Exeter Advocate, 1907-10-31, Page 1u�> SI to JAN '09 NOW IS THE TIME to subs. ;be for the ADVO- CATE and get a bargain at above stated; or else take a trial subscription 1Sc.toJan 1,'08 TWENTIETH YEAR. 4 bot EXETER. ONTARIO. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31. 1907. Sale Bills 'i is a who w alt a big rr„wI ;i1, their .aloe sho+ilei ij.•t thus bills At the.\I)Vul'ATE turd ad- Verti-• iu th•• .\ l'V,i,•1'fli It Means Morley to You SANDERS & CREECH The Sovereign Bank of Canada HEAD OFFICE .-TORONTO. 'Potalipp caplt.t; ,[3,000,000. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: 1 uzL1VS JAR%I!:, 1;..1, Pratdsja, not.). sr )I AC UOVALI,, Esq. isr Vice•Pr(fA. (�t� ALLAN, /?14-1., - • 7nd VieaPrtridrtij }ion. 1). arc M ILLAN, Atte u. CAan's>:r.r., Esq. SLP. A. F. DyarEsr. Esq., ,LP. }(„N. PETER MCLAREN, -\t'. K. M.:NAUGHT, Esq., 51.1'. ALEX. x. IIRI'CE, Esq., K.C. M. O. 31: m any r, - - - Grne..t,.,IforiaZ Sr C Si j.4. - .4„!. Genesa!-.1/42114/11, Savings Bank Department latent ae best current rater paid quarterly. Branches at Exeter, Dashwood, Zur- ich and Crediton, JOS. SNELL, Manager OLD HENS WANTED We will pay the bigheet prices for lir. OLD HENS, SPRi40 CHICKENS, DUCKS, TURKEYS, and al! kinds of poultry. Mention this paper. �•i/l • 4,. Tb. Canada Poultry & Produce Company (Limited) STRATFORD, Oaz. The Old Reliable FALL IS HERE. and Winter will soon be upon Us. Underwear We beg to announce that we have put in a full line of Standfleld's un- shrinkable underwear, both in Ladies' and Gent's. The ladies' vests are the best we have ever shown. They are made to ehspe, having no seams, at $1.50 each, very fine. Furs We are carrying a choice line of furs this season in Ladies' and Gent's. We will sell ladies' coats by catalogue this season as usual. Give us a call be- fore making your purchases. as we can save you from $2.00 to $3.00 on a gar- ment on account of not having to carry them in stock. Millinery When in need of millinery we can please you as we have a first-class mill- iner in connection with the store, in the person of Miss Morlock, Highest Price paid for produce /DBRLING BROS. Professional Cards. 0. r. ROULSTON, L. D. 8., D. D. 8. DENTIST ■rDbee of the R. C. D. 8. of Ontario and Honor �oata of Toronto University. 0R71CY: Over Dickson a (•arlingi Law Office, In fir. Anderson's former Dental Parlors. imiD4. A. B. KINSMAN, 1 D. 8., D. D. 8.. Honor graduate of Toronto Unlveristy. DENTIST, Nta extracted without any pain, or any had effects Rlt a over Madman t Stanton} . or8oe, Main street Msdlcsl 6.F. MALLOY, M. R. (Tor. Univ.! MEMBER • College of Physician. and Surgeons, Ontario. r Hcuse Surgeon Toronto Western Hospital. DZMso1 to Dr. J. A. Rollins. Residence: East on tn t north of ofa,•e, Exeter Ontario. Legal. DtOESON et CARLI? O, RAltRISTERs, So1.1CI• ton, Notaries, Cons eyam en, C'ommlaionen. NtlNton for lloleons Rank, etc. ■stay 10 Loaf at lowest ratesof interest. i 048ote, Hain Wert, Exeter. 0. Oaauss, B.A., L. 11. Dtctwts MONET TO LOAN. Ws bans a Targe amount of psi, ate fund. to loan la fart and village properties at low rate. of Inter Mt OLAD11Aja STANBL'RY, n Barri.te, S. cltore Main et., Exeter On William Brown Prof. Diploma of Roy al In orporate,l Society of bwlci►n., England; Organlet tI Tri.itt Memorial dun h,F-atter. Piano. Organ, Harmon] and Theory if Music, Terms on application. Exeter, Ont, Farm for Sale The undersigned 1. offering for pale that so acres t land, being parts of lots 4 and 5 in the let con. of Ise Village of Exeter. alto the fine brick dwelling Ind three lots ni William etrett, adjacent to the ALM There it on the farm a frame barn and all is reit undrrdraintd. Farm will 1e sold..ithoct hone(' !desired Terme eary. Forrt footers apply to Jo iN IIAICKSIIAW, tactic EVER A IPY DAY Commercial correspondence a• mong our students at Wing - ham, Clinton, Walkerton. Or- angeville and Goderich. We have incorporated the counsels of our TWELVE BROADLY EDUCATED, WIDELY E\• PERi ENCE i) TEACHERS. GregIl Shorthand taught by a tsduate of the Author. John piGregg. Individual Instruc• n. clot* invite comparison nd cloinvestigation. OUR MAiL GOURSES TEACH i YOU 1N YOUR OWN HOME. Write for particulars Clinton Business College Daniel E. Fay, Vica Prin. George Spotton, Principal A ilk At/tali At i "At Ai At s trllal 4 4 ► 1 1 4 4 J. SENIOR Agent Confederation Life Assurance Company, also Fire insurance in lead- ing Canadian and British Companies. Main -St., Exeter. For Sale or To Rent. Lot Nr•. 1s, ('on. 2, Tp. Huron, .entAining list a• r and drainer; with goal ors of Food bush, mo.lern 1 school, shun h and market [Hiles from the Village of Nov. 15th. will 1* rented. apply to Robert1AaUton,, or to 2(4 Wellington et London, Ont, of Stephen. County of es of land, well fenced haul, about twenty acres iuildinge, , onvenirnt to . and is equate about two Eteter. If not sold before For further particulars Messrs. Uirkeon it Carling Barrister*, Ac. Exeter, (int DR. PINGEL, NDO , OIsctrIcal trentmant or tl.ssa••s of woman a lepsclalty. Auction Sale nF Farm Stock and Implements o Then, er.igned anrlinneer ha4 been in.! !two.' to .ill bg• public •u• -cion cu LOT 5, N. BOUNDARY, BIDDI'Li'H on 'Vl?DNi•:si).%v, NOVEMM HEH rah. 'ter A'1' 1 (►'Ci.O('K SBA IRI'. The following prole1t2: STOCK 1 draught mare, t yea. 014•.1 draught horse, 4 rears old, be Widen Thistle, 1 draught rnit, 2 years, by Joi k of llareldeen; 1 roach horse, 4 yrs. by Brinker Sprague: 1 bowl mare, 3 year., by Sir Willer!: 1 cow, to .•alt in Iteccn,ter; 1 cow in )'ebur ary: 1 tow in star h, 1 farrow row, 3 2 -yr -old *tem, 1 heifer, 2yean obi: 1 "deer, 1 -yr -old; 1 heifer. 1•yr- old;4 sprint , Neu: 1 brood sow, 111 pigs, 5 weeks old, 5(t hens. IMPLEMENTS Maxwell hinder and mower. Mas- sey-Harrisrake, new; Massey•lfarri.Red drill, new; long plow, twin plow. gang plow. diamond harrows die.' harrows, roller. hea.y wagon, pair tricks. ha }• tart. gravel box, buggy, cutter, cart. fanning mill, weigh scales, 2 set. single harness, 2 set double har- ness, 11aa-net Separator, pair M!..leight, 2log rhaine. crow Mn, forks, and other articles too numerous to mention. TERM1;-$5 and under rash: mer that amount 12 months credit on furnishing appro.ai joint notes or a dhsroant cf S per cent, off for cash in lieu .1 notes RiCH Lt'KER, JAS. STANLEY Prop. Auct. CLEAVING AUCTION ULE -oF— FARM sT(►('K AND iMPLEMENTS The •:11.1. rs'yc4•1 auctioneer will will by Public Au t!on, on f►N FF(lf)AY. NOV. 1, 114)7 LOT 11, ('ON, 1. HAY SALE AT ONE O'('LOCK SHARP The following property HetRSt:. 1 draught man, rising 5 yrs., in foal to imported bo►•e. 1 draught filly, rising 3: 1 draught gelding, tieing 1: 1 draught gelding. rising 2; 1 ray riage horse, fr.lnr 5. 2 driving mares, a _yea: 1 1•lood Elly, 1 yr : 1 blood ally. 2 yrs.. 1 blood stallion Hs. ing 2. CATTLE -•1 cow, doe to cal, a in Sept: 1 cow in March 1 Jersey mw in Var h: 3 heifer, tieing 3: e1t-• n rifting 3; 1'tett, rising 2: 1 heifer, rising 2; 3 ring calves. IM1•:.F.11F.NTt Y lumber wagons. pair botevieighs, buggy , ratter, set double harness, ret single harness Ma..ey 1141,1..!nder, pl., roller. root 'utter. Daisy • hurn,srsddrill. hay torte. car, ropes and sling`s, fanning mill, large quantity of hay and other articles h" numerate to mention. Ne iestn a as the proprietor is renting hi. farm. TEEM* t• and under • ash. over that amount Lr mattes •ie.l t w ,11 be ft, er on furnishing appto.ed 1Nnt note., • per reed off for rswh nn . re.l,t amount.. H. B. H(►\h, THOS. BROWN i'rt'P• Auct. Exeter Council ADDITIONAL LOCALS The Conned met in the Town Hall Monday, O.1 :Nth,at S p.m. All pros eat. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. A letter froth the Jackson M'f'g Co., Clinton, was read and ordered to he filed. The following accounts were ordered to be paid:- Peter Bawden, payment on sidewalk contract, $200; Jas. Con- nor, part salary, Librarian, $25; JAS. Dignan, bltcksmithing, $4.25; R. Croc- ker, cleaning well at cemetery $2; D. Gillis, labor, $1: Silas Handford, do., $4.38; amounting in all to $230.423; passed on motion of \V. .1. Heitman, seconded by %V. Johns.-Cartied, Neaman--Puke-that the commis- sioner place a stone crossing at the corner of Albert and James streets. - Carried By-Law No. 9. 1907, for the raising, levying and collecting from all the rateable property of the village the sum of $10534.62 for general taxes, was read and on motion of A. F. Puke. sec'd by J.J. Knight, the saute be now read a second and third -time and fin- ally passed, the Reeve and Clerk sign- ing the sante and the seal of the cor- poration being fixed thereto. Johns -Adjournment, J. Senior, Clerk. 2 Conservatives, I liberal. In the three bye -elections held Tues- day for the Dominion House, London elected a Conservative over a Labor candidate, while East Northutnber- land and North Wellington remained as before. London, Oct. 24: -In an election, which was one of the most quiet and uneventual ever held in London, Major Thomas Beattie was again giv- en a practical demonstration of the confidence of citizens of all classes when he was returned by the splendid majority of 1036 over Mr. John D. Jacobs, the candilate nominated by the recently organized branch of the Canadian labor party. Mt. Forest, Oct. 111, -Alex. M. Mar- tin, Liberal, was elected to -day in the North Wellington bye -election over Alex. Hamilton, Conservative, by a majority of 390, with two polls from Maryborouph Township, which will probably reduce the majority. Hastings, Oct. 29. -Mr. C. L. Owen, the Conservative candidate in East Northumberland, was elected to -day over Mr. A. Mulholland, Liberal, by a majority of 130 and an increase of 30 over that of the late Mr. Cochrane at the general election. Farm Wanted to Rent. One or two hundred acres. Apply at this office. Teacher Wanted. For 8. S. No. 5, Usborne, 1,42 miles east of Exeter, for the year PAR. Professional rertifrate preferred. State salary and experience. Apply to JOSS. HEY•WOOD, Exeter 1'. O., Ont. Sale Registers. There will be sold by rubric Auction at the ('om• martial Hotel, Exeter, on Saturday, No.. 23rd at 2 p. nt., East half lot h, South Boundary, gray, fifty acres. stood pasture farm with titer touching torr ner good shade John trill, Aurt.; ('has. )sox, Prop.; Madman and Stanburyy. Solicitors. EXTENSIVE AUCTION SALE of FARM STOCK and IMPLEMENTS on 1.0r :3, CON. 7, I'S13OltNE, on THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1907 at 1 oclock,the following property: IiORSF:.`+ 1 draught nitre, n year* old, in foal to Lord Sharp; 1 dr* raught gelding rising 3 yeaold by Pride of Olasnick, 1 draught filly (sucker 1 by hong Sharp, 1 carriage hone 0 years old by young Fulton, 1 carriage horse rising 4 yearn by Holden Case. CATTLE :t eons, 2cows suppoe d to he In ealf; 1 row renew td,3Meer. 2 • ears old; 3 heifers 1 year old; 2 steers t year old, :1 el.ring,'alves. NOS 2 sow. to farra..lout test 1. schen•. IMPLEMENTS--11(ormick bind. r. nearly new; Noxon ere,/ drill, rake and mower; long plow. gang plow, roller. one set diamond harrews,diac harrow, r uTer, lander wagon, boa and '.ring Brat •-nm- plet.; hay ra•k, 2 pig rack., to fit hay ruck and wag- gon box: new griped lot, pair bob sleigh•, topbuggy rutter, fanning will, root cutter, 2 hay fork rupee, .a, and 125 tett new; 2 wets sling., nearly- new; 1 ear. 2 !tone boas w'stretcher... t , src ire sora. 1,r, _ v Oil Iarrrla hay knife, large bogging , halo, new: 2 smaller ones. 2 steel crowbars, number 1 et hire. 1 tin. h well Mh'. Will Knight is home [corn Lon• don for the holidays. Mr, Donald McInnis has returned from a trip to the West. .1t•. arid Mrs. l'..1. Luker are spend- ing the holiday at Goderich. Misses Martha and IVinnie Carling are home front Goderich for the holi- day. Mr.John Grant of London, a form. er resident Of Exeter, is in town shak- ing hands with old friends. Mr. W. II. Campbell of Exeter North went to New Ontario on Thurs- day on his annual shooting expedition. Mr. Richard Snell has purchased a lot from Mrs. Chas. Snell on Andrew street and will build a residence there. on. Mr. Jas. Neil, who has been clerking at the Commercial House, has resign- ed his position and left Friday for Ail- sa Craig. Mr, Hubert Sanders returned Tues- day from an extended trip through Western Canada to the coast. fie enjoyed the trip very much and is in excellent health. OPEN SEASON FOR GAME Deer, Nov. 1 to Nov. 13, both day inclusive. Only two deer may ba tak en in one season by one person. Hares, Oct. I to Dec. 31, both days inclusive. Grouse, pheasants, prairie chicken partridge or woodchuck except from Sept. 15 to Dec. 15, both days idclusive. Snipe, quail, plover or any birds known as shore birds, warders, Sept. 1 to Dec. 15. both days •s introSive. Ducks and any other water fowl, Sept. 1 to Dec. 31, both days inclusive. Any quail or wild turkeys, black and gray squirrels, except from the lstday of November to the 1st day of Decem- ber, both days inclusive. The purchase or sale of snipe, quail, woodcock and partridge are prohibited for period of one year from Sept. 1 1No person not a resident and domi- cile in Ontario may hunt or kill any animal or bird in Ontario without hav- ing procured a non-resident. license. 8 APPLES WAWPCD At Canning Factory We will pay Cash and the Highest Price for good winter apples. Should not be less than 2 inches in diameter. EXETER CANNING CO. Crediton Mr. and Mrs. Eli Lawson and chil ren left here Thursday evening fo Detroit to visit friends for a week. Mrs. Robert Stanley of Listowel ha been visiting her parents Mr. and Mr Peter Hoffman the past week, -P. R Inspector Tom paid our school a vis last IVednesday. Needless to say h found everything in good condition. Hy. Eilher, M. P. P., Sam. Sweitze and Paul Shenk left here Monday fo Parry Sound for their annual deer !formed in the presence of about one d_ !hundred guests by Rev. Fair. After ✓ the ceremony it delightful supper was partaken of and a pleasant, evening s spent. The young couple are highly respected and all wish them a pleasant married life. They will reside on the it farm recently purchased from Wm. e .tones, south of the village. ✓ BIRTHS r 1KYL1•:-At Parr line, Hay, Oct. 20th, 1, hunt, We wish them every success. TO FRUIT GROWERS, The Provincial Horticultural Exhibi- tion will he held in Toronto ft•out the 12th tilt loth of November, and ar- rangements are about completed for a County itiof Hiaroa exhibit thereat. That everyone may have a chance to compete for prizes, or to add speci- mens to the County exhibit which is intended to be a big advertisement of Huron's fruit, the following infor- mation is given through the County press: If you wish to exhibit for a prize, you are required to have five speci- mens each of any of the following varietes: Baldwin, Ben Davis, Can- ada Red, Snow,Golden Russett, Green- ing, King, Spy, Ontario, or any other desirable variety. These may be sent to W. Lane, Goderich, not later than Monday next, and properly labelled with name, also name of producer. Apart. from the above exhibit we are arranging for a County exhibit for ad- vertising purposes only, no prizes will be paid. Send to W. 'Lane. Goderich, not later than November 5th, speci- mens of apples or pears of any winter variety, 8 of each, cost of sending will be paid here. Put name of producer on each package of fruit. If you wish to compete in the Prov. incial prize list. you must send your entries and fruit to P. %V. Hodgetts, secretary Fruit Growers' Association, Parliament Buildings, Toronto. HENSALL'S LOCAL, OPTION. Toronto, Oct. 23.