HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-11-07, Page 1e ai toJAN'OO NOW iS THE TIME to subset the for the ADVO- CATE and get a bargain as above stated; or else take a trial subscription 15c. to Jan 1,'08 TWENTIETH YEAR. eter itblet EXETER. ONTARIO. THURSDAY, NOV EMBER 7. 1907. Sale Bills VAR . w•Ir, wvr►t tt Big rr,.ty,i :at their' sates ahunl.l trot t holy bills at the A I)V'U('.‘'t'E and ad- vertise ill th. Aovi ('ATB It Means Money to You • SANDERS & CREECH The Sovereign Bank; of Canada. Nokir is hereby given that a divel- end at the rate of six per cent. (6;a1 per annum on the capital stock of this Bank has been declared fur the per- iod of four (41 months ending Novem- ber 30th, 1907, and that the same will be payable at the Head Office and at the Branches on and after Monday, the 16th day of December next. The transfer books will be closed from the 1st to the 14th day of I)ecetn- ber, both days inclusive. By order of the Board, F. G. JEMMErr, General Manager. Toronto, October 2nd, 1907. Branches at Exeter, Dashwood, Zur- ich and Crediton, JOS. SNELL, Manager OLD HENS WANTED We will pay the bighe•t prices for liver 0L1) HENT, SPRING CHICKENS, DUCKS, TURKEYS, and all kinds of poultry, Mention this Mpg• The Canada Poultry & Produce Company (United) STRATFORD, Dna. The Old Reliable CLOTHING CLOTBING C1,OTHING 30 Days Special Sale OF - Ready -made Clothing 75 Suits of Men's, 65 Suits of Youths', 50 Suits for Boys', 40 Suits of Child's. Also a number of Mens and Boys' Pants in all sizes. A choice line of our Coats, ranging from $5 to $15. We are bound to sell the above at a sacrifice price in order to make room for other goods. Come Quick if You Want a Bargain Highest Price paid for produce -16-ARLING BROS. ttrratnNNaal Cards. DS. O. r. ROUL8TON, L. D. s., D. D. 8. DENTIST Ember of the R. C. D. 8. of Ootar!o and Honor t8aduat. of Toronto University. ° MiCC: Over Dickson k Carling s Law Office, In De. Anderson's former Dental Parlors. DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. 8., D. D. 8.. Honor graduate of Toronto Univeristy. DENTIST, Teeth extracted without any pain, or any bad effects Olin over Oladman A Stanbury's ottre, Main street Medical AI. MALLOY, W R. (Tor. Univ.) MEMBER • College of Physicians and surgeons, Ontario. hsmer louse Surgeon Toronto Western hospital. eseoessor to Dr. J. A. Rollins. Residence: East on Int street north of office, Exeter, cowro, Legal. DIOLBON a CARLiNG, BARRISTERS, SOLICi• tors, Notaries, Conv.yancen, Commissioners Solicitors for Molsone Bank, etc. K•u.y to Leas et lowest rates of Interest. Oakes, Main street, Exeter, k D. Oasuss, B.A., L, g, Daemon MMONET TO LOAN. 1 Ws have • large amount of prie ate funds to loan a biro and village properties at low rates of Inter ora. (MADMAN t STANBU•RY, Barristers, 8olicitors,Main et., Exeter On William Brown Prof. Diploma of Royal ln• ortorated society of Musa'fen', England; Organist M Trititt Memorial Chnrch,Eeeter. Piano, l,tgxn, ilanneny and Theory Of Muir, Tennison appli.salon. Fatter, Ont, For Sale or To Rent. Lot No. 1S, Con. ?. Tp. of •••.pher,. (aunty of lluron, containing 100 acres of land, welt fenced and drained; with good orchard, about twenty a• res of gntvt bush, modern building., convenient to erhool. church awl market. end is situate about two miles from the tillage of Exeter. 