Exeter Advocate, 1907-10-31, Page 8WELL DRESSED The well dr .-rd man is the suc- cessful to tit • f the day. A good appearance , mints for a great deal In there pat titular times, and a little care about neat and well fit- ting garments is one of the best in- vestments a young man can make. Have your clothes made to order. We Make rhe• kind of Suits and Overcoat- th •t gives a roan that "well-dt a se•!" appearance so touch desired. We make the Clothes to It the pian. W. W. TAMAN Merchant Tailor, Exeter, Ontario bslness locals -- Read Them Get your Marriage Licenses at the Advocate office. $18.00 for 0 swell stone martin mull and scarf at St, wart's, The n: rail' is a pillow shape and the scarf is 9(3 inches Easy, trimmed with natural h„t,ls and a1�Ila. Marriage Licenses issued at the Ad- vocate office. Stewart's feu limey china. $7.25 for a Sorely Austrian shins tea set, known ea the Bridal leve set. They're lovely. • 1sckswitb Appreatice Wasted. A strong ►,,,v wanted to learn black - ' nothing. Apply to Wm. Ogden, Whalen. 'The biggest st.,ek uI liar.. in the county ped the biggest values too at Stewart's, ttMaeser'a Iustitate Notes. The t egular meeting'of the Woman's Institute will he held on Friday, Nov. Jet. at :3 o'clock in Senior's Hall, Mrs. Amor, Pres. Mrs. Hastings, Sec'y $7 00 buys ,a lovely Isabella or :lmer- ican ruble ,1, ck full; 75 inches luny, and (trimmed with n aural heads sin 1 tai's, at 8t -inn res. Hear Chas. E. Pimm, Canada's Highest Tenor and Comedy King. 111x. Pupal is it marvel. Opera House, Exeter, Thanksgiving eve, Oct. 31. Mottle and Lot for sale on Atilt street, apply to David Gillis, Exeter. 1' you result .tylfslr +,rillfmrrrt at mod - orate prin.s ',tea ares is the spot. M. Ovens Coring. D . Ovens, London, Eye and Ear Surgeon, will he at the Commercial Roti ',Exeter, on Saturday. November Zod. Glasses properly fitted and dis- eases of Eve, Ear and Nose treated. Das wasted. A good situation for boy on farm to help do choirs and drive horses—year- ly tram -no woad to cut, apply in per- son at this office. $9.50 for ra lut'el y Cobalt Br, u n Tiered ./.+e/..f, 50 inches long, militaQi tall and p•,ekete, ,at Stewart's. Ernie Sanders, eccentric Comedian, ean make yon giggle without offensive jokes. He is one of the best. Opera HOMO% Exeter, Thanksgiving eve. 1).•t. 31. Pu' srt) For sate. We Crave at present a handsome piece of property consisting of fine two storey re,hleue and two lots, with good stable; all in first-class condition; coot eniently situated; all modern irn- provetnent. Price is:e snap. Call or write rhe Advocate Office. 819.I0fee u +troll natural grey muff and throe' seas' at Stercart's. The most Stylish set in h.0 n. The Great Mai 10 ie coating. \Vhen? Oiwr.a 11 ,o-.'. to• -night. Thanksgiving eve. The nty•t• i imus Marto. the Fun Meket. , .•r t it, tint to the land of toys• ter y t. 1 le , • ••- you there. Remem- ber 1)• t.:31 -t 1. the date•. (let your- self I t..real fie a laugh that night. Plan .,f loot-.- ,t Cole's Drug store. Child• • n i:a, ., .\,lulls '_''u'.. Reserved seats 3:r ++++++++++++++#+++ IT WILL NOT BE LONG till ymn torn your thoughts to a New Fall Outfit. This Peaemn WI` will he more than ever in :yivsnce with new styles and fabrics New Salta for Fall Ilerw Topcoats for Fall Mw Saltiest+ for Fall New Raiacoate for Fall The new fall lines are com- ing in daily now. We are confident of being able 1'' please yon in the least pal - tienlar. Call and Get our Prices Y /Retches t J Ilor• Exeter 44444}}4+++++-t OHNS LOCAI. I)OIN(><S, 'I'o•day- is thanksgiving Day. Hallowe'en last \Vednesil:ty t night. 111. John \Vaud sbiirpe l ttvo cars of cattle to Montreal this week. The United States 'Thanksgiving Day is Thursday, November Mr. Jos. Davis was confined to the house part of last week owing to ill- ness. This locality is enjoying beautiful fall weather. Bright days and frosty nights. Mr. E. Jory has erected a fine ver- andah iu front of his residence on Huron street. GIANT T1tIPLET:S ";'urrency" "Bobs" and "Stag" Chewing Tobac- coes, in big plugs. Quality always the saute. Mr. John Rendle has purchased Mrs. Jas. Pickard's stable and will move it to the rear of his house on Andrew street. Shooters should beware of the black squirrels to -day. Put off the hunt un- til to -morrow when they will be In season. Messrs. N. D. Hurdon and John Charlton go to Port Frank to -day to spend the remainder of the week shooting. Torn Longboat, the Indian runner, to -day intends establishing a record for the distance between Hamilton and Toronto, 44 miles. Mr. Daniel Hartleib is getting around with the aid of a cane owing to a nail running into his foot while tak- ing down some shelving in Martin & Son's store. Hear Mr. V. L. Hewer, London's Popular Baritone, Opera House, Exe- ter, Thanksgiving evening, Oct. 31. One of Ontario's leading Commercial schools has a change of ad. in this issue. We refer to the Clinton Busi- ness College on page 1. This popular institution bas added mail courses. Mr. Will Gillespie bas moved his household effects here from Detroit and will reside on Sanders street in the house formerly owned by Mr. Geo. Hodgins. For Quality and Quantity ask your dealer for the new big plugs of "Bobs" "Stag" and "Currency" Chewing Tobaccoes. On Friday evening last the needle was successfully taken from the hand of ()lifted Mellott. It wasfound that the needle had entered the hand eye first and had broken in halves, the eye part remaining deeply imbedded in the tlesh. In writing from Benchonzie, Sask., Mr. Fred J. Hill, fornrerly of Exeter, states that in that district crops were in such bad shape that farmers in many instances cut their grain with a mower as they were not worth the twine it would take to tie it. Rev. Going of the James street Methodist church will preach to the united congregations in the Presby- terian church Thanksgiving morning. Mr, V. L. Hewer of London, who giv- es a concert in the Opera House in the evening, will sing at the Thanksgiv- ing service. "Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Talbot were here from London for a few days stay- ing with Mr. and Mrs. J. Stewart. They were having their furniture ship- ped to London where they intend re- siding for the present. Mr. Talbot bast Accepted a position as traveller for a firm in London."—Seafortb News. If there ie anything that tortures an editor more than anything else it is to publish a $15 or $:31) obituary notice about some old, prominent citi- zen. who never had the manhood to take his own town paper. Editors frequently put in such notices at the request of relatives or friends, trot it grinds theta to eulogize a man to the skies. who was too stingy to support his home paper. A three line notice is all such fellowe deserve. Here is a good paragraph from a select source: Take life earnestly. Take it as an earnest, vital, essential matter. Take it just as though you personally were born to the dirty of performing a noble task in it—as though the world waited for your coining. Take it as though it was a grand opportunity to do and achieve, to carry forward great and good schemes. to help and cheer a suffering, weary, it may be a heart broken brother. The Net is. life is under -vol• tied by a great majority of mankind. it is not made half as touch of as should be the case. Now and then A roan stands aside from the crowds, le. hors earnestly. steadfastly, confident- ly. and straightway becomes famous. Cow for Sale. A good lunch cow for sale. Apply to David Mack. Foaled Pair of gold spectacles ori Ann street. Apply at this office. Hicks' Forecast. For Noveart+er. A Regular Storm Period, which is central on Octuber31st, will have its culminating stages on and touching the 2nd and :3rd of November. The storm diagram shows that a Mercury period covers the first week in the month and that a regular Vulcan per- iod blends with the Murcury period op to the lth. The Mercury influence will dominate weather conditions up to about the 8th, so that disturbed. cloudy and disagreeable weather will be natural even after the close of the regular Vulcan period. General aut- umnal rain storms with touches of lightning and thunder to the south. ward. will center on the 3rd, possibly torching the 2nd and 