Exeter Advocate, 1907-11-21, Page 3BANK R(ANAGER FOGIIT
Dving Robbery of La Banque de St. Jean
napiervillo, Quebec.
A despatch fmnl \L'ntreal says: Early
'Thursday mooing let !temple de St.
J, :tar. at Napicrvrlle, Quc., w•ua rob -
',el. A1r. Paul 1triudt, Inui nger, wu.i
nee ±tel asleep abrive Flue bank, when he
gibe t•,vr,keltrd :11111 ordered to reline
JO" stairs. Ile nwohe to find three
'misled ruon -00,1 one mimeskcd facing
hill %vitt' lotlded revolves. At Ori
the manager 1l:oug;hl it rust be some
1ughtii nn', but the shrieks; of his wile,
%110 was nls4) awakened, assured him
i, wits ro dream. WiIlt oaths the ruf-
fine.: bade the w•nrnnn nose her screaln-
ing 4,r they slemid let daylight into
and. covering \IT•. Brault with
their revolvers, mitered hila to dress
a, (uiehly ns iossible and lead the
way to the bank. The lnf:)rittnnte
malinger was so lake!' by surprise
that he could scarcely get into hies ap-
Imrel, and one of his assailants struck'
hire a heavy blow in the jaw. This
brought Mr. Brault to himself, nnd
the moment he was dressed he struck
eat et the nearest burglar and knock -
et: Ilin to the ground. The louder of
Iho gang sluuteel 10 his eomrudes not
lie stioo1 or They would kill him and
spoil 1110 game, os they required Ilse
matiagees assistanei'. /Or. Brnult put
up a heave fight unlit it heavy blow on
the head .sent hint 'whet; le the floor.
They carried him damn stales and
ghee Flim three minutes to open the
safe. Air. Iirault humbled at the oom -
hination. Then, making ilio excuse
that the lose of blood prevented him
i , entlerirtg, he was kiockc'(t down
and carried up stairs again. One than
was left to guard hint, while the ether
Threw blew open The safe with nitro-
glycerine and decamped with $2,400 in
bills and over Shat) in gold. Napiervilte
i4 midway between Alonteral and the
t',ilbed State.- herder. and it is thought
the robbers get across the birder.
r11A1'1'1iNINGS i'RO11 ALL O1e..t TIIE
'Tclegrnph Briefs From Our Own and
Other Countries of Recent
The new wirekas station at 'Three
'Rivers, Que., was opened on Thursday.
'I'IIe C.P.B. will shortly put on a new
night train between 'Ottawa and
'Teruo to,
A building fund of $100,000 Ls to t•e
raised in Toronto for it new Knox Cul -
Ur. 11. Elliott, dentist, e.( Cobden, was
•drr)w•Irtvl while canoeing at Renfrew, on
A reeort on Indent Schools gives an
al:r•rtling percentage of deaths from
The frtrren wheat of the \Vest is not
keeping Bell and shipments deteriorate
v4 ry inst.
( itt' tluul was (molly hurt nnd an-
•otl)er seriously injured 1n an Italian row
:n .k.nli•eal.
The Ihmtinktn (kvernnten1.'How• has
charge of the odmini,irntwn of all tep-
ls.sy Iaeareelos.
(:hurlers Raymond, n clerk el Montreal,
war- ott Friday charged with forging six
-cheeks nnd remanded.
40nh•anrhise has been granted by the
niclpnlllies t1.r an electric r0ilwa
c (i
ul t
ballo a
t Hr 11e sl,,
• William Alchtlosit, a 1admllt drug
clerk, dual from the effects of inhaling
the fumes of nim • niid on Freely,
Themes Aughlun, while %oohing 4)0
the new 1'.n(ederalien Life Building,
Mouth), fell four eleriee and twos killed.
The first car of wheat ha: leen ship-
ped over the new Iran emitint'ntu1 Zino
fr. 11 l ognld lei Winnipeg.
(. tittle f,1 itt,•' torsi. 111111 over 8200 in
ce.nl r t
itsilver we were
found in nit old
house being turn down at M'nlreal on
The eastern remade paper mid pulp
nt itufnclurers, rnrt•llegg at \loritreal on
Friday, decided to ask for an exhort duly
4111 pulpw„n,1.