--A peculiar situa- tion has arisen in the village of Hen- sall, Huron County, as a result of local option going into effect there. In an affidavit flied upon an application of Samuel Smiley to quash a resolution passed by the village council, it was stated that business hod fallen off since the phasing of the local option bylaw. There was no arcotnulodation in the village for farmers and the travelling public and people conse- quently would not conte into the vil- ge. Stables were rented for the ccommodation of the public, hut this id not answer the purpose, and on he application of 167 ratepayers the pencil passed a resolution not to op. ose an action to upset the bylaw on indition that the party taking the action pay the expenses to which the village had been put. The motion to. day was to quash this resolution, but it was dismissed. auger, i2 ft; 3 ladders about 20la 6good /afar Lost•, water tank; 4 creamery ran.. 1 furnace apple drier: +t NO brick, two sete double banner, 1 .et single her- d near, 2 seta leather • olJare. 1 tag out, 2.5 lag., hoe., t forks. ne.•k•ynkcs, whiffletree• and other article. too numerous. (0 mention. Ce Alt* alarge ghantitr of hay and rem.. p ct TERMS 4S, and under • 5.5, o,tr that amount 1' somas, re,fit on furnishing appro. ed joint notes. ter cent off for cash on crrdit amounts. rositi,e ly no reserve as proprietor ha. rented hi. farm. WM. COU I,T1", JOS. WHITE, Proprietor Auctioneer Extensive Auction Sale of FARM STOCK The undersigned Auctioneer has been instructed to sill by puhli•- auction LOT 7, ('ON. 11, STEPHEN TP., on THURSDAY, NOV. 7, at 1 o'clock, 1 horse. 4 year, old, draught . 1 colt, 1 year old. draught. 12 aged home, draught, 2 light horses, 4 ;vein cid, by :confine 1 year-oM colt by lap 2 Sucker colts bj Nortlint 18ucker colt by Jap 1 Sucker roll by Nonparole 3 thoroughbred cow.. 'opposed to be w ith calf "'rade .sows snppwd to he with calf 4 twit-)earo14 *leen 4 one-year cid titter. 4 two-year-old heifer. 4 twit year-old heifers 12 ealve. 4 steel wearers, 10 'Wee and Onset. TF.RMS RS sad ander. rash, over that amount 12 m. -..the relit given on t;trni.hing aj'proe ell joint notes a ver cent 08 for raab on et,.lit aronunta. JAS. STANLEY, JOS LAWSON, A act. I'rop. "THE CANADIAN HED BOOK" A most valuable book has just been issued called "The Canadian Red Book." it is a book of 200 pages all about ('anada and thins Canadians should know. 1t is published by the Family herald and Weekly Star of Montreal. which is A safe guarantee of its t Pliability. it contains complete reliabie information on every conceiv- able subject pertain to Canada, its History. its fleograp r, Government Depts., Railways, (canals, Steamships, Banks. (Ands. insurance Cos., Postal Service, ('hurehes,Hospitala, Societies, and thousands upon thousands of in- teresting facts and figure•. There is sure to be A lig demand for this book as nothing so complete has ever been issued, it has been copvrighted by the Family Herald and Weekly Star and will most likely be an Annual pub- lication. it can be had on most reasonable terms. Full particulars can be had in the Fnmiiy herald and Weekly Star as well aw a partial list of enntents. No home in ('anada shonld he without a copy of the ('anadian I Red Book. -Ira Brown has returned home from Manitoba where he has been taking in the sights for some time. He is look- ing fine and we are all glad to see him back again. a -Mrs. Or a ' R ( ) me of Cen- tralia spent last Friday in town. -- While dispensing drugs on Tuesday Dr. McCue cut his hand badly by t bottle breaking. -Thursday is Thanks giving., Nn doubt the boys will go t the hush that day and shootthe limb off the trees. -Bert Clark spent las Sunday in Exeter. -Jos, Lawson i having a sale of his live stock nex Thursday. the 7th of Noyeulber.-The Misses Ella Beaver and Myrtle Clark spent Thanksgiving in Goderich, the guest of Miss Ethel Farrogg.