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Fear Conquered by Faith and Do-
ing the Right
Be riot nh'aid.—\111thew xiv.
All the world hates a cowers'. Ile is
not wanted uny'tvltt•te. leoys slum 111111
11. 1-41ri1t; uutn avoid bun in 101si11,"1.4
the n111(un relirc-s Trim 1811t1 contempt
from tier service.
We would indignantly resent the
charge of cowardice. But nos we res
Lai%e its we 111411,1 Can uny man hon-
estly- say: "I tsar nothing?"
11 l:::,1 net tie true, as 1110 proverb de-
cl:uwe. that there is a skeleton in every
closet, but there is a scrret chamber in
(%eery heart where fear dwells.
Thus we Ole wnherewe \\'e are rest -
tests, t,ecntese we are aprehensise. lee
day may be secure, but w114o )(news
what lo -morrow w'il1 bring forth.. t•n-
agtfnaliun magnifies the chances if de-
astes end fills Atte heart with gloomy
k•rc'odiugs. The fah 1st prospect deers
not pietist,. given success 1(4 r01/b111 0(
Its rightful joy.. Thur: alta(: we are un-
lined kir life and were.
It tete us of energy and der'=ion.
Opietilun fy escapes us. All (11e prizes
g•i to the other men; while we are mug -
'laying the difficulties in the way, be-
held They have surmounted then. The
peobl4111 is to get rid of fear. \\'.' motet
lied the causes and retro e them. \\•.'
will never amount le ailylhiltg unlit we
front life with c<,nfldence atoll courage.
'1'v:., things will go far toward curing
us of this fuhel weakneee.
leo right. Live every day -4 that you
nm kook your fellow men u4 tie. knee.
Act according to the hest standards.
Imitate the noblest rnen.
\tln.n rse g e:ake•s eowur(Ls pf us
all. 'Prete I+y:s 11 peno11y ettach-
rd 10 Irnn"g t, --: 11. if we ere found
but we w11, suffer less of one kind or
nnottisr. H 4;4•41 docs not punish us nor
!chow men will. \\"c are afraid of <fis-
i'very. \\",• try to corer ur our guilt.
\\c hay(' t,.. -rd up an (enemy in Dur
house and while :. :.t es we will never
cit joy pcneC.
(►toe wrong act lends to &mother. Day
oy day we t.=.'a)n:(' tome deeply enmesh -
14: ul BIC web of guilt. 'Ito -re is but
one way 411 (Muga', east that way is not
easy. (.4,81 sseee feltowt•d as far as
etossii.le ht• 1estituti4in, will alone flee
the guilty .:ne from fear. Then you
can start again with +1 clean slate. )'ro'c
the honesty el your repent:.n - and your
14lkow men will be quick to f.,rg; yc mud
reedy to help,
!live faith. Distrust Ls a utast proli-
fic cause of fear. It weakens the foun-
dations. `keptic..In is a capper and
mime. It lakes the ground item under
cur feet. \\'e roust [eel something muter
ns, euletunlial and certain. in order to
IA free talon anxiety. Relieve in your-
self and 111 the largest ressibilitiec of
your )lulure. You can if you will.
The linen who have wino the prizes • 1
life had no fetter chance than you. But
worthy of your trust and they will re -
they trusted themselves and went bold-
ly ttrwar,l.
Re114'% in y. ur (elknv men. 'they are
.pond to it. Call no man your enemy.
The world is not in leagtlie to !told you
track. 'rhe world has eruueh to do to
leek after ifs own nfpers. 1t will give
y(I) euch honor rind reward as you de-
serve. It needs your sct'vicee and will
gladly pay the highest market price.
Believe in God. His will toward all
is good will. Ile wants all His children
to be happy. '1'o that end Ile will pro -
pr .vide a'.1 things needful,
DO rot gnze lone the future with fear-
ful eyes. Be strong and (•t a g•tod cour-
age. You will have trials and .lisare
'ointments. hut strength will he ,riven
you 1,1 meet and overcome them. When
Nem hale dome yens hest y6 n may rest
in the e,ntident assurance that all will
he well.
'1'11(1\I.ks kraal BRii)GES.
(twee the meat, and en it will alien all ie
To keep walnuts from beaming dry
puck therm while fresh in earthenware
furs, r.)+rinele with ball, place some
.tamp hay on the top, cover the jars anti
keep them in a met, dark place. IJefor•
us4ng, make a brine in the pmporlwt
LI a tesespoonfu) of su11 to n pint of wa-
ter, mete the wnlnets in this for twetlty-
eittr hour., then dry them in a cloth.
'.\ annuls may also be kept in damp saint'
111 14 cellar. Dry walnuts may always Le
(reeh(11ed by soaking; in brine.
It the fish is deme before it is quite
time to serve il, take it out of the v14tet
and place it on a sienna. en a very 11.''
dish. which should be set over the li,t,
kettle. Dip a elenn ek.th into the t:.oilinp
water. sprertd-It over the fish, place it
Clean tin cover over, and leave it until
atom two or Inure minutes before it is
required. Behoove the cloth end put the
lilt hack into the kettle for a minute o1
two. in order that it may he as trot 111'
pol,sible. Ttie water roust be kept boil-
ing all the time. Drain, dish, and serve
"1,,,- y . f serer, add a en of sour milk, a level
tkr Wort c-`fww"g('*�� pWnful of soda. •Three •level cups of
1 ft- er, 8 halt teaspoonful veal (f cinna-
mon and mace, and a cup of rnissins
H 0 IV% E
seeded, chopped end IMurel. This est:.
