HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-10-24, Page 6SU el IC % Ft'B ED.
lrra. Cha•. I'. llaley Restored b) Ur.
\\ ilhaues' Pink file.
"I teae 1111. rIy helpless with sciatica.
1 could tet nave in bed wilhetit itid.
Doctors heeded rue, but 1 did it t lar
prove. 1 u-r.l 1)r. \\'illiams' Pink filth
end tereluy uu► n welt wo:11nn.' •I'1':` Ar
Itibute ki the merits i f l)r. \\'illiarm
Pink Ihl.la is made ey Mrs. taws. F.
Ilaley. of 1'arineelh N ' . Two years
egvo sire .uff•red 11111-t severely trein un
t.11ark of .eiat:.'a, unit fur a number •�f
n e dl ; was tut inwand confined to her
txd. She furUter Mabe : "It is iInp4) -
s+t:'e for ►ne to describe the pnin froom
wt hi.•h 1 soft. -cert. I endeavored to r,n-
linue ►n: peefessio11 us a music toucher,
but \vete forced to give it up. The doe.
for .aid the trouble was sciatica. bill
his Ircr.tment did not help me. 1 could
(,careely lake n slep without the most
acute pain sli.:oting through nmy back
rend dottn the limb. Finally I leek to
my bed. and lay there perfectly help-
less. and cutdd not move without aid.
'I -he pain tees never absent. I consult -
id aiiother doctor, but with ro Letter
tesul!s, and 1 Irgan to think 1 would
nhvnys be u sufferer. One tiny a friend
v: ho was in t see ni asked \thy I •Ild
re t lata I)r. \\ illiatns' Pink fills. rind
••tt her udwire I decided to do so. T e'
rt gull \vas beyond my n►ost hopeful
EN re lations. All the pains and aches
disappeared and 1 have never since
been troubled with sciatica. 1 have no
hcsiltlion in recorn►nending Dr. \\iI-
liams' fink Pills for• the trouble tens
which I suffered."
\\'hen !hc blood is poor the nerves
arc starved; then comes the aguny e.f
sria1ica, iicurnlgin, or perhaps partial
pnrnlysi5. Dr. \Villiams' Pink Pitts ttc-
:.ally stake new•, rich. red blood.
which feeds the starve,) nerves. drives
rout pain and restores health. IL is L•e-
d muse these pills actually make new
blood That they cure suets conuuun ait-
menls us rheumatism. unonliO, back-
aches end headaches, heart palpitation.
11 ihe'FPS 11111 AWAKE FOIL T\\'O
\\li'.1IY KIGIi'fti.
V\hick Ver)• Ft'tt
i:se•apett Nicely.
"11 1 had niy choice;' surd \Ir. Gos-
lii;glop, "between riches wills pain and
p ove ty with out puin, I d take putnlese
peverly, every lime; weney is u gcod
tt•ing, but liculth is better.
"1 ant piowpled to these few remarks
by a siege of toothache rec.'ntly endured.
t' hich kept ole in misery day and night
for thirty-eight hours. Ever had n real
hard toothache? If 1 had uu en:euty 1
cc.uld tt ish hire nothing worse.
"Nene began al 6 p.m. of n Sunday,
and from, the start it made me shrink
and shudder and I had no thoi.gtlt but
ld r it. The doings of other pe.?ple unit
of the world in general interested rue
no longer, my loothache engrossed nip
completely. and all 1 could do \vas to
sit and hold my head and golfer.
"1 did think 1 could forget it when 1
\vent to bed.. for ! um a good sieeper.
e.nd 1 had no doubt I could sleep, even
r�(w, and so be rid of it for a time; Lut
Wal only shows how little 1 knew shoal
Lard toothaches, for no sooner had 1
stretched myself out than lite
in(ti((eslkat and the painful irregulari- i nwnking then to find the pain still (here,
tees of growing girls tend women. You \%tile 1 could do nothing to stop it. Oc-
ean get Dr. \\*il)iants' Pink fills frol.t r•115ionalty', in my futile effort to obtain
r.ny medicine dealer or by nail at 50 relief .on►ehot\', i would sit up on the
levels n box or six Loxes for $?.50 front e.tge of the bed and at 1 o'clock 1 trot
'l tie ilr. \Williams' Medicine Go. Brock- up and ant up until 2 and read and then
I elle. Ont. _ ! lay down again. the loollt still aching
lust the seine, and lying thus, suffering,
the hours went slo\vl b 1 11 re -
"While I was up and around among
t• 11is my nmind \sons, at !cast in sono
Flight measure, involuntarily distracl,•d
Perm it. but when 1 laid nie down in
the silence and solitude of my chnnhLer
the toothache s'mpiy clai►ned me whr.lty
for its own, and flow it lel out anoth_'r
link of pain and all 1 coupld do was to
he there and suffer.
"And still on Ihut first night i did get
a lillle sleep front 11 to 12, one hour.
SCIENCE FINDS (:AlN:1:11 i:t iii:.
Dr Keating Hart's Discovery Shows
\\ onderful Itesults.
hr. Keating Ilar1 of \laise'.He-. France,
gave a medical eleministoition in 1'tiri�:
the oilier day of the to ft• cicctrtt-rurgiral
1411 for cancer. which up to the presetlt
tithe Ions s hhotwn the ►post twonderful re-
The system consists of applying in a
special manner high lensk11 1ntermitlent
epi:•k; to the cancerous growths. Those
err sencitett by the electricity, and their
cLIIting out i. rnnde easy. Al the same
torte the electricity causes tete wound to
Teal ttith magi. ,,1 rapidity, kills all
pain and p events a recurrence of the
s ectri •al roeese. \whi h Ions I:een
'1 ht pt c p
nrinerl "fulgurallm," e1111 Lee applied also
to cancer• in the head, tthcre opernlions
nr r iug,oa'ible. Its applienlion causes
11'• grutwtt► 1., disuppea1 p,rradurllly rind
-puts a stop to the dreadful pains that
aceomprniy ecuupr.
I'tr,f. 'tunnel Tonin and n nuniLer of
4;hrt' rn1111.•nt French surgeon.. as well
11 satei,tl of the foreign detegat. s to the
surgical ti,ngr(' note in 20.•1.11 at
Paris, \tituested the deonnnetrnh•at. find
declnt•td it to he of the greatest retie.
The petulant nre prew•ertess.
1.illie trines 111 f r Jorge trusts.
11 tikes store than ,teatime:it le nonke
o smut.
A g.n•d hoe is a first -eine. prayer
Opens! weeds.
The religttm you can live by will do
t.' die by.
'the nem who slops for praises mis�-
cs p erfecti•,n.
'rhe douMc mind never coint's frons
cul eNeeSS of brain•
Tile largest gifts to God cannot cover
11te est robbery of elan.
les ole ht:le everyday helr'tulnesses
Del stake ttd,y claw heavenly.
The song in ydnrr own heart will sus-
11un yron lt.ng.'r i( you shore 11.
II :s a pour pintl to advertise the sweets .
s•� rchgkin with n 11,w1 fn"c.
The linnds.,inrcl people art• Ihr se' who
1.' happiness gel 1nt., their (twee.
'rhe tlrt.� 1,11 L.:1t Oily of us et the
1 t shutes . f making fine seulimenls.
'rl•e de ,1 is Ihp only in41.erse•nocnt of
n good : enlimenl reerigoized ley hen-
t en.
Some (.elks never Appear tt r•nj. v
1, 1. , t.,•c; until they sit dewn muting
ifs thorns.
\tiny n rhnre h i• trying to mnke up
1.•r the pully In the pulpit is Ihp stlirch
111 lis' pew's.
You are wnsling nffcrlien if ye ti are
puung for anger I t' ore yn.t have kern.
a. too !eve folks.
I::el theaven into people and you will
not nre•d to we rry i1•.ut gel• ing )x-. t. e
into heaven.
It wi11 lake mole !Ilan the email
r Range in y..mr Sunday i1..''kr'I to we're
lane errnt change in itbis ewe rid.
Many a mean wee iz writing guide
'1a.c..ks lei pl•iry hasn't cnt tt h religtem
1e se,'ure a licket vn the "`nit ing 11d:a-
trn" pear.
fl.\BY•S DEM T11.
IL,t - in•,.ilh eno! ),leis , ... .14)1.1'8.1'
1:i• •. .iii. .�..11;�;_t1 .,1.1 1. melt per•
1• nn.ng th. ;r w..1 i. r, eul:erlt . 11 these
an rout . f ut,ler Ititi A (iso n Tnhh 1•.
e 11 cure Ill' Ineublc gni-ker Ih.in Any
•aloe: n►.•tlt ine. rudl the nolher• lois tthe
hueraiit,w' .,1 a Bret el anent analyst trial
lilt• nie•dicine is 1 cel.•; By sero. \lei-.
hieul'. Netli, elarkstil+e. Ont.. says: "I
l.awe 11...1 11aby-s Ott r1 'rata:'t• fer
stnm.'ch and tt,wcl !rotni hrr'nking
1:1 .: