Exeter Advocate, 1907-11-21, Page 4Grand Opening OF Fall and Winter Goods. We have just opened up an ins. Meuse import order of Scotch and English goods in all the LATEST SHADES. Our success in the past hatl.been due to our knowledge that Honest; Goods and Honest Prices must prevail,ingarment., which npl•eal to;the better class of trade. CA LL;EARI.Y. J. H. Holtzmann CItE1)ITON 4xeter AbuoI ate, Sanders & Creech. Props. Grant Bend Fled rage and W. Love .,ie busy waking biit k f. r the now blacksmith shop, erected oy It ,l,t. Pollock here. - Mr. Shrpbetd and 31r. Me•lu►au with their waves of Tb• silos spent Suoday at the home of Mr. G avclle.- Ruben Wilson's home bits been gladened by the arrival t f a little sou. Both moth- er and babe are doing nicely. -Mr. Dent of 31itcl:ell b pent Friday here.-- Bert Statten and Wes Mellen left bast week fur the lumber woods. -E. Gill and A. (iravelle petit a few days at Pt. Frank last week, -Sam. Pettier of Ailsa Craig spent Sunday here with relatives. -Mrs. Campbell and daugh- ter of St. Joseph are the guests of Mrs. Carriere.-James llrophey spent Sat- urday with E. (fill. -Walter Statten spent Saturday at Parkhill.-- Rev. J. W. Baird, B.A., of Sarnia, a former pastor on this circuit, has accepted an Invitation to become pastor of Hyatt Avenue Methodist. church, London, af- ter June next. subject to the action of the stationing committee. Hensall .Hiss Carling has returned to Clinton after a visit at Mr. Stewart's, London Itoa1, during the week. --The G.T.R. people contemplate the erection of a tine new station here next summer. -- Wm. Buchanan is showing some signs of improvement. His son Peter arrived Monday from Montanna.-Chas. Clark and wife have moved to Exeter. --12. White of Toronto visited at A.Brandt's over Sunday. -Mr. Jatnes Joynt has received his first-class certificate and intends taking a year, 'ti' :ue= a\'`%it"Irtl► ��.�Qlr,' T' ttt:tton.-Mrs. Ed. Shaffer - ..s.' of Toronto'. is visiting in this vicinity. unossesse•........---..•--• 190,'r Her many friends will he sorry to learn that .the is not enjoying very e>w� Food health. •--A number attended the illEll( informal hot -tat the Opera House Fri- t rS day evening. _ All report at very pleas - 'y col u ant tithe. -M ass Lulu Hemphill has re- ¢ci� in p eau yes ) turned.to her horse in Wroxeter.- showe A veryinteresting meeting was held • � f d loss ensIble � g R n fresult- at the Leas:ue• Monday evening. Mrs. gs• Gault], a u Iissaonary from Lormoisa, n I)et n ,tand bee two tiaughtera were present. (;O a >tIt who' The little g iris • sang in Chinese long - Mine" .cage. while 31 fa. Gauld gave a very efie Wash- "Interesting ad. tress. She also showed done doesn't' a numbsr o f ci si•ios which she brought the gnvete nae i r rt want. t. 'from China .- A good attendance was at the tenor ee';ing Wednesday night. - H. A. E. Kent, '!tri.:-. of the. Will H.lrbu ri 1 18 enjoying a few days s -board of education, hitt beets-te in►- i hunt in Say Ontario. He sent home ed registrar for West Toronto, in silt.- se +lossdessar on Monday. This makes cession to Dr. Beattie Nesbitt, who three that v.ere sent to Hensall this • has resigned to re-enter politics. The week. -Dr. Wilson of Zurich was in salary is $5000. town Sunday night. -Wilfrid Hough- ton, who has been ill with an affec- tion of the heart. is getting along nice- ly. -The Misses Carrie and Anna Mac- arthur have returned from a visit in Stratford. While there they attended the coming-out dance of Miss McPher- son. -Mr. Kendrick,who has sailed the lakes during the summer, has returned home. -Dr. Sellery's sister Miss Olive is very ill at her home in Kincardine. Her tunny friends here wish her a:speedy recovery. The Dr. spent a few days there during the week. -Miss L. Ortwein left this week for London where she has accepted a good posi- tion.-Mrs.tlitwk visited at Rev. Kerr's at Clinton during the week. -The la- dies of Carmel church are making pre- parations for the bazaar to be held on Dec. 0. -Rev. Going of Exeter will oc- cupy the pulpit in the Methodist church next Sunday. -D. Deters and wife have returned from Toronto. They took their 5•yearchild down tO the city where it underwent an opera- tion on its limbs at the Sick Children's hospital. -At the crystal celebration held by Mr. and Mrs. James Troyer at their home in Seaford' an Nov. 8, is number of friends from here drove up and presented the couple with a hand- some upholstered pallor suit. easy rockers, hat rack and several other articles, white their friends at Seaford' also made very suitable presents to thein. 31r•. and firs. Troyer have the hest wishes of all and may their lives reach the century mat k. - W David. fortn(•rly sec(' f,•►in)In heie)tnd whip was tiansfer'red to llelgreve and later to London, has gone to Clinton where he intends reuoaining.