• fs excellent to hove during floe eaters.
lig when eggs are scnrce, and if carefl,lly
,,� , • made, Is very good.
Eggless Co:,kies,-sone cup of sugar
rubbed h a cream with a hull cup o'
better cr lard; one -halt cup of sour
milk, one-half lenspoonfel of Woking
sada. flour enough lo make a dough that
can be rolled out. Add mny tla':or wish-
ed and roll out, cut and bake quickly.
Atork Bisque Soup,—l'ut n pint cf to-
matoes nn to stew with n Fnmll hay leaf.
serif of parsley, blade of nonce and slice
5OML 18.11N'1Y DISHES.
\\ hole Wheatmeal Scones. ---into one
g• 01143 of wholemeal rub hull a tea-
;;.(tonful of salt and three ounces of hul-
1, is add enough milk 1e: make up with
dvt.gh, roll out half an inch thick, cut
into rounds with a pastry culler, end
b k'e kw forty +i ales in a moderate
Ow n! onion. Let shnnlcr for fifteen Serve 1 Alit and buttered. en►. �ry .e toI
, s ute�. :•`curd a quart of milk in d'whlr
Ging, r Beer.—Add two gallons of
miler l0 three pounds
1utnp boiler. !hob together to n
S104%0111 e I
4111 Or, roar Domes of cream of tartar, two level tablespoonful- of biller rmtel
,:..,! •.•,..• anon:(• of who le -nisei ginger, scat of flower, and when the milk is
A!:owv this to gel nearly cold. then add scalding lot pour enough 4)%•r Ile louse:
Iwo lahlesl•ocmfuts of yens!; lel stand In make it liquitt, then roturn all Is.
lilt nexl (18:y, 111*'n (-grain and boggle for &utile ho. sr and took ,ala stir con
11.x•, w•irieg the, corks. staidly until 11 thickens. Rub the !sem
lemon Curls. --'&eke two Inrpe lemons Ices through n sieve. add to them n tea-
med rose ghr• rind ono 10 tone peeled 41f loaf sle""111 i 01 hall t, sung 8114 pepper T,
r II t all Tho yellow part u: re- 11410 and n hall Ieaspoomor of sada le
o ere the
the sager in n eerfill► carnally Into the b.iling; milk and
thennettthe yolks !1 ssirxeeggs eand ns obeat s(-• ve imntedinlely_ with cr+ete!oes.
al: t4ut:ether tlla'ougtily. Piece Un jars "VALUABLE fllN"115.
f.•. test. Those who like it should add
four 0unr(e f huller to the above In- The glass of pictures end mirrors may
goedieeIs. be well 0(0nne41 with (fry wh1111i and u
Getman {'ashy.- firm' up Iwo eggs w•o',llnn ckt:h.
end two ounces rat sugar, a*ung; n iseies wino (whcale timings. which
waalen spoon. Then add as meet Ikea. have become soils! Ihmugth mires hand•
04 the (f!5 will laky !4' r•'nkt. a p(1sic, ling. C+111 he satisfie 14,rily cleaned le
MAI this o,tl on n teemed 1,<.urt. cut 11 111"1'1,11#s w. !1 tnoi� feather dipped in
111th %try 1111th strips. and cook them in 1, '.1 I .n.. • -.14.8' .
e large goon of beating eL 'Tooke diem
\' ',, , ; :...' r tor washtn;
sugar 5<, to littte 111(110 11 Imnalod's are very acid).
oat w!n'n they are 11 golden
afar, 4 , • pia 4 . I'.
1 4, .,'• t 1" only hale,
them Itimemghly. sprinkle them • with
sugar. aid series hot.
Savory Nisei, Enke.--'(ices mny •'etnioc
re term went. and chop i1 '1' ver line
with an radon previously lt4•ilr<I till ten -
11 the! f ion 111,11
to rditee t. I ,.i , ,' ',-': Ih+ur warn'
wv.tcr dares, lout ,8 .. •.•1.• ;:11111•(1 ngnihsl
ur•neressary hreat,. ,:, -
ul►ts winl e 141 learn Ihn1
to;84!in- tend 1:1, • ay be tendered
der. .ensure men nn, on !owl' 14.9' iniianees 4 Wy the simple
1 Ike Thr semi ....,.alit of laeodri 1 111.` p will the sit rrh 11.11f
nlcal4<: o !rustle,/ t
and sone !1,•':1 in win/1W
unix ell It.- , a. 1"1:1'11%w hiliug when in pry cess o1
'ether, n.1.t ! se and snit (o taste. laundering.
!:utter n 1. long dish, peer in the fow—
ler.', !:,, a .ill pieces of Lee( dripping
r,n to ,: see bake in gine. otro.
it r „ 1 e ere -1'uok a call's liver mi-
le '' ; •.1, 1 , :op Ilne with some w elefin-
1e (1 ti one sn1all onkel. ami !kc('
'14. 1181110wr skins 011 While flannel the
Lest way is In mix egnnl pails of the
y4:ks of eggs and gl3cein., apply 11 10
11,' stains. and allow it In soak for I,nlf
n'l Ivor < r so before the at ti"ie is
NOV. 24.