1f not sold before Nor. 15th, will le rented. For furtuer Parti. ulars apply to Robert I.eathorn, or to Mesas Dick.nn a ('arcing ?,Y N'ellingt'n .t Barristers, etc. London, Ont. F:x.ter. t,nt qpriwariwiwwwi TER A Y DAY W lk • Commercial correspondence x- tnnng our stridents 111 Wing - ham, Clinton, a erton. Or- angeville and Gnderich. %Ve have incorporated t h a counsels of our TWEI.V h. BROADLY EDt'CATED, WIDELY EX- PERIENCED X- PEItIENCED TEACHERS. Gregg Shorthand taught by a Rradnate of the Author. John R. GreggR individual Inetruc• tion. We invite comparison and clove investigation. OUR MAiL GOURSF•S TEACH YOU iN YOUR OWN HOME Write for partirttlar9 Clinton Business College Daniel E. Eby, Vica Prin. George Spotton, Principal LAB d.dis!'ail ata& Ilk s411 Jasi 11 J. SENIOR Agent Confederation Life Assurance Company, also Fire Insurance in lead- ing Canadian and British Companies. Main -St„ Exeter. Teacher Wanted. For 8. ' N,. ',, t•sborne, miles east of Exeter, for the year L`.••. Professional certiflratepreferre 1. State salary and experience. Apply to •10911. IIEY11.00D, Exeter P. 0., Ont. Auction Sale OF --- FARM STOCK ANI) IMPLEMENTS The undersigned auctioneer will tell by Public Auction, on LOT 1), CON. 4, STEPHEN ON WEDNESDAY, NOV. 13, 1907 AT ONE O'CLOCK SHARP The follow ing property - 2 cow., supposed to be in calf; 1 yeathug •!•Cr, f! to,ghbrrd Ihirhern Roll (pedigrer)5 spring al .es, 1 sow with later at side; 2 pies two months old. A number of hens. IMPLEMENTt -1 wagon and rah 5, walking plow, ,•utter. root 'mitt r, cream separator, set double har- nese, wheelbarrow, whirtletrees, neckyokes, buggy pole, forks, hews, and number of other articles, TERMS -t.5 and under cash; over that amount 12 months credit w ill be sir en on furnishing approve M Joint notes 5 per cent off for cash nn . re•.1it amounts. AL, HISS ETT. JOHN 6IL1. Prop. Auct. Sale Registers. There wJ1 be .old by Public Auction at the cbm• merclal Hotel. Exeter, on Saturday, Nov. 23rd at 2 p. m., East half lot 5,8outh Boundary, Hay, Bfty acres. Good pastor. farm with ri.er touching .or- ner goo.i shade John Gill, Au,•t.; Chao. Box, Prop; (:!adman and Sttnhury, Solb'itore. EXTENSIVE AUTCI'ION SALT; of FA It AI STOCK arid IAIPLEME\TS 00 1.01' 3, CI►N. 7, 1 'SBORN E, on THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14. 19'7 at 1 o'clock. the following property: il0R.E9- 1 Brass►t mere, • )f are old, ire 1,411 10 Lord Sharp; 1 draught gelding rising .1 years old by Pride of 0lasni••k, 1 draught 611y (pelt 1 - r.ord sharp, 1 carriage horse 0 year old by Toting Fulton, 1 «artNa horse rising 4 years by liolden Case. CATTLE :t onset, ?cows Purposed to be in calf. 1 nw renewed. 3•teer. 2 'ear. old; .i heifers 1 year Md. 2 steer, 1 yeer old, 3 spring false., PIGS 2 Mw. to farrow about Ike 1. IMPLEMENT:--M.(•onni.k (indrr, nearly new; N',on Need drill, rake and mower; Ihn2 plow, gang plow, roller, one set diamond hurt's!, di., harrow, es utter. lumber wagon, box and spring seat cum• plebe, hay rah k. 2 pig ?IV k•, toll hay ra.•k and wag• gon box, new grasel box. lair Is+sleighs. top buggy 'utter, fanning mitt root , litter, 2 hay fork ropes, on and 126 feet new; 2 wets aliags, r„ar!i new 1 car, 2 stone tants, wire •tret.•her, wire west et, 2 oil barrels hay knife large logging • halo, new; 2 smaller noes, 2 steel crowbars. nunber bee hires, 1 3 -in h well anger, 120;.ladder..shut 'o govt cedar i.yt•, water tank:( creamery • ane, 1 furna, a appl. drier, '+q Krick, two seta double hunts., 1 set single bar- ! nese,: sets leather collars 1 bag , art. 25 lag.. hots, forks, neek•yokee, whfttetrees,and other articles too numernu• to mention. Also• large quantity ni hay and roots. TERMS -,J and under :ash; over that amount 12 months reedit on fumi.hIng approved joint notes. 5 r cent. 01 for cash on credit .amounts. I',viti;.ly no reserve as prnpnetor has rente•t Me farm WM. ('Oi'LT1', JOS. WHiTE, I'rcprictor Auctioneer Exeter School Reports ADDITIONAL LOCALS Ars. t Thursday. ay. here from Lon - ADDITIONAL p : SWAqqlcDFullowiug ie the report fur Oct. dun Inst Thursday. She moved her• household effects to the city. Jr' Teachers' -F ('legs M, M Pfr,lt Ales. Il. Chili tors, who has been vir- 61, E Willis 60, Jr. Matriculation - F Foss 5(1, E Go• ing 52, T Sanders 32, G Brant 31, B Martin 43. No. on roll itt. average 18. L. C. Fleming, teacher. Forst II., Sr, -K Collins 8.2, L Amos 75, (honors), E Jones 74, J Oestreicher 70, L Sanders 62. Jr. -W McEwen 74, A McMahon 74, I Marchand (18, K Ste- wart 67, D Stewart 67, L Heywood 63, A Dow 62, L Hodgert 61, A McPher- son 61. No. on roll 30, average 29.6, 8 L Gregory, Teacher. Form 1.-A Surerus 89, L Kellerman 81, W Monteith 81, H Jones 77 (honors) E Case 74, H Horton 73, H Tribner 71, G Kestle 71, I: Luxton 70, N Keller- man 69, G Ford 60, B Brintnell til, 11 Carling 62, N Amy 60. Commercial, Sr. --0 Fisher 72, %V Dayrnan 70, 5 Mc- Coy 69. Regular -L Birney 89, E Greb 75 (honors), G Bissett 74, B Mack 72, F Beaver 61. No on roll total 45. A. M. Johnston, Teacher. Sr. IV. -L Grieve 76, H Sweet 75, (honors); A Jackson 71, L Rowe 69, E Howey 67, 11 Fuke 60, C Harvey 61, F. Southcutt 63, L Rivers 61. Jr. IV, - L Boyle 73, (honors), L M Frayne 73, C Wood 72, W Stewart 71, C Pickard 68, C Ileywoed 68,R Bissett 64, R Dear- ing 61. No. on roll 31, average 26. C. Vosper, Teacher. Sr, III. ---M Acheson 86, W Heideman 81, R Wood 78, L Snell 77, S Suuthcott 76, A Jackson 75 (honors), R 13alkwitl 74, I Rivers 72, M Carling 71, I Hardy 69, V Easterbr'ook 69, L Treble 68, R1 Bagshaw 65, V Rowe 60. Jr. III. -J Seldon 80, A Beverley 80, It Fleming 77, M Jones 76, N Jones 75 (honors), E Balk will 74, B Quance 74, A MacKay 70, I Sweet 67, L Harvey 63, L Taylor 60. -Elsie A McCallum, Teacher. Sr. II. --F Rowe 01, W Manson 88, E Day 85, E Bowey 83, J Follick 84, A Day 77, A Knight 75 (honors), 0 Mc Donald 73, 11 Howcliffe 68, 11 Neil 63, E Anderson 60, Jr. II.- M Case 92, J Brickwood 89, L Handford 87, M Hey- wood 86, M Hicks 84, J Craig 79, 13 Hodgeit 78, E Horsey 77, (honors), A Bell 72 0 Richardson 71, W Mitchell 68,N Hockey 67, M Senior 66, H Par- sons 64, No. on toll 41, average 36. H. M. Kinsman, Teacher Jr. 11.-M Seldon 88, I Delve 83, P Jackson 82, F Brood 81, D Holden 71, G Ortwein 71, S McFalls 60. Sr. Pt. II. -O Fitton 82, A Carter 81, D Kuntz 77, (i Wells 74, A Johns 73, A Davis 66, O Ford60. Mid. Pt 11-J Bagshaw 78, W Davis 76, F Fanson 75, A Mitch- ell 73, I Easterbrook 73, M Russell 70. Jr. Part II. -W Jacobi 86, M Walker 85, M Mor•lock 85, 'tV Brown 84, W Harness 73, L Walker 73, M Neil 71, V Welsh 70. Pt.L-V Sweet 80, C Har- ness 76, L Dearing 74, G Carter 70. No. on roll 46, average 41. M. V. Martin teacher. .Tr. ii. -J Ferguson 91, F Neil 88, AI Huston 87, M Elliott 73,E Rowcliffe 69. Sr. Pt. IL -J Hnrdon 89, M Vincent 82. M Harness 76, M Gladtnan 73, L Zuefle 72, D White 71, R Marshall 60, No. on roll 41, average 35. F %V (toward, Teacher. DR. PIKE, YONTAR OLOr Electrical trsatmant of disease• of woman a specialty. Farm Wanted to Rent, One or two hundred acres. Apply at this office. Auction Sale OF - Farm, Farm Stock and Implements The undersigned an-tioncer has been instru^t cd to 14114 publi•• au, tion or, LOT 6, S. THAMES 1(0., l'SBORNE on TUESDAY, NOVEAMHER 111th, '07 AT 12:30 O'CLOCK SHARP. The following property : 11IRS t S General purpose horse, 4 years old; dr', • Ing horse, s yrs.: driving mare, 0 scars; flack horst, • yrs. draught;ditto, general Purpose; brown mare, v 1 12 yeah, In foal to Jap: hie. mare, to years. pure ha French: filly rising 3 b. C'Icrkenwell; 2 draught w colts, 2 mold; colt 2 sears l.O►mey: filly 2 yrs and en sucking (soh by General huller. ('ATf1.E ' cons, supposed to be in calf to thorn• f(1 ughbred boll; 3 heifer, rising 2 -yrs; 4 steers and ( w heifer1b3 near. old; I atter,. 