4th in their in- formation and progress from west to east. The barometer will most likely remein low and temperature high es we pees into the next storm period. A reactionary storm petiod is central on the 3111, 0th and 711'1, Wiring a9 air additional cause of storms and ether disturbances the conjnnetion of the Neon with Earth and Sun on the 5th. We predict that storms will take on decided boreal conditions from about the 5th to the 7th --that rains will turn to sleet and snow, generally. to the northward, with rising barometer, change to colder and very stiff to den- gerons gales from the northwest, es• pedally in all the regions of the great { northern lakes. Mark this warning. Tendon v to seismic pertnrhations. at.•t .rally, Will I.e ,it a n)attinrnn► for a h.., i ,d .,1 ft VP 114y. central on the .,•h. If the weather is favorable to-day- efhattksgiviIlg Day) 0 number of the London and `leaforth aiuoiters are ex- pected her e to play- a game. Bettt•een \lr. Cot1le's cider mill, the evaporator and the canning factory the apple crop is rapidly being put in- to condition for winter use. Ret. S. (:leaver, M. A., I). I)., has been secured to preach a u1 lecture on the occasion of the James street Meth- odist church anniversary on December l:dh and hitb. He is one of the ablest ministers in Canada. Mr. Hugh Spackman last week mov- ed to the house on Andrew street re- cently vacated by Mr. J. I). Atkinson, while Mrs. F. Fisher has moved into \Ir. Spacku►an's house which she pur- chased come months ago. Mr. John Salter unfortunately met with an accident Monday by which he sustained a broken collar bone. He was standing on a ladder picking ap- ples at the home of bis son, Martin, when the high wind caused him to lose his balance and fall to the ground, with result as above stated. We are in receipt of a copy of the" 1Valkerville Herald containing a three column cut of the Home Bank's new premises in course of erection and cuts of the General Manager, Lieut -Col. James Mason, and the local manager, Mr. E. W. Horne, formerly of Exeter, as well as a sketch of the institution, the general manager and local mana- ger, which goes to show that the in- stitution and manager are appreciated in that thriving town. Ar Editor Wanted. TheCanadian Grocer, one of The MacLean Publishing Co's well-known newspapers, is looking for an editor. Tho best man that can be got in Cana- da is wanted, and in order to secure him the Company is willing to pay a salary of $2,50) at the outset and $5,- 000 when he has proved his worth. The Grocer is recognized as an author- ity in the foodstuffs and provision trades and circulates very widely, not only in Canada, but also in Great Britain and the Continent. The new editor will be expected to still further strengthen the paper. There should be numerous applicants for this posi- tion for it is undoubtedly one of the prizes in Canadian journalism. Death of Mrs. Dow. After a very few days illness of pneumonia the death occur red Sunday morning at 4 o'clock of one of Exeter's highly respected ladies in the person of Annie McIntyre, beloved wife of Mr. Alexander Dow, at the age of 51 years, 4 months and 17 days. Mrs. I)ow was taken suddenly ill of pneu- monia following a cold one week ago, and for two or three days previous to her demise all hope had been abandon- ed, and the end was sorrowfully look- ed for by the now bereaved family. Deceased was a kind and affectionate wife and mother, and a faithful friend. She was a consistent member of the Presbyterian church and took a lead- ing and earnest part in all church work. She was a member of the Exe- ter Council of the Order of the Chosen Friends. Besides the husband afamily of five survives, being one son, Gilbert, and four daughters, Mies Ethel of Brandon (who arrived home on Satur- day afternoon) and Misses Jessie, Ed. na and Anna. residing et home. The late John McIntyre of Fullerton who died on October 7th last was an only brother. The fitueral took place to the Exeter Cemetery on Tuesday after- noon at 2.30, and was largely attended. The sincere sympathy of the whole community is extended to (he