Lesson A111. World's Tentpe :Ince Sun
day. Golden Text: trout. IL 13.
w lIshell.
Mhtcs; 01 bream^tombs. n ('ol pores in t'momS w Ii:eh Al" seldom
1', Basle. hood with an egg. f•'ini tat(, the 11::11 aro apt 10 (1c attacl.r(l 1,y
;Pape (1n roll. and '• 1 Ihrrc-quir- `all sprinkled round the edges and well
ter of hour, 4, :•, ' i -once ander Ile. carpel before 11 Is put down
nicely ro ' .41 111,I . -' • ut5 ud(t ail' g' ncratly i+ITv4nt thee. ravages.
mnshwt g.,lutm•0F. 14.7,. ' .1114 nmol
brownie in the oven. 1..• g. • 1 gravy
In n tureen.
!11Ulced \Bolton.--llemo'e nil the skin
and Int from a (Neel joint of nnilk») and
:hop Hue rural very Ihsoly, dte'tigt. It
Uuckly with II our, scnsnn wile g"'!lps r
enol snit, 141.1 emir g• 44.1 grasy noel .8
so eel piece 01 hu11c1'. ',In' Ilii, 01 et' a
The whitish stain left 4178 n tate by to
..t water toe n very gaol dish may M,•
1' n • ".(NI by rubl.11ng in n:1 mut after-
yw;,;,:. !,louring n 1(1:11' spirits 01 %rine 0111
g 1 . ' 1 and rubbing: it dry with n set(
cl' tl,.
11 is not eellernll3- Ism All 111(11 raps
d' l%0red with boiling water !lull nik+w•eit
In 44:(111 for five inbuilt.- are more lunir-
rt 4"- Iii,' while it h.'als n1tr'o►.grl!. 1,111 441 Ishing 111)41 nage easily tiigeslc(1 than
ghr ..•• • •,:'1 1.0'751 )I lai1. \inky n w01 01 eggs placed in Mulling: wager mid al-
Basal on the text of Ule Revised \er-
the Epistle to The Romans. -'('Ire ori-
gin of Aloe Christian Church nt Rolle is
1101, positively known. i1 was probably
r4'i feundal by any of the apostles, but
tow 3ew•ich Christians who came from
Asia Minor or Palestine to the Roman
capital. Al the time of Paul's writing
tris epistle to the Roman church this wa.s
already well eslnblL'-het, eonsistng of
a mixed Jewish and Gentile ►nember'ship.
The time and place of the writing of the
e('Lstle are ;mire easily determined then
el the cruse of 4onl.r of the ogler Net
fedstal:lent books. Punt i. writing from
1 i..rinth, not it+(rusts the l:c:n-ing of the
4.g,tstie lel its destiny to one Phoebe, an
(tense member of the church at Cench-
sere, the hnrhnr seti4,n of Corinth. The
house in whirl► i'aul a1 this time is Moly-
Me is the meeting piece of the Corinth-
ian church, and belongs 10 (inure (front.
23; 1 Cor. 1. 14).' One Erastus. des•
eril.ed as the "lrconunnt,," or treasurer.
of the oily. IIIs<► sends greetings thr'ougll
Pa1111 le trivets at Rom:. '(he melltien
et 1(14". • monies and other simile'. definite
indications point to the time of Paul's,
% ieit to (nrinth mentioned ett Acts 211. 2
and 3. which, nce(IIsling to the frost
r•rohahle reckoning;, occurred early in
\.1). 58. The occask1n kir Paul's writ-
me, as explained in the intr 4IllClien la
'me epistle itself (item. I. 1-15), was lug
inieltse desire 011 Ihc pari of Paul In
seine into cnmrmmtcafkon with 111,
Christian (:hotel► in the imperial ell...
:mod if fee:sihle leo %•isit 111th ('hatch 1- • ••
sad preach the glorious gospel 4.f
viitinn n1 Rome nlso. The purpose I,1,
,ierlying the writing of this pert -
.end of n letter is rust +0 4'. 1,1,
IAnlhlles:, a I.I.ni.te1111181 ccns4,n e- 14,
Te taken into are. tont. II was part 0f
Ge,dh pion That such a letter S110111(1 la'
written for the udntonilion of Chris•
firms in alter )eats. L.,1 in all pellet -
!Silty there w(1s 11 1110r0 immediate lea -
.1 0 el.''. 'gee opoSIlc Trull certainly
t,'seh14l'O't'Ir• lssome an(1 110 1ado!n1
1114' It ri ,'
church. wh(ise Wuilh tend Leen oilseed,
" •nw'inntxd throughout the whole
world:' Ile kings to rontrihule seem -
thing l0 the spllitua1 upbeilding 41( this
frilhhll entllpnny of dise-i dit:. and 10 lend
them into 8 deeper kn•4w14dg4' of '14nr•i-
t31n1 Iruttts and Christian experience.
