t 0!• e•ra tot t was t..••.. a :. TLe
pslide and as •r.i '.
:■tial tai of �`° mous brad t,e•. r- K; :as.derttd. pt:'• .•.
Frey stale artier? dcnrttre •r-atkt were w■r•rts woe:• -t at,d the i,at,ot,s:
Thi* Ras rirb: beemus* :be ;.e•''.. Lad delft itiereas•ed..
Lei;.ed Wad !base •s oat. t'F '•.N a♦ The G. T-Pat:itr. was tert.itwted L,
rs Etr:.er. r►•edittae•v a'.,d I ttrt.•to Lad ;pelt tine peiai■ee d'iyt.rtr.,1V1'. It bad art•
:s 'TT Rtittaf. Tbs tate, :tn* te- re•radv stases Mk_1_cl(f.,,tffii.IA teat ).:'.3e of
, ,-- we'-* tel cr:e; t y tbe �,.-,r. _ t;. : b. :,• t towel d ter+- dtar- u•sx r
of the
• • :.•• a t-c'Ir •tbetr. Par: „t base. letsrk.. iti'i.rt r,-,o,feietesd,t would
r . • tt.s5
•. . 'ba••''t T!'+•ri-.t.-t -s►r. a !at,i.}trur et.n. H* :L:ro4'6t c•see
• ••a•] • ',tat• •:•• •- - - :tK : N , ' • rt►•. '.77
n ,,..T •r,=• • r t • -. `' v.' ii' a( t t,!t t n:■: g-r.r rrea* s5 w ter
1 ...d ., y,., ....e•ae nets... •d..`1 . to (,-o,eeri a:. 1.4 was.beed t✓. }t TIF;'.
a•. Ors • Aga. ::F: tbmrt that0 • : ;a rs - '. . err: t w bt L tar rlrltt:"•:et .10Aro were sa.krd :.o pay tbestoaa:i' 1: tt ;::,I sotempo tattut::r7 re lo -.wood ter t.4.a
day for the Leer of their m'-11.7.07 el. r6 1 'ttett:: ei P13154'.t.V? :ler 1r.1
it.e sou-t•et a wet t=ria: r•et•trur ne w bats uo •t >R•" : n= •-..::t,e7 and Lase ;rex t/.r t•
w..:n5j' e ." :be Pet/0Y 04 a 04btrle .» ;:,.T :•.ya' .•t? te■••e ■ti :ttg a 1.iLit■taatr+•t
• to t e•c ft" the k.-treett of ',toe assn 00, - .� i. t.15 . wr •t tel •xaaret !raw 1.t4
stir Tbs ..ip ruct tt taaaaetssl lard said t-:a.'W:,t i..rtto•
tv iRM
;14.111Kit was ho.`' a•4 tt 411' ass'e's• tt a tis tit :'t,Nt. k•s It as • testae -544 Ili•
Ite•sa): tw vivre tut;rwo-e !to (,s. his Ike am* o.Ui• u(We,a.t (We t wL r. ►
*+:tit :wire* wire. leaky tba'est.i be htfrttd M eadoenie. .
*sate*: t e rot :1 PO5 *V'►Y -_ ._..
tt,* T' -'n 'is. awe..., a: :u.m.'vtee
--!•T.•rSAP la at t...• ,n•f. ja•r rK lit) . F. Pt st.-? s•K: t: Itf^::
e!•rsare,tr: lead *pit tat:s,•ra.: lattrads ice We6a7.sday•
ur Poultry Prices
(1 ressed
ba Cash, 9i Tilde
11 " 12 "
5 61
8 " 9
3 A 4
Hens dressed 5 " G
Geese and Ducks, heads oft' 8 • 9
The above is for Al poultry- •scalded } price.
Poo,-, skinny poultry not wanted at any price.
Prices subject to change without native.
Auction Sale
Farm Stock and Implements
The uSercerted au' • _ .•tgip t,4
LOT 32, C'1`"• 1, U51101tNE
AT 1 O'CL(JCK hIIA1tl'.
The fol• esitg in„�rtl:
1f OE .tie -1 horse rising e' n. ,1 bares, rix: u z 4. 1
drivinrgit mare. iy re; 1 brood cdt vistas t )taro
C*TTI.X -1 "Atti , due to raise isJancaary; t s a
In F,t/mart _ cvs to Ape t; 't rattle routing 1 ? re
Ater,.. , • .
1)4 •: ^' Iou,tnr eb<' -
-. , Mor. opt* two', (Otetr r
• • . . ti 4r;1, bay rase. warner •' - • • -, •
. - 1: 5*, set harrrwr, hand,: •
•ray rattsr,rra�a•tadieic e('.1 ', ft ••;t
• aiiadrt, Naswill Cao•rr• la►d •
r .. -ri• *25, rope* and slime, aJJt tank
z' Y snadsiae, risers. as d..•.t,ie bat-
art s.- a•;• I 7
,tv, faclanrra. i y eta t
rt•r, no..•k)okra, trrke r1,•'_e a•.sJ rake- f
.toe c• ar:AP/tit te, L,t•nti•x,
":1. r 5' : - 4 and reader e-aub; s,rtf that a.,-v,bt :(i
x,:4a seelit ors furn;..,rrpr appruied print r'5..
r • e:;t. 'A fr.: •1.r•: rn ' rad: -t tow/55U.
P i..ly uo ft*. r. s i t J r•.yr.*(oe t,a.. 4 L.
(;. F. CASE THOS, HHt)'.WN
Pr r,pric tor Auctioneer ;
Estray Steer.
Ayeas-lea atter,-..eaJ!+fviftr•..e
ttu+ritx:btw.'San, *;•:rvi .
::.. : ..r sa,
Mere of (rater vire is u t car. Ka'1) ..ad `r r•-.
semina to A. A aCEI5 1'.b, ri:rktm, 05 :o tit... •
Clubbing Hates
We can equal any dub-
bing rate offered. Call
and see.
('rand Henn
tor, Hbarrow and Jauare chit have
the carpenter vi or k completed on the
new blacksmith shop of Itubt. Pollock.
-Lou Jeffrey. fireman in Kalbtleisb'r
flex mill et %nrich, intends moving
bis dwelling to Ht. Joseph. ---The reve-
nue of the Grand Bend port office for
ninemonths ending Marcs, 'eat was
$Lrf1.81. The salary of the rN,st/natter
is $t) per year. firewater toad $19.41
revenue the past nine months. ,'e•at'y
salary of postmaster
1'r,M-- MUG 1,ri1)`--Ill (;rand Rapid.,
Obits. 05) Nr,v ith, Mr, pm rink W.
K. Torn of Toledo, .r,rt of Jr.3Janne-.
Torn of Exeter, to Mita Mary 1'. M
(; i niton,
RYA'. eti (;L.4t•f1>- At 31t. Cenral
ctiotch. Nov. "rl• by Rev. Father
Footer. Matthew Reagan to Mita
Mary (;twain, both r,f Mt. ('armei.
Winne- (f Suerat-.an- At Ilublin, err
Nov. 215, \'ale-ntio-'Wild., of Stan-
ley. to Wait Agnes.'I.uighter of blrs•
Peter (YSullirat.. of fit. (:oluu,lran,
NMI,. - in ?arrantt,.v. 21. Mai y
11 4gine, wife et John tieil, former-
ly e:f Lucas• Aged 11 yeast.
11 1,1,411tIi 11. t_'alga -• t•-• s - 2,
'Msrt(stet lierxrr,iah, +alts of Jaw,e+►
11 • dies d, aged i4 yr.'s*. 10 moot/ie.
7 vi/JS--in Stanley, Nov. 25, 'J to
Janet Tayl'.r, ager! 411 yeas..
J',fis►(r•iK-lo liar, Nov. Vii, Hr•t. Ar.•
C74- ' Jch►iy!r,r,,
mg. -41 72 ye••`
(J i, rt :• h Vs ST r,(. it ',l•
Watches, Je41 ellery, Silvcry►are, Toilet
Sets, Etc•, Etc..
has jw5t been opened up and we may
safely say that this is the finest st,ock
'hat has ever been shown in Exeter.
Our Coods are at Prices
They Will Suit You
Call and Examine Early
Exeter. Ont.
Prepare for the Winfer
and S11.%:.,;tr.> 'VR:,
$31 to SW.
Art Harr a;, Ar ' ('li i l 11 r',ot' FX (I r*u
$32 Up.
A f':' H.�tter►• ,'rvrss
:1• to :11
�v,t•4 Pip 1"K. E:tioxtt 1(1. Ital:, rt i'a at,i
ON.f.' Pia Yzatubtlt 2iy_ f>tut"- li(sarlit and toil
j(f : r,rit, f', urrle'r gvn'et fr fn
Vo''t-I; trip ft, d'!nk and W i rflow'k K ',apt
(%)71. {Jr', lYJt J:: Pct-rri;`J tAir,j' 1 A 2
ply 552 'P' T WJ*2a t.