HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-11-07, Page 8� WELL
The well rlt'••--. d tna ,i is the suc-
cessful mate ••f the day. A good
appears (tee • ,p.tuts for a great deal
in these I... ticulat• titres, and a
little car.' Rhea neat and well fit-
ting garments is one of the best in-
vestments a young man can make.
Have vn•1r clothes made to order.
We make thn kind of Suits and
Overcoat- th+t. gives a nein that
"well -doe seer" appearance so !leach
desired. We wake the Clothes to
8t the roan.
Merchant Tailor,
lrsiaess Locals -- Read Them
A nes' one. 108 -piece s. ani porcelean
China Dinner vet, knntnt as " C orintl, "
pure /card whit, hotly, with !only small
rose decoratilm.' and fine •r•ld tracing,
the no•.st dainty sit we lucre shored. $15
at Stewart's.
Marriage Licenses issued at the Ad-
vocate office.
Two n aruaps in Min's pew/ twit d l errs.
Good hearers and ;rood lookers. Sof'
them. $1.50 and $2.00. Stewart.
$1ack,.atitk eppreetice wanted.
A strong how wanted to learn black-
amithieg. Apply to
Wm. Ogden, Whalen.
/allies' 1 apiatl'ed undershirts, all the
appOirallre o1 Lure silk and will wear
hotter. Listen.tor the rustle and only
$225. Stewart's.
Property For Sale.
We have at present a handsome
piece of property consisting of flne two
storey resident.•• and two lots, with
good entitle; 411 in first-class condition;
eonveniently situated; all modern im-
pro - --.n.•nt. Price is'a snap. Call or
write The Advocate Office.
1 i! !lu,i ',Ant 1•. .Vee chinaware in
a!its beauty .and at prices so reasonable
that etau'!e he surprtsed, ,lust drop in to
.' t.'a-.,, t'x.
Pair of gold spectacles on Ann
atre.•t. Apply at this office.
/,e llar..r is .,rent. Salim. Boy Ja-
pan res Ores and 3li.raa'ntta ani.rid tea
3(1••. Stewart.
For SAte.
V ,{eigesa nge.-Wonderful Remed-
ies t •r rheumatism, fits, skin diseases,
stole.ch, kidney. heart. and liver
tmnt le: all nerve troubles, pneumonia
and tevers. 1 guarantee to cure fevers
ro f.. n► four to six hours. I will come
and treat the fir,t case myself; no cot e
n o pay. \Yon. M. Blatchinrd. Agent.
--f a/rein up in add packets at Slenart'.r
1%yulnr !.richt $4.50 t' $12.50, elrurino
out Jerre.. !1.15 and $2.50.
X,na- supply of Po -t Card Albums,
Ladies' 1) i d (1ige, Fancy Stationery,
Ebony Sets, ate., already on hand. If
von want a big choice carne e-..ily.
�fowey'- Drug store.
e taeon• waste's.
Any nnintper .•f .:goons wanted rap
to Nov. Iiti h. for which highest cash
pprice, tt ill he paid. Deliver to 1),
Hart leib. Excret.
NI. Geo. Lewis we are sorry to state
is suite' lug scala .t severe attack of
A big :...-o+truant of Xmas Epresents
already oo hand at Howey s Dr:ig
store. ('a11 and see theta.
A horse attached to a light load of
lumber Iwlontiu.g to \1r. ,lite. lirintnell
and di .% bt '4r. S;atu'1 Parsons),
made a I. ly ti ..h down Mall) •tteet
R'e.l••.••J.y 1 io•ia ng. lutaints started
Irmo , 1,•• lona'•••' yard of the Ross -Tay•
kir compant . I. pecan:- frightened
and ),oke the 1,r idle. time escaping.
Megor...1..,. `fellow and Bich. Murphy
raptiia..1 it in foots of A1;..1, .1. stew.
art's %tore, none the worse for the run.
,444 +++++++++++++++++++++4
1111 y•••1 tut n your thoughts
to a New Vali Outfit. This
•Ma•orl we tt-;11 be more then
ewer in advance with new
sivi -axil fabrics
flew gulf% for Fall
New Topcoat% for Fall
New Suttinge for Fall
New Ralacoetu for Fall
The new fall finest are com-
ing in lily now. We are
confident of i.eing able to
please yell to the least pet •
n- - 0
Call and Get our Prices
n - 0
Merchant Taiti.r • Exeter 9-
'1,11,'4101Wir WI" 1161 Al Po.n,•
Jats'1'otu is improving nicely
LOCAL DOINGSI from t her illness.