11 • is planning a %Colt to Jerusalem, llnel
. not optimistic comerning the out -
mine of that %'isil n.= is r('Itles le, his
g4•rs4lttl safely; and lie is Iherefere nnx-
ktss to pug info ander;' 8.111"' 'onchl-
5)1'1)44 w;nfrll tn'e the 1. :clot' 1 1,101111111
t111i1111g4. 4.t ernes 443 plrvru.1 4 •.i.eri lee
n1 the (:hris•llnn lit'. Itis womb ren: 4• .••
'.'r5i111 and the rower of I:ill'i'-! , .:1:-
r..,1 111 his m%n life, lout in the
noes 111' 111 !lin.. terms Ile 4
lnpsl (( 10, tlevsngn /111.1 pe'• • 41
,11 :11 U1111:11n' ,lie•„•li nl I his rat•;:: :”
I14, -.'!,-, a- It v.Pio. 1 !W. ::%.411111117X
11111:1;4111114,1,,I.:::!1,111.1,11,1 . 1. ., 1 !4 1' til' 111110 411
'('hr lir 1 010.11 1' :' • • 1 ' . , , kite 11.
to. I!.:1; is, Iles • •1 , 1111ln1 4315•
ro ssi4,n 4.1 the great oh. '•,• :-Hnonnced i11
err... 17 elf the tots harrier in the
is eels. "The rigs,.,•.- shell live by
infill." I,'l' 4411tg• 1' t:lrg!('r 4loctrinnl
sit I:•,•, ll,. ,._•1e )• ' 4 'I's a briefer (to r•
tom •,r ,:.• ', I
•14!1. o! prart18l
r\tK•'''.1•• Il 1 far I411p•Iting the
mann,, , „ • e It- 1 :-tion disciple
• Iii.- ' , .11.1e s, his telknv
:rel t,. 1 n4 ; .•t 1'11,! slllt five the
( 1. 1 :11 1 . ,..,9, 10100. of 111c
le:!„ , ' 11 le f4• 1 n personal
trete 1• 1)1181 ('on -lila i41-4.!•11144:. In wariI%<•
i,. r•4,ns..1 1 riff posts/stip'. a h(nedk•iio11
.•1,41 n 41.,•..,:d•gy.
ege 11 (erne a conclusion. Pcrs4•na:'
i•I spe.nsibilily, the apostle hos petite.
,ul, should be a sufficient reason lot
s4nu•►stt•ncy o1 action in one's own tib
Ind charily toward otl:e,tl:.
13. Lel us not therefore judge -'rhe
tpostle includes himself with noose tc
a•ti41141 more especially the letter is
.written. We note again the broad an.:
gcHrruI cltaracter of his ergI..ne-r.t.
This rattier- 'There is a higher- pelade
n'.• of action Ita'i 11181 of discovering Ili.
e1 rue in 11184111"•2 S life, and That is 1h-
'x0rcisimc of great care that no noun pot'
► siunll'tuig-bWck in his t vilhel 1, way.
11. Nothing is um leen in itself ---'eta
it •,stle is thinking of the caroms alae
law and of the 141043-4 111141 drinks, the
:heals and wines littered in the puble
,market piece atter having Leen elede
'toted le hrttlheu Id'ds. These loiter
inmost cousklerev) as improper articles o1
1..•'.1 for it (:fu•i.,tinu i:ecutse of their
se -events ,tcsociatien welt idol worship
Piet. however. insists that to frim who
1110 gra rise 1.. the morel standard 1n•
:4 e.1. even thew Things need net in
'!-. rnselves be defiling or wrong.
save that to him who necounteth any-
thing to be unclean—(lily if a man s4tp-
peees Butt n certain naive( of acli•,n (1
wrong, and is compelled by the 0)1111-
.81 and practice of his R•tlows in do
4i(,Icn(s' to his own 141101, he is led to
sem'tnil sin.
15. D('stroy- net '.lith Thy meal him
!'.r wheel Christ died—A speci+tl lt•,•licn-
: on of the general principle nnn(•r,Hret
is: verso 13 that none should gee 41110-
Ihe'r occasion for stumbling.
11. Nemo g.sxl—The course of action
,4.ne:t•ning %whielo you yourself are per -
:suedes! Berl it is right. Consent to nd:.l,t
another 4.'ulwe ra:he• than have othete
look upon you its one who 15 doing
W1011j1 <' •mlinurtlly.
17. The kingdom 4,f Gal --An echo of
•nor Lord's teaching.
19. Things which make for p ett' e—
These are the esselitials of conduct. and
l,gelhcc with those things whereby
('itrislia►ta may edify one another cin
polity be considered) :leer the 0.'41e1041n2,
for friction and u.istlnd.-1:;tutting
among brethren have been 'emceed.
22. l'o thyself befo►e Gad ---If one's
faith ie sufficiently strong to enable bier
'o see that things in thenoi elv -s tinny be
mallets of indifference. it nifty Min be
hie duty to be content to know this for
hiuri('1f without boasting of it le others.
who luny &tot be 118 strung; in (nigh es
himself. -
1lnppy is the --11 Ls a desirable nebicve-
ment to he above the constantly tnnay-
ing scruples of con.sefenee in minor mil-
lers of daily lichen. The pereen who has
!earned I(• order his life according to
!tweeter, higher principles is to be com-
2:1. Bet he that doubleth is cendelnncd
-Nevertheless, if such conscienr14lus
sol up1.5 do exist, they tore not to be •ig-
nmeal. Obedience to the highest 114(81
which the individual possesses is of tics(
toms ortnnce.