-in speaking of �Ir. 1inrnld's reniova1 from 1 'inghaml The American Government has or- dered that the new gold coinage shall not have the words "In God We Trust" on it. President Roosevelt says the motto has been cheapened by being placed on so base a tiling as money. The waterworks by-law in Clinton, carried by a good majority on Septem- ber 30. is being attacked by the oppon- ents of the scheme, and the case will come up for trial at Osgoode Ball Thursday. The grounds of objection are that no poll clerks were appointed; thatthe clerk acted as deputy return- ing officer; that there were irregular- ities by one of the deputies, and also that the by-law was given its third reading too soon. It looks as though the Montreal Star might have greater success in -securing an education for Ton Long- boat, the Indian runner, than the Tor- onto Globe. The (.lobe tried in vain to raise by subscription the necessary funds. The Star offers to foot the bills for such education, while Hugh Gra- ham Iota promised to give bite $2(N$) at the end of lige years, if he is still an amateur )athletic and of good report in .sport and in character. The Postoflee Department in it statement to the press directs atten• tion to the fleet that the public should understand that, whereas since Christ- mas, 1898, they have been able to send letters to Great Britain and all p tits of the British Empire for tw.. cents letter half ounce, they can now ave.! a weighing up to one ,• soca for t cents. It, is 110 longer :e• •.•s- a. v to employ very thin paper to - •ii 1 .a latter of moderate length to to eat :. c..are-pondent says: Mr. 1iarold is oroneto e -) . • 1. Britain ne the colonies f r two t. a congratulated on his promotion. cents, and it brings the sten f .rd of 11•• It l- been 21 years 10 the Cos etn- weight into conformity with o teat in piny end certainly merits the pronto - Ilse for domestic cot'respondeis ,•. tion for it is safe to say that Winghanl never had it more obliging or efficient agent, nor the G.T.R. a tuore faithful official. The shippers and travelling pnblie have appreciated his courtesy and will miss hire at-. the wicket. Din- ing his rive year:.. stay here he has male hosts of friends. and has taken it lit ely interest in the 13o.u'd of trade and all that concerned the welfare of the town. As sapei ii,tendent of St. Andrea's Sunday school he will he much missed." Mr. Harold's many friends here wish hint continued suc- ceed at Brantford. Farelithar. The anniversary services of Bethany church on Sunday were very success- fur. services being held in the Presby- terian church morning and evening, conducted by Revdy. (fining and Fear of Exeter respectively. The attend• ance was good on h0111 ncrasio).. - Rev. Fletcher 18 slightly i,idisposed. - The many friends of Will Stewart, who has been seriously ill of typhoid typhoid fever rind pleurisy. will he pleased to know that he is at time Of writing. recovering, )elthnugh slowly. -The gospel meetings held in the hall the past week were fairly well attend- ed and the discourses well worthy of attention, hat the disturbance created outside during the services should lint be tolerated in it civilized country. The gnilty p trties rine known and should he made an example of. My Hair is Extra Lona Feed your hair; nourish it; give it something to live. on. Then it will stop falling, and will grow long and heavy. A', is Hair Vigor is the only genuine hair -food you can buy. It gives new life to the hair bulks. You save what hair you have, and get more, tuo. And it keeps the scalp clean and healthy. . hest kind of a t-attmoniat- i.t for over nasty years." k Ned, by t. o. Ayer e `e . Lowell. Idew. Also aumu aolurera Or Sa itS IPA11LLA. Mtis. 1 is cP141 1Y PECTORAL. Grantor' George Pullyblenk has been appoint- ed public school teacher at Valley City, Alta. -Clare Webb is visiting his parents in Toronto.- Miss Teressa Radcliffe is visiting her sister. Mrs. J. Park, of lateen.- Thos. (1. Carter of Alaska is visiting his patents, Mr. and Mrs. Carter.- Mies Eva ('atter has been re-engaged its principal of Gran- ton public school fur next year, and Mise Evelyn Bailey of St. Marys has been engaged es assistant teseher.- Jack Forest and Wis Lizzie Pothering - ham were united in the holv bonds of niattin 0117 on Tuesday. Nov. l2th. We extend one best wishes for their solute h'.ppin.•ss. -- Elisa 2.angfmd has returned to London, after a pleasant visit here.