1 r
Ire.Itmii Huronstreet,►srecover- CHANGED EACH WEDNESDAY
t>«iii, jai,��,lkat��>�a�! lug hero her recent illness.
WheatMi and Mrs. H. Gidley are moving Barley
into their new house on William st• Oats
The friend of Mrs. John Dew of Peas
lfurondale will regret that she is very l'otatoes,per hag
Hay, per ton
Mrs. Jory, who resides with her Flour, per cwt., family
daughter, Mrs. \Ver. Penhale, this Flour, low grade per cwt 1 50
week celebrated her fiOth birthday. nutter
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hooper, who re. Eggs
ceitly sold theirfarmin Stephen, ate Dried apples
now nicely settled in theirnew home Ltcehogs, per cwt
on Huron street, west of the G. T. It. Shorts per toe
track. Bran per ton
Afrs. Hooke, with her father and
mother, Mr. and Airs. John Harrison,
are mowing into their new house on
Elizabeth street.
Miss Laura Kinsman is ill att her
home. As a result her sister, Miss
Hannah Kinsman. is in attendance up-
on her and a room is vacant at the
\Ve are pleased to learn that Miss
Mae Wood, who left some time ago to
take up nursing in Harper Hospital,
Detroit, Mich., has successfully passed
her examination and will continue the
work there.
Tuesday was Guy Fawkes Day.
\las. W. S. ('ole is confined to her
remit through illness.
T. E. Handford shipped a to of
hoose, to the %Vest Monday.
Mts. Knott of the Mansion House is
confined to her bed through illness.
Mr. J. A. 13rintnell has been engag-
ed to stay with S. S. No. 1 Usborne for
another year at a salary of $500.
The late Geo. Brooks has been suc-
ceeded by 31r. Richard Downie as
caretaker of the Presbyterian church.
No service was held in the Main
street chinch last Sunday evening ow-
ing to the Presbyterian Anniversary.
"Bobs" and "Stag" Chewing Tobac-
coes, in big plugs. Quality always the
Hev. A. 11. Going concluded his ret-
ies of sermons on Important Decisions
Sunday evening by an eloquent plea
for an immediate decision for Cltt•ist.
For Quality and Quantity ask your
dealer for the new big plugs of "Bobs"
-Stag" and "Currency" Chewing
Mrs. Chas. Bit•ney stet with a pain-
ful accident Monday. While crochet-
ing she had the misfortune to run the
hook into the fleshy part of her thumb
inflicting a deep wound.
A meeting for the organizing of the
Exeter Curling Club will be held in
the reading room of the Town Hall on
Friday, Nov. t+th, at t3 p. m. Those
interested will please attend.
Two loads of James Street Leaguers
drove to Hensel' Monday evening and
spent a pleasant evening with the
league of that village. The visitors
furnished the program and Hensall
League a tasty lunch.
31r. Lorne Scott, accountant of the
Sovereign Bank, has received notice
that he will be transferred to Tees -
water, where he will he manager of
the branch. This is a deserved pro-
motion and Mr. Scott's friends are con-
gratulating him on the move, although
we regret to see Mr. and Mrs. Scott
leave town. Mr. Everett Gordon of
Chatham will take Mr. Scott's place
The marriage took place in London,
at the \Vellington street Methodist
parsonage, on Friday, Nov. Ist, of a
well-known resident of the 2nd con. of
Hay township, Mr. John Howe, and
Miss J. Pollock, of Saskatchewan,
formerly of the Lake Shore Road, Hay
township. Mr. and Mrs. Rowe will
reside on the forrner's flne farm in that
township. The best of good wishes is
extended to them.
Struck by Enloe.
On Monday night last a horse be-
longing to Mr. Hobert Sanders, of the
3rd concession of Stephen, while left
standing in front of Mr. Chas. Birney's
residence on Huron street, became
frightened at the approaching freight
and ran away. Going down the side
street it crossed the track just as the
train reached the crossing. The en-
gine crashed into the buggy- and al-
most demolished it. The horse for-
tunately had cleared the track and
escaped without a scratch. Luckily
no one was in the rig otherwise the
accident would have been tnore ser-
TkaeksaI'.irg visitors.
Among those who visited Exeter
friends during the Thanksgiving holi-
days were: Nelson Cobhledick of Tor-
onto; Mrs. Fd. Hilburn of Paris; David
Long of London Township; Ab. Moore
of Berlin; C. W. Drinkwater, John
Salter. George Jewell. Richard Bissett,
Mr. and Mrs. .1. C. Inwood, James
Bissett, wife and daughter, Ed. Tom-
linson, wife and child, Adolphus Evans
and wife, 11ar•ry Graham, Chas. Min-
ers, Hobert Leatborn, Misses Maude
Taylor. Mary Mack, Flossie Taylor,
Urs. W. Pregers and family of Ion•
(don; Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Gazzel, Kin-
cardine; Airs. H. Hopper and daughter.
Belgrave; Miss folly Windsor of
Maple I.(dge; Frank Weekes of Lis-
towel; Miss C. Ferguson. Miss Ethel
Piper, Fred Penhale of London: Misses
lila Armstrong And Maty Murray,
Will Triebner of Goderich; Miss Mer-
ril Gould of Milvettun.
Tbaaksieviea Concert
On Thursday evening last it comfort-
ably filled Opera House greeted Hew -
en's Male Quartette and Concert Com-
pany, when they [put 011 a program of
music, etc. Mr. Hewer has a fine bar-
itone voice and sang several selections
well. while the quartette merle a good
impression, the several Nitta teeing
distinctly heard and sung 111 good
voice, while the high tenor of ('has. E.
P1111m was excellent. Mt'. i'imit else
Rang the solo, "The Hely City" well.
Ernie Sanders gave some 't•i y fair
impersonations and imitations, while
Matte Mr. Sloan) the magician, was
(rood in places. although lacking in
his manner of presenting his work to
the audience. ilarold Watson made
i; good accompanist. On the whole
the concert may he considered to have
►•sen a success. and the majority of
those present were plea5etl with the
Thanksgiving Day was a fine one for
playing .milts. Three London players
-same up and pitched a few games with
the Exeter toys. The London players
were those two veterans, R. Erring•
ton and John Talbot, and Alex. Scott.
The Exeter players were all out of
practice. several of them not having
touchoef a quoit all season and none
having played since August. How-
ever Ed. Treble succeeded in defeat-
ing the two London veterans, but out-
side of those two wine, the home toys
were veneluiehed. The game between
Trehle and Talbot was a particularly
tine exhihition,every point being close-
ly contested. A considerable num-
ber of spectators watched the play
with interest. The scores were:
London Exeter
it Errington 21 0 Anderson IB
A !iron Il 1) !'reach 7
J Talbot 21 T Boyle 6
A Scott
21 J Grieye S
J Talbot ( 1: rre!-le 31
It Errington 31 0 Anderson In
A Scott 31 (' Spackman 2:
R Errington 31 (' Speck men 21
A Scott 31 T Boyle 21
1 'i..Ibot 21 0 Anderson It
it Etrington lit
E 1',elte 21
,Scutt In G Walker 1
A reward of $'25 has been offered by
the Usborne Council for the arrest and
conviction of any person or persons
guilty of stealing fowl, grain or other
commodity from any resident of the
Mr. Arthur Wood, who has been in
the Sovoreign Bank, London, for some
time, has been transferred to the head
office at Montreal at it considerable
advance in salary and position. He
will be on the ledger.
Mts, Jas. Wood, who has been on a
five months' visit with her daughter,
Mrs. H. N. Anderson, at the Soo, re-
turned to her home here Monday
night, having had a very pleasant trip
down on the Lakes.
Messrs. D. Hnrtleih, Fred Kerr.
Frank Triebner and John Triebner
took part in the Clinton shooting
match on Thursday and Friday last.
Each of them was in the money in
several events.
As an evidence of the progress of
civilization and the goodness of the
boys in Exeter one has only to remind
the citizens that last Thursday night
was Hallowe'en. So few pranks were
played that it was hard to find the
least sign of anything being nut of
gear. The boys ane to he congratulat-
Card of Thanks.
Mr. Alex. Dow and family desire to
thank the friends and neighbors for
their many acts and words of kindness
during the illness and death of the be-
loved wife and mother, Mrs. Dow.
Presbyterian Anniversary.
Coven Presbyterian church held
their Anniversary services on Sunday
last. The day was a very unpleasant
one, it being cold and rainy all the day
long, but in spite of the unpleasant
weather fair congregations attended
both services. Rev. W. J. Knox, of
St. Andrews church, Strathrny, was
the preacher for the occasion and he
delivered two excellent sermons. He
is it young man, possessing it good
voice, and is an excellent reader. The
morning sermon was front the text,
"Behold the Lanmb of God, which tak-
eth away the sin of the world," and in
the evening from "Righteousness ex-
alteth a nation." The evening sermon
particularly was one of the finest or-
atorical efforts ever heard in Exeter
and those who heard it were de-
lighted with the service. The choir
rendered some choice music. The pro-
ceeds amounted to about $110.
Hicks' Forecasts For November.
A regular Storni Period is centrad on
the 12th, extending from the lath to
the 13th. This period will pass its
crisis from Tuesday the 12th to Friday
the 13t1. Change to warmer, falling
barometer and cloudiness will appear
in Western sections by the lath and
11th, followed promptly by autumnal
storms, but these storms will grow in
extent and intensity as they pass over
the country from west to east, reach-
ing their climax in central to eastern
sections from tate 12th to 15th. There
18 little mons for doubt that the roti -
junction of any planet with Earth and
Sun excites the magnetic and electric
strain or bond between the Sun and
planets. but this is especially true
when Venus or Mercury is passing be.
tween Earth and Sun. Hence the in-
ferior conjunction of Mercury at a
transit node on the lath, it is meson -
able to surniise, will add to the pec tut'-
bations of Earth end air on and touch•
ing Thinada}• the 11th. The Moon be-
ing on the celestial equator on the lith,
the probabilities are that storm condi-
tions tufty be prolonged over that
date, with only moderate change of Miss Veta Itowe, who has been re -
tempera tnre and barometric pressure. Iieving a stenographer at the G. T. It.
station, London, for the paat six weeks,
is home for a short vacation.
Urs. Nelson Peterson of Barwick,
New Ontario, visited' friends in and
around Exeter during the week. She
and her daughter visited in
P. Coleman has returned from Win• (]nn a
Nr.. J. 0. Jones was in Parkhill on
tiieinese Mondat•.
Mrs. W. S. (ole visited ill Liman
&trims the holidays.
Mies Carrie Dyer spent Tuesday
with friends in London.
1.1 00
5 75
20 00
24 00
If You are Looking
en the market. try the merits of
Perfumed and antiseptic especial-
ly for the toilet, nursery, the sick
room and after shaving.
Price 25 Cents
Cole's Drug Store
Mr. Walter Harding spent the
day in London.
Mr. John Wood was in Toronto with
a load of cattle this week.
Mrs. John Mortimore of London
visited at Mrs. Mary Sanders' last
Airs. Ed. Dignan spent Thanksgiv-
ing Day in Lucan visiting Mrs. W. H.
Miss Lizzie Carter of Clinton was
visiting at Mrs. John Bells during the
Mr. Jae. Bagshaw and Mr. John
Kerslake have t•etrirne•d from trips to
the West.
Mr. and Mrs. \V. G. Bissett visited
in London and Wyoming during the
Misses Eva and Winnie Huston
ited in London and other points
ing the week.
Mr. D. Coughlin. weight and meas-
ure inspector, was in town on official
duty Tuesday.
Mr. John Taylor visited his daugh-
ter, Mrs. England, at Sarnia on
Thanksgiving Day.
Mts. Harry Bower of Ingersoll was
the guest of her sister, Mrs. It. 0. Sel-
don, for Thanksgiving.
Mrs. McCoonths and daughter, Mrs.
,John Parsons, spent the holidays with
relatives at Whitechurch,
Mr, Eli Snell has returned to
Thatnesville after spending a week
with his fancily here.
Mr. Richard Ching, wife and sister
of Colorado, are renewing acquaint-
ances in and about town.
Hew. and Mrs. E. A. Fear were in
Stratford last week attending the gol-
den wedding of the latter's parents.
Miss Maud Snuthcott and Miss Eda
Burridge of London visited Mrs.
Sauthcott, Huron street, last week.
Mr. and Mrs. \\'m. Barrows attend-
ed the funeral of the former's aunt,
Mrs. Putnam. in Nilestown last week.
Miss ('ot'a Fowell spent the holidays
in Windsor. Miss Lingham, who vis-
ited here, returned to Iondon with
Miss Powell,
Rev. Collins attended a le rise Mason-
ic function at Kincardine Wednesday
night. He will also visit his mother
for a few days,
Mr. Will Morrison of Owen Sound,
who took in the shooting match at
Clinton last week, spent at day or two
with Mr. Saxon Fitton.
Mrs. Horsey is visiting her daughter
Mra. A. Spencer at Kirkton.
Mims Thompson of Shedden visited
Mrs. John %Lillis last week,
Mrs. T. [Wilford and daughter
Irene were in London Friday.
Mrs. Little of Toronto visited her
daughter. Mrs Cruikshank, last week,
Misses Lila and Amy,lohns visited in
London and Sarnia during the week.
Mr. and Mrs. William Fletcher have
gone to ('rosswell, Mich., to visit for
Miss Etta Wheatley of Clinton was
the guest of Mrs. 11. Rowe over the
Mr, and Mrs. R. Keddy of Usborne
*pent the holiday visiting their sons
in Detroit.
Mrs. John lone)! was at Ingersoll
over the holiday visiting her daughter,
Mrs. Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. Rogers of London
•pent Thanksgiving here, the guests of
Mr. 5114 Mrs. Ed. Trehle.
Mra. W. J. Bissett and her mother.
/ir.. Welsh, who have been visiting at
l.istow..1. etutlast week, a••
•°nip.; ed by 'Ji•. "i-•1►ot.,11.
rye itiF MP War IF WW1.' lir AP Vii
We have an ahnndant supply of
Mill Feed on hand
Y h he1
' lk ilk Alai& Audi As allsrai.,Oa As alb /lull
It contains the qualities
that tickle T the palate.
nu must ave eard it
again and again that
Harvey's Star
makes the very hest bread
--Try it and you will smile. ton.
Jobbers and
Dealers in
Builders' Hardware
Plaster Paris
Galvanized Shingles
Corrugated Iron Roofing
Did 11 Ever Occur to You
that the way to succeed in business is to handle the lines which
the people want? And I can tell you right now that you will
hunt a long while before you will find anything to eclipse the
We carry. It is up-to-date in every
particular and is the best paying line
for any buyer. Call and inspect our
stock before purchasing.
The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors.
We are all aware of the fact that the cold winter weather will
soon be here. Now we must put a bustle on to be ready for it.
Here area few of the many necessaries to fix you up comfortable
Underwear Bedding
For Ladies and ('hildten, in that This is very important for the win -
fine unshrinkathlt• wool which gives ter. We are well stocked with the
so much comfort. For Men and ; very best of all kinds and you will
Boys we have it just as fine; also save n1 Duey by buying here.
the real heavy goods.
Furs Our Mantles are selling extra well.
Alt kinds of Fur ('oats,Caps,ltuffs, in fact we have repeated in our
Muffs, Scarfs and Stoles. Do not orders several times. Now is the
wait until they are all picked over, time to boy.
Gloves Hastert;
For Men, Women and Children, in
wool, Cashmere, Swede, Mocha
and kid. Our selection is so large
one cannot fitil to please you.
Nothing more important than
good hose. This is where you will
find them. We sell the Ilurritt
Hose and know that it is the beet,
This stole still maintains its leadership in silks. At a time
when silks are snaring higher and higher every week it means
something to you to he served with silks, all at the old prices:
Taffeta Silks. good and pure for :>4k•., 7,c., $1; Do., one yard wide, $1,25;
Tanialine Sinks. all sb,utes, 5' ts yd.; Peau D.' Soie in bl ask only. 5o, 75, $1
POULTRY -('hoir•e, highest price; skinny not wanted; scolded, ; price
Headquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing
Ken's Overcoats -4r...
in plain cloth or dark tweeds, excellent cloth. neat patterns with best
lining. full let;gth, good fitterm.
$16.00 Coat for $12.00; $12.00 Coat for $10.00; $10.00 Coat for $8,00
Men's Suitt
100 Men's Tweed or Serge suits, selling off at bargain prices.
$16 Suit for $12; $12 Suit for $9.96; $10 Suit for $8.76; $8 Suit fet $8.90
Uoiasrp `111111111110•e.
Hosiery of the best makes, made of best twisted yarns, fast color.
Hosiery without nasty seamy. Hosiery that will wear well.
Children's size, 25c. to 46c; Women's size, 50c. per Pair.
English Flannouottos.`.
aft inch wide in Blue, Pink, Orey and pretty ata ines, extra heavy, guar.
anteed fast color*. Quality worth Tic., our price 12ic. a yard.
mews (underwearK _ kleM r.'. Aeeftined shirts and draw en. in sump au pas and pial..
•olon 0011 tterywAtrt St nor. our pee. e is
/� A/� A P.atra irony sll wn..t Tested in a:n� mitt for Hors' wM►; )ani
(6 V Tweed for 6 V -can't t.et,t it. It jratar ptke :;r. on wk ae t[�. a surd
Ladies' 'Underskirts
_ws ikrtarSadtnfn nnndernekttrt• aa, m.kdeddf skAcd
ter rear
On vie at 11 t•.
Big Stock of Wool Blankets of the Best Make, all Sizes and all Pricey
SN I. I,