Sin—'I1sot is. "a moral shortc.•nling.''
t•<rnnse conh•nry to the dialates of (see
science. and benne contrary to 0114'e
highest present idem) of • life.
GREAT MEN'S 1'RIBUT1:S�wt111�i'J- 1•t�..,..;.;.,.,_,.;.;_,.J.i 1
7 E'ACtShi i011
BI-AUTi'IFUL ti\i'tti0sl;)N': 111' 1.0\1:
1,011 "I 'Will 1\I\I:,•.
itomanllc SIodes of Sonia Famous Men
Told in '['heir Letters ul
tenets1 i(.1:4t., (It n tI't dish. lura the le,we(1 1„ Loll (urloust3 for trace and n
tl•':• r t,''• (18,' middle. garnish 1:1111 1,141` tninl.tes.
`I 11c et lore. 1.n014'11m may be washes oyer wOh
see• etietiete. cut ns rtinn3 milk an.! enter. cr kept (lento 1.y ruh-
t. , : I a large pl• -411-411 ling with paraffin on a (1011t. Por 1+01-
4. . . ' • 1 • t ''r toe. (111.1 r,.wer (s1011g: 111141100111 Ihet.• 1s n etheog leiter
,..• ,, 4•. tl. , m n ba(. than loeeswnl and lur('e111ne: hal pot.
1 ..,I 41'11.11 1171 Inch of th•• 'shed 1114,1.4 ore Letter ev)ided 114 11d,use4
1.•1' I 4• ' fgs tiU quite light an;l where (here are little children or Utllrm
g•• '. t 1 -' I,blesgvmntnl of c :st, r l wile.
•, i • nn 01141 and n tall of mile: Linseed tat is very useful in rases se
\.•1-e f:'. Tae •lees , seklard ns the
1 : -1. (. 1 our lrrlla'runre 141.444.1) 141-(11,3
• „ i'.0 l . Illy of a longer passage
It 'tri. I i 1 I:, .) in welch the oxen('
(':,431 •1 . the broader theme of
(: -' •.n. or the i-d*1.kuialip
1.(144, • „ 0' ' . 411 and the tweak hl faith.
10 ('r'•• i , 1 at1If'rs he has ..taken o1
(:11ri- 1448 . 1, ••. • f the relation of Ow
('I risttan 1. 1.•
(,,illi: he hr•, •t -
g3:een 1114' cllmr,;it 1H•
greet obligation 4.1
clps0. and the Int .
ter Ire Des,,:eeel- • ..
other, mol of the
1 such subjects as
the reletien I..e-
,i,e elute. Mc one
•• y Christian 4311.
• .l . In this chap•
tthose who have
grits' ,•1 uta. 1, . , f 11.- f'liris
Har. f: ''1 hint ltl . • • . 1 111ci
fellow l '.rietians %%Li .,.. -I
8.I L
.1 '. 1,' , 11 Bre I 111 )11141 01' 1 • ''.Is and veagIt5 and 1. Imide :is (oh demi,. •I • i,les Irh!Mane).e). •.. t•- .l .,, ! ,don
:d • r.
441 a
1. ::1 hone. I►Icn lake 111 ', '4 n -: ('41I n quarter of n pound of the es' !! -' even,,- of (. ' 1' -I 11
, 4 n '-. I we 11(,t. I 0%1 I111401N1 in n fug! with the rand .,1 t • - u' . • .1. :, 1, '' '
Tr, cares, 111,C,/ . hw• m i sre4.' noel Mese sheen..). nose, 1 . ( 4
•'•t 1 '8'. .1 t. \1•• ,.1,440,' 4)1 luirild sugar. Ieotl (.I► 4* pint 1111. (.woe • ' ' =
11 ,u . i' , t( ,.t , • •n` .'rad a half of polling( water, stir often and n4 n- 1 '!- 4 f • 1
4• '1 ,.t . • r-, - ,1 1..11i •... wlifl It
re:•'.---(:r'an/ n hal" tui• 0111 hoe ere' 1the11111 I+.' (.:,, 1 •.11% fnir!y v, th1•n '1' - w i t• •{ee 1' a oi)rit.(1 any w11lrlg"-•:b arounJ w.
butler ,1 Ih one and onc.na11 Cups of jr,ean the fire at first unlit a “1,-8 formst►iltr ver -es l ll, Lc,w1u41I I"eget gt•n
There is something inexpressibly beau•
liful in a love whirl, •lime has ripened
ti i«ts.
dee s
L �
!�I'•t i•t••J'-i-i•.J,.1..f..l .l_t..t..t-t.l..t.t-1••ir
SUGGESTIONS Pitts et\1 (N4t fAlt.ult-
F:D \\,\le1e.
The tailored waist should ungIles14 n.
int• n fullnees and tenderness such as ably have the regular shirt elee,(45 with
Charles Kingsley- exhibited to his wife cats two and a 11(111 niches wide. '1 he
after years of 11.1.8 together, wt►en sepa- cuff should int snugly around the wti'(,
rated from !lie 1ek.ved sharer of his joys
and sorrows was u bitterness scarcely
to be borne.
Apart from her the must beautiful of
environments WAS but n wilderness.
'A kis place is perfect," he once wrote to
her from the seaside, where tie had gone,
attic, to recruit his health after an ill-
ness' "but 1l stems u dretim and Mosier-
but be sufficiently large l0 give the
muscles (ell 0:1Y.
Neck Il,nshutgs are of several 14:
and, while the shit ..nen collar will De
greatly worn, thn soft 00911144 are eon.
siderod sinurter and are shown on runny
of the newest models.
When making these collars they
tett without you 1 never before (eft the should be cut in 011e piece on the
loneliucss of ray toeing without the be- straight of the material.
loved tieing whose every look and word Do not curve the lower edge cn that
+11(1 motion are the keynotes of my lite.
People talk of love endil. i lei the altar.
Feols 1 I lay at the window all mot•n-
ing thinking of nothing but home; how
1 long for it t"
Equally touching o1S Daniel O'Con-
nell's devotion 10 his wife, as expree+sal
14: her in lelle4rs so ardent and tender
it will set down below the Throat Ileo.
1t 011151 be curved nt the upper edge,
ho'vetver, to make it at lead halt an
inch higher in the back than in lite
This kind of a Dollar will Ir very
much prettier if made to fasten in the
bWck, even if the waist is buttoned in
that to read them almost ,brings tears the front. In this C:LsC the exlllar can
,to the eyes. eyes.' swedes" A1nry," he or►l he fastened to the waist nt one
stole , ne i, o in ( have wished M side; otherwise It should he fastened all
s n nue )int o1s41 in that handlvrnlingf
whieh gives see recollections of the
and still blesses one with inexpressible
sweetness and comfort when we, dar-
111,g. are separate. All the romance of
icy life envelops yen, 4411:1 I ant lag
-crnnr:lie in my love this day as I was
twenty-three years ago, when you drop -
around. The collars are made inde-
pendent 41f the waists and lucked to
them by hand.
It will be necessary to hone these
cedars to keep them from crumpling.
Cover the bones with a double thfck-
mess of muslin and place one 011 each
aide of the centre front about three e11011 -
4't apart end sloping toward Pie beck
ped your not unwilling hun43 nolo mind. 4,, lhnt they torn, a V. Arrange the
Darling;, will you smile at the love -let -
toe'. of your 4.141 husband 1 Oh no, my
Mery --ray own !Vary.'
Ewan Bismarck, the mien of iron and
"despot of Europe," 17111:pine:l 14) the last Irrvle lew+ps.
wife. "My Love," "My dear Heart," he loops are worked on
(ley of life the rotna'.Uc lever of his '1e Insure edge of the hew of the collar
"My belovel Heart," "My Darling"— and do not tstend beyond lite edge.
such are the terms of endearment he
This conceals the buttons and makes n
lavished on her to the legit. "There has
been no change in us." he writes to
wee, "since cur wedding -day, and 1
have never realized before that that was
•o long ago—five or sib illescand happy
days. May the 1or41 not consider 114,w
ut,wor(hy of than 1 nett, and may He
continue to pour out Ito' fullness e,f Itis
I'd4ssing upon us waisted tegar.' to our
deserts, '
"Oh, i'htrbe, 1 want Thee much," wrote
Nathaniel I1awthOrne to his wife fame
years after their wedding -day. "Thou
art the only person in Ihr world that
ewer was accessary- to one. I ant only
myself when thou are within my reach.
T1:401 art nn unspeakably bclnved WO -
11%101." And, when waling to her sister,
ho paid
Loucee straight up and down at the sues
and hack.
A new and pretty way to close (hese
cellars Ls with cloth (»:Mons and Molten-
% Most Remarkable Sinh1 -- Snakes
Only four tor 1'he feel in
3051 l'rvnnrl Pill Passage in the
844.ulh ti -a Islands is a nt4,: t remark-
able group of islands, exteteling away
score of miles in a long line. :They
arc known as the f'isangs and Fats(
I ssnngs, an(I, though numbering pro-
bably thousands, 1 doubt much if one
amongst them can be n trite in length,
writes n e.rres(aondent. l'I►e majority
ace merely tall gaunt rocks wit!' sharp,
heeling points; a vast natural set of
dragon's teeth They seemed, and Ihey
tri avoided for superstitious reasons by
nil natives. as lough inhabited by de-
vils. Shortly alter leaving these quaint
r,•1<.Is behind, there occurred that which
ninety deprived ale of roll my reputa-
tion for truthfulness and sobriety.
In it word --1 saw a sen serpent! No
--n dirt 1101 see n sen serpent ---1 saw ser•
petits. very much in the (llur141. It w:45
'.r. a lnzv after.-oon, telt 141)11 dull: atom
of my compnnktns I puffed n fragrant
Ilrough dry, weed over the ship's side
Then. n little ahead, 1 espied n curious
waving stick above the lake -like surface
of the sea. It hail nn umbrella-handle/1
n.(' to it; I knew, however, it was tot
an u:l'hr011n, because this handle of-
fish. wng'r.41 backwards and forward.
pi mr i:. n knowing way. As we got
ekscr• 1 dstingnistied n 4erven(.,rs. !.,ng
head hnlnneed on n 11. .. 1 ' s and
vt.1hee body-. MY nerd w:4s !made up.
