HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-11-07, Page 5Brucefleld: J. T. Reid has tented ,THE D.A.'J'IS
his hundred acre farm to \Vni. Me-
Varna: Arthur Ste{{aheusun, of the
Parr line, south of t[te village. his - r
P+ g ,
sold his f.u•nt to his cousin,of the saute
name, and has purchased a residence
in London, where he intends to reside
in future.
Stalfa: 11r. W. L. Mair, graduate
of McGill t'niversity, has started prac-
tice in Statfa. The doctor has had ex-
tensive experience in Kochestet lying-
in -hospital, and has done some reliev-
ing work.
St. Marys: Mrs. Wm. McFadgen
while coming down stairs at her resi-
dence on Saturday eceideutatly slip-
ped and fell down stairs. 'Vhile no
bones were broken she was severely
bruised in the body and received a
deep cut on one of her ears. •
St. Marys: Willie, the 12 -year-old
son of Win. Richards met with a pain-
ful accident on Thanksgiving after-
noon which pearly cost him his life.
He, with his father, hnd. gone to the
farm Of John Patterson and while
going to the orchard to get some ap-
ples he ran full force against some barb
wire. The wire caught in his neck cut-
ting it deep gash exposing the jugular
vein, which required three stitches to
close the wound.
never lets
the clothes
drop in the
mild' its
long hard-
. Doti arms
are well braced
for carrying
heavy loads.
The "Davis" ' "' "t -
twill cut down the
work of,a heavy w11511-
ing one-third. ao)
If you will try a "Davis" for
yourself, we will send you one
on trial. It won't cost you a cent.
Send name and address to -day.
LONDON (i3...x z j CNT.
The speedier a stenographer can
typewrite a letter the more valuable
she becomes to the busy business
Practice does a great deal. but
correct fingering and the " Touch
System," which we teach t'tcrcughly,
are of paramount ilnport.ence.
When the " Touch System" is
mastered the operator never lords% at
Cie keyboard, but keeps her e - n
her notes. She say.., the tire_• !es:
rr,v-7 r r� -
Members of B..air-
As.o..... )..•
by the "sight': operator in glancing
from notes to keyboard and back to
notes again—a considerable item in
a day's work and a sev2re strain on
the eyes as well.
Our largo , free catalogue tells more
about our ; 2nographer's course and
gives touch valuable ivfortuation
about the diplomas of the 13u. iress
1: 1:..:.t Association.
'1' • i -r.f ' e-' r- 1u_...,.1 rest
exeter Abtlocate
ETlat 'rumors Conquered
III 00 it ,aid In advance,Without Operations
*1.8O a'tar d not w paid.
To t'siteeei Stater Satxeererstjl 6U
a Ycar Strictly Ir Advaibnce
SANDERS ,k CREECH, P'ebli.hers.
That Tonck of Frost
ten►inds us that the summer is
passing and we trust seek indoor
pleasures for our evening enter-
A PIANO i. i
will be a source of enjoyment to
your friends whether they play,
sing or listen.
Call and Have afTalk Withi Us
and see how easily you may have
one. If you want the highest qual-
ity hoods we have theta: if some-
thing more moderate is to your lik-
ing we can suit you.
Our Goods and Pricestare Right
and we will try and make your
terms our terms.
Sewing Machines, Organs, Sta-
tionery, Etc., Always on Hand
A Second -Hand Organ For $25
Cook's Cotton Root Compound.
Tho great Uterine Tonle, and
only sato effectual Monthly
Itegulaturon which women can
depend. Sold in three dcgreei
of strength—No. 1, $1; No. 2.
10 degrees stronger 13; No. 3,
for special ea8es, per box.
Sold by all dru ;ta, or sent
prepaid on rem pt of price.
Free pamphlet. Achim ,..4 :13
Cleat 11ft0101w[ CO..TORONTO. ONT. (former/7i I1'Iridaor!
To Jan'y 1st,1908
15 ets.
PLUMBER (Hot and Cold \Vater)
See our Canadi-
an and Ameri-
can samples.
Estimates furnished nn applic::tien.
A Trial Solicited
Arthur D. Davis
RESIDENCE: Corner James and An-
drew Streets.
ha your spare time at home, or
Take a Personal Course at School.
To enable all to learn we teach en
cash or instalment plan. We also teach a
personal class at school once a month.
Class commencing list Tuesday of e.., h
month. These I.`•sons leaches how to . ut,
lit and pal together :my g:" rosea from the
plainest -hirt waist suit, to the most elabor-
ate da es.. "f he whole family can learn from
one comae. %We have taught over sewer
t!sous:s,1 dress -making, and guarantee to
give five hundred dollars to tiny one that
cannot learn het ween the age of tot and
40. Won eons. t I.•.,r,. dre making a+
thorough it+ 111k course teaches if you
iso, k in •.tops for years. Beware of imita-
tions a : we employ no one outside the
school. This is lige only experienced press
Cutting S. hood in Canada and excelled hy
none in any other c try. Write a1 on.0
for parti.ulaa, its we have cut rate one-
third for :t short time. Addis ss : --
31 Erie.st • Str..tfer.l, tint . ('grad,►
PLEB ‘s NT Eveelso.---Th evening of
Nov. 1st. will Long he green in the
memory of all parties concerned, when
a number of cousins and neighbors of
Jtr. and Mrs. Nelson Kestle met at
t heir horse to hid them gondhy p r.or to
their departure for Exeter where they
will make their future home. When
the evening (7e1111. on a number of well
tilled rigs arrived, carrying friendenid
and young. and soon with those .who
had walked frons neer.Ly homes, made
up a happy g.ethering. The home was
er nce thrown open ter the pleasure
seekers who enjoyed 1hetuselva•s with
music, singing and other harmless
amusements. At a recsonahle hour
the ladies produced the well.fllled bas-
kets which they had brought with
there and s had the tables most
bountifully Pproeid. Oysters arid cake
were in ah,andance fr'oirt whie•h all sar.
took most snnsptuously. Jfr. and St r•.
Kestle have ninny friends here who,
while regretting their removal. will
heartily iatsite in wishing theta the
gre.ttest measure of happiness in their
mew hon„•.
Mr. Shoel'ttton► has returned from
x ple,t+,ent visit in Parkhill.—A (3e1 -
grave, e•orreapttndeut says: "Mr. \Wil•
kinson, who has been in the employ of
it. Conley for,. couple of yearn, has en-
gaged with L. 11. Neil of Lncan,',reed-
ler of t hoe ooghhreel ittock, tt here he
will be in eherge. fir. and Mt.. \\'it•
kim•on and family left ,en etemlay for
their new home. \We wish them suc-
cess. it will he remembered that
•sboil two )eats ago they cause direct
from Enela nil to Mr. Ctrley's.-
Unqualifed Success of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound in Cases of Mrs. Fox and Miss Adams.
Ono of the greatest triumphs of Lydia
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is
the conquering of woman's dread enemy,
So-called, "wandering pains" may
come froth its early stages, or the presence
of danger may be made manifest by ex-
cessive monthly periods accompanied
by unusual pain extending from the
abdomen through the groin and thighs.
If you have mysterious pains, if there
are indications of inllamtnation, ulceration
or displacement, el.,t f wait for time to
confirm your fears and go through the
horrors of a hospital operation ; secure
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound at once and Is -,tin its use and
write llrs. Pinkhant of Lynn, Mans.,
for advice.
Read these strong letters from grateful
women who have been cured :
Dear Mrs. Pin khan' :— (First Letter.)
"In looking over•our book I see that
your medicine cure.'1'ttntora. 1 have been
to a doctor and he reels ase 1 have a tumor.
I will be more than grateful if you can
help me as I do so dread an operation."—
Fannie D. Fox, Bradford, Pa.
Dear Mrs. Pink ham:— (Second Letter.)
"I take the liberty to congratulate you on
the success I have had with your wonderful
Eighteen months ago my periods
stopped. Shortly after I felt so badly I sub-
mitted to a thorough examination by a phy-
sician and was told that I had a tumor and
would have to undergo an operation.
" I soon after read one of your adv'ertise-
rnents and decided to give Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable Compound a trial. After
taking five bottles as directed, the tumor is
entirely gone. 1 have again been examined
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
by the physician and he says I have no
signs of a tumor now. It has also brought
my periods around once more; and I am
entirely well. 1 shalt never be without a
bottle of Lydia Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound in the house."—Frannie D. Fox,
Bradford, Pa.
Another Case of Tumor Cured by
Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Com-
Dear Mr. 1'inkham
"About three years ago 1 had intense
pain in Illy stomach, with cramps and
raging headaches. The doctor prescribed
for ase but finding that I did not get any
better he examined me and, to my surprise,
declared I had a tumor.
"I felt sure that it meant my death
warrant, and was very disheartened. I
spent hundred of dollars in doctoring, but
the tumor kept growing, till the doctor said
that nothing but an operation would save
tae. Fortunately I corresponded with my
aunt in the New England States, who advised
me to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound before submitting to an oper-
ation, and 1 at once started taking a regular
treatment, finding to my great relief that
my general health began to improve, and
after three months I noticed that the tumor
had reduced in size. I kept on taking the
Compound, and in ten months it had entire-
ly disappeared without an operation, and
using no medicine but Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound and words fail to
express how grateful 'I am for the good it
has done inc.' Miss Luella Adams, Colon-
nade Ilotel, Seattle, Wash.
Such unquestionable testimony proves
the value of Lydia E. Pinkham's "Vege-
table Compound, and should give confi-
dence and hope to every sick woman.
Mrs. Pinkham invites all ailing women
to write to her at Lynn, Masa, for advice.
a Woman's Remedy for Woman's Ills,
More people would put their
savings in the Debentures of this
Cornpany if they realized the
simplicity and safeness of this
form of investment. It merely
means that one deposits a certain
amount any sum over $100—
withithis Company for a period
of time, not less than one year,
preferably five years, or less if
desired. The debenture form
which the depositor receives is a
promise of the Company to pay
o 1 .
the sum mentioned, plus the
interest, at 4 per cent. per annum
at the time of expiration. This
promise is secured by over
$11,000,000 of assets. The in-
terest coupons attached are the
same as cash and can be deposited
as such. Huron & Erie Deben-
tures are an investment of the
highest class, and the man with
small savings can share in it
equally as well as the capitalist.
Write for full particulars.
Loan & Savings Co., London, Ont.
Mitchell: Thursday Robert Keeler,
sr., passed pencefttlly away in his 87th
year. For several days his death was
hourly looked fc'r. Ile was a native
of England and came to Canada when
12 years of age He came to Mitchell,
in 1853 and has resided here ever since,
car ryir,g nn a boot and shoe h islness
for several yearn. He is survived by
a family of two sono and three dnugh-
j tat. Marys: John Schmidt had his
ankle severely kcked by an opponent,
by accident Thanksgiving Day at the
Collegiate institute while engaged in
a hotly contested game of football. Ile
was laid MT work Friday.
1:grnondville: The death occurred
here Saturday of E. Powell, in his 81st
year. He is survive by six Pone and
three daughters.
WAIF asasaFas aFi ar Basis
t AL,As AL Audis. �
Clinton: Students of the Clinton
Model have secured schools as follows:
Miss Keyes, Crediton, No. 7, Stephen,
Miss Mohaffy, No. 11, (ioderich town-
ship; Miss Glenn, No. S, Proton: Miss
Thompson, No. 10 Hullett.
Russeldale: Wallace Brown, while
experimenting in the science room of
the Mitchell High school, received
some painful injuries from the ex-
plosionof a tulle which he ryas hold -
ng, the glass entering his eye and
I31yth: John V. 13e11 died suddenly
of heart failure Friday, lie was in his
usual good health until Friday when
he was stricken and died instantly.
He was an Englishman by birth, and
was a Conservative in politics. lie
conducted a harness business here for
the past 30 years. He leaves a wife,
one son and three daughters.
Ailsa Craig: A quiet but pretty
wedding was celebrated Wednesday
evening at the manse of Chalmers
Church, London, when Miss Susan
McLean, of Ailsa Craig, was united in
marriage to Albert H. Smith, a► popu-
lar contractor of London. The knot
was tied by the Rev. Walter Moffat
in the presence of a few friends. The
bride's travelling suit was of brown
broadcloth, with picture hat.
Clinton: Jatnes Garvin met with a
painful accident on Monday. He was
helping pack apples at George Stan-
bury's on the London Hoad and while
descending a thirty-foot ladder with r►
bag of apples on his back, he lost his
footing :aid went down to mother
earth with a crash. One of his wrists
was so gashed that the doctor had to
stitch it up rand his ankle was so badly
sprained that he will be confined to
his house for some time to come..
Seafoi the Rev, Matthew Barr died
here Sunday at the age of 93 years.
He was a pioneer clergyman, being in-
ducted here in 1851. He is survived by
a wife and three daughter's. Ile had
been in failing health for oyer a y ear,
and for some months had been con-
fined to his residence. He was a na-
tive of Kirborchan, Henfrew, Scotland
and atter being ordained to the minis-
try canoe to Canada and in 1851 was in-
ducted as pastor of Seaforth Presby-
terian church.
Hullett; On Monday another of our
pioneers passed over the Great Divide
in the person of George Snell. Born
in the parish of Birmingham, Devon-
shire, England, in 1823. he came to
Canada and took up lot 31, on the 8th
concession of this township sixty years
ago when this district was then in the
primeval state, but Mr. Snell was
strong and industrious and as the
years rolled on the forest disappeared
from the place and it because it smiling
homestead. Seven children were
born to Mr. and Mrs. Snell, four sons
and three daughters.
Tttckersntith: The congregation of
Westminster church. at Mount Forest,
took the occasion of the approaching
departure of Rev. W. G. and Mrs.
Hanna to Toronto. to becotne secre-
tary of the Lord's Day Alliance,to say
a kindly farewell and to express ap-
preciation of ten years of devoted ser-
vice. The address was accompanied
with a beautiful gold watch to Mr.
Fianna, and a handsomely chased sil-
ver fists set to his worthy partner.
Mr. and Mrs. Hanna, referred to, are
natives of this county. Mr. Hanna go-
ing from the township of Grey, and
Mrs. Manna from L'shorne.
Hibbert: Mrs. Patrick Roache,
whose spirit departed this world at
midnight nn Friday last. Mrs. Roache
was born in the county Carlo, Ireland,
72 years ago and emigrated to Canada
seven years later. In 1851 she was un-
ited in marriage to the late Patrick
Roache and settled on the farm on con-
cession 1, Ilihhert, which became the
old homestead. On the death of her
husband, two years ago, Mrs. Roache
removed to the home of her daughter,
Mrs. Wm. Jordan, where she resided
until her death. Deceased had been
in failing health for the past year and
during the last few months was a sev-
ere though patient sufferer from as-
How's ThisP
We offer One Hundred D"Ilars Reward for any ease
of Catarrh that cannot be cured hy mire Catarrh
F. J. CHE\EY & Co., Toledo, 0.
We the undersigned have known F. J. Cheney for
the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable
in all business transactions and financially able to
starry out any obligations niade by his firm.
WALDI1O, Kisxax k ltaawLIt,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0
half. catarrh Cure is taken internally, a, tin K ei
r.•,sly nn the stood and mucous surf .'.e o1 the
.+.tem. Testimonials sent tree. Price 75e•. per bot-
tl.•. lI.y all Druggists,
Take Hall's ramify Pills for constipation.
Fall and Winter
More For Your Money
You get up-to-date styles, best
materials, better sattsfat .toe,
more value for your money,
when you buy an overcoat from
Grafton & Co. The largest
clothing concern in Canada owes
its success to giving unbeatable values,
and upright business methods.
The Dressy Semi -Form I•'iIlin '
models, handsome New Box Barb
styles for '07 and '08, popular Single
Breasted coats, are here in every size.
Materials are Black and Gray
Vicunas, Cheviots and Cashmeres, pre-
shrunk before making by our special
process which makes them retain thea
shape until worn out. Collars and lapels
are hand stoated. Lined with extra
quality all wool serge,withgood mohair
and satin sleeve lining .
On request we
of cloths, with instructions of how
to order by mail. Perfect fit, com-
plete satisfaction, guaranteed, oft
money refunded.
Prices. $8.50 to $25
a Operating 2 if adories gad
• 7 Stores is Canada
J. 14. HICKEY, Masi*,
Losdos, Ostario
Those who use it get well.
A certain cure for all run down conditions and wasting diseases.
Highly recommended for Insomnia.
The following Is a
sample of thousands
or testimonies to the
wonderful merits of
PSYCHI'lE In the most
dim^ult case.. Doe -
tors are presrritdng
P5YCHlNg in their
practice with the most
satisfactory results.
"Several years ago
my wife was so seri-
ously ill of lung trou-
ble as for months to
be unable to walk, at
which time a noted
physician told me
that the next dress
that 1 would buy for
her would be a
shroud. She used
now reasonably well.
Ray. C. E. Bt•suu.,
"Baptist Minister,
Forest, Ont.'
For Coughs and Colds take PSYCHINE.
For Throat and Lung trouble take PSYCHINE.
For Catarrh and Consumption take PSYCHINE.
For after-effects of La Grippe, Pneumonia and
Pleurisy take PSYCHINE.
"Wears .ego i was almost a rhysical wreck,
and was suffering with lung trouble. Friend,
and neighbors thought 1 would never gat
better. 1 began to despair myself. Losing
faith in my physician, i procured anotherofs•
who recommended the use of PSYCHINE.
It was surprising beyond description tbs
effect it had. 1 seemed to gain with every
dose. Inside cf two weeks i was able tie
attend to my housework again. There alta
no symptoms of consumption about me now.
"MRS. 11ENDF:RsoN, St.John,N,B."J
For Loss of Appetite take PSYCHINE.
For Indigestion and Dyspepsia take PSYCHINE.
For Chills or Fevers take PSYCHINE.
For Run -Down System take PSYCHINE.
To Feel Young and Keep Young take PSYCHINE.
An Unfailing Cure for all Throat, Lung and Stomach Troubles.
A Reliable Remedy for diseases caused by exposure to cold or wet.
Por sal* at all druggists. 5Ooe
and 81.00, or Dv. T. A. Slocnm,
LImlt•de 17• King it W., Toron$41