Mr. 1;.erg.' It. CoklweII. K.C.. has been
aet.rn in n. I'rivincinl Stcrelary in the
illnnitobr; 4.abinet, succeeding the late
Mr NIrinti i.
contriver ' env
In hn541 been awarded for1r •
rI the %veil( on the II(• norma) w•Ixstfa
al Ilanlilten, Strafford, 1'clerl,.ru and
N' Oft lay.
The Drente and alining Company of
Montreal has see tired n ksse fit the
(,:4 ucest,'r, N.B., him mines, soil to he
eery rich.
1)r. C. K. Clarke, Sul,erhllendeill of
Teronle Asylt,nt, tuts bee', eptoud4A
prtre^t--r of Lsychiillry In the Lauver -
R". ..f Tennito.
eve n►oulders who 4;10111 n night In
1.f tido') i'olcc Sinnott e,ny ("nitride is le.
itlyndis1 by tin array of unemployed
nen the United States.
.Ia ,iI iba farmers Suffer severe losses
nl hail, and the four Insurance com-
mittee doing husirl(•%s will have to pity
.t. II. Gurney Ie nailer noel al Hamel-
it, elorg;,rl with Moiling SIN from his
Innilindy mid then paying his erreare of
f'' .111 ,r it.
• I. s. FYnme, chief clerk In the 04041
'nuniereoner's nllice tit (kt v•tei, hos
!ren found inn'..'nt of the charges pre -
f. -elf martins, him.
arising out of the riots at \'nncnute
and the total anlout,l to Le paid
Because iter mrs;er was in a herr
to reach \'ntiei•tiver and did not stop n
't ictorin 41 leek up a pilot. the bi
steItIuship Indlm elle, formerly on lit
Portland Oriental route, Ties a tvreek a
the end of henry Island, in the cent
cf the Gulf of Georgia.
(illi:.1'1' ItlITAIN.
The British Parliament, will r
;le -entitle on January 29.
11 is mien -fed that the Dublin Castl
jia :Is have been returned as myste
iou.ly to 11)) disappeared.
The German Knieer has leased Co
Shari-\Ve.rlley:s r•::slue on the const o
Ilempshir0 for three weeks.
The 13,;fish destroyer Mahn vk, In he
official trials in the North Sea en It
day, travelled et the rate of 40 mile
an hour.
Sir Henry ('atnpbeli-Bannerman, Ili
ilritith 1'rrtnicr, was seizt',I with a sod
de•, and rev. rre illness after dodvcrin
an addrees at Bristol on Thursday.
At a 'Holing of Conservative Associa
tions in 101110n on Thursday it ptalforn
will adopted :ulvo(•lI ing,' preference. pro
'cello"' and n in••adetting of taxation.
During the last year deposits of 1 rinks
in K1wsne City have increased by $L,iA),
Smell inwes'•,rs are making; enorn'ote
purchases of sleeks in oda lets in Wal
More than 2.100 brewery sailor's not
in existence in Itelimilt will close as
soon 1154 the I`erlls,tt es(tire,
The %tont.!, ale ou trial al \\'anke
grin for caning the deuth of a wulrnn
ww•Li1e Ity•ng; l., "cast cut devils" from
A Ni'.•t a.kn mini elle nllemplesl to
II• c, by t tiling nothing bel px'anuls lee
came insane In Sew dir)s and died in n
Many shied orgn"'s !n 1hr country
s,-.iixt'R of (nlHl t•lirtt woo 4JesIroye�l
I v hell info••' during the summer vaca-
Nearly 15.1)1M1 romlpinints of 11rf1 tenni
the Innils have trete rs't•iced lo the Chi.
cep' IK11;eilllre during the past year.
I)r. B. E. Fer,i v of 'Termite Univer-
ail)•, spraining el Sagetnee Ahch., advo-
enled the crneonrngetneil1 ut private
ovmcrship of I ether wtl,le..
din (ttlm•t t., 4• t'w ieled of a ,leken•
cleating at 1'• ,? Moen. has Inherited
$=11,000 free, ?h,• ••state' of :ohm Law of
Streif•)nl, (lel.
WillInm Jcttn'1gs I:rv:n, has i•.r,r•d n
Melville!!! sit i
n that h•• sv
t I rex,• ,l
Y the
1lrnoertt11. nomino1i. •t for 1'o'-..Ienl if
it is off•ertl him. Lot will n411 light Sir it.
John It. \\'els*. formerly President ,f
the (:hiragto Nnt;•u,nl I1atik, is rttt trine at
Chicago. entries(' with defreutling hie
blink and other eunienniee out of 811,•
Ie'v. 11. ellen 'limner, pester of 111•'
11lIeenlh S?r',s'I Itaelist (')tureh, Remits-
tyll, who tit tem' past six veers has built
11 up wonderfully. inn dr4idel to ac-
cept !et Sa',tt v in future,
weenie, :t 11•'x.4' girt allowed his child
'•e hill. break ti its taut', limey K. Bar-
tell. of Forl 1) •1g'. In.. after striking the
hl in the it''' wt'ith his flee seize,) n
nrving knife and we'd,' hove rail her
Il:roat had telt n crm:tl prevented.
I111FAl)SI'UFI :e.
Toronto, Nov. 19.-- Ontsrie \\'heal --
No. 2 wt..te or red, Si; No. 2 awed,
t►lr;; goos/o wheat, 89e to take
Manitoba Wheat --No. 1 hard, $1.13;
No. 1 lortlwrn, $1.11; No. 2. 81.09.
iJailey--No. 1, 81e; No. 2, 79c; the 3
extra, 77e.
Out, -Nu. 2 white, 53c, outside; mix-
ed. 52e, outside.
Itye-88c to 89e.
Pens --870 to 88c outside.
Corn ---N•,, 2 yellow, Ame►•ic: n, ees e
Is Gee, Torunlu freights; No. 2 yeaow,
f& let 6$%c.
Buckwheat -70c outside.
Ilion --S21 to 822 in balk outside;
aborts, 823 lo $21.
Fktur--Ontario, winter wheat, $3.90
asked, $3.880 bid, and Manitoba palette's,
(special brand, $5.RO second patents,
$5.20; strong bakers', 85.10.
Buller -With the closing down of
eheeee factories comes an easier tone
to wallies of dairy butler.
Creamery, print. .... , ... .. 29c to 30c
i!o Sellick .. , • , . .... ..... 21k to 27c
Dairy prints Ole to 27c
do solids .. , .. , . 23c to 24e
(:!Ie se---t3yc for large and 13%c for
Eitis--New-laid 30c to :15c; storage,
: l.)
lam try -Nice Int chickens are worth
from 9c to 10e. with inferior stock set -
r. 1 ne or elm! 8o to 7c. Choice ducks and
is e e tire ready at 9c lo 10c; fat, clean,
4'1y -etched turkeys are iu satisfactory
Y dcmnnd al tic to 15c.
t I'otntt es ---75c to 80c in car lots on
g tract( here.
Benns--,Steady at $1.80 to $1.90 for
t primes and 81.90 to $2 for hand-picked.
re Iloney-Slrelned steady, at 11c to 12c
pet Ib. and numbs at $1.75 lo 82,50 per
c- Baked Hay -Timothy, 818.50 per ton
in ear lots on truck.
o Billed Straw -Firm al 310 to $10.50 per
r- ken on track.
Snto'.(ed and Dry Salted \ice's -Long
✓ clear bacon, 11c to I1yc for tens and
R• cases; hams, medium and light, 151: Io
s 1530; heavy. 13yfre 14) 11c; backs, I6)t c
f . 17e: shoulders, Me to 103 e; rolls,
e 10yc to Ile; breakfast boeon.15c to
15%c; g,•reen meats out of pickle, lc
t less than smoked.
Dre.sed 11egg=-88.,'10 for lightweights
- and $8 for heavies.
pork --short cut. $122.75 to 823 for bar -
rets; mess. $20 k) 121.
Lard --Firm: lier:es, 12.yc.; tubs,
12%e; pails, 13e.
et •n'te;l1, No. 19.-Fleur,-\Innilot.a
spr tit %vheal petcnls. 86.10 10 $(i.3';
si eun.t patents, 8:,.50 l0 $5.70; winter
w, \wheat Patents, 8:1.75 to 86; straight rol-
lers. $5,50 It) $5.75; In bags, 82.60 to
$2.7u; extra. 82.05 to $2.11),
ilifee - Ontariorxt been in
bags. .
lo $25; shorts in bags, $25 t4) 816; Mani -
A w•irelc,ss telephone is ►only 1x ing
operated in t;ernlnny.
The Nalkmn1 Es!ef.+ilien will be held
n' 'Tokio iienteen April 1 and Oclolx'r 31,
The nninga)ni(m between the leo
cw• elem.! tome -Mors, (:Iving t ht
ung; met 1 u et Shi Kal, is dem-wale,
,1; tto 1It,r•e Ceet.•Itillenl.
r. elm-ken/lee King ennentwei that IT
t esi••.I :111 the Japan'.,.. elninl: I it
One Woman Is Dead, and Two Others
Aro Illi
A ttcsptneh (rorn (.oat:on, Ont„ says:
Mt;,. Adds, 11'binetn. of til Ontario
Slrs-t. widow 41t the Tate John Rehm -
eon fireman. betel dod of injuries stts-
1ai"'tvt in the rtrent lommeitrve boner
040o.htt1 et Newbury. succumlme(I on
11,ur•d:ly nt.til to apparent ptomaine
jtrt•meng. She hot eaten some petted
.1 ,'len et Sir o'ek,ek. nnd intmediate-
•' nflerw•nrds ens taken with tktlel
tf.nwcl-l'ur'e. \helical notlstnnce ens
g...,.• n e' let .le:,tll resulted nl seven
'Ile h '•.r. nee \lel Arian could not
any whether it post-mortem exnminate)n
would Its conducted or net.
ATE (' \\NEI) S \t.\ION.
A deepttleti !)vont Ilam.114,11 otos: (:iri).
tnn It kto. 2111 I;Ihwvt \s.'nuc. and
%lnud Rnrrelt. 41 West e\ onus met!r,
en'pk)yes of the 1)4 ,,,inion Igelbna 1'o..
were taken seri-mil) 111 while nt work
en 1'!worthy aPrrntx)n as tae r'still 1 sp'etlir erh r. \vete n.• •••.sort'. es \4).
f f e.tlr,a 1 armed salneee They floe x tore' to r 1i,:t•. nt►d had Ift' riahl ,
taken to the 11'y I1•ospilel and V Ihoisgtil of way.
they w IU reouver. 1 11 may meet Dr kro54vn just huw' IM
lobe bran in bags, $22 t.) $23; aborts.
$25 14) $27.
'File Leval tuft market was fairly quiet
to -day. Manitoba No, 2 white, We; On-
tario and Quebec No. 2. 591: to 59}yc;
No. 3, Me t•) 58)Se, it:,d No, 4. 56 ee to
57c per bushel. ve-store.
t'r,visiuli-Iierreb, sherd -cut mess,
612.50 l-) $23; half barrels, $11.75 to
$12.25; clear fat hacks, $2:3.50 le $24.50;
lenge-tit press, $31 to 823; half barrels
du-, $10.50 to $11.50; dry sell long (leer
Lec m. Wet 10 Wee: barrels plats beef,
$13.50 to 815; half barrel, d•).. $7.25 to
s:.7: ; barrels lteuvV t11es4 beef. $10 to
611; half barrels do.. 85.50 t., S6; conr-
(..,uul lord, ltJc to Ile, pure lard, 12ye
1•, 13'; kettle rendered, 13ylc to lie;
hams. 13% c. to 16e, according to size;
breakfast bacon, 14e to 1G•:; Windsor
Laron, 15c to 1Ge; fresh kilted abattoir
(togs, dressed, $6.11) to 86.25.
Crass buyer is quoted ut 28e to 28;4e
and (adder grades bring 26)Se to 27)Qc,
according to quality.
Tine cheese market is duet. Quota-
tions on spot are unchanged at Ile to
E %c for Steg,letnher grades, I2 t' for fall
westerns, 12y0 for 't'ow'nships, and 12c
for Quebec.
Egg dealers report. an active market,
Prices were steady at 30c to 31,: for
now -laid eggs. 26e to 27e for selected
Sleek, 22e to Ke for No. 1 quality, and
I6%c to 17c for No, 2.
Buffalo, Nov. 19. -Wheat - .Spring,
•stronger; \\'inter. firm; No. 2 red. 81.
f' .. ft ' tetettir'd; Ng. 2'Zvni!.e, Ole; 'No: 2
y; now, woe. Oats-elleady; No. 2
white. 52e; No. 2 Mixed, 46e4c. Barley
--81 to $1.10. Bye -87e.
NK\V volt!: \\ 1l1-' T \t \flI:I:T.
New York, Nov. lee -Wheal Spot
Ilene No. 2 red 81.04 elevator; No. 2
red, 81.051 f.o.b. afktal; No. 1 'with-
er!' Duluth nominal f.o.b. afloat; No. 2
hard winter nominal f.o.b. uiloat.
Toronto, Nov. 19. --The improvement
in Use demand for stocker and fender
cattle was one of the features of the
minket. Q,wtlatinns are at $3 to $3.10 ft,r
steers and 82 t.0 52.40 hulls..
Milch cuww•S werein for brisk demand.
Prices ranged from $10 to 350 for good
wilily up 10 $70, tho high-water mark
t oy.
Cnl-davcs were gliiel. Choice, 4 to 6e per
Ile common, 2 to 3c.
Esp••rt ewes sold about lac lower nl
Foos 1•t 8t., with bu.ks and culls at $2.5.)
to 83.25. Lambs were 2Sc to Sure lower,
ut $1.75 to $5.35 for choice nnd 83.50 to
$•;.50 for common and medium.
Mogi were quoted unchanged et the
recent decline. Selects, 55.75 to 35.80;
rough thin hogs about $1 less.
A lintel et outlaws in the I land of
leirtn..• t killed len Gove1.lunent olli'ors,
bo! were reptil-ed will heavy kiss.
\lerr/l has ceded \lagditletin Bay, on
11e: woe emist of lower 4.1Ii(ornia. to the
Fel,e1 Stales for a coaling station for
Three years.
The Japanese Government is consider-
ing the ads isnhility of preventing Ilia
::Lilg,l iilk)Il h( all pewee's whir tire not
amply self suplx)rtieg.
Collision Occurred on C. P. R. Main Line
East of North Bay.
JOIIN N D i. tFireman,Chal;.
\ I \
J. IIFNDRIE, Engineer light engine,
North Bay.
J. (:I.:1IIK, Express \Ie stinger, Mont-
t'. al.
J IIIVINI:. Itnggngemnn. (HL•twn,
J. YOI:\(;l-;, Engineer, North Bay.
11 K. I'BEN1)EB17As I mei 1'. I'EN•
1)EI:+;zeal', 1'it.scnggers, \Wrbwoti(1.
1'• Bel I., l':rettun, ,North Bay, slight•
ALIO ROBERTS, 68 Nelwn Street,
01 !awe.
I). I. N1.11, II intottburg.
F'. IIYI..\NII, 111111.
11I0\I.1S FEII11ONE, New 1'•'rk.
(:, t.a.tl:LI.E. Menlreul,
-, el \DIG.tN, Alenlreal.
E. Mei:tittle hely. Ontario.
5!. AI.\I.O\til', alt. 5,. Patrick.
\\'II.F'13II) \l.\LONE,
.1 deo .ntce from O-Inw•a seye:.t ler-
r 1 k• a, cidcnl incurred at 11.15 1111
1 hutstluy night near Moore Lake, on
the (.. P. It., 35 nines \wee of I'enr-
br,.ke. A light oeginc was prx'ceding
west, nnd trying In !nuke Moore Lake
ahead of tit,. Si-•, Esprees coming east
lei Ottawa. The express was sharp on
time, rind the two met with fatal re-
Seven people were hilted and cre-
mated, nnd elgght others injured. but
nut seriously, in the enter.
The big I' eie i''lise was rutmiag
light from t:halk Ih'.er W \erlh Bey
when 11 met 541. tt, 1110 east-1)'.und ee.
pn:tr glom 11)0 'The accident le
the ne•.1 sereets since That al .1.z 1.13.
15• e)i e
w •+s a! 1 in nils dor Io the • ng;iloe
Lound tight for North let) fltitie;g to
Inke n .k1`11gg al the preiret place to
nlb•w t!.,, ". a ..w1,,.1,.. 1., I,It.4. NO
rule wens %I4)letrd, ns 111e ercw• of th^
%%.-1-1.•/1111t1 engine was killed.
The extra loromilive, N•). 1715, which
figured in the accident, was being
transferred front Ctudl. !liver to the
North Bay division, and was in chnrgc
4-0 Engineer Iletdrie nnd Fireman Na.
dent. The eastbound Soo train wits
in clsnrgc of ('ouduetor ,1. E. Wright.
of Ottawa. the rest of the crew benlg
EnggiecerVilitt,e.of North Itny, W. C.
Kant. nnd 11aggagetteen Irvine, of 01•
low a,
The Soo treat \vas travelling al n
lewd raft of speed towards Chalk
River. Iho' divisional point. while the
leconeetse. which was on its way, was
g•uing tqunfly fast in the eppr>sftc di-
rection. :1' the point of the accident
there is a curve. preventing a clear
view of any great dislance ahead.
Wheel the heavy engine incl with ap.
palling unmet they t!)nlpletely de-
moralized earls other, while the mall
anti baggeee car of No. 8 and parl of
the forward pnsseng't'r car were We)
The crash '•nuscd the fire Ixrxes to
1)e enlplli.I. and n moment Inger the
w reeknge of the fling ears were nitre.
Eddie Iltlberts. lie mail clerk. et
Ottawa. telmagmd 10 crawl we. but the
Ilreinne of lee Seo Iroitt and the (Shore
cit the Iorftrnotives. the i nggag.• and
mail cnr: tit re pinre,1 in the w reek•
egg•' nnd before they could he re,ctle.l
111e wreck text!( flt-c.
cm's (Acorn. rem:.
-the tlenlul10w4l ones burned up like
Birder, while trope pinned in them or
uncle,• the toeiemit lves were eileer
burred 10 d. 8th or 4 rem'!ed nit - r
teeth had resulted from their injtirl.•-
rei'eivetl I►► the t'nllision. 'Thom. «round
wen' powerless In aid. Thepm4sen•
woe 41n the f•ut•tt'ned ••at wt ere throe ti
rn,m 'heir seals while to .ken iteeir .
/ 11 .
11 111 w• n meting I reel O. 1
011 remit'. +
I ( M.
K ►n
he crush nod paseeneete s1'iatned
iie to or lett !oiler* Illjlliies. NO4)(4
rue likelt 1.. Ire felalty tweet, h -•wet er,
\\ r•,•ki•r.• nuwiliaries were seen' 'mon
1: :elk (titer end Forth is, . e!0 `'f)re
eery. hurried from Wein► t.✓e,. .in i \Ise
lasso; t.1 the letter hospital ereiersof (;le
fujured were taken,
Emperor Make3 a happy Speech at the
A despatch from Is.ndon flays : A
sertneiltl•'ia1 prorouOE.'entent by the for-
eign (Mice deeleret; lite conviotk)n that
the; Kaiser's visit will materially itupr)\ a
the releti )ns between the two nations.
11Y' olttorial•I in Ihr' newspapers, which
have often been the Kaiser's most cap-
tions critic, admit the truth of his claim
that h.• hae► pursued a policy of peace.
The Emperor etude a speech on Wed-
nesdey at the Guildhall, where 110 was
entertained hy the t;gly ed London. lie
urged the strengg(hening of the engln-
(;erntan relations and emphasized his
',reeferabte deeere la teeter the peace of
12t., world. The day pu,ed oft without
the expected Soctalestie demotlstration,
inlet hos any disorder or rieiling.
The res eptien given Emperor William
by the people u( London was a very Cor-
dia! one,
A 131lt1.1.1:tNT ASSEMBLAGE.
•1';:e Emperor and Empress drove, sev-
er'a'l inife3, through etreees brilliantly
decorated with bunting niid ROA by
troops from Paddington railroad eta-
Ikin, where they arrived !nom Windsor,
1 ; the city's historic hall. where ap as-
semblage pf soma eight hundred per-
s.ins, including members; of the Royal
inrnily. ricers. commoners and naval and
millttiry officers, niusUy in uniform, and
with !foie breasts glittering with orders,
formed a brilliant picture.. An address
of welcome was presented b the Emper-
or iu a inegnllic'•nl gold casket. In re-
ply, his Majesty recalled his previotue re-
ception at the Guiklhall nt I:41, and em-
phasized his unalterable deee a to foster
e peace of the world. His Majeely.
duriu•t bks renwrks, said :
"1 said then, on this r;pot, that my aim
ie above all the maintenance of peace.
il:story, 1 venture to hope, will do ins
jrrulie(' in Ihat I I•ave pursued this elm
unswervingly ever slam. The nrgin
prep and base for the peaeo of the
world ie lite maintenance of the good to-
lntiuns between our Ivo countries, and
will further etrenglhen Ihem in so far
as Ilei it my power.
'"rite Geruwl► nation's wishet•1 coinc,,le
with elute. The future will that shoe. a
bright prospect and commerce rimy de-
velop among the nations whe have
Iearittd 10 trust one another."
'I'ho Emperor and Empress, after
lu+t:it, returned to Paddington Station
or their way buck to Windsor by n dit-
ft ren! route,
Emperor William appeared to be in
Splendid spines (hru :ghoul. lie laughed
and joked %vii!' his immediate neigh -
\or i lien' -i' letoket Niggard. Ills Lace
ww ms pale (hili afi?`o'Fli�ii . -� +.. - '� •^ �"•�tlro
PRESS I:; (;BA'I'1•:F UL.
'there ie a cheers of gratification
among otllciels and (bit newspapers et
I.c ndln's reception of Uwe Kalser and
his Mnjealya, happy speech.
Prime Minister Sir Henry Cuntpbell-
Ilr,nnermen, in a seeech at Bristol, re-
jatocd at the i0.tllar exprsstons qf
Erie '.ship and sympathy with the Kal-
ser ,end I(ateicrin, batting them as an in-
dication If the cementing of peace.
Montreal ike4ectves Attack Supposed
Bank Robbers.
.t despatch from Montreal says: A
pitched l'alllo belwcon city detectives;
and a band of supposed bank -robbing
eeesks occurred on Sunday evening a
Sl. Lambert:s. just ucrn.ss the river fron
Montreal, which resulted in the rns
o! Iwo of the crooks. Although !here
were six deloeti•es and six ct•ooks, all
of whom wets) buoy emptying revolvers;
al each Maio, not one of the whet» party
sine iujurel, and (he detectives scored a
b!eodttss victory. Chief (:lu'penter of the
city detective force. was on Sunday even -
Mg informed (bat a band of teen. sup -
t sot to be robbers, were camped nadir
I.mnirrl's, and tie dtsp alch d half a
dozen elf his lien to gather them in,
guided by the mnn who brought in the
Information. While on the way the de-
tectivesabet four Wren en the road, but
pa'r.etl them. thinking they were not tete
10111 t1110y\trtr after. Later they (maid
Iwo of the men sitting by m (xliq) lire.
es soon as the defectives appeared The
strangers ;opened lire on them with re-
wilvees, end the (lelectibei pulled their
gens and fired lock. The sheikalarmed
four on the rood, who %•err also
members of the gang. end they at once
M1 Lacel k noatla-ked the de;r•tivfis
from frthe rear. The tatter, however, won
nut. unit the four decamped, leaving this
original two In be arrested. The latter
gave their name; as John Brnwu and
Will Iludeet. but their name: 1k0 not
(•4111111 for 11111111. as yet. 11 is thought
Ihnn the gang was composed of the men
ve 1x1 Irnvelling through the
provinces, hurgle.rizing banks and
sk'res, lately,
.t Woodstock Woman Pays Duly on leer
\ despatch (rent Wenestock sit •,s A
p )
local newspaper tells n story of a ca,e In
which n weinate•i cone:ono) awakened
after Thirty years and alto pnkl info the
cialoms (111ce the duly on a dregs. which
ah_ brought utt•) the ce.unlry when she
came her' \t hen a young woman. The
Moos wee emelt 8:10, and the Utoughls
of defrrwdingg the custonts lay heat ply on
the, weitiall.i -on-science all Utes.' year's,
6th: lull the cistoms olllcial., so she de-
cldcd to make recompense. She in•
silted that she be altuwed tc. pay *30,
' lc full value of liw drtrss, but the sus•
him., nlfleer would only accept $10.50,
which is the amount of the' duty u(v'oel-
Iiu Io present ratee:, The dress. wits
brought here front the old country.
-• -'►'
Mr.. J. Il,eitnes died r 1 Clinton. en
Saturday. ill leer• IM_nd year.
Alfred 1 n ttrem was killed )'y an
electric s1, at 'Thetford \r •:es.
condus.ttut - olid Enpineed of the Cale -
don Wreck Go Free.
A •dospatclt fiunt Branlpl,n says:
Alter listening for four days to a tunas
c.( technical aitd olh $ evidence, tilte
jl.ry wile have been trying the engin-
eer, (pro--ge (Hedge, and Conductor Mat-
thew Grimes on a charge of negligence
Lt (ounce:ion with Ure terrible railway
disa..ter which occurred al the Horse-
slue Curve, near Caledon, on Septenl-
bet led, returned into court at 8.45 on
Saturdity night with it verdict of "not
guilty' against 1/1111 dct••te.tanle. The
autteitrcenent of their verdict was the
eccasiot Iver one of the most remark-
able oulhursts of popular ennui:O.s'n
ever wvilue,:<ed In the old (:ort house
here. Although bath cif *the dc'enJanis
are strangers in Brampton, there hm54
leen !narked sympathy shown by peeetle
o! the town and district on their be-
half. They are yettngg then; and both
seethed 1.) feel the seriousnt'ss of their
rosilion. ilodge. especially. was lock -
Ing pole and worn (rorn the fllsl, and
his pit14)r increased as the trial pee-
4ecrclnry For .tdgriculture Issues %n-
nua1 Itr%iew• of Season.
A despatch faun Halifax say.: The
Secretary fur Agi 1 nilture has issued
the annual crop review ter Nova S•w.
Ila Hes tepirl shows that despite un-
favorable weather the large crop has
been loused in a fairly satsfectorj
conditlein. lie eetinantes the yield of
giolabe•s in the previn:f' at 6,09!►.eat
bushels. the hay crop he estimate., at
7f 0.4100.000 1(-n.s, The entity M the farm-
,•' appnosintntely of eleven of the pee
duets ram?toned is $16.857,000. 'raking
bit overage ,T.))) rte 100. Principal
ming(ng estimates
the snip yk•Id of Neva
Scolin as follows: Vey, 90 per cent.;
oats, 1i)0; wheal, 93; barley, 95; ;reta-
kes, 110; corn for enslhige, 90; man-
gles, 95; buckwheat, 99.
Old Nan bird While N aulting iloys
Srronlble for n Quarter.
1 despnlcll from New fork says ; A
fit of laughter. due to the efforts of a
4815454(1 of boy, ht 'viewer a 2e -tient piece
w•hk•h he had tossed Otto the tounlnin
ei Madison Square Park, outsell the
.leabh of t;e,rn4Itus Keenan on Tuesday.
\'r. K.011un, 1%II ► '4,484 A3 years old. was
( frequenter (41 the park. feeding the
squirrels and the birds rind ireensionally
Int•ing it quarter into the heel' le set
Ill•. Ivey, 6 -ramble. When he laughed
on '1'tioelny the 1lo40 rushed V) his
heart. Ile fell, striking his Mead. Ile %vile
f.w I «h^:t an ainh'ilanee surge•)n rune.
I avigatio:i Will Be Kept Opon As Long
As Possible.
.\ despatch 10)-,1 (Elson Anyt: 'There
is considerable Apt. uintifin as It, lire
stunner in 44 heel lite 1:e%ermteenl w ill
e. •operate mini the 1 arks in pes:-t ng to
1 ,o-ket the \\ e•Ircn %%10 n1 cru±.. \Ir,
,ending is still teliern, 0': blot- ,.ti•,•'. -t.
1,:••surname- fie, et,se he Ito. 11.1 )et eIttf•
nitely fertmeelea his plane, One .ng.
t(ol om is fel l • teitt'rnn,^ttt 1•• ullitxe
,: ins ul Int.' g.Jd r "ots-
i '. iii •II to tl
(• •sled um, the l ut •1, •' I►•potiI +:ll as
asl,rily egaursl the It•'e rralet+on.
1'rt• idea 14 10.1 1.111111 If pts • , •ay. len
million donate al Ito • 1.ed,l 411 those
I.acks I101 air Ier4tg(ltif/,I in the weed
es 1 Plug great bonito. diel te. teasing
nrnir.• ' IV 1110%1, the crop. smile four
batik.± are mentioned w 11.'4 t0 gel
I tail of : es ban. 'Hwy are the Bank c;
C•,mnieree, the tntper:al (lank, Ili.' 11.0
minion Bauk and we Bonk of !beetled'.
1'lle. tail.ay .•;mpaali0* hove u'- 1 Ilio
I' part'e: c•mc•'rttil Mal Ivey .t . 'I•, all
they can lo fuellilate lye• 'leo: 'eel n1
Ilh (10,'. 1be 1,111100:11111,11,., , ,, 541111
I.14, I')w•r g i • 1,,e,.. 11! grit.' II • . ''.•) a 11)
1 :,,,f1..,s1e,V5:11 1.e1.e. eatteal,te :1,. , 1.-r-
ae ';►w , .:y get' ,!n,it, .I.: -
It, 'Ili ‘4•1',111, ►•
410 •.' t
I H 1 e••
b1•11 1 :1• f �• t
1 1
' le stet) 'ins eater., en Lake H. f
of en 'Pahl (►r,•, 10. t letegrin, %N... 1,1
\A S1010:11, 1 114/011g'11111 the I,_
101:44, nl Pn•-:tggt' 1-'1:1:41.Wily I'011 w.-
teer. 1s kept Irmo, unto 'lint hate. 1'
11 1101.1011 twill fa) 1`11' fwtrn eel- nee,
'fho has leen itgrcod 10.