HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-11-21, Page 1•♦
SI to JAN '09
NOW 1, T111; TIME to
subscribe for the AIsVO-
('A'rE and get a bargain
as above stetted; or else
take a trial subscription
1 Oc. to Jan 1,'08
le*Sale Bills
FARMERS who tv tilt a
big ',-t d at their sales
should t t (heir (rills at
ttl' ADVOCATE t and Ts:
vel t ire in the Alma-tTE:
It Meaux Money to You
The Sovereign Bank
of Canada.
Mice is hereby given that a divid-
end at the rate of six per cent.
per annual on the capital stock of this
Bank has been declared for t he per-
iod of four (4) months ending Novem-
ber 30th, 1907, and that the same will
be payable at the Head Office and at
the Branches on and after Monday,
the 16th day of December next.
The transfer hooks will be closed
from the 1st to the 14th day of Decent.
her, both days inclusive.
By order of the Board,
F. G. J E M M ETT,
tirueral Manager.
Toronto, October 22nd, I907.
Branches at Exeter, Dashwood, Zur-
ich and Crediton,
JOS. SNELL, Manager
We will pay the highest
prices for list/ OLD HEAL,
TURKEYS, and all
lairds of
Poultry &
The Old Reliable
30 Days Special Sale
Ready-made Clothing
75 Suits of Men's, 65 Suits of Youths', 50 Suits for
Boys', 40 Suits of Child's. Also a number of Mens
and Boys' Pants in all sizes. A choice line of our
Coats, ranging from $5 to $15. We are bound to
sell the above at a sacrifice price in order to make
room for other goods.
Come Quick if You Want a Bargain
Highest Price paid for produce
reeteattla eaI Cara..
DLG. O. I►. ItOUL8TON, L. D. 8., D. D. 8.
Member of the R. C. D. 8. of Ontario and Honor
Graduate of Toronto Unit crafty.
Orrice: Over Dickson & Catling's Law Office, In
Dr. Anderson's former Dental Parlors.
DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. 8., D. D. 8.'
Honor graduate of Toronto Unlyeristy.
Teeth satrscted without any pain, or any bad effect•
OMco over Oladman k Atanbury's office, Main street
Ar. MALLOY, M. B. (Tor. Uv.) MEMBER
• College of Physicians and kurgeont, Ontario.
'crater House surgeon Toronto Western lloepital.
successor to Dr. J. A. Rollins. Residence: East on
eat street north of office, Exeter, Ontario.
v 1
R.T P. L
Has schemed pn ti a after spending a year (Col.
Nese) at British and Continental Hospital's General
practice with special attention to rye, (with tsars,
t Ion) Ear, Nose and Throat.
OMee: Dashwood, Ont.
torr, Notaries, ('on%eyan• ere, ('on,mie, oners.
Solicitors for Maisons Bank, et..
■•xey to L..8 at low eat ratesof interest.
Offices, Main street, Eteter,
1. S. Oaacu•, B.A., L, 11. Drcuos
ONt1;Y To LoAN.
we kare a large amount of ;iris ate funds to loan
la farm Ind tillage properties at low rates of inter
Barristers, Solleiton,Main et.. Exeter On
William Brown
Prof. Diploma of Royal incorporated S . iety of
Masi •isns, England; Organist of Trisitt Memorial
Tan h,Eeeter. Piano, Organ. harmony and Theory
f Music, Terms on application. Exeter, Ont,
Blaotrloal traatrn•nt of dls.at•$ of
woman a sp•olalty-
arlyr miner Aviv wirmariuriat 'Yr 'Uri
Are available with renewal of
IL industrial activities in early
✓ SPRING, 1f you desire one you
must enter NOW. Short, sharp,
Psnappy courses for those' whose
time or money is limited, and
the broadest and most compre-
hensive eurricultn for those who
would attain more than ordinary
O MALI l'OtHSKS in (',pmmerc•iel 4
Stenography, Telegraphy. Civil 11
RSeevice Matriculation. Penman--
ship, etc.
Write for perti+'ulars
Clinton Business College
�George Spotton, Principal
iglialk atlklateilk AI*L!! di
Agent Confederation Life Assurance
Company, also Fire Insurance in lead-
ing Canadian and British Companies.
Main -St., Exeter.
Teacher Wanted.