2 -yr old; 2 capes 10 (, months ofd;3cal, ea6mos. old. • 1.115 and 10W1, 2 broad sows, 2-yr•old; 5 •tore ,t icing her sister. \irs. Geo. McLeod, hoe I;gmondviUt uont tannin Factory y Aliss Mari on Elston, Miss Shelling - ton, Miss McFadchen, Miss Lindsay and Miss Georgia Lindsay of Parkhill were here visiting Thanksgiving Day, + -- Dashwood •'the V. P. A. intend bolding a liter - entertainment in the near future which promises to be a rich treat. - Airs. Peter Hessenhruter and her sis- ter-in-law of N'alkertnn, who have been visiting the latter's sister, Mrs. Win. Ehlers, of this village, returned to their home on Monday. -Our pub- lic school is to have an entirely new staff of teachers after New Years. The principal, who has successfully taught here for some time has decided to go into some other calling in life, probably take up the study of law or medicine, while the assistants have secured other schools at an ad- vance in the salary they were receiv- ing here. Miss Swan goes to the new school at Centralia and Miss Miners has a school near Lumley. They have both taught here for one year and have proved themselves efficient teachers and we are indeed sorry that arrangements could not have been made by which the would have Leen kept on as we think a change of teach- ers ton often is not beneficial to the school, especially when you have gird teachers. -Oscar Koehler of Zurich called on friends here Sunday evenifig. -Miss Ethel Kellerman who isattebd- ing the Model School at Goderich spent the holiday at her home here, leaving again on Monday.-Thurgtlay last was observed here as a general holiday. -Alex. Zimmer has hada gas- oline engine installed in his blacksmith shop. -Jacob Kellerman made a busi- ness trip to Toronto on Friday last. - Miss Ethel Kellerman has been engag- ed to teach in the Union school. 3 not- es west of this village. -Mrs. Charles Welker of Zurich spent Sunday with her sister Mrs. (Rev.) Eidtof this place. -Miss Almina Motter of Hickson is visiting friends and relatives in the vicinity. -Alf. Zimmer of the Strat- ford Business College spent the Thanksgiving holidays at his home here. -Miss E. A. Graybeil of Toronto is visiting her patents here. ---Hallow- e'en passed Of very quietly here and the boy's pranks were few and harm- less. -The Misses Laura and ida Goetz are visiting relatives in Detroit, Mich. -Dan Hartleih of Exeter was in the village on Sunday. -Mr. and Mrs..Jno. Dieterich of Shipka were the guests of Geo. Merner on Sunday last. -Dan. Schroeder, having been offered a good figure for his farms here, has gone to Wallaceburg where he intends to pur- chase another farts if he finds one to suit him. -Mrs. Pope of Hensall visit- ed relatives in the vicinity at the be- ginning of the week. -Jacob Schroe- der of Berlin spent Thanksgiving day with his mother here. -Mr, and Mr's. James Bissett and daughter. Lovie, and Mr. and Mrs. David McGill, of London spent the holidays at the home of Mr. John Kreuger. DEATH OF Miter. WI LLERT. -This week it becomes our duty to record the death of another of our oldest res- idents, Mrs. Charles