HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-10-31, Page 3A IISIII:It91A\'S LI/'K.
t%eak, IA ern and Almost in Despair
'. hen Ur. eb tlticons' fine fill, came
to Ili, Are tie.
"Aly s:l•lr;.tit With uhnusb•.lti,ne, my
breath te.y .-hurt and I could hardly
walk. I used many remedies, but they
did not help me. Finally a friend a.l-
\ istd nie to lake Dr. \Villiains' Pink
Pete. 1 did :x, and today, thanks to
the pile, I lou a pet-fe:11y well luso,'
This very emphatic statement is
n.ad.' by \1r. Ii, 1.. Porter, of Maitland,
N S. Mr. Porter is a Itshetntan, and
iaturnlly a hard eorkiug man, subject
to naafis, cxp.usilre. 11e further .says: "1
ata vet u slate of dclilily and blood-
Icssuws- Sonielames 1 could ntlend lu
lope meek,meek, but often waic
s ,o weak and
wmiserable to du 80. 1 wits wakeful and
realness at night, and could not cat in
the morning. 1 was troubled with
Pauls 111 my back and shoulders, some-
lintes 1 could hardly btral`hten up.
Them Indigestion castle to add to my
Misery, and my condition vas one that
wade me almost hopeless. 1 tried sev-
eral uledilvnet-but in vain. Then one
tray a friend said. 'Why don't you try
Dr. Williams' Pink fills" 1 tried them
bud I shall always be grateful for theta.
I:. n &hut 1 lisle 1 begun to regain my
health. I ce,uld cat better, and could
at any kind of food. My strength re-
turned. 1 could attend Io my work. 1
was in fact perfectly well again. and
This is actually due to Dr. Williams'
fink PllIs."
Dr. Williams' Plnk Pills build up "hc
ett'ength and drive out disease in just
one way -they actually Make new red
blood. That is all they do, but they
do it well. They don't net on the
bowels -they don't purge and weaken
like cornmon pills. They don't bother
with mere s 'n,ptonts, They go right to
the root of the trouble in the blood.
That is n'hy Ihcy cure anaemia, with
rel its headaches and backaches, and
!lazinests and heart palpitation. That
le why they cure indigestion, rheuma-
tism, neurnlgia, St. Vitus dance, general
Wenknees and the special ailments that
gmtving girls and women do not }take
to talk about, even to their doctors.
But von must insist on gelling lite
genuine pills with the full name, "Dr.
W4lliams' Pink ['ills for Pale People,'
(t the wrapper around each box.
Sold by all medicine dealers or by innil
rtt 50"_. it box or six boxes for $2.50
tram The 1)r. \Villiants' AMdicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
Crain Surpassing Pled of Manitoba
Grown by Ismtbtlid0e Scientists.
A discovery Ilial may ultimately revo-
luticnizc farming is announced by a
group of Cambridge (England) scientists.
Very careful experiments have been
1118de Miring the last eight years in test-
ing and crossing the qualities both of
plants and animals. The immediate re-
sult of the Cambridge experinienls has
Item to create varieties of wheat and
barley which will surpass the qualify
even of Manitoba hard grain by 10 per
cent. er store,
Ihoft--or Middleton, Pr'fessor \Vood,
and Mr. lis II. Bitten during the lust
cight yenrs have been conducting the
experine'nki at the Cambridge Univer-
sity experimental farm al Irnpinglon.
All the known varieties of whenl
throughout the world were collected to-
gether and grown on a smnil scale. As
was only te he expecled, the majority
absolutely refused to be acelimaliuvl, but
n few showed n disposition to be kinder.
Eventually a few hopeful vnrieUes were
selected for such characteristics ns re -
*defence to the attacks of rest. gond
cropping capacity, tine milling quality,
stiff straw, and such like, and were
crosee,' with Rrltlsh wheats with the idea
of combining all these good qualities in
nrd-. variety. By the careful applica-
tion of the recently discovered Mendelian
Incas it number of new Varieties have
been produced and have been "fixed."
Prising throl.gh various trials. they were
cventunlly submitted to the tells of mill-
ing and baking. with the most satisfae-
tery results.
The department is meeting with simi-
lar success in nn attempt to breed
wheats whieh shall he resislent to the
nllncks of the dendly yellow rust, rind
barleys which shall he n great improve-
ment on !hose at present grown in Eng-
WON.tN's kill Iii: IN\I:N711s\'
Three Imprnted \Riches \\hip h \\i11
1.itlhten kitchen teeth.
Mrs. \tory E. french of Clyde, Oluko,
his invented cud petrified an egg -
1•e ater, a vcgetoMe kettle and n potato
mnsher. The egg I.eutcr ,s n fork with
three pr\,cgs hawing ,,armed edges and
lclet 111n,ugh the prongs which w111
iterate the eggs as beaten. 'the vegetable
kettle lass n corrugated interior, st. that
tee water will pass leneoth the vege.
tattles that are being :ot.ktel. and Sit keep
them from sticking to the boliorn and
horning. The pntalo masher is hollow
and can ht' filled ell!' lett wafer. This
not only keeps the p,tnloi., tett while
being meshed, but by adding fresh halt
water IIK'y any he kept warm and sweet
for an iudclinile length of lime. Seine
tune pito \Iris. French received two
metals roar the Int enters' .Aeadenly of
I'r:enet' for several electrical devices:"
wig- ting Ih.'m the 'romans electric battery
' F'ni:F: INFORM ‘TION."
This is what one of the most promin-
ent physicians of to-dny stays':
'That one ounce of sweet spirals .1
nitre. one ounce if e' inpound %emelt,
and four ounces of syrup of rhubarb
II.:xtd together and taken ut dessert-
estounful daces after meals and at bed-
lam' iu wv►ter will effect a lei'rinanent
cure for the most seven' cases of k1d-
Ley, liver. bladder, and urinary trou-
taes. ile claims that a few doses will
frsihvcly cure the worst eases of back-
ache and rheumatism arising from dts-
eitIcred kidneys anti impure Meet.
These drugs are of purely vegetable
nature and ine\p'n!Ive. and can be
aliened al any drug sore and nileed
leg.0 or at Louts.
In I:ntlland and Waits, 11 1. Believed
the fettle sentence fur beefs trs
Is the Reat.
The remarkable success which has
followed the adoption by the state of the
principle of "culling off the supply of
crime at the source" fern's lite most
stalking feature of the mutual report on
tee prisons of England and Wailes.
The object has been achieved by the
segr•egalaon of juvenile prisoners, young
adults and first offenders from the older
end hectic -tenable class of habitual
criminate, Nut only are these classes of
prisoners segregated, but they are ('tfu-
catted, and, tit, far as the terms of their
sentences render possible, trained to be-
came llsehll Members of society.
The success of these efforts has 1uv'n
especially noticeable in regard to juve-
nile creme -that is to say, offences cone
milled by persons under sixteen years d
age. This diminution is described by the
c(unlissioners as "almost marvelous."
1lere are the figures for the last few
Under Between
12 years. 12 and i(
1897 58 1,630
1901.5 7 1,184
1916-6 3 1,029
19416-7 4 724
The reduction in the number of young
adult prisoners -that is to say, !hose
who are between sixteen and twenty u,ie
years of age -has been equally siatisfac-
k ry, numbering in all, nearly 2,000.
This is ascribed to the working of the
Borstal system, which was extended
drying the year in a Modified fora, to
all Prisoners, whereas it lad previously
been in force only with regard to those
under sentences of over a year..
First offenders during the year who
have been sent to prison have numbered
49.979, against 81.909 during 190.5.6. 1L
is satisfactory ht this ocu►nection to note
that there will; also a reduction of nearly
360 in the number of prisoners who had
one previous conviction against them.
This scenes to suggest !hat the treatment
metal out to fired attenders has resulted
h► fewer returning to gaol.
