Exeter Advocate, 1907-10-24, Page 1• --r.... - iU\\' IS THE TIME to sub.rribe for the ADVO. CATE anti get a bargain 118 abOVe stated; Or else take a trial subscription SI to JAN '09 15c. to Jan 1,'08 ilbot Sale Bilis 1 \ li 111.. a •ct1 ' ty alt . g rt••')\.t .tt r heir hal,•.- �'.t,,,tld c, : t heir bill, at the :t l) VOl'ATE ,and ad. atai3e ill Ill's Ana-wasTB It Means 31ottoy to You TWENTIETH YEAR. EXETER. ONTARIO. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21. 1907. SANDERS & CREECH The Sovereign Bank of Canada HEAD OFFICE _—TORONTO. aid (fp Capital: • • $i.000,000. BOARD OF DIRECTORS; /cam' es JARVIS, 1?sq„ - - - Przo,:fen! ;MlieDOLPrt MACDONALD, Iaq. ill Vt.e-Pie,tifrgl '4. A. ALLAN. Esq., - • /rid I'tce•P,et,:fen! ho,:. 1). Mc'Ilr.r.AN, ARCM. CAMPIIHLL, Esq..M.E. A. E. LvMEN Eey., M.P. H» 4 1'r:TER MC1,A)1I , K. \tcNAtxoar, Esq , M.P. AL1. �. 11Rt ., lieq., K.C. P. C. Jr. ML:TT, - - Ge„e,a:-.SfanagA a. CASSELS, . - . .4,,; ,:.”nail-.,landOp• Scuts Bank Department Inters t r.+ Lea current rater pail quarterly. Branches at Exeter, Dashwood, Zur- ich and Crediton, J08. SNELL, Manager OLD KENS WANTED We will pay the hi,:he,t pries for Ike OLD HENS, SPRING CHICKENS, PICKS, TURKEYS, and al! kinds of poultry, Mention this Mper. ` School Field Day. Herman O. -stretcher r ,Ueicher ryas in Goiter - kit a few days last week as a member, i•:xcept that Friday was a little cold of the jury at the Fall as,izes.-henry for outdunr spin is the Field 1) ay of e in, w u rs .a mem ,E o l ntra the Exeter Pohlie School was a Very Fite Depart went at London, is spend• successful one. An for progriug ing his le,holidays bees with his parents. OanningFactoryh,+d ben au:ut'rd fur bulb uoruiu A atolchorus of sixteen h+: ben and afternoon, and under the careful ingap izen 111 the Sunday Srh,n,l of the and excellent management of the Evangelical church. New books have principal, Mr. L. C. Fleming, assisted been ordered, and as the members of by a uun+ber of elle trustees lull others the chorus inc picked from the hest - who had been appointed for the work, singers s'e may expect a treat when the tines were. arranged in such a ihl'y get ih it voices tuned :Ind start manner that there were no unnecess- to sing, -The cold weather the past I We will pay Cash and the Highest ars delays and everything went ort in few days is making us realize that the first cl+Ess shape. suuuner days are passed and that pr Theice for good winter apples. Should Gaines of baseball, basket ball and winter is at our door. The high price Canada lout ball were played on the school of grain, hay and straw is being felt, Poultry & ground in the morning between teams especially by the townsmen, and for- not be less than 2 inches in diameter. chosen from among the scholars. The timate is the one who is amply sup - Produce games were all well contested and plied with these for the dumb animals Company interesting.during the coming season. -Chas, EXETER CANNING CO. (Lieiied) The afternoon sports were held on Stock and Christian Trick drove to STRAiFORD, Du the Agricultural Urounds and cousid• Tavistock on Saturday for a few days ering he chilly weather were attend - Geo. are sorry to state that Mrs. ed by a huge number of spectators as Geo. Ilirtzel is ill and at present under well as teachers and scholars. Besid- the physician's care. Her many Moir Gould Nuptials. BIRTHS es the winning of the prizes that had friends trust that it will he but a short The residence of Mrs. John Gould, 4th (' p _ At Saubl s ' been donated for the separate events time before she has recovered. -firs. con. Hay, as all astir on 1Vednesciay, HA E L Line, Hay, Oct. there were Junior and Senior Uhaw-' Clande Illuett was called to Forest on the occasion being the marriage of her 11, to W. Schaule nod wife, a sun. piuuship silver medals to be won, a Friday owing to her mother's serious daughter, Miss Nellie, to Arnold ('on- ,VoounuttN--In Stephen, Oct. 4, to first prize giving three points, a second illness. Al r. Bluett left for Forest. on red Moir, of I'm) Park Station. At Chidley Woodburn and wife, a son. two :old a third one. The Senior Saturday, but returned .Monday. -- high noon the winsome bride appeared F08TF tt-Irl McGillivray, Oct. 12, to Championship was won by Beattie Miss Lily Wittich, who has been visit- arrayed in a beautiful creation of David Foster and wife, a daughter. Martin :End the Junior Championship month g relatives reim returned toour hermidst h homethe in )'ort ratings. cloth,am Exquisite taste tastehandsome daiu'ti• MAtt- tlALt,- in llensai{, Oct. 10, to b Herb. Hanlon, one of the several Frank Marshall and wife, a+ son. nese was also exhibited in the costume Ceuttalia students who are attending Elgin on Monday, -M1•, and .Mrcostume the school. The margin of winning Sweitzer entertained a few of their of the bridesmaid, Miss Carrie Gould 11 1,ta'-In Hensall, Oct 6, to Rob-'tr efriends last Friday evening, -Gott lob sister of the bride. Vin. Bell of Hen- Ilegan and wife a 8011, (still born.) points in each case was not Targ, several of the other boys being well Brown, theTownship tax collector, is sall did the d,ities of best mem, while Ws:TER.--In (laborite, on Oct. 18, to up in the Bete. An interesting feature making his annual visit. Look cheer Rev. Hart of Hensall securely tied the Mr, :End Mrs. George Hunter, a son. of the day was the Marathon races, fol and pay up. Chas. Wolf is still knot in the presence of neatly one _-- _ -� which owing to the lateness of the confined to his house frotn an attack hundred guests. When vows were MARAo85. bout were reduced in distance by one of rheumatism. -John Finlay of St. taken and congratulations over all 'rhontas was in the village on Satin- - present sat down to a anmptuous ami half, the winner of the senior being Nottn- \'1ND9oR-R1At the home of the Eddie Willis who went the mile and day in connection with the letting of inviting %%editing feast, after which bride's parents. Oct. 2.3, by Rev, half at a good swift gait that looked the damaged portions of the Mud the hride, gowned in a handsome tray. Baker of Ailsa Craig, Herbert i , Creek- like a winner even among swift cornDrain.-I2ev,Bonne, the general ening suit, left with her husband, on Ford of Exeter, to Miss Cora, daugh- pany. ('lair Pickard won the Junior secretary of the British and Foreign the evening train for a honeymoon ter of Geo. Windsor. of Maple Lodge, Marathuu of one mile with a number Bible Society, addressed a meeting in trip to Toronto and other points east. Ont of other boys well up, the Evangelical church last Wednes- The friends evidentlyappreciated highMont-Gut Lu -At the home of the In the evening a big crowd was pre - speaker and his vividevening. Ile t descri tions of tuent he)numbebriaetbe� aloe' a'nd the beauty bride's mother, Oct. 23, by Rev. sent at the Opera House when the tp y Hart of Hensall, Arnold Corned [prizes were distributed. Rev. D. W. his experiences among the miners in of the gifts presented on the occasion. Moir of Lino Park, Ontario, to Collins acted as chairman and gave an British Columbia and the Yukon were They have the best wishes of a large Miss Nellie daughter of the ante interesting and aappropriate address. very interesting. It was indeed too circle of friends and acquaintances for JohnHay. Gould of Mr. Fleming distributed the prizes at bad that there were so few in attend- their future happiness and prosperity. different tittles throe bout the even- Angie as the address was of eery high Married at Maple Lodge. RR order. -On Friday evening the Ep- Ainterestingevent took lace DEATHS ing, the distribution being interspers- ed very p __ ed with musical selections and short worth Eclogue of the Methodist church on Wednesday at the home of Mr. speeches. Reeve Bobier. lieu, Martin will have a bazaar in the Foresters' Geo. H. Windsor, Maple Lodge, form- SCOTT -In Exeter, on October 15th, and Trustee Frayne spoke, while the hall. over the Clark block. Lunch Hely of Centralia, when his estimable Wm. Scott, aged 82 years and Q school Glee Club and students gave will be served, articles offered for sale. y g daughter, Miss Cora, was led to months, musical selections and Miss Howey and a splendid program rendered. Ad- the alter by Mr. Herbert I. Ford, son . MeiNTYRx-in Ailsa Craig, Oct, 19, gave a reading. Mr. Fleming on be- mission 15c. Everybody come and en- of Mr. Albert Ford, sr., of this place. Malcolm McIntyre in his 84th year. half of the school thanked the citizens joy youreglf.-Next Sunday the re -op- The bride, who was very prettily at- MoC ILu)t:(tf-In fat. Mary,. Oot. 17, for the interest taken in the day, by ening services of the Ebenezer church tired, was unattended. The act of Flossie, daughter of Thos. E. Mc - will take place. A fowl supper will be tying of the knot was performed Mc - the donating of prizes, etc. ` g P by Cullrnlgh in her 8th year. The following are prize wieners:- given on Monday. Quite a number Rev. Baker of Ailsa Craig and was 1.BtnsToN--In St. Marys, Oct. 2t), Jas. Jr. gills relay race, E Brock's team, from here intend taking it in. witnessed only by the immediate rela- A,Leadston,aged 31 years,' I months 13 Quance's, E I3rickwood's. DE.tTu—rhe sad death intelligence tires of the bride and groom. After and :3 days, 9-12 boys' 10) yd race, II Carling, c woe received here on Tuesday by Gott- the ceremony a delicious lunch was Wood, T Fear fried Gaiser that his son-in-law, David partaken of. The young couple ,u HA)1tr.To� In St. Marys, Oct. 2), Hugh Hamilton, aged 63 years, 8 Jr. standing broad jump, I Ferguson Strickler. died at Bright. Mr. and rived here in the evening and were J. SENIOR H Hanlon, (. Butt. Mrs. Gaiser left here on Tuesday even- tendered a reception at their comfort- monttls, Sr. rami”K broad jump, B Martin, ing. Much sympathy ie expressed to able little home on Mill street. After MARiIRY--In St. Marys, Oct. 18, Fran- Company. ran- Agent Confederation Life Assurance F Clegg, H White. the bereaved wife who l e Just been the young people heel been heartily cis Markey, aged About (10 years. Cornpn also Fire Insurance in lead- Jr. running broad jump, 0 Butt, 1 married about two years. congratulated about fifty sat down to Mut.ultoty --In Clinton, Oct. 20, Mrs. ing Canadian and British (, Exeter.ea• Ferguson, Ii Hanlon. BIRTIII).�l'-I•A91 Wednesday ere”-. a roost tempting and dainty supper, Wm. Muldrew of Hensall. Main-t3t., Sr. standing broad jump, B Martin, ing about fifty of our people called at after which a very enjoyable evening - - -J H White, A Butt. the home of Mathew F inkbeiner,north was spent by all. The bride and groom Ten Acres for Sale Jr. putting the shot, Ii Hanlon, 1 of the village. in order to celebrate his were not forgotten by their friends for her usou, H Triebner. ({0th birthday. It was a jolly crowd in an inner ronin a most excellent art'' I'lS T00 COLD T. n res of ¢d 1 land for Bale on lake Lnad,wr.' K and itll had a fine time. The tables ray of gifts, consisting of silverwt'al•, of a:, T. R. track. For tarn, Wars apply to Sr. running high jump, (: Butt, Fy �r. Fik.inJones (•legg. A 13,Itt, groaned with the good things and all china, linen, etc„ were presented to Jr. running high jump, H Hanlon, did justice to the eatables. Mr. Fink- them. Ilerb, is one of our most high - U Stewart, 1 Ferguson. beiner was presented with a beautiful ly esteemed young men and the best Sr. putting the shot, II White, 13 Morris chair, a pair of gauntlets, and wishes ,ere extended to himself and Martin, I. ('culti9. several other articles by his admiring worthy hride and we predict for them Jr. sack race, E Southcott,GTaylor, friends. We all congratulate Mr, a prosperous and pleasant sail over E Anderson Finkbeiner on attaining the three the matrimonial sea. score age, and hope he will live to en - Copeland. joy many more years among us. Auction Sale Jr. race, 1' Feat, It Dearing, G Tay- KILLED- -The cruel kick of a colt --OF- tor. was the means of causing the death of Farm Stock and Implements Sr. leapfrog race, Whit(: & ('Dallis, a bright little boy just in his budding h Martin & Clegg, Dayman fi Ilern. youth. Last Saturday morning Royal. 1 ROBES Jr. leap -frog race, Amos &. Hendon. the six-year-old son of John F. Smith, jp Southcutt .l• Carling, Johns &Harvey. was out in the barnyard and seeing Sr. running hop, step and jump, 11 the colt he attempted to, drive him also are most reasonable, Martin. F Clegg, H White. out. His father saw that the horse Jr. running hop, step and jump, G was preparing to kick And cried out Butt, 1 Fergoson, H. Hanlon. but too late for the horse struck out Sr. pole vaunt. L ('oultis, C. Fisher, and gave hire the cruel blow which B Martin. was the result of his death a few hours Jr. pole vault, I Ferguson, H Trieb• later. His earthly remains were in- ner, ( Million.terred in the Evangelical Cemetery Sr. Omuta ing base ball, Il White', 13 on Sunday afternoon the Rev. Bean Martin, L Co,tltis. conducting the burial services. The Jr. t' sowing base hall, (1 Acheson, sympathy of the rnmmnnity is extend - 11 iia on, 1 Ferguson.ed to the bereaved family in this their Sr. kicking foot ball, H White. 13 sad trail of sorrow. Martin, A Butt. Jr. kicking foot hall, (i 113110,13110, F APPLES WAJTFCD The Old Reliable FALL IS HERE and Winter will soon be upon Us. Underwear We beg to announce that we have put in a full line of Standfield's un - shrinkable underwear, both in Ladies' and Gent's. The ladies' vests are the best we have ever shown. They are made to shape, having no seams, at $1.r0each, very fine, Furs Ladies' We are carrying a choice line of furs this season in and Gent's. We will sell ladies' coats by catalogue this season as usual. Give us a call be- fore making your purchases, as we can save you from $2,00 to $:3.00 on a gar- ment on account of not having to carry theta in stock. Millinery 'When in need of millinery we can please you as wt have a first-class mill- iner in connection with the store, in the person of Miss Morlock. Highest Price paid for produce rCARLING BROS. •> reetba.l.al Cards. DL 0. i. ROULSTON, L D. 8., D. D. 8. DENTIST Umber of the R. C. D. 8. of Ontario and Honor Seidman, of Toronto 0n1 treaty. OFTICE: Over Dickson k (7erling's Law ORh e, In Dr. Anderson's former Dental Parlors. — � DR. A. B. KINSMAN, L D. 8., D. D. 8.. Honor graduate of Toronto l'nlreriety. DENTIST, !esti extracted without any pain, or any bad effect. Ogee ores Oladman & Sta„burg's office, Main street 'sem Medical AF. MALL)y, M. R. (Tor. Cnh.) MEMBER e College of Physirlane and Surgeon., Ontario. Fanner Muse Surgeon Toronto Western hospital. Itiw eeeor to Dr. J. A. )tolling. Residence: East on Rest street north of office, Exeter, Ontario. Legal. Dtolt80N i CARl.1Nlt, BARRISTERS, SOLIC1• lose. Notarie., ('nn'eyancers, Commissioners. ltelloltors for Molsons Itank, et. Mosey to Lose a: lowest rate. of interest. Offices, Main street, Eli-its, t. imazs . Oa.. 8•A., L. Dianna MONET TO LOAN. We bare a large amount of private fund. to loan a tans and village properties at low rates of inter set (MADMAN k STANRI'RV, Barrlsjers, W,'Initon,Msin pt., Euler On William Brown Prof. Diploma of Rural Inrnrr•nratrd Society of lt,asi'-ions, England; Organist of Triritt Memorial Char. h,Kuter. Piano, ()titan, Harmony and Theory of Muds, Ternuon application. Exeter, Ont, Farm for Sale DR.PING' LONDON, FIN .Ja1) ONTARIO Rlectricai Ire •em•nt or diseases of women a sosolalty• _ __ -_ Sr. sack race, I3 Martin, 1. Butt, - --- KiliVII Mr. Jeremiah Barry beta purchased Mr. Win. Hooper's hundred acre farm for which he paid $f0 00. This is one of the best farina in the township, Mr. and Mrs. Hooper are highly es• teemed in the neighborhood and to manifest the kindly regard entertain- ed for then) a number of the young people gathered at their home Thurs• day evening and presented there with a nice easy chair. The gathering was a most pleasant one. Mr. and Mrs. Hooper will snake Exeter their future home. We regret to lose such worthy residents from our midst.---MissSusan Querrin left this week for London where she intends r0nntining.--AlOnza► McCann has gone to Parkhill where he has taken a position in a grist mill. WENT Simi --Considerable excit- -Miss Lippert of Baden is here visit• ment occurred in our usually quiet ing her brother John this week.-- Mrs. twig on 'Tuesday nitre noon. A young F. Harry retarded horse this week af- nb►n from a neighboring village drove ter visiting her daughter in Landon. 1 into town from the west and feeling rather "joyful” received the idea that his horse had Ilan Patch heat for speed. Hr began to whip hif horse, which let oat his spindles and went down the Main street at a 1.5') clip full"wed by a black spaniel who trust have thought his toaster had slipped his trolley. Eventually the swaying of the wagon threw the high seat nut of its place and elan, 9051, rotes and blanket went out and landed on ”loth• er earth. The city atnbnlance was or- dered out and its driver "went some" down the highway. When picked up, the driver was found with his face bruised and scratched. Otherwise he was none the worse for the accident. it was +►close one and we h'pe re tim- ely warning. Spurgeon and His Pipe. Mr. Spurgeon was once cenenred by someone Inc smoking. in 1(74 he wrote defending himself as follows: "I demur altogether, and moat pn i• tively, to the statement that to smoke tobacco is wrong. Their is growing up in eoci(•ty a i'harisnic system which adds to the precepts of Gad the com• mendrnents of ”len. To that system 1 will not yield Inc one hour. The preservation of my liberty may bring upon ale the up)'r(iding9 of ninny of good and 010 sneers of the self-right- eous, but i shall endure both with ser• enitv 90 long n+ I feel clear in ►n,• con- acience. When i !veep found inten.e pain relieved, A weary brain soothed, and calm and refreshing sleep oIdain n/'1omA ed by smoking ,t cigar. I have felt +a„„++��11 grateful to Gal.” To let your horse stand without a 1)lanket now, or to be without a good warm pair of mitts Inc yourself. We have just received a good line of both and will sell them at prices that are away down. Our The undersigned soot ioniser has hero in -tart i,1 to sell by pabli•- auction nn LOT 5, N. BOUNDARY, BIDDt'LPII on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMI31•:}t lith, '117 AT 1 (1'CIA)CK SHARP. The following property`: STOCK I draught mare, 4 yrs. old; 1 draught horse, t years o1d, br ()olden Thistle; 1 draught (slit, 2)ears, t.y Jock of hlareble,n:1 neenh horse, 4 ccs. )o Brinker Sprague, 1 blood mare, 3 yearn. by Si, Wilted; 1 cow, to calf in 1,erember; l cow In •ebie 'try; 1 eow in March, 1 farrow row, 3 2-y mold ate -ere, 1 heifer, 2. ears old; 1 steer, 1 -yr -old; 1 heifer, l ,r• old;t od ring 1,al.es; 1 brood sow, U, pigs, 3 weeks old, to hens. I)11'LI.1tl:NTS Masa,11 hinder and mower, Mas- ae•yJlarris rake, new: Ma•er•ileirris seed dell, new; long plow, twin dos.. can, plow, diamond harrow,. Johns. 1( Dougal.Sia harrow., roller, hes% wagon, pair ire'. 1.. hay rack, era.elten.,',nig). titter, rari, fanning mail, Sr. bombed yard l'i' , 11 \\'hit e, iI weigh •c.b+, 2 sets.ingteharness, 2 set double bar- MATtin, (3 Hanlon. ness, Magnet Separator. pair tmlwleigh•,•'toy hales, Jr. hundred yard race, I1 llanlon, (: crow Mr., forks, and other articles too numerous to mention Blttt, 1) Stewart. TERNS 0. .,4 ,,n5er r,r (817 *o, ant 1:' Jr. git {'s rare, 31 Jewell, at Soot l - coo, M Acheson. The undersigned is offering tar .ale that N- acres i mina. a it on forniahlne a+rprom, r+I joint notes 0, of land, being parts of lots t and 5 in the 1st con. of a discount of 5 per cent. off for . a -h in lieu of notes, the Village of Exeter. also the floe brick dwelling Jr, girl's hendre(1yard race, O. Ford, and three lots on William street, a4Jacent to the R1('iI 1.3'KER, JAS. STANLEY M ,lrwell, 1, Snell. farm There is on the firm a frame barn and All In welt nnderdraintd. Farm will bt sol.lwithatt house Prop. Acct, \.i rd lace ( boys 110der Si, 11 Flew - If desired. Terms easy. For park. -elan applr to Jolts 8.7 MSIIAW, EaeUr - -- ing. 1; 1\'ell , (i Ortweitt. WIMP ',PIFIP lir gV'' IFlel CLINTON 1 CLEARING AUCTION SALE,„vaulters.e'e''l'ackirl” . under a A Afitelen, ow, :► M ----OF--- Sr.Bgirl's half mile ielay race, 1 Far- 1'A1lM STOCK AND iMPLEMEN'i'.S rtler's tenni, A Bissett's team. The undersigned auctioneer will .ell 1,., rubric Jr. half Inde relay, H Hanlon's team, .auction. on (t Hutt's, H Sweet a. ON FRIDAY, NOV. 1, !(I07 Sr. half toile relay, F ('legg's tear”, "i3.tt'9, 1.IIer"''• SALE AT ONE O'CLl)CK SHARi' Jr, two mile Marathon race, (' Pick. BUSINESS COLLEGE 1.0r ti, CON. 1, 11A1 ' ant, E yolthcott, T Fear. The follow ing property Sr, three mile Marathon race, E F,dtleatel to meet the living tl"P9i:.`t idrsn¢htmars,riainR 5 yrs.. in to demands of a progressive ) 1Villi9, L }tern. 1 K imported filly. rising 1 dran¢ht Age. Most exact ing. modern ,zetoing. risings 3. I draught relding, rising 2. 1 oar. Girl's walking race, half mile, L city oMcea delighted with nage hnne,lnsinx S; 2 4r111179 mares, 4 yrs ;1 blood Snell, 1 Hardy, M Carling.our graduates. Our Il1anNRe. MII,,. 1 pr : 1 blow) Ally, 2 yes.: 1 Hem stallion iris- Teacher's race, Miss Eiowaui, Miss 2. pen—Cmeat trains more young ATTLE 1 now, doe to (*.he in Sept; 1 row in Johnston, Mies -Martin. — - le annually titan r, an nv other MarMari)1 Jer.ey no* in lIsn'h; 3 heifers, rising 3; 7 -.-- .teen, rising 1;1•tee,. tieing 2.1heifer. rising 1 3 Sale RgigiSte�8 771 Western Ontario. We spring rsl.es s have incorporated 1 he roue- Istriat iF,NT'S -s lama.► et aeons. pair tntaeid+s. FRIDAY. EN?. Farm sto k, 1m .irm,nla and eels of our TEN 1 EA:'11E11S nogg, -otter. tett double harness, pet single harness ha►xh Mena, the propene of r• a Spicer, Ilawit Itsrrl.binder. piow, roller, rootrutter. Daisy Nowt oe. sate al one ortock R into one grand unexcelled ehnrn.«•ed,1,711 hay fork. car, rapes amt mine. ItO8 (•All t•: 0N, whole. Both t'011r901 for fanning milt, tame quantity of hay and other art1 les "act price of one. Day students 4 Inn numerous to mention, No revere IN the proprietor is renting 1,is )arm. may attend night ( lasses free Trams s:' and unlet .a•h, over that amount 1„ For Sale or To Rent. months credit a in he ids en on harni.hini[ apprn, e.1 Joint n .te• 5 per sent nlr fnr, a.h nn , r., it au-,. f, tint No 1 ('on I. Tp. of Stephen. I .,ante n Huron, containing 1(11 acres of land. well fenced R. B. 11O'S.S. THOS, [mows anddraine•1; with good orchard, Slott twenty a, -res Prop. Atlrof gwwi thush. modern 1.uil.1ine'. ,oncenient to - s,.hm1 church and market, and is situate ',Moat two - -` mile+ iron, the Village of Rester. If not sold before It costs sontwthing to talk pe*'e asor, 1fnh, will le rented. for hamar perticulan Hyrtl is to wage war, -••eing that it PPI 0ke9 ilt1 osos ss to pay for the peace kohzri Leathiorn,n or to aeision at The ['agile. s a i o,,jon, oar. pelt Term Open* Sept. tad 4 Minter any time. individual Instruction. Write for handsome rat,7logwe GEO. SCOTTON, Principal.La`aAiaasaaaart; meant. Mrk.on k Caning Barristers, kc. Bleier, Ont HARNESS Ourscannot he heat and before purchasing it will Spay you to give as A call. Everything from the lightest to the heavi• est, and satisfaction gttaran• teed. Try IIS with a job of re • pairing and be rnriVinred that our prices ere right. J. Beer, Exeter HOUSEHOLD NECESSITIES Look at every item, then come and see the quality and prices. Food and meat choppers 1.40 up Heavy shears 15e up Lamps (4 sizes) 25c to 50c complete Coal hods 25 to hoc Coal sifters 2(k' up Odorlees S P enamel per bottle with brush 25c Mirror tin 25c Oilcloth squares for under stoves 51.00 up Oilcloth varnish 25 and 40c tins Campbell's varnish stain 15 to 75e tins Alumiuum and gold enamel, 25c, 40 and 75 Coal oil heaters $5 Stove boards 90 to 1.25 Carpet sweepers 2.00 to 4.25 Coal oil cans,1 to 4 gallon. 30c to 2.(10 Separator brushes 10 to 50e. Apple parers 50 to Irle Extra heavy pickle copper tea kettles $2 Stovepipes 10e Elbows. clampers, et(' N'S HARDWARE & STOVE STORE 1