Willert, sr., who died on Sunday, Oct. 27th, at the age of 80 years. Mrs. Willert was highly esteemed by all who bed the pleasure of her acquaintance. Deceased was a native of Germany and came to this district many years ago. She is sur- vived by a sorrowing husband and a large grown-up family, Mr. Henry Willem, reeve of the township being one of her sons. The funeral took Wplace to the Lutheran cemetery on ednesday. Thames Road Wilbert Paasmore.'s many friends will be pleased to learn that he is re- covering nicely from his recent illness. -Clifford Whitlock has gone to Sea - forth where be has accepted a position. - We are pleased to learn that Mar- jory, the little daughter of Mr, and Airs. Wm. Ridley of London, who has sited at Mr. T. Cann's since August, s much improvrd in health. She as very ill and almost blind from the ecte of inflammatory rheumatism r some weeks. Her mother, who as on her way to visit 11°r sister, Mrs. i)raget' of Walton, visited here for day or two. Mr. ('ann gave them a easant drive from Thames Road to e'ir destination. hay•, 3 moo; 6 store hog., 4 mos.; 9 Enl.eden geese: 1 Ernle.len gander, 6 young geese; 4 fine itonett ducks, 3 drakes, loll hent 75 early pullets, ISIPLEMF.NTS Complete lumber ., agnn: Iamher wagon used only a tea weeks, 2 top lu.gie., cutter, Massey-llarris hinder, cut three crepe. Frost d- Wood mower, Tiger rake, McCormick culti,ator near) new; Frost •5 la nol disc, rller. Mas'ey•llarris drill, double plow, pea hary Peter, let wagon springs.Cock- .hut riding pion, root pnlptr, Verity walking plow, manure spreader, Fleury plow, pair bobsleighs, scat• tier. 2 hay rev kc. nearly new; set iron harrows, over head heifer power, Chatham fanning mill with bag• ger, Bell cutting box for pnweror hand, •ravel box, weigh rale., 21(1111..; set slings, hay fork, rope and pulleys, 4 set whiffietrees, neck yokes, r •oop shovels, 3 set double harness, 2 set single harass., water trough, kettle, pair hone blanket•, buffalo robes, pr horse clippers, 2 crow tan, 100 grain bag., ,`dot sugar beet hoes, grain cradle, rant hoot. 5 bushels Ameri• an Wonder seed peas, 10 bushel. pea beano pig rack,inrnhator and brooder, corn planter, bag Wick, 3 milk cans, conking stow e, 2 heating trot e., churn, eider barrel. goof crowed saw, Separator, 5 !with, sugar leets, ladder, beet lifter, forks, chains, ad other articles ton numerous to mention. REAI, ESTATE- Lot 6, S. Thames Road and N - 49•t teres of Lot 6 N. Thames Rd., t'sborne. On Ow 1" so. le a good frame holm...! hank tarns and drive shed, lone orchard, running aster at rear of farm, well fen ed and drained, goof hardwood btuh; soil a clay loam:214 mile. from Exeter. 1 1 miles from srhnM and cbnn h, The /9P, ac. are Well drain- ed and fenced; frame barn. 1. opposite 100 acre*. TERMS Chattels 5 and under cash: to et that amodnt 12 month• cr it 'then on turnl.hing a •- prnwed joint notes. 5 per , est. nR f-► cash on see t amount. FARM Terns 10 per rent. on day of sale; balance in br daj, without Internet. Part of purchase mon- ey may remain on mnrtsage if porches.' •rhes (11.A1•M.