The rn►nmissioners again stake a plea
in:' '<mgel' sentences On juvenile offen-
"\\'o strongly endorse the epinkon ex-
pressed by governors nntl chapiniiis
throughout the service," they say "that
in the case of the young and iMpres-
sie.Mlbit' and imaginative a sentence
whieel only familiarizes with what ought
la be the great mystery and dread of
a prison, and which dons not admit of
shflleIent time for the application of any
useful reforrnnlory influence, must do
more hewn► than good.
The chaplain-inspeclor, in dealing with
Ibis matter. says the opinion "is fre-
quently expressed Ihat a boy w)Kse
Irnining and surroundings have been
bail requires at least p year's imprison-
ment before he can be shaped for better
"A tery experienced society thinks that
short sentences in the case of youthful
ofleIdcr3 is a greet Mistake, and that
'other nu'lleels of punishment should be
ft.und where the offence a e.f such a
trivial telemeter as In demand it sentence
of less Than a month-' Jt.dging from re-
sults, the boys with longer sentences
turn out the best, the boys 'with shorter
sentences being hardened, not re-
formed.' "
Generally speaking, there was a dis-
tinct improvement in regnid to the cringe
of the eetintry as shown in the number
of prisoners. Here are some compari-
sons with the previous year:
1935.6 1906-7
Ce:nvicted at assizes and
quarter sessions:
Offences agninst Ilie per -
eon 1.364
Offences against pro-
011ier offences 251
Delegable offenses tried
Other offeM'es Tried sum-
marily 161,194
21.890 20,272
195.166 178.343
Tot ale
The greater part of the deerense was
due e. (vises tried sununarily. Thus
there were decreases of 5.2(2 persons
imprisoned for drunkenness. fill for
breech et l velars regulrrioiis vend (•nunly
rind borough by-laws, and slf4 for com-
mon assault. In all, Phis class of ease
accounted for 10,707 of the total reduc-
tion of 16.711 pri'-oncrs.
Earl Grey, Governor-Geneln1 of Cate
oda, has presented' to the \titehell Lib.
rosy in Glasgow. n copy of the Royal
Atlas; of C'ana.ln.
The remains of Colonel 'notes Men-
tes. (f the Glasgow Highlanders. were
interred en the 24111 alt., in SIghthill
Cemetery. The fmernl tins attended
Ly n Inrge company of mourners. repr+-
sentalite tIf the putts and other bodies
with which (olenel Menzies was nsso-
The Set,tti,h (:oat Trade Conciliation
Benet have agreed 'to nn advnnce of
12% per cent. hi miners wngee.
Hem. J. AI. Iteltnur has been gruel.
Irl' n second -Lieutenant of the i ttttiinns
end Rie wh•kshlre Imperial Yeomanry.
On the 271h ult., the prise of fl.nr
was Advanced in E4Inhurgh and Leith
by ed. per suck. which makes a rise of
Is. within a week,
For the minder ending 30th June
net a single birth, death or marriage
was registered in the northern district
.1 Kirkpatrick -Fleming. i)itjnfrieeshin',
At l:ournck. John King, engineer, has
teen fined for sending two children to
school while still suffering from fetes.
Mr. John NlePhee. M. .A.. 1'nislev,
late of the John Neilson lnstitulion
stall, itse aca'epted an important ap-
er intment in France.
The improvements which have been
ping on al isripatrick lifeboat sta.
hon during the past four months Ante
been completed. and the station is now
it lo dale.
What Is Going On In the Ilipltlands
and Lowlands of Auld
Air. T. iI, Al. Lamb, AI, A., cif Edin-
burgh University, has tern appointed
tyre of Ilia Majesty's Inspectors of
Several valuable donations have re-
cently been made to the natural his -
k; `.nlas
ry•dc}olt►ncnt of the Royal .- uh
Within the last three months !ht'
imitates of lnveresk Poorhouse have de -
(leased from 116 to 107.
Mr. John McKane, the Dunfermline
Nevada millionuire, tray given .1500 to
Edinburgh Infirmary.
The rate of interest at Marlintnas on
larded securities in Scotland has been
fixed el 3% per cent.
According to the report of the Scot-
tish Bishery Heard, 1906 was a year
"of small water's and few fish."
Thomas Afiller• Burns street, I.eill
bit lust an aro► throueh begat crustae
between a train cud Il,c plalfoq:n.
A feature of the coming cxhibilttn
.n Edinburgh will be monthly pageants
illustrative of some episode of Scottish
The Movement for setting up a sta-
tue of Queen \'lett ria in the mete fre-
quented stt'cet square of Leith -the foot
ei 1-eilh Walk -is tin the point of be-
ide realized.
The total herring catch at Lerwick
6 ' the season to the 3rd ult. is 170.0(
The oldest woman in Scotland. Mrs.
Thomas Rlnek, vvho resides in Kienur-
heck, was born al Closeburn on the
loth of Ably, 1803, so she has entered
on her 14,1ih year.
Mr. 1). I1. Christie, assistant clnssi
col master in Dunif,' es Academy, has
teen apt'olnled classical toaster in
\Vestinoint Academy, elonlrcnl, at a
salary of £240 per annum.
Mrs. Simpson, Wellington sheet
Greenock. while waving gixid-bye to he
daughters on the 29Th ult., fell over
tie► window and was killed,
11 your little one is restless and cross
it Ls more limn likely the trouble is
due to settle derangement of the slo-
tnhelt or bowels, and if Baby's Own
Table's is given the child will soon Le
bright and cheerful, and when the
mother gives her child this medicine
she has the guarantee of Lite govern -
Went anitlsst That it contains nu ent-
ree or }oisonous drug. Mrs. J. F.
Loney. :\ihmford, Ont„ says: -"I have
list(' Itaby's Own Tablets for eon-slipa-
lirna and (Muir ailments of children and
have found them more salicfnclory
than any other forth of medicine."
Sold by medicine dealers or by mei;
at 25c. n box from The Dr. \\'illioins'
Medicine Co., ilrockville. Ont.
At Greenock, on the lslh tilt., David
Smith got 12 months for breaking into
the Free Church manse, Kilmartin,
with Intent to steal.
iIrAR iN Mis:D that what
1s called a skin di*suss may he hitt it
avnIl,lom of bar: blood In 11 it rase.
{leaver's ('truce. .•.alernnlly nppl,cd,
should De suiTh•sm.uted with Weaver's
Syrut., taken deity.
Mrs. Johnson Ito her -en): "Tommy,
y(u mustn't go fishing a eli Peter \Vest;
h • is just getting tete the measles,"
Tommy: "'there won 1 be may danger,
mother: I never catch anything when
Vie fishing."
"F'l ItR(1V11i1" i!1 A ti1CNTt.F1
111!LANT to the stomach. thereby
(titling digestion An n tonic for
patitnts tcsuterang from levet* and all
d„•, este lowering the v' ,''y, it Is
ithout .t t ivul. At all or..Y and gen-
eral stores
IIE SII:\\ 1:1) NO MORE.
Rt-ginntd: "Plow- do you like the idea
of me growing n beard this toll?"
Clarke : "\\'Iiy, 1 elould set my fnco
ngninst it."
Do Not iklay.- When, Itirough ale-
biiltnted digestive ere:ins, fwlson 11114Is
inti way Into the bkxxl, the prime c'in-
sidleration is to gel the Neste) out as
rapidly and as thoroughly as possible.
Delay may mean di'nster. Pnrrnelre's
Vegetable Pills will le found a me l
taluable and effective tnedieine to ns -
'all the intruder with. They never
fail. They go al once to the sent e•f
the ternlble and work a permanent cure.
Some interesting facts have been pub-
lished concerning the emcees of the ex-
perhnenlnl ostrich farm stnrlcd Iwo
years ago near Nke. There were ore
ginnlly thirty -Iwo birds- Iwanly-Phe
hent rnlik,rnia and seven from Abys-
sinia. Their progeny. up 10 the plevscnt.
numbers 110. The test of rnainleinnse
i� snid to average ell per bind per
num. while the averege value of it At t of
lfiumes is given ns $21A, and Rte average
life of an ostrich is eslimnted al eighty
Lg5I'E No. 44-07.
max lin amt Num/ 'i/
pm i .! �r'�'-!'