--Owing to the reopening services (feing held in the Methodist church at Ebenezer last Sunday, there were no services held here. On Monday evening quite a number from here attended the fow supper and although things were rather crowded, everybody was satis- fied with the evenings entertainment, --Last Friday evening the Epworth L>t tie of the Methodist church her a very excellent Church Fair in the Hall, over Clark's hall. Three booths were tastily decorated, one contained fancywork, one confection- ery and the other groceries. Each booth did a land office trade. Lunch was served in an adjourning room. A program was given afterwards. The proceeds of the evening amounted to $32. -On Thanksgiving evening the Ladies Aid of the Evangelical Church, will give a program at 7:30. A good time 18 expected, all come. to Thomas Kyle and wife, a son. STA•rrEN-At Grand Bend, Oct. 23, to Frank Statter. and wife, a daughter. NE11.- In Exeter, Oct. 24th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Neil, twin boys. MARRIAQEB t llEuuJI:1N S(ll'I [lis—In Usborne., on Oct. :30th, John Herdman to Miss o Annie, daughter of henry Squires, s all of Usborne, t s t CARNOCIIAN-MCNAY-At the resid- ence of the bride's mother, Oct, 10, by Rev. Shaw, Samuel A. Carnochan to Miss Elizabeth McNay, all of Tuckersmith. DROWN----PAT-rsttsoN--In Stratford, Oct. 111, by Rev. Cluff, Thos. Drown, V.S.; of Staffs, to Miss Elizabeth B. Patterson of Ellice, Muiteil-PArrEHSON-At Bothwell, I on Wednesday, Oct. 23, at the resid- ence cf the bride's parents, William Murch, of Parkhill, to Miss Lila Pat ter Shipka Mr. Samuel Sweitzer has gone on another deer hunt to Muskoka and Parry Sound Districts. We wish him all kinds of success. -Mr, J. Sutton of London is around again, camping on the 18th concession. Glad to see his stniling face again. -Russell Schroed• er and Matt. Sweitzer called on friends in Parkhill last week. -Miss Myrtle (lower visited Parkhill friends last Sunday. -Quits' a number from here went to Khiva to attend Mrs. Apple - ton's funeral. Elimville Rev. Fair had charge of services on the Fullerton circuit Sunday. Rev. Wilson of that place taking the Zion anniversary services on this circuit. - Mr. Keys of S. 8. No. 7, Stephen, has been secured as junior pastor for this circuit the balance of the conference year. MAitntiA(tg.-A pleasing event took place on the 10th concession of Usborne on Wednesday afternoon, Oct. 30, at 5 o'clock, when the marriage took place of Miss Annie Squires, the fourth daughter of Henry Squires, to John Herdman, son of Robert rferdtran of this place. The ceremony was per - DEATHS BRtlolirt - In Exeter, on Oct. 23, George Brooks, aged 05 years, 9 months, 19 days, Dow -in Exeter, ou Oct, 27, Annie McIntyre, wife of Alex. Dow, aged 51 years, 4 months, 17 days. Woorna:v-In Mitchell, Oct. 20, Mrs. Woodley. sr., aged 93 years. MCLs:LLAN-In Mitchell, Oct. 90, %Vm. McLellan. in his 70th year. IT'S TOO COLD To let your horse stand without a blanket now, or to be without a good warns pair of mitts for yourself. We have just received a good line of both and will sell theta at prices that are away down. Our ROBES also are 411081 reasonable. HARNESS Ourscannot be beat and before purchasing it will pay you to give us a call. Everything from the lightest to theheavi- est, and satisfaction guaran- teed. Try us with a job of re- pairing and be convinced that our prices are right. J. Beer, Exeter MENLO NECESSITIES Look at every item, then come and see the quality and prices. Food and meat choppers 1.40 up Heavy shears 15e up Lamps (4 sizes) 25c to 50c complete Coal hods 25 to 50c Coal sifters 20c up Odorlees S P enamel per bottle with brush 25c Mirror m tin a 25c Oilcloth squares for under stoves $1.00 up Oilcloth varnish 25 and 40c tins Campbell's varnish stain 15 to 75c tins Alumiuum and gold enamel. 25c, 40 and 75 Coal oil heaters $5 Stove boards 90 to 1.25 Carpet sweepers 2.00 to 4.25 Coal oil cans, 1 to 4 gallon, 30c to 2.00 Separator brushes 10 to 50c. Apple parer( 50 to 65c Extra heavy niekle copper toa kettles $2 Stove pipes 10c Elbows, dampers, etc HEAMAN'S HARDWARE I STOVE STORE