1 heel seen the sea 8e!pent, end just as
r.•. itunginnlion was se:c•ecssfully
tiring a huge truly W) feet (or more') in
1,t:gth, the beggar disnppeared.
rushed for help, but they all laugh -
e;) roe to 44Cr•rn and arv,uted my insis-
tence that naught but lime: juice had
rouse.( my lips; 11--- - iuferre,l 1 heel n
(•livate store somewhere. or load sneak-
ed ,1 Ironic of saki front the Japanese
eng.iiirer. Any way they were a) rowed
1114)1, seeing further sleep would be irn-
possible. 5,411e of them deigned to et me
011 deck. And ihere. in relatively the
51,m(' pnsilinn. apparently, was my see.
pent. As we walehed. Iwo more joined
him: my honor rap least was silver!, (011
w",• nit .ow the 811111e numtOr.
Presently they popped up all over Ihc
sen, owl the senior ()Meer. coating to
ta. 0xplained that they were a seal snake
Well known just around here, and garot-
te feared by (eery one. being excels
le naily ven(,nx.u•. They do not ('.iced
four or five •1001 In length (alas! for my
imagination). mid since we passed pelt,
(los" 10 some wee teem,' that they Ihf-
fcr0d pea of alt in r,ul\ward nppcarnmre
trout land snakes of sinl !ss sire. 11.or•.
Were ROM hun43ted" (f th0n1-- ntnybe
th(seetrel5--and nit lite steamer drove
through them. with rano accord they
u:'endrd noel (I:t(el from sight. leaving
very pretty 11 iLsh.
If a email lend pencil is used in ntak-
ine these loops it will 1e found Touch
crosier to keep Iden the paper size to
Slip over the bu1.14'8.5 without 114,0hle.
but the needle in the materiel and car -
.y the lhru.d over the pencil to the op-
posite side. where the needle Ls ngaln
drawn tnrough the material.
In this warmer bring two or three
strands of the (•Ton over the pen".) Ve-
tere taking it out end commence fo
buttenhele notch the loop.
All seam; of shirtwaist should ho
nrnde with French tolls. Finish the
h•.ttom will) to narrow hero. Above nil
(w careful in the working of the but.
I0 1111 Ix_tovrrl lwlp►nnle, "She is a (lower
That was lent frail 1feaven to show Ute
p essibilities ul Ute human soul."
Tho love -story of Robert Ilrowning
and leis wife Ls mire of the most healthful
roe the I)Sslof 18311181118 dewtoteun, 'l'0
sail 1118 belury wnrshii,ped the very gerund
she- hod on is nu poetical exaggeration;
for whenever he returned lo London
after 1111 pbsutcr abroad he never failed
t•, make a piIgrinungc lo the cht,r:h nu
w1-hv'h they were Hurd.' one, and, falling
en his knees. 14, Liss the paving -stones
In front of the 41.4, over which the feel
411 his bride had passel.
Very 1.'esntfitul, torr, was Tom flood's
Ince for the partner of his life. and the
inspirer 41 that exqu:sik' poen&, "I love
Thee, 1 love nice, 'lis n11 thnl 1 can say."
"Illess you." concludes one of lois letters
to her, "bless you ngnin ami ngnhr, rely
(Ivor one. my only one, my 4,110 14 goal
as n thousand 1n your old hnllnrian In
love, T. f f." "(foci bless you and give
you strength to support no. preta-lol 1111s•
fortune:' wmlr (:. 1. 3lulhcws to his
wife front his cell in l.ancasier Cest!e,
where he w'na imprisoned Por d, 1:1. "A
thousand, (h40Sand kisses. my own
dearly beloved wife. 1 have your pi,' -
lure Isidore my eyes 1 <Inv. 11.10v, •111
real comfort to ITi,', and 1 span.. it
81141 kiss i1 every night. Once more,
(ant 1114-714 3(111."
"1'(1(44 d:n'. 11,3' love," w r'(,g4 (..
lirlgwnod gra his wire 1n ftltkl. "Is therg an(lil-
nhcrsnry of our snerringe, rttld 1 Wish
1: r ninny saurus 4,t 11. If 04'01' we have
peace, I hope to spend my latter (lass
amid ony fa11nly, w'htrh Is the only sort
4.11 hnppiness 1 enjoy.' 'rhe
GI1uvr Dl'KE OE \&A11i.I1O1101(''11
4485 r%en more ardent n '•over ns hus-
1Ntnd than in the daps of his wooing.
"1 4141 104e 81)11 ndere you with rill toy
heart noel foul," runs one of oniony 5-1111-
tar lettere, "s+t much, that by nil that is
feud, 1 de and will ever toe better
ne 1w 3.1111 happiness U►nn my
pte0118(s4.1. ht44o1111c o4' Boa Duo AKk Rltr((I11 rrtl
own; 1°111 oh, 111Y heart. if wr might (e4!
loth happy. weal in(xpre-isle joy That
would he ! 1 think the h::ppines.s would
117 •s, great that it would make Hie mortal."
Few tributes of huspeists haw,' horn
more 1•rautiful than She. eel • •
one of 1415 101lks: "flow •!,n t:;.- yd,r
enderne•ss n'111oyc<1 pnin ire►n 1ny sick
head. how Olen nngolish (rem my affec-
teel bawl? ll Mete are bush things es
gunr'linn newels, Ihey are thug em-
ployed. I cannot believe (110 4.t therm
In be mare t;•i'4l In inrlihntk.n, or noon'
alarming In lean. than Inv wife." ray
sty *1430, however, we mny (11(8(6' fl <-
114.18'44 (tele a:Oen of "Sy Lire "1 would
lets• r(be this work le one wheee, noble
spirit and gentle nature ever prompt her
14o 5yn►prithize with the suffering; to one
whose sweet voice has often enc4?urage.41,
mrd whose taste end judgment have ever
guided its pogcs---the utast aevcrc of
(rill(,. hut n perf('rl wife."
Vane. "1 know t ' w15 talking
M you ab4alt rue. NOW. wasn't lie?."
N1iss Steeitz- "W4 11 ye •:." \lens Vane-_
"I thought I heard tem rmiark that 1
had a 111:4 k tread t 1 heir." amiss Speitz
"fierily e,orreel. Ile didn't mention
your heir. Irowe%er."
"Waiter. do you mean to ray this 15
the steak i orderer!'" "\\"ee, sir," "11
eieks (.ke the same st4:4k the gentlemnn
11rr4,ss floe table retl..,r41 to rat n few%
t11,nul(s ago." "les. sir: we 8109%44 Ir.
It three tin -.7.% before we giro it up, sit."
The new shades of Lrown are•
r(;,,ulnr color. of this tease:), an,r
leaving eke se in popular -1y (sillies goi
Il looks as i( Ibis •once neglected e'
would remain a permanent In'ori!e. At
the moment it Is 10 be found in all pos-
sible tones from the (.at( ' i ',:e green
It; dark emerald. Some rt • 1.814 be
!.ken, however, in Ihr• : . ,. '•f the
colors. 1l is no eeag1(..t.' n 14. say
some shade of green suits ever:,
Lul 11 is not always easy to saes' 11,
end selecting the wrong[ .Rade o1 gl140n
more disastrous then ill any .drier
tutor. A {particular green Intik .ou er
it does Itwil. 'flare is til 4.o11171l- .v' in
the mailer. Then (here else IN the dif-
ficulty that lite Shade of green t•ee<run-
ing In the daytime often is guile the
apposite rat night; te, when ft is n meet-
ikrn of something to be worn 1 r day
and evening the color stu111141 be judged
by both Iighle.
The pinln hens of l.ff.•I1s, lip('rly sa-
ne, or vette! 14) n transparent gown,
whether for day or 044ning wear. has
1-41.11 ton vat►nhle nn (.it•n to give up
1140(41 ', Mil it tons l+ec'+ille fines 1*1 •. A
newer idea Is the ple0041 heel „'feral
inches deep of guile mnr'.e s Ire Snide
killings Tongued rat the 14 !', well
1'. 81 the lop, or allowed 1., INA% ft', ".
This killing can t.4' repeated prettily en
the w-nisl. Pentlug to sort of disown up
tucker for corning w4:1•. or 1. reveal
(:n0 of the guittt(ws or pilots f' 4 :1 4111.3'
(loess. Plniti!igs 141 fnish toff the sleeves
may he worn, bol 81Koultl Ire turned
Lack. not 0110w(41 to hang (gown. The
tiny frilling of NM' roun.1 11: hti,'th,
Ir•nnspnrrnl to t-kbanels i., of 1. 111-8',
universally warn rat present.
For children in the fall reel tinter
nothing is better than a 11,11e• and
kilted skirt in Hue merge %%eh kni''her-
[s-ckers of the mune ',interest. This is
n rx•rlf'enble costume and 1':1'(71 81111
has the 4urther nev,tnlage test pclli•
cents are net heeded.
&mon suer' roil lintr,r,
For Ih older girl s^ilk-r .4,1111. P10 the
n Ml warn. 'they 1114? pi.., ti.•; add lie.
miming ko almost 414.-,•'810. 1 hey
should be mode with a t se, ' •- (11 nna
the Fhr3es Memel 1 e m ,b r:'I'dc full.
%%Rh t:ern brie). ruffs. 'fl 11 shn111J
he peeled. '1)10 Flirt is 11::•14) of Ih o
and 14 half or lour strni:sht ei(lIt of
I111c rends. and sh! shooed I., h term 4 1 .
fore 11 is plaited. A bell (14*' stzr. of (11*'
ch11(15 wnlsl !s (11411 i ok: n anti the
plods pinnal to it until they are the de.
sired %width hof' re lets!:',r. - -- -
Girls 4)1 a1) Ages should hose kn:rliee
heeckers to wear with encu fro 1 - Tiley
should ta' made ed fit' steep pods ai
the dress nerd should 14' s11• a l rnoU1l'11
11(.1 t,) be acen below the hem of 11)41
rir*.1 Paco- neer- "\\ h•rl d0 y4,13 '1111•
O4. se 111141 cs 1hr snip loll s'i? it'1! l.'
(114' tenth 4 1 ate!" S4- and ('ns a ng;. r
'furiously)--"I1'.s that inol'1l!' tot an of -
floor up there! I1,• t.t •s 11-11(1 gig hal
walk from one side ..f the ship 10 Ih.1
'.(her. 11'.; (rough t4• rl,psize 11.f tet.
Self -raisings emir would be n .4 -rent
tot on to (1 man of (011111• who 1s unable
to raise a Lord ul (Liar (411rs:U.