Mil alta, are am,/
For Business Buildinjs
Th. Ards tiraalr. th. este .-pe.w1
Altana.- Airplane that nye the lfirw woed
la decorative beauty. --the mita. that show.
name ame - the wilcadent tit. belga, ialtr
Coal ao ,sees Ata the
Alta eason,Luileekduic
r Gas. Ores 2.000 deism to wait any store
a atrectere. Side-walls to taakle Sem
MI mowed deniw aott.ini IA* tie to
Caaada, either Ia insult, or variety.
Request tie free book that rhows the whole
coags. story. Seadlotisto-day. rte
The PEDLAR People ;,;u•,'
r1.Aaws Iloauss1 Ottawa
Toren,, 1001.+ wten,p,r
a a iii
Financier. Once Well-known, Becomes
liming Maniac.
Louis A. Gourdnin, of Chicago, who
(!upcd half a m)Ilinn people in Iwenly
years, rand whale operations netted
Lint nearly $5,000.000, became a Ening
m.nninc in the Government pl•Isen at
Atlnnla, Georgia. ile was removed
yesterday to the Government asylum fur
the insane in Woshingten.
(:ourdair s last freak,- which attract-
ed wide interest, was his threat nboul
a year ago to build a miniature prison
osilside the penitentiary at Joliet and
become his own jailer unless he was
permitted to serve the four and a half
years' sentence Imposed on hint ny
Judge Landis for a lottery u•aud.
(:curdaln became one of the greatest
swindlers of the age, but his distorted
limey led hint lo throw away his mil-
lions as last as he made there. Ile did
not drink, neither did he smoke. None
c•f the ordinary vices attracted lain. Ile
simply was "gold clad." Itis money
was spent to satisfy his wharves and
cravings for constant exciternent.
Sumptuous apartments, easily carri-
ages drawn by blooded pairs, which ne
rode behind dressed In silk and ern•
iol•.udered bathrobes, and countless
sI bellies for self -advertisement, into
elect) he tossed looney with both
hands, drained his well -stocked coffers,
"flow do you like your new laundry?"
"Very, well, indeed. 1 sent twelve
cullers Inst week, and everyone of the
buttonholes carne back 1"
ver. J. D. Kel'ogg:s Dysentery Cordial
Is o speedy cure for dysentery, dime
stern, cholera, slimmer complaint, sea
sickness and complaints incidental et
chltdren teething. It gives Immediate
relief to those suffering from tote effects
•.f indlscrrtkm ie eating unripe fruit,
cucumbers, ele. 11 nets with wonderful
rapidity and never foils to conquer the
disease. No 4.ne need fear cholera if
they hare a bottle of this medicine cote
A women always imagines 51te 14
charitable when she lets her husband
have his own way. -
One pact 1s Better than Taw if )e..
Ask Dr. nureess. 4upt. iIn' • tl f"r !tissueHnn-
treat, fur his opinion of T ho U k 1." Nouthof
Plaster. Pard tulle 11, also Yso- ties.
"Did yez hear that Jimmy Afcbugan
lost a Merge saver av money over t' Is,'
"Thot'll be bad f•r 4lcfugan!"
"Nes! Ile was plowed up entoirely
while Marlin'. There w'er no insurance,'
ITCII. Mange Prairie S •ratehes and
every form of contagious Itch on human
er nnunnls cured in 30 minutes by \\'ol-
ford:s Sanitary Lotion. It never fails.
see! by 1111 druggists.
Veteran ; "When 1 wits in Egypt in
11.50 1 was welkin' In the desert one
evening• when 811 et n sudden 1 met a
1'e.1ar tear." I.ndy: "11111 there aren't
I'olne bears in Egypt." Veteran: "Ex-
cuse Inc. morn. )'m talking about sixty
years uteri" b
Holloway's Corn Cure destroys all
binds of corms aid warts, rot mid
brunch. Who. Then would endure them
with such ft cheap and effectual remedy
within reacts?
F'reneb Army 1'rtp'd to 1'•e Them to
Itclrh•te the Wounded.
Sinee (togs harts proved to bA surh
able assistants to the farts feilice corps
why- shouldn't They be Irvine! 0 rein-
f:•r. a the hospital and nmbulnnce ser-
f ice of the F'reneh army? The advan-
tages of This inn ovntt(n have been set
f•;rlh vet seine length by Dr. Itichelonno
anti (:apt. Told in n volume which has
!forst been published. It Ls entitled the
"Dog as an :Aid to the Snnllnry Corps."
"flint dogs should be Inughl Ie. seek out
the es -unified en the I ottlelleld is 110 itew
i'len. 'I'lse experintent Was tires.! with
success al the lithe of !he Boer war, and
n! the Rattle of Che -11.1 in the conflict
in the Far Enol three dog, sent oil by
Ihr 1.eritin11 AllimiCe discovered twenty -
1111e1' w.ldiera who had been given up
for lit,!.
In 18'0. by Is,(' enter of the German
\\ ar Minister. two dogs were added to
the Anettary corps of one of the crock
reginients. `ince then clubs for the
Irnining of (Nags in wits lime have been
formal u1 Dresden. Cologne, Coburg,
Aix-tit-('1141pelle vend Neuwied. Similar
axieties have t'ee'n organized in 1h,llant.
SIweden and Italy. in fact nil of the
Eurep'nn countrie-s terve turned their
nttention M the subject at one time or
other except Frnncc,
Dr. Iliehclonne and Capt. Tolet urge
tit ' military authorities le replier this
omission. There are many gocd breads
n' deeds In France which would Inke
easily Lt the military Irnining.
11 14 nn undisputed fact. these authors
soy-. Ihnt after an engagement Ihcre are
many woindcd and dying who vert' ever-
14,c•ked by the nurses and lifter terriers.
A ease in paint is quoted. Al the battle
of Hezcnville-Gravelotte In 1670 two in -
plied u.Idiers lay for three days In a
ravine. The ground had been gone over
Many times by the ambulance service,
and yet Itley had not teen found. In
instances like This the uxefuluoas of dogs
$s scouts Is unquestioned.
It is a wonder that European molts,
have not awakened long before this lest'
decade to the importance of dugs It'.
practical helpers in weir time, the int -1
thors think. On the battlefield the rale
e' these canine assistnnLs would bo very
ouch the carne Its that of the St. Ber-
nard dogs -and they' have been rescuing
snowbound travellers for several centur-
Al the Age of 2-3 Voun( Man llas
Ione Splendid Rescue Work.
Al the age of 23 Ahno►s.' Forgetle, e'
Springfield, Ala..,., has saved the lives
of more Churl twenty -live persons -more
lien one life for every yens of his ex-
t fene. Forget(e's rescues have all been
sift,ted in the c<.nnecticut River, and
haws been about equally dividt'd between
the sews. So far This season he has
prevented seven deaths by drowning.
Forgelte says, there is u thrill in
running tasks when a life is at stake.
"What 1 object to is false alarms," he
says. "Sometimes 1 have heard cries.
and hardening to the source of them
have been given the '11u, htr.' After one
trf Ihesc experiences 1 am tempted to
ignore lite next call until 1 ant sure It is
vet,' a fake. Once 1 saved the life of a
r14111. wls; afterward admitted he had
given a false alarm. Ile felt pretty
cheap, according to his own slory-a
good deal worse, 111 fact, than I did,"
T1:- following remarkable cures are
cons Int'ing proof that 'Gare-Iluk Is the
most wonderful skin cure known. Zam-
Huk succeeds when all else tails, and
no home is co►nplele without it.
ECZEMA. -Twenty-five long years Mr.
T. M. Marsh, 101 Del.orimier Ave.. Mont-
real. wore gloves day and night -his
hands were -o bad with Eczema. Five
doctors fated to cure him, but Zant-Ruk
triumphed, Ask hide about It.
CHRONIC 1!I.(I:RS.-Forty years' suf-
fering from Ulcer's whir•h covered her
todv made Mrs, Jane Beers of I:Orig-
ea! (Ont.). fear for death. A few weeks'
trial of Zam-Ruk brought complete re-
storation. if you suffered like Mrs.
Beers and received such a wonderful
beating. you, too. would say as she
did:- "The like of''/.am-Ituk ha, net been
seen since the Great Healer left the
earth." 50 cents it box of all druggists
rind stores, or postpaid on recent of
prise from Zarn-Buk Co., Toronto. 3
boxes for $1.25,
"What nonsense all this about Inen
gelling nn their knees when they pro-
pose," said Mrs. Porslow to her dear
friend. "My husband didn't do any such
absurd thing when he asked nie to
merry hien." "Ile did when he proposed
to vete," raid the dear friend, without
Prevent Disorder. -Al the (lest s: ine-
I(Ilsh of internal disorder, Partince• • s
\'i ;viable fills should be resorted to
iraulcdintely. 'flys ver three of these
statutory pellets, taken before going 10
bed, followed by fuses of one or Iwo
}.ills for Iwo or thrcc nights in succes-
sion. will serve as a preventive et .it -
leeks of dyspepsia end all the disioni-
forth which fellow in the (rain of that
fel! disorder. The means are simple
when the way is known.
Mr. Staylate---"Gracioust it's nearly
midnight! 1 srouhl be gntng pretty
seen, 1 suppose," Niles Patience Gonne
Ing. "Never put off Fill to -morrow,
whet you can do lo -day,'"
WE Altl: AI.i, t'AMiI.IAtt with the
deep, hoarse bark. grovel}• rnliad "a
crate -yard ,mush 'rake Allen's Luna
Balsa to. a remedy h,r pulr.,unary trod -
1,1e, highly I • o.aunende,l even ., the
eurl,er stases of Conbuwption.
Be Bure you gel a round -Trip ticket
when you take n trip on at merry-go-
Much distress and sickness In children
:s caused by \\Writs. mother (.nve:s'
Morin Exterminntor gives relief by re-
moving the muse. Give it a 10111 nnri
Le convinced.
1'4-o many people lose (heir way on the
straight and narrow road beenuse they
keep watching the other people on the
other higllw•ny.
Quick ease for the worst cough-quak
relief to the heaviest cold --and SAFE
to take, even for a child Cubes
That is Shiloh's Burr.
S• under a t;4larantee Coujdhs
to cure colds and coughs A.L.COlds
quicker than any other 411341
medicine-oryoor money back 34years
of success commend Shilob's Cure 25c ,
60c , SI SiS
a r.J affe6eifig pro -
as a( mail sad rape,
wets Leas alcohol tkaa
swtwt fiat!.which eaa-
*et ferment is ibsi
ask. It is .pan a l l y suited
W worse as a dinner
L brewedia Uelario aro
ao ries, u, Cha food vie -
p ont. of malt that th,)
rank above m+ik as an
Item d diet, and are far
purer than ., st milk is
w u
a hen cats-dwelkn get it.
differs from ate in that
the malt is roa.ted (ate
coffee) in the brewing
process, and this makes
p rtersor:ourishine( that
It is ■ reel aprci6.- for
aen.mic and run-down
lee Se
18 the richest and most
strengthening of malt
leer•; it cuat.ina nearly
as much nourishment as
eggs, and digest, rawer.
914, owF'e will find it
builds healthy sash.
BEER*, use
and beffor(
bedtime, increases
digestive power,
gets you more good
out of the food you
eat -and is itself a
O. Beer does not,
contain enough al.
cohol to react upon
the system - jus
enough to induce
the stomach to do
its work better.
S. Beer is not an
intoxicant -it Is a
beverage with dellL-
nite valuefor
almost every
grown person.
41. A s k your owe,
doctor whether it
wouldn't be good
for you and tit's
adults of your
.aagtll t.. t.n..M;,S ,vaso lags .4., Isn.r, .r. 1
d 4o tt yryu.e of Ur�taro Lew.H, rmi�l' . t -n.
►ptnade ut4.r most hrel.n}r �'.dl Lto . tom o•tarto t
1". tart In the .arta: rave hops ani per. Oster 4
. GI[1I,S' rail: 131411:ADE.
Exeter, England,- will shortly posse,.
a lire brigade composed entirely of Wig,
The City Corporation has purchased 114
appliances for the girls hostel con-
nected with there unicipal college. The
students are to be trainee! in the use of
the appnratl,.. and periodical practice%
:tee to be undertaken.
"By Medicine I.ifc \fay be Prolonged.'
--So wrote Shakespeare nearly Ibl•tie
hundred years ago. 1t is to -day. Me-
(Ileu►e will prolong life, but be sure or
the qualities of the medicine. Life 19
prolonged by keeping the t:ody- free
(fagot disease. Dr, 'Phonies' Eelecta•fc
Oil used internally will cure coughs
and culls, eradicate 'asthma, overcome
croup and give strength to the respira-
tory organs. Give it a trial.
'the fellow who is stuck on himself is
stuck on an an1Sbrn11nrlllable obstacle.
neeteI with a Stock ('ompaul In its hoo�•
ko•glns ur business Management . if est. you
aheuhl pu..o,s The Shareholders' and 1lrecto s' 1
xlaal,lapprored 01 by the Minister of Ju.tlee
a▪ nd several Attorney (innerals• Seud for des-�
eriptive pasaphtet. i•rice 11.'x), (•anad., It ulw &yl
Newiieumpaty, t'nt "t "tetion, Tor,oto
1.e a n.•d !.y Ally manor. b home.
.l 7 .t+ up for pertIcutars nuns proof.
e, A. s'11 11, H -nn hl.i, .,NO 1(u.at1.10 .\te.,i
',•'ria 1l1.
3 _
11(10 lights, first-class order. Will be sold
cheep and maul be gotten out of the war
owing to 600 -light machine taling il+l+
place. S. Frank Wilson, 73 Ad ,aide
Street West, Toronto.
Buffalo make, number four. 9 -inch vets
Deal discharge, 24 inches high; Reefed
Condition. Superintendent, 'truth need'
Dig, 73 Adelaide SI. Went, Toronto.
Every Woman
le ii.t.rr.rod end shuttle know
&test tae woodetful
YM nsw 'reveal yr ears
Melt -M cot n•„ea.
lest. It ,leanees
r•�f drrwelet Milt.
hF rsenot eurrr7 the
steer, but wand imam. -(or
Wl�isetested boot -waled. it Rhes
fkll aartlea'nrs &M1 directions In-
• alt-6Ott
D Isotec.
ell rrLr co., Windier. era
al Artesia far Canada.
Gives Perfect
The Most Economical
High Grade 011
Iver told In Canada.
Whether it is a fresh Bruise, Cut or Strain -or an old Sparin, Splint.
Ringbone or Swelling -yew can cure your horse with
Kendall's Spavin Cure
Thos. Castles, of Newark, N.J., bought a
Spavin --for $1(41. Ile cured every sign of
Spssht Cnrc-won Ave races with the hone -
former owner for $1,000.00.
'I he found ,oar Spavin Cure
all sorts of tameness to hones and I
horse lamed with a Jack
lameness with Kendall's
then sold the animal to flu
N.l..,' Nov. said, 'os.
• very fine remedy for
ars neve: wdhnat it."
F J w tsat'v.
Kendall's Spavin Cure- the remedy used by two
for two generations, /I. a Cottle --6 for $ti. Our
book -" Treati.e On The Horse"
-win save you many a dollar if
carefully read and acted upon.
Write today for a free copy.
toot000a rat', • Vtstrens, V.S.A.
1V N