HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-11-07, Page 41
Undoubtedly the best ''.'owed on
the continent. Proved t.' be so by
analysis of four chemists, and by
awards of the world's great Exhi-
bitions, especially C incetio 1893,
where it received ninety-six points
out of' a possible hundred, much
higher than any other Porter in the
United States or Canada.
-uh— -
Crediton ` Nenl+ttil
Mss Marjory Hopper is visiting in
Gottlieb Brown occupied the pulpCoburg. „burg. tutor to going to Toronto
io the Evangetited church, Zurich on j with her parents. -Dr. Alex. Moir, of
Sunday mot nine in tile abseuceof Rev.. 1,enure, parents.
who has been here
Oischler.-Harry N'. Eilber is It happy spending a itionth's vacation returned
roan these days. Ile is the proud fats- to the west this week to resume his
er of a bouncing bahv girl. -George ',vac( ire. Coultet has been in-
Eilber, Sam. I -a sport and Forman ptrawl.oving hid dwelling, west of the leenleenHoltzman ane working at the steel way trawl. bi► y coat of paint. while
bridge which is being constructed working in the drug store taking stock,
31s.. Hemphill had the misfortune to
fracture his Linger. -Urs. Bowers. who
recently lost her husband in it railway
accident. on the C. 1'. IL, in the west,
for which company he was acting as
an employee at the time, is here visit-
ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wrn.
1{ichardson.-Donald Grassick has
placed a fine tiew piano in his home. -
The Dan Stewart property on the Lon-
don Road was sold by auction on Wed-
nesday to j{oht, Bell, Jr., for $1850.—
Mrs. Ketcbeu, who has been spending
the past Month with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. John Bell, has returned to
her home in the west, -We are pleas-
ed to see \Ir. Nesbitt out again offer
his illness. -Bob. Cameron have4• re-
turned from a visit at Bothwell- and
Ridgeway. -Hugh McCrostie, who is
engaged in the Molsons I3ank, stet
with a painful accident on Saturday,
Ile was out shooting and by some
cleans a cartridge exploded, the force
of the powder burning his face and
causing painful injury to his eye,
which will cuntine hint to his room tor
a week or 50. Ile has none to his
home in Lucknow.-Geo. Sutherland
is having it cement walk laid at the
side of his residence. -Mrs. H. J. D.
Cooke and children have returned
from a visit in London. -Mrs. Edward
Deters has been in Toronto in the in-
terests of her little 3 -year-old son, for
whom she is getting the best medical
and surgical advice. -Mrs. Wm. Hog-
garth and daughter spent the holidays
at Brantford. -Joe Pinkney has gone
to Stratford where he has secured a
good position. -Milton Ortwein who is
attending Commercial College at Lon-
don, spent the holidays at his home
bere.--Miss Melinda Ortwein attended
the Kerslake -Patrick nuptials at Lon-
don Thursday. -Mrs. Hodgins has tak-
en possession of the Commercial Hotel
and has commenced to renovate the
building. -Hallowe'en passed off very
quietly here, and very little depreda-
tion was committed. The youngsters
were somewhat tired after the holiday,
and did not seem anxious to get out
and create a disturbance. A few
gangs with the tick -tack and the
pumpkin did business as usual, but
their hilarity did not last very long.
On the whole, the Hallowe'en of 1907
was as quietas has been in tuany
years. Never was there a much finer
day than Thanksgiving Day. It was
perfect autumn weather. a cloudless
sky and plenty of warm sunshine.
Everybody went out -there was no
need to stay in. As a result there
were mans on the streets taking in
the glory of a Canadian autumn day.
A large number went to the woods
hunting nuts, while others enjoyed a
drive in the county. -A .Vitchell cor-
respondent says: "Thos. Gill, who bas
been out of town since the 20th March
arrived in town Thursday from Hen -
salt He spent all but the last two
months travelling in the state of Mich-
igan, but is not much taken up with
Uncle Sam's domains and has decided
to return to Hensali for the winter.
FIRE -During the past twelve years
the Commercial Hotel has taken fire
several times but fortunately was al-
ways discovered in time to save the
building; on Thursday afternoon while
standing in front of the building, Dav-
id Cantelon saw considerable smoke
and detected an odor of burning wood.