- A rorresnondent says: "Rev. D..1. ('ornish, curate of Trinity Amalice!' church, St. Thotnns, has been appointed to the pit ish of Wanton and w111 enter upon his ditties about the middle of December. Since taking charge of the ceraey of Trinity chur:h his gond Ivor k among the yours,; peo- ple of the chinch has b,'en n matter of touch commendation. ile leaves with universal regret and the hope that his n\v anrronndirg' may hr both con- genial end agreeable to him."- -The death of Robert Weir oce urre•el Thurs- day morning and in Lis passing Was removed orie of the oldest and beet k1) 'ten pioneers of London township and Granton district. Mr. Weir was born in London Tp. In 1821. and had lived thele end in London ever Pince, Until about eighteen years ego he wee engaged in fnrmirg on the 111 con. of London Tp. after which he moved to the city. Mr. SVeir recently lost the sight of both eyes. Deceased was n brother of Mrs. Jaynes (!rant of this tarty Corbett W. J. Pollock has shingled his shop. It adds greatly to the comfort and al.- pearalice of the building. - -Marion) Laurie left for her home in Rebecca, after spending six wee ks with friends in this vicinity. -Win. ‘Vhitt•side is at present laid tap with a bot -e knee but under the skilled care of Dr. Caw & Nilson, we hope soon to see hint atound again. -The trustees of the school hers. engaged Miss Lydia Sher- ritt, daughter of John Sherritt, for teacher for next year, Miss Fraser having taught her three years here. - 1). Morrison, of the lath con., Mt. Car- mel, is giving up fat•ining and on Mon• day had a clearing sale of farm stock and implements which brought good prices. -The Corbett Dairy Co. com- pleted their season's make of butter last week and the factory closed until next spring. Thistles been one of the most successful season's the company has bad, they having shipped over .17 tons of butter. Prices were also good, over $20,000 being realized by the farmers of the vicinity for their milk. It is needless to nay that the manage- ment as well as the farmers are well pleased and prospects are good for another successful season. Mr. Good - hand has been engaged for another year. McGillivray Marybel Brownlee has returned to Parkhill to resume her duties at the High school.-Robt. Scafe, after a pleasant visit here .vith his son, John - —I' lled.tt)-hiv home in ! abel- bt County, Mich. -Geo. Baynton has returned from bis trip to the West. - Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Paxton have mov- ed here front Moray, having rented a farm from Geo. Saunders. -The F. F. Club intend holding their first assemb- ly sonletirne in the near future. -Hy. Hodgins' house is looking like new again, He has it bricked over and is now having a coat of plaster put on the inside. Messrs. A. Nichol and P. Schram are the contractors. -Most of the farmers of this vicinity have their fall work completed. The weather. for this kind of work could not have been more favorable. --Duncan A. Graham, a former resident of this vic- inity. a native of McGillivray, we re- gret to learn is suffering front a severe attack of inflammatory rheumatism, being confined to his home at Wan- stead. Mrs. Graham is also very ill at present. -The auction sale of the late Alex. Campbell's estate was held on Saturday and was very successful in- deed. The farm of 100 acres was pur- chased by D. Witherspoon for $0,000. He now has the whole Campbell estate of 200 acres, which cost him it little over $10.000. The stock, etc.. at the sale sold well. Jets. Anderson proved himself a capable )auctioneer. -John Nickleo, teacher of S. S. No. 13 has been engaged by the trustees of S. S. No. 11. on the?thcon.. for next year. Miss McLean of Nests, and J. Mot -ton's 'are giving up their schools at New Years -the latter expecting to go into electrical engineering, the former to attend o g N rural. -A deer which made its escape from the park at Grand Bend some time ago, was seen by Mr. McEwen at the southern terminus of the 18th con. of McGillivray one day last week. Hisdeershtp took fright at the unexpected and sudden appearance of a stranger and gently gliding over fences, ditches, etc., sought refuge in the interior- of Wrn. Reid's bush. The proprietors at Grand Bend were in hot pursuit. -Orchards have turned out a touch better vield of apples than was estimated. This will be a good thing for some of the buyers who paid big prices when the prospects looked poor. and when the British nett ket was ex - expected In be :ouch better. 11)1111 it is. Apples made a very :spill growth since Sept. 1 and the standard size hits im- proved as the season advanced. St anley. DE.t•rn.--Peter Fidler, of the 3rd cmc., passed peacefully away on Thurs- day. Ile had been ill for several years. Deceased spent a summer in the Vest; and bast winter in California, with the hope that tha change of climate would prove beneficial. Bid,although he felt better at the time, there was no permanent improvement. He. how• ever, was possessed of great pluck, and, although for from well. was around until within a few days of his death. He Ittten(led the anniversary services and tea meeting in Sr. An- drew's chinch, in Kippen, of which he was an officer, and an active and use. fill member. His mother died about two years ago, sand his father only about two nnmthe ago. 'Mr. Fisher why jest 41 years ,and 5 tuonthstif age. He was burn on t he farts nn which he lived all his life, and from which he was taken in death. He is survived by his widow and four children. two boys and ton gide. Mrs. Fisher is the youngest daughter of the late Hugh Love. Mr. Metier was a quiet. Indus- trious, well doing young roan. who possessed in n high degree the ennfld- ence and esteem of all who knew hien. and his early death is regretted by a barge circle of friends. But it is in the home that he will be most missed. as he was it kind and thoughtful husband and indulgent parent and the sincer- est sympathy of all will be extended to Mrs. Fisher and her fin herless little ones on )account of their irrepatable Inas anal in this the boor of their very severe bereavement. The funeral took place on Sat4,rd-ay end was largely at- tended. It was conducted by Ret. ('ignhart, of Kippen. and the remains were inter red in 11 did's cemetery. Wist)t►1No--At With noon net Wed- nesalay the home of Mrs. John Reid, Sr., was the scene of a very pleasant evening, it being the Occasion of the marriage cf her }congest daughter. Miss Rachel. to ,iamey AVebeter, a prosperous young farmer of neer Lurk now. The bride wag beautifully gowned 111 cream silk and wool and entered the pat lor nn the arm of het. brother, Hobert Reid, while the attains of the wedding nl )rrh were being piny- ed layrd by Miss Laura Rieherdann. The Rev. John 'McNeil of Bayfield was the officiating clergyman. After the cele- tltnny and congratulations were over the guests repaired to the dining room and partook of it very sumptuous din• ner. The bride's travelling costume was of Mark silk. Mr. and Mrs. Web. ster left on the afternoon train to spend part of their honeymoon in Lon- don and other placers. The emigrate - !Atkins and gond wishes of the whole community are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Webster for a long. happy and prosperous married life. 5 or 5001 or 5,000,000 - -they are all a:Ike. Each biscuit as light as if made by fairy hands. Baked to a golden russet brown. So fresh, and crisp, and temptinti, that just opening the box is teasing the appetite. And you find a new delight in every one you eat. Von get perfection when you get Mooney's Perfection Cream Sodas eo Zurich Miss Irene Douglas, who has been suffering from a severe attack of meas- les, is convalescing. -John Kipper.has accepted it position with L. Prang 118 blacksmith. -Louis Jeffery and family will move into Gottlob Merner's block in a day or so. -J. I'. Rau and wife have returned from a pleasant visit in Michigan, Walkerville and Bell River. Philip Bedard tune rented the house va- cated by John ilfittelholtz.-J. J. Mer- cer has closed down his evaporator. - Rev. Gischler conducted services in the Evangelical church on Sunday. - James Iloward, formerly of Blake, but who for the past few months has had a position in Goderich, has accepted a position in Harland Bros.' store at Clinton. -C. Fritz, John A. True►uner, F. W. Hess and John H. Schuettler have returned from their duck hunt at the Bend. -Jacob Haberer has re- turned from Toronto. While there he attended the fruit show and bee keep- ers' ineeting.-Henry Bannerman of New Hamburg and Chris Bechler of Tavistock visited friends here during the week. -J. J. Merrier will move temporarily into Dr. Wilson's dwelling until Jno. Schnell's house is complete! when he will move into the D. Stein- bach house which he has leased from S. Rennie for n term of years. -E. O. Weber of Berlin gave a very interest- ing address at the Y.P.A. meeting on Tuesday. -Much sympathy is express- ed for 11 Well, his sister Louisa (Mrs. Hunsperger) having suddenly passed away in Cathisn►et. Wash., a few days ago, at the age of 00 years. 