%N .5 ST.SNRI' Y. agent• for Alex Mc• lasnald.owner of Real Estate ihnner will he wersnl ('tore .a)., THOS. WH1Th:. T. CAMERON, Prop. Auct. 1 th - - -- Sbipka Rattles are now the order of the day. -Geo. Sutton has returned from Lon- don and has taken up his residence on the 18th concession. -Simon and Wil- lie Sweitzer, Jack Smith and Tom McCann returned from the West on Tuesday where they have been help- ing to garner the golden grain. The boys are not particularly struck with the social conditions of the West. They say the neighbors are too far array. -*tit. Fred lleintzman'e many friends will be pleased to learn that she has recovered from her recent i11 - nese. ---Wedding hell. are expected to ring in this vicinity ill the near future, -Mr. Mark Kenny visited relatives at Parkhill last week. -Mrs, J. Gower's many friends will be sorry to learn of her illness. We wish her a speedy re- covery. --Miss Smith of London is vis- iting het parents here, --Our burg has peen busy the past few daye, the fol- lowing having made some sbipmente, H. Wing load of potatoes; J. D. Han- nan 4 tons poultry, 2 loads potatoes; 1 load Dutch setts. -A number of our .orts attended the shooting match at Khiva on Tuesday.- was quietly celebrated here, and the depre- dat ions were not many. We will pay Cash and the Highest Price for good winter apples. Should not be less than 2 inches in diameter. EXETER CANNING CO. Mooresville John Bloomfield of London paid flying visit to friends here, -Marra Neil has letnrned to London aft. spending the holiday under the pat ental roof. -The Orangemen held thei annual dinner at their hall on the 2nd con., Biddulph, and in the evening a ball was given in the Alaccabee Hall here and was well attended; a goo time reported by all.-11iss Cora Web of Lucan spent Thanksgiving witt ► Mrs. Bloornfleld.-Ansley Neil is holi drying under the parental roof. -Th Women's institute held their nlonthl meeting at the home of Mrs. Fre Simpson 00 Wednesday last. -Mr. ant Mrs. Thos. Gray and son Willie spen Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr and Mrs. Clark. -Miss Lizzie Hodgin entertained a few friends on Friday last. --Mrs. Geo. Eacr'ett of Exeter i the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Mose Simpson. -Miss Flossie Morgan o Brinsley has acceptod the position as saleslady at our general store. -Mrs. W. J. Hodgins entertained a few friends on Monday evening last. Strang, A Rowc•liffe, L Harvey,, U a Down, G Blatchford, Ci Oke, Sr. III. v -J Strang, T Dougall, J Dougall, It ,t, Down, Ira Moir, A. Moir. Jr. 111.-L Moir,, F. Bell, It White, Sr. 11.--H Down, W Dougall,'tV Strang, 0 Row - entre,, 1: Harvey, 0 Moir. Jr. IL --L Van Houten. 0 Harris, G Moir. Pt. 11.-E Hott'cliffe, F Jarott. Sr.. Pt.. i, d -J Dougall, II Moir, V Bell, Jr. Pt. 1 b -Ai Dew, M Strang, L Oke. Average attendance :30, J. A. Brintnell, Teacher. Centralist 1 The following is the report of S.S. t No. 1 Stephen, based on good conduct and general proficiency. Sr. Depart- s 110111: V. -M Hepburn, L Robinson, II Flicks. Al Elston, (4 Wilson, J White s E Sims, A Robinson. Sr. IV. --i Es- sery, M Boynham, Al Elliott, S Ho- f garth.-Jr. IV. -B Anderson, L Butt, F Davey, J Davis, F. Baker, E Davy, II White, Earle and Roy Callfas ab- sent. Sr. III. -E Brooks, F Fairhall, F Essery, A White. M. Botterill, teacher, Jr. Department. Jr. IIL--S Neil, R McCurdy, M Haist, W Baker, M Call- fas, E Callfas. Sr. IL -M Elliott, E Bowden, M Heaman, H Neil. Jr. 11. I McCurdy, 0 Davis, E Alexander. Pt. i1. -C D.ivey, D Brooks, A Robinson, E Wilson. Sr. Pt, 1.-A1 Hogarth, H Elston and L Baynharn equal. Jr. Pt. i. -V Neil. Pt. L -G Culbert. Mabel Sparks, Teacher, Grand Bend Robert Pollock, who has been a resi- dent of this place for a number of years, moved to his firm on the 21st concession on Thursday. We are sor- ry to lose him as he is a jolly good fel- low. --We wondered why Maurice wore such a broad smile these days, the rea- son is that the stork paid hint a visit on Monday and a little lassie rules the roost now. Congratulations Maurice. -H. Purdy, who recently sold his farm to Ernest Mollard, held an auc- tion sale of live stock and implements Wednesday for which good prices were realized. He moved to Greenway Thursday. -Ezra Brenner and wife of Shipka spent Sunday here. -Hallowe'en passed off very quietly here, only a few pranks being played by the boys. Thos, Mollard and wife, who have been on a trip to the West, returned home Tuesday. -Mrs. Carriere has returned from her visit to Bayfleld.-Thanks- giving was very quietly observed in our burg. Greenway Mrs• S. Young and her niece, Miss Vera Reeder left last week to visit her sister in Caledonia. --Mrs. Thos, Bul- lock and her daughter, Mrs. J. Prance spent Thanksgiving with friends in Stratford, -Mess Marion Laurie of Rebecca is visiting her friend Miss Zillah English. -Miss Bella Moore of Ripley, who spent the summer with her cousin Mrs. W, J. Wilson, left for her home on Tuesday. -W. Steward - son of Forest spent Thanksgiving at his home here. -Miss Mae Wilson left this week to visit friends in Thorndale. -Miss Bertha Hayter of Bayfield spent Thanksgiving at her home here. -Mrs. W. J. %Vilson left last week to visit her sister and mother in Traverse City, Mich. -Miss Mabel Hord spent Thanksgiving at her honie in Parkhill, -Walter McI'ber•son is on the sick list. --J. Middleton of Clinton .visited friends in Greenway this week. ---Root. English spent Saturday in London, Httrondlile Following is the report of the stand- ing of the pupils of M. S. No. 1, t's• Al'PLF:TON--At Kliiva, Stephen, Oct. borne, for October. Names in order of 3fJ, Mrs..iohn Appleton. aged `iii merit :-IV Class. -N Rowcliffe, 1 )•eathrl,. Usborne Council, Council rnet on Nov. 2nd, pursuant to adjournment. All present. Min- utes of previous meeting read and ap- proved. H. K. Hyndman, M.D., was granted the right and privilege to erect poles and stretch wires for telephone purposes on the highways of the muu- icipalitiea for a term of five years from the date of agreement, and the Reeve and Clerk were authorized to sign the agreement and nff3x Corporate Seal. Itohert Sellery was paid $8, being two thirds value of one sheep killed by dogs. Accounts as follows were passed and orders issued in payment: Stewart Drain account, $Z17; general. $144. Council adjourned to Dec. 7, at 10 a,m. F. Morley, Clerk, BIRTHS RIO:NNM:It-At Grand Bend, Nov. 4, to Maurice Brenner and wifea Baugh- ter. WILLIAMs--in Stephen, Cct. 29, to Mr. and Mrs. James Williams, a daughter. BAXTER -At Maple Lodge, on Oct. 31, to Mr, and Mrs. James Baxter, ft daughter. Conitiv)tAc--At the Sauble Line, Stanley, on Oct. 27th, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Corriveau, a son. MARRiAOES. ROwE-POLLO(•B-In London, on Nov. 1st, Mr. John Rowe of Hay Town- ship, to Mise J. Pollock of Saskat- chewan, formerly of Hay Township, DEATHS OUSEHOLD NECESSITIES Look at every item, then come and see the quality and prices. Food and meat choppers 1.40 up Heavy shears 15c up Lamps (4 sizes) 25c to 50c complete Coal hods 25 to 50c Coal sifters 20c up Odorlees S P enamel per bottle with brush 25c Mirror tin " 25c Oilcloth squares for under stoves $1,00 up Oilcloth varnish 25 and 40c tins Campbell's varnish stain 15 to 75c tins Aluminum and gold enamel. 25c, 40 and 75 Coal oil heaters $5 Stove boards 90 to 1,25 Carpet sweepers 2.00 to 4.25 Coal oil cans, 1 to 4 gallon. 30c to 2.00 Separator brushes 10 to 50e, Apple parers 50 to 65c Extra heavy nickle copper tea kettles $2 Stove pipes 10c Elbows. dampers, etc SEAMAN'S HARDWARE & STOVE STORE