For S. S. No. 3, Stephen, 114 miles west of Exeter
for 19(51. l'rotes.ional certificate and personal ap-
i.lication preferred. Apply to
JAME:s SIIAPTON, Exeter 1'. 0.
Sale Registers.
There will Le sold Aj 1'uble• Auction at the (Nom
menial hotel. Eveter, on Saturday, Nov. 23rd at
Eatt hall lot', South Rounders, (lay, fifty
acre+, tmeet pasture farm with rivet touching .•nr
tier goal eba.le John till!, Auet.; ('has. Box.
Prop.: t;ladman and Star,bury Solicitors.
► clo t'm n
The c en r f the u,tv of Dimon will meet '
r ,e in
the Council ('han.lwr,iuthe (o* ofUo,icrIr h, at :I
lark p.n . 011 Ti. Ila. , :Sed day of Ihw.en,la•r nett,
All accounts to rouse 1, for.- the Council must be
`dared with the clerk by December 2nd.
ilsted Nov, IS, 1907. W. line, ('leek
Of John Webber, late of 1 In Township
of l'sborn'', in the County of Huron,
yoemen. deceased.
Notice is he reby given pur«rant to Sec. 38 of l'hae•
tee la"), of the Re% bred Statutes of0ntario, LW, amt
amending acts that all p•rsons has Ing claims against
the cetateof the said John Webber, who died on nr
aknit the 3141 day of May, 1947, are requested on
orlcfore the
Exeter Council
The Exeter Council islet in the Town
Hall I Reading Room) on 1Vednesday.
Nov. 13th. All members present.
The minutes of Meeting held Oct. 2s h
were read and approved.
A petition from Messrs. Hazelwood,
Handford and Colwell asking for an
electric light to be placed on the cor-
ner of North and Senior streets. The
petition tiled waiting the new ai*Lnge'-
nients of the street lighting system.
%V. J. Heitman J. J. Knight --theft
the sleeve with Councillor Johns look
into the complaint re patties peddling
fresh meats around the town and if
found necessary have a new 13y•laty
prepared placing a license on all meat
pedlars. The same to be submitted to
this Council at its next regular meet-
The following accounts were read
and order's drawn ott the Treasurer for
payment of the same,—Juo. W.
Welsh, wood for Town Hall, $14.25;
Bell Telephone Co., message 25c.; J.
Grigg, stationary, $1.43; M. Jackson,
iron piping, $4; Queen City Oil Co.,
gasoline, $8.42; T. Hawkins k Son,
hardware acct., $14.41; C. 13. Snell,
street lighting, $104,16; C. B. Snell,
Town Hall lighting, $3.60; for labor:
H. Parson (13c.; Silas Handford $3.50;
D. Gillis $5; Geo. Cudmore $i; Thos.
Holden $1: W. Neil, st. watering and
labor, $7.75: W. J. Bissett, pt. salary,
$S3; C. W. Cross, pt. salary cemetery,
$27; \V. J. Bissett, ticket to Clinton
per E. Hall, 1130c.; amounting in all to
....�:3 — E tike.-
$ J. J. Knight—A. L
Cart ied.
Adjournment by W. Johns.
Jos. Senior, Clerk.
Will Bottler, Earl Chappel and the
Misses Evelyn Gillespie and Nettie
Bottler were guests at the home of
Jno. Shute on Sunday.—Ira Marshall
has returned from the West.—Wm.
Davis has been here visiting his par-
ents.—Miss Lizzie Sweitzer continues
very low which is learned with regret
by her many friends.—Mrs. David
Kirk of Toledo has been here attend-
ing the funeral of her _mother-in-law
Mrs, Alex. Kirk.—The farmers have
taken advantage of the fine weather
the past few days and are busy taking
up their turnips.—Mrs. Thomas Hazel-
wood, who has been quite ill shows
some signs of improvement.—Harry
Vickers, who moved to London a few
years ago, is again a resident of our
hurg and will again be found at his
old post at the grist mill. His many
friends welcome him hack.—W. G.
Balfour has disposed of his farm east
of the village to John Morfitt of Crom-
ty, who formerly lived in Blanshard,
until five years ago. Mr. Balfour has
not decided where he will locate.- -
The telephone directory containing
over 160 names of subscribers has been
issued. This is one of the best rural
lines in Canada. instruments are con-
tinually being installed. An extension
will soon be made along the Thames
DKATt1--One of our most highly re-
spected residents plaited away on Fri-
day, Nov. Sth, when the death occur-
red of Jane Mahon, relict of the late
Alex. Kirk, at the age Of 79 years, S
months and 28 days. For five years
deceased had been in ill health, due
particularly to old age, 1t was only a
few weeks ago that the husband died,
and at that time she was very ill, her
death being
expected at
any time. She he
was t native of Canada, being born
at Brockville where she was married
and a family of five children were
born, previous to their moving to this
section. Their golden wedding was
celebrated it number of years ago. Mrs.
a tAt
Kirk was nch Methodist and in
her younger days was very ctve in
promoting the cause of her Master in
church work. The children who sur-
vive are William of ('on. 12, l'sborne;
Dr. D. A. of I eSener, Minn.; James of
Hanliota, Man.; Joseph on the home-
stead; Dr. S. J. of flak River; Mrs,
John Hanna of Kirkton; Mr's. Junes
Weir of Devizes, Mrs. Josiah Shier of
Kirkton. The funeral to the Itirkton
emetery on the following Sunday was
argely attended.
The Kirkton Methodist church an-
niversary on Monday and Tuesday was
a gratifying success. The Sunday ser.
vices were largely attended and r+ very
bigcrowd attended the fowl supper,
wich was an excellent one. The en-
tertainment was also good. Speerhes
were made by Rev. Racey. Rev. Go-,
'rig of Exeter. Rev. Bartlett of Wood -I h
hare. and the pastor Rev. Veale. The
double qunttette of ,hones street Meth -1 1
odist church. Exeter, furnished the n
music, giving a nurnher of excellent l i
selections, while Miss Lewis and Miss t
rehle sang A duet and Miss Lewis a
olo. Mr. Wm. Berry rendered two
ne cornet solos. The proceeds were
arge, amounting to $110.
to send by pod prepaid, to the undersigned Solicitors
for the Administratrit of the rotatenf said deerased,
their names, addresses and descri tions and a fa
statement of part i, ulars of their claims and the na.
time of the serhrities. (if any), held by them, duly
certified and that after mild day the Admini.tratrix
wi11 prates to di,tril to the assets of the said de •
ceased among the parties entitled thereto, hay ing
reganl only to such claims of which notice shall hair
been glum A. al.o%e required. ane that the said Ad
1,10.1 rat wilt not I.eliablelnrthe said A..f 14 or
any part the rmf, to any 410(4 nr Persone of whose
shims noti.-r shall not have been received by het at
George Ruby, who has been work-
ing in Hamburg for some time, spent
the past week with his family here,
George tells us he has a good job i
the brass -works at that place An
that he is likely to move with hi
fatuily there in the near future. W
are sorry to lose such good citizens a
Mr. Ruby's family but are glad he ha
a good position at that place.—Levi
Hamacher, our popular baker, tells us
that he has reduced the size ot his
loaves to 11 Ib. and will still continue
the old price of five cents a loaf. This
will be more convenient than charging
six cents a loaf as it will do away with
the extra cent and the making of
change. This price will continue till
flour comes to its normal price—The
Y. P. A. and a number of their friends,
thirty strong, drove over to Crediton
on Wednesday evening of last week
and took part in the program given
by the Y. Y. A. of that place. :Need -
testi to say the program was good and
well arranged. A good audience wa
present. After the program a dainty
luncheon was served at the parsonag
to which all did ample justice. Ou
people are loud in their praises of th
theywere tendered t
treatment t e d et th
hands of the Crediton Society. --Th
painters have been busy at Mr. Hart
leib s block. The plate glass has beet
placed in position and the whole build
lag is quite an imposing struct ne.—
Henry Kraft lost a valuable horse las
week, as did also Henry Truetnner.-
-The Trustees of our school have en
,i ed Mr. Shore of Varna as p rn t pa
gaged It 1
for 19083 and the Misses Carlin • of size
ter as assistants. Those teachers al
come highly recommended.—Miss
Clara Brown, who has been visiting
at her home here for some time, left
on Saturday morning for Toronto
where she usually stays.—E. M. Brok
enshire and Miss Emilia Callfas spent
Sunday with friends at Crediton.—
Jacob Kellerman has had the plate
glass placed in front of his store which
adds greatly to its appearance,—Geo.
Edighoffer has the outside work on
his shop completed, the front has been
placed and it looks quite imposing, be-
ing of red brick. When completed in-
side it will he a comfortable little
place of business.— It has been rumour-
ed that John Hall of London bas sold
his property here to Peter Kraft for a
good figure.—Mr. and Mrs. Sol. Hardy
of Exeter visited at the home of Geo.
Ruby over Sunday. ---Mr. and Mrs.
Chas. flartleih of Zurich accompanied
by Miss Best spent Sunday at the
'torte of Jonas Herded).— H. Laird of
Brucefleld called on friends in the vil-
lage on Saturday last,—Mr. Hayter�of
Grand Bend visited at Hy, Willert's
on Sunday.—The Zurich Y.P.A. visit-
ed the Y. P. A. here on Monday night
and furnished part of the program
which was rendered. After the pro-
gram a light lunch was served. An
enjoyable evening was spent by all
who attended. --Mrs. %nt. Zirnuier
had a rag bee on Monday night. Rag -
bees seem to be in it this fall.— Mrs.
Ed. Mill has returned to her home in
Milverton after spending a short time
with relatives here.
tannin Factory
We will pay Cash and the Highest
Price for good winter apples. Should
not be less than 2 inches in diameter.
e Miss Stella Andrews spent a few
1' days last week in Stella the guest of
e her sister Mrs. Boyce. —Soule of our
e boys were skating on the river's edge
e last week. Rather early!—haven't
- we some liberal minded citizen in our
1 burg who could loosen his purse strings
• a little and start a skating rink:? It
would he certainly well patronized by
t young and old.—Mt'. and Mrs, Wesley
Kerr of Winchelsea visited friends in
- town on Monday.—Rev. Bean of the
Evangelical church and Rev. Eidt of
Dashwood will exchange pulpits next
I Snoday.--Mr•. and Mrs, Julio Sweitzev
entertained several of our young pen-
ple at their home on Monday evening.
All had a very enjoyable evening.-
' Garnet Rau has returned home after
- visiting .
1. Its l 'e.
r relatives n'e
t s inK' ►
K1 ) h .itch.
f. •
—11y. Either. M.Y. P., Sant. Sweitrer
and Paul Schenk have returned home
froru their annual deer hunt. Our cit-
izens have bad a taste of venison this
week.—Chas. Stock and Elmer Gower
spent last Sunday in Tavistock and
Forest respectively.—Some of our boys
had a football on the street Saturday
evening and one of them managed to
kick it through a big pane of glass at
the Post office. It was an expensive
kick and will no doubt prove a warn-
ing in the future.—Mrs. August Hill
has returned home from Waterloo lif-
ter an extended visit with relatives.—
Both the Sunday schools of the Meth-
odist and Evangelical churches are
preparing for their Xmas entertain-
urenta. Their programs last year were
excellent and we can always expect a
treat when ever we attend one of their
concerts. More particulars will follow
later.—The Misses Myrtle Clark and
Ella Beaver spent last Sunday in Cen-
tralia, the guests of Ds'. and Sirs.Ortne.
—Mrs. John Hauch is at present on
the sick list and under our Dr's. care.
—Chas. Wolf is able to be around
again after his attack of rheumatism.
—Quite a number from here attended
the Conservative meeting held in Exe-
ter on NVednesday evening.
Wm. Clements and sister Eliza, who
have been on a two months' visit in
the West returned home last week.
They speak favorably of the West and
report it most enjoyable visit. They
brought with them their little year-
old nephew, his mother having died
recently in the West. The little fel-
low has fallen into a good home and
will la properly cared for, --Miss Anne
i'erkins of Waterton is the west of
Mrs, G. W. Mead.-- Little Miss Olive
Honig is visiting her aunt, Mrs. ('le-
ments.—Messrs. Thos. Coward and W.
W. Kerr were in London on business
last week. --Miss Genie 1 Itis tss
ins a few days with Ir (Po IAze1
wood. ---Miss
Altnena Heywood is vis-
iting friends in Plugtown.--Mrs. (;has.
Kerr of Crediton and Mrs. Harry %Vil-
son of Centralia were guests of Mrs.
Kerr Monday. --Miss Mary Bonis of St.
Marys visited sled her aunt Mrs. Clements
last week. --W. W. Kerr and wife wets
visitors with old friends at Crediton
Sunday.—IA'AIIP I{ohinson and sister
Miss ElIa, vir,ited friends in Meaforth
and McKillop Holiday.
Sou) FAUyt.---IVa). ('lurk on Mon-
day sold his hundred -acre farm in the
township of l'sborne, being lot 13, I
con. 0, to Daniel Coward of the same
township. The price paid Ives $71(%),
This is an excellent farm and Mr. Cow -
rd has every reason to feel proud of
is purchase. We understand Mr.
'lark will move with his family to
,ondon. Being old residents of the
eigbborhood freennany years, their
tinny friends will regret to hear of
heir intentions of leaving.
the time . f .n• h di.tritnrtion. - 8
Dated at Err tor. this 12th dao of E'm. ita't. fi
DICKSON & ('A)i, f, 1
Solicitors for Administrate ti} Iter.
RS We notice in the Family Herald And i
Francis ltychman had the misfor-
tune to get the tips of iris fingers of
his lett hand in the root pulper lately.
-Mr. and Mrs. John Traquair enter-
tained the young people of this vicin-
ty to a dance. They• had a ggravel bee
in the afternnon. Memirs. Iiorton and
Bolton furnished music and those who
were present found Mr. and Mrs. Tra-
rprair model entertainers. Miss Anna
E.Ilerington of Guelph spent the past
two weeks at the parental home.—Miss
Enuna McTaggart of New York was
the guest of her mother here for a
short time. --We regret to say at. the
time of writing that Wm. Stewart,Jr.,
Is very low with nn attack of pl+tersy.
--Mr. Dinnin and Miss E. Stoneman
was 1 he guest of Mise Margaret Mc-'
Queen on Sunday. -John Vance and
J. M. Glenn returned on Saturday eve-
ning from Brantford and Paris where
they have been engaged in packing
apples.—Miss Miners of Exeter has
been engaged to teach our school for
the incoming year. -We notice that
some of the beef -rings in the Northern
part of the country wind up with 'an
oyster sapper. Mr by rant our ring
have a similar closing of the season's
business.-- Mr. and Mrs. R. D. hell of
Tuckersmith were guests of Mr. and
Mrs, J. A. Bolton on Sunday.
of .lane Tennant, late of the Village
of ('entralie. in the County of Hu-
ron. Widow, deceased.
I'urso,ant to Chapter 120, nt the Re.i.e't Stahttee
o1 ur:tar.... Iso:, notice ie heret.% gi.en that all ered-
itnr. and other. has Mg chime a1t1r.in.t the e.tate of
Jane Tennant, late of the Village of l'entralia.
In the County of Ritron, widow, who dit.l on or about
the 27th day of .April, t.1' , star,, are, on or before
The 21)th Day of November, A.D., 1007
to and by Iwai•repaid to the nnder.igned 14,IiMt-
11r4 for the London and Western Trust. Co., 1.W.,
administrators of the estate of the said de•ea.ed,
th..r. hristian and surname., & %.Iftwees and de. rii+
tions, the full Iarticnlars o/.heir •labs', the .tale -
merit of their w" ,,Int, an.l the nature of the womb
ties ill any) held by them.
.end further take notice that after s.,- h last men
Boned dateiht A1n.ini,tvetoes.01 proceed tndr!tliL-
ate the meet. or the de.. ea.el, amongst the parties
entitled thereto, ha. mit regard onk to the alarm. of
•hi. h noire shall then hale teen gi.tn, and that
the Administrator will not be Gable for the a.seta
or any part thereof to any person or moons of whose
.lain, notice shall not hate been receives by them at
the time rf *IA di.tritmtion
Patel at E:tett r this 13tH day. of Nosetnter. A It., e7
Pali itnre for the London and Western Tr ere ('0.
1.'d the atom e named Adminislra:ors.
Weekly Star of Montreal an earnest
appeal from the Publishers requesting
subscribers to renew earlier than
usual this season. It must ire a great
problem to handle the thousands upon
thousands of subscriptions pouring
into that greataper every day daring
December and January and old sub•
scribers+, and new subscribers ton,
should remit their st)b1eeriptions now
in order to prevent any possible de-
lay later on. The Family herald and
Weekly Star never was 90 papular as
it is to -day and is beyond doubt the
biggest dollar's wotth to be had.
For Sale or To Rent.
Lot No. is, Con. 1. Tp of Stephen. County of
Huron, containing 10n a ree of land• well fenced
and drained; with good orchard, show twenty are!
31 good bu.h, modern T.•.,ihlines, ooroenient to
s•hxl church and mark. t, and is situate about two
mile. from the tillage of Exeter' If not sold before
Nor. lith, w111 le rented For further particulars
apply to
Robert Leathern, or to Mr+.,. 1M. k.nn k Carling
2 6 Wellington st Rarristere, ke.
London, fent. Exeter fent
Two Houses to Let.
Two good frame houses to let, apply
at this office.
A beautiful canary bird belonging
to Miss Hannah Parsons died last
week, nearly 20 years old. It has been
cared for in the home of her brother,
Mr. Harry ('arsons, for a number of
years and was a great favorite and
sweet singer, As a household pct he
will be missed. 1. Mr..loshu+t Heywood,
our local taxidermist, has set the little 1
fellow up, and he looks as natural as I
when alive.
Horticultural Prize Winners
In the County competition ot the
Huron exhibit at the Ontario Horti-
cultural Exhibition in Toronto, held
from Nov. 12th to pith, the prizes were
awarded as follows:—K, Carneron.
Lucknow, 1st baldwin, 1st spy, 2nd
Ben Davis; A. W. Sloan, Blyth,1 King
2 spy, 2 greening; W. Geddis, Morris,
2nd llaldwin; Geo. Lethwaitc, Goder-
ich Tp., 1 russett; E. 13. Jenkins, Turn -
berry, 1 Canada red, 2 rsssett; R. Mc -
Dwain, In Nile. •>'
_ king; 0, Fothergill, East
Wawxnosh, 1 I3en Davis, 2 Ontario, 2 ..
Canada ted; II. Curwiu, Goderich t p.,
1 Ontario; H. 0. McGowan, East Wa-
wanosh, 1 greening, 2 A. O. variety;
F. E. Bingham, Godet'ich, 1 snow; P.
Hogg, S
orth; 2 snow; J. R
. Hender-
5eaforch1A. 0. variety.
department was in charge of
County Clerk Lane of Goderich, and
F. Metcalf of Blyth.
-- - - - -—
WYNNSS—In Ashville, Man., on Nov.
14, to Mr. and Mrs. Wyness, (nee
Miss Emnl8 Young, formerly of Ex-
eter,) of a daughter.
WltyoN--At Grand Bend, Nov, 16, to
Reuben Wilson and wife a son,
Hoot+iss--At Harpley, Nov. 18, to J.
Hodgins and wife a son.
VH0031AN—ANURRNON—In Brantford.
14, by Rev. Harvey, Mr. E. H
Vrooman of Harrisburg, to Miss
Miss Gertrude, eldest daughter of
Mi'. and Mrs. Geo, Anderson, Exeter.
E:ns'rl:n—Rstt)—At the home of the
bride's mother, Stanley. Nov. Otb.
by the 1{ev.John NcNeil of Bayfield.
Rachel, youngest daughter of Mrs.
John Reid, Sr., to Janics Webster of
near Lucknow.
KRLI,B'r•r—GotCr.n—At the James st
Methodist parsonage, Exeter, or)
November 21), by Rev. A. 11. Going,
John Kellett of Usborne to Miss
Elizabeth Gould, youngest daughter
of Mr. James Gould, Huron street.
Hullo --in Kirkton, on Nov, 5th, Jane
Mahon, relict of the late Alex. Kirke
aged 71) years, 8 months, 2S days,
I (rs— In In lnt(s ell( on
Mrs. John Holmes, in her 102nd year.
Citawl,KY --in Liman, Nov. i0, Susan
Crawley, aged 75 years.
Apples Wanted
Hensall Evaporator
35c. to 750. will be paid for suit-
able peeling apples.
Geo. Joynt, Prop.
Prepare for the Wiri1sr
Garlands Souvenirs and National Ranges from
$31 to $30.
Jewel, Art Huron and Art Souvenir Heaters from
$32 Up.
A few Heaters from
$10 to $15
Stove Pipes 10c,, Elbows 10c, Dampers 10 and 15c.
Stove Pipe Enamels 25c,, Stove Boards and Oil •
cloth squares for under stoves from 50c. up.
'Weatherstrip for doors and Windows. Keep, out
the cold. 5c. per foot. Paroid Rooting 1 and 2
ply, $2.50 per square.