HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-10-24, Page 4Grand
Fall and Winter Goods
We have just opened up "stn ins
mense import order of Scotch and
English goods in all the LATEST
SHADES. Our success in the past
has beeu due to our knowledge that
Honest Coods and
Honest Prices
must prev:ail.in inrtucvats which appeal
to:the batter class of trade.
J. H. Holtzmann
Ozeter Adrocate,
Sanders & Creech, Props.
THURSDAY, Oct. 24, 190'1
Remarkable Year
of Molsons Bank
Net Profits Showed increase of
Over One Hundred Thousand
Compared With Last Year.
The Molsons Bank has just closed a
remarkable year, the net profits easily
crossing the half trillion mark, and
showing an increase of $110,000 over
the previous year. The net profits, af-
ter making all provision for had and
doubtful debts, amounted to $514,038,
compared with $431,608 in the prev-
ious year.
The management of the Molsons
Bank has always been noted for fol•
lowing very conservative banking lines
and this has undoubtedly resulted its
there being few bad debts for which
allowance has had to be made.
The Profit and Loss account is as fol-
Balance at. credit of Profit
and Loss account on 29th
Sept., 1906 $ 26,987.23
Net profits for the year, af-
ter deducting expenses of
for interest accrued on
deposits, exchange, and
provision for had and
doubtful debts. 511,038.00
Appropriated ns follows:
105th Div. at
hate of 10 p.
e. Per allnllni
2nd January
1907 $ ' 75,330.28
100th Div.,do,
do., do., 2nd
April, 110780,119.95
ltrth Div.,do„
do.. do., 2nd
July, 19078 l .950.97
108th Div.,do.,
do., do., 1st
October, 1907 83,3k31.0R
Addition tone -
serve for Re-
bate on Cur-
rent Dis-
counts .... . 20,000.00
Business Taxes 15,300.87
1•:xpemli titre on
Bank Prem.
ises at Brau-
cher ..... 151.232.76
Co titribution
to Officers'
1'en+ion Fund 10,000.00
51 7.:tt',c2
Leaving at credit of Profit
and Loss Account, :311th
September, 1907.... $33,11si7.131
President Roosevelt shot a bear and
of course the whole world must know
Farm Wanted to Rent.
One or two hundred acres. Apply
tt this otlice.
Is Your
Hair Sick?
That's too had ( We had no-
ticed it was looking pretty thin
and rough of late, hut naturally
did not like to speak of it. By
the way, Ayer's Flair Vigor is
a regular hair grower, a per-
ft:ut hair tonic. The hair stops
coming out, grows faster,
kccps soft and „Booth. Ayer's
flair Vigor curd sick hair,
ma' _s it strong e.nd healthy.
''.year !lin. et atr^_•im'r.'at -
"f3.1.1 for over s.xty Tears."
Sfsde. .' 5:4:;:.,1: , t.ewetl, west
a Alae rera or
Samuel McCoy's many friends will
he sorry to learn of his illness. We
wish hint a *needy recovery. -Mi s
lde Abbott left Monday for Crystal
Pity, Ilan. -airs. Pym and daughter
Maty Ann left Monday to spend the
winter in Manitobt.--SidieIlick.t,who
lets h.ul to discontinue Itis college stud-
ies owing to ill health, left Monday to
teach school in Alberta. -Hieb. Hicks,
who has spent several weeks in Mani-
toba and other Northwest pioyiuces,
returned home Saturday. To the sur-
prise of everybody he bas homesteaded
a quarter section of hind and with re-
newed physical vigor may stove out to
the great west and take his place
among the energetic young Wren of
that country.
PRESENTATION.- Fully fifty persons
met at the residence of S:uu. Davis on
Friday evening to bid farewell to Miss
Ida Abbott. prior to her departure for
Crystal City. Rev. \V. H. Butt, as
master of ceremonies, called upon Dr.