bereav- ed family in their hour of affliction. Death of Georg* Brooks. On Wednesday afternoon last death removed a familiar figure and an es- teemed townsman. We refer to the death of George Brooks at the age of (15 years, A distend Itt days. De- ceased bad heen ill ten days of linen. monia, and it took such a severe hold on hint that after the first three or four days recovery was very doubtful, and he gradually sank. Mr. Brooke had not been in the hest of health for several years, although he had been able to be about at his work as usual up to the lime of his illness, Mr. Brooks was a native of England but had been a resident of Exeter for many years. He was employed for a number of years as sectionman on the railroad, but retired from that poli• tion several years ago, since which time he had been living a semi -retired life, although the last few years he and Mrs. Brooks had conducted an ex- tensive baking business and he will t•e greatly missed by his many customers among whom he was greatly appre- ciated because of his uniformly accom- modating niforn► yaccom- modating manner. He was the effic- ient caretaker of the Presbyterian church for several years. Ile 1pavee to mourn his demise a widow and three daughters, Mrs. Vivian of Mit- chell, Mrs. (innld of Hernial' and Miss Family at horse, all of whom hare the sineere sympathy of the many friends. Mr. Brooks was it member of the Chosen Friends, in which order he was insured, and also a member of the independent Order of Odd Fellows under which auspices the funeral took place on Friday to the Exeter ceme- tery. EXETER MARKETS. CHANGED EACH \VEDNESDAY 1Vheat 1 00 Barley 53 Ski Oats :it) 5 Peas tie) 85 Potatoes, per bag 511 76 Hay, per ton 12 00 14 00 Flour, per cwt., family 300 Flour, low grade per cwt 1 50' 165 Butter 23 Eggs 23 Dried apples 7 Livebogs, per cwt 0 00 Shorts per ton 20 00 Bran per ton 21 00 Highest cash price for eggs, poultry and produce of all kinds. W. F. ABBOTT, Ctutralla SOMETH INC which everyone needs and no one can well do without JIIELISSR B�LJII The Popular Skin Food Of unusual merit For the toilet. Just at this season of the year special care must be exercised to keep a clear complexion. Melissa Balm will do all that is required of it. Un- surpassed in overcoming the tendan- cy to harshness and roughness pro- duced by the cold, raw winter. price 25 Cents Cole's Drug Store Mrs. Quance is visiting in Ailsa Craig for Thanksgiving. Mr. W. W. Taman is spending Thanksgiving Day in Detroit. Misses Gertie Sheeres and Flossie Sweet are holidaying at Galt. Misses Annie and Venett Lang of St Marys are visiting in town. Mrs. D. French of Clinton attended the funeral of Mrs. Dow on Tuesday. Mr. John S ackrnan left yesterday to visit friends in Talbotville during Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. P. Frayne and Lily May are spending Thanksgiving with tbeir son Bussell, in Brantford. Mr. H. A. Palmer has bean trans- ferred from the Hamilton to the Exe- ter branch of the Molsons Bank. He arrived on Friday and is on the cash. Mr. Fred Treble, who has been visit- ing bis parents here and other relat- ives in Ontario for the past month, left Monday on his return trip to Seat- tle, Nash. MILL FEED We have an abundant supply of 4 mill Feed on hand Our STAR FLOUR It contain the qualities that tickle the palate. You MUM have head it again and again that Harvey's Sta r makes the very hest bread --Try it and you will smile. ton, HARVEY BROS. 1 ONTAitIO AlkabitAkeas ALA Mr. Fred Penhale of London spent Sunday in town. Misses ,larkson and Sharpe spent Sunday in St. Marys, Mise Attie Handford has returned from a visit in London. Mr. It. S. Lang of St, Marys was in town Saturday on business, Mrs. Gus. Handford returned to her home in Renfrew on Thursday. Mrs. (Dr.) Malloy has returned from a visit in Toronto with her parents. Mr. John \Valuate), has returned from a visit in Woodstock and Lon- don. • Mrs. Reg. Samuel of Highgate is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. !Lowden. Mr. Wallace Fisher of the Sovereign Hank. London, is holidaying here for two weeks. Mr. W..1. Statham and son, Lyle, are spending Thanksgiving day et the former's alt) home. Acton. Miss Ethel Dow arrived here Satur- day afternoon from Brandon, called home by the illness of her mother. Mrs. J. ('. sleet! is spending a week with relatives in Stratford. J. C. .pent Thank'givinit 1).y there with het. THE FACE ANi) HANDS retptire more care during the winter. Hard winds and (rn•ty sir make the nee of some healer attsolutely neces- sary. All the well known preparations for the skin are to he found in our stock of toilet Atticletl. 11()WEY'S ('1{13AM OF ROSES is specially re mended for chapped hnnilw, fart', lips, etc. Excellent for gentlemen after •h tying. Only 25 rents per hot le. T. 86W8IN8 &SON Jobbers and Dealers in Builders' Hardware Nails Glass Cement Plaster Paris Galvanized Shingles Corrugated Iron Roofing T. HAWKINS & SON. id 11 Ever Occur to You that the way to succeed is business is to handle the lines which the people want? And I can tell you right now that you will hunt a long while before you will find anything to eclipse the MAGNIFICBNT LINB OF FURNITURB we carry. It is up-to-date in every particular and is the best paying line for any buyer. Call and inspect our stock before purchasing. ROWE & ATKINSON The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors. JONES & CLARK PHONE NO. 32 BEDDING 4c FOR THE COLD WEATHER The long, cold weather will soon be here, so let us be ready for it. If you are not prepared for it, just come and see us and we will soon make you warm and comfortable for it. We have everything that you will require to do so. Wool Blankets We have the very best a11 - wool blankets to be bought. We secured them before they went up in price and can give you extra velue. $3 $4, 95, $(1. Real Down Comforters No sham about them. They are the real thing. Pure down filling and beentiful flowered sateen covering. Extra large size 910.00. Furs Fur ('oats, Fur -lined ('oats, Muffs, Cap. and Scarfs. The biggest and hest stock yon will find. ('nmet•arly and have a gond i ltoict'. Flannellette Blankets We were very fortunate in placing our order early for flan- nellette blankets and had 42 pair of 12.4 come last week at the old price. Do not fail to see them as the price is the lowest. Wool Comforters A real cheap luxury. We have some very nice patterns with good coverings and fillings, for $2, $2.50, $3 and $:3.50. Underwear it ;s time you were thinking of theni now. Our stock is the hest we have ever shown. No advance on our pricer, .)s we bought early. DRESS GOODS and MANTLES We are recognized as headquarters in this department and will not disappoint you when you come in for a nice Dress or swell Coat. We have all the new ideas and keep up with the times. JONES & CLARK Headquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Cl(tthinJz Bd�Odl� Sla Of 6000S Men's Overcost8'q41..... in plain cloth or dark tweeds, excellent cloth, neat patterns with best lining. full length, good Alters. $15.00 Coat for $12.00; $12 00 Coat for $10.00; $10.00 Coet int $8.00 Ma's Suits' - 100 Men's Tweed or Serge suits, selling off at bargain prices. $16 Suit for $12; $12 Suit for 59.95; 910 Suit for $8.75; $5 Suit for $8.90 80laery'4111111Wbss Hosiery of the best makes, made of best twisted yarns, fast color. Hosiery without nasty seam.. Hosiery that will wear well. Children's size, 25c. to 45c; Women's size, 60c. per Pair. English Plaaaellettee�.•a. 311 inch wide in Blue. Pink, Grey and pretty stripes, extra heavy, guar- anteed fast colors. Quality worth 15e., our price 121c. a yard. f s _ M• ,'. Meter] lined shirt. and drawerr, in lane} rti e.• and plain Mea 8 �a e3i ,ege,r..ntdecery.here athe Our priesMb-.ea for Crtra tial r all wont Tweed in 11rey only for Goya' wen; you ?6e Tvreed Q --- •ant 1.•at o itei„fat peitr t'�. en rate a1 Mb • yaM diel' Underskirts— Warner, • lila. k r•ateen Underskirts, made of silk linlnheet Wtteen I,ned •'retinal Rennellttte. a splendid Niru for a in ter wear On eat• at 91 IN. Big Stock of Wool Blankets of the Best Make, all Sizes and all Prices W. S. HOWEY, Phroa Ba - � , T T; T &1(h•'ittt.r anal t ritirian r 1. 1 i 1 ■ ♦ -