HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-10-17, Page 8NEW
Call and make a selec-
tion before the rush.
Merchant Tailor,
Business Locals -- Read Them
Owing to inconvenience of making
change Messrs. W. J. Statham and E.
A. Follick. Bakers, have decided to re-
duce the size of bread loaves from le
to 1 j lbs, which will sell at 5 cents per
loaf, instead of at 6c, which has been
the price since the increase in flour.
Canada's Oldest Nurseries.
We have the largest stock of cur-
rants, hlackherries, grapes and rasp -
bet ries in Can ,da,also complete assort-
ment of fruit and ornamental trees
and shrubs. Write us before placing
your order. Agents wanted to intro-
duce the f:tnlons Herbert raspberry,
the hardiest and hest variety known.
The Thomas W. Bowman & Son Co.,
Ltd., Ridgeville, Ont.
Hear Mr. V. L. Hewer, London's
Popular Baritone, Opera House, Exe-
ter, Thanksgiving evening, Oct. 31.
B lacksmith Apprentice Wanted.
A st rung boy wanted to learn black -
sant long. Apply to
Wm. Ogden, Whalen.
Women and Girls Wanted.
T•venty woolen and girls wanted at
once at the Canning factory. Good
pay and pleat -ant work. Apply at fac-
tor y.
Pumpkin Growers.
Pnn►pkin growers are requested to
notify at once the Exeter Canning
and ['reserving Co., the quantity of
pnolpkins they will he able to supply.
As a uuidanee a wagon box with eight
inch sides attached holds a ton.
Hear ('h:t'. E. Pimm, Canada's
H,Ithest Tater and Comedy King.
Mr. Pimm is a marvel. Opera House,
Exeter, Thanksgiving eve, Oct. 31.
Chicken Wanted.
C.rling Wes. will accept alive or
de. ••I chicken. The latter roust be dry
pie ked.
So) wanted.
A gaud sitau►tion for boy on farm to
hell• do choirs and drive horses—year-
ly term—no wood to cut, apply in per-
son at this ofli•'e.
+ - --
Mrs. C. 11. Homey, Simcoe street, is
quite ill at her hotue.
Mr. Daniel Rendle is home on a visit
from L(eelun,
The `t. Anthony's Sala' flub has
issued invitations for an nssemhly to
be held in the Town Hall 00 Tufsdny
evening. Oet. 22. Routledge Orchestra
of (Amenia is to furni.h the music.
Ilck% Forecast• For October
This f• til lh -torn) period covers the
18th t,. 22 ,d, and pi anises to bring
very dreaded aottunlnal storms. Early
in the period, in western extremes,
tallieg barometer will announce ate
preaching storm conditic,ns. By the
201h(lowliness and rain will appesr,
and fo (en Sunday the beth to Tuesday
the 22.d, storm areas will make their
transit e..attvaldly across the country.
The crisis of the pet eel will fall on the
20th and 2116 in all the central )pelts of
the reentry. Rain and wimp, with
lightning .orad thunder. will attend the
firsts npte (•f tby.t• storms. but change
10 (4101. ' it 11, 1 11 r!cin, with snow p)s.
Pit/le u, a he 11..1 i h ail(' tt est, will re-
took ,•e. 1 he toe 1 h end west flanks of
etorin •.tea••, ,.II (u111tved by very cool
night • :ad fr.•.r•, reaching well to the
sour l,a,.iti.
, air IF'U'IF1rATi/lir AP V'
i.A.4QsekAt ASA
Fut Quality and Quantity ask your
dealer for the new big plugs of '•13obs"
-Stag" and "Cm ►en,•y" Chewing
Rev. R. L. 1Vilsen of Staffs and
Hee. H..1. Fair of Iaiolville preached
in the Main street church last Sunday
morning and evening, respectively, in
the absence of Rev. Fear.
Wheat at $1.05 a bushel made the
farmers of this section get busy dur-
ing the past week and considerable of
it was marketed. The bakers raised
bread to 6c on Saturday.
Ernie Sanders, eccentric Comedian,
can snake you giggle without offensive
jokes. He is one of the best. Opera
Mr. 1Vwt. 'Miners has moved into his
new house on 11'►Iiiani street.
Mesas. S. M,o•tin & Sona re platting C11ANGb:1) F•1r'll AA' EDN E:'DAY
in a plate glees front in thea stet ethos
week. Wheat 1 toe
Mr. Mack Vincent has 'wen engaged Harley 8l) 55 ,,:3
to take part in a coney't in Belmont
on 'Thur -date ecrnirlg.Peas f0.
(:I A N'1' 1'111 P1.1- TM ",'urrency" Potatoes, per bag . 50 75
"Bolos" and "Stag" ('hewing Toltec- Hay, Per tort 12 00 14 00
cues, in big phage. Quality always the Flour, per cwt., family 3lN)
biotite low grade per cwt 1 5i0 1 55
Butter 22
Eggs 241Livehogs, per cwt ti (51
Shorts per ton 26 000
Bran per ton 21 00
Mr. T. G. Creech is tooting into his
new residence on Huron street. Mr.
A. 13agshaw will move into the house
vacated by Mr. Creech.
11ay sold in f.osdon on 'Tuesday at
$1e.50 a ton. It is claimed that the
[price is high because the farmers are
too busy to draw it to market.
Mr, Samuel Baskerville, who cent -
1y purchased Mr. Allen's house on An-
Hvuse, Exeter, '1'hanksgivingeve, f'et. drew street, has mowed therein and
:31. Mr. Thos. Johns has moved into the
house vacated by Mr. Baskerville on
At a tweeting of the Huron County Gidley street.
W. C. '1'. 1'. held in Clinton Friday
the following officers were elected: The tnalriage took place in London
Pres., Mrs. Paulin, Goderich; \'ice -
Pres., Mrs. Hooper, Exetet; Ree -Sec.,
Mrs. Stoneman, Hensel': Cor -Sec.,
Miss Buchanan, Brussels;'1'reas. Mrs.
Holland, Goderich.
The Great Marto is coming. When:
Opera House, Oct. 31, Thanksgiving
eve. The mysterious Mai -lo, the Fun
Maker, carries you to the land of mys-
tery and leaves you there. Remem-
ber Oct. 31st is the date. Get your-
self braced for a laugh that night.
Plan of house at Cole's Drug store.
Children 15c., Adults 25c., Reserved
seats 35c.
The marriage took place in Jones-
ville, Mich., on Thursday, Oct. 10th, of
a former well-known Exeter boy,
\Varren B. Ross, son of Mr. D. A. Ross,
to Miss Florence Taylor Gaige. They
will reside at Grand Forks, N. Dakota.
Warrens many old-time friends here
will wish him and his bride a long life
of happiness and prosperity.
Mr. Peter M. Moir, after spending
Nye weeks in and around Crystal City,
Mon„ where he owns a fine fart', re-
turned home on Monday. Mr. Moir
thinks that in all the West there is no
section that claims more favor than
that in the vicinity of Crystal City.
This year he says most farmers in that
locality averaged twenty-seven bush-
els to the acre.
Mr. A. Dearing, sr., who had his
sale last week, moved to town this
week and is now occupying the resid-
ence he purchased from the Thos.
Welsh estate, Huron street. and which
he has thoroughly repaired. Mr,
Dearing has been a resident of Exeter
vicinity for 52 years and the rest that
tie now proposes taking is well deserv-
ed, and we hope he will thoroughly
enjoy many years of retirement.
Rev. Bonne, the travelling secretary
for the Canadian Bible Society, occu-
pied'Trivitt Memorial church pulpit
last Sunday in the absence of the rec-
tor who was at Mitchell. Mr. Bonne
also spoke after the regular service in
the James street church in the even-
ing. He gave interesting sketches of
the work of the society and of the
great Klondyke region where he lived
The thirty-fifth annual convention
of the Huron Sunday School Associ-
ation was held at Blyth on October 8.
Several instructive paper, and address-
es were given. President, Inspector
Torn, Goderich; vice-president, John
Dustow, Nile; secretary, Jas. Mitchell,
Goderich; treasurer. Miss Stevens,
Clinton; executive, Rev. Mr. Marlin,
Exeter; F. Buchanan, \Vingham; Miss
Murray, Hensel'.
In addition to the Field I)ay Sports
there will he ori the morning of Oct.
18th, a baseball match commencing at
I) a. 111., a basket hall match and 0 foot
hall match. At dight a concert will
be held in the Opera House, consisting
of distribution of prizes, speeches and
other selections. For those who con•
trihuted goods or cash for prizes re-
served seats will tie kept. No admis-
sion fee, everybody welcome. The
The prizes are now on exhibition in
Mr. Cole's window.
On Sunday evening Rev. A. H. Go-
ing at the ,lames street church cone
nlenced a series of sermons on Import-
ant Decisions. The subjects for four
successive Sabbath evenings are, A
Selfish Decision, An Heroic Decision,
A No -Compromise Decision, An Im-
mediate Decision. They are address-
ed mere specially to young men. The
sermon from the first topic Sunday
evening proved to be very interesting
and instructive. Tule IPSNn,I was tak-
en from the story of i.ot's choice of
land. Selfishness as shown in busi-
nees, social life, politick( and religion
was severely condemned.
Netter Thts Teat Than Ever.
Any person who has read the Fam-
ily Herald and 1Veekly Star for a few (ineptly the trustees ere advertising
years hack would wonder how it could I for a► teacher for next year. The put-
iae improved from year to year. Still pit in ih'theny church was very ably
every one will admit that luting the tilled on Sunday when Rev. Butt of
past ttwelve merths there lug heel) a ('entt,tlia preached it mission/11y ser -
woody' fell improvement and the neon. At the dose of the service sub -
Family Herald and Weekly Star is to. scription sheets were pissed around
++++++++++++++++++++++ day bigger value than ever before. , and .onie $86 raised for missionary
Newspaper, Magazine and Agrictlltnr- work. This is considered very good as
al Jaime' all etimbincd, it is certainly there were several members not pres-
I T WILL Ire 'coigne 1' plication. Any pPreen who ant, whose donations will increase the
1 amount considerably.--Sacran►ent was
observed in the Presbyterian church
Sunday. 1V., wet.. pleased to see the
pastor, I(ev. Fletcher, aide to take
charge ngatin.
on Oct. Itith of a former Exeter boy,
Percv \Vestaway, son of the late Sam-
uel Westaway, to Miss Mabel Moore.
The young couple arrived here Wed-
nesday evening to visit Mr. \Vesta -
way's sister, Mrs. A. J. Ford, and will
leave to -night for London, where,
after joining other young people, they
will leave for China to engage in the
missionary work. The young couple
will have the best wishes of their Ex-
eter friends.
Delenl Cha- rlton is visiting in Park-
hill. ':-
Mr. Lammie of Detroit is a guest at
Mt'. E. Christie's.
Mrs. Lindenfelt has returned from
Goder icb.
M►•. J. W. Broderick was in Goder-
ich this week.
Miss Livingstone is visiting in Blyth
and Kincardine.
Miss Gertie Anderson leaves to -day
on 0 visit to Chicago,
Mr. T. 11. McCallum was in London
on business this week.
Mrs. W. D. Clarke returned Tuesday
from a visit in London.
Mrs. Charlton and )'piss Pnnlphrey
are visiting in Parkhill.
Mr. Percy Wood of Toronto is
spending a week in town.
Mr. Geo. Case of Toronto is spend-
ing a few weeks with friends here.
Mr. L. H. Dickson, K. C., attended
the Assizes at Goderich this week.
Mr. John Case was acting in the
capacity of -lure at Goderich this
Mr. Roht. Higgins who is at his
home in Hensall from the West, was
in town Monday.
Mrs, Ross of Livingstone, Minn., is
the guest of Mrs.H.11. Collins and Miss
;11r. Silas Levett and daughter of
Kansas City were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. %V. H. Levett this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Davis visited
in Exeter North last week, They
have now gone to London to reside.
Dr. and Mrs. Amos attended the
wedding of Mr. John Sherritt's daugh-
ter at Harpley, last week.
Mrs. Gus. Handford, of Renfrew is
the guest of Mrs. Silas Handford, hav-
ing arrived Saturday night.
Mrs. F. Burnett of Toronto arrived
here Monday to visit her sisters, Mrs.
T. 13. Carling and Mrs. 1(. E. Pickard.
Mrs. Joseph Snell and daughter,
Miss Flossie, left Saturday to visit for
sometime in Boston. Little Joy ac-
companied them as far as Elmira
wbere she will visit until their return.
Mr. Harold Bissett, teller in the
Molsons Bank here, was transferred
to Simcoe last week, leaving on Mon-
day. Harold was the efficient treasur-
er of the baseball club this year and
the boy's are sorry to see him leave
town, bot wish him every success.
Filling silos and threshing is the
order of the day around here.—Our
pastor, Rev. \V. 11. Butt, preached
missionary sermons on the F limville
circuit last Sunday. --Sam. Essety is
having his house repaired for the coo►-
ing cold weather.- Itew.S. Toll of Hen•
sell will preach at Eden Sunday after-
noon and will also take Anniversary
services pit Centralia. --Misses Viny
Fisher, Lizzie Frayne ar,d Gertie
Shesre visited Mrs. i(ich. Coates one
daylast week.
John Riley left last week for British
('eltuuhia. l'he inhabitontsof our vil-
lage are gradually becoming Tess. We
hope (ollr lady householders will im-
prove their opportunities and try to
bring some live industry to the corner
as things are very quiet of late. Our
teacher• Miss Hamilton has decided not
to teach after O..ce:fiber and conse•
till yet tan your thinghts
to a New Paull Outfit. This
sea "(() we Will be mere than
ever in a adt•ince With nets
styles noel fain ics
New Suite tor Fall
Ne' Topcoat% for Fall
New Salting% for Fall
New Rsla'onta for Fall
The tory fell lines ale coal-
ing in el illy note, We :are
runn,l••nt .•f being able 10
pleaese pito in the least par-
Call and Ga our Prices
Mer .hunt Tailor - Exeter
does not know the Family Ivrald and
Week's- Star should give it a trial for
1940. It is a wonderful dollar's worth.
Mr. and Mrs. 1\'..1. Ford of rebootne,
hada narrow escape from serious in-
juty in a runaway' arcident on Sitter -
(lay flight last. 'laving completed
their shopping in town they started
for house and while driving on the
side -road leading out from Huron
street the bit nn the bridle (broke.
McMotdie and bride of B.C. were
here first of the week the guest of the
tot met's sister. Miss Anna McDoug-
all of ilsirondal•• w11.+ the guest of Mar.
Garet McQueen en Sunday last. - The
leaving them at the mercy of the Ella ington and Horton drain has been
spirited horse. 'I'he beast made no r.. -dug and straightened and will no
f e•tTert to get away until Mr. Ford got doubt he a great benefit to those whose
not ,•f the : i^ when, it Mterted off ata land it ponetnrtys. --Mies Jana. Har-
11vely gate, SI r. Ford losing control of ton ha• gone to London to accept a
the limes, and Mrs. Ford still in the good position.—Mies Hillis who has
rig with the top up. It. was pitch been visiting Miss Maude Glenn for
dark and in this perilous position Mrs, the past two months or so has return-
, Fa (1 WitS carried from one side of the ed to her horn.• in 11'alkerville. - Grant
rend to the other snntct111109 in the Ityeh(nan had a tarn raising first Of
ditch and sometimes on the road and the week and the c,irpcnters are rush•
it would seen' et every momentthat ing the w,srk on it and trill 1,114• it
Ono would the (lashed to(teeth. Event- completed shortly. --S. McMot-die is on
01111. the bents got tilrneel around and n visit to 15141,1144 in l.endeeboro.—
in doing so upset the thoggy and oocu- (if eat many of the farmers in this
pant. At this juncllare the gear 111' locality are busy drawing wheat to
the Ienggy'oceanic detach..' from the Hensen market which was as high as
ixoe and the horse contiuned on it. $1.1'7 per hes.--Welles. ••.fatek" Vence
mord career. Strange to say Mr.. and -.lack- Glenn are in Brant
Ford ram" then igh the whole epee p• where they have good poen hone --The
ods with lout veru slight injury. The ('hi•elhnrst tweeting has been extend-
! owes- o as t .i.liy tvt•, kc( and tie
•d for ten ve,•k, heave. Ne! bine Lot
Highest cash price for eggs, poultry
and produce of all kinds.
W. F. ABBOTT, Ctntfnlla
The brush you want is undoubtedly
in one stuck. When it conies to bris-
tlegoods we carry a very large and
tine assortment.
Carefully selected from the stocks
of the hest foreign manufacturers.
You will find it a pleasure to pick
from our assortment of
Hair, Cloth, Bath, Hat,
Nail and Tooth Brushes
See our New Hair Brushes
25c., 35c. and 50c. Each
Cole's Drug Store
1Vtapnivo.—Avery fashionable wed-
ding was celebrated at St. Peter's
church, Tuesday at 10 (o'clock a.m.,
when Miss Josephine, eldest daeghter
of Mrs. J. Glavin, was united in mar-
riage to Corrie Regan of Mt. Carmel.
The ceremony was performed by Rev.
Fr. Foster. While Miss Glavin was
rendering the wedding march the
bride, who was given away by her
brother Janles,entered the church and
wended their way to the alter, where
the groom awaited her. The bride was
daintily attired in white chiffon silk
tritntwed with all-over lace, embroider-
ed silk and pearls, and wore the custo-
mary bridal veil, kept in place by cut
flowers, pand carried a white
prayer hook and pearl rusary. She
was ably attended by her sister Miss
Gertie, who wore a handsome gown of
cream silk trimmed with all-over lace
and duchess satin ribbon, and wore a
large white hat with duchess plumes.
Little Miss Huberta sister of the bride
made a sweet flower girl, wearing a
pretty frock of white silk and carried
a basket Of pink and white carnations.
The groom was supported by his
brother Patrick. May their future he
one of sunshine and prosperity.
'lfairAVIV' /IV
We have it in our
It contains the qualities
that tickle the palate.
You must have heard it
again and again that
Harvey's Star
makes the very hest bread
--Try it and you will Millie, (on,
�>�aaa a>� aattlh�)lfaY �
A Delicate Throat
Probably you haven't had any
trouble for several months but you
may have now.
Cool nights and snappy mornings
may bring unpleasant reminders
of a delieat.• throat
if yon grow hoarse, without any
apparent resson, if an ugly little
hack arises, yon need
Howey's Syrup White
Pine & Tar at Once.
it seethes and heads. Anil host of
all, it preterits 4hs.• o %er• spawns
of roughing which ,tee 1.0) likely to
produce soreness of the lungs.
Price 25 Cents
W. S. ROWEY, PhmB.
Chemist and Optician
!: •1 •e a a- 141‘11,11 I tt.•l tele Eden. the Wet fat the patrons of this l ing, e-,1' yes tested free.
Jobbers and
Dealers in
Builders' Hardware
Plaster Paris
Galvanized Shingles
Corrugated Iron Roofing
Of Low Prices and Easy Terms
We are in a position to offer you gond bargains in Furniture. We
are showing a nice line of
Parlor and Diniug-Room Furniture,
Tables, China Cabinets, Couches,
Rockers and Odd Chairs
If you are in need of an extra bed remember we carry a complete
TRESSES, Come and see theta.
You will Find our Prices Right
And we Guarantee Satisfaction
The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors,
For the Coming Cold Weather
Winter is almost upon ns and we must be prepared for its cold
blasts. We are all ready with the "GOOD GOODS" to keep
you waren and comfortable. We have a splendid stock of Man-
tles, Fun,, Dress Goods and 1'nderwears to make your selec-
tion from.
Ladies' good heavy knitted Vests Men's fleeced -lined Shirts and
and Drawers 25e. each. Drawers, 50c. each.
Ladies' good heavy Union Vests Men's heavy wool Shirts and
and Drawers, 500. each. Drawers, unshrinkable, 75c.
Iatdies' pure wool Vests and Men's pure natural wool Shirts &
Drawers, 75e., $1, $1.25 each. Drawers, $1. $1.4.5, $1.50 to $2.50.
Boys' & Girls' 'Underwear in all sizes, 25 to 50c
Furs! Furs!! FursI!!
Ladies' Mock 1(iuff& $5, $8, $11), $15 to $27; Ladies' Muffs $5, $tf, $7 to $25
Ladies' Coats $35, $111, Coo; Ladies' and (lents Fur -lined coats $15 to $1N)
Mens' Fur ('eats, $211, $30, $10: For Caps $1, $1.50, $2, $:3, $5, $7, $10.
Ladies' Mantles
Always the hest to choose from. New coats arriving every few days
keeps our et ock np to defy in every respect. Do not fail to have a
try -on if you need 11 coat.
Our Minima.- :tie feitly rushed to keep tip with their orders. Come ear-
ly to leave your order and give thein a chance to fix you up real nice,
Headquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing
Watsons' Underwear
'Underwear That Will Wear and Not Shrink !�
Women's inion Vests and Drawers to Misses fine %Veo' Vests and Drawers,
match. fine rib, median weight, grey the hest quality we have ever shown,
or cream at each 40e. guaranteed not to shrink. Price nes
_-_ --- cording to size,
1Votnsn's Fleeced Vesta and Drawer!,
lovely and warm, in grey and white
at each 50c. Children's ['tion Vests and Drawers
in full range of sizes, good wearing
ilnality. Price according to size.
1Voinen's tine rib Vest. and Drawers,
in grey or cream, close knit, superior
quality.. .. ...at each 54)c.
Women's extra fine (tient y wool Vests
and Drawer*. to 11110 11, size :31 and 36
in white or grey .... ....at each 75e.
Child's Knit Underwaiets, well made
and finished In all sizes it all one price
'.'..i cent!,
\Ton'e'rs' slip warts in white l)r create Children's Black \Vogl Tight•, good
Tong !peeve,', in two totalities quality, roler guaranteed. Price ac-
.... ......at each 25e and iiOc. • cooling to size.