2 months. -Milne Nannie was waited on at his home the other evening by the choir of the Evangelical church and present- ed with it handsome fob. Mr. Rennie is their leader and this was the way they took to show him the high es- teem in which he was held by them. A very pleasant time was spent by all. -John ,3littelholl--h and family have moved to Hensall. where the former holds a good position in the flour mill. We wish them every happiness in their new home. --J. J. Werner has re- covered from his recent illness• -Tho Lutheran parsonage is undergoing re- pairs. The old wood furnace is being taken out and a coal furnace put in and other improvements made. The new pastor Rev. Maas of •Preston is expected to arrive in ca few weeks. -An important businesschange took place last week whereby Heiman Well, who has Leen in business here since 1873, disposed of his furniture and harness business to Chitties liartletb. Mr. Well retains the organ and piano buss• nese. 31r. Hartleib also secured the stand on the corner for $1200 and his intention is to build an addition to ac- comodate his hardware business. - Moses Geiger recently had five pigs worried by dogs. One pig was killed and two may die. MAKE OTHERS HAPPY Do not compel someone to rub your aching back or limen this %tinter, but start right in and take Bu'Ju It will clear sour system of Rheumatisw and all other Kidney diseases, making you happy, consequently others. 50c a boo at Drug Stores or by Mail. 97 flit run. s CtI UICAL CO. lhtNe4. WClaSYL OM. THF DAVIS 4, . Inti REE makes the line come to you. You simply stand in one spot and spin the lin- by catching it here and there to hang the clothes as you sort them out of the basket. A child can operate it. Wr sill send the "Davis" on trial and approval to any one. \o cash required with request. Write tis for particulars. not THE DAVIS REEL CO., Dos 165. LONDON • ONT. GOLD MEDAL — FOR -- Ale and Porter AWARDED JOHN LABATT AT ST. LuUIS EXHIBITION 1904. Only medal for Ale in Canada. Fultatton: Olive Ilene, eldest daugh- ter of James Robinson died on Sunday at the age of 1 yens, ti months. WAREHOUSES --AT- EXETER, -A'1'-- EXETER, CENTRALIA AND CLANDESOYE Hig est Price paid for Grain RICH. SELDON (Successor to Joseph Cobbledick) 7111, - Largest and Best CENTRAL STRATFORD, ONT. Hy being the best this school has become the larg- est business traiding school in Western outarto. Our enrolment again exceeds that of a )ear ago. Why' Because our courses are thorough and prac- tical with specialist° in charge of our Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy departments. All our graduates obtain good positions. You rnay enter now. Write for free catalogue. ELLIOTT & McLACHLAN, Principals THE MOLSONS BANK (incorporated by Act of Parliament 1,,55) Head Office, Montreal Head Montreal Capital Paid Up Reserve Fwiil Capital Paid Up Fund Assets Over $3.200,000 8.1100.000 $3,200,000 3,000,000 33,000,000 IXTY-TWO BRANCHES IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA EXETER BRANCH - OFFICE HOURS 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. SATURDAYS, 10 a. m. to 1 p. a., A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current rate of interest allowed acing Bank Departments Until further notice Interest on Ratinggs accounts will to credited quarterly instead cf halt cea►lr as formerly. Deposits of $$ and upwards re&-ela ed. Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government. DICKSON & CARLING, Solicitors. N. D. IIURDON, Manager, Nowhere Does Strength Count for More In a Savings Company Nothing is more reasonable than the demand all people make that they be assured of the strength of the Company with which they deposit their money. The Huron & Erie satisfies this demand. It has been a sound financial institution for more than forty years each year gaining in strength, and gaining in the good esteem of the public. These figures show its present It Commands Confidence. satisfactory position: Capital sub- scribed, $3,500,000; Capital paid- up, $1,900,000; Reserve Fund, $1,600,000; Assets, over $11,- 000,000. Nearly $10,000,000 are invested in first mortgages on the choicest farms and other real estate in Western Ontn. n Deposit your money here, or buy a Huron & Ede Debenture. Correspondence gladly entered into. TfIes-] Loan & Savings Co.; London, Ont. NOTICE Regina Watches, when sold without an Official Guarantee, tt and by other than an authorized age;1t.nre li:fhlr. to he Second - Hand \iataies, taken in trade or procured in some other second-hand way. 1 ata the only authorizcu Official Agent here, and am the only one who can issue an Offic- ial Guarantee which will be re- spected by other Official Agents throughout Canada. A. MARCHANT), the Jeweller, EXETER, ONTARIO. Clinton: The wife of Rev. i).- Stew. art was railed to Toronto on Monday, owing to the set lolls illness of her sec- ond son, Walter. who may undergo Ian operation for the removal of a turner from the hasp of the brain. His condition is Critical. • Seafo!tie: Dr. T. Nilson. who has just completed a course of -roily in dentistry at (•Itirngn, wag In 108311 on a short visit the first part of the week. Ile left on Tuesday for Totolltn where he will remain for a few days '.)siting relative!. Ile expecte to sail for Indi� .,n the of ibis month,