Orme, who delivered an appropriate
address, expressing regret at Miss Ab-
bott's contemplated removal and ap-
preciation of her services in the choir
of the church, and kindly wishes of
her future. Miss Alla Hicks then
stepped forward and presented Miss
Abbott with a beautiful silver tea set,
the gift of her many friends. Miss
Abbott replied in at very feeling man-
ner, thanking the friends for their
kindness and good wishes. Several
short speeches were made by a num-
ber of the young people. after which
coffee and cake were served. About
the midnight hour the party broke up
after singing "God be with you till we
meet again." Dame rumor says Mies
Abbott is soon to be married to one of
Crystal City's young rueu.
was anniversary day in the Methodist
church here and by the request of the
trustees, the pastor Rev. Butt preach-
ed both morning and eivening. Large
congregations greeted the preacher,
especially in the evening, when the
church was literally packed. The ser-
vices were inspiring and helpful. The
choir, tinder the leadership of Nelson
Hicks, was in good form and rendered
some fine anthems. At the evening
service Miss Lily Elliott gave a solo in
which her recent training showed to
great. advantage. She has a full round
voice with clear enunciation and pleas-
ing manner which will make her a
singer of considerable note, if she is
spared and health does not fail her.
Nelson Hicks also sang a bass solo
with fine effect. Instead of the usual
tea -meeting it was decided to ask for
free-will offerings from the people.
Rev. Butt appealed to (he congrega-
tion, asking for $150 and when the giv-
ings were totalled up at night it was
found they had realized more than
$185. It was a grand day for the
church people. The trustees, pastor
and friends generally are to he con-
gratulated on the results and they
wear a pleasant smile this week.
Fred Ellerington had as bee for a
couple of ditys last week tearing down
one of his barns and moving and jack-
ing up another. When his arrange-
ments are completed he will have his
stabling very convenient and quite an
irnprovement to his property. -Wal-
ker Kerslake is nursing a very sore
hand. -Our teacher hi. Y. McLean
spent Saturday and Sunday at his
home in Seaforth.-Mrs. Joshua Mor-
gan and children of London were here
the Hrst of the week visiting friends.
-A number from this vicinity attend-
ed the hop given by the St. Anthony's
club of Exeter on Tuesday evening. --
Mr.,. McDonald of London is the guest
of her niece Mrs. Jnn. McQueen. -Miss
Edna Horton visited her parents in
Seaforth over Sunday. -James Green
and wife of Zurich visited here Sun-
day. --The open ditch in front of G.
i{ychant and T. Vennes' has been dee-
itene•ct and sewer pipe put in across the
road which is a decided improvement
to our highway.
Dinnen met with a peculiar and ser-
ious accident recently. Ile was run-
ning home nn fent from Cbiselhuret
and was running along the road. As
the wind and rain were in his face he
had his head bent forward and be-
tween this and the darkness he failed
to see or hear a rig coming front the
opposite direction and he ran full tilt
into the horse's nose with his brad.
He was thrown backward with such
force, his head striking the hard road,
that itwas feasted he suffered front
concussion of the brain. The horse,
which WA9 being driven by Mr. Norris,
11 'Red into the ditch. As soon is Mr.
Norris gut himself gathered together
he want to the young uuul's assistance
hut found hire unconscious. The
night being eery dark and not having
a [Hatch he hurried to the nearest
house for as light and assistance.
When he returned Mr. Dinnen had,
evidently-, recovered himself and gone
on home hot how he got there no otte
knows. When he reached home he
Again lapsed into unconsciousness and
did not recover sufficiently to know
what had hatppene•el to him until the
next afternoon. Under medical care
he is now getting along well and hopes
:are entertained for his full and speedy
A Ilasnsome OreeRica.-The
(iauld Mission Hanot of St. Andrew's
;church h.•Itl their annual Thank (Mei-
fTei -
1ing meeting last week in the school
roust of the church. The attendance
w•as good arida 111041 pleasant and pr..-
Htahlr occas was spent. Mrs.
itRev. IMawers, of Iliucefield, 1.•1iVet ed
Nn excellent tnissienary adclr(s, whtrh
was greatly appreciated by all who
listened to it. She also gave many- ex-
cellent hints to the band as to the best
and most sueces.ful methods to adopt
-to secure the hest results in their
good work. The ilea itag,.mennted to
1 the very liberal sem "f $01, being the
largest offering since th.' orgenization
of the hand end by the time the an-
nual tepee! is pirfuated it I. hrprd the
amount will reach Shit. At th• ries,
a very e' ilial vote of thanks was 1. n -
i dereil Mrs. Sewers for her excellent
. and inspi.Ing address. A nice lunch
was Alm met vvd NIA N pleasant serial
hour Await. - The 40th Anniversary sr.
i Andrew - berth will he held en Si...
day. 27•t., Iter. T.11. Mitehell. 14)0(1..0,
will pt- • It ,nrniiu and evening awl
Rev. 1. Rin in the afternoon. A
tand to meeting will be held on (1, t.
2g whet. I tie mortgage will he burn*.f.
j Mrs. Eacrett of Exeter is the guest
of her daughter, Mrs. Simpson. -The
1 fanners are bit.y with their root crop
' at present, while some are busy dress-
ing grain to re trket owing to the high
prices. -Apple picking is the order of
the day. --Adam Neil leaves next week
on a hunting expedition to Muskoka,
Miss Laura Simpson WAS the guest of
Mrs. Gilmour last week. -Persons de-
sirous of obtaining a copy of the latest
poen) entitled "A Trip to the Western
Fair" can secure same at Mr. Bloom -
field's store for 10c. in pamphlet foram,
or 25e. in cloth binding. -Miss Maggie
Farrel left last week for Runifurly,
Sask.--A number from here attended
the Regan -Glavin nuptials Tuesday.
DEAT1),-The bad death occurred in
the West last week of as former resid-
ent of this place, Airs. James Hennes-
sey, at about 2.5 years of age. Full
particulars of the sad event have not
yet reached here. She was known to
be ill for some little time and her sis-
ter left last week but arrived too late,
death having cut the young life short
and the funeral having taken place.
Deceased was formerly Miss Annie
Farrell and was married to Mr. Hen-
nessey at St. Peter's R. C. church on
January 22nd last. The husband and
other relatives have the sympathy of
the many friends.
Chas. Eidt, who has left the P.trk-
hill Milling Co., is visiting his parents
here at present. --A number of our
young men attended J. Dietrich's
raffle on Monday night. ---Felix Wilds
is sporting a new driving outtit.-Jos.
Eidt has sold his interest in the Park-
hill trill to Philip Hartman. Messrs.
Hartman and Ziler are now sole pro-
prietors of the mill. -Mrs. D. V. Der --
stein of Bad Axe, Mich., is visiting her
parents Mr. and Mrs. John Graybiel of
this place. -Harvey Colosky of Zurich
paid our village a flying visit on Sun-
day evening. -Henry Brenner is nurs-
ing a very sore hand which he had in-
jured while oiling some machinery in
the planing inn -Miss Clara Brown
is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs.
William Brown on the lith concession.
-Alex. Zimnter bas purchased a new
gasoline engine front I. \Veltin and is
having it placed in his blacksmith
shop. -Next Sunday will be Mission-
ary day in the Evangelical church. -
Sermons on mission work will be de-
livered both morning and evening by
the pastor. There will be subscriptions
taken up in aid of the work. The Y.
P. A. will also have a mission meeting
in the basement of the church at the
close of the evening service. The top-
ic will be on the mission work. They
will also take to collection. All are in-
vited to attend these services. -Miss
Catherine Finkhiner, who was some-
what indisposed last week, is now
much improved. -Rev. L. K. Eidt will
occupy the pulpit of the Presbyterian
church, Grand Bend, Suuday after-
noon. -Dame rumor has it that we
are soon to lose one of our fair sex.
It's just like those fellows of otber
towns taking away onr pretty girls. -
E. M. Brokensbire was in Clandeboye
Tuesday. -Miss Ida Goetz and brother
Eldon sang a very pleasing duett at
the Y. P. A. Sunday evening last. -
Rag carpet seems to be all the rage
around here just now. -Mies Lippbardt
of Baden is visiting friends here.
Mrs. D. Dirstein of Bad Axe, Mich.,
is visiting her sister Mrs. Pope. -Two
load of young people drove down from
Clinton and spent a very enjoyable
time at Mr. Thompsons.-Mr. and Mrs.
Chesney spent Sanday at Seaforth.-
On Thursday the Cotntnercial hotel
was sold by auction, the purchaser be-
ing Mrs. Wm. Hodgins and the price
paid was $3,400. -On Thesda3 Mrs.
Gould was called to Exeter Tuesday
owing to the serious illness of her fath-
er. -Mrs. Hamacher and sister Miss C.
Bowman have returned from a visit to
friends in Haatnhurg and Stratford. -
Mr. Gardener of London was in town
Friday on business. -Win. Birk of
Brussels has taken a position with Jas.
Logan. Ile comes highly recommend•
ed and we are sure that he will give
entire satisfaction. -R. McMordie and
pride left this week for their future
home in British Columbia, -The death
occurred Sunday at Gunn's hospital,
Clinton, of Mrs. Wm. Muldrew, daugh-
ter of Robert McAllister of Hensel!.
The tenlnins were brought here and
on Wednesday the funeral took place
to the Exeter cemetery. The la -reeved
ones have the sincere sympathy of all.
--John liign.ill of Toronto and Mr.
('hos of Leamington were here last
week purchasing .•mons. -The young
ladies of ('.hotel eher•ch intend holding
a Harsoir the first week in December.
-Corney Cook t nntemplates moving
to the residence over Mr. Hopper's
drug store when the latter moves oil.
--Rev. E. MeL Smith preached specie)
sermons at Parkhill Sunday and Rev.
Mr. Graham of Parkhill occupied the
pulpit in Carmel church. --Miss Belle
Chesney, who has leen ill, has gone to
Seafurth where she will receive treet-
ment.-We understand that Mr. Mat k•
haps organist io St. i'aols church is en-
deavoring to get up It chorus for the
purpose of rendering some fine music
after New fears. -Net only the fast
fleeting days make one think of the
winter months, bot the weather itself
it just cold enungli to rect.11 to stent -
Ory experiences of the past. -The fat
turkey is overcast with gloom ale he
nates the shortening (lays and the
early approach of Thanksgiving, -The
farmers in this vicinity are busy with
their roots. Another business change
took efe•.t M lay .log Pinkney hav-
ing disposed of ilia blerksntithing busi-
ness to Nelson Silt her by, tonne, ly an
employe of ,1 Hebkirk. Nelsen has
moved to town and rented the resi•
dente rerenily nc.alpied by J. Weis -
miller. Mt'. Pin kHey eon temple tes
leaving town shortly. His let*• stn•
ploye Gey Jones left S:itnrday for
Clinton, where h.' has accepted N po-
(irandi Bend
11 Smith and wife spent Sunday in
Clinton. --5!r. Miller and son Frank of
Thedford were beta Tuesday.--Meand
Mrs. Graven*. spent Meridav and Mon-
day at 7Twlf•ed and Port Frank.-- 11.
Green is building it new barn. - Mr.
HossenM•t,y_ was tit Pert Frank Mon-
day. --311. Z•pfe atttved hum, from
Sarnia la ve* k Latvia Lenore
left Send •y for Hillsborough. -- Severs
el from he•e atteaad.d the shooting
match at !itepka Thursday.
You have heard of biscuits—and
read ofbiscuits-au.i eaten biscuits --
but you dc.n't kn• w biscuits—until
you try Alooney's Perfection Cream
Sodas. They are everything that
the ideal biscuits should be.
The air - tight, moisture -proof
package brings them to you fresh,
crisp, inviting.
Practically every grocer in Canada
gas MOONEY'S. Yours will get
them if you a. k. 1:1 t k 3 Ib. pkgs.
Mrs, %V. A. Wilson left this week
for her home in London --O. H. Wil-
son conducted a sale for Geo. Devine,
prices were vety good considering the
quality of stock. -John Bullock of
this town was married on Wednesday
Irst to Miss V. Pickering of Shipka.
We extend congratulations. -Anvil
Golleh of Shipka has moved into A.
Pollock's house recently vacated by
W. NV. Johnston. -The annual meet-
ing of the Bible Society was held in
Grace church hall on Friday evening.
President J. Sherritt in the chair. A.
Hotson was elected Pres., Miss E. Sut-
ton, Sect., and R. English, Treasurer
for the ensuing year. The other offic-
ers were all re elected. Addresses
were given by Revs. Newton and Sut-
cliffe. Rev, R. J. Bowen, the agent,
gave a very interesting address on, The
starting of the bible society, and its
work in the West. -Jas. Brophy is
visiting friends around Clandeboye
this week, -Mas. Geo. Saunders and
children of West McGillivray are visit-
ing her father Ed. McPherson -Miss
Vino Sherritt is spending a few days
with Mrs. W. T. Ulens.-Miss M. Stin-
son left to -day for a week's visit et her
home in Bayfield.
HARVEST HOME. -The annual har-
vest home of Grace Church, Greenway,
Rev. F. G. Newton, rector, took place
Thursday evening and was attended
by a great gathering of many hun-
dred people. The ladies of the con-
gregation easily sustained their widely -
known reputation as the givers of a
supper which is not to be surpassed in
the district, and the tables fairly
groaned under the abundance of fowls
and other viands provided. After the
supper a concert took place in the Par-
ish Halle which was filled to overflow-
ing, large numbers being unable to
gain admission. Musical numbers
were rendered by Miss Kathleen Rog-
ers and E. A. Humphries, of Parkhill,
and addresses given by John Sherritt,
ex -M. P., and Revs. Allan, of Parkhill,
Sutcliffe and Carriere, of Gland Bend.
A very substantial auto was realized.
Shake In a Bottle
Now is the time when the doctor
gets busy; and the patent medicine
tnanefactuters reap the har•vest,nnless
great care is taken to dress warmly
and keep the feet dry. This it the ad-
vice of an old eminent authority, who
says that Rheumatism and Kidney
trouble weather is here and also tells
what to do in case of an attack.
Get front any good prescription phar-
macy one-half ounce Fluid Extract
Dandelion, one ounce Compound Kar-
gon, three ounces Compound Syrup
Sar'sapar'illa. Mix by shaking in a bot-
tle and take a teaspoonful after meals
and at bedtime.
Just try this simple hoose -made mix-
ture at the first sign of Itheuuletisur,
or if your back aches or you feel that
the kidneys are not acting just right.
This is said to belt splendid kidney reg-
ulator. and almost certain remedy for
all forms of Rheumatism, which is
caused by uric acid in the blood,which
the kidneys fail to filter nit. Any one
can easily prepare this at home and at
small cost.
Druggists in this town and vicinityt
when shown the prescription, stated
that they can either supply this, in-
gredients, or, if our readers prefer they
will compound the mixture for them.
makes the line
COMP to you. YOU
simply stank in one
spot and spin the
ills 1,> Nculiir4 Il
here and there to
hang the clothes ns
you sort them out
of the basket. A
child can operate
11'e send the "Das is- on
trial and approval to any one.
No cash required ss ith request.
WrAr tis f -,r particulars.
India Pale Ale
Prejudiced and unscrupulous vendors may suggest others. but compare it a.s
way you will—purity. freedom from acidity, palatableness—Labatt's Ale is surpass-
ed by none. equalled by few -at about half the ptice cf Lest imported brands.
Largest and Best
!/G :��� ICJ
Ily being the Lest this school has be<•ou,c the lace - -
est business traiding school in Western Ontario.. r
Our enrolment again exceeds that of a year ago. $lj?,�108t Price paid 1O1• Grain
Why? Because our courses are thorough and prat•
tical with speciallsto in charge of our Commercial,
Shorthand and Telegraphy depaitmeuta. All our
graduates obtain good positions. You may enter -
now. Write for free catalogue.
Principals' (Successor to Joseph Cobbledick)
(Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1515)
Head Office,
Capital Paid Up
Reserve Frond
Assets Over
• Montreal
OFFICE ri0UR8 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. SATURDAYS, 10 a. m. to 1 p. m•
DEPOSIT Receipts Issued and highest current rate of interestallowed
Saving Bank Department, Until further notice Interest on Satingg} accounts wnl be
credited quarterly instead of hal(yearly as formerly.
Deposits of $1 and upwards recely
Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government.
DICKSON & CARLING, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager,
You want to learn bookkeeping so
that when you finish your course
you will fee: sure of yourself, don't
That's the way we will teach you
We will thoroughly instruct you
in the theory of bookkeeping and
then make you apply your theoret-
ical knowledge in a practical way.
You will know the correct way to-&
enter up every conceivable kind of 11
a transaction by either single or
double entry.
You will know every phase of
modern banking methods.
You will " make good " in actual
business life. And, do you know,
we cannot supply the demand for
our graduates?
Late, illustrated catalogue free.
Members of Baldness Educators'
Principal, London.
Mt. Carmel,
Mat. Regan has fully- recovered from
his recent illness. -John Hall, hag-
gagentan on the G. T. R., has been
spending a few days with his brother.
Thos. Hall, merchant. --Miss Margaret
Quarry left a few days ago for Peter-
borough, where she will enter St. .los.
eph's Convent. -His many friends will
be pleased to hear that Gus. Coughlin
is improving. -James Ryan accompan-
ied by his sister, Mary, left on Satur-
day evening for Chicago, --Mrs. Len -
nen has had a neat fence erected
around her house which adds much to
the appearance of the place.- Sandy
Stewart pun chased the house and lot
of the late Mrs. Ryan from Dennis
Connel, for the sunt of $125. Ile mov-
ed his fainily in on Teesday.--Wm.
Cot ,r e'.' Mo(,.) Lala purchased Mr.
Kilbourn's 50 acre fern' on the Park-
hill road, adjoining/ Hislop Bros. pro-
perty, the consideration being $2,1(0.
Miss Lizzie Trueruer of Detroit is
here on a visit. - Miss i.achenee who
for the past number of years has been
teacher in Drysdale school has resigned
and will take it course at Toronto Un-
iver•sity.-Ne'ison Denomy has moved
to lois farms near St. Joseph which he
plleehased from his father. - -Exceed-
ingly fortunate is the farmer• whope►s-
sesse•s plenty of feed for this winter's
use, as fuddet is going to be line -sally
scarce and dear. -Mies .lane McBride
of Galt is visiting act her honie in State
l••y.--Mrs.Jacob Weber. Sr., celebrat-
ed her Kind birthday at the home of
her laughter, Mee. W. 11. Battler, on
Wednesday. -Oscar Klapp has pur-
chased his brother Het ace's interest in
the farm on the 1 1th concession. -
A needier of paptls of Miss Vera Mut -
dock will take par in the i'inno Recit•
ni at Uprisen this Thursday everting. --
Rev. E. Schnelke intends letiving for
Heidelberg this Li11. .5 successor has
not yet been %rented, hitt We ua+lcr-
st and an effort will la• trade to 'Neville
a paster that earl hold services in the
English language as well a. Grrli.111.
- -Leon Jeffrey's sale on Tuesday. was
not very largely nttettded, owing nn
doubt to the fact that (arne•rs are
very busy these fine days. ile will
shortly more to the Rummel home-
stead jest west of town. -The annual
election of ofllcete of the W. (3. T. U.
which wits held at the borne of Mr..
Fritz. on Wednesday afternoon, te-
sulted ale •MowPn sMrs('aee
Heyrock:f Vie,e-Ps:re.., M.rs., Fritz. ; Corri•
Sec., Mr.. 5. Mernet: Hee-Sec., Addie
Witwer; Treas., Mrs. Magel. Depart-
ments work with their superinten-
dents:-Evangelistir, Mrs. P. Bender;
Anti•Naarcotics and Law Enforcement,
Addie Witwer and Ethel Williams;
Parlor Meetings, Mrs. Fritz, Supt.,
with Mrs. Merrier, Mrs. M. Geiger,
Mrs. Rennie and Mrs. J. Geiger, assist-
ants; Missionary and Lumber Camp,
Mrs. Williams; Purity and Mothers
MWeetingsill, Mrs. Heyrock; Press, Ethel
Right now is the best time to start taking
something to get -onr Kidneysand System
in shape to withstand the sudden changes
of Pall and Winter, a hick bring on Rheu-
matism and other Kidney disorders.
is the remedy to take. "Bu -Jit" isguar a
teed, come money bark if it fai:o
Snc at Drug Stores or by Mali. 89
"I can take you to a stow:
Larges, right around my :torts :•.
u:.. George's 13 t_scd."
" V. n can ask those, nip, d••
the baking, what they think of
St. George's
Baking Powder
"And every once( the hundred
will tell you the • sante -- that
St. George's stands every test
and never loses its strength."
Wnu fewer r./1 n/or. Coot pooh.
National Nage & Chemical Co. of
Canada. Limited, Montreal.