His r tepicimns were aroused and he
went on a tone of inspection. On en-
tering the paseige leading to the kit-
chen he found the thrones climbing up
the partition in it most vigorous man-
ner; giving the alnico a number of
buckets of water were speedily applied
and the old building saved once more.
across the Aux Seuble River on the
Fall and Winter Goods e boundary between Stephen and Mc•
Gilliyray Townships. ----Thanksgiving
Day was very quietly observed in
our burgh. All bu,inees places were
closed and the (lay was certainly an
ideal one for a holiday. A good many
went out of town to various places to
visit relatives and friends, ott►et• went
shooting, while the ietuainder stayed
at hotne cleaning Opp the garden and
planting bulbs and putting things in
order for the tt'inter.---Rev. acid Mee.
Bean are attending the wedding of
Rev. Bean's sister in Berlin this week,
-School reopened Monday after the
holidays. Miss Robinson spent his
holidays with her parents in Exeter,
Miss Girvin in l.uckuow• and Mr.
Bluett and family 111 Forest. --Fred
Kerr attended the shooting tourna-
ment at Clinton Thursday and Friday
and succeeded in capturing some of
the prize Money. Ile also attended
the shooting match at Khiva Tuesday
and we notice by the score that he did
some good shooting, being highest in
both events. Fred certainly knows
- — how to handle a gate -We are sorry
to state that Miss Carrie Kuhn, who
has been attending the Business Col-
lege in London and who came home
for the holidays, is unable to return to
• her studies owing to a severe cold.
Her Horny friends hope she will soon
recover. -The following were vi.aitors
in our town during the holidays: Gar-
net Baker, Owen Sound; Miss Melinda
Trick, Stratford; Miss Fike, Sehring-
ville, Mrs. J. A. Schmitt, Berlin; Mrs.
Saul, Miss Laura Davis and Mrs. Clark
and daughter, London; Mrs. Marshall.
Forest; Mies Calvin, Brussels; Gottfred
Oestreicher of Dashwood. -Rev. and
Mrs. Andrews were in Hamilton dur-
ing Tbanksgiving holidays, Mrs. Jas.
Lawson in London and the Misses Ella
Beaver and Myrtle Clark in Goderich.
-Mrs. August Hill is in Waterloo vis-
iting her brother who is very ill -Mr.
and Mrs. Bluett were in Forest last
Friday attending the funeral of Mrs.
Woods, the mother of Mrs. Bluett.
Her many friends extend their sym-
pathy. -The Ladies Aid of the Evan-
gelical church gave a Thanksgiving
service last Thursday evening. The
basement was filled to the doors. Mrs.
(Rev,) Bean conducted the meeting.
The program was of a high order and
consisted of readings, solos and chor-
uses by the Juuior members of the Y.
P. A. Special mention twist he made
to the Holtzman Quartette. This was
their first appearance and their sing-
ing was well received. --The many
friends of Chas. Barnes. who will be
known as the good natured catcher of
the Duncrief Baseball Team, will re-
gret to learn that while threshing in
Cardoc Tp., last Friday, a pile of rails
fell opt him burying hitt and fractur-
ing his spine, which hakes his chances
of recovery slight. Charlie was in
our burg several times during the past
baseball season and by his gentleman-
ly behavior anti gcod heartedness he
won many friends -Hallowe'en pass-
ed orf quietly. The boys gathered a
great assortment of buggies, plows,
chicken coops and boxes and piled
them at the corner. Some of our busi-
ness men were -busy the next morning
getting rid of their share of the accum•
elation. -The Male Chorus of the Evan-
gelical church has been organized.
Rev. Bean is leader. ira Brown, fres.,
Ezra Faist, vice Pres., August Kuhn,
Se y Treats.. and J. H. Holtzman, ad-
vise' v member of the I3oard. So far
the Chorus consists of 20 members.
There will be several snore added.
Books have been honght and we may
expect to hely them sing befote long
at some of the evening met vices. -Mrs.
N. E Hicks of Centralia was in the
village last Friday. She has organiz-
It painting class and will have her
snide) over the Drug .tore in Ifoltz-
F Kerr 10, D. Hartleib S. 1V Garrick S, to to'+ block.-- Chas. wolf is still laid
J Dodds S, W Sanders 8. C Stenlake 8, apa with rheumatica. Ile is obliged to
8 Gillis 7, J Hannan7, 0 Mawhinney es.. .a cane to get around. -Last Satiir-
7, N Stanlake 0, F Snell 5, E ilrenner .1 • v, the 2nd inst., the home of Mr.
1. \W;Venrty, am( Jles. Ed. Slott on the 4th conces-
sion at Crediton Kest was the scene of
Stephen a very enjoyable event. it was the
anniversary of their 29th wedding day
anti therefore their Chinas Wedding
was celebrated. Fifty invited gilests
from Landon, Bettresdaa, Exeter, Hen-
sall .and this neighborhood were in
attendance. The rooms were tastily
decorated in culors of red. white at d
blue. Tile table fairly groaned with
the good things. Mrs. Stunt amply
justified the reputation she has for he•
Ing an excellent cook. All did justice
to the bill of fare and everyone enjoy-
ed themselves very much. The pre -
Bents were nntnerous and special men-
tion trust be made to a handsome din•
ner set given the happy coupie by
some of their admiring friends. it
was regrettable that the resident pas-
tor and wife (Mr. and Mrs. Andrews)
and Rev. Fear, of Exeter. whe mai 1 ied
the couple, could not be present.
We join in colagratulatiog Mr, and
Mrs. Shot t on having attained the _'t h
anniversary of their wedding day and
trust the will be spared to live many
1Ve have just opened up an im-
mense import order of Scotch and
English goods in all the LATEST
SHADES. Our success in the past
has been due to our knowledge that
Honest"Goods and
Honest Prices
must ,rev•til,iu g (relents which appeal
to:the better class of trade.
J. H. Holtzmann
exetex Abrorate,
Sanders tt Creech. Propa,
THURSDAY, Nov. 7, 1907
The customs collections for October
were a quarter of a million Luger than
for the same month last year. The
Government tax collectors are the
only people who are taking in money
at the present time faster than usual.
The seat for Labelle, in Quebec
Province is vacant, Mr. Bourassa,
the Independent Liberal menrber, has
accepted the challenge of Mr. Tur-
geon, one of the Quebec Provincial
ministers, who resigned his seat for
Bellechasse and invited Mr. Bourassa
to resign and contest the county with
hitt. Mr. Turgeon had been charged
by Mr Bourassa with corruption in
office. Liter -The latter has been de-
feated by about 800.
We regret to announce the death of
the beloved wife of John Appleton
on Saturday, 20th, at the age of 31
years. Mrs. Appleton was the daugh-
ter of Jno. Steeper and was highly re-
spected by all who had the pleasure of
her acquaints Lice. For a number of
years she has been at severe sufferer
from Bright's disease, but only last
June was she compelled to take to her
bed. During her :affliction she was
cheerful and patient and never com•
platted of her lot. A grief-stricken
husband and at little daughter, besides
a host of friends are to -day tuoarning
the departure of at model wife, loving
mother and kind friend, but we con-
sign them to the care of Him who
doeth all things well. The remains
were laid to rest in (.rand Bend ceme-
tery, being followed by a largo iritn-
ber of friends.
SHOOTI\(1 MAT('IS--The shooting
ntatch in connection with the (Chive
hotel was held in Tuesday. The weath-
er was rather inclement but neverthe-
less this did net prevent at large crowd
from attending the snatch. Some
good shooting wits done as the score
will indicate. Fred Kerr headed the
list in the two events, thus showing
his skill in handling the gun. Follow-
ing ie the swore: Event 1. 10 live bird•*.
F. Kerr Il, 1) Ifartleih 8, N St •make S,
W Sanders 7. C Stanlnke 7, `l Gillis 7,
F Snell 'i, T Bissett 7, J 1) .1 1- 7. P
Beaver 7. E Brenner tt, NV l- • n ly tt, M
Oarriek 5. Event 2. 10 Blue itAwks,—
I'he following is the report for S.8
No. 2, Stephen. for O.`.tobt-r. V --
B 11ill. 1V. -L 11 List, LStahls. III. -
L England, 1 Meads, AI England, V
Cornish, (1 King. i1. -M Sints,L Sims.
Jr. Part 1i. -C Stathls. Je. Pat 1.-M
Lawson. -Hattie 1'hapunan, Teacher.
Vile( ieb eitl
Following ie the report of S.M. No.
0, t"shorn., for the months of yepteni•
ler and October. `aures are in nr(ler
of merit. V. -I• Heywood, i. Wash-
burn, V Iierryhill. 1 V. -- M Cornish.
meele, N Heywood, i. (bulletin E
Hey w•toil. It Fletcher. Jr. 1W. --It
Ondholt, .1. Creery. Sr. i11. --E Hey-
wood, J Brock. Jr. 1I 1. -J Campbell,
E Oot•attd. Sr. i1. -I Creery. it Gould-
ing, is Coward. M Clark. Jr. i1. - 1)
Cornish,iH Cornish, 1 Heywood.
I'm Failino
Thus cried the hair. And a
kind neighbor came to the res-
cue with a bottle of Ayer's
Hair Vigor. The hair was
saved! This was because
Ayer's Hair Vigor is a regular
hair medicine. Falling hair is
caused by a germ, and this
medicine completely destroys
these germs. Then the healthy
scalp gives rich, healthy hair.
Tho best kind of a testimonial -
"sold for over airty year.."
le.,...„,.,. . Ayer re , t.owstr. tt w.
A►w a.aautact.rere of
more years together arid tbat their life
may be if con t in lied honeymoon.
Following is the standing of the pul-
pits of Crediton Public School for Oct.
Report of Continuntinu classes next
Division 111.-iV„Honors, L Geiser,
A Fink twitter. 1' Treitz, pass. it Ate
drew. Sr. 111. --Pass, L Brown W
H:aist, v Holtzman.
Meet Robinson, teacher.
Division 11. --Jr. 11.-Honote, 1. Oes-
trercher:11 Heist, I'. Bluett, pass. M
Winer. P Feltner, E Ewald. Sr. 1i.-
Honors,Eymith.M ('lark, F Kina peso.
CI ilenadiet, II Fink twitter, M Aosta•
niacin. Jr. 11. 11. - Honor' .t' Oestreich•
er, 1t Ring. i W• If.. V Hill, pass, E
(iaiser, lti,uo(i. \- Ruddy:).
Miss (iirvin, teacher.
Division I11.- Jr. I1., A. -Honors, R
English, pass. I. Weiner, E Treitz, E
14 uerth, G Guenther. Jr. Pt. 11. -
Honors, K Sweit-eer, i, Heist; pas,. M
Guenther, 0 i,•utatta„rt, R Shenk. E
lIetlden. Jr. i't Ii. It Hai•t, M i3en-
edict, 11 Hettden. Si. Pt. l.- Ift re.
E Sweit•r.er, I. Beater. ('lass A.- IC
Finkbeiner, \W Redden. (1 Bedford. A
Weiner. 'l Lawson.
�li•s Kieezle, teacher.
Sunday Card Playing Law..
There was a time when people in
England were forbidden by law to ploy
at curds, even In their own houses, on
Sunday. In the royal proclatnatlon
against vice, profaneness and minor-
ality, read every session and assize, is
the following passtige: "And we do
hereby strictly enjoin and prohibit all
our loving subjects, of whet degree or
quality soever, from playing zea the
Lord's day at dice, cards or my other
game whatsoever, either In pnl'lle or
private houses or other places whatso-
Enlarged Finger .Joint..
Enlarged finger joints aro the source
of annoyance and mortification. Some-
times they are caused by pulling the
fingers to make the joints "crack”
Sometimes they are the result of bard
work, rheumatism or gout. They may
be relieved by light rotary massage
(rubbing around and around and
around on the joints with the thumb
and ingere and stroking upward), ac•
comp:toted by the application of (11 of
Not Too Misch of a Foal.
"Father says thnt Algernon hasn't
any plea of the value of money," she
exclaimed plaintively.
"Your father wrongs him." gnswere(1
Mis: Cayenne. "1 have ohservty) that
Algernon never proposes to anybody
except heiresses."
Perfectly Vainest.
01,1 (tenticnaan flow old are you. my
dear? !Attie Girl -1 was eight years
old yeste:-dny. 0111 Gentlemen -In-
deed! You don't lo ik t p be that old.
Little (;Irl -Ah, haw you naughty teen
do (totter us poor, weak women:
A Memory Destroyer.
Rro,t•n--1 have just discovered whet
It is that destroys a manes tnem.rry
completely. Green -What Is !t? Alen.
ho) or tob:leen? Brown -Neither; It's
doing hint n favor.
Woman's Work, That'. Never tingle.
first Shopper- Sometimes It 14 haat
M find shat you wont. Second Shop-
per Yee. ispeeinlly when you don't
know what It 1s. --Judge.
(pet your Marriage Licenses at the
Advocate office.
\IVhen " sweets "
lose their sweetness --
and " substantials,"
their charm --there are
always MOO:\' EY'S
coax back
the appetite.
know how
good they
are? 105
George Carter, Jr., is home from the
West. -Miss Cora Hutton, of Cleve•
land, Ohio, is visiting her relative,
Chris. Hutton, of the townline.-Mrs.
Edward Mark, who has been at the
bedside of her daughter, Martha, who
has been ill for several weeks at Bay
City, and who died on Friday last, has
returned home. Miss Carrie was also
at her bedside the last week.
DE.+Ter—On Friday evening Edward
Marks received word of the death at
Bay City, Mich., of his daughter Miss
Martha, after an illness of seven weeks.
In the month of September Miss Marks
in cotnpany with three others partook
of some canned fruit with the result
that all four were poisoned. Her
cousin, Dr. Jones, and little girl were
i11 five days, while the other young
lady lost one of her fingers and was ill
three weeks. With Miss Marks it
turned to septic rheumatism, settling
for a time in her knee, and afterwards
scattering through her whole system,
eventually developing into septic en-
docarditis (intlanimation of the inner
wrapper of the heart,) which caused
her death. Deceased graduated from
the Central Business College, Strat-
ford, last spring afterward going to
Bay City where she resided with her
cousin, Dr. Jones and family, who dur-
ing her illness did everything possible
for her, seven doctors being in attend-
ance upon her. The body was brought
to Parkhill on Saturday for burial at
Parkhill cemetery. Besides her par-
ents, Miss Marks is survived by one
sister and four brothers. The sorrow-
ing family has the sympathy of their
many friends in this sad bereavement.
Asks Us To Print It.
To relieve the worst forms of Rheu-
matism, take a teaspoonful of the/fol-
lowing mixture, after each meals and
at bedtime.
Fluid, Extract Dandelion. one-half
ounce; Compound Kat•gon, one ounce;
Compound Syrup Sarsaparillas, three
These harmless ingredients can be
obtained from our home druggists and
are easily mixed by shaking theta in a
bottle. Relief is generally felt from
the first few doses.
This prescription, states a well-
known authority in a Cleveland morn-
ing paper, forces the clogged -up, in-
active kidneys to filter and strain
from the blood the poisonous waste
matter and uric acid, which causes
As Itheutnatisni is not only the most
painful and torturous disease, butdan-
gerous to life, this simple recipe will
no doubt be greatly valued by many
sufferers here at home, who should at
once prepare the mixture to get this
it is said that a person who would
take this prescription regularly. it dose
or two daily, ne even a few times it
week. would never have serious Kid-
ney or Urinary disorders or Rheuma-
Cut this nut and preserye it. Good
Rheumatism prescriptions which real.
ly relieve are scarce, indeed, and when
you need it. you want it badly. Our
druggists here say they will either
supply these ingredients or snake the
mixt tit e ready to take. if any of our
readers so prefer.
All Hallowe'en has come and gone
but no great mischief was resorted to
by the boys. Thr emelt gate removing
and tiek•tacking were indulged in, but
however, the boys are getting more
Wise, hence not much damage is done.
--Mrs. J. C. Knlbtleisch has returned
from her trip to the west. She also
spent a few weeks with her children
in Detroit -Jake Welker and wife of
Berlin spent the holidays here with
friends. --The trustee board of the Ev-
angelical Church hate. granted a few
weeks' leave of ails+ence to their pastor,
Roe. 't. 1). (iisehler, mind he and bie
family left en Tuesday for Ileidrli'eri,
net at least an even start v. its your old
friend Rheumatism this me -.r. tett cat(
bead him off if youstart right now to take
WAREHOUSES Largest and Best
Rybeing the best this a. h001 has i.c..w,e the lar-•
est business trailing school in Weston Ontario.
Highest Price paid 101' Grain Uur enrolment again exceeds that of a earyago.
Who" Because our courses are thorough and prat•
meal with specialisto in charge of our Commercial.
Shorthand and Telegraphy departments. All our
graduates obtain good positions. Vou may ester
n•,% Write for free catalogue.
(Successor to Joseph ('obhledick) Principals
(Incorporated by Act of Parliament 15551
Head Office,
Capital Paid Up
Reserve Fund
Assets Over
OFFICE HOURS 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. SATURDAYS, 10 a. m. to 1 p.m,
DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current rate of interest allowed
Saving Bank Department' trent further police Interni on Savings accounts will t e
credited quarterly Instead cl halt pearl{• as formerly.
Deposits of St and upwards recebed.
Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government.
DICKSON & CARLiNG, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager,
It heals an.t strengthens the Kidneys so
that they will be proof against attacks,
when sudden chant. -4 of weather come. f1
r'Oe. a boa at D..,g Storer or by Mail. 90
TIP rtsfljt rgs,e tt. roe trachea. I 1 DlSL GSL
Regina Watches, when sold
without 1'ii Official Guarantee,
1t11d l;� ()a:tn. thi:i" an authorized
Iitr;- -:l'_ ii::iiie to be Sect:lul-
11a:ld Watches. taken in trade
or procured in some other
secon:J °' ha lid way.
1 rill the only authorizeu
Official Agent here, and am the
only one who can issue an Offic-
ial Guarantee which will be re-
spected by other Official Agents
throughout Canada.
A. MARCHAND, the Jeweller,
where they will visit Mrs. Oischler's
parents. -G. Brown of Crediton occu-
pied the pulpit in the Evangelical
church on Sunday morning. while
Rev. Hart of Hensall preached in the
evening. -`several members of the
Zurich Gun Club were in Clinton last
week and took part in the shooting
toutnament. —Alex. Chaplet has been
appointed agent for Massey Harris
machinery, for this vicinity and will
have his hrad-qunrters at Zurich.
Alex. is a hustler and will make a
gond ngenf.—i{et•. Maas of Preston oc-
cupied the pulpit in the Lutheran
church Sunday. The morning service
was German and the evening service
in English. -Miss Mollie Schilbe of the
lith con.. left Inc Ottawa on Wednes-
day morning. -N. i30yes of Illeke.who
has been confined with typhoid fever.
has recovered sufficiently to enable
him to resume his duties a4 teacher in
Kent county for which place he left on
Sat urday.--TheZurich Gun Club tens
presented with a handsome medal by
J. B. Blain, of London. The n(eda)
will be competed for once a month et
20 targets and has to he won three
tithes in snrceesinte when it will be-
come the property of the rnenber.-
An interesting and it►stmet ice addteas
was ered to the members of the
Young i'eoples' Alliance, in the ivaan
gelical church. nn Tuesday evening.
by the Rev. 1). t•rquhntt. of Kipper.
-�lisy Pearlie ('omit of Hill+green
nal rewly ',seeped death a few days
ago. She Wall in the yard where her
father was hitching a horse when a
number of colts came into the yard.
knocked the little girl down and tram -
led tier under their feet. She was
picked up unconscious. lir. ('atuphell
was called and found the little girl in
a very critical rendition but by the
skilful treatment of the doctor she I.I
is now able to IK• art•,nnd rig tin.
Wood's Phu
rr'at ref/tie li+ ltemrrf
The G n y.
Tunes and invigorata•'t ho whole
ncrvcut e• ,a.- n, nuakoe new
rd la CM V, int Cures Nrrc-
orr.e Debility, 11frnttal and Bruits iVorry. Dr-
„on.l,nry, sexual t)eakn's l::miesione, Sper-
.4.,(orrh,ra, and Effect* of sib foie or F:.rriwsa+.
Iced per box, restore.). One will pl edaao .lx
.•-(11 t' ori_ 8o14 D all rnargiat a or in Ailetl In
pi lin eke• on reeclpt of'�ari..•. '. 'i' iwr ;dad
„nailed free. Th• wood M•d(oIn• Co.
teeretrly IVin,lsort Tw eeato,Ont.
"There's nothing like
St. George's
Baking Powder
"It keeps its strength -the las'
spoonful is as good as the first."
"And it gives such a fine flavour
to the baking, once people tae 11,
they want it every time."
\Write us for our
new Cook -Book.
National Drug R Chemical Co. of
